TTTR SrOTJ-VTVO OREOOXTAX. TTTTTR ST) A T. OCTOTHSTt 22. 1914. 19 Ceil LAID TO FOOD Use of Fireless Cooker Demon - strated by Mrs. Vaughn. STANDING-ROOM SIGN OUT Applause Greets Speaker When She Declares Schoolroom Is Not Proper Place to Teach Chil dren Story of Creation. programme: for today. Subjectt "Diet and Digestion." The following menu will be prepared: Chicken a. la Kins In timbale molds and bread cases. Butterless-Eggless-Milkless Cake. It was a full house at the old Heilig Theater yesterday afternoon, full to overflowing. Every seat was taken and dozens of women stood against the wall or in the lobby during the time in which Mrs. Kate B. Vaughn Save her talk on "Food." demonstrated the use of the fireless cooker and made an appetizing, nourishing salad, a dainty and delicious cake and some of her famous "Dixie biscuits." The third day of the cooking school and domestic science lecture course that is being conducted this week un der the auspices of The Oregonian was a bigger success even than were the two days preceding. That the women are sincerely In terested in home making and In learn ing the art of cooking intelligently Is clearly demonstrated by the enthusi astic manner In which they receive Mrs. Vaughn's advice. "If woman would give as much time to studying food values as she does to studying fashions, the families would be healthier and happier," said Mrs. Vaughn. "The woman who chooses and cooks the meals is the chemist of the house bold. Her kitchen is the laboratory. If .he selects wisely she receives back as Interest, health, harmony and happi ness in her home." Continuing, Mrs. Vaughn said: "Much of the crime. Im morality and degeneracy of the world comes from persistent wrong feeding." In speaking of the necessity for mothers to teach their children about the values of foods and digestion and many other things, Mrs. Vaughn got hearty applause when she said, "I don't believe the schoolroom is the place where the children should be taught the beautiful story of creation or of digestion. The teacher must sup plement the home teaching, but it is the mother's duty to teach her own children these things. Make a confi dante of your child. Be his or her best friend and chum." A salad of macaroni, cabbage, celery, frreen peppers, pimentos and delicious dressing was plac"4 he outer part DEBUT IN "THE WHIP IS HELPFUL TO CRITIC Leone Cass Baer Tells Thrill of Ride in Coach to Wreck Reality of Train Disaster Uncanny Production of Race Track Scene Stupendous. BY LEONE CASS BAER. SOMEONE once asked the late Rich ard Mansfield if he thought per sonal experience In a thing were necessary to portray it and Mansfield said: "Er well not exactly. My death scenes are said to be good, but 1 assure you I have never died." It is an exploded theory that one has to know anything about anything to write about it. That man who wrote 10,000,000 stories about the sea had never seen a body of water larger than the bathtub, and the woman who wrote a book on how to rear children never possessed one. and the woman cynic who wrote most about the general cussedness of husbands never had one. So there you are! They got away with it, but most of cs believe it Is better to have at least a bowing acquaintance with your sub ject. All of which leads up to the an nouncement that from now on I shall feel better qualified to splash In print about scenery. For I made my debut as a piece of scenery, & bit of local atmosphere, at the Heilig Theater last night in "The Whip." I was in four mob scenes and had a heavy-thinking role in one of the 99 acts. Also I rode In the day-coach-ohly since it's an English play, it really was a carriage. To get into it is, I "fawncy," much like clambering into the real thing. Per sonally I prefer our own made-in-American brand. I was boosted up on a. narrow shelf running the length of the wooden carriage and seated in a queer little compartment with a per fectly strange man sitting opposite. He was just like all the men one meets on trains, for he began to talk to me before the conductor yelled all aboard. Only instead of offering me the paper, he yelled: "For heaven's sake, ma'am, sit where the audience can see yez." So I moved up against the two-by-two window and found myself peering Into a set of audience faces, while 7.000,000 miles of hand-painted hills and dales and forests primeval rolled nnisly past my left ear. A whistle shrieked and wailed its message into the darkness that we were prancing along on the track, lights on the fast revolving wheels made the audience believe it and a cloud of steam hissed above us to imitate smoke. Right be hind my carriage compartment sat the villain. a dy sd-in-the-mustache Sir Francis Levison, an, though I glued my eyes on the top of my companion's nose and mumbled miles of meaning less wcrds in an attempt at the "bright conversation" which the stage director had told us to appear to carry on, I was dying with curiosity to turn around and watch the villain. I knew that he hod climbed out of his section along the platform to the car following ours. In it was "The Whip," a real horse, who has the title role of the play and never gets a penny for her histrionic art. and is the only actress I've met who wasn't objecting to something. My companion kicked me niftily tn my shins and mouthed "Now, don't screech we're goin' to cut loose." By which I knew that the villain had done the dirty deed and poor Dobbin's car had been left on the track for the al ways on-rushlng midnight express to knock the pie out of. Which isn't good English, but I'm rebellious. I heard nothing but good English all evening. From the balcony I watched the iron painted monster roar down the track, two alert men pulled some strings and the horse box fell into splinters, while the electrician set off an explosion that was uncomfortably real. The horse, I may mention, had been taken out of the car. It's in the plot for the hero and heroine to rescue him just before the wreck. The train always waits obligingly off the stage. And after the of 'a clean, crisp . cabbage and made a most attractive as well as sensible dish, which was passed around for the inspection of the assemblage. At today's session Mrs. Vaughn will explain the processes of digestion and will use the chicken cooked in -the fireless cooker yesterday as a means of demonstrating how left-over foods may be served to obviate waste. SUNDAY SCHOOL TOPICS UP Sessions of American" Union Being Held at Christian Associations. The second efficiency and fellowship School Union is in session at the Young Women's Christian Association and Young Men's Christian Association. The day sessions are held in the audi torium of the women's building, while at night the classes go over to the men's side of the house. Men prominent in the work of the union are conducting the sessions and topics of importance in Bible study and general work of the Sunday School are being discussed by those who lead in their particular departments. The session yesterday consisted of an Illustrated lecture on "The Last Year of the Lord's Ministry" by Pro fessor McConaughy. The lecture was a review of the 1914 Sunday School lessons. "Teacher Training," "Builders of Bet ter conditions in P.ural Districts" and "Fundamentals of Evangelism. Repen tance" will be the principal themes of the sessions In the Young Women's Christian Association today. Tonight at the Young Men's Christian Associa tion there will be an illutrated lecture, "The Union Work," by E. R. Martin. The sessions will continue until next Wednesday night. Y. W. C. A. TO RAISE FUNDS Cnlversity of- Oregon Branch Begins State Campaign Today. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, Oct. 21. (Special.) The Young Women's Christian Association of the University of Oregon will institute a state-wide financial campaign for $300, beginning tomorrow. This is the first time that the association has had a full-time sec retary, and it has been fortunate in securing Miss Mary Gillies, a graduate of Occidental College and just from the National Y. W. C. A. Training School In New York City. "Acquaintance" parties have been held and weekly meetings are led by interesting speakers. The budget of the association for this year is more than $1200, all of which has been pro vided for except the S300, which the young women are trying to raise in subscriptions. This money will aid in keeping up the Bungalow, which is the headquarters of the Y. W. C. A. a mis sionary pledge and sending delegates to Summer conference. Albany Women's 'Gym' Class Grows. ALBANY, Or., Oct. 21. (Special.) More than 50 Albany women have en rolled in the women's gymnasium class at the Young Women's Christian Asso ciation, and the recently organized class is growing rapidly. This is the first time a women's class has been formed in the local gymnasium and local women have taken up the work so enthusiastically that it Is probable sev eral classes will be organized. Russian railroad protect ties and tele graph poles against decay by soaking them for several months before use in strong brine. tiasra-f :- sunc mayne as Captain Santorls and Hilda Honias as JLady Dlan- In "The nip." wreck I was hustled on with the groups i oocuser-, ana, xouowing instruc tions, maintained an expression of woe, pain, fright and a fe other emotions that occurred to me. But the big excitemenet of the evening- was the horse race. JJ the horses are spoiled darlings, stuffed with sugar ana. yeuea raucn. There's 11 of them, which goes the advance mr nn hrt He told me there were ten, but a wee little velvet-nosed cot happened In Minneapolis, Each of the five horses used In the big racing scene stands on a treadmill and the one bearing "The .Whip" is pulled slowly along- the staere floor t position ahead of the others so that it. seems as n he wins the race. And, believe me or not, those horses know vu"- Auey pncK up their ears and paw the treadmill as the mob cneers ouisiae ana at the spoken word of the stage director thev ln intn action, their slim legs treading miles on the noisy treadmill, while a moving picture operator -flashes a grandstand crowd of gesticulating people onto the curtain that surrounds the stage. aiso i met the hunting dogs 26 of them but they were hunting their sup per, and no dog wants to be inter viewed when he's eating. If it hadn't been for the ministra tions of S. Joyce, stage director and lord high executi ner, who piloted me under the horses' heels and out from under hunks of scenery. I never shoald have survived. An army of American union men, obeying signals, caring not for corns or coronets, swooped onto a scene the minute the lights flashed, and if you s ay in the way you get hit. Even the actors have been known to get best lines knocked out of them if they rile the stage crew. I met a dozen high .aoguls. There's Joe Sullivan, who shakes hands like John same surname, and who is master electrician with 16 men under him. S. Tapsfield is master carpenter and has 20 men In his band; Con Valen tine is property man and oversees a dozen brawny movers of bric-a-brac Lee Thompson is the engineer and Irv ing Weiderhorn, assistant to Mr. Joyce, is also chief yeller and walker-around in the mob scenes, and "General Shush er" when, it seta too noisy. cm i I X 1 i ALL GRAINS HIGHER October Milling Bluestem Sells at $1.12. DECEMBER TAKEN AT $1.15 Top Price of Season of $1.16 1-2 May Soon Be Reached Export Grades of Wheat Advance One to Two Cents, There was an all-around advance In wheat prices yesterday in the local market and at country points. At the Merchants Ex change, bids were 1 to 2 cents higher than on Tuesday. Country markets generally were a cent higher. The demand was strong and farmers, as a rule, were disposed to meet buyers, with the result that trading was of large pro portions. The buying was chiefly for Euro pean account, but millers also bought freely. Oriental Inquiry for red wheat ' continues, and flour business with the Far East has also been marked. English cables reported the sale of a cargo of wheat at an advance over the price realized Tuesday. Spot bluestem wheat sold yesterday at $1.12. and $1.15 was paid for December de livery. Bluestem prices are still short of the high mark of the year,, as during the August flurry 65,000 bushels of bluestem sold here at 1.16. This is the record price since the Letter year. At the Mer chants Exchange session buyers offered $1.10 for spot bluestem and sellers asked $1.12. For last half of November bluestem. $1.11 was bid. Club changed hands in the country during the day at equal to $1.06. At the Kxchauge, $1.04 was offered for spot and $1.06 tor ovember club. Forty-fold also brought more money at interior points, sales being made on the basis of $1.09 Coast, but buyers on the floor of the Exchange did not bid over $1.07. Red Russian was held at $1 on spot, the price bid for December delivery. I Oats and barley were also higher. For i October and November oats $27.25 was of- ! fered, an advance of 50 cents over the previous days price. The oats market in tne country is very firm. Local receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 119 9 21 a iu Tuesday 60 13 4 5 10 weanesaay .... 64 4 1 7 4 Year azo 40 7 13 ft 1 Season to date..650 610 888 80S 701 i ear ago VMS lllo 7G 740 WOOIs TRADING . IS OS INCREASE Demand at Boston Especially Keen for Foreign Cro&sbreds. 4 There is more unanimity of sentiment as to the r market for the immediate future than was apparent last week, says the Bos ton Commercial Bulletin. Current trading has been of larger proportions beyond any doubt, demand baving been especially keen for foreign crossbred wools. Domestic wools have also been In better request and the market is firmer, particularly for medium to low woola When one seeks a forecast of the more remote future, he finds a great divergence of opinion, although it seems to be the fact that there are a greater number who be lieve that the advent of cheap wools from the primary markets is to be postponed longer than was at first thought probable; notwithstanding a full schedule of sales dates has been cabled from Australia this week. Our cable states that the British govern ment has extended the wool embargo, but it would appear that wool tops and yarns of merino grades might be exported still under special licenses. Whether or not such li censee would be Issued would, of course, depend on the circumstances in the indi vidual case. EASTERN CRANBERRIES ARE HIGHER California Tokay Grapes Sell mt Advance. 'Oranges Moving Upward, A car of Jersey cranberries arrived yesterday. They are long keepers and were quoted firm at $9 a barrel. A car of Cal if orn ia Tokay grapes, the last to be shipped before the rain, was re ceived and put on sale at $1.10 a crate. The grape market is decidedly firm. Tokays are now 20 cents higher than two weeks ago. The orange market is firm with an up ward tendency. Prices in the south have again advanced a quarter. Fancy -rades are quoted at $3.25 and choice at $3. Firm prices will prevail until navels are in. There is still a steady demand for medium-priced apples. Part of a car of'Xos Angeles head let tuce was received and sold well at $2 a crate. A car of California walluts was isiribut ed. No. 1 walnuts are quoted at 19 2o cents, according to quantity, and fancy budded at 2o cents. Estimate of European Hop Crop. A cable received yesterday from Saaz, via Rotterdam, stated that the Continental hop crop thin year amounts to SO0.00O cwt A London cable reported that market easier and lower. Buying in the local market has slowed down again. The Frank S. Johnson Com pany bought a carload, at Laurel and a car at Butteville, also 220 bales from dealers. Poultry Supply Is Short. Poultry receipts yesterday were short of the demand and the market was very firm. Hens and Springs sold at 134 914 cents. Turkeys, ducks and geese also moved readl. ly at current prices. Dressed meats held steady, although receipts were larger. The egg market was firm, with candled ranch selling at 37 cents. No changes were reported in dairy produce lines. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as xouows : Clearinirs. BaTancea Portland $2, 1 94,522 $214.73 Seattle- est 1G3.874 Tacoma S20.160 44,007 Spokane 717.590 48,94$ PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Floor. Feed, Ete. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Wheat Bid Ask Tttuestem 11" 1.1: Forty-told 107 1.09 Club 1-04 1.06 Red Russian - 88 1.00 Red File . 1.01 Oats No. 1 white feed v..... 2T.25 28.00 No 1 feed 21. SO 23.00 Brewing 2200 2-1.00 Bran 2 25 23.00 Shorts 28.25 23.50 All quotations for prompt delivery. MILLFED Spot prices: Bran, $24 24.50 per ton; shorts. $26 26.50; rolled bar ley. SI526. FLOUR Patents. $5.40 per barrel; ctralghts. $4 60; gi abam. S5.40: whole wheat, S.V6O exDorts.. S4.204.40. CORN Whole. 137 per ton; cracked. $31 Mr ton. HAY Eastern Oregon timothy. $15.50 16.00; grain hay. siuil: aitaiza. six,uv 13.50; valley timothy. $18 014. Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing qootatlona: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. $3 3.25 tier box: lemons. $5 5 50 per box: banana 44,c per pound; grapefruit. Florida. $4 4.75; pineapples. 6 7c per pound. VEGETABLES encumbers. 30c per dot.; eggplant. 7c per pound: oeppers. 56c pu pound ; artichokes. 90c per doxen ; toma toes. 60 90c por crate; cabbage. 14o per pound: peas. 10c ner oouad; beana. 60 per sound, celery. 50 75c per dozen: cauli flower. 75c per dozen; an routs. 105 par pound. Head lettuce, s per crate. GREEN FRUITS Apples, ttc O f L 9t txx; cantaloupe. I10L&O per crate; c ab am. $ 1.25 1.50 per uoxen ; pears. 50c O $1.73; grapes, (mc41.15 per crate; cranber- 9 per barrel. POTATOES Oregon. 0OS1.10 per aack; sweet potatoea 2c per pound. uiuisa i. enow. wocoi per sack. Dairy and Country Produce Local job bin q, uotatlona : GGS if'resh Oreaon ranch, rut count. 34c ; candled, i.7 h c POUi.IKl UuQi, 13fe14c; Spring 13 h lc; tuikeya, yountf, Xt&2i)c; oressed, T2⁣ ducKs, lUIB.Uffec; geese, 10&1J.C L lTJiK creameo, prints, -axltsj. 0c per Dound . cuoea. 20 tr 1 c. CidiLESfc; Orej un triplets, jobbers basing price, 1-4 Vc per pound i. a. b. dock. Portland; young Anrxcas, loc 'per pound. ViAL. jf'ancy, 1Z y &13c PUKa. .block, U. loc per pound. Local Jobbing quotations: 6ALMO.N Columbia ttiver one-pound tails, $2&u per aoaan; natf-poand fiats, l.iOi one-pound flaLa, $XOi ataasa pin, una -pound Laiia, $Lu. HuNiY cnuice. $4.25 per case. NUTS Walnut. ltfsuo per pound, ttraaii nuta, lc ; filbert, lewl&c; a'tuMa. i&c, peanuts. uwM; cocuanuia, $1 per aoa en , pecan. 14 liC lk,A& 6mau wnlte, 6fee; large wait. oc; l.i ma. be pin, 63c; Mexican. 2 o. nayou. ttc Cufb tt-E. Roasted, in drums. 18feOH per pound. BUAU Fruit and berry, $0.80; I ft ftkou; extra C $oUU; powaered. in barrels, $3.06. bAXiT Granulated, $15.50 per ton; naxx K round, lima, $iu.7 per ton; 0, $iX0 par ion, oairy. $16 per ton. R1CJ No. 1 Japan, fte; Southern heao. ac; island, ttc DHlKD XH UlTd Apples. 8 e per pound, apricots, 14 tjplOc; peacnea, 7 no. prunes, Italian, l0 4Jfec: curraou, t)c. raisins. bw)tc; 'Xnompson, li.fcc; ua meacned teuiLanas. be. aded. 'i avuc, dates, Persian, Itfife-o per pound. lafo. i4u per box. Hop., Wool. HlntM. Kte. HOPS 1914 crop. 8!4llc; 1811 crop, nominal. H1DS Salted bldea, 13c per pound; aall kip, 13c; a&ned call, lac per pound; wii dry bidem, 2 -4c; dry calt. 2oc; Mitod bull luc per pound; sreen bulla, ttc WOOL Valley, litflec; i&Lern. Oregon. 16 fcuc nominal. MOiiAlK lul clip, 27 Mo per pound. CASCAKA UAMJi. Old mad new. 4a p pound. Fiii-TS Dry, 10 11c; dry abort wool, I 08c; dry .heaxUn... 1O015O each; sr..n .nearllnga. la 2oc eaob; Spring lamba, x U tc , green pelta, October. oOq) 0c ProTiaiona. BAMS Ten to 12 pounda, 1020i4c; 14 lo xo puuuus, ivntt-vvii;, eainnea, liu 21c: Dicnic !- c BACON Fancy. 28 30c; standard. 25 1. u. 11HY SALT CUBED. snort clear Baca. 1417c; export!, IS w 17c; plates. 11 14c. l.tun llerc oaaia: lura ia. 1... compound. Vac KEROSENE Water white, drums, bar rels or tanlt wagon. 10c; special drums or Darrels, ltyc; cases, 17fc20Vfco. liASOu.vt -num. ic; cases, zio. En gine distillate, drums, 7tac; cases, 140. rtaptha, arums, 14c; cssfm, 2Uc ljirsiK.u uil. it a., oarrels. Clc: raw. cases. toc; boiled, barrels. O&c; boiled, cases. voc. TURPENTINE In tanks. 00c; la caiu tt7c; ten-caa. lota la lea SLUMP 111 HOG MARKET PRICES DECLINE QUARTER AT THE , TJNION STOCKYjJJtDS. Top Quotation of Day Is 7.1S lie. ceipta Are Heavy sod Demand Slovr Other Lines Steady. Continued liquidation of hogs by farmers on a large scale bas carried prices down rapidly. Receipts nave been heavy so far this week and buyers have, therefore, been reducing their bids daily. Yesterday th greatest slump of the week occurred, when th. market was established at $7.15 as the top basis. This wus a decline of 2o cents from the preceding day's price. Only three loads sold at this figure, the bulk or. the day's sales being at $.10. in tne sheep ftoure, a load or gooo ewes was sold at 14.40. The best lambs avail able brought S5.25. ' Receipts were 1174 hogs, 3 cattle and 300 sheep. Shippers were: With bogs W. H. Block, Alrley, 1 car; J. L. Dinsmore, West Stayton, 1 car: Tur ner as Turner 1 car; F. L. T., satu. wash., 1 car; A. W. McDonald. 1 car; D. A. Steg man, Centerville, 1 car; Robert McCool, Centerville. 1 car; same, GoldeiMiale, 1 car W. B. Kurtz. Hunts Ferry, 4 cars. With sheep F. W. Harris, Ashland, z cars. With mixed loads T. G. Kopplin. Plain view. 1 car cattle and hogs. The day's sales were as follows: Wt. Price-i Wt. Price. T7 bogs. . 235 J7.10; 47 hogs.... 155 7.10 76 hogs 178 7.10 4.1 hogs 3 SO 7.10 7 hogs 320 6.10, 47 hogs ISO 7.0i 8 hogs 205 7.101 24 hogs 122 6.20 56 hogs.... 220 7.10.1O0 hogs 15S 7.10 15hogs... 126 6.15, SShogs. ... 1S9 7.10 1 hog 340 6.15t 88 hcVa 202 7.15 ho. 135 6.151 SS) hogs 215 7.10 lOhogs.... 163 7.13i 4 hogs.... 345 6.10 78 hogs.... 208 7.15; 58 lambs.... 5ti 5.25 8 hnn 352 6.10 162 lambs 53 6.10 54 hOES 217 7.15;213 lambs 51 4.30 8 hogs 131 6.15 239 ewes HO 4.4) 1 hog 470 6.10, 84 hogs 202 7.101 1 ewe 320 3.00 Current prices ot tne various classes el stock at the yards follow Prime steers .$6.757.25 Cbolce steers ..... .... .. om UMlium .i.,ra ... ... 6.25&660 Choice cows 6.00 6.23 Medium cowa o.zo9.o Heifers 5.50 e. 25 Calves u e.ooa.!v Bulls 8.00 4. ;j 6tsgs - .o auu Light 7.00T.15 6.00 7.20 Heavy .... Sheep Wethers ........... Ewes Lamba 4.00 5.60 8.60 4.o5 o.ooe.ou Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 21. Hogs Re- etntfi 5000: market, lower. Heavy. $6.75 6.90; lights. $6.857; pigs, $6-256.85; bulk of sales, r-nrtl RRceiDts. ftOOO: market- lower. Na tlve steers. $7 10.25: cows and heifers. $5.75 7; Western steers, $ti&o.40; Texas steers, (5.756.75; cows ana neiiers, so(afo.ou Sheep Receipts. 3000; market, steady. Yearlings, $5.G56.15; wethers. $5.105.b0 iambs. $ii.oo. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Oct. 21. Hogs Receipts. 81, 000; market, weak. 5c to 10c under yester riv avoratre. Bulk of sales. $6.95 7.40 liht. fl75&7.40: mixed. $6.S07.55: heavy. $6.757.45: rough. $8.706.0: pigs. $4.25 6.75. Cattle Receipts. 2O.000-, market, weak. Reeves. 16. 15 to 10.80: steers. $ stockers and feeders. $4.907.80; cows and heifers. $3.20sv.u; calves, iail. Sheep ReceiptiL 88,000; market, steady. Hneep. 4.wuie' o.v., wmhosb, fu.Dvtfriu iambs, toiug .po. SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET prices Quoted at the Bay City on Fruits, Vesetablea, Lie SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 2L Fruit Pine tpples. $L502; California lemons, $1.75 4.Z0; aPPieS, AJtii'llUT...... -mvvwv., uw. ni 75- Mexican limes. $305. I Vegetables Cucumbers. $fi50c; string beans, 33c; eggplant. 3560c; tomatoes. 3550c. Eggs Fancy ranch, 51c; storage, 10c Onions Yellow, 40 50c. Cheese Young America. 12 16c; new, 1015sc; Oregon. 14&C; Young America, lie. Butter Fancy creamery. Slic; seconds. 28c. Potatoes Delta Burbanks. per sack. 60c. sweets. $1.40160 per sack: Salinas Bur banks. $1.40 1.60; Alvarado. $1.25140. Receipts Flour, 2S76 quarter sacks; bar ley, $7,018 cental.; potatoes. 6820 sacks; bay. 2S tons. . Sterling: Exchange. NEW YORK. Oct. 21. Mercantile paper, $7 per cent. Sterling exchange weak; 60-day bills, csbles, $; demand $4.94.50!. 94.75. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2L Silver bars, SOc Drafts, telegraph 4c LONDON. Oct. 21. Bar silver, 22 13-16d per ounce; discount rates tbrsa months. S!4 per cent. EXPORT TRADE HUGE Wheat Very Strong and Higher at Chicago. FARMERS 'SELLING FREELY World's Available Supply Total In crease Is Less Than Tear Ago. Supplies Afloat for Europe Have Also Fallen Off. CHTCAOO Oct. 21. Huge export sales at rising prices gave the wheat market an lnovannra of rrtat atrenrth. Th finish. although somewhat unsettled, ranged from 1 to 1 cents net higher. com ciowvu lc up. and oats with a gain of 1 and 1 ik cents. In provisions the outcome was 2 Vi to 597 cents decline. Estimates -ere current that 59 per cent of the farm surplus of wheat in the lead- in states, exclusive of North ua-cota, naa already been sent to market. Partly as a result of this showing, cash what too ay was relatively stronger than futures, there being a reduction of 1 cent In the discount as compared with recent figures. The bulls were also assisted by the fact that the world's available supply total did not show as large an Increase as at the corresponding time a year ago. and that supplies an oat for Europe had fallen off to a notable ex tent. Disappointment at husking returns had considerable to do with the advance In the corn market. Unabated demand from the seaboard put backbone Into quotations for oats. Provisions averaged lower. Influenced mainly by a break in the hog market. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. Hlsrh. Low. Close. Dec 1.14H 11.16 $1.14 $1-1 May 1.2044 1.223 1-20 122 CORN, DC 6TH 69 .67 May 70 .71 .70 .71 OATS. Dec .4914 .52 .30 .S4 .49 .60 May MESS PORK. Jan. 18.65 1S.7S 18.57 18.75 LARD. Nov. .... ... 10.22 ft 10.17 10.J2H Jan. 9.87 Mi U..7 SHORT RIBS. Oct 10-75 Jan 9.70 9.77 0.70 9.77 a cash prices were as follows: Wheal. No. 2 red. 41.13 t 1.15 : No. X hard. 1.1361.15. uorn, o. 2 yellow, log iac; ro. a yel low. 74 K 74 c rlye. No. -. U2c Barley. 595 74c." Timothy, $4 5.50. Clover. SU 4 14. European Grain Marketa. LONDON, Oct. 21. Cargoes on paasaff. unchanged to Id lower. - LIVERPOOL, Oct. 21. Wheat, October. 8s 10d; December. 9s 2d. Corn. Novem ber. 5s ld. . Fnset So and Grain Marketa. SEATTLE, Oct. II. Wheat Bluestem. $1.08; lortyfold. $1.05; club. SL02: File, 97c; Turkey red, $1.05. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat 45, oats 12. hay 21. nour S. barley L TACOMA. Oct. 21. Wheat Bluestem, Sl.lo; lortyfold. $1.05: club, $1.03: Fife. $1. Car receipts Wheat 50, oats 2. hay 17. Ban Francises Grata Market. SAN Fr.ANCISCO. Oct. 21. Spot quota tions; Walla Walla, $1.7501.80; red Rus sian. $1.70 f 1.72 v, ; Turkey red, $; bluestem. l.b."fe 1.00; feed barley. l.u7SO 1.10: white oats, $1.42Vi 01.43: bran. tW. mldSUnzs. X.10M31: shorts. $26tt27. Call board Barley, steady. December. $l.lo asked; November, $l.ust bid, UJ1 asked. M in n fapol i Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 21. Wheat: Decem ber,; May. $1.19; No. 1 hard. $l.lu4 ; No. 1 Northern, $1.125 L15 ; No. 2 North ern. $1.00 H 1.12. Barley, 60&66 cents. Flax. $1.23 1-36. Coffee) and Sugar. NEW YORK. Oct. 2L A further sharp advance to lod was reported in the rate of Kio exchange on London today, and the coffee market here was steady to firm, al though no Improvement was reported in de mand and prices were unchanged at 6 cents for Rio 7s and 10 Vs cents for Santos 4a There was still more or les contusion over the Brazilian consorshlp on cable messages, which.- combined with tne uncer tainties of exchange rates, restricted busi ness in the cost and freight market and very few offers were reported here from Brazil. Considerable business was again reported in old contracts through the liquidating com mittee. Including straight liquidation and further ewltching from December to late montha Raw sugar easy. Molasses. 3.6103.74c centrifugal. 4.26p4.39c Refined quiet. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Oct. 21. Turpentine nam lnal. 41Vzc; no sales; receipts, les Darreia, shipments, 92 barrels; stocks, 27,297 barrels. Rosin nominal; no sales ; Receipts, 14,001 barrels: ehiuments, &2a barrels: stock. 109. 51o barrels. Quote: A, B, $3.50; C, D, 3.bZVs: -c;. f. U, xx, 1, 93. bs; -K. X4.1 M. $1.50. N. $6; WG, $6.26; WW. $6.3i. Cheese Half Cent Lower. Local cheese prices were reduced another half cent yesterday. Present quotations are 14 cents for triplets and la cents fox 1 oung Americas. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. 21. Evaporated apples dull. Prunes easier; California. HO 11c: Oregons, $Viillc. Peaches dull. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Oct. 21. Butter, unchanged. Ekhs. hiKher. at mark, cases included. 18 2;tc; ordinary firsts, 204p21sc; firsts. 23js 201 ' Duluth Linseed Market. DT3LDTH. Oct. 21. Linseed, cash. $1.36; December, $i.2a; aiay. tuiy Hops at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. L Hope steady. Wool steady. GERMANS BUY COTTON MAXtFACTtBERS PROCURE SUP PLIES IN XSIS COUNTRY. London Exchange Qootatlona Continue to Decline Steel Prodncera Make Conceaaiona in Prlcea. NEW YORK, Oct. 21. Heavy purchase ot various commodities and general merchan dise in this country by agents of several European countries now at war have become a decided factor in tne loretgn situation. Cable and slrbt drafts un London declined again today, but rallied slightly later as offerings of bills grew scarcer. At today's lowest quotations, London exchange was al most 4 cents lower to the pound sterling than in the early days of the month. Continental exchange was again purely nominal, but quotations on tterun ana idaxn burg were lower. In this connection, it Is a matter of general belief In financial circles that German textile manufacturers have been among the largest buyers of cotton nere recently, but just bow or when deliveries are to be made in tnat country is not x Dl&lned Exports of cotton today amounted td over 20.000 bales, three-fourths going to British porta, with large consignments to the Orient. Thus far this season, total cotton exports aggregate little more than one-sixth of last season's outflow. The feature of several markets tn which securities are being offered was another reduction in the minimum price recently fixed for oil stock. Trade authorities fully confirm unofficial reports that most of the larger steel plants have reduce a activities ow per oent ana many producers continue to make conces sions, wUb la larwa cnliUon applying to The Bank of Personal Service We employ only sncb methods in business as make banking insti tutions of positive value to the community. The management of this bank believes that above everything else stability and excellent service are demanded on the part of a well managed bank,- and upon this basis we invite your patronage. We Fay i. on Savings Deposits. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Under Government Supervision. Established 1886. CAREFUL ATTENTION There are no small transactions in this bank. Deposits of one dollar, or many times that amount, are equally important and have equal care and attention. We open savings accounts in any amount from one dollar upward. 4 interest and Government supervision. LUMBERMENS NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus $1,200,000. LADD & TILTON BANK btabllamed IBS, Capital and Surplus Commercial and pig iron, copper demand remains at low ebb, with sales on the basis of 11.30 cents per pound. scho6l stone to be laid Attorney Latourette to Be Orator at Fnlton Monday. L. E. Latourette. deputy City Attor ney, will deliver the principal address at the cornerstone laying: ceremonies on the site of the new Fulton Park School, next Monday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. Mr. Latourette is a resident of Fulton Park and a prominent member of the Parent-Teacher Association. City School Superintendent Alderman and a member of the School Board also will speak. Similar ceremonies will be arranged when the construction work on the new Couch and Shattuck buildings is sufficiently under way. The contract for the construction of the Couch build ins; will be let at a special meeting: of the School Board son time this week. perhaps today, and bids for the Shat tuck building will be invited in about two weeks. Beauty larhr President Guilty. Barney Metzger, president of the Sanitary Beauty Parlors Company, 414 Uekum building-, was found guilty by Jury in Municipal Court yesterday on a charge of conducting a business under an assumed name. Evidence was introduced to show that the incor porators of the Sanitary Beauty Par lors Company had fulfilled the re quirements of the law in filing arti cles, but had failed to file names of those engaged in conducting the school, which is operated in conjunc tion with the beauty parlors. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. A. Maximum temper ature. 7.7 degrees: minimum. 46.8 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M.. 6.4 feet; change In last 24 hours. 0.1 foot rise. Total rain fall, P M. tn 6 P. M., none: total rain- tall smce beptemoer l, s.u incnei, normal. 4.28 Inches; excess. 2.14 inches. Total sunshine, 8 hours 46 minutes: pos sible, 10 hours 89 minutes. Barometer re duced to sea level) t P. M.. 30.01 inches. ' THIS -WEATHER. Wind State ot weather. STATIONS. Baker .... Boise .... Boston ... Calgary Chicago .. Denver Des Moines SOIO. SS 0. 7810 &0'O 70 121 4IXW "Rain 0l INW Pt. cloodr 00 12 W 00 4,SE 00 lO'.VB Clear !pt. cloudy Iclesr Rain Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy I, 70!0. 0112!SW 66 0 UO' 4 . 00 12!NE 20 4 N 26 ;o;b 02t ;n 00 12!NE Duluth Eureka ....... Galveston Helena Jacksonville . . Kansas City Los Angeles .. Marsh field ... Medford Montreal New Orleans -New York North Head . . North Takima Phoenix Pocatello . . . . Portland Rose burg . . . . Sacramento St. Louis ..... Minneapolis Salt lake ... San Francisco Seattle Spokane ...... Tacoma ...... Tatoosh Island Walla Walla . Washington .. Winnipeg; .... 64 0. 56 0. 7610. D60. 78 0. 68 0. 6S0. 61 0. 5610, 70!o. 780. 74 0. 54 0. 64 0 76!0. E6 0 67 0. 4 S 8 S Clear 4 W 16 N-W Clear Clear Cloudy 6 SE 00 20jSW 00 8 S .001 4 SB 241 11SW 00 4 W 001 6 NE .031 4:w Clear Clear i Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear IClear 'Clear Pt. cloudy 58 0 66 0 .00 4 NE .00 12 SB 00 12IS .00 14 N 7810 760 70 0 62 0 68:0 64 0 8 0. Bi0 6410 76:0 6. .001 6 W PL cloudy Clear !pl cloudy PL cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy IClear PL cloudy 141 4'SW 001 4'V 08( 4IN"W: 04) I E 00' 4 S 001 calm OOilOE WEATHER CONDITIONS. A depression of moderate energry Is cen tral over Arlsona, and a lanre higrb-pressure area overlies the Lake Region. General rains have fallen In the Southern Rocky Mountain States and !ight rain has fallen in portions cf California, Nevada. Oregon. -Washington and I4sho. It is much cooler The, Pavement that saves you money BITULITHIC Washington and Fourth Sts. Fifth and Stark. 82,000,000 Savings Deposits In Utah. Colorado. Arlxona and Kbw Mex ico. The temperatures have risen in th. New' England States. The conditions are favorable for fair weather in this district Thursday, except In Southeastern Idaho and extreme North western Washinirton. where rain will prob ably fall someLlme within the next 24 hours. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Thursday fair, northerly winds. Oregon Thursday fair; northwesterly winds. wsshlngton Thursday fslr, except rsln extreme northwest portion; winds mostly southerly. Idaho Thursday fair, except rain south east portion. EDWARD A. BKALS. District Forecaster. Hop Growers desiring to corporate for mutual pro tection with California growers are re quested to communicate with Mendocino Hopgrowers" Association. Geo. Hewlett. Vire-President. Hopland. California. FRENCH LINE Campaanl neral Tranntlmseiqna POSTAL SERVICE. Sailing for HAVRE CHICAGO Oct. 31, 3P.M. ROCHAMBEAU Nov. 14. 3P.M. FUH I.N.UKMAT1UN JCPPLY C. W. Stinger, ae tb st.; A. D. Charltaa, 333 Morrison at,; fc. M. Taj lor. CM. bU P. Ky.; Dorttey B. Smith. 110 Sd St.; A. C Sheldon. 10O sd it. : 11 ltckton, S4S Wasfc Incton st.; North Rank Koad, 6th and & carta sts.; F. H. M'Karland, Sd and Wat.hin;ia sta; K. B. Duffy. 12, 3d st., Portland. COOS BAY AND El'REKA S. S. ELDER SAILS SUNDAY, OCTOBER IS, I A. II. KOKIH PAIX11C alKAUSHll CO. Ticket OCrtce A Freight Oft-lce ltt A d bt. fl Foot Korthrup st. MAIN 131a. A 1314 I Main A 5423 New Coos Bay Line MARSH FIELD, NORTH BEXu CMTIRK Steamship faraiso SAILS DIRECT SAT., OCT. 54. 1 P. M. For passengers and IrelghL make reserva tions immediately. Frank Bollam, Pass. Agt.. Main 26. 14 Third St. A 4iB. Freight otf Ice, Albers Dock No. 1. Marshall 5H3. A 677.V STEAMSHIP Sails IHrect for San Francisco, Lm Ang-eles and ban Diego. FRIDAY, OCT. 23, AT 2:30 P. M. SAN FRANCISCO. PORTLAND UOS AN Ok Lis SrtA.U-.UlP CO, FRANK BOLLAM. Agent. lit Thjrd St. A 456. Main 26. AUSTRALIA TAHITI A.U NEW ZKAIAMX Regular tnrougb ailing tor Sydny via TaJuU and Wellington from 6a Francisco Kv. 11. rec , Jan. . and every 2ft i are Send tor PampoleL talon steameuiu- Co. ml New Zealand, ltd Office: 678 Market straeu San 'ranciaoe or local a. S. and SU BL agtme. S LAMPORT SiHOLT LINE A QUT.1 AMERICA THt WORLD'S GREAT GARDEN BAH1A, KIO US JASE1KU, SANTOa. MONTEVIDEO and BUENOS ATRt-3 Frequent sailings from New York by new and fart (12, 500-ton) passenger steamer. BtsS OAMELS. tten. Arta, S Broadway, N. V. Ooraey B. smlUi. 3d and Vaulnglon sts. Or Local Agents. 8. 8. BEATER TOR SAIM FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES S P. M. OCTOBER 23. The San FranciJco tt 4 ortiiutd 6. S. Co., Third and Washington tM.. witb 0.-W. K. 4 N. Co.). Tel. Atarahaa 45QO. A 61SL COOS BAY LINE STKaMSHlf B Sails from Alnswortb dock. Portland, S P. M. every Tuesday. Freight and ticket otflo. lower Ainsworia dock. P. a C. B. 8. S- Line. L fcL. KeaUng. Agent. Phones Mala tiiOO, A City Ticket Office. 0 Sixth St- C. W. Stiuger. Agent. Phones Marshal! aSM A 121. Steamer Georgiana Leaves Wasnlngton-atreet Dock at T a- M. Astoria and Way Landings Batnrning Leaves As t oris at 2:00 P. M. Jfare U0U fcaca Way. Main 1422.