Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 22, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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People From Three States Ex
pected to View Varied Dis-.
plays at Armory.
cial.) An unidentified man was killed
this afternoon at Bay Parle by the
Coos Bay, Roseburg & Eastern train
en route to Myrtle Point.
Iu Press and Theaters of Northwest
Attention Is Called to Educa
tional Exposition and Rall
i roads Also Give Aid.
That the Manufacturers' and Land
Products Show will attract many vis
itors to the city during the time it
will be in progress is the belief of the
management of the enterprise.
Reports from over the state and
from Washington and Idaho indicate
that the plan and scope of the expo
sition has been well fixed in the minds
of all persons who read the daily and
weekly newspapers.
In the work of exploitation the rail
roads have been a great help. In every
depot in the Willamette Valley country
along both the Southern Pacific and the
Oregon Electric railways are posters
calling" attention to the Exposition.
Posters also have been displayed lib
erally along the United Railways. Spo
kane. Portland & Seattle Railway and
the Oregon Trunk line.
The North Bank Railroad has placed
special advertising in daily and weekly
papers as well as class publications in
this territory and the weekly editions
of Portland papers, which have a large
circulation in the rural districts, have
been given special advertising on the
Land Show. The Southern Pacific,
Great Northern, Northern Pacific and
the Pacific Eugene & Eastern Railways
have been calling attention to the Land
Show dates in country advertising and
announcing the rate of a fare and a
third for the round trip from points in
the Northwest.
, Many Papers Reached.
The weekly news service of the Port
land Commercial Club has been a great
aid to the Land Show in reaching the
columns of the papers in Oregon. The
American Type Founders Company, as
a compliment to the Manufacturers'
Association, has carried a special ar
ticle on Portland's Exposition in every
paper in the Northwest reached by its
service. . .
Rural papers, interested In the suc
cess of the Land Show, are supporting
the enterprise both in the editorial and
local columns, with the result that the
dates of the Exposition, together with
the nature of the exhibits to be dis
played, have been well exploited. In
addition the motion-picture theaters in
the Willamette Valley are showing
Blides calling attention to October 29
as Willamette Valley day.
Theater to Assist. s
Every photoplay theater in Portland
will run slides urging the people to
patronize the Land Show. This is com
plimentary on the part of the Portland
Motion-Picture Exhibitors' League.
This organisation also will maintain
two of the latest pattern of the motion
picture projection machine in the free
theater at the Exposition. Permission
has been given to leave one end of the
projection booth open to the public,
and operators will explain how the
films are handled.
The local exhibitors will have pro
grammes at the Land Show daily, in
which they will demonstrate the ad
vancement made by the motion-picture
producers the last few years by show
ing high-class educational films ahd
More than 100 booths were under
construction at the armory by 6 o'clock
last night. The work of decoration has
progressed rapidly and the electrio
lights for the interior of the armory
and the temporary buildings were tried
out for the first time.. Several exhibits
were nearly complete and by Saturday
most of the fruit displays will be
From now on until the opening of
the Exposition, next Monday, the
armory will be open night and day to
enable exhibitors and booth builders to
get everything in readiness.
T. Barren, of Seattle, is at the Carl
ton. W. H. Bell, of Seattle, is at the Im
perial. Paul Doesendorff, of Berlin, is at the
W. S. Post, of Los Angeles, is at the
W. F. Bryant, of Newberg, is at the
James Sinclair, of Tacoma, is at the
F. R. Beals, of Tillamook, is at the
Will A. Purdy, of Newberg, is at the
C. Lawton, of Fort Stevens, is at
the Carlton.
I. W. Anderson,' of Tacoma, is at the
E. Bennett, of Monroe, is at the
Charles Wirth, of Eugene, is at the
Orrin Backus, of Clatskanie, Is at the
Horace Richards, of Bandon, is at
the Perkins.
Electra Simson, of The Dalles, is at
the Cornelius.
il. L. Thompson, of Carson, is at
the Cornelius.
Frank N. McCandloss, of Tacoma. is
at the Oregon.
J. Griggs, a plumber of Tacoma, is at
the Multnomah.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller, of Rainier,
are at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Fink, of Medford,
are at the Multnomah.
Dr. F. C. Snyder, of Scranton, Pa,
is at the Washington.
E. L Barnes, of Seattle, an insurance
man, is at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hand, of West
port, are at the Imperial.
Henry F. Koch, a musician of San
Francisco, is at the Seward.
F. 3. Toung and A, H. Thompson, of
Eugene, are at the Imperial.
W. A. Storey, a musician of Van
couver, B. C. is at the Seward.
.' and Mrs. R. E. Manning, of
xwama.i.u r ajis, are at the Perkins.
H. A. Sprague, who has a cannery
at Warrenton. is at the Multnomah.
Robert McCrow, a cattle man of
LoidenuaIe, Wash, is at the Cornelius.
F. L. Husband. an immiarration
officer of New York City, is at the
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Williams and
daughter, registering from Australia,
are at me Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright have
returned from a visit of two months
in Seattle, i They are making their
borne at the Oregon, Mr. Wright being
part proprietor oi tne hotel.
City and County Union Favored "but
Bill's refects Stir Opposition.
While the Chamber of Commerce was
favorable to the report of its commit
tee recomending plans for consolidation
of the government of Portland and of
Multnomah County, the report was
placed on the table yesterday without
acUon owing to the fact that a refer
endum bill for the consolidation of city
and county governments is pending be
fore the people in the coming election
and the Chamber radically is opposed
to this referendum measure.
It was feared yesterday that if the
announcement - was sent out that the
Chamber had adopted its committee re
port on consolidation, the public might
construe (his as an indorsement of the
referendum measure to which the
Chamber is opposed.
"The Chamber opposes the referred
wrsrsoME stf.w iht sisters. 4
! pi - ' "'I i
i ft? i
f 8 J? " - I
One of "Dancing Dolls." J
A cute and winsome trio of t
Fund Desired for Veterans of
Oregon of 1898.
One of "Dancing Dolls."
A cute and winsome trio of
dainty little "broilers" are the
three Stewart sisters, the "danc
ing dolls," who are making a hit
at Marcus Loew's Empress this
week. The trio are accompanied
by three escorts, and the sextette
of graceful dancers, wearing
quaint costumes, have one of the
most artistic acts seen in local
vaudeville in many weeks.
Unidentified Man Killed.
MARSHFIELD, Or., Oct. 21. (Spe-
measure because of its ambiguity in
title and text," said W. J. Clemens,
chairman of the consolidation commit
tee, yesterday. "The title of the bill
makes statements which are flatly con
tradicted in the text and, if it is
adopted by the people at the coming
election, any effort to consolidate the
city and county governments under its
provisions probably will produce first
of all interminable proceedings in the
"A study of the text of the bill will
indicate quickly to any who are inter
ested that this city, in an attempt to
consolidate under the provisions of this
bill, would suffer and the County of
Multnomah also would suffer by it."
The Chamber will not take action on
the report until after the election. In
the meantime, it is recommending that
the referendum measure numbered
on the ballot 304 and 305 be rejected
by the voters. In case this measure
is defeated, the Chamber then will
probably adopt the report and proceed
to have a bill drawn up which will
provide adequately for the consolida
tion of the governments of. the City of
Portland and the County of Multnomah
within the present existing borders of
the county.
Oregon Hydro-Electric Commission
Would Keep Desert Land Board.
Resolutions opposing: the initiative
bill to abolish the Desert Land Board
and substitute for it the old Land
Board, have been adopted by the Ore
gon Hydro-Electric Commission, which
is entering1 a campaign to interest the
voters of the state in upholding; the
present organization of the Board.
The full text of the resolution as
adopted at the meeting; of the Commis
sion at the Chamber of Commerce,
Tuesday, follows:
Whereas, the pending initiative bill, Kos.
346 and 3-47. known as the. George bill.
would abolish the present Ieaert Land
Hoard, substituting' therefor the old Land
Board, composed of officials whose duties
are not specifically to become familiar with
water and land - development pro b rem s;
would abolish the elective State E ngineer
office, who Is now named by the people and
must serve them, substituting tnerexor an
appointive State Engineer, who would be
named by and must therefore subordinate
himself to his perfunctory State Land
Board; would curtail the number of Water
Superintendents from two to one and elimi
nate for the time at least opportunity for
quickened service in measuring the streams
serving the farmers of the state; would an
nul the state's appropriations now existing
lor joint stream survey and topographic sur
vey work in conjunction with the Federal
Government, in which work the Federal
Government now bear naif the cost, and
would, further, according to the moat ex
perienced students of state development, set
the commonwealth back about 26 years in
this progressive effort to master our natural
resou r c e p ro b e ms ; t h e ref or e, b a It
Resolved, by the Oregon Hydro-Electric
Commission, that the voters of the state be
most earnestly urged to vote against said
George bill, which will have on the official
ballot "No. 348, Yes," and "N'o. 347, No,"
and that we further urge all associations
and organizations deeply interested in state
development to use their utmost influence
against acceptance of this measure by the
voters of the state, for the measure pre
tends to attain greater economy, but in fact
does nothing of the kind, while it would in
flict most serious loss.
Commercial Club to Have Harvest
Festival October 28.
A harvest dinner dance at the Com
mercial Club is the feature announced
by the entertainment committee for
Wednesday evening, October 28. The
announcement sent out yesterday is ad
dressed from "Ginger City" to "Saman-
tha and Jasper," and invites to a "reg
ular old-time harvest dance in Horace
Ramsdell's barn."
"'Me and George Kleiser is gettin' it
ud." says the invitation. -Fred Lar-
son will do the fiddlin' and G&orge
Baker will call the flggers. Charley
Wright will blow the little horn and
Frank Freeman will play the slidin'
horn." So on through the list of prom
inent Commercial Club members runs
the announcement.
Members of the club, however, will
not have to dress in keeping with the
rural spirit of the evening.
TJniversity Sopbomores Elect.
Oct. 21. (Special.) John Bull, of
Salem, was elected manager of the
class football team, and Harold Ham-
street, of Sheridan, 'manager of the
class track team at a meeting' of the
Sophomore class. Ihe Sopnomore foot'
ball team will play the Freshmen
within the next two weeks. This is
an annnal strugge that has been won
regularly by the second-year men.
If it is the skin use SanUsepilo Lotloa
Importance to West of Noted Battle
ship's Projected Cruise by Canal
Route Expressed and Need
of Assistance Urged.
To interest Portlanders and resi
dents of the state generally in the
proposed voyage of the old battleship
Oregon from Hampton roads through
the Panama Canal, which is to be
started February 5; also to increase
the exchequer of the "Veterans of the
United States Steamship Oregon Crew,
of 1898," a society of which he Is presi
dent, Adam Gill has arrived in Port
land from Vallejo, Cal. Mr. Gill is in
the service of the Navy Department
still, but instead of being a fireman,
as he was when the Oregon made her
historic run through the Straits of
Magellan to battle with Spanish ships.
he la now leading machinist at the
Mare Island Navy-yard and has taken
up the work of reassembling the old
crew, having been granted a leave of
absence of 18 months.
'One purpose of my visit is to im
press business and commercial in
terests of the city with the need or
helping to some , extent to finance the
former Oregon men who are to make
the cruise." said Mr. Gill. "All cannot
provide their own transportation if it
is necessary for them to go across the
country to Join the Oregon. It has
been intimated that she will leave soon
for the other side. That is not in
line with our programme, as we wished
to have the vessel leave Puget Sound
later with some of her former crew
and pick up others so they could go
to the East Coast. By that means they
would save money and get back into
harness for a 'while. We expect Con
gress to. pass a law early in December
permitting the former Oregon men to
be enlisted simply for the cruise.
"Thathip has done more than any
one feature to advertise the state of
Oregon in my opinion. On a recent
visit East I met a number who thought
that the ship was built in this state
and some think that her crew was
from Oregon. Her trip to the Coast
will attract attention to the San Fran.
Cisco 1915 Fair, also draw thousands
to Oregon. Moreover, her first trip
demonstrated the necessity for the
Panama Canal and it is a move of Nation-wide
interest. We expect Spanish-
American war veterans of the Coast
states to get in line, as there will
be a number of features fostered to
increase interest in the event. I will
arrange, with one of the former mem
bers of the crew here to get in touch
with every man in the vicinity who
was aboard the Oregon when she made
the run. I have a complete roster of
the 374 men who were aboard when
she reached Santiago. Sixty-eight have
died and some are in the Navy yet.
Rear-Admiral Clarke is as anxious as
any of us to be again on the deck of
the old flgnter and It promises to be
a memorable reunion. ,
Mr. Gill has numerous letters of in
troduction and other credentials from
such men as Captain Ellicott, U. S. N.,
fair officials and prominent San Fran
ciscans, and he will take up the plans
with the Chamber of Commerce, Com
mercial Club and individuals. Mr. Gill
has headquarters at the Hotel Portland
and will remain for a week.
Several Salary Increases Allowed,
Commissioner Daly Chanslns His
Attitude ob This Question.
Cuts aggregating J6617 were made
by the city budget committee yester
day in estimates for supplies, material,
equipment and proposed salary in
creases for the dog pound and the
street-cleaning department. The re
ductions were alt of small amounts,
the largest being $2718 in the estimate
for feed for horses during next year.
The only special appropriation made
was J5000 for an appraisal of the prop
erty of the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company. This was appropriated
last year and was continued over ana
will not have to be Taised by taxation
next year.
At yesterday's session Commissioner
Daly turnej from his stand against sal
ary increases and votea lor increases
of several men in the street-cleaning
department. He Joined Mayor Albee
and Commissioners Brewster and
Dieck in the salary Increase proposi
tion, the three latter officials having
stood for the increases as provided for
in the efficiency code. Mr. Daly up to-
this time has voted generally against
increases in salaries.
Superintendent Donaldson, of the
street-cleaning department, was grant
ed an increase of 10 a month, a clerk
got an increase of $5 a month, two
foremen of the repair shop got an
increase of $78.25 for the year. Provi
sion was made for two additional driv.
ers for automobile street-cleaning ma
chines. The total of special appropriations
and increased working forces and sala
ries allowed at the budget session yes
terday was J7358, including the $5000
for the appraisal of the streetcar
Box Fitted Vp to Show Mei
r to Report Blase nnd Best
Ways to Help Flxhters.
"Keep your head at a fire, and make
your feet work, too," was the gist of
the 'advice offered the Portland Rail
way. Light Power Company's train
men last night by Battalion Fire Chief
Stevens, in an address at a "Safety
First" meeting in the clubrooms of the
Hawthdrne building.
"How many of you men know how to
turn in an alarm from a fire box?" he
Nearly all present held up their
hands, but a majority hauled down
their colors when Mr. Stevens hinted
that he might select a few demonstra
tors. "We want the assistance of the
whole public, but the carmen can be
of wonderful help.
"I am going to send your office a
list of all the fire boxes on your routes.
And when you see a fire engine going
down the street, don't run to a phone
Portland Agents for Gossard Front-Lace, Nemo and Bien Jolie Corsets Carter's Knit Underwear
Pictures Framed to Order at Lowest Prices, 4th Floor Manicuring and Hairdressing, 2d Floor
Olds, Wortman King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Pacific Phone Marshall 4800
Home Phone A 231
Free Knitting Lessons
9 to 12. 1 to 5 Daily.
Join the free
classes in knit
ting & crocheting
under direction
of expert from
Klelsher factory.
Art Dept.. Second
Floor. ifefS
Double gfr3T Stamps Today
With Cash Purchases Men's and Boys' Wear 1st Floor
Another Great Double-Stamp offering for Thursday 2-for-l Trading Stamps will be given with all cash pur
chases of Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings made in these departments on the Main Floor. Hundreds
of splendid bargains for men and boys await you here today NOTE T11E TOLLOWIXG SPECIAL. OFFERS:
Men's $25 Raincoats $16.45
Men's $2 and $3 Hats for $1
Main Floor Men's silk
lined Raincoats in plain
colors and handsome
Scotch mixtures ideal
garments for motoring
and general wear. Coats
such as these sell in the
ordinary way at $25.00.
Main Floor Special line
of men's "Cheshire" and
"Napoleon" Hats to be
sold Thursday at a dollar
each. Popular soft styles
in splendid s e r v i ceable
shapes and colors.- About
150 Hats all told stand
ard $2, $3 nn
Hats now JJ
Boys' Two-Pant Suits at $4.95
Men's Underwear Now at 95c
Main Floor These excel
lent Norfolks are made of
fine quality woolens in the
very smartest of the new
Fall and Winter patterns
and colors. Knickerbocker
pants lined throughout with
taped seams. Extra pair of
pants with 05 Q G?
each Suit at eV7J
Main Floor Men's medium
weight ribbed Underwear
for Fall and Winter wear.
Famous 'Cooper" make in
natural gray. A complete
range of sizes in both the
shirts and drawers. Per
fect in fit and finish and
priced very special Q
at, the garmeat'"'
Smart New Tailored Suits $20
New Winter Coats $12.50 and $18.50
Second Floor These attractive new Suits havt
just reached us by express. The styles are the
very latest to be had and at $20 they are sure
to be snapped up quickly. Especially smart and
new are the many handsome models in browns
and greens in Redingote and short-coat styles
so much in vogue. Also many in the dressy
belted-back models. The materials include chev
iots, serges, poplins, tweeds, etc. Beautifully
tailored. Ask to see these new J O fl f f
Suits, priced for this sale at JWJ
Second Floor New arrivals in women's and
misses' Coats for sport and dress wear. A won
derful range of styles at these popular prices and
all are superbly tailored. Many models designed
especially for misses and juniors. Stylish Bal
macaan and loose-back models in the serviceable
mixtures, serges, cheviots, zibelines, broadcloth,
chinchillas, etc. Trimmed with large collars and
cuffs, fancy buttons, etc. A complete line of all
sizes for women ' and misses. J 1 O CZf
Two lots priced 12.50 and & J-0.JJ
New Line Wash Waists priced special for today's selling.
Scores of pretty styles, with low necks and the new sleeves.
Lace and embroidery trimmed Btyles. All sizes, priced special.
Sale of Aprons
Bargain Circle, First Floor.
A. Jjf Women's fitted
"I Wfl Aprons of light
and dark percales trimmed with
rick-rack braids. Good quality of
materials and well made. 0J
Special for this sale at"
fg Women's kimono
Aprons of good
quality ginghams. Strap back and
open side-front. Also in open-back
styles. Priced very spe- fZ7g
cial for this sale at only, "
A t 7Qf Women's gingham
Aprons with Kimo
no sleeves and shirred waist. Are
made of good grade nurses'
stripes. Open on side- 7Qf
front Priced special at f
Latest Hallowe'en Novelties
EVERYTHING for "Happy Night"
skulls, cats, witches, lanterns, devils,
pumpkins, figures, table and home
decorations, favors, tallies, candle
shades, place cards, invitations, silhouettes,
seals, cut-outs, etc., etc. Lowest prices.
$2.50 and $2 Suitings 89c
Dress Goods Dept. Main Floor
Splendid serviceable materials for women's suits, dresses and
skirts. 54-inch homespun and Duvetine Suitings lines se
lected from our regular stock and underpriced for Thursday's
selling. Economical women will be prompt to take advantage
of this splendid bargain. Standard $1.50 and $2.00 OQ
fabrics on sale for this event at, the yard, onlyO-"
Basement Suit Sale!
Women's and misses' $15.00 to $20.00
Tailored Suits offered for Thursday's
selling in the Underprice Store at
7. GtK
COME prepared to share in the
greatest Suit bargain of the year!
An even .200 Suits in this sen
sational offering . and not
single one of these worth less than $15
most of them are standard $17.50 and
$20.00 grades. Serviceable plain-tailored
models, such as every woman has
use for every month in the year. These
are all well-tailored and of good heavy
Winter-weight materials in plain and
fancy mixtures and attractive colors.
Coats are lined with silks or satins and
perfect fitting. We have all sizes in
this great lot, both for women and for
misses. Suits of standard $15.00 to
$20.00 grades reduced for CJT &ft
Thursday's selling, choice P
40c O WK Coffee OA.
Special, Pound&'&l'
Fourth Floor No deliveries ex
cept with "other purchases, made to
day in the grocery department.
50c Teas 39 Uncolored" Japan
or Ceylon standard 50c grade
prieed special for Thurs- ?Q
day's selling at, the pound
i ' i- 'i I'i
r. " ' -v. ;-Sr takv .!
Y 'Jrr
$12.50 and $14.50
New Fall Hats
In the Millinery Salons on
the Second Floor
An especially interesting group of
beautiful new trimmed Hats decided
ly underpriced for Thursday's selling.
Women who seek exclnsiveness at a
moderate price will find many pleas
ing stj-les here to select from.
Exquisite models for street and
Dress wear. New, close-fitting
Turbans, Tricornes and" Small
or large Sailors, effectively
trimmed in the smartest styles.
Some are trimmed with flowers and
ribbons others with rich ostrich fan
cies, stick-ups, etc. Very finest qual
ity silk velvets in black and the very
desirable new shades of brown and
green. Representative models of the
latest Fall styles selling at $12.50 and
$14.50 grouped for one 2Q 7
day's selling at only f
Special Showing of
Smart, Neio Tailored
Hats at $5 to $25
Gas Heaters $312 r
Just Like This Cut
Third Floor "Hot Spots" Copper Reflector
Gas Heater attractive in design and ex
ceptionally 'Well made. Priced O T J
special for Thursday's selling onlj JO. J. Jr
$2.00 Folding Ironing Boards now $1.59
$1.50 Adjustable Clothes Racks now at OSc
$1.75 Self-Wringing Mop Paila now $1.39
6-foot Step Ladders, special at only 5S1.QS
Best quality of Parlor Brooms now for 59
No. 8 Copper Bottom Wash Boilers at $1.00
. 1 - i
Cloths) for Wiping Machinery Must
Be Sterilized Before Sold.
By vote of 4 to 1 the City Commission
yesterday passed an ordinance requir
ing the sterilization of all old rags to
be used for wiping machinery, furni
ture or other articles. The measure
was presented by City Health Officer
Marcellus as a health measure.
The measure, which will go into ef-
j.o ask he fire department where it isfect in 30 days, requires all persona of.
Ask the Gas Company, or the informa
tion girL We need our telephones. I
have often tried to call our office for
more help when . some curious person
was using the line.
"Another thing, don't call the fire de
partment and say: 'Come quick! My
house is on fire!' and then hang up the
telephone.' We don't know where your
house is."
During his address Mr. Stevens fitted
up a fire-alarm box, and turned in two
alarms to illustrate the mechanism of
the box.
Other speakers were H. F. Coffin,
chairman of the "Safety First" commis
sion: Ij. R. Alderman, city school super
intendent: Police Captain Moore, and F.
J. Connolly, an engineer on the South
ern Pacific Railroad since 1887. B. F.
Boynton, claim agent for the Portland
Railway, Light & Power Company, presided.
fering rags for sale for wiping pur
poses to subject the rags to a steam
bath at a temperature of 240 degrees
for 30 minutes. This "bath" will de
stroy all disease germs in the rags, it
is said. The measure is considered im
portant because of the fact that rags
from houses where there has been con
tagious disease are often sold for wip
ing purposes and they endanger the
workmen who have to handle them.
Rev. II. C. Roloff Only Candidate in
Unn'e Sole Wet Precinct.
ALBANY, Or.. Oct. 21. (Special.)
A minister running for the office of
Justice of the Peace in Linn County's
only "wet" town, is a feature of the
forthcoming election here. The town
is Sweet Home, and the minister is
H. C. Roloff. Furthermore, Rev. Mr.
Roloff is certain to be elected for be
has no opposition. '
In the primaries last May there were
no candidates for the office. Various
names were written in and when the
votes were counted it was found that
Rev. Mr. Roloff had received the Re
publican nomination, with 14 votes.
Until about a year and a half ago
Mr. Roloff was pastor of the Evangel
ical Church at Sweet Home. Since that
time he ha not &eea engaged ActiveX?
in the ministry, but operates a farm
near Sweet Home.
Portland Bartender Stabs Girl.
TACOMA. Wash., Oct 21. (Special.)
Charles Butticaonis, a Portland bar
tender, came here Monday to force his
love upon pretty Angela Gardinl, aged
30. Tonight in a restaurant at 1520 C
street be stabbed the girl when she
refused his pleas to go to Portland
with him. The girl Is hovering between
life and death in a hospital.
Jacksonville Man Honored.
XEW YORK. Oct. 21. (Special.)
George H. Merrlt. formerly a. resident
of Jacksonville, Or., and a graduate of
the University of Oregon, has recently
been promoted director of education
of the Boy Scoots of America.
Try This! Doubles Beauty of
Your Hair and Stops It
Falling Out.
Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy,
abundant and appears as soft, lustrous
and beautiful as a young girl's after
a "Danderine hair cleanse." Just try
this moisten a cloth with a little
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
scrand at a time. This will cleanse the
hair, of dust, diij . and. excessive oil
and in Just a few moments you have
doubled the beauty of your hair.
Besides beautifying the hair at once.
Danderine dissolves every particle of
dandruff: cleanses, purifies and invig
orates the scalp, forever stopping itch
ing and falling hair.
But what will please you most will
be after a few weeks' use when you
will actually see new hair fine and
downy at first yes but really new
hair growing all over the scalp. If
you care for pretty, soft hair and lots
of it surely get a 25-cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderine from any drug
gist or toilet counter, and Just try it
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