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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1914)
12 TTTE MCVRNTXO OREGOXTATf THURSDAY", OCTOBim 23. 1914. A CHARMING and delightful tea given yesterday afternoon by, Mrs. C. W. Sherman called forth a. large assemblage of smartly gowned women during the hours of 4 to 6 o'clock. A charming decorative scheme was developed in the drawing-room, with quantities of chrysanthemums in shades of pink deepening into dark red.. The attractive tea table was adorned with a clever arrangement of Madame Aaron Ward roses and dainty ferns, and was presided over by Mrs. James . Hart, .Mrs. Merritt L. Hol brook, Mrs. M. A. M. Ashley and Mrs. Sanderson Reed. Mrs. William C Knighton, a popular matron of Salem,: who is visiting Mrs. Sherman, and Mrs. I Samuel S. Montague assisted in the drawing-room. Fascinating and dainty little Polly Sherman assisted her mother in receiving the guests. Mrs. Oilbert Durham was stationed at the punchbowl, and the hostess was fur ther assisted about the dining-room by Mrs. Andrew D. Norris, Miss Katherine Hart, Miss Rhoda Rumelin, Miss Kath erine Holbrook and Miss Helen Har mon. Many Portland matrons and maids will motor to Vancouver Barracks to . morrow afternoon to attend the tea for which Mrs. Adrian S. Fleming will be hostess. It is to be a large and' elab orate affair. Mrs. Charles T. "Whitney has issued Invitations for an at-home for Friday afternoon, October 30, from 3 until 5 o'clock, at Alexandra Court. Mrs. May Catherine Beaver has re turned after visiting five weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Woods, of Amity, and Miss Jennie Hartman, of Scotts Mills. She also passed several days at Wilhoit Springs. - ' . The children of the Church of the Good Shepherd, under the auspices of the Chancel Guild, will present a dra matized version of "Snow-White and the Seven Dwarfs" and "Little Red Rid ing Hood" on Wednesday evening, Oc tober 28. at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Graham and Vancouver ave nues. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Webber left for San Francisco last night. They will close their present tour in Salt Lake and will return to Portland about De cember 1. Clan Macleay, Order of Scottish Clans, and Ladies' Auxiliary will give a Hal loween concert and dance in Knights of Pythias Hall, October 30, in aid of Red Cross funds. Mr: and Mrs. Glenn Foulkes were hosts for a charming dinner party Mon day evening in the Arcadian Gardens of the Multnomah Hotel, preceding the Monday Musical Club reception in the royal suite of the hotel. Their guests were Miss Bessie Ricketts and Mrs. Ida Foster. Mrs. Foulkes is the new audi tor of the club. Congratulations are being showered upon Mr. and Mrs. Ewart B. J. Cound upon the birth of a son on October 14. He has been named Donald Swart Willmott. ... Mrs. H. M. Cake, of Portland, is at the Wolcott Hotel, in New York City. Paul Henry Cochran, oldest son of Blr. and Mrs. T. H. Cochran, and a member of the firm of Cochran-Nut-ting Company, and its treasurer, and Miss Gladys Irene Garvin, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Garvin, were married Tuesday at 2 P. M. at 904 Worth Central avenue, St. Johns, by Rev. G. W. Nelson. The young couple, after passing a couple of weeks at Seat tle and other Puget Sound points, will make their home on South Jersey street, St. Johns. Val Knauf, of Prescott, Columbia County, and Mrs. Rufina P. Reece, of St. Johns, were married at 700 Mo hawk Btreet, Monday evening, October 19, Rev. G. W. Nelson officiating. Mr. Knauf is with the Beaver Lumber Com pany, at Prescott. A feature of the Catholic Woman's League benefit at the old Heilig The ater by the Baker Players Monday night will be the vocal selections by Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed, accompanied by Miss Mamie Helen Flynn. . Miss Kda Hirsch entertained last night with a charming theater party at the Baker Theater in honor of Miss Anna Liebenthal, of San Francisco, who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sanford P. Lowengart. After the performance, supper and dancing at the Hotel Ben son rounded out a delightful evening. . Miss Marguerite Palitisch has cards out for an elaborate card party in honor of Miss Alma Enke, a popular bride elect, for October 27. The Inside-Out Club will give a hard times party tonight at Linnea Hall, unique features being arranged as sur prises for the guests. The patronesses and committee are as follows: Mrs. A. K. Butterfield. Mrs. P. Douglas, Mrs. 1 Figgins, Mrs. J. Carnathan; Miss Jeanette Pounstone. Miss Verna Carna than, Miss Alice Greene, Miss Ethel Clarke, Miss Geravera Fleming, Miss Hazel Waggener, Miss Nydyne Baker, Albert Bell, Frank Strahan, George Butterfield, Peter Barber, Emmet Doug las, Maynard Harris. Mrs. F. Wyden and daughter. Hazel, left last night for Hood River and wilj remain until the latter part of the month. a The women of the Holy Redeemer ,PariEh will entertain their friends this t afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock in th - church hall, Williams avenue and Port-i land boulevard. Cards will be the di version of the afternoon. SMART EVENING WRAP SUITABLE FOR OPERA OR DANCE. m VZ ' v NX 11 J f u 1 J 1 "5 K - -s Six V, C2 rx n 'r Jwmertf Cubf THE Coterie held an interesting meeting in. the Hotel Benson yes terday morning. Mrs. G. H. Husted read a paper on the "Boy aoid Girl Problem and music was provided by Mrs. A. B- Davis and Mrs. E. E. Coov- ert. Judge Gatens spoke on the Juvenile Court and some features re lating to its work. In part he said: The State Federation of Women's Clubs recently adopted a report ursine that the Judge of the Juvenile Court should have no authority, after having committed, a child to an institution, to revoke such com mitment. Their recsons for taking such power from the Judge are as follows: 'Tho child Is never taken from its par ents unless the parents are found delin quent; the child la placed in a rood home; h.e learns to love his parents and they to love him; after a time the parents turn over a new leaf and appeal to the Judge to revoke the commitment; new ties are broken and the whole tenor of his life Is disturbed. . This looks good in print and seems rea sonable. Just on the face of it. However, the Juvenile Court records prove this state ment to be untrue. The larger percentage of children are sent to institutions because of dependency rather than delinquency. These parents are good and love their children, but are unable to care for them because of poverty, or because of the death of the father or the mother. Perhaps it is the father, who, on account of the mother's death, is temporarily unable to jroperly care tor nis iovea ones, out wnen tie nas Bet tered his condition, by marriage or other means, should he not regain possession of his child? Not if the heads t some in stitutions have their way. When a child is permanently committed to such an Institution and given out for adoption, it Is forever lost sight of by its parents, brothers and sisters and all blood relations. Let me cite an instance. About four years ago a woman of the underworld, liv ing in the North End of this city, was before the Juvenile Court flffhtinsr for her child. She had placed the child in a good raraiiy and was paying lor its Keeping. n was suggested that the court take her child from her permanently. When the mother came before me she said if I would not take the child away from her she would turn over a new leaf, would leave such a life and would devote the res of her life to her child. That woman did leave the North End to make an honorable living and today Is married and living a respectable life. The thought of losing her child for ever was the means of causing her to re form. Judge Gatens then cited other in stances and explained the findings of the Hotchkiss committee in Chicago. He concluded with a short talk on the status of illegitimate children, saying: I believe the law which requires that the woman bear the burden of all the disgrace Is unjust from every point of view. In the first place, it recognizes the double standard of morality; thon, again. It does not equal ize the burden of responsibility. In many European countries there are laws for the protection of Illegitimate chil dren, with a view of giving them a fair chance in lif9 and to legalize it. What we need in Oregon is a law to compel the fathers of Illegitimate children to do their part toward securing the fu ture of such children. I would suggest a law to compel marriage, and where the man refuses, the court to declare them hus band and wife, and by the same decree grant the woman a divorce he to pay some thing toward the support of the child, thus legalizing It. Why should the father escape all respon slMlity? The various women's oYganizations in the state should see that ome law is enacted to protect the illegitimate child, so as to remove, as far as possible, the many ob stacles now thrown in Its way by many people ... Sunnyslde Parent-Teacher Associa tion will s:lve a reception tomorrow night at S o'clock in compliment to Principal Curtis, tne teacners anu i- trnnn of the school. Refreshments will be served. The programme will include an address by Superintendent Alderman; reading. Misa Rllzabeth Eugenia Woodbury; ad dress, E. D. Curtis; violin solo. Miss Katherine Davis, and address, Mrs. R. E. Bondurant. ... A number of prominent clubwomen. social service workers and society peo nle are Interested in a card party which will be given ptovemner in me crjami dining-room of the Hotel Benson. The afternoon has been arranged by a com mittee of which Mrs. R. B. Bondurant is chairman. The funds derived will be used to purchase shoes and clothing for the poor. Those who are lending patronage to the venture are Mesdames McKinley Mitchell. W. B. Ware, Martin u-n.r v P. Waring. J. W. Toft, Frank Menefee, B. F Weaver, C. L. Boss, J. C. Costello, H. O. Tenny, C J. Whetler, William Fiebis. C. F. Jones A. M. Webster. Robert Clark, Alva Lee Stephens, William Gadsby, J. C. Hare. C S. Huntington. C. W. Hayhurst, W. W. McCredie, r. G. Tomasini, E. R. Plt- tlekau and others. Former Employe of Booth Tells of Benefactions. liiiKoIlrlted Testimonial Relates of Acta of Charity by Senatorial Nominee and Mrs. Booth. Beloved by Ensene Townspeople. gonian unsolicited from a grateful woman, now of Portland: "I have read that some persons ob ject to Senator Booth's nomination for United States Senator on the ground that he is not a friend of the laboring man. I beg to differ with them. I have been situated so that I could see Mr. Booth's life In his home as a husband, father, son and brother. Never was there or will there be a more con scientious man in hia true love and de votion. "And about his men who work for him. I have been in his camps, my husband working under him, as well as myself. Perhaps none of us received as much wages as we wanted, but we felt Mr. Booth was paying us as well as any one else was paying for similar work. 'I have known him to help widows and orphans, and you never read a big write-up about it, 'either. He did it from his inmost heart. I was a widow myself years ago, and he and his. wife, whom he always confides in. came to me and said: 'If ever you are in real want, let us know. If you can not educate your boy, we will, if you only ask us.' 'So at one time I needed $50. I wrote them and received it by return mail, and they never expected any favors in return. It came from their big, gen erous hearts. They never let their left hand know what their right hand doeth in helping destitute people who are worthy. "I sincerely believe Robert Booth never bought any timber land In any way only that he thought was right. and as any other man would have done if he had had the same chance. This land, the- way I understand it, was seemingly of value only for timber, and the timber was of no use to the people who took it up, as they could not go to the expense of hauling the logs to the mills. So consequently they sold the land to the Booth-Ivelly Lumber Company. I am sure Mr. Booth will be the workingman's friend and work for nis interest. MRS. A. F. L." BOOTH CHILDREN'S FRIEND Candidate for Senate Pledged to Protect Them and Aid Schools. "In our children we have our great est asset and our highest hopes," says the platform of Robert A. Booth, Re publican nominee for the United States Senate. "To them we pledge unfaiter ing Interest and generous action for their protection and education. One of the chief characteristics of Mr. Booth's life is his interest in the welfare of children. Throughout his private and public career he has done much to provide modern education for the boys and girls. Tears before he became a candidate for Senator he was a liberal contributor to various schools and universities in the state, and has assisted scores of students, in a finan ctal way, to complete their collegw training. He has taken an advanced stand against child labor as it is practiced in many of the Southern states. In re peated utterances he has pledged his conduct, if he is elected to the Senate, in the inteerst of the home. In this connection he has assumed a determined attitude in favor of better schools, better roads and a better sys tern of rural credits in the agricultural districts, so that children of farmers may have all the opportunities of im proving their conditions as possessed by children living in the cities. IT IS said that Robert A. Booth has never denied a worthy appeal for aid or charity. His life has been so exemplary and his devotion to every duty of citizenship so earnest and sin cere that his tonswpeople of Eugene have risen almost to a man or woman to support his candidacy for United States Senator. The following testimonial, telling of one benefaction, has come to The- Ore- PHOSPHOROUS GAME LIKELY Y. I. C- A. Planning Xew Stunts on Old-Fasbioned Halloween. Plans are progressing at the Y. M. C A. for the Halloween social that the physical department of the association has planned for the night of October 3. Many of the features of the celebra tion will be the old-fashioned "stunts' that characterized the parties of the grandfather, although the department has many new games and sports in mind that it will offer at the last min ute as a surprise. Among these prob ably will be a phosphorous basketball 1 Same played in the dark with only announces Qne (Jpenincj o vsijf-y rew ls nop oAursday, ricay ScJaunay Yon are invited to inspect a collection of wear ing apparel that we believe will not only delight you from a standpoint of style distinction, quality and variety of fabric, but also an inde scribable refinement of detail which character--izes the stock throughout. Gowns Suits Wraps, Coats Blouses. and 3Ii11inery for all occasions, embracing practically every mode'of the moment, many from models by the following noted artists: . Premet Uoucet Cheruit Doui11etGeorgett Callot Lanvin, Louise Reboux In calling your attention to the superb char acter of merchandise always to be found in this shop, we desire also to emphasize our policy of pricing it at figures to meet the ap proval of the most careful buyers. &ortfand the radiant ball and gleaming gloves showing in the blackness of the gymnasium. ADMEN HEAR APPLE TALKS Winners of O.-W. R. & X. Cooking Contest Are Honor Guests. The apple industry of the Northwest in its every phase was described and explained to the members of the Ad Club at their luncheon at the Port land Hotel yesterday by A. P. Bateham, vice-president of the Northwest Fruit Exchange, and "Wilmer Sieg. manager of the North Pacific Fruit Distributors. W. S. Kirkpatrick was chairman. It was proposed to encourage the use of an Oregon brand on every box of apples that goes out of the state. William McMurray, of the O.-W. R. & N., introduced to the club as guests of honor the five winners of the apple cookery contest held in the Yeon build ing Tuesday. Some of the dainties displayed in the contest were exhibited on the tables. CITY'S TITLE IS CLOUDED Withholding of $1000 on Detention Home Site Recommended. Owing to a slight cloud In the title of a tract of 31 acres near the Mult nomah County farm which has been purchased by the city from H. C. Campbell as a site for the proposed detention home for women. City At torney LaRoche recommended to the City Commission yesterday that $1000 be withheld from the.purcnase price or $8000 as security -for the clearing of the title. The cloud consists of an interest of $350 which a young woman in the East is said to have in the ground by reason of a will of a former owner. It is said by City Attorney LaRoche that this can be cleared up easily and that the city's interests will be properly sale guarded by retaining $1000. FOREST RANGER TESTS ON Eight Contestants Enter Field Ex aminations at City Park. The field examination of the con testants for the positions of forest rangers were held at Washington Park, Tuesday. The examination consisted of oacking horses, stepping oir land, com pass work and grass and tree identifi cation. The written examinations were held Monday. The candidates for the positions are: Albert Wiesendanger. T. R. Littlefield, C. I. Negley, C. R. MnCabe, J. D. Cronan, J. A. Black and E. R. Robert son, of Portland, and William Wilson, of Clackamas County. The results will not be announced till next Spring. ARMY W0RKER DUE HERE Brigadier Mary Stillwell to Speak Tonight, During Annual Visit. Mrs. Mary Stillwell, brigadier of the Salvation Army, rescue secretary, will arrive in Portland today and will make her headquarters at the Rescue Home, 392 East Fifteenth street North. She wiU speak tonight at First and Salmon streets. She. will address the girls of the home Friday night. This is Brigadier Stillwell's annual visit to Portland. She comes from Chicago and recently has been in San Francisco. Social service workers will find her talk particularly helpful. H. W. Allen, of St. Johns, Is Dead. ST. JOHNS. Or, Oct. 21. (Special.) Henry W. Allen died yesterday morn ing at St. Vincent's Hospital, where he had been for the past two months. He was born in Iowa City, Iowa, March 28, 1867, and had lived in St. Johns for the past 10 years. One brother, O. W. Allen, of St. Johns, survives him. He was a member of Laurel Lodge No. 186, Independent Order of Oddfellows, of St. Johns, and the Golden Rule En campment, of Portland. The body will be sent to Warren, Or., tomorrow, where the funeral will be held Friday under the auspices of the Oddfellows. SALEM TO AID BAND TOUR Benefit Concert Will Raise Funds for Portland Folic Party. Salem will aid the Portland Police Band tour fund by staging a concert for the benefit of the "Buy Tour Ticket Via Oregon 1915" campaign in that city in the near future, according to offers made by Ralph B. Moores, of the Salem Commercial Club, to W. F. Spencer, manager of the Portland Po lice Band, yesterday. The Police Band will- give Halloween dance, at Cotillion Hall, fourteentn and stark streets, on Fri day, October 30. Police officers have been provided with tickets to give to residents along their beats, which will entitle the holder to a 25-cent reduc tion in the admission to the ball. SEWER WORK BIDS ARE IN Five Offers on Mount Scott Con struction AVork Are Made. Bids for the construction of the Long avenue and Forty-fifth avenue. South east, sewer system, a large system of sewers draining a part of fount Scott SAYS COFFEE DRINKERS HAVE REAL DRUG HABI Physician Declares Food Value la Kill and People L'se It Only for Stimulation. "That's a good Soup ad!" "Yes; and a good soup, too. And I find there are no end of good ways to use it- And that is one most gratifying fact about Campbell's Tomato Soup It is not only the ideal soup-course when prepared simply with hot water or milk; but used in condensed form just as you receive it in the cart it makes a most delicious sea soning for many other simple dishes, and adds greatly to their wholesomeness and flavor. Are yoa one of the clever house-wives who have discov ered this helpful fact; and does your table get the full benefit of this perfect soup? Your money back if not satis-Hed. 21 kinds 10c a can :(2I KINDS JiUHpsaiC LOOK FOR THE RED-AND-WHITE LABEL Ladies 1 -' !-v;ir ... -a Be sure to tell your neighbor about The OREGONI AN Home Economics School in Eleventh-Street Playhouse, corner Eleventh and Morrison Streets, this afternoon and tomorrow. See programme on Page 9, this issue. district, were received yesterday by the City Commission. The bids follow: sewer pipe, $13.tt4.i3 : John Keating, vitri- MAN, UNARMED, SLAYS LION Frank Hatcher, of Curry County, by Dog's Aid Knifes Animal. MARSHFIEID, Or., Oct. 21. (Spe cial.) Frank Hatcher, of Lobster Creek, Curry County, armed with only a pocket-knife, successfully fought an enraged mountain lion. hile hunting his hogs In the woods. Hatcher and Lawrence Miller encountered the ani mal, and Miller returned to the house to obtain a rifle. During his absence the lion, which had been treed, jumped to the ground and climbed another tree, but fell to the ground. The animal advanced on Mr. Hatcher, the dog nipped him. The lion's atten tion was directed to the dog, and Hatcher struck the lion with a club, which dazed the lion. Hatcher then killed the animal with his knife. DEPUTY AND GIRL HELD F. A. Batchler, of Union County, and Companion Arraigned. LA GRANDE, Or.. Oct. 21. (Special.) F. A. Batchler. Union County Deputy Sheriff, and Esther Snider, 19-year-old girl, who were arrested in Pendleton last Saturday and later brought to this city for trial, were arraigned this aft ernoon before Justice of the Peace Williams on a statutory charge and were bound over to the grand jury under $150 bail each. They are out on bail. . Mrs. Batchler. wife of the deputy, has not filed any charges against her husband. That many people are slaves to tea and coffee appears from a statement of Dr. C. J. Douglass, of Dorchester, Mass. "They do not distinguish the dif ference between drugs and food in their effect on the system. "There is no substitute for an en slaving drug. When the effect of one dose has worn off, another dose of the same drug must be taken or discomfort follows, but if nutrition Is wanted, a hundred different foods will supply the demand with equally satisfactory re sults. "Tea and coffee are never taken be cause of any small nutritive element they may contain. Some drink them in small quantities merely because the taste is agreeable, or to wash down solid food. "On the other hand, if a sufficient quantity is habitually taken, so that when they are discontinued uncomfort able symptoms follow, then it is evi dent that a drug habit has been 'formed. "If, for example, a person habitually drinks so much coffee for breakfast that on omitting it he 'misses some thing during the forenoon, he may be set down as an excessive coffee drinker. He is relying on the stimulation of the drug,' caffeine, and the daily use of any drug for such a purpose is injurious." NOTE The food - drink INSTANT POST 1 31 vrhile much reembltnjr the higher jcradea of Jt coffee la flavor and appearance tm absolntrly free from the coffee dntRi 'caffeine and tannin' or any other harmful Inirredlcnt, Recent decrease in coffee aalea In very general ly attributed to the growing American rutotn of nulnsr Pontnm an a table bev erage Instead of coffee. Adv. Portland's Only Licensed Kryptok Manufacturers KRYPTOK LENSES are protect ed by letters patent, and the right to fuse them according to the protected formula is granted to but two optical stores in the "West. The Columbia Optical Co. is the only establishment so privileged in the State of Oregon. Kryptoks are far and near lenses with invisible unions any lens re placed or any prescription accurate ly filled in an hour. Columbian Optical Co. Floyd Brower, "Mpr. 145 Sixth Street. Bet. Alder and Morrison l ' li '