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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1914)
TTIE 3IORNTXO OREGONIAN. THTJRSDAT, OCTOBER 22, 1914. 11 CT1Y NEWS IN BRIEF OBEGOIflAIf TELEPHOXES. " Managing Editor Main 7070. A 60!)5 City Editor Main 7070. A 60'.3 Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 6005 Advertising Department. ..Main 7070, A 60U5 City Circulation Main 770, A 60.(5 Companing-room ........ .Main 7070, A 6095 Printing-room . . Main 7070, A 6CM5 Superintendent Buiiding. ..Main 7070, A. 6095 AMCSEMEXTS. HEILIG THEATER (Broadway, at Taylor) The spectacular melodrama, "The "Whip." Tonight at 8 o'clock. BAKER Baker Players in "Broadway Jones." Tonight at S:l& o'clock. I.YR1C (Fourth and Stark) Musical com edy, "When Hubby Came Home," this af ternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 7:30 and 8:10. Vaudeville. PAXTAOES (Broadway and Aldert Per formances 2:15, 7:30 and 8:30 P. M- MARCUS LOEW EMPRESS (Broadway and Yamhill) Continuous from 1:30 to 11. Moving Picture Theaters. PEOPLE'S West Park and Alder. MAJESTIC Park and Washington. COLUMBIA Sixth, near Washington. GLOBE: Eleventh and Washington. NEW STAR Park and Washington. OAKS RINK Roller skating. Special attractions. Church Festival Begins Todat. Arrangements have been completed for the seventh anniversary festival in honor of the founding of the Holy Redeemer parish on Vancouver avenue and Dekum avenue. Piedmont, which will open today and continue till Sat urday night. The hall has been attrac tively decorated. Booths have been erected and a "country store" will cater to the necessities of the public An oyster supper will be served to morrow night. The committee in charge consists of Mrs. P." E. Sullivan, Mrs. F. X. LeDoui, Mrs. IX O'Sullivan, Mrs. Terry, Mrs. Littlejohn, Mrs. Hogan, Mrs. Leader, Mrs. Norman, Mrs. Hubach, Mrs. King. Mrs. McNabb, Mrs. Sauvle, Mrs. McGinn. Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Clarke, Miss Julia Moore and Miss lone Wilson. l(PBOVEMBNT DISCONTINUANCE DENIED. On the strength of assertions of William A. Marshall to the effect that signatures on. a remon strance against the paving of East Thirtieth street from Alberta street to Ainsworth avenue are not all genuine and were secured by misrepresenta tion, the City Commission withheld tl. discontinuance of proceedings for tlft improvement, as asked in the remon strance. In a communication from Mr. Marshall read before the Council it was asserted that some of the names were not signed by the actual per sons, having been signed by others. The matter was referred to Commis sioner Dieck. for investigation. Funesal of Mrs. D. Cason Is Todat. The funeral services of Mrs. Delilah Cason, who died Tuesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. D. Hurlbut, will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home of Mrs. H. P. Le, daughter of Mrs. Cason. The inter ment will be made in Lono Fir Ceme tery. Mrs. Cason was a pioneer of 1853, and was 87 years and 7 months old. 2She is survived by nve children, Mrs. W. D. Hurlbut, Mrs. H. P. Lee, Mrs. Virginia Moir. Mrs. Edith V. Moir and Charles F. Cason. Rev. Thomas W. Lane, of Centenary Church, will officiate, assisted by Rev. E. S. Bol linger, of the Highland Congregational Church. Penitentiary Guard "Wanted. The United States Civil Service Commis sion announces that an examination will be held in Portland on November 18, to fill a vacancy in the position of guard. United States Penitentiary, McNeil Island, Wash., salary $840 a year. Applicants must be between 21 and 60 years of age, must be not less than ' 5 feet 8 inches high, and must weigh not less than 145 pounds. Complete information and application blanks may be obtained from T. V. Hutchins, local secretary, Postoffice building. Portland, Or. Grand-Avenub Bridge Contract Let. A contract was awarded by the" City Commission yesterday to Jeffrey & Bufton for the repairing of the deck of the Grand-avenue bridge over Sul livan's Gulch. The contract amounts to $7990. The deck of the bridge is in bad condition, several sections of the decking having dropped out. Re pairs will amount to about $10,000 in cluding the steel work, which was damaged in part by a fill under the bridge by the North Bank Railroad. The railroad company has agreed to stand its share of the cost. Firefighter's Widow to Get Salary. As compensation for the death of her husband, who was killed while fighting a forest fire near the Wenatchee Na tional forest last Summer, Mrs. Mary T. Bell, widow of Wilfred Bell, of Leavenworth, Wash., will receive her husband's salary from the Forestry Department for one year. The sum will amount to $1085. Wilfred Bell was killed by a falling tree on Au gust 12, 1912. The announcement to this effect was received by the local Forest Service yesterday. Y. M. C. A. School, Work Recognized. Students in the freshman year of the University of Oregon medical department may make up conditions In rhysics and biology in the Y. M. C. A, classes, according to announcement by R. C. French, educational work secre tary of the Y. M. C. A., yesterday. This is the result of an arrangement with the faculty of the university. A new physics class has been organized at the Y M. C. A. under the leader ship of N. D. Blair, Oresham High School Site Offered. The Gresham school district No. 4 voted at the special election to donate the site purchased in Cleveland's Addi tion last Spring to the proposed union high school. The site comprises five acres and is near the center of the district. Nine districts are interested and will vote on the question in De cember. If favorable the union school board will be organized and the build ing erected by next Fall. Bar Association to Discuss Measures. Further action will be taken by the Multnomah County Bar Association at a regular meeting next Tuesday night in making recommendations on const! tutional amendments and other measures to be voted upon at the coming election. President Boothe desires a full attendance and post cards will be sent to members advising mem of the coming -meeting. Varsity Coilkction to Bb Studied. A collection of Oregon birds and animals belonging to the University oi Oregon will be brought to Portalnd soon and displayed ' in the Portland schools in connection with nature study work. The pupils In that depart ment will learn the names from the specimens- and in the Spring will do field work in the study of the same specimens rrom life. in the suit to recover damages. uasoune Burns Woman. While cleaning a dress with gasoline near ine Kiicnen stove In her residence 1597 Sandy boulevard, yesterday. Mrs. A. R. was sugnuy burned and sev eral hundred dollars' worth of dam age was done to the residence when me gasoline exploded. Autoist Fined $20. H. A. Ward .07 Salmon street, was flnwri n n Municipal Court yesterday after being passing a streetcar on Jenerson street, which was discharg ing passengers. wards automobile struck Mrs. Addie Hanson while she AtisuLiug irum me car. Land Show Patronesses Mef-t Twrrt day. The meeting of the patronesses of the Manufacturer's and Land Products Show has been changed to Thursday afternoon at 3:30 at the nucei Aiuitnoaian, It Looks Likb Higgs. Paid by Hlggs ooosier liuu uy r runes DTye. sec 291 Yes, this is a Prohibition year, party wen as amendment. Adv. Policeman Defendant in Suit. ! That Strangler Smith, formey a pro fessional wrestler, used undue xorce and caused injuries in effecting his arrest is the basis for a suit for $2000 damages brought against the Strangler, otherwise known as Charles Backsy, and the National Surety Company, by Orville S. Babcock, which went to trial yesterday before Judge Gatens. It is alleged that the defendant, a member of the harbor police patrol, arrested the plaintiff a year ago last April. The officer's bondsmen are named Gresham Woman Dies in Michigan. Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Brown at Battle Creek, Mich., October 17, of heart trouble. Mrs. Brown was an old resident of Eastern Multnomah County on the Fancher farm .near Gresham. Mrs. Brown is survived by a son, G. C. Fancher, of Troutdale, and two daugh ters, Mrs. Cora Hornecker, of Gresham, and Mrs. Luna McConnell, of Bowens, Kan. Y. M. C. A. Ribbon Contest On. The ribbon athletic contest, consisting of a series of competitive athletic events among the junior members of the Y. M. C. A., will open in the near future. Seven indoor meets probably will be held before the final contest next March. Three ribbons will be awarded to the winners of each preliminary contest- Only ribbon winners will be allowed to enter the final contest, for which medals will be given as prizes. Lew Torbett Starts Lira Term. Deputy Sheriff Otto H. Kulper took Lew Torbett to Salem yesterday, where he will begin to serve""his life sentence at the Penitentiary for murder la the second degree of which he was con victed two years ago. Torbett slew his sweetheart's mother. An appeal to the Supreme Court resulted In the sen tence of the lower court being affirmed. Railway Head to Address Board. Franklin T. Griffith, president of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, will address the Portland Realty Board at its weekly luncheon in the rooms of the Commercial Club to morrow on "Co-operation." Fred A. Jacobs will preside and a quartet from the Pantages Theater will provide music. East Alder-Street Sewer Planned. Plans have been prepared for a trunk sewer on East Alder street, from 133 feet west of East Second street to the Willamette River at an estimated cost of $20,582. The district to be assessed is practically the same as was as sessed for the Sunnyide sewer, which was built about 20 years ago. "The New Literature" Topic. "The New Literature" will be the sub ject of Dr. Charles H. Chapman's lecture tonight in Library HalL This is the fourth of his series on current history, given under the auspices of the Oregon Civic League. Mrs. F. S. Myers will act as chairman. The meet ing will be public. Teachers "to Meet Saturday. The teachers of the ungraded rooms in the public schools will meet at 10 o'clock Saturday morning in the room of the School Board in the Courthouse. "Ex ceptional Children" will bo the topic for discussion. The teachers of science will meet October 31 and teachers of history November 7. Church to Hold Benefit. For the benefit of the church organ fund a concert will be given tomorrow night in the Immanuel Lutheran Church, Nineteenth and Irving streets. A num ber of leading members of the local musical set have donated their serv ices for the event. Troutdale Local Option Election Set. A local option election will be held In Troutdale November 3. Peti tions for this election were filed by the dry advocates of that place. None will be held in Gresham before 1915. Haslet Rally Friday evening at 8 o'clock, Scandinavian Hall. Adv. SHOW CLUB NIGHT SET ALL EAST SIDE RESIDENTS HOLD OCTOBER. 27. Keep Date to See Land Products Exht- hlbttion Is Plea of Business Men's) Club Prizes to Be Given. All East Side residents who attend the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show next Tuesday flight and wear a numbered badge of the East Side Busi ness Men's Club 'will have a chance to secure a $20 gold piece, according to the programme that is being worked out. The club, with the Portland Retail Association, has been assigned Tuesday ght at the show, and will make a special effort to secure the attendance of East Side people on that night. At a meeting of the committee of ar rangement yesterday, composed of Dan Kellaber, L. M. Lepper, Wilson Bene fiel, H. H. Haynes and H. A. Calef, it was decided to invite by postal cards all East Side residents to set aside the night of October 27 to attend the show. "The Manufacturers' and Land Prod ucts Show," said Chairman Kellaher, 'deserves all the support and encour agement we can give. The East Side Business Men s Club and the Mer chants' - Retail Association have been given Tuesday night, and it Is up to this club and the people of the East Side to turn out on that night. It is worth while. The Manufacturers' As sociation has spent a lot of money for this show, and we should do our part and show our appreciation." Assistant Secretary Hall was in structed to send out several hundred special invitations to members, their families and their friends to attend the show on October 27. All the badges worn will be num bered and the lucky number will draw a $20 gold piece. The Veteran Drum Corps will be engaged to furnish mu sic for the march at the show just be fore the $20 is drawn. BOARD TO J)0N OVERALLS Oregon City Merchants to Fill Up Holes Along Main Street. - OREGON CITY, Or., Oct. 21 (Spe cial.) In an effort to patch up tem porarily some of the perilous shoals along Main street, the Oregon City Board of Trade will spend Thursday working on the street. The merchants will don overalls and sweet dispositions and arm themselves with shovels and picks. At the sound of the firebell, to be rung at 8 A. M., the fun will start. The repairs will render the street safe until next Spring, when new pave ment is to be put down. The action la taken because the Council is just now powerless to act, as charter provisions require a lapse of 90 days following the filing of a remonstrance before im provements can be ordered. MEN'S RAINCOATS. Stylish, durable, serviceable; sold to you direct; no jobber's profit, conse quently no middle-man's profit; last, but not least, no high ground-floor rent profit. Priced at $12.75 and $14.75. Jimmy Dunn, Oregonian bldg 3d floor. Adv. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness, sympathy and beau tiful floral offerings during our be reavement and loss of wife and mother. J. O. BERG. Adv. VERDI BERG AND WIFE. FLYING SQUADRON DUE three: divisions start Oregon prohibition work tomorrow. Portland, Salem and Roaebarg to Be Scene of First Efforts Rose City Rink Seating Rtunifci A series of prohibition meetings in Portland, Salem and Roseburg- will be started tomorrow by the Flying Squadron of America. They will con tinue for three days, each of the three groups into which the squadron Is divided passing a day in each city. In Portland, the meetings will be held In the Rose City skating rink. East First and East Morrison streets. By rearranging the floor space it is believed that 2000 persons can be ac commodated at each 'meeting. With the first section of the squadron, which will be here Friday, are Dr. Daniel A. Poling, a former Portland man who now resides in Bos ton, Mass., and Dr. Clarence True Wil son, once a Portland resident, secre tary of the temperance society of the iletnodlst Church. Rev. Mr. Poling is associate president of the United Society of . Christian Endeavor. He acts as secretary of the squadron. Dr. Wilbur F. Sheridan, of Chicago, gen eral secretary of the Epworth Leagues or America; E. o. Excell. of Chicago, musical director, and A. W. Roper, of w inona Lake, lnd., also are with the first group. In the second group, which will reach Portland Saturday, are: Clinton N. Howard, of Rochester, N. Y.. orator and lecturer; Mrs. Culla J. Vaghinger, or upland, lnd.; Charles M. Scanlon, of Pittsburg, Pa.; Everett R. Naftzger. Indianapolis, lnd.; Hugh Porter, Marion, ind., and Miss Laura Shawe, of Dan ville, IlL The third party will lecture In Port land Saturday. The members are: J. Frank Hanley Indianapolis. Ind.: Oliver W. Stewart, Chicago; Dr. Ira Landrith, Nashville, Tenn.; John B. Lewis, Boston; Fredrick Butler, Yonkers, N. Y.; Mrs. Butler and Miss Vera Mullin, of Winchester, Ind. DISEASE CARRIER FOUND Milwaniie Girl Said to Bear Germs of Diphtheria to Others. OREGON CITY. Or.. Oct. 21. (Spe cial.) What is medically known aw a carrier" has been discovered by tne State Board of Health in the Milwaukie diphtheria epidemic, and it is believed that the spread of the disease can now be successfully combatted. County Health Officer Van Brakle said today that a Milwaukie youngster has been carrying the disease germs in her throat, and, .JthouRh without symptoms of the malady herself, has conveyed the disease to -other chil dren. Because two families afflicted with the disease have been found dis obeying the quarantine restrictions. Dr. Van Brakle has appointed Dr. W. R Taylor a special deputy and T. W. Kelly as a special guard. LINN HAS 10,756 VOTERS Republicans Outnumber Democrats by 50 Per Cent. ALBANY, Or., Oct. 21. (Special.) With 10,756 voters registered when the books closed for the general election, Linn County has by far the largest registration in its history. Women registered rapidly during the past two weeks and this made a net gain In the county's total registration since the primaries of 2364. Republicans outnumber Democrats by 1767, the number registered in each party being: Republican, 6241; Dem ocratic, S474; Prohibition. 95; Progres sive, 111; Socialist, 345; Independent. 573; refused to state political affilia tions, 41; miscellaneous. 15. CARD OF THANKS. I wish to thank my friends for their kindness to me during the illness and death of my wife. Louise Bente, and also for the many beautiful floral tributes. Adv. FRITZ BENTE. CHICAGO, Oct. 21,, (Special.) The following from Portland. Or., are rear lstered at Chicago hotels: Congress. M. C. Koesher; Great Northern. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lei Kh ton. a reel playhouse Park Stark West Park Opening Date Will Be Positively An nounced Soon. Fellow Citizens; SOMEONE SAID IT CAN'T BE DONE. . 'TWAS SOME JOB I'LL CONFESS, BUT PRESS HOPE TO YOUR BREASTS; 'TIS NOW A REALITY ' ALMOST READY TO OPEN. NO COMMENTS NOW. WAIT 'TIL YOU SEE IT A NEW COMBINATION THAT YOU'LL LIKE; A BIG, BEAUTIFUL, CONVENIENT, COMFORTABLE, PERFECTLY APPOINTED THEATER, AND THE VERY BEST PICTURE SHOWS THAT MONEY CAN BUY SPICED WITH OTHER GOOD ATTRACTIONS. SO ANTICIPATE MUCH; YOU'LL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED IN' THIS REEL PLAYHOUSE AND ITS NEVER-FAILING - REEL SHOWS. Your FREE Book tolling how easy ft I. to euro LIQUOR. BEl'C and TO BACCO habits. Sent sea.lad and unmarked. Mention whlcn. you ars Interested In. WHITE CROSS IN STITUTE, Tit Divll 8t Portland, Or, mm fflli For a Pleasant Trip JIJ I TACOMA or SEATTLE 11- ffl VS. FOUR TRAINS J ' Iff T7TT Day trains three between Portland and Puget Sound, carry parlor cars, high-back eat modem coaches, dining cars; night train has standard and tourist Bleeping ears, , coaches. TO AND FROM ' ABERDEEN-HOQTJIAM Three fine trains each day. RAYMOND, SOUTH BEND, 0LYMPIA Two .trains. Tickets and all information at 255 MORRISON ST. Phones Main 214, A 1244. A. D. CHARLTOM, A. d. P. JL-. Ptn-tlM. Onssa. EXCURSION FARES from all stations to Manufacturers' and Land Products Show. Portland, October 2S-Novembr 14. Northern Pacific Railway Direct and Only Line to Gardiner Gateway. and Northern Yellowstone Park Entrance. YOU HAD BETTER DO YOUR ORDERING HERE. THE GOODS ARE RIGHT AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. We Do a Large Business. NUT CED. "The Store of Quality." L. MAYER & CO. "Portland's Exclusive Handlers of Everything Good to Eat."' 148 Third St. A 4432-Main 9432 Just look over this list of New Goodies and not the prices: Gloucester, Mass., Codfish in 2-lh. boxes, box '. ...60t? New Eastern Chestnuts (for eating), lb - 40 1914 Crop Wild Rice, lb 40 Lady Betty Spiced Water Melon, jar.... 50c Lady Betty "Pleasant Journey Boxes," each $1.65 Ballygreen Dairy Farm Little Pig Pork Sausages in link and meat form; meat 35 lb.; links FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, we offer you these . regular stocked groceries at a slight reduction: New Comb Honey, in full combs, comb 15c C. & B. Kippered Herring, reg. 35c tin, now 25 Kichen Bouquet, reg. 35 c bottle, now 2 bottles for 55 McHlhenny's Tobasco Sauce, reg. 45c bottle, now T..40 New Hawaiian Pineapple, "Hunt's," tin 20 Mayer's O. P. S. Rye or Bourbon, 7-year-old, in full quart bottles, per bottle ..$1.50 IN OUR FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DEPARTMENT: Fresh Raspberries received daily. New fancy Artichokes, 3 for 2o Celery Hearts, Hothouse Tomatoes, Ripe Persimmons and Fresh Figs. Hood River Extra Fancy Apples, per box, 5J1.T5 and $1.50. Ripe, fine Florida Grape Fruit. Pineapples. Tours for Quality." "On the Great Light Way." What is the World's Finest Whiskey? Wli EDAR BROOK, to be mrtT istaT I. That's a question quickly an- Ijtixll swered by those who know 1 155 la good whiskey. And the result ia fPlffl that CEDAR BROOK is the largest J.,P 5 B: 1 selling brand of high grade Kentucky fJ'uf'll whiskey in tne world. If you want Xv?""5" 1L to be certain, say, "CEDAR BROOK, gg'S. to be sure" at An leading Club. Barm, Remtamr- I 'ft ' 1 ants. Hotels, and also at mil tV t leading Dealers rum iii i in" ROTHCHILD Hotel Ca.rlf oo Fourteenth and Washington Streets WANTED CHAIRS TO EECANE. School for the Adult Blind. 11th and Davis. For particulars call J. F. Meyers, Phone Main 543. if . BROS, distributors Rooms, with bath. .$1.50 day Rooms, without bath. $1 day All 'outside rooms, fireproof construction. Special rates for permanent guests. E0SS FTNNEGAN, Mgr. VICTOR BRANDT. Prop. FOOK SANG & CO Z46 fine Street, Portland, Or. those A 3770 CHINESE PIKE J.VDE JKWET.RT. Gold bracelets, signet rlncs. belt buckle in any design, made to order, with nam, or good luclc Chines, character. snKtsvetl thereon. Prices reuonshla Order, prompt ly e&.cuteo ana sent prepaid anrwner. U. b. We are slrliled Chinese Jewelers. MX itt IIUU.NU, MAXAGUt, A Statement BY The Committee The Committee of One Hundred is now engaged in checking np the lists of Portland signers of the "declaration of principles,", appearing as a paid advertisement of the OREGON STATE BREWERS' ASSOCIATION in yesterday morning's Oregonian. We have found many persons who assert their names and those of their firms were signed without authority. Particularly is this the case of the Union Meat Company. There are a number of similar cases. In many instances prominent business men whose names appear in the advertisement assert they never signed any such ridiculous statement as the "declaration of principle." Some say they signed it without reading it, and don't agree with it. anyway. . It is a slow matter to interview all whose names have been used, but the Committee of One Hundred hopes to announce results from day to day. In almost every instance business men who admitted having signed "some statement" declared they did not authorize the public use of their names and certainly are not prepared to be one of those accepting the challenge of the Committee of One Hundred. When the check is completed the Committee of One Hundred will publish the names of 100 of those who are willing for their names to appear, according to the terms of the challenge, which appears below, The challenge was published over a week ago in The Evening Tele gram. - THE CHALLENGE. "The Committee of One Hundred consists of business and professional men and women from all over Oregon. We are making a fight on behalf of a dry Oregon. We have heard a great' deal about what Oregon dry will do for Oregon. While we know business will be far better all over the state, as has been proved in every dry town in Oregon, the wet interests tell us business will be doomed unless we vote for the saloon. They tell us we won't be able to rent our property unless we have the saloon. They tell us thou sands and thousands of men will be out of work unless we have the sa loon, quite regardless of fact that through the saloon more men lose their jobs than through any other half dozen agencies. "They tell us Mr. Roosevelt favors the saloon. Promptly Mr. Roosevelt comes out for a dry state. They tell us President Wilson Is against a dry state. Very promptly indeed, Mr. Wil son denies it. . ihey tell us ijinooin was opposed to prohibition. The facts are that Lincoln was opposed to the liquor traffic in all its forms, not by statements that were never made, but by authentic reports of his speeches. They quote from people far back in history, bo far we have not heard from Julius Caesar and Soc rates. "They tell us business is bad in dry towns. We prove by figures that it is better, far better, and we quote leading merchants to prove our case. "They tell us a lot of things about Kansas which Kansans say are untrue. The same statement applies to Maine. "Now who is. sponsoring these statements'? ."Not the brewers of Portland, for evidently .they are not interested in the campaign sufficiently to sisrn any of the costly ads or expensive posters. The 'Taxpayers and Wage tamers League' fathered some of the above statements. But the 'Taxpayers' and Wage Earners' League' has been shown to consist of two persons, Airs. Duni way and Dr. Talbott, and Dr. Talbott has resigned. Moreover, Mrs. Duni way herself, the president of the 'league,' repudiated the Lincoln state ment and said she did not believe it herself. And as this same 'Taxpay ers' and Wage Earners' League,' of one person is repudiated even by its president for its ofticial utterances, we are compelled to make this an open statement, instead of addressing the league direct. We would like to see the wet statements vouched for by persons of prominence in Oregon, not by leagues that do not exist. "So we challenge the wet interests of Oregon to produce a 'Committee of One Hundred sympathetic supporters who are ready to stand out in the open in support of a wet state, and as soon as the names are furnished we shall publish them in every paper in Portland, parallel with the names of the members of this body, and leave the people to draw their own infer ences. "The members of the Committee of One Hundred are drawn from every rank in life. The payroll alone of the committee, for which its members are directly responsible, runs to over $6,000,000 a year. The members of the committee employ many thousands of men. Now, when they say that business will be improved under a dry state thev are talking about what thev know. "They know that as the Oregon dry amendment does not take eliect till January 1, 1916, there will be more than, a year for readjustment. They know that the choice saloon property will be in quick demand for other lines of business. They know that only 292 persons, including managers and stenographers, are employed in Ore gon breweries, so they wonder why the fact that Oregon will save some thing like $15,000,000 a year from the abolition of the saloon will hurt busi ness. "As a matter of fact, they know that the voting out of the saloon will bring better business, prosperity and good times in very short order after the amendment takes effect. They know that this $15,000,000 will then be available for groceries, real estate and homes, not to speak of other lines of trade. "Knowing all these things, they ask the wet interests to produce the names of 100 reputable Oregonians to back up their statements. Paid Advertisement by the Committee of One Hundred, 743 Morgan Building, Portland, Or. to the , Public of One Hundred A STATEMENT. The Committee of One Hundred asked for the names of 100 Oregonians willing to sponsor the vari ous mis-statements appear ing in the newspapers and on billboards in Portland and throughout the state. The Committee of One Hundred did not ask for a number of Portland taxpay ers who are opposed to the dry movement that would be silly; we know that there are plenty of them. "We might have published the names of the 42,000 per sons who signed the Oregon dry petition. , The Committee of One Hundred wanted to know and still wants to know the names of 100 Orecronians willing to sponsor the state-' mwuto a-uavAc uy lug wet tJX- ga nidations. Several of these are re peated in the advertisement: The statement that 10,000 men will be thrown out of work as a result of state wide prohibition. The statement that 500 stores will be for rent as a re sult of state-wide prohibi tion. The statement that 1500 residences will be for rent as the result of state -wide prohibition. - But, the Committee of One Hundred is now asking ev ery signer of the so-called "declaration" the following questions : Do we understand by this adver tisement in The Oregonian that you are simply opposed to Prohibition or that you stand sponsor for the fol lowing : 1 The" statement that Mr. Lincoln was opposed to Prohibition. 2 The statement that" Ex-Presi dent Roosevelt is opposed to Prohi bition. 3 The statement that President Wilson is opposed to Prohibition. 4 The statement that business is bad in dry towns. 5 The statement that 95 per cent of the bankers in Kansas do NOT f a- vrr a Arv stain 6 The statement that Oregon dry will throw 10,000 men out of work. 7 The statement that 500 fine busi ness locations will be for rent No vember 3, 1914, if the state goes dry. 8 The statement that 1000 other fine business locations will be for rent November 3, 1914, if the state goes dry. 9 The deliberate registration of floaters in the North End. .