TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1914. BUDGET FUNDS FOR POLICE BUREAU GUT Council Lops $158,000 From Estimates of Proposed Ex v. penditures for 1915. REDUCTION SETS RECORD Item of $100,000 for Three New Sub-Stations Biggest One Elim inated and Next Is $49,50O for 50 New Policemen. STNOFSIS OF WORK OF CIXI BUDGET COMMITTEE. Redactions -in Estimates. Three proposed sub-police sta tions $100,000 Salaries of Co proposed ad ditional policemen 49,300 Supplies, materials, equip ment, etc., in police bu- reau 1,101 Elimination of proposed sal ary Increases ............ 5,310 Two proposed additional de tectives' salaries 2,580 Proposed salary increases In Municipal Court 180 Total $158,671 Special appropriations and salary increases allowed Sljc new motorcycles for po lice bureau $ 90O Runabout for license collector - 550 Completion first unit of de tention boms for women.. 25,000 Increases in salaries of pa trolmen 3,600 Three additional telephone op erators at police station.. 2,700 . Four chauffeurs fbf police - bureau .-3,600 Miscellaneous items in police bureau 1.180 Total 37.630 By trimming the estimates of pro posed expenditures for the police bu reau for 1915 a total of more than $158,000, the City Commission, sitting in the capacity of budget committee, established a record yesterday. The aggregate cut was greater -than the cuts of any other one session since the budget has been under consideration. The biggest item eliminated was $100,00 for three proposed sub-police stations. This item has bobbed up in each budget during the last three years and each time it has been lopped off, although it has been admitted that sub-stations are greatly needed. The next biggest item was the cutting out of $49,500 proposed for the hiring of 50 additional policemen. A proposed sim ilar increase was cut out of the budget a year ago. Need of Catting Expense Ccnie, . The action yesterday was based upon the need of holding down the expenses during 1S15. In handling the subject of salaries the Council treated the police bureau the same as the fire bureau. An arbi trary stand was taken on the policy of refusing increases to persons receiving!' $100 a month or more. For that rea son the proposed salary Increases were slaughtered left and right as far down the list as the patrolmen receiving less than $100 a month. Two police captains were refused in creases aggregating $120 a year; two others $180 a year, two matrons $120 for the year, the harbormaster $330 a year, six detective sergeants $360 a year, and 21 detectives $1290 a yeai. Twenty sergeants were refused an ag gregate increase of $1500 a year. Forty-one Receive Increases. Of the patrolmen 41 received in creases aggregating $1230 for the year, 13 others will share in $690 for the year and 17 others will share in $19S0 al lowed. All these men are receiving less than $100 a month. In lieu of the elimination of the ap propriation for 50 additional policemen, the committee allowed $2700 for three telephone operators to take the places of policemen handling the telephone ex change, and $3600 was allowed for four chauffeurs to take the place of police men. This was virtually the same as giving the bureau seven additional po licemen. An appropriation of $25,000 was al lowed for the completion of the first unit of the detention home for women. There was $15,000 appropriated for this last year and there is an unexpended balance of about $7000. This means that only $18,000 of the $25,000 appro priated will have to be raised by tax ation next year, the additional $7000 be ing carried over from this year's ap propriation. JUDGE TO BEBIG BROTHER Mr. McGinn Will Visit Prisoners and Give Unfortunates Chance. Declaring his belief in the big broth er system of aiding the unfortunate. Judge McGinn, who has criminal cases in the Circuit Court for the coming two months, will make a visit to inmates of the county jail late this week and interest himself in their condition. "I want them to feel that I will be their father confessor," said the Judge, "and will help them to help themselves. Some of them, it is to be feared, will not be helped by setting them free without some one to come to their assistance. The big brother method appeals to me as just the way to accomplish their reformation. This man Rev. William G. MacLaren, gen eral superintendent of the Coast Res cue and Protective Society, and also chaplain of the Oregon State Peniten tiary, has done a vast amount of good along these lines. He. has brought back many a straggler Into right ways of living." PERSONAL MENTION. R. F. Reid, of Seattle, is at the Mult nomah. W. E. Wilson, of Salem, is at the Oregon. J. C. Corbin. of Seattle, is at the Benson. Henry Newman, of Astoria, is at the Oregon. R. H. Huston, of Corvallis, is at the Oregon. J. A. Hann. of Marshfield, is at the Carlton. , T. C Crosby, of Astoria, is at the Imperial. E. H. Walker, of Eugene, is at the Nortonia. B. A. Millsap, of Lebanon, Is at the Cornelius. - C. S. Crosby, of Astoria, is at the Cornelius. E. S. Hooper, of Denver, is at the Multnomah. L L. Patterson, breeder of thorough- bred Jersey cowa at Salem, is at the Imperial. Al Blake, of Raymond, Wash, is at the Perkins. P. S. Pattison, of Spokane, is at the Multnomah. Arthur Kiger, of Bandon, Or, is at the Perkins. ' "W. P. Elmore, of Brownsville, is at the Perkins. George M. Brown, of Roseburg, is at the Imperial. N. A. Carson, of Butte, Mont, is at the Norton! a. Mrs. C. H. Finn, of La Grande, is at the Nortonia. A. M. Hall, of Kansas City, Mo, is at the Nortonia. v W. K. Hiatt, of Fairbanks, Alaska, is at the Benson. T. A. Wettleson, of Fort Stevens, is at the Carlton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, of St. Paul, are at the Seward. Le Roy D. Walker, of Canby, Or, is at the Oregon. A. L. Howard, of Hammond. Or, is at the Perkins. Dr. J. W. Waugh, of Hood River, is at the Cornelius. M. Hawkins, a merchant from Albany, is at the Seward. Lieutenant John Mitchell, of Pomeroy, Wash., Is at the Seward. W. D. Moreland, a lumberman at Ta coraa. Is at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. D. Paul, of Sheri dan, are at the Cornelius. A. A. Hall and George H. Maire, of Seattle, are at the Carlton. " Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strahorn, of Spokane, are at the Benson.' H. V. Anderson, of Salem, is at the Seward with Mrs. Anderson. CHICAGO. Oct. 20-(Special.) From Portland today A. H. Wilson, Mrs. F. N. Averill, Miss Barbara, Jane Averill reg istered at the Great Northern. EXHIBITORS ARE BUSY MORIS THAS SO AT WORK PREPAR ING FOR LAND SHOW. Decorating Armory and Two Temporary Exposition Structures la Commenced as Opening Day-Draws Near. Less than a week before the open ing of the Manufacturers' and Land Products Show, the work of booth building is progressing rapidly, and yesterday afternon more than 50 ex hibitors were at work at the Armory. The work of decorating the Armory and the two temporary exposition struc tures was begun last night. General Manager Buckley said yesterday that exhibitors were being urged to assem ble their displays as rapidly as possible. The free theater at the land show will be used both afternoon and even ing. It will seat more than 500 per sons. The land show arranged for a heating system to take care of the two annexes on Couch and Eleventh streets. The opening night ceremonies will be under the auspices of the committee on special events, of which F. W. Htld is chairman. Judge W. W. Cotton will be chairman and President Dunne will read the message from President Wil son which will formally open the big exposition. Telegrams received at the land show offices at the Armory indicate that the flying squadron of boosters are meeting with great success on thetr-trip through the Willamette Valley. William Colvig and Mark WoodrufE telegraphed yester day from Silverton that the meeting with the high school students at Wood burn was largely attended, and that the Gem Theater at Silverton was packed to hear the message of the coming land show. In each place visited by the boosters committees are being named to work in the interest of Willamette Valley day at the land show, which has been set for October 29. FATHER OF BILL TO TALK Cliarles AV. Barzee to Oppose George C. Mason at Luncheon Tomorrow. Charles W. Barzee, father of the amendment on the election ballot which proposes to establish a department of industry and public works, will speak tomorrow in favor of the measure be- j fore the Progressive Business Men's dub at their- luncheon at the Mult nomah Hotel, and George C. Mason, manager of the Non-Partisan League, will talk against It. In the judgment of the club's lesris- lative committee this initiative meas ure is one of the most important Vo be voted upon at the coming election, be cause it hae. Fo do with the problem of the unemployed, a subject closely touch ing every business man. N. J. Sykes. of the C. K. Spauldine Logging Company, will be chairman of the day. An important announcement concern ing the teaching of Spanish in night schools lor tne business men of. the city will be made by L E Alderman. City Superintendent of Schools, and a large attendance is desired. TREE PICTURE CONTEST ON Prizes of $ 1 0 0 Each Are Offered for Two Photographs. Prizes of $100 each will be paid for two photographs, one of the largest tree, of a nut-rbearing species in the united tetates, and the other of the largest broadleaf tree, which does not bear edible seeds, according to a mes sage received yesterday by District Forester Cecil. The American Genetic Association, at Washington, D. C, has offered the prizes. The object of the competition is to find out in what region the native trees attain the largest growth, and under what conditions they thrive best. The contest will close on July 1, 1915. MINNESOTA DRY IS HERE Victory or Charles H. Randall for Congress in 'South Predicted. - W. G. Calderwood, of Minnesota, Prohibition candidate for Governor in that state, has arrived in the city en route for home from California, where he has been managing the campaign of Charles t. Kandall. candidate for Con gress from the Ninth District. Mr. Calderwood is confident that Mr. Randall will win. A meeting with the National chair man, V. G. Hinshaw, and Congressional candidate for the First District. Pro fessor Curtis P. Coe, is the object of Mr. Calderwood's short stop in this city. COOS FIRST AT EXHIBIT Display for Oregon Building at San Francisco Is on Way. x Coos County has sent to San Fran cisco the tirst exhibit for installation in the Oregon building at the Panama Pacific Exposition. It was shipped Monday on the steamer Nan Smith and consisted of 29 boxes of fruits. vegetables, grains and grasses. A 200-box exhibit from Salem is pre paring and will be shipped in a few days to baa Francisco lor storage. STEEL TARIFFS GUT Another Reduction Is Made on Via Canal Shipments. CAUSE FOR MOVE UNKNOWN Belief Expressed, However, That In dependent Vessels From the Coast - Now in Atlantic May Have Brought Competition. Portland firms concerned in the steel trade were recipients of most welcome news yesterday from agencies of steam ship lines operating from the East Coast through the Canal, that the tariff had been cut 6 cents on each 100 pounds, which is in addition to reduc tions made when the Canal was first used. The reason for the drop is not known, but it is supposed that some of the independent vessels operated from this coast have reached New York and are seeking return cargoes, hence keen competition. W. R. Grace & Company and the American-Hawaiian lines telegraphed Portland representatives that the changes become effective immediately and it is believed that shipping will be stimulated materially. The rate on cast iron pipe drppped from 35 to 30 cents and a new rate was established on structural steel, unfabricated, of 80 cents on lengths from 40 to 60 feet. Band iron, shingle bands. bar iron, blooms and billets, hoop iron, and such stock was lowered from 30 to 25 cents, and in the way of structural material plates, angles, beams, tees, channels and zees, not to exceed 40 feet in length, were reduced from 30 to 25 cents. On nails, horseshoe staples, toe calks and spikes it dropped to 25 cents and it was specified that on standard-sized kegs of nails the rate would be 25 cents a keg. Plain iron and barbed wire now take the 25-cent tariff also. The business routed to Portland is such that few shipments are made in iess than 100-ton lots and often one firm will receive several hundred tons. Until Sudden & Christenson, the Dodge Steamship Company and others began running steamers from this coast through the Canal with lumber and California products bulky cargo moved on vessels of the American-Hawaiian, W. R. Grace & Company's fleet and the Luckenbach line, with the Boston-Pacific steamers Atlantic and Pacific bringing some out, but they are on their maiden voyages. The introduction of independent ves sels In the trade is expected to have more effect on westbound rates, as it has on tariffs between Oregon, Wash ington and California and ports on the East Coast. The Sudden & Christenson interests announce that they will ex tend their service to include ports In the Gulf of Mexico after; November 10, and already shippers are reaching Bos ton and Philadelphia, in addition to New York, with occasional trips td Charleston. BAKER BIREGTOR TAB TWO PRODUCTIONS THIS WEEK KEEP T. C. COOKE HUSTLING. "Bought and Paid For" Is MornlDK Care, While "Mother" Demands -Time and Performances Walt. These are busy days and nights for Manager George L. Baker's stage di rector. Thomas Coffin Cooke. In his earnest endeavor to obey orders he is doing what has been considered impos sible, being in two places at the same time. In addition to his directing the production of Broadhurst's . play. Bought and Paid .For, 1 which opens at the Baker next Sunday, he also is directinir that of "Motber." which ODens the same day at" the Eleventh-street playhouse. Two companies are rehearsing and Thomas Coffin Cooke, Who Is Directing Baker Rehearsals I'nder Difficulties. two crews of stage carpenters, prop erty men and scenic artists in two dif ferent theaters are working slz the-same time under Mr. Cooke. Director Cooke's daily programme reads something like this: 7 A. M-, rise: 7:30 till 7:45, breakfast; 8 o'clock, rehearsal of "Bought and Paid For"; 11 till 1, sessions with mechanics, scenic artists, interrupted by a short lunch eon. sometimes; 1 o'clock, rehearsal of "Mother"; 5 till 6, details on both at tractions and advance work in con- DULL, SPLITTING, Dr. James' Headache Powders Believe at Once 10 Cents ' a Package. You tke a Dr. James Headache Powder and in Just a few moments you r head clears and all neuralgia and pain fades away. It's the quickest and surest relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve racking. Send - someone to the drug store and get a dime package now. Quit suffering it's so needless. Be sure you get Dr. James Headache Powders then there will ho dlaap- ii ? , 4 SICK HEADACHE nection with coming attractions, more sessions; 6 o'clock, dinner, interrupted by numerous telephone calls, etc.; 7 o'clock, at theater, preparing for the performance of "Broadway Jones," which is playing this week. This keeps him busy until about 11 o'clock. On matinee days this also occupies him from 1 P. M. till S, on which days the "Mother" rehearsal begins at 11 P. M. and continues till about 1:30 or 2 A. M. ALASKA BOUNDARY MARKED Demarcation Line Completed by Canadian-American Joint Efforts. VANCOUVER, B. C, Oct. 20. The task of delimitating the international boundary line between the "panhandle" portion of Alaska and the Yukon Terri tory, which was started in 1904. has been finished, and Noel J. Ogilvy, who has had charge of the work for the Ca. nadian government since 1909. has re turned to Vancouver. He will leave for Ottawa to prepare his maps and reports after a short stop in this city. The delimitation has been done jointly by the Canadian and the United States governments. The latter finished its portion of the work last Summer. Monuments made of metal and imbed ded in concretchave been placed at in tervals alonir the border. In wooded country a path 20 feet wide has been cleared to mark the division between the territories of the respective na tions. The line u of - demarcation stretches over rugged mountain crags, summit, stream and torrent for ap proximately a thousand miles. A party of 30 men have been engaged all Sum mer in completing the survey. CANDIDATES ARE INDORSED Yakima Bar Association Refuses to Censure Two Attorneys. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. Oct. 20 (Special.) The Yakima County Bar As sociation last night adopted a motion indorsing Supreme Court Judges Chad wick and Crow for re-election, and Su perior Judge Holcomb, of Rltzvllle, as the third candidate for the vacancy on the Supreme bench to be filled at the November 3, election. The association heard tne report or an investigating committee of the bar censuring Attorneys David Rank in. of this city, and F. E. Gordon, of Zlllah, in connection with slander suits of Rev. Alfred Taxis, of Zlllah, against two I Every Woman in Portland Who 7a Not Attending the ' Oregonian Short Course in Home Economics Is Making a Mistake Every Woman Who Is Attending. The school is hearing something to her interest from a stand . point of comfort and economy. COOKING IS NOT A DRUDGERY WHEN DONE RIGHT. What Showing for DISPLAYED IN WINDOWS The Wonder Millinery At Morrison and Fourth Streets residents of that place several months ago. A motion to approve the finding of the committee was defeated, but a mo tion to expunge the report from the records of the association was lost oh a standing vote. ST. JOHNS' PROTEST FILED Re-Routing- Cars Opposed on Ground It Will Increase Time. ST. JOHNS, Or.. Oct. 20. (Special.) Resolutions adopted by the St. Johns Commercial Club at its last meeting, together with several remonstrances, have been filed with the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company against the rerouting of the St- Johns cars on Second street instead of Fifth street, in Portland, as at present. Sec retary Hiller said this morning that the company bad acknowledged the re ceipt of the remonstrances, but no action has been taken. Objections to the rerouting of the St. Johns cars are that it would increase the running time of the cars from 6 to 10 minutes. Second-street business men in Port- HOW I DARKENED MY GRAY HAIR Lady Gives Simple Home Recipe That She Used to Darken Her Gray Hair. For years I tried to restore my gray hair to its natural color with the pre pared dyes and stains, but nona of them gave satisfaction and they were all ex pensive. I finally ran onto a simple recipe which I mixed at home that gives wonderful results. I gave the recipe, which is as follows, to a num ber of my friends, and they are all delighted with It: To 7 os. of water add a small box of Barbo Compound. 1 os. of bay rum and VA oz. of glycerine. Use every other day until the hair becomes the required shade, then every two weeks. It will not only darken the gray hair, but ' removes dandruff and scalp humors, and acts as a tonic to the hair. It is not sticky nor greasy, does not rub off and does not color the scalp. You can prepare it at home at very little expense Adv. We Are land have asked the company to route the St. Johns cars on that street. The club is considering an amend ment to- its constitution for the ap pointment of an executive board of five members to expedite the business of the club. President Couch will call a mass meeting of citizens in a short time to set before the people of St. Johns the importance of building up a strong commercial club. Governor Cancels Speaking- Dates. ROSEBURG, Or., Oct. 20. (Special.) Governor West, of -Salem, spent Sun day in Roseburg inspecting the Oregon Soldiers' Home. While here he can celed bis speaking dates in Douglas County and left for his home late Sun day night. Centra! Labor Counci Endorses Dentistry To the Officers arid Members of the Central Labor Council of Portland and Vicinity. Ladies and Gentlemen: Your Legislative Committee, to which was referred the matter of the proposed initiative measures for the November election, beg leave to report as follows: 340-341 Initiative measure. The Parker dental bill, so-called. 340 X Yes. 341 No. We recommend that you vote YES. VaHf IS Free Relief fr-fSfS Send to us orarenerous free sample enrmch lor several days' treatment (or cola in head, cbrooic naiai catarrh, dry catarrh, sore note. Original and Genuine CATARRHAL JELLY standard remedy for 25 years. 16,000.000 tabes have been sold. Applied inside nostrils, it brines allies- relief. Completely henls in flamed nasal passages, tiet a 25c or 50c tube irom your druggist. 35.000 drnenists seil it and s-uarantee it. Money back if it fails. Refuse substitutes. They are dangerous. KONDON MrQ.CO,Minnapolls,Mlnn. Ei This Means Bust the Dental Trust PAINLESS PARKER Dentist Sixth and Washington Sts. Irift)