Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 21, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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Managing Editor Main 7070. A 6003
City Editor Main 7070. A 6003
Sunday Bdltor Main 7070. A 605
Advertising Department. ..Main 7070. A Jnt5
City Circulation Main 7070, A 60Ju
Composing-room ........ .Main 7U7U, A COU5
Printing-room Main 7070. A
Superintendent Building. ..Main 7070. A S0U5
HEILIG THEATER (Broadway, at Taylor)
The spectacular , m.lodrama. "The
Whip." this afternoon at u o'clock and
tonight at 8 o'clock.
BAKER Baker Players In "Broadway
Jones." This afternoon at 2:15 o'clock and
tonight at 8:15 oclock.
LYRIC 'Fourth anil Stark) Musical com
edy. "When- Hubby Came Home," thia af
ternoon at 2:30 and tonight at 7: JO and
PANT AGES (Broadway and Alder) Per
formances 2:15, 7:30 and W:30 P. M.
laninuw continuous from i:3V to u.
, Moving Picture Theaters.
PEOPLE'S West Park and Alder.
MAJESTIC Park and Washington,
COLUMBIA Sixth, near Washington.
GLOBE Eleventh and Washington.
NEW STAR Park and Washington.
OAKS RINifc Roller skating. Special attractions.
Rast Side Club Growing. The East
Side Business Men's Club is engaged
in a membership campaign to secure
BOO new members. Already nearly 50
have been secured this month, and
it is planned to add 60 more before
the next meeting. Several of the mem
bership committee have pledged them
selves to secure ten each by the next
meeting. M. B. McFauL the president,
is very enthusiastic over the campaign
and is confident that the 500 will be
secured this Fall and Winter. It . is
planned, he said, to extend the club
membership to the suburbs, including
Mount Tabor, Lents, Hose City Park
and other districts. The dubroom has
been enlarged and improved.
Prohibition amendment to' Be De
bated. Rev. V. H. Selleck and Fred
W. Jobelmann will debate the proposed
prohibition amendment this evening at
7 :30 o'clock in room A of the Central
Library. Dr. "Painless" Parker and
Dr. Chance, or some other member of
the dental fraternity, will debate the
dentistry bill. Mrs. Lora C. Little will
discuss "Medical Freedom" and William
JIanley will speak on Oregon's needs.
The meeting and debates will be held
under the auspices of the Bonville
Industrial League.
Old Fireboat Temporarily Resumes.
To protect tha waterfront while
the fireboat David Campbell is near St.
Helens fighting a boat fire there, the
old fireboat George H. Williams was
put into active service yesterday. The
old boat was hurried from the dock
where she was undergoing painting
find was moved Into the berth of the
Campbell. As Boon as the Campbell is
able to return the Williams will be
sent back for completion of her re
Lents. An Institute was held in the
Lents Baptist Church Sunday after
noon and attended by representatives
from all the churches of the Mount
cott district. Addresses were delivered
by Mrs. J. Earl Ulse, Paul Cowhlll,
James DeYoung, W. S. Hollis, Rev. T.
R. Hornschuch and others. The next
district Institute will be held In this
district in January in a church to be
Mrs. Stella M. Farum's Funeral
Held. Funeral services of Mrs.
Stella M. Farum, who died Sunday, were
conducted yeBterday afternoon from A.
R. Zellar's Chapel, 694 Williams avenue.
Interment was made in Rose City
Cemetery. Members of Utopia Lodge
of Rebekahs No. 62, of which she was
a member attended and held the serv
ices of the lodge at the cemetery. Mrs.
Farum was 48 years of age, and was
the wife of William J. Farum.
Auditors' Names Submitted. In
compliance with a provision in the
city charter requiring an annual audit
of all municipal accounts, the county
grand jury yesterday submitted the
names of five accounting concerns from
which the City Commission will select
one. The live names submitted are
Alex C. Rae, John Y. Richardson, W. R.
Mackenzie & Son, E. W. Blackstone
and Collls & Thompson
IIanley Rally Tonight East Side.
Among the speakers at the Hanley-for-United
States Senator rally tonight
are Ben Reisland, G. A. Johnson. Helen
C. Wilson and Anne Shannon Monroe.
Miss Edith Clark Patterson will sing
"My Laddie" and Miss Nina Joy will
fdve popular numbers. Campaign
f oners. . Everyone invited, S o'clock
sharp. East Side Library, 11th and
Alder streets. Adv.
Mrs. Cummings' Funeral to Be Held
Today. Funeral services of Mrs
Catherine M. Cummings, pioneer of
1sd4, who died Sunday, will be held
today at the'Portland Crematorium at
2 P. M. Mrs. Cummings was widow of
the late Ambrose S. Cummings. and
sister-in-law of William ancW George
C ummings.
Mrs. Cree Burned With Gasoline.
irs. J. fci. cree, of Fairvlew, was
burned severely about the face and
neck with gasoline on Monday while
using the gasoline in cleaning
parment. The garment was soaked in
the gasoline which caught fire, the
flames shooting into Mrs. Cree's face,
file did not inhale the fire and will
Church Chorus Invites Singers.
Invitations have been issued to singers
. of the city asking them to join the
chorus of the First Presbyterian
Church, which will meet this evening
at 8 o'clock in room H of the Church
House. The chorus will give one of
the big oratorios early In the Winter.
1 here Is no charge for membership,
J. A. Finley will direct the singers.
Interior Decorators Incorporate.
Articles of Incorporation were filed
with County Clerk Coffey yesterday
by M. Elinor Riley to engage In a gen
eral Interior deporating business and to
deal in materials used in that work
The capital stock is given as $5000
and incorporators are M. Elinor Riley,
J. .V. Monteith and Joseph Roberts.
Carpenters Complete Widow's Home.
The home of Mrs. Campbell, widow
of the late John Campbell, 85
"Williamette boulevard, was completed
Sunday by several carpenters, who
worked overtime to make the building
comfortable for Mrs. Campbell and her
Cemftery Association to Meet.
1 lie Brainard Cemetery Association
will meet at Hamilton's chapel. Odd
fellows' Hall, East Eightieth and
Ollsan. Friday night at 8 o'clock. A
J. Altman. president, has issued an
urgent request for the members to at-
tena, as vital business is to be trans-
. acted.
campaign Contest Time Limited.
-inose wishing to compete in the cam
paign essay contest on the effect of
the Oregon Dry Amendment on In
dustrial and economic conditions should
send their contributions to 417 Dekum
Duiioing Dy October 22. N
caniornia society of Oregon will mee
. next luesnay at s o'clock in room A
of the Public Library. An Unique pro
gramme is being arranged by Dr. Wil
liam O. Spencer and all Californians
are coroiaiiy invited.
Apple aa win be celebrated by the
A1 uiun at its luncheon at the Port
land Hotel today at noon. W. S. Kirk
Patrick win be chairman of the day
and the speakers will be J. E. Werlein
ana timer oieg.
-ik. nuaKsuM, rails cnaiet. open
all Winter. House parties and week-end
accommodations solicited. Phone long
distance through Latourell. 0.-W. R. &
is. train. aqv.
Norman Bros., tailors, new establish
Sheep Dealer Attempts Suicide. !
Rutherford H. Davis, a sheep dealer
of Chicago, 38 years old, attempted
suicide after a Bpree in the rear of a
saloon at Third and Alder streets yes
terday. He slashed his right wrist
twice arM then used the pocket knife
on his throat, narrowly missing the
jugular" vein. Bystanders in the saloon
prevented Davis from accomplishing
his purpose. Patrolman Long took
Davis to tha police station, whare a
charge of disorderly conduct was
lodged against him. In court yester
day Davis said that ha had been drink
ing heavily and was not in full con
trol of his senses at the time of his
attempted suicide. His case was con
tinued to Wednesday.
Unlicensed Dogs Cause 12 Arrests.
Failure to provide licenses for their
dogs caused the arrest of seven wo
men and Ave men yesterday. They are:
E. M. Stevens. 6356 Forty-fourth street
Southeast: Pete Rinella, 568 East
Seventeenth street; Joe Piazza, 666
East Seventeenth street; Mrs. A. E.
Bryon, 552 Ainsworth avenue; Mrs. L.
Reinig, 612 Tolman street; Mrs. H. W.
Chrysler, 267 Columbia street; Mrs. W.
R. Beatty, 1211 East Everett street;
Mrs. R. Morrison, 691 Missouri street;
J. J. Laytoh, 151 West Alberta street
A. R. Lee, 314 East Sixty-third street
North; Mrs. L. H. Grabe, 87 Stanton,
and Mrs. L. E. Rinehart, 1313 East
Fourteenth street North.
ters of administration were asked yes
terday in the estate of Helen May, who
died October 4, by Solomon and Philip
Blumauer. The will, filed with the peti
tion, shows the property of the de
ceased to be (valued at approximately
$100,000. This consists of a one-fourth
interest in the estate of her late father.
Simon Blumauer, valued at $95,000,
one-half interest in the partnership
business of Hexter & May, now being
liquidated, $500, and personal property
to the value of $4003. The - estate
bequeathed to a daughter, Carrie
Rossman, and a son, Clarence B. May.
Boys Punisher Fined $5. Because
he administered a whipping to three
boys who invaded his prune orchard
and took a quantity of fruit, George H.
Warren, who lives at Forty-second and
Simpson streets, waff brought before
Judge Dayton In District Court yester
day on a charge of assault and bat
tery. The testimony showed that the
irate orchardist had laid a horsewhip
over the back of the lads, but in view
of the aggravating circumstances,
Judge Dayton assessed a fine only
of $5.
Injuries Fatal to Cyclist. Harry
Gaither, 17 years old, who was struck
and injured while riding a motorcycle
at Seventeenth and Taylor streets by
an auto-truck, died yesterday of his
injuries at Good Samaritan Hospital.
Gaither was a messenger for Powers &
Estes drugstore and resided with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gaither,
549 Marshall street. An. autopsy was
held late yesterday. An inquest will
be held this afternoon.
Auto Victim's Death to Be) Invebti
gated. The District Attorney, Coroner
and detectives have begun an in
vestigation of the death of Earl Mc
Naughton, 1163 Maryland avenue, who
was struck and injured by an auto
mobile alleged to have been driven by
F. H. Adams, 963 Columbia boulevard,
September 3. McNaughton died Mon
day at Good Samaritan Hospital. The
accident occurred at Gay street and
Willamette boulevard.
"Hoosiers" to Be Banquet Guests.
'Hoosiers" are invited to attend the
banquet Saturday at the Hotel Port
land in honor of the president of the
Indiana W. C. T. U., Mrs. C. J
Vayhinjer. L. M. Lepper will give the
address of welcome. Mrs. G. L. Buland
is chairman of the committee of
Epworth Leagues to Hold Rally.
There will be a rally of the Epworth
Leagues of the City of Portland and
environs in the Epworth League parlors
of the First Methodist Church, Twelfth
and Taylor streets, at 8 o'clock tonighL
October Luncheon. At the Unl
tarian chapel, Broadway and Yamhill
Roast pork, apple sauce; fruit salad,
pumpkin pie, hot rolls, coffee and other
good things will be served today from
12 until 1 o clock. Adv.
Bargain Day at People's Floral
Shop, Second and Alder, Wednesday,
Oct. 21, special reduction on ferns, all
potted plants and cut flowers. Adv.
The Store of 100 Per Cent Service.
Business Men's Clothes
For the man of affairs we've many splendid new
suit styles hy the House of Kuppenheimer. Eng
lish, semi-English, box and conservative models in
fabrics that will exactly meet your ideas of what a
business man should wear. "We're very QQpT
strong in both suits and overcoats now at Pt)
Successor to
Steinbach & Co.
at Fourth
corvmoHT 1014
S.&H. Stamps Given.
nual conference ot the Danish Lutheran
Churches, which will open tomorrow
night in Bethania Danish Lutheran
Church, Union avenue and Morris
street, to continue through the follow
ing Tuesday.
Rev. M. C. Jensen-Engholm, the
local pastor, has completed, arrange
ments for the entertainment of min
isters and delegates. Rev. A. H. Jen
son, of San Francisco, president, and
Rev. A. B. Hanson, of Fresno, Cal.,
secretary, of the conference will be
present. The conference includes Cali
fornia, Oregon and Washington, but
the denomination has a stronger hold
In California than in Oregon and
An excellent menu, from 11:30 to
o'clock daily, at 186 Fifth st Adv.
New System for Collecting License
Revenue Offered by Mr. Bigelovr.
Believing that it is Impossible for the
city under its present system of col
lecting licenses to get all the revenue
It should, City Commissioner Bigelow
will propose a system whereby the po
lice bureau will co-operate in the prop
osition. His proposal, which will be
presented to the Council, will require
policemen on all beats to investigate
and report quarterly on all things on
his beat which are subject to license
At present two men hfsve to handle
the entire business of collecting licenses.
It is said to be impossible for them to
cover the ground.
Webfoot oil dressing, for the hunters'
shoes. Keeps the water ouL Ask the
dealer." Adv.
Arrest Follows Alleged Vie of Foul
Language Toward Detective In
Presence of Women.
Julius Knispel, street speaker. So
cialist and advocate of prison reforms.
was arersted by Detective Hellyer at
First and Alder streets late yesterday
after. It is alleged, Knispel had at
tempted to incite a riot against the po
lice officer.
The arrest followed alleged slan
derous attacks which Knispel has been
making nightly at street meetings at
which he called the .members of the
Portland police force, individually and
collectively, uncomplimentary names.
Detective Hellyer, say witnesses,, ac
cidentally came upon Knispel in the
waiting-room at First and Alder
streets. Knispel, it is said, in loud
tones called upon those present to go
out on the street, where he would "tell
about the kind of a crook the police
man was."
Detective Hellyer warned Knispel to
discontinue his shouting, and when the
street speaker hurled violent and al
leged foul epithets at Hellyer in the
presence of several women, the detec
tive struck Knispel two or three times
In. the face. Knispel shouted for help,
and, it is said, he attempted to incite
riot against the detective. Hellyer
took him to the police station and
lodged a charge of disorderly conduct
against Knispel.
Knispel was arrested several weeks
ago on evidence gathered by Detec
tives Coleman, Snow Taekabery and
Hellyer and was convicted by juries in
the Municipal and (Circuit Courts on
charges of retailing drugs. He ad
mitted having used the drugs him
self, but declared he had quit the prac
tice. Knispel also is secretary of the
Society for the Abolition of Capital
Peoples Theater
Just Four
Days More
to see
Robert Edeson
in the Picturization
of His Famous
Stage Success
"Where the
Lee, President, and Y. M. C. A. Man
Will Go to National Council.
P. W. Lee. physical director of the
Portland Academy, has been elected
president of the Oregon Physical Di
rectors' Society.
A M. Grilley, In charge of the ath
letic work of the Portland Y. M. C. A.
was chosen delegate to the National
council, and will represent the Oregon
society at several important meetings
in the Jfc.ast.
Bill Hayward, of the university of
Oregon, was elected vice-president, and
Miss Alberta Cory, of the Y. V. C. A.,
Danish Lutheran Conference to
on Proposition Here.
Establishment of an orphans' home,
consideration of missions and election
Aeroplane" Quality
"Submarine" Prices
Are fitting expressions when ap
plied to the .
I sell at
"The Elevator Saves You Money."
trail Divides
Enjoyed and Ap
' plauded By
10c ONLY 10c
315-16-17 Oregonian Building,
6th and Alder.
- u : r M
! ' l i: W III
Ckj-L. 1
Uaait. ...... Jummmma 1 m fi -irjh
Mountains, Rivers, Lakes
and Forests
The NortH Bank Road
Limited Trains
Leave Portland 9:55 A. M, 7:25 P. M.
These trains serve the great cities of the 'West Spokane, St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Chicago, Omaha, Kansas City and St. Louis connect
ing with all Eastern lines. The route of the f anions "Oriental Lim
ited" via Great Northern, and "North Coast Limited" via North
ern Paeifie.
Observation cars, dining ears, parlor ears, standard, compart
ment and tourist sleeping cart and first-class coaches.
Full details, sleeping-car accommodations, tickets, etc., at :
CITT TICKET OFFICE. F1tk ui Star Streets. ' '
NORTH BA It STATION. Tenth and Roy Streets.
Speaking: dates for tonight, which
will be kept, rain or shine:
SlOO P. M. l.t and Madison, AVrat Side.
8:13 p. MJ Hawthorne and Grand Tri.,
' Kt Side.
8i30I.M. Hawthorne ave. and K. Ota.
Si4SP. M. Hawthorne ave. and K. 13th
lOO P. M. Hawthorne ave. and B. SOth.
SilSP-M. Hawthorne and Marguerite.
8s30 P. M. Hawthorne ave. and I-:. 43d.
45 P. M. Hawthorne ave. and E. 40th.
733-736 Pittock Block.
(Paid advertisement.)
First and Oak Streets
Telephones: Main t6? ' Aii6?
Beer is the combined extract of malt and hops
Malt builds up tissue Hops is an invigorating
Beer contains natural carbonic acid gas, which
. gives it. sparkling effervescence.
Beer contains 3V2 to 4 per cent of alcohol developed
by natural fermentation, just enough to pre
serve it.
Phones: Slain 72, A 1172
Henry Weinhard Brewery
Portland, Oregon
most appetizing foods the most
refined service. A delightful din
ing place before theater or lec
ture a snug, cozy retreat when the clock's
long fingers point upward. A place of refinement.
You'll enjoy the music it satisfies
The'Portland Hotel J;Ka.rrJ
Ceanr Street, bovo Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a-daj up
American Plan $3.50 a day at
Newiteelaad concrete structure. Third
addition of aundred rooms just com
pleted. Every modern convenience.
Moderate rates. Center of theatre and
retail district. On car lines transfer
ring all over city. Electrlo omnibus
meets trains and steamers.
Hop Growers
desiring t6 corporate for mutual pro
tection with California srrowerw are re
quested to communicate with M-indocino
Hopgrrowers Association, Geo. Hewlett,
v ice-Tesiaent. tiopiana. auiornia.
diamonds msm
You Will Find
It Will Pay You
Tl" lVrvrf rvn?a Hotel of quality, combining; the ideal
1 I1C llUriUUia homeJife with the perfect hotel serv-
iee and eomfort at pleasingly economical rates, both American and
European plan, visit our beautiful grill. Table d'hote dinner 6 -.00
till 7:30, 75. .
Entrance on both 11th
and Washington Streets.
xSMt i for vvhafe
A President of the United States in
giving advice on the subject of read
ing books, said: "It isn't the harm
that you'll find in trashy books. It
is what you will not find in them."
And so it is with breakfast Mush.
Mush made of Roman Meal is nature's
food for youth, maturity and old age
containing whole wheat, rye and
deodorized flax, with all their native
strength elements left in, not ex
hausted by over-refining.
tremely delicious by allowing a small piece
of butter to melt in the mush when served.
Roman Meal, pound for pound, has a
greater food value than meats. Roman
Meal comes in a full 3 lb. package and costs
8c per pound. Roman Meal makes
Mush is a fine palatable dish without the
"trimmings." Its natural nutty flavor
makes a superior appeal to the palate.
You can serve Roman Meal Mush with
cream to which you need add only a com
paratively small amount of sugar. Some
prefer it without sngar. Others find it ex-
A Most Palatable Breakfast Mash
Digestible and Nutty-flavored Hotcakes
Delightful Cookies, Muffins, Gingerbread and Puddings
Also Fruitrocks, the semi-confection for the growing child.
More than that Roman Meal
by supplying the necessary bulk to promote the' natural muscular move,
menta of the bowela, the deodorized flax supplying a natural lubricant.
Your own doctor will know about Roman Meal; ask him. The most
persistant and stubborn cases of constipation are positively regulated by
the use of Roman Meal.
Recipes on every package. The price is 25c for full 3 lb. package.
You will never be without it after a single trial.
Insist on your grocer mupplying you tvith Roman Meal Bread
Baked exclusively by the Log Cabin Bikir.3 Or.
ment jn. w. isau. Bank bldg. Adv.
of ofiicers will take place at the an