Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 20, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Firemen Receiving Less Than
$100 Monthly to Get Rises,
"Higher Ups" Denied.
Commission Will Canvass Health
Bureau Figures Today, Which Of
ficial Declares Have Been Kept
as Low as Possible.
Reductions In Estimates.
Miscellaneous supplies, mater
ials, equipment in fire bu
reau $ 5,095
Site for fire station In Wood
stock district 1,000
Estimated cost of fire bureau
street" assessments 1,000
Proposed new fire alarm sem
aphores 1,131
Proposed additional fire alarm
boxes 800
For painting 13 fire stations. 4,000
Proposed Increases to fire bu
reau officials 2.000
. "T. . . "
J -4 w . If lift. 1
tinier- :?zk r &n xrjg- :
Total ; '....$15,026
Special Appropriations and Salary
Increase Approved.
For painting 13 fire stations. S.qoo
For 75 additional fire alarm
- boxes 1,875
For additional fire alarm
semaphores 1,000 '
Additional allowance for vol
unteer fire departments... 500
General supplies, material,
etc.. In fire bureau 8,800
General automatic Increase in
salaries of firemen in ranks. 10,600
Total i .... 528,775
Increased salaries for firemen were
provided for yesterday by the City Com-,
mission sitting as a budget committee,
while the higher-ups in the bureau saw
their proposed salary increases clipped
off. The Commission, controlled In this
case by Commissioners Bigelow and
Daly and City Auditor Barbur, set the
general rule of granting no increases
to men now receiving 1100 a month or
more, though in a few cases Commis
sioner Bigelow made exceptions and
voted with Mayor Albee and Commis
sioners Dieck and Brewster for in
creases to certain members of the bu
reau who now receive more than $100
a month.
Fire Chief Do well was refusedan in
crease of 1120 a year; Assistant Chief
Laudenklos an equal amount; battalion
chiefs were denied proposed increases
aggregating $360 & year, and others
above the rank of lieutenant were
treated similarly. Six engineers in the
bureau were allowed increases of $100
a year each: five engineers were al
lowed increases aggregating $250; six
stokers were increased in the aggre
gate $420 a year; 18 lieutenants got in
creases aggregating $1080 a year; 30
hoeemen aggregated $2700 a year in
crease; 52 other hosemen of a different
rank aggregated $1560 increases, and
40 other hosemen, truckmen and other
employes were granted Increases aggre
gating $3600. The increases aggre
gated in all $10,600 for a year.
Increases in the salaries of firemen
is provided in the rules under which
they are employed." They are increased
year by year until they reach a maxi
mum of $1200 a year or $100 a month.
The budget committee yesterday went
down the line with cuts in the fire
bureau estimates for supplies, mate
rials and proposed special appropria
tions. An item of $7000 proposed for
painting 13 fire stations was trimmed
to $3000; $1131 was trimmed off esti
mates for installing new street fire
alarm semaphores; $1000 for the pur
chase of a fire station site in the Wood
stock district; $800 from the estimate
for new fire alarm boxes, and $1000
for the estimate for horseshoeing.
The Commission today will take up
the health bureau budget. Estimates
of expenditures for this bureau have
been held down to the bone, according
to City Health Officer Marcellus.
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How the Dental Trust
the "Dear People"
i t
is: - : Jimim
IAXITY op elevator RKai7IR.E:
Mr. Plummer Saya City Should Comply
With Oft-mado Rrqnnt for Ale
taste Resulatlon.
That the death of "Winifred Griffin.
8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Drew Griffin, of Eugene, in an auto
matic elevator In the Orlando Apart
ments, demonstrates the results of lack
ot" elevator Inspection in Portland and
the need of changes in the elevator or
dinances, Is the assertion of Building
Inspector Plummer, who (as made an
investigation of this and other acci
dents of a similar nature.
Mr. Plummer says the ordinance at
present ts so lax that concerns in
stalling automatic or other kinds of
elevators are not required to safeguard
the lifts properly.
Inspector Plummer says the prin
cipal difficulty with the automatic ele
vators In a number of cases are the
projections which are permitted to ex
tend out into the elevator shaft
Mr. Plummer says he has recom
mended that the elevator ordinance be
so amended that these projections
would have to be rounded off so they
would push away an object. Some In
retaliation concerns have furnished this
added protection upon suggestion of
the building department, while others
have considered it needless.
Mr. Plummer says there are other
dangers in connection with the auto
matic elevators because of the fact
that they run without an attendant.
He says the city should comply with
the .oft-made request of the building
department for the appointment of an
elevator inspector who could look over
the general subject of elevator protec
tion and prepare an ordinance which
would amply cover the subject of pre
There have been a number of acci
dents in automatic elevators in the last
few years. One of the worst before the
accident to the little Griffin girl was
that about a year ago in an apartment
house in which a son of Jay Bowerman
was killed.
POISON OAK t ivy t
L'se Santlseptlc Lotion. Instant relief.
Drurgists refund money if it. fails. 50c
Au v.
Motor Car Company Follows Plan. Se
quel to That of Eastern Dealers In .
"Bny-a-Bale" Movement.
In accordance with the general "Apple
day" movement, the Covey Motor Car
Company, through President H. M.
Covey, will give each employe of the
firm a box of apples, as a sequel to the
plan of Eastern automobile manufac
turers who gave each of their employes
a bale of cotton during the recent "buy-
-bale' movement.
Not only will each of the workers of
the firm be supplied, but a large supply
of the fruit will be placed in the sales
room and garage for the benefit of vis
itors to the Covey establishment.
'"It occurred to me yesterday that
this would be about as good a way as
any to make 'Apple day as general as
possible," declared Mr. Covey yesterday.
"I think this a good plan for other
merchants to follow, because it brings
our prime products to their proper plane
where they will do some good. We, for
one, will make thisNan annual event."
It will reoulfe several trucks to haul
the apples required by the Covey firm.
Its payroll lists close to 100 men, and
when every caller is supplied gener
ously, the movement for the relief of
the Northwest market will have had
considerable impetus.
It would be interesting to know just
how many carloads of apples might be
used in this manner if our example
was followed generally," concluded Mr.
"Wells Hardware Company, was the
"I hope that every member of this
club and citizen of Portland wiH buy
a box of apples tomorrow and be loyal
to the great apple Industry of Oregon
and the Northwest." said Mr. Pier. "We
sent out letters to our 52 salesmen,
urging every one to eat an apple
Tuesday morning before breakfast, be
fore lunch, before dinner and one be
fore going to bed. :
"It Is important that every citizen
should do his part, and I believe ail
will, to encourage the applegrower at
a time when he needs encouragement.
There are 90,000 acres in Oregon in
apples and 10,000 in Washington de
pendent upon Oregon. More than Z5,4
000 families depend on these orchards
In this state. Besides these is the
great Northwest. Next te the lum
ber and grain, products the apple is
most important. The war has cut oft
the market, and we must come to the
assistance of the grower that he may
continue to take care of his orchards
and grow apples that make Oregon
famous the world over."
Dr. A. W. Moore told of the value of
apples as food, and urged their more
general use.
Minister Acquitted Quickly.
DETROIT, Oct. 19. Rev. Joseph A.
Cottam, ex-pastor pf the Methodist
Episcopal Church in Dearborn, near De
troit, charged with arson in connection
with the burning of his parsonage
there last Winter, was acquitted this
afternoon after the jury had deliber
ated 20 minutes.
Continued From First Page.)
think they can establish new records for
consuming apples to report at Sixth and
Alder streets not later than 8:30 o'clock
this afternoon. The first comers wilt be
siven first place in the contest.
In the carious stores and markets of
the city the supply of apples will be in
creased to meet the demand.
Apples will hold full sway in the
Yamhill-street public market. Ar
rangements have been made by Mar
ket Master Eastman to have a. supply
of several thousand boxes of choice
apples of all varieties on hand and it
is expected apple sales for the day will
be immense.
Clark & Son., .of Lyle, "Wash., will
have a big display, and the Lowns
dale Orchard Company and other large
applegrowers ' also will provide huge
Theaters ta Give Apples.
Theater managers are arranging to
distribute apples among their patrons,
and many of the other business estab
lishments, 'barber shops, etc., will do
the same.
Hotels and dining cars will keep the
apple to the fore by making it a fea
ture of their menus and apple menus
will be the task of the pupils in all of
the domestic science departments in
the public schools.
The Rotary Club, although Its pro
gramme Is announced for a discussion
of the legislative measures coming up
at the next election, will feature Apple
day, and the Ad Club tomorrow will
make Apple day the theme of its en
tire programme.
Grocers in all parts of the city are
to assist in the general movement by
calling up housewives and reminding
them that today Is Apple day and that
they have fancy apples at low prices
for them. '
Not only will the apple craze spread
over the city, but residents will carry
it further by sending out thousands ot
apples by parcel post to friends in other
places. O. I Cramer has made a fold
ing box that will hold two apples prop
erly packed for parcel post shipment,
and thousands of these are to be an
the streets today.
" East Side Artlve.
The: advance observance of the day
began at the meeting of the East Side
Business Men's Club yesterday, at which
S. C. Pier, sales manager of Marshall-
Best Laxative
for Children
When your baby is cross and
fretful Instead of the happy,
laughing little dear you are ac
customed to, in all probability
the digestion has become derang
ed and the bowels need attention.
Give it a mild laxative, dispel the
irritability and bring back the
happy content of babyhood.
The very best laxative for child
ren is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin,
because it contains no opiate or
narcotic drug, is pleasant tasting
and acts gently, but surely, with
out griping or other distress.
Druggists Bell Dr. Caldwell's Syr
up Pepsin at fifty cents and one
dollar a bottle. "For a free trial
bottle write to Dr. TV. B. Cald
well. 451. Washington BU, Monti
cello. Ill,
Ministry of President SEamor Goes
Aboard .Dispatch Boat and
Leave Capital City.
CAPE HAITIEN, Haiti. Oct. 19. The
latest development in the Haitlep
revolution Is the occupation of Cape
Haltlen by the victorious rebels. They
entered the town today..
American marines from the warships
in the harbor have been landed and
are in control of the situation.
I he rebels entered in an orderly
manner and there have been no ex
The Ministry of President Zamor,
realising that it is not in a position
to control the situation, left Cape
Haitien today on the dispatch boat
The entry into Cape Haitien follows
the recent rebel victory on the north
coast near Umonade. after which th
Presi?nt retreated in the direction of
Grand Riviere, and other government
forces withdrew toward Cape Haitien.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. The landing
A certain kind of crown foreteeth used by the Trustites now
costs the people of Oregon from
$12.50 to $22.00 costs the dentist 67 Cts.
Before the Trust existed in Oregon, the price for cleaning
teeth was
gjl AA Now the Trustites have
3) X V v raised the price to
Trust prices may be all right for the wealthy, but how can the
average American family afford dentistry at these prices'?
Isn't it about time that more dentists -are permitted to come to
Oregon and bring down the cost of dentistry by free competition?
Vote Yes X 340 and bust the Dental Trust.
Sixth and Washington Streets .
Portland, Oregon
(Paid Advertisement.)
of 100 American marinas from the
cruiser Tacema to quell a disturbance.
was reported to the Navy Department
Little Is known at the Navy Depart
ment regarding the revolutionary
troubles in Northern Haiti. Com
mander Twlning's cablegram to the de
partment today dated on board his ship,
the Taooma, merely said that he had
landed marines for the protection of
American Interests.
The reports say 100 men were landed
from the cruiser Tacoma to quell a
local disturbance.
XV. F. Furlong Braves Jail Sentence
in Pushing Nomination Case.
CHICAGO, Oct. 19. A dramatic inci
dent iq which William F. Furlong, who
claims the Democratic Congressional
nomination for the Fourth Illinois Dis
tract, deliberately invited a jail sen
tence for contempt of court before
Judge Windes, occurred today.
"This," said Furlong, speaking de
liberately and looking squarely at the
court, "is the most damnable decision
ever . rendered in an American court
Your Honor may Jail me If you please."
Furlong claimed that James T. Mc
Dermott. who resigned his seat In the
lower house at Washington as a result
of the Mulhall charges and entered the
recent primaries for "vindication," ob
tained the nomination by means of
fraudulent votes. The official canvass,
however, confirmed McDerraott's nomi
nation and Furlong sought to bring the
case into court. '
"Will you stop?"' was all the court
said. Beyond this he took no notice of
the Penance.
Rub pain away with a small
trial bottle of old
- "St. Jacob's Oil.
Stop "dosing" Rheumatism.
It's pain only; not one case in fifty
requires internul-treatment. Rub sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right
on the "tender spot," and by the time
you say "Jack Robinson" out comes
the rheumatic pain and distress.- "St.
Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism
liniment which never disappoints and
doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain,
soreness and stiffness from aching
Joints, muscles and bones; stops sci
atica, lumbago, backache and neu
ralgia. Limber up! Get a small trial bottle
of old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Oil"
from any drug store, and In a moment
you'll be free from pains, achesi and
stiffness. Don't suffer! Rub rheum
atism away. Adv
1 '
Day trains three between Portland and
Pnget Sound, carry parlor cars, high-back
seat modern coaches, dining cars; night train
has" standard and tourist sleeping cars,
9 Three fine "trains each day.
Two trains.
Tickets and all information at
255 MORRISON ST. Phones Main 244, A 1244.
A. D. CHAHLTO, A. G. P. A., Portland, Oregon.
EXCURSION FARES from all stations to
Manufacturers' and Land Products Show.
Portland, October 26-November 14..
i -
Northern Pacific Railway
Direct and Only Line to Gardiner Gateway, Northern and Original Yellowstone
Park Entrance.
To Be Sure"
TO be sure, that's the thing to say if you want to be
certain of a high-ball or one "down" that is always
right. At all leading Dealers, Clubs, Bars, Restau
rants and Hotels, you'll find CEDAR BROOK in the lead.
Largest selling brand of high-grade Kentucky whiskey in
the world. Because it has maintained the same sore,
superior quality since 1847.
p-iiiisiBi s'inrtiH
- " "3 "
ROTHCHILD BROS, distributors
F. O. B. Drtrttt
md Rtmdtttr
fra thrAirficmm fcmifr
Dulmage, RIanley
Auto Co.
Distributor! for Oregss and
Washings a.
46-48 X. 30tt St Portland.
Fhenea Marshall 16M, A 1293.
Five Passenger
Demand for the new Hup exceeds
anvthlng we over saw. because peo
ple' nowadays want lots of room in '
their cars and because the new
Hup gives it to them.
Five passengers ride wfth com
fortable ease in the new model.
There's plenty of room to stretch,
in either front or rear seat, even if
the passengers are extra tall.
Really. I don't see hpw any man
or woman could possibly be cramped
in this beautiful new car.
Another thing: the cushions are
deep and soft best upholstery
we've ever had. and worthy of a
car costing a ood deal more.
With high seat backs, well tuftel.
and high protecting sides, you sit
at perfect ease. ,
The new springs longer in front
and semi-elliptic at the rear
cradle car and passengers over the
bumps in the smoothest fashion
This new Hup fairly bristles with
good points, but to our minds Its
exceptional comfort overshadows
the others by considerable.
Won't you test it for yourself?
Ton can drive in comfort this
Winter if you have one of the es
pecially built. attractively-priced
Hup sedan or coupe bodies.