Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 20, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Cruiser Undaunted and De
stroyers That Sank Four
t German Ships Back.
Engagement Koreeda-'by Fine Sea
manship and Within Hour and
Half Last Hostile Craft Sinks
Fighting to Jjast.
an organic trouble that simulated death.
but observations and tests carried on
for 24 hours failed to show any signs
of animation.
Mr. Waener is survived by an aunt.
Mrs. T. P. Wagner, living in Portland.
When notified of the result she in
sisted that there might be still a
chance of his regaining consciousness
and telegraphed Coroner Mason not to
permit the body to be embaimea unm
three days more have elapsed.
Color is lent to the theory that Mr.
Wagner is suffering from temporarily
suspended animation by tne iaci wn
the pupils of the eyes are not dilated,
a usual sign of death. A dozen other
tests applied today, however, show that
he is dead.
For 12 years C. J. Wagner was em-
nloved bv the Pearson-Page Company.
of Portland, as traveling salesman. Two
years ago he moved to Seattle, where
he has been engaged in the commission
business. Before coming to Portland
he lived In Chicago.
An aunt. Mrs. T. P. Wagner, wno re
sides at 328 Thirteenth street. Port
land, left for Seattle yesterday to
take charge of the body. Other rela
tives reside in the East. Mr. Wagner
was about 34 or 35 years t age and
unmarried. Mrs. Wagner was advised
Sunday that Mr. Wagner died of pneumonia.
LONDON, Oct. 19. The Post has pub
lished a dispatch from Harwich dated
October 18, on the return to port of the
Krltish warships which vanquished four
CJerman torpedo-boat destroyers in the
Iv'orth Sea Saturday. The dispatch said:
"Bearing battle honors proudly, the
cruiser Undaunted this afternoon led
into Harwich from the North Sea the
destroyers which participated in the en
gagement Saturday, the result of which
was the sinking of four German de
stroyers. The spectacle ashore and
afloat was a moving one; sailors, sol-
diers and civilians swarmed to the pier
end to points of vantage, cheering the
"interviews with the crew of the
Undaunted show that this vessel, to
gether with four torpedo-boat destroy-
, era. left Harwich Saturday morning and
sighted the Germans in the afternoon.
Cnemy Forced to Fight.
"By fine seamanship the enemy was
forced to fight. The German destroyers
; faced the odds bravely. With her big
guns the Undaunted opened fire at a
range of live miles. Then the smaller
vessels closed in and became busy.
"Then began a running tight. While
the cruiser, protected from torpedoes
by her fighting consorts, devoted her
attention particularly to two of the
enemy's ships, the destroyers, attacked
the other two. The reply from the
Germans was poor in comparison. The
first of the enemy's craft sank after a
half hour's fighting. Within an hour
and a half the battle was over.
"flnA aaUn. . K i. . n ha nllinlr
f the Germans. They fought well, he
i said, and kept firing till they sank.
This accounts for the smallness of the
number of German survivors.
Wounded Brought Back.
"The destroyer Loyal brought back
three British wounded, together with
the bodies of four German men and one
German officer who had succumbed to
their injuries on the way.
"The wounded have been transferred
to Shotley Hospital and the prisoners
of war have been taken from the Un
daunted and removed to barracks."
From another source it is related that
a trawler sighted the German destroy
ers before the British fleet came up.
AVhen the German boats saw the enemy
they made frantic efforts to escape. The
British ships came rushing forward at
full speed and began the engagement
as soon as they were within range.
Men Are ricked Up After Xaval Kn.
gagement Is Ended.
LOWESTOFT, via London. Oct. 19.
The trawler United, the crew of which
witnessed the naval engagement oft
the Dutch Coast Saturday, has arrived
here with two German survivors, one
of them a warrant officer. Both men
were picked up from a boat which
Kucceded in getting away from the Ger
ruen destroyer S-118, as that vessel was
going down.
The trawler's crew watched the
battlo from the start to the finish and
saw the four German destroyers sunk,
one after another. After firing ceased
a smull boat was sighted and found to
contain two exhausted Germans. They
were hoisted aboard the trawler and
on the arrival of the latter here were
turned over to the authorities as pris
oners of war.
Great Britain Also Encourag
ing Marriage Among Sold
iers Intended for Front.
Siowd Exhibit Agala Winner of the
White Salmon Club Cop Trout
Lake Entry to Visit Chicago.
WHITE SALMON, Wash., Oct. 19.
(Special.) The Western Klickitat
County Fair closed Saturday night with
a ball at the Woodmen Hall.
The apple and vegetable display was
held in a huge tent, as was the poultry
exhibit. The district display, which
has always played an important part
in the" fair, was this year finer than
ever before.
The Snowden display, which won for
the second time the White Salmon com
raercial Club cup, together with the
Trout Lake exhibit, which was not en
tered for a prize, will be sent to Chi
cago for the Great Northern Railway
demonstration car. The other districts
entered in this contest were Gilmer,
Husum, Bristol and Mountain Brook.
Husum was awarded second prize and
Bristol third.
The cup for the best vegetable dis
play was won for the second time by
Oda and Naka. One especially attract
ive display was a miniature grape ar
bor, covered with-Tokay grapes, each
bunch of which weighed over five
Another display which attracted much
attention was one of growing straw
berry plants on which were blossoms
and green and ripe berries.
The woman s department this year
occupied the whole of the Woodmen
Hall, and the booths were elaborately
The judges for the canned fruit were
J. W. Becker, manager of the White
Salmon Valley cannery: Mrs. J. F. C.
Holcomb and Mrs. J. C Maclnnes.
For the art needlework, Mrs. J. J,
J. Conger, Mrs. Charles Cellar and Miss
Minnie Burroughs made the awards.
The Louis Hill Great Northern cup
for the best individual farm display
wen to Mrs. J. W. Staats. The com
petition for this cup was unusually
keen. Mr. Murray Kay, of Hood
River, lectured on "Good Roads'
Thursday night. A programme was
presented Friday night. The White
Salmon band enlivened the afternoons
and evenings.
This is the first year that the fai
has been held under permanent man
The organization consists of S. H
Badding. president; A. W. Dickey, vice.
president; Charles Cellar, treasurer,
and George Read, secretary. C. S.
Card, William Coates, Mrs. D. P.
Hunter. William Olson, Ira Hyde and
W. S- Coe are' the trustees.
Departure for Snr York Delayed
After Call at White Honse idi
. Old Differences.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 19. A lunch
con in his honor today by Former
President Taft was the final Incident
on the visit to Washington of Henry
A atterson,1 editor of the Louisvill
Courier-Journal. Mr. Watterson. who,
following his call on President Wilson
lia planned to leave for New York
last night, decided to remain over
when he received Mr. Taft's invitation.
Colonel Watterson's presence at the
White House brought to an end the
differences between President Wilson
and George Harvey, former editor of
Harper's Weekly, and Mr. Watterson.
His visit, like that of Mr. Harvey's
recently, was on the invitation of
President Wilson. He was with the
President more than an tour, during
which the latter's Mexican and foreign
policies were discussed. Absolute har
mony is said to have marked the con
ference. Personal matters figured in
the talk, it Is stated, as the President
und Mr. Watterson are related through
Mr. Watterson has been supporting
the President lately in his paper, and
fter the death of Mrs. Wilson friendly
letters were exchanged between him
self and Mr. Wilson.
Mr. Taft called at the White House
by appointment. He was received by
the President, who greeted him
warmly. Mr. Taft expressed his
pleasure at being at the White House
again, but said he enjoyed private
life. .
Commission Declares Assessment of
Overhead Cost of Construction Is
m Not Equitable.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Oct. 19. (Special.)
The Washington Public Service Com
mission, in a decision made public to
day in the Seattle, Renton & Southern
case, adopts a rule that if upheld by
the courts, will have the effect of in
validating all valuations of railroad
and other public service properties
made in this state since the first Rail
road Commission was organized.
It has been the universal practice of
commissions in the past, in making
valuations to apply to the cost of re
production of right of way and ter
minals, arbitrary percentages or mul
tiples, to represent the "engineering,
legal and general expenses" of organ
ization. "interest during construction'
and "discounts and commissions."
Its decision that these are not prop
er charges to be included In a physical
valuation is based upon the decision
of Justice Hughes, of the Supreme
court of tne united States In the Min
nesota rate case.
The Seattle, Renton & Southern
sought the right to increase Its street
car fares on the Rainier Valley line to
more than 5 cents within a portion of
the Seattle city limits. The commission
finds that no other street railways in
the country charge fares of more than
5 cents within city limits, and denies
the increase, without specifically as
serting that the state law, fixing 6 cents
as the maximum legal fare within city
limits, is valid.
After 24-Hour Vigil Physicians Can See
No Trace of Life, hut Relative
J Forbids Embalming-.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct 19. (Special.)
After an all-night watch for signs of
returning life in the body of C. J. Wag
ner. 35 years old. who was found in a
room at the Wingfield Hotel Saturday,
apparently the victim of heart disease.
the man was- pronounced dead by the
anenaing pnysicians ana uepuiy coro
When the body was taken to the
public morgue friends of the dead man
lnsitsed that he might be suffering from
Germany Reminds Young Women of
Slight Cbance to Get Husbands
After Departure of Sweethearts
' and Cites Widows' Pensions.
LONDON, Oct. 3. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) Aroused by the
positive steps taken by Germany and
Austria to protect themselves against
failing birth rate and the telling
death rate incidental to the war, En,
land is -now encouraging the marriage
of recruits soon to go on foreign serv
At the suggestion of the Archbishop
of Canterbury the diocesan bishops of
the Church of England have made
marked decreases in the fees charged
soldiers for marriage licenses and cler
gymen throughout the island are walv
ing their personal fees.
In Germany and Austria fees for
marriages were waived entirely where
soldiers and sailors were unable to pay,
and in many cities clergymen married
the warriors and their sweethearts In
large companies where - the hasty
departure of troops made It impossible
for separate ceremonies to be held.
Gold wedding rings were done away
with and iron rings substituted for the
ceremony. Then the married women
who already had gold 'wedding rings
offered them as contributions to the
war fund and replaced them with rings
similar to those worn by the war
War Brides Cheered.
German officials frankly discussed
tne necessity for the marriage of sol
diers, and urged immediate ceremonies
upon young women as-a patriotic duty
The war brides were cheered with
much enthusiasm and the churches
crowded when the large wedding par
ties spoke the ceremony in concert.
Although the number of women in
England far exceeds that of men, the
volunteer army is comparatively small
here, and most of the recruits are no
trained soldiers immediately available
for foreign service. Consequently,
there Is not tne pressing demand for
immediate marriages here that existed
on the Continent. Still the government
realizes the terrible drain the war will
make on the virile manhood of Great
Britain, and is quietly encouraging re
cruits to marry.
The Archbishop of Canterbury is en
deavoring to have the government
waive the stamp fee of J2.50 which it
Imposes on each marriage certificate,
and diocesan bishops have reduced the
marriage license fee to $2.50 in the
case of soldiers and sailors of limited
means. Formerly it cost S10 to pro
cure a marriage license properly
stamped by the government. The cost
is now 55, and the Archbishop of Can
terbury hopes - to have it lowered to
$2.50 through the withdrawal of the
stamp tax of the government.
- Pension Lure Is Cited,
German officials presented to th
young women of the empire the slight
chance they would have for matrimony
after the departure of their soldle
sweethearts, and called attention to the
pension paid to war widows for th
support of themselves and their chit
Nearly 500,000 recruits are quartered
In camps scattered throughout Eug
land. This new army of Kitchener',
probably will not be sent to the Contl
nent for at least six months, unless
some unexpected calamity arises. All
the men in the army who have not had
previous military experience are less
than 35, and a majority of them are
Many weddings are occurring daily
at the various camps, and new recruits
and their sweethearts are often much
distressed to find that under the Eng
lish law one of the parties to a mar
riage must have resided In the parish
in which they are married for at least
15 days. The Archbishop of Canter
bury has suggested that this obstacle
be removed by statute.
the State Fair Board that only chil
dren who are members of clubs be
asked to exhibit in the industrial fair
department at the state meet and that
all children entering competitions must
have exhibits that have scored more
than 75 per cent
Mr. Churchill announced that the
projects for this and next year would
be as follows:
For girls Canning, sewing, baking.
For boys and girls Poultry-raising,
vegetable-gardening, dairy herd record
keeping. .
For boys Pig-raising, corn-growing.
Potato-growing, apple-growing, field-pea-growing.
seed wheat selection and
growing, woodworking clubs.
Mr. Churchill recommends that no
club member try to conduct more than
three club projects at the same time,
and that the number of projects un-
ertaken In any county be limited to
those of the greatest importance or
to those which the county club leader
or his assistants will be able to supervise.
The county school superintendents
are the leaders in the counties and the
school supervisors in their respective
Probl Candidate for Congress Slakes
Speech, at Centralla.
Give "Candy Cathartic" for a
Bad Cold, Sour Stomach,
CENTRALIA, Wash., Oct. 19 (Spe
cial.) Thomas Harlan, who has been Ii
the newspaper field in Southwest Wash
ington for years and who was nomi
nated for Congress on the independent
state-wide Prohibition ticket when that
party was born at a recent convention
held in Chehalis, opened his campaign
In Centralla this afternoon. Many of
his pioneer friends turned out to hear
Mr. Harlan is more than 80 years of
age, but is as spry as a man 20 years
younger. He is at present living at
Vancouver. He asserts he will estab
lish another paper if he is elected to
Sven Hedin 'Says Everything on West
Front Wotks Iiike Machine.
LONDON, Oct. 19. A "private letter
from Sven Hedln, the famous explorer
who has been visiting the front at the
invitation of the German government."
telegraphs the Copenhagen correspond
ent of the Star, "relates that he has
visited the center of events on the Ger
man west front, and that everything Is
working like a machine.
"The Germans claim 350,000 British.
French, Russian and Belgian prisoners.
Mr. Hedin pledges his word as an im
partial observer that these prisoners
are not being treated harshly, and he
adds that the Germans would never
burn villages unless forced to do so.'
Get a 10-cent box now.
Most of the ills of childhood are
caused by a sour, disordered stomach,
sluggish liver and constipated bowels.
They catch cold easily, become cross,
listless, irritable, feverish, restless,
tongue coated, don't eat or sleep well
and need a gentle cleansing of the
bowels but don't try to force a
nauseating dose of oil into the little
one's already sick stomach it is cruel,
needless and old-fashioned.
Any child will gladly take Cascarets
Candy Cathartic which . act gently
never grips or produce the slightest
uneasiness though cleanse tha little
one's system, sweeten the stomach and
put the liver and bowels In a purs,
healthy condition.
Full directions for children and
grown-ups in each package.
Mothers can rest easy after giving
this gentle, thorough laxative which
costs only 10 cents a box at any drug
store. Adv.
MariBe at Bridal Veil was sold. This
was an all day meeting and dinner was
served to the delegates.
Prisoners Remanded for Anti-Ger
man Attack on Shops.
LONDON. Oct. 19, 1:05 P. M. More
than 30 prisoners were arraigned in the
Greenwich police court today on
charges growing out of the anti-Ger
man demonstrations and rioting ' in
Deptford, borough of London, yesterday.
The prosecutor said he regretted the
necessity of appearing against citizens.
the object of whose attack had been Ger
man shopkeepers, but he explained that
great damage had been done to Eng-
sh premises as well. Commenting on
the damage in a German bakery, the
prosecutor said the place had been
looted, although the German owners
had barricaded themselves against the
The prisoners' were remanded.
Rival Candidates Are Neighbors.
ASHLAND. Or., Oct. 19. (Special.)
Botti candidates for State Senator
from Jackson County are well-to-do
ranchers and are also practically
neighbors. H. von der Hellen, of Wel-
len, is the Republican candidate and
Thomas D. Nichols, of Eagle Point, is
the nominee of the Democrats. Of the
latter's span of 61 years, 54 nave been
passed In Southern Oregon territory.
' Vale Names Graves' Successor.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Oct 19. Pro
fessor James William Tourney was
elected director of the Tale School of
Forestry In place of United States For
ester Hery 3.- Graves, resigned, at a
metting of the ale corporation today.
Thaw Case Set for December.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 19. The Su
preme Court today advanced for hear-
ng on December 17 the Harry K. Thaw
extradition case. The case involves
the extradition of Thaw from New
Quarterly Conference Report Made.
Reports received at the first quar
terly conference for the Fairvlew cir
cuit at Rockwood, with Rev. James
Moore, of Salem, district superintend
ent presiding, showed improvement- It
was reported that the Troutcale Church
Is being repaired and repainted and
the Fairvlew Church repaired. The
Red Cross Has Offers of 2 000 Sur
geons and Xurses for Europe.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. Five thou
sand dollars were cabled today by the
American Red Cross to Canton. China,
to aid flood and famine sufferers. Three
thousand dollars were sent to Ambas
sador Morgenthau at Constantinople
for the relief of survivors of the earth
quake in Kcnla Province.
More than 200 American surgeons
and nurses, have applied to the Red
Cross for European service. The num
ber is more than the society, with its
present resources, can accept.
French Specify That Color Must Be
- Dark, No "Grays" Wanted.
NEW YORK, Oct. 19. The purchase
of 20.000 horses for the use of the
French government is the mission of
Captain de Balezeaud. of the French
army, a passenger on the steamship
La Touralne,- which arrived here to
day from Havre.
The horses are to be delivered De
cember 1 and probably will be shipped
via New Orleans. In addition to other
requirements they must be dark in
color, no gray horses to be considered.
Recommendation Is Made That Only
Members of Clnbs Be Entrants
After Scoring 75 Per Cent.
SALEM, Or.. Oct. 19. (Special.) Su
perintendent of Public Instruction
Churchill, after a conference with a
number of county school superintend
ents and supervisors, announced today
that the rules for the county industrial
fairs of the schools had been simpli
fied. Mr. Churchill will recommend to
Its Constant Use Tends to Increase
Fatigue Products Says Kan
sas City Physician.
The constant use of coffee and tea
tends to Increase fatigue products In
the human system, says Dr. G. Wilse
Robinson, of the University Medical
College, Kansas City, Mo.
"Caffeine Is used in coffee and tea as
a beverage for its stimulating effects.
Even in small doses, one cup of coffee
or tea per day, the general results of
the action of caffeine upon the nervous
system are to increase the irritability
of the brain.
"In order to respond to the stimula
tton of regular doses of caffeine, nerve
and muscle tissue must draw upon
their reserve energy, and they must do
their work in the presence of an ex
cessive quantity of toxic fatigue pro
ducts, and both of these conditions tend
to exhaustion and perversion of func
"Caffeine is not a food to nerve or
muscle tissue. It dees not Increase the
elimination of fatigue products, bu
does increase their production."
NOTK. Too ranch cannot be sold Id
favor of the value of on Invigorating
morning drink, especially daring colder
weather bat the drink mast not be
harmful. The food-drink. INSTANT
POSTIH, -while resembllns; the better
s;rades of Java In flavor and appear.
nee Is pare wholesome and wholly
free from the coffee dross "caffeine
and tannin" and is rapidly taking the
place of coffee ns a table beveraae for
reason of heiiliB. Adv.
I 10096 Good
So pure, so healthful and so appetizing that it stands
in a class of its own.
So go to your grocer today and insist
.aaT5 0J g" lo you
Sgp? I.on Butter-Nut.
Cor. East 11th and Flanders
On the street in. the car at the
game you see them everywhere.
Easily the most popular garment
of the season. At this store you "will
find the greatest stock the most
attractive prices.
Men's Balmacaans $15 to $35
Malm Floor
Young Men's Balmacaans $15 to $30
Second Floor "
Women's Balmacaans $10 to $50
Third Floor
All Alterations Free
Leading Clothier
Morrison Street; at Fourth
Hampshire to New Tork on a charge
of conspiracy to escape from Mattea
wan Hospital, where he was confined
after the killing of Stanford White.
Boston IHind to Aid Idle Planned.
BOSTON. Oct. 19 The raising of a
fund of $100,000 or more to provide
work for thousands of unemployed
mechanics and laborers Is proposed by
Mayor Curley. He would act in con
Junction with the National Civic Fed
eration of Women, according to plans
announced today. The money would
b U3ed for street construction and
other municipal Improvements during
the winter.
Plt Lake City's population n !"!. .Viiv
j .I Jkjt
L Dn t Yohh?
Here is a lon-g las-tin-g, luscious
confection to roll under your
tongue with leen delight!
The newest chewing.
strength Peppermint
lots of "Pep!" DOUBLE
wrapped and SEALED to keep it always fresh and
DOUBLE value the outer band is a
United srwJiNo Coupon
good toward valuable presents.
Try it see how good it is!
Made by Wm. Wngley Jr. Co., manufacturers of
the famous EZ2Z2ZZ sold everywhere.
A Package a Day Keeps the Blues Away!