THE MORNllfG OREGOXTATf, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1914. 17 FOR KENT- Furnished Room. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at Thirteenth. BOo per day; weekly $2.50 and up. Running water, phone in each room, steam heat, fireproof bids-, ground floor looby, all-night service. Business is good. HOTEL ROTvuAN E, 207 4TH ST. 1UO KUUJ4 Modern brick building, centrally located, rice clean rooms, hot and cold water; rate's Sue, 75c and $1 per day; $3 per week and op. " HOTEL BLACKSTONE, Cor. 11th and Stark; $3 week and op; ele vator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no extra charge for two In a room; room and bath $1 day. Transients solicited. HOTEL EATON, West Park and Morrison fits. Large, comfortable rooms at modest prices, single or en suite, with and with out private bath; every possible comfort; special rates by the week and month. HOTEL ARTHUR, 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill; very desirable location; new, clean ruoms, with every modern convenience; well heat ed; rates for two $4 and $5 per week. i per day; no extras. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at-, at luth; central location. RKDLXED RATES, 50c per day up; weekly, $2.50 up; neat rooms; running water, free phones and baths; steam heat. HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone In every room ; rooms without bath $10 up; with batn $15 up. HOTEL RAINIER, Two blocks from Union Depot. Modern, clean and homelike; the house that treats you right! Sue up per day; 412 tip per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. &xs. TOUXG man rooming at Y. M. C A. wants roommate to reauce rooming txpcusti Inquire Y. JL CL A. office. Furnished Rooms In Private Families KEWLY renovated and furnished large room, double closets, running water, elec tricity; also single roms, sleeping or H. K. 175 Morrison. BEAUTIFULLY furnished heated rooms, strictly modem. breakfast if deslred; Very reasonable. Also sleeping porch. V-o N. 23d. Mar. 349. iilCELY furnished room In modem home; walking distance. 663 Hoyt at., Marshall 3570. 173 N. 21ST ST. Beautiful furnished rooms for rent: reasonable; nurses pre ferred. Main 0360. Tit?, a t:ttttt7T,I,Y furnished front room with kitchenette. 271 Broadway. Marshall 5263. CICELY furnished, pleasant, furnace-heated rooms; electric liahuf, up of piano; rates reasonable, la xxittx St.. near lamam. ft " v. furnished sieeuing-room. near Wash ington High; breakfast if desired. Phone East 4072. J't'RNISHED rooms for rent, modern, close in. clean, $2.00 per week. 2442 Broad- way. FURNISHED Sleeping rooms close in, phone. bath, heat; $l.o0 up. Main a'JiW. CLEAN furnished sleeping rooms, $-'.50. 420 Alder st. $ LARGE, beautifully furnished room In moaern nome. iaat ido. steam lieau $0 SMALL, nicely furnished room in mod ern nome, steam neat. j-aei ioo. I. A Hr.R room, runnine water, plenty heat good location. 74. Hoyt. Marsnaii -oo. 327 SIXTH. LARGE, DESIRABLE ROOMS. LA RGE front room, reasonable, in private family. IMS N. L'Uttl. Kit. "ELY furnished room, $1.50 per week. , ;its Mam st., near otn. KICE room, near Multnomah Clubhouse modern; reasonable. Main 7377. biXGLE outside aieeping-rooms very rea sonable; heat, phone and bath. 2-1 13th. NEATLY furnished bedroom. Phone, walk ing distance. $1.50 per week. 42! Oth st. Rooms With Board. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson streets. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rate to transients or permanent guests. Phone Main 9283, A 6628. v PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery St., at West Park Mod ern conveniences; room with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular or transient guests. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whtehall, 253 6th St.. has fin table board, modern rooms, sun parlor a real home; reasonable rates. BUSINESS women and students will find good boarc ana room, aim n.ou wee. Portland women s union, oiu rmnaers. THE CASA ROSA. Nicely furnished rooms with board. 300 Jefferson. THE HAZEL. 885 3d st. Modern rooms with or without board; special rates. THE STRYKER, 554 Couch. Choice rooms and board; rates reasonable. Rooms With Board In private Families. WILL give pood home to couple of children near school, price reasonable; take Cregon City car, get off at Oak Grove. T. K. Feighner. Qak Grove, Or. Box 111. ROOM and breakfast for gentleman In first class apartment; walking distance. Phone Marshall 1453 NICELY furnished front room with alcove and sleeping porch and board. 162 North 22d. Phone Mar. 3857. TWO rooms, with best of board, bath, use of piano, home privileges, everything con genial," walking distance. Main 3250. BOARD and room, private, modern home, for one or two ladies or man and wife. Apply 44a .Halsey. LADY owning home, with large yard, will take boy over 3 years; reasonable; refer ences given. Phone Woodlawn 3442. BLEEPING porch, with finest board; all nome co mi or lb. a irinuy riuce. main 6781. BOARD for aged, others: quiet Christian home. $22.50 month. AO 336, Oregontan. ROOM and board, $4.50 week and up; cloiie Mi. Main 7703. PLEASANT room with good board, young lady, reasonable. 700 Irving st. PLEASANT room with board, suitable for two. nrivato family. 5iu East Main. ROOMS with board, walking distance, strict ly modern. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. ROOM with board, home privileges ; steam heated. 11 N. zutn. aiarsnau 1U4. ONE or two children to home, reasonable. AJ are for pleasant m, oregoniun, ROOM and board in private family. Main. Marshall 5305. GOOD 18th. room and board cheap. Marshall 2606. Widow. 106 North NICE homo; Main 3!24. piano. 3S0 lith st. Phone ROOM and board. Main 2334. 166 N. 2 2d, near Irving. ROOM and board. 332 10th sL, walking dis tance, phone Main oii, a 2oa. $.j.2.i. $5..m weekly; first-class meais; com fortable; walking distance. 33 17th X. Furnished Apartments. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. New building; nicely furnished; private moderate prices; walking distance. Phone i-ast ave. MADISON PARK APTS., Park st., at Madison. Modern 3 - and 4-room luniished apart merits, close in, by week or month. JArKSOX bunKalow. all newly furnished janitor service, walking distance. 454 11th street. WILL rnt niv beautifully furnished four- room apartment at 705 Davis street for the Winter. Phone Marshall P537. CA MAR, "04 Love joy. large 2 and 3-room apts., also light 3-room basement ; rents from $13 to 530- Marshall 2317. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders. 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or uu furnished; best of service. THE wrXSTON APARTMENTS. 341 14th st.. at Market. New 2 and 3 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 1730. FAIRMOUNT APTS.. 2J 11TH. Modern tarnished two-room apartments, $22. SO up; close in. Main 22S6. S-ROOM apartment. East Side, completely furnished; all outside rooms; private bath ana pnone, rnone a 1079. 1-ROOM h. k. apt , including heat, bath. phone, etc.; $9 per mo.; easy walking dis- wui-cniiaii, near lamnill. BANNER APARTMENTS, 480 Clay St. Modern two rooms, completely furnished, $16, $13 and $20. Phone Marshall 2074. HAMMERs-LY COURT. 2S0 12TH sL. 2 and 3-room aparuueuia. ciose in ; modern, rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2U52. References. THE KATHERi.NE APARTMENTS 349 N. 23d st., near Hoyt. Modern rooms, furnlshea. reasonable. Marshall 3u. DRICKSTON. 44 11th; choice 3-room apartments, two noimes beds. Marshall 57 THE ELMS. 14th, near Yamhill 2 snd 3 room, outside; walking distance; $16-123. BIRMINGHAM. 390 12th st Two snd thr furnished. $24 up. Marshall 484. AND 4-roora furnished or unfurnished Tne t53eitanu. it-oi, main irUi. A NORTHAMPTON. 407 Harfst7. 2 and room furnished. $20 pp. A 4056. COMPLETELY furnished apartments in con crete uiock 91 tmon ave. iM. ARDMAY TERRACE. 3tf5 12th st. In 2-room apartments. Mrs. John Cran, mgr. FOR KENT. Furnished Apartments.. STRANGER, GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Only $18 to $2tf per month for com pletely furnished housekeeping two-room apartments, including electric lights, pri vate bath and phone; all modern conveni ences; new brick building; 15 minutes' walk from Postoff ice. Lincoln Apts.. cor. 4th and Lincoln. Main 137, A 4152. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel) Tenth and Salmon Sts APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. RATES by the day. week, month or year. THE AVALON, Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments ; linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 2S3 Ross st. Phone East 3172. DENVER APTS. see them before locating for Winter; furnished elegantly; ail out side rooms; private bath and phone, hard wood floor, new manager; references. Take "W" car. 27-4 N. 21st St. Marshall 3S0. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Corner Park and Taylor. Best location in the city; cosy home; well furnished in 2, 3 and 4-room suites; first-class service. G ROVER Apartments, Grover and Water st., one oioca soutn ot amng School, walking distance; 2-room furnished for housekeeping, heat, gas. water, bath. $10 $15 month. Main 0058. ORDERLEIGH APTS., 52 Grand ave,. cor. East Stark Well furnished 3-room apart ments; easy walking distance; $18 per montn; cheapest rent xurnisned apart ments In city. East 300. BERKELEY Apartments, 39 Trinity Place; well furnished apartments, 2 and 3 rooms, private balconi, elevator, all modern, i 2-room. $25; 1 3-room. 427.00. Marshall 130. WESTFAL, 410 5th, near Hall; 3 and 4-r. apte., by week or mo.; concrete bldg., ele vator, thcroughly renovated. electric vacuum cleaner free, steam-heated; $25 up; best in town; easy walking distance. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient. 6-minute walk to Postoffice. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments Marshall 5198. References. A 332s. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup 5 large rooms, unfurnished, large front veranda, sleeping porch, new, modern, hardwood floors, phone, bath, heat. Marshall 1075. NEW HART Automatic elevator, phones, heat, lights, linen, gas free. 2 rms., bath. 1 rm. disappearing gas plate, 170 2d, near Morrison, 4th floor. CHELTENHAM Furnished apartment, first class, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, all outside; prl va to phone and bath ; greatly reduced ; I'.ith and Northrup. HADDOX HALL. 414 11th st., 4-room furnished cor. apt. Balcony, Pacific phone, hardwood floors, real beds, reasonable price THE STAN FIELD. Neatly furnished two-room apartments; walking distance, reduced Winter rates, $13 and $2i. 204 Porter st. Main 7312. HISLOP HALL Corner east 6th and Haw thorne; 2 and 3-ruom apts. ; private bath and phone, large, light rooms, well fur nished; $15 to $25. East 882. Unxurmsbed Apartments. H AX THORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th. 'near Main. Best arranged and most desirable 3-room apts In city; all outside rooms; beautiful surroundings; lar&e private balconies; 5 minutes' walk to business center; up to date In every de tail; 1 3-room, 2d floor, $27.50; 1 3-room, 5tn floor, $35. Marshall 2540. LUCRET1A COURT APTS. Lucretia st., near Washington su and 23d street. Highest class unfurnished apts., all outside rooms, best service, both phones free; ref. req. Mgr., Mar. 1513. Janitor, Mar. 1500. FORDHAM APARTMENTS, 170 Ford St. We now have one 4-rm. front apt., $42.50 per mo., on second floor; most desirable apa rtment in city ; beautifully papered walls, oak finish, hardwood floors, tile bath, unexcelled service. Main -6U35. HANOVER APTS 16o-167 King suT cor. Washington Walking distance, new and modern; private balconies; one two-room. $18 50; one three-room, $30; excellent serv ice. Marshall 2009. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 272 Broadway 1 blocks to business center; large, light and pleasant rooms; private bath, phone, etc.; all modern; 1 3-room apt., $27.50; aiso a beautifully furnished 4-room &p. $33. Phone Main 2506. ST. FRANCIS APTS.. 21st and Hoyt. Nob Hill district Up to date in every detail, large corner balconies, excellent service; 1 4-room, 1st floor, $22.50 ; 1 3-room, 3d floor, is 27.00; 1 4-room, 4th floor, $35. Main 76s 0. THE WINDSOR APARTMENTS 2, 3 or 4 beautiful rooms, walking distance. This piace is new ana clean and has some nice porches. It is well liked by those wno nve mere. j-;ast l-itn ana xammii. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Planners 3 and 0 rooms, large and homelike; more service and conven ience for the price th an you will find In tne city, rnone Alain Taltf, A 010. CECELIA APTS.. 22d and Glisan Very nice o-room apts., all outside, modern,, private Dam, pnone ana oaiconies; x rf-room, za floor. 2o; 1 3-room 3d floor, $22.00. Mar- snail 16U4. THE WASHINGTON, 6S9 Northrup 3-room uiuurniBuea apartments, witn oatn ana ail moaern conveniences telephone, steam neat, gas electricity, etc. Take "W car tozast ana rvortnrup. Pbott Main 4376. KNICKERBOCKER APTS.. Harrison, be tween luth and 11th Very desirable apart ments, every convenience, best of service; cAay wanting aistance; x 3-room, $Zi.oO 1 4-room. $32.50 Main 1320. COLUMBIAN APTS., 11th and Columbia- Easy walking aistance. very DieasaaL snsv cious rooms, all outside, private bath and leiepnoue eacn apartment; X o-rm., 2.0O 1 4-rm., $27.00. Main 1U11. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson High-grade 3, 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; hign -class tenants wno appreciate service, prices reasonable. fnone iiarsnaii jdoo or A -WTO. CLAYPOOL APTS., 11th and Clay mU lhe very best in 3-room apartments, large private balconies, fine view, eastern ex posure; 1 2-rm front, $27.00; 1 3-rm., $30. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay Sts. 0 anti -ru'm uniurnisnea suites; private vestibules, phones and baths, with steam n, nui a. uu coia water; references. BRENTNOR APARTMENTS, 215 N. 20th, cor. Lovejoy St. Unfursnlshed four-room apartments, to date in every respect. up CLIFTON APT.. 780 IRVING. uniurnisned b-room apartment; three bedrooms, large closets, two porches; ref- ki ruuin ju.usiiiiii j.08 or Main b2s3. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated S and 4-room apartments. $20 and up; good janitor service ; walking distance; refer ences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. MORTON Apartments, cor. Wasnington and -Uiug ; 6-room unfurnished apartment; modern; walking distance. Main 1082. A lluS. WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett Easy walking distance, private bath, phone.- etc.; 1 2-rm.. $16, Including elec tric lights.; 1 3-rm., $19; 1 4-rm.. $22.50; 1 5-rm.. $32.50. Main 1245. KI N GS BU R Y, Ford near Washington High-class unfurnished 3-room apartments, private balcony; reasonable rent. MAYO APARTMENTS. 503 H Union ae. N., near Broadway; new, strictly modern 3-room apts. East 820. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef lerson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-clriss ser ice, private phone ; ref. 7-ROOM duplex apartment. 4 bedrooms. 2 batiis. in fireproof building. Apply 705 Davis st. WE shall have a beautiful 6-room apart ment to rent on Nov. 1 at 705 Davis st. Fnrnislied or Unfurnished Apartments! THE rTv-ENAVISTAi STRICTLY MODERN. 12th and Harrison. Under new man agement. Finest apartments in the West; all outside rooms, 2 and 3. furnished or unfurnished; walking distance; beautiful view; apartments for bachelor gen tlemen; lounging-room. Reterencea. THE BAKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and uururmshed apartments. In 2, 3 and 4 rooms; four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks; plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 206 L CARLOTTA COURT, 17th and Everett. New and modern, beautifully furnished, close in, no carfare. :ve minutes to post oiflcs; moderate prices; excellent service References. THE IRiS Apartments, 3d and Mill sts., will be completed October 1; rents from $17 up; 2, 3. 4-room, all modern improve, ments: the largest heating plant In the city, furnished or uniurnisnea; gas for coekmg. no charge THE ROSEN FELD vNEW). COR. 14TH AND EAST STARK. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or uniurnlshed, new, modern and quiet; references. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, THE HOUSE OF TONE, 49-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER'S PHONE. MARSHALL 110L FOR RENT. Furnished or Upfnraihe-d A partmen ts. MORGAN. FLIEDNER A BOYCE, 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, size and price. Our free auto, mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2013. A 2015 THE DEZENDORF, 205 16th st., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Nice 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; also nice 3-room apt. A VERY desirable tf-room corner flat; light and airy : southeast exposure ; has fireplace-, furnace, with hot-water coll, sta tionary tubs and every convenience, and the rent is reasonable. Bee it. 721 Kear ney, cor. 22d. K.ey and Information at 104 2d st.. near Washington. Phone Main 1436 or A 1436. ONE 4 -room flat, with sleeping-porch, pri vate back porch and front porch, east facing, on East 21st st.. No. 303, just south of Hawthorne ave.. in Colonial Heights; good view, light and airy: sas range; wail bed: beat and water furnished, at only $40. free rent until the 2'Jth. See the flat and then phone Tabor 1993. owner. 3 LOVELY 3-room flats. In Sunnyelde. all modern conveniences; so arranged as to require very little furniture; price $18. Phone Sell wood 1934. CLEAN, modern 5-room flat, range, very cheap. 207 McMillen, near Broadway bridge. , CLEAN, tinted, modem 4-room flat, nice yard, good location, near car, $14. Wood-lawn- 426. 780 Williams ave. ONE tt-room uo-to-date unoex comer fist rent reasonable. 033 E. Madison su Phone E. 234. MODERN 5 or 6-room comer flat, freshly tmtea, ugnt ana airy, wanting distance. West Side, reasonable rent. Main 3020. 3-ROOM flat $8, 3-room flat $12, 4-room flat $12. water, garage. 568 Market. $10 t-room flat. 301 E. 11th. No children. Phone East 963. SIX rooms. lower, modern, choicest loca tion. West Side. Inquire 175 '16th. TWO elegant flats for rent. Telephone East FLAT of 6 rooms and bath, 733 Hoyt su Inquire 130 6th st. phone Main 6278. 666 HOYT ST. rear 21st Upper flat, 6 rooms; large. Ugnt rooms; $15. Main to 15. HOLLADAY ADDITION Five-room corner flat. 412 V Wasco st. Phone East 3805 UP-TO-DATE 5-room upper Gila an st. Phone A 5003. flat. $71. 4-P.OOM modern Hat, it9 Green eve., near :3d and Washington. Main 3SJ3, A 2676. 2 modern 9-room arid 1 7-room flat, cheta 32th ana mm inquire 43U miu. m. 4013. SWELL 5-room modern lower flat; nice yard. 7S9 E. Yamhill. Phone East 5948. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat. 185 16th it. Apply lot iota, cor. 1 am mil. FOR RENT Modem 5 and 6-room flats. reasonable. o2y Everett st.. West Side. FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat. 174 E. M North, pnone East 332. 5-ROOM lower flat, modern, newly tinted. tt) xl.. jviam st. i-none t; 27t-. NEW modern flat for rent, $12. Furniture ior raie cneap. z t tsnaver. FnrnlMbed Flats. FURNISHED flat, Nov. IS, 709 Kearney st., 6-room upper flat, conveniently ar ranged, nicely furnished; rent moderate If agreeable; owner will take room. Call at MO Ry. Exch. bldg. Phones Main 0271 and Main loBO. DESIRABLE furnished and unfurnished flats; If.rgest lisr in the city to choose irom. o'Ji tfroanway oiag. Mar. 076. MODERN 5 -room lower flat, completely fur- msned: waikine distance. 424 Tillamook. Owner's home. East 160. CORNER single flat, sunny, bow windows. rooms, modern, newly tinted and furnished. bale or rent, doo fcixth. ?none A 163- 3-ROOM furnished flat, hardwood floors, tiled bath, sleeping porch, fireplace, fine MODERN 5-room furnished flat. N. Marshall 797. A 7131. 8 E. 12th $20. FOUR rooms, lower flat, light, water, phone, waikine distance. East 3310. COZY furnished 4 rooms, walking distance. us robs st. f none wooaiawn loatf. 4-ROOM flat, clean, nicely furnished, piano. pnone; ciose in, t n.ast xtn st. jsortn. 18 3 ROOMS, strictly modern, new., com pieteiy iurnisnea. uiu ami. in o( PLEASANT and light .".-room modem flat furnace, fireplace; references. Jdar. J238. ho use keeping Rooms. $3.25 WEEK, completely furnished house keeping suites; $2 week, single housekeeo ing rooms; hot water, baths, ail conveni ences, tree. ADioiuieiy cieanest in town. Save carfare. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson. $1.50 TO $2.73 week; clean furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone East 6030. 406 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. U" car. FURNISHED H- K. rooms, cheap, bridge bldg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. Cam HOUSEKEEPING suite In 2 or 3-room, reasonable rent. 3t 6 Yamhill. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished 1 and 3 room housekeeping apartments; reasonable. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Families. $15 3 MODERN, well-furnished h. k. rooms. 2d floor; large, sunny windows, sleeping porcn. gas, wood and coal stoves, organ phone, erectric lights free, yard; walking distance. 564 East 6th. Phone Sell. 1 lu'J. $18 COMPLETELY furnished, 3 or 4 rooms, close in. private bath, gas range, phone. etc. ; neat, clean, cozy and Quiet. Phone u. o54G. jau 18 East I9tn, near Mor rison. 13TH ST., 4 rooms, entire first floor, com pletely furnished ; also 3 rooms, modern adults. Tabor 1196. Main 3672. McFarland, aua x eon oiag. FINE large front rocm tor housekeeping. sink, running water in room, first floor. zvo l-itn, near jaorary. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent- Inquire 16S 13 th, between Yamhill and .Morrison. LARGE, pleasant front room, completely lurnisnea ior ugnt nouseiteeping; no cnll a re 11. oo I Lii st. NICE clean rooms S3. 50 per week: bath. heat, light, gas and laundry. Phone 403 Park st. 2 NEATLY furnished front H. K. rooms, gas, Dam, pnone, electricity, duo Montgomery. LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms, $14 and is. 1:0 l-tn st., near baimon. FURNISHED and housekeeping rooms. 547 lamniu st. 2 FURNISlfED H. K. rooms, heat, eleotrlo lty, gas; very reasonable. 781 Kearney. Mtt-Li furnished Housekeeping rooms heat. 7 N. 14th st. Davis to Everett. TWO nicely furnished rooms for house keeping; 43 E. 6th st. East 5106. NICE, clean, modem housekeeping rooms, single ana en suite, at 40 Aiaer st. HOUSEKEEPING basement room for bach elor, close In. 251 Broadway. SINGLE housekeeping and bath. 221 13th. rooms, heat, phone TWO strictly modern fioor; $18 a- month. H. K. rooms, 392 Columbia. MODERN bas-window suite, full kitchen. Always hot water. 4Ui Jetrerson. 879 E A&T D A v It. cor. 29th ; 7 rooms ; very choice neighborhood ; entfrely modern. nearly new, ivey. terms. jdain luu. W EST SIDE, walking - distance. 288 13th, near Jefferson; newly papered and painted throughout; 8 rooms, fnone Main 410, MODERN 1 l-room house, in good condit lo; suitable for two families; in Sunny side $2." ptr month. AH 33b. Oregontan. 5-ROOM house nea r Pa rk st.; cheap rent. Vanduyn A- Walton, 515 Chamben of Com, NH'B house, 6 rooms, Parrlh. watklns C75 East Ankeny Co., 106 2d st. COURTNEY, near Milwaukle, S-rm. cottage. 10 acres, fruit, etc.. Jdu 1 ayior. BEAUTIFUL 7-rooms, Lane. Main 8770. $35. 908 Kelly an 771 EAST DAVIS. $18. 6rooms, desirable. Phon'j evenings. Main jjio. FOR RENT Modern (t-room house. 344 Ore gon st. Phone East 3329. FOR RENT Modem 6-room bungalow, gas ranee and anaues; wooaiawn 1 1 a. 8 ROOMS, large basement, furnace; best lo cation. V est riae. .inquire x t a join 9-ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy. near 2 2d. In quire 130 h. Main 6278. 5.ROOV house, strictly modem ; furnace $16.7.0. East Side. Phone Woodlawn 197. a ROOMS, modern. East 28th. near Haw thome ave. $35. Inquire 661 Hawthorne. MODERN 6-room house. 774 Mnltnomab at. C 2562. Owner, 63 Giackamas st. 6-ROOM house within Main 8093. walking distance. DESIRABLE 6 and 8-room houses, 396 and San Karaei St., ciose in. tast it. $2t -5-ROOM modem buagalow. 10U Gladstone ave.. W w car. Id. 4S. FOR RENT An almost new modern S-room house: walking distance. Call 441 11th st PIANO wanted; have yotr-one to rent. Tabor r-."0. , MODERN' 6-room house, furnished or unfur. nlBhocl, Wiverly Height. XcL Sell. SIS, FOB. RE'T. EXTRA LOW RENT. Beautiful modern home In select resi dence district. Large corner lot. Cloat to csr. Fine view of the river. Owner. 321 lotnat. Mala 7655 or evenings. Main 369. LAUKELHURST HOT'.SES.' FOR RENT. We have some new. strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; If they do not suit, we will build just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co.. 270 Stark st. Main 1303, A 1515. ROOMS, electric lights, sas range with water heater. linoleum floor, cement basement, stationary wash tubs, furnace; choice location, fine lawn; $30. BJelland's Grocery, 234 N. 16th. Main 1867. SEVERAL good snaps in Astoria, Warren- ton ana iiavei iota; i snow tne grouna; can locate you In the heart of the beat of it K. L. Yoke. llSo -Nor til west Bank bldg. 2 N. 1STH STREET," flneresidentUrdTs trict, easy walking distance business cen ter; 6 rooms, furnace, $27.50. Key janitor Ionian Apts., loth and Couch. Main 2115. FIR-ST month. $15 thereafter. 7-room comer, 400 East 8th st., cor. Lincoln. $6 first month, $15 thereafter, 374 Stephens, corner Union ave. phone Main 75u7. 1S8 NORTH 21ST ST. D rooms, hardwood floors, beam celling, fireplace, furnace, etc; $35. Key. Janitor, St- Francis Apts.. 21st North and Hoyt. Main 2015. WILL give rent for 5 months to man and wire wno will take care of little gin. Place for chickens. Also cow. 895 Tacoma ave. Call evenings. ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights 6-room bungalow flat, hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch, maid's room; close in. Marshall 2024. ROOM cottage, clean and central. 413 11th, corner Hall street; key at 40U 11th st. ; rent $20. Parr is n, W atklns & Co., 106 Second sU MODERN HOUSES. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. TITLE & TRUST BLDG. MAIN 6428. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow In Woodstock; garden, fruit and berries; rea sonable. Phone be 11 wood 123$. ROOM modern, new house, 473 E. 24th near Division, $23 per m. Key 208 Stock Exchange bldg., cor. 3d and lam hill. MODERN 5-room bungalow in Irviugton. close to car. no small children. &77 Wasco at. HAWTHORNE district; modern 6-room cot tage, chicken pars. -11 i. aath s. uain 9276. MODERN clean tinted 2-story, 6-room, nice yard, good location, near car, $20. Wood lawn 426. 780 Williams ave. MODERN 8-room residence; fireplace, fur nace, gas, electricity. ju. urusiae, near l'2d; $5. Tabor 193. Furnished Houses. WANTED To rent all or part of my 7- roora bungalow witn sleeping porcn, 11 re place, piano, all modem conveniences, beautifully furnished ; rent reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 14,. $18 MONTH Small, neat bungalow, o rooms ana tatn, completely turnisnea, electric ity, phone, chicken park; 2 blocks from Rose CiUf Park car. - Phone Tabor 4io RARE OPPORTUNITY by responsible peo ple to lease very moaern nome, wen lur nished, attractive grounds; good district. rnone r-ast auo 1. 49 TAYLOR, near lfth st.. 4-room anart- roent, nicely zurmsnea, new rugs, lumea oak furniture upholstered In Spanish leather, 3 large bay windows. Rent $jo. ROOM bungalow. No. 1108 East Market st.. beautiful lawn, roses, etc. W. L. Nash, owner. 109 E. 50th st. Phones Tabor 793. B 8081. SIX rooms, electric light, wood and gas range, modern, lo minutes' walk to Post office. 309 E. 9th St. South. East 5233. 9 ROOMS. WEST SIDE. $40. 13th and Taylor; nuf ced. Fred W. German Co., S14 Chamber of Commerce. ROOM modem . cottage, completely fur nished, reasonable to a good tenant. Adults only. East nth st. isortn. FOR RENT Furnished 5-room bungalow, near car. 73i'S e4tn ave. s., e. ML Scott car to Millard ave. $16 Comcleteiy furnished modem 4-room house, on paved street, in-sseuwooa. rnone teeiiwooa v-is. FIVE-ROOM furnished cottage. 341 Sher man st.. easy walking distance. West Side, rent $23. Mtein 867. FOR RENT Furnished 7-room house: $30. 816 Clackamas st. Phone C 148. Inquire Kiz wasco st. $20 6-ROOM. fairly well furnished house. easy warning distance, inquire oi Aoing n Plug. NICELY furnished house; gas. 720 East Ankeny. bath, etc. adults. Stor STORE for rent on Williams ave near Beech : now occupied as grocery store fine opening for live young men in same business; reasonable rent; apartments aoove lr desired, inquire bus Henry oiag. $25 STORE, suitable for market or grocery. fius 1st. pnone Tabor 1114. Offices. FOR PENT. In the heart of the wholesale district, on Front St., an onice room on tne rround iioor on comer, spienaia 10 cation; use of both phones and someone In all the time; price $13 per month. Call DESK ROOM in large, light office In Mor gan bldg. Apply manager, 813-821 Mor gan bldg. WELL furnished private office; also desk room, $b and $7. 723 Chamber of com merce. OFFICES $10 and up; furnished offices and desk room very reasonable ; Portiana busiest corner. 303 S wetland bldg. PRIVATE office with use ot phone. 306 fapaiaing Diag. FOR RENT Large hall; good dancing floor. steam heated, ill 2d et. pnoue Mam -iss. Warehouses. OPEN storage (60x350) on dock with use o noisting engine, rail connections ii roads. Central Hawthorne Dock Co.. E. 2063. BRICK warehouse space on S. P. track for rent. Call 31o Belmont si. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE Bargain; grocery, well stocked busy location, cash trade ; suitable for man ana wiie. rnone t,ast luie. HALF interest in estaDiisnea ousmess; can make good wages; jo required. Call 24SH Stark st. FOR SALE A first-class retail lumber and mill business, uooq reasons ior selling. A. 320, Qregonlan. WHITE enamel barber shop, very comnlete ly turnisnea : iuo. worm suo; rent $10 montn. rnwc -mum $300 AND services gives you half Interest Vn onice uusmeti; cieau, renauie piace; ref erences exchanged. 303 Lumber Exchange, CIGARS, confec, etc., transfer point, only 54 7 a. 3US lumoer cixcnange. WORKING partner in flourishing automobile garage, good location, x an, uregonian. WANTED Partner In first-class picture h ouse. f n on q iaoor t. I CAN sell your business. W. Lawrence. $15 Lumber Ex Piqg.. zo ana stark sts. Do You Want a Phon ograph? Arc vou one or that big class o DrosDective buyers of phonograph: who feel that the cost of a brand new machine is a little more than you care to pay right now? Then here's a sug gestion: Run a little Want Ad in our Classified Advertising section. There are lots of people in this city owning splendid machines, but who. for various reasons, are anxious to dis pose of them cheaply. These are th people you can reach with our littl Want Ads or. if you have a ma chine to sell a Want Ad will find buyer. Use "The Want Ad Wcv BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HAVE a truck proposition to offer for the right kind of a man. I will put up twice as mucn money as ou and you manage and control iu It will take at least lvn of your money 42ihk would be better. You will have to show me you "have the real money before I will entertain you. I can ehow you and prove to you $4 010 net profit a year. Answer at once. AM 535. Qregonlan. SUBSTANTIAL Interest in oldest estab lished high -class mercantile Institution on Puget Sound can be secured by a capable business man who can assume active part In management; this business has made several fortunes and is capable of malt ing many more; at leat $-u,uuu cash and not to exceed $35,000 required. Address principals direct, care H. Erwin French. P. O. box 1902, Seattle. Wean. OLD-ESTABLISHED and good paying launch business, between Kelso, Wash., and Rainier. Or., consisting of luunca Eadem. length 65 ft., beam 11 ft., 45 h. p.. Imperial engine, and North Star, lengtn 34 ft., beam 6 ft., 12 h, p. Standard en gine and float. E. J. Horbach, Kelso, Wash. IF there is a progressive, thinking and en terprising person in uregoa wno 11 as m. few dollars to Invest In a meritorious, pay ing enterprise, which will pay bo per cent on your Investment I would like to show you a decent, honest business. Alder Ho tel, room 402. 0 to 12 A. M.. 2 to 7 P. M. MODSHX drur store, with electric ax Lures, awnings. shelves, snowcases, counter, stove, drawers, aro light; all for $73; a snaD: fine corner location on streetcar line; lease: rent 116 mouth; worth, 95. Apply lbt Sandy road, near 7-d st. Take Hose City park. car. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STORE? In the downtown business center at transfer point: it is a dandy place for two partners; J-UOO required. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. Corner of 4th and Fine Sts. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business get ad v ice of Po rt land Reaity Boa rd. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. S32 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. STEAMBOAT BUSINESS. Old-establisned line, owns one large steamboat, warehouses, 1 acres of ground, clearing better than $20 month ; mignt consider some real estate a part pure hast. Get further particulars at room 618 Yeon bldg. (C777) CITY dairy. Including land. cows, retail mine route, togetner witn complete equip ment, showing unusual returns on invest ment, small cash payment and income property on baiance. See Mr. Perseis, at HAKTMAN & THOMPSON (Fourth and Stark Sts.) HARDWARE STORE. East Side location with repair shop In connection; rent doing a good busi ness. This is the best snap in the city for a Hardware store; price juu. t uu par ticulars. 18 Yeon bldg. .C 775) A SPLENDID opportunity to leave Portland and get an apartment-house witn dining room, new and moaern, pf your own, in a good live city in Oregon; now full and good income; small amount cash or trade, terms. AV 62, Oregonian. HAVE a client engaged in a growing busi ness In Portland; business established for past lo years; need a man witu capital to join firm as salesman or other uepart ments. Call or address r. T. Short. 826 Northwestern Bank bldg. CASH grocery; owner wants a partner he can depend on to work In his store; am tired of hired help; will pay you a gaud salary besides a share of the profits; $6t)u required, fully secured. Call room 329, Morgan bldg. KEHTAL' RANT and grill, good location. cheap rent, nica business, loug lease; will ceil at sacrifice; a lifetime opportunity. Come and see or write R. M. s U. L Cobban, Astoria, Or. WONDERFUL irrigation and lumbering en terprise nearly ct mpleted, w Here fa for one can be realized; investment aoso- lucely secured. Details at 43u Worcester bldg. DRUG STORE. A-l West Side location, established S years; low rent and good lease; $2000 cash required. Further particulars room sis xeon uiug. tv-ab GROCERY. SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT. Well equipped, splendid location, cheap rent, good business, good fixtures; auto delivery at invoice. C 772. Inquire 618 Yeon bldg. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. Magazines, soda fountain, fruits, splen did transient location ; j rent; money maker. Inquire 618 Yeon bldg. (C742 WANTED Partner In manufacturing busi ness, sou required; if witling work and satisfied with $-'5 per week, call and In vestigate. 245 tioliaaayave. MILLINERY business, stock and fixtures in the largest department store in a town ot 2oUU; Will sen or iraae xor unsu mnu. AV 66. Oregonian. hardware store. Willamette valley; clean stock, good location, live town; 111 health owner's reason for selling. O 304. Oregonian. - CLEANING and nresslng shop, with stove. counter, ugnt nxtures. etc.; price must sell. Apply aa iast atn st. rtortn, between 6 and 8 evenings. CONFECTIONERY, cigar and fruit store. with two pool tables: must sen, leaving town: rent 430 a month; good paying business. 605 asnington at. WOR kale or trade. 100-La.irel caoaclty flour mill : macmnery secona-nana. ana a fruit dryer. Address 233 State su or 4ilu Court st.. Salem, or. FOR SALE General mdse. store in a rail' road shop town; mommy pay ron; wouia require about Siuuu casn. oaiance notes. Aldress AV bb. uregoman. RESTAURANT. Good location, cheao rent; leaving city. will sell cheap; nas always made monejr. Olcotfs Lunch. 4 qtn at. iNortn. wii.F. nut in complete sticn factory with improved sign-making niacaiuury tor auu to $000. Write Unity Mfg. Company, Los Angeles. CaL . TAILOR or bushelman as partner in old- establlsned wen -paying cleaning ana tan oring business; 300 required, L 322, Ore- gonian. PARTNER wanted In auto truck business a steadily increasing ousiness; can make $100 mouth; money secured. 46 Mor gan bldg. OWNER of hotel restaurant wants active man as partner; win guarantee siuu month ; this requires only SaaU. Partic ulars 426 Morgan bldg. MANUFACTURING partner wanted In safe, profitable business: tnia reauires su only factory of kind in city. Investigate this. Room 42 Morgan Ding. AUTO express; here's a solid business where you can make S day; requires only S3a0 which will oe securea: experience is no necessary. Room 39 Morgan bldg. PRESSING and dy works wants partner pays good wages while learning, beside halt 01 p routs ; iau requireu. aji out Lumber Exchange, I'd and stark. WE have biK bargain In butcher shop, do tng dandy business; fine location; little money needed. 303 Lumber Exchange. small cash business: owner will take partner willing to work and satisfied with weeic. Room Jiorgmn oiag. FT TEL. business partner wanted: pay S2 per month ; investment secured; $30 00 necessary. Call room 4s Morgan bldg. WANTED Information of Arthur or Alma Louden. Have something for their benefit. Call Nathan Gage. Tabor 5983. BAKERY on Morrison St., downtown. Doing good business, xiuuv. vn 111 give terms. A.l 2.'6. Oregon Ian. ESTABLISHED dental office In town of 3000 at invoice; best 01 reasons tor selling. An swer A V 7. tjregonion. FL'LL line confectionery with restaurant. In thickly settiea aistricc, across rrom acaooi. For particulars can ql. ib. APARTMENT with first-class furniture; the owners ha to (to to other city; bargain If taken thi wecK. a -J urcgonlai BARBER shop and restaurant for sals la live town, slngie or together, box 19&. In dependence, ur. rtes graven t jaoore. POOLROOM, central location. Morrison at. and Broadway; entrance 340 V Morrison st.; a bargain n taiten at once. FOR SALE, on be?t street in Portland. dandy cigar stand, at invoice tor quick ale. 1-T Broadway. CHEAP restaurant for sale In North. End. B 421. Qregonlan. CIGAR stand for sale; bargain It taken at once. rvo. 1 on n sa. ROOMING-HOUSES. MARY E. LENT. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL. AGENCY, Hotels Rooming, Apartment -houses. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. 508- NORTHWESTERN BANK. BLDG. Phone Main 8S60. IU-ROOM, roommg-houf-e, rent only $30 per month; gross income si rooms on one floor; over store; price $a0. Call a 275 pine st., corner or 4tn. 17 ROOMS, rent $3o. rood furniture, alway full. clearing right now orer $100 mo. and family expenses; will sell cheap. Owner. 449 Bd st. FOR RENT Privilege of buying, rooming house in. Astoria, Or.: doing business centrally located. Particulars D. H. Welch, Astoria, or. APARTM EM-iiiJLcfc, 2 and 3 rooms, new f umitfre; cheap rent ; small cash pay Tnent. some iraae. cast -10111. SMALL Jrooming-house at S27 Broadway BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED GOOD, responsible baker wants to rent equipped bakery or would buy on time; city or country. Y 821. Oregon ian. WANTED To buy clesning and pressing establishment in live town. J no. U. Smith, box 773. Dal 1 as. Or. gvOSt aM rOLND. THE following articles wrr found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Company and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder street stations: October 17 Marshall MOO, A 6131 14 umbrellas, 1 pin, '2 purses. 1 napkin. 1 cartridge belt. 1 pall of "Ivaro," '2 small packages. 1 logger outfit. 1 basket, 1 grip, l lady's purse, 1 ruler. 2 purses. 1 sack of nails. 1 suitcase, 1 book of church songs, 1 camera stand, 1 necklace, 1 hat pin, 5 packages. 1 gun, 1 basket. 1 lunch box. 1 rain cape. 1 bill book. 1 satchel, 1 suitcase. October 18 2 purses, 1 vanity box, 1 rain cape. 1 pr. canoe paddles, 1 lunch box 1 grip, 1 plant, l set of plans, 1 pin, 1 pr- gloves, 1 lunch box, 1 music roll, X jar of pickles. 1 package. 1 book. LOST Bunch of keys, dropped from auto Saturday evening or Sunday forenoon, one new brass key numbered 43:1. Dr. W. A. Shea. lllvS Stevens bldg. Main 294. REWARD Fifteen dollars for clothes and articles taken from The Whitehall Fri day, October 9. Positively no questions asKea. LOST One amethyst brooch pin. set with tour pearis, vatuec as a Keepsase. re ward. Return to a 00 North iiuth. Marshall 4ao4. LOST Gold scarf pin with garnet set, be tween Williams ave. and Borthw lck. st. Kinder please call Main 804H. LOST October 17. a round gold pin, three pearls, valued keepsake. Reward. Call (vo jonnson st. ' LOST Scotch collie pup, white and brown spots; liberal reward for return to iao Kearney st. LOST Bunch of keys. Jeffery. Phone Woodlawn 3345. Main 6007. Marshall 2161. LOST Automobile, license, Oregon license itJiui. Finaer please call 15 v . LOST Portland Heights or SS car, ores cent pearl pin. Phone A 25i. SPECIAX NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In tho matter of D. Pall ay Company, oankrupt Request zor cms. I will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing property, formerly belonging to D. Paliay Company, bankrupt. Situated in the storeroom at 147 tfth St.. Portland. Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, uctooer ivi: Stock of men's furnishings, hats, caps, etc.. of the inventoried vaiue of S34U. 11. Fixtures pertaining to the same of the inventoried value 01 suoo.o. Certified check for 10 per cent ot the amount oixerea must accompany eacn ota. Sale subject to the approval of tne court. - Inventory may be seen at my office and the property inspected by appointment. K. L. SAB1.N, Trustee. 740-47 Morgan B i d 2 .,Prtlan doreg oil WILL receive sealed bida at my office. 740 Morsan building:, for a stock of gen eral merchandise located at Linnton, ure- kod. consisting principally 01 hardware, groceries, crockery, etc. of the inventory valuation of $2144.09. together with fix tures of S72S.75, up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, October 27, 1011. Terms cash and a deoosit of ten oar cent must ac company each offer submitted, inventory may bo seen at my office and property may be Inspected on application. Might Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Portland, Oregon, October It 1S14-. R. L- SABLN. EAST SIDE UARKET. The farmers of th East Side Public Market have decided to continue the mar ket on Saturday r. They will be on hand with produce as ions as tney are patron ized by th East Side people, aud will de liver goods snort distances. By order of farmers' committee. T. W. COLLIER. Waysia Farm, Can by. Or. Miscellaneous ly THE SUPERIOR COURT Or liii. STATE OF VV A&Ul.NU 1 vj.n, . THK rOI'NTY OF PIERCE: ldaac Freedman, trading as I. Freedman & Co., plaintiff, vs. L. A. Martin and Ed win E. Wheeler, doing business as Wheeier & Martin, ana as L nitea uiutnes onop, rnrnnratioii. defendants: NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE NO. 3&US3. Notice is hereby given that the under sia-ned is receiver of Wheeler & Martin a copartnership, will sell for cash at pub lic auction in one lot. the entire stock of merchandise, consisting of men's suits and overcoats, together with store fix tures. now located at number 930 Parit'n avenue, Tacoma. Washington. Inspection of the same may be had and. lull inxorma lion secured by applying: to the under signed during regular business hours. Said sale will take piace at the Court bo usa door in the Citv ot Tacoma on Oc tober 27, 1914, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M- C E. S. Agassis, b Room 220, Perkins building, Tacoma. Washington. NOTICE After Oct. 15 I will not be re sponsible for any Dills Mrs. 4. a. tor Augusta) McClain may make In my name. s. A. Mcciain. Master's Notice. FRENCH bark "Desalx." Captain Flouest. rrom san rancisco. iveiiner tne cap tan nor undersigned agents of ship will be re sponsible for any debts that may be con tracted by crew. lay lor xoung & co. Agents. FINANCIAL. WANTED. $5000 TO $23,000 ON Notes drawing 8 per cent interest. Wl discount 5 ner cent: notes mature wtthii one vear. navsble monthly : A-l security. responsible indorsements; Investigation will convince you. Ait S4U, oregonian. WE BUY AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO, 80 4th St.. Board of, Trade Bldg. IF you would lend or borrow money on ao proved security at current rates oi inter est, see I. G. DAVIDSON" S19 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on Improved inside property; plent of monev: low rates; no delay. Principal only. Robertson & Ewing. 2U7-208 .North western ssjik oiug. MONEY for good city loans. 0 and 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham, odz Morgan blag. f FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest In contracts purchased: ureco or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg I WILL discount $26,0O0 sellers' contract, bearing- A per cent Interest, on $33,000 farm. Address av oae. oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages Hirst ana seconaj, equities pu: chased, F. H. Lewis & Co., ewis bldg. MORTGAGES for sale, $1250 and $1S00 Improved residence properties. l o2 Oregonian WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson & Ewing. 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. Storks and Bonds. I HOLD 100 shares of stock In Purified Oil Company, an Oregon corporation, wntc I will sell to person making best as offer, on Saturday. October 24. 114. Of fers must b made in writing, addressed to undersigned. M. MCPerraoti, 1U33 i w. BU. bldg., ortisna, or. M oney to Loan en Real E ,t a te. TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. $JO)00, $2850, 350u. TO LOAN AT 8 PER CENT. lOuO, $2o0U. First mortgage on Portland improved property. GOODSELL BROS.. 433 Worcester bldg. 2l0,OOO TO LOAN in sums to suit; build lng loans; lowest ratea, vv. u. necK, ti t ainng Diag. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowt rates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 217-lu Norta- western Bank bldg. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. UAJUnUiNU aiuniMAue, cuairAni, 4J3-424 Chamber of Lommwce. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SAUJSU.N tU X.S STAR it ST, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. II. HAKUUNG, 313 UU. Of Com. $1000 TO 2o,000 at 7 per cent. Main 63J. n. i. uunon, i Worcester oiag. $200. $3a0 $600. $900. J12O0. $1800. Fred W. German Co.. 814 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. IL Seits & Co., S10 Spalding bldg. $1000 TO $7000 for city or farm loan. Ta bor 7 o '1 or v no, oregonian. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts an mtgs. bought, h. JSiiey, Z'J uerilnger bid ALL amounts at low rates of Interest. Yeon bldg. Ore. Bd. & Mtg. Co. Mar. 33 STATE FUNDS. 6 ner cent, W. E Thorn agent Multnomah County. 400 Co. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay Henry i, rruanomme, $ w iicoi Diag, t-iOt. SAOO. $2lOO ON city proneiMv C Ambrose, 313H Washington st. Mala 07 $5(KH OR any part, principals only. AJ Oregonian. - TO LOAN AN V AMOUNT H A R T M A N - T H O M F SO N BANK aNY amouut of money deslred loaned good security. 301 Broad w'y bid. Mar. 52 CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 92 Fust st. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan vn Real Eftie. MONEY TO LOAN OV IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES: VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO., Old SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and iarra roporty. 6 to 7 ter cent. MALL A VON BOHSTEL, 104 Second St.. t-.ear Washington. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OR FOK , BT ILDINit PURPOSES; LI FERAL PAT MENT PRIVILEGES: MONEY AD- - VAXCE1) AS BUILDING PROGRESSES. THE EWTITABLE SAVINGS & . LOAN ASSOCIATION, 240 STARK ST. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 TO S PER CENT. Anv amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4-'8-4'J4 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN. Lowest Rate Money on business property, apartments, dwellings snd farms. R. H. Blossom, 31o Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison Str TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. SO 4TH ST. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MONEY TO I-OAN. WAKEFIELD. FRIES St CO.. S Fourth Street. 100 TO 93000 loaned in a day on real es tate security : lowest rates, smttn invest ment Co.. 4H2 Northwestern Bank bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. Ac MORTGAGE CO., INC, Stock Exchange Bldg., 3d and YamhilL ON improved and unimproved real estate, mortgages bought, v. 11. rs una. baer- .. lock bldg. Phone Main 0119. $500. $1000 and upward on Improved real 2? estate; favoratic terms; no de.ays: no brokerage. John Bain oi'T. Spalding bldg. - SEE us today tor loans on improved c:ty property, o to o per cent; t-uu ana up. C e i ! ar s - MurtonC o.. S25Y e on bldg. 2000 TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT on Port land improved property. D. Goodsell. 4ii Wort ester blag. HAVE cash and good equities to exchange for xnortgagos property near Port land. A J 32, Oregonian. Money to 'battels and lililLUlAlt; 'LOANS ON Di.-i Jd.o.M-3 A-N D jciWELKV A I . AS 1 t)K. UA'iLS, . 'e hate one ot tue fmeat retail jewelry storea in i tin city. A iou.n aepartment is ' couuueted in cunuectiuu witn kauie, mak- V.J. lug ousiuess S 1 HiViLl LU.N FiAJiu.Nl 1A L, ; ; auuliH ao .nua uesignaLing loan busi- ' n?MB uibpiaea iu iruut ut our store. Ait mrcosuuie pieugou is nea tor a period oi kcu mvnLxi, wuetner or not interest l paia wuen uue. - w c are hceuieu and hate oven ttisued since lii. .No coa ncctiou wit.n auy uiutt iuui tataousntnent in mis cit. ' A. t M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS, -334 wasnington est. 6ALAK3l LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $111 TO $1UU. CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACsi TO BORROVV' MO.NEl'. ABSOLLi.Ll No 2&CCRiTY. BUSiN.c-a si tiiCi'Ly. cu. t Ijut-.NTIAL. HO L R S 3 A. M. TO b P. JsL SATURDAY XU P. M. S1A1JD. sst-CURli t CO., SL'S FA1L1.NG BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE fLAtK iO OxilAlN LOANS. Diamonds, Watches. Jeweiry, fctc Shl'AKA 1 lcr 1 . FOR LADliuS. 1 COMPANY. i,i.iceusea ao Lumber t.JLctiauKi iiiu. Second ana SLara. Sis. We Make Loans in Six Hours' Time. AT LEGAL RATES. We loan mone on aiainonds, pianos, livestock, storage receipts, equities, real eta.Lt, piain uoies or furniture. PORTLAND LOAN CO., tLicenea Room -iui rtutxicuild Bldg. Bet. 4th and otn on W asnmgtun St. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at naif tue -rats cuargea uy oruaera. Marx Bloch, 74 3d st. LOANS on diamonds and jewelry; strlcuy confidenuau 111 3d su, near Alder. NEY LOANED on diamonds ana jewelry. l vV'. King, room 4a Wasnington Plug. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and jew elry. Wm. noil, room a. amngton oiug. MONEY on chattels, notes and mtgs. bo ugnt. Commoia Loan Co., ,ut aweuano. LOANS on chattels or anything of value. 317 Lumber Excnange Oiag. jsain o&va. Loans WsvnttsL. WANTED. $5tjt TO $25.ou0 ON Notes aiaw lug & per cent Interest. Will discount 5 per cent; notes mature withiu one year, payable monthly; A-l security, responsible indorsements; investigation w ill convince you. AH 340, oregonian. WANT to borrow $liuO at 8 per cent, 3 years on one acre; ail in cultivation anu modern ; new 6-room house ; cost $1600 to build; few blocks from Park Rose car line; 7c fare. Security Development Coin pan y, corner of 4th and Pine sts. $8UU0 WANTED 3 or 5 years. 7 per cent interest quarter-j enriy ectuiuj, improved lOOxluo Holladay's Add'n, leased at $UO per month. V ill pay an expenses, but no commission. BO 341. Oregonian. MONEY WANTED from principals; desir able applications on nana; seiecieu urat mortgages for sale. Henry C. Prudhomme, Wilcox bldg. WANT $12,000 on good West Side highly improved property worm u,u. a. u. Oregonian. MUST sell first mortgage $2S00. Z years, 8 per cent, big discount tor quicn wu. 332, Oregonian. WANT to borrow $1000 from private party; liberal Interest. At ads, oregonian louOO ON beautiful quarter block; owner . ... . i i 'l-tii lircnnuin nome; iuo fiv. , WANTED Loan of $5000 first mortgage. Town, Close Ul. U cnuman. WANTED $i00. S per cent, finst mtg lots worth $1400. X 335. Oregonian. WANTED $1000 on 2 lots and Main 1160. house, value -ouu. $2300 AT 7 per cent, years, good real es tate nct-mnj. - --p WANT $joo. $15tM and iinw for good loan. Sol Broadway bldg. Mar. 5270. PERSONAL. HAIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. "6-lnch convent hair switches $4.S5 2ti-inch convent hair switches, gray.. .t3 Hairdretsing J Face massage Shampoo - Manicure. 25c; 5 for LOW 12 scalp treatments - O-O" Superfluous haix removed by eleotrio nedie ; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade; switches, any length; prices hail. Sanitary Parlors, 40O 412 Dekura bldg., 3d and Wasnington. GERMAN trained nurse and masseuse: Lone experience, best reference; treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.. massage and baths; laay assistant. 4u Salmon, coiner loth, MarshaU i0W. Open bunaays. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors araduate- rheumatism, nervous and stom ach aliments under phy sician a direction; bath, massage. No. 7 East 11th St.. sec- ond flor south from East Ankeny carline. phone Easi 200. B lbva. Fj3VET HANEBUT. N Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stoek bumau balr goods; switches from b5c up- hairdrejing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment; combings made up to or jtr ii7 7th, near Morrison. Mam 046. MKri STEVENS. 21 years Portland's re nowned paunist and clairvoyant, author ot -Palmistry Made Easy." 21 V Morrison iu DIVORCES Lawjer of 25 years' experience, reliubie advic: given free. 4U4 Rothchiid uiui;., 27 t Washington. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. 6 witches, tic; curls snd puffs, 35c Saal tary Beauty Parlors. oQ Dekuro bldg. 5tihttUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price, Circiea TuesT 2 Wed. and Suit, 8 P. M. Readings daily." b03 Fifth su Marshall THE FUR SHOP. New orders snd remodeling; best worts, lowest prices; trimming. 717 Swetland blo.i w vpLREME TREATMh.Nl'. SuS NorthwesS blug all ailniecis treated; hours 10 A. M t b AL ELECTRIC vibration for rheumatism. ue- ra'.sia facial and scalp treatments, rea- ioulble. Phone Marshall 20. LESSONS in phrenology and card readings. - "th BU iJ"opc Maio 7f48- - MOLES, superfluous hsir removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 4 21 FUedner bidg. Main 3473. no M'MAHOK, chiropractor. 121 4th, ' Chro.iic css-s. 18 treatments $10; baths 2oo BALM OF FIGS compound Royal Tonia Tablets. 604 Davis st. Phone Main 23ts -; Dr Olga Nechv bs.-chiropractic, steam bsths, ma&aage. TQx Northwest bldg. Main S7i. PT'BLIC mnipraphr; rates reasonable. phone Mitr. "3 70. Su Cham.jof Com, bldg. , PHEASANTS prepared for hats 717 Shetland. MEDICAL. USK Bassvtt'a Native Herbs for rbumatlsm. & taolets for 2c All druggists. ill