Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 19, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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In measuring the chances of Ger
i many and Austria to win final victory
; over the allies, much is made of the
; possibility that the two Teuton em-
pires may be starved out by lack of
foreign food supplies and that they
may become financially exhausted
; through stoppage of exports and con-
sequent prostration of industry. On
; these points the opinion of Arthur von
Gwinner, one of the ablest financiers
of Europe, is of value.
He has written an article in which
he statea that for two years before the
war broke out Germany had had "a
period of restful economic develop--ment,"
and that in 1914 she was "in
" a condition of domestic stillstand."
. Money was cheap and the financial
i condition was so sound that no diffl
; culty was experienced in settling stock
! exchange transactions and no mora
I torium was declared when war broke
; out.
j On the other hand, he says, the
I Bank of England was compelled to
j double its discount rate within a few
! days, the great majority of London
j discount firms are unable to meet
their payments, $750,000,000 of Lon
' don Stock Exchange business re
: mains unsettled and the moratorium
still continues. He says: '"Those law.
: breakers who succeeded in driving
England to make war upon Germany
' shook England's welfare and world
commerce much harder" than Ger-
He states that only one-fourth or
one-fifth of Germany's productions
t goes abroad, while with England the
j conditions are exactly the reverse,
j Germany produces enough bread and
; meat for her own people, and, thanks
' to good forest culture, need never fear
a bad harvest. She imports large
Quantities of food, but they are arti
; cles of luxury, and she will not starve
'. without them. England, on the other
'. hand, cannot live six weeks without
imported food. "Germany under ex
: Ireme conditions," Mr. "Von Gwinner
J says, "may yield its world commerce,
but England can never do that."
These statements from high Ger
i man authority go to show that Ger
', many has been preparing financially
' for war ever since the Agadir incident
' found her unready in that respect, but
that Great Britain has not been pre
paring and was taken by surprise. The
former country's finances were mobi
lized before war began, while the lat-
I ter is only now adapting its finances
' to war conditions. What Mr. Von
Gwinner says of Germany's ability to
feed herself and of Great Britain's
dependence on imported food supplies
proves the imperative necessity to the
latter of retaining supremacy at sea.
The same conclusion is to be drawn
from the fact that British industries
depend on exports for four-fifths of
their market, while Germany exports
only one-fourth or one-fifth of her
But how is Germany to continue
producing enough bread and meat to
feed her population; how is she to
-man her factories for production of
the three-fourths or four-fifths of
manufactured goods which she her
self consumes, when 5,000,000 of her
able-bodied males have been called
away to war? Can the few remaining
males of working age, the old men
and women, plant and harvest a full
crop? It may be that German organ
ization for war has gone so far that
people from the cities will be drafted
to the country for farmwork. But at
best, with the foreign market for her
industries cut off and with the home
market sadly reduced by war, Ger
many will be gradually producing less
as the war progresses and will be
using up her accumulated capital.
Meanwhile the way is still open for
Britain's overseas trade to her col
Konies and to neutral countries. She
can still export to Scandinavia, Italy,
Spain, Holland, the Levant, Egypt and
' 'nearly all of Africa, Asia and Amer
ica. Imports of gold from South Af
rica and Australia will continue to
pour into London and strengthen her
financially. She may grow weaker
financially as war progresses, but not
bo rapidly as Germany will.
, Germany has, therefore, every mo
tlve for forcing the fighting on land
and sea. Her best hope of breaking
the allies' resistance on the Franco
Belgian frontier Is before Great Brlt-
,aln Is ready to put in the field those
1.200.000 fresh troops of whom, the
London Times speaks. If she can
soon win a decisive victory over
France, that country may be put out
of action before new British troops
can cross the channel. If Germany
can follow up a. decisive land victory
by an equally decisive naval victory,
she may control the channel long
enough to rush an invading army
..' across and to crush the new British
army before it is ready for the field.
She might by blockading the British
-coast prevent the sending of rein
forcements to France and starve the
British people into submission without
actual invasion.
Great Britain is the allies' great re
serve force of both men and money.
. The longer German victory in the
- West is delayed, the dimmer grows
'its prospect, for German resources
will be growing less while the allies
.will be drawing on these reserves.
Germany cannot gain control of the
sea by picking off one at a time obso
lete British cruisers, if the main Brjt--lsh
battle fleet remains Intact. Con-
trol of the sea is essential to final vic-
i torv over both France and Great
The large reduction in the percent
are of accidents due to mechanical
causes In Washington is one of'the in
cidental advantages derived from
compensation acts. The amount of
the constributlons made by employers
to the compensation fund being con
tingent on the number and seriousness
of accidents, employers now have a
direct money interest in safeguarding
their employes, such as did not exist
when they paid a flat premium annu
ally to casualty companies. Hence
they may be expected to co-operate
heartily with state inspectors in pro
viding safety appliances for machin
ery. A law which not only compen
sates the injured but by reducing their
number reduces the number of maimed
members of the community serves the
public good and promotes humanity.
Governor "West has an opportunity
to meet Mr. Booth face to face, on fair
terms, and at an arranged date, and
make his so-called charges; but he de
clines. He makes the vague counter
suggestion that he is to appear In
Portland at several unnamed dates
during the next two weeks, and, if Mr.
Booth desires, he may come and hear
what the Governor has to say, and
may have time to reply.
Governor West quibbles and dodges.
Of course he does. He takes the cow
ard's method of distributing his false
hoods throughout the state, in the form
of broad general charges, garnished
with covert insinuations and sneaking
slanders, and when called to account
he refuses to make good, offering only
a pitiful plea of slippery avoidance.
The public Is entitled to have an
open issue in this important matter.
It will not be satisfied with a taunting
and insincere Invitation for Mr. Booth
to go to a West meeting, packed with
West partisans, where he can defend
his good name only as a matter of
grace, and not of right.
Governor West came to Portland,
last week, to make his accusations
against Mr. Booth because, he said, he
was "challenged" by The Oregonian to
come. If he needs that style of invi
tation in provocation. The Oregonian
challenges him to appear at the
Armory in Portland, or at another suit
able public place, and debate with Mr.
Booth the qualifications of Mr. Booth
to be United States Senator.
The Corvallis Gazette-Times offers
this interesting contribution to the
current history of a strenuous political
Two years ago Governor West, in a
speech made in the building now occupied
by the Gazette-Times, proclaimed the vir
tues ot Dr. James Withycombe, and went
so far in his laudation of Dr. Withycombe
as a man of honor, ability and state use
fulness as to say that if the Assembly,
which indorsed Jay Bowerman, had indorsed
Dr. withycombe. he. himself would not have
felt the need of being: a candidate. At
that time Governor West regarded Dr.
Withycombe as an ideal man for the Gov
ernorship. Today Governor West Is going
over the state making addresses in which
he characterizes Dr. Withycombe as one
little better than a horsethlef.
Another favorite sAur at Dr. Withy
combe is in the matter of his citizen
ship. A Portland paper which is thor
oughly conversant with the facts, has
repeatedly emphasized the point that
Mr. Withycombe "became an American
citizen in 1888," though he came to
Oregon in the early '70s.
Young James Withycombe cast his
first vote, after becoming of age, in
1876, for Rutherford B. Hayes for
President. This was about the time
Governor West arrived on the scene
from Canada- It was discovered in
18S8 that there was an irregularity in
the naturalization papers of Mr. Withy
combe's father, and to make assur
ance doubly sure, as to himself, he
made a court record of his own nat
uralization. Mr. Withycombe has lived forty
three years in Oregon.. He has voted
thirty-eight years, or more. Is there
better or more consistent American
citizen in the State?
The water rate ordinance to be sub
mitted to Portland voters coincident
with the recall proposal purports to
give the consumer certain advantages
to offset the objectionable quarterly
payment system therein proposed. The
provisions of the ordinance are em
bodied in brief in the following title:
An ordinance providing for collecting
household water rates quarterly (not in
advance), making rates chargeable to prera
ibes served, refunding all deposits and pre
payments and establishing a minimum of 50
cents per month lor water.
The flat rate minimum on house
hold water'is now 50 cents per month.
The ordinance proposes no household
rate reduction except for certain con
sumers who have had meters installed.
There are nqneVeposlts to be refund
ed except somevfew deposits on meters.
Prepayments almost universally
among water consumers are for thirty
days in advance. As the election falls
on October 27, all water consumers
whose payment date falls on the first
of the calendar month will obviously
receive no refund.
So far as the great majority of the
water consumers are concerned, the
ordinance is merely a proposal to col
lect from them quarterly at the end of
the quarter, and in cases of rented
property to make the owner the col
lector for the city, and the sufferer of
the loss if the tenant leaves the prem
ises without paying for the water he
has consumed.
If the same plan were put in force
by the privately-owned gas or electric
companies they would bring down on
their heads a multitude of protests
and be condemned as monopolistic
Harmony reigns in the ranks of
Democracy. The author of "The New
Freedom" has endorsed the Tammany
boss' candidate for Governor of New
York and the candidate for Senator
from Illinois, whom his Secretary of
State denounced as a train-wrecker.
The bosses and the boss-hunter have
formed a new triple alliance, of which
the need to rally all their forces for
Democratic success is the bond of
If President Wilson had in mind
the City of New York as it was ruled
by "Boss" Murphy when he wrote the
following passage in "The Mew Free
dom" he must have conveniently for
gotten it:
There are cities In America of whose gov
ernment we are ashamed. There are cities
everywhere, in. every part of the land, in
which we feel that not the interests of the
public but the interests of special privileges,
of selfish men. are served; where contracts
take precedence over public interest.
Were Roger C. Sullivan and Charles
F. Murphy in Mr. Wilson's mind when
he wrote:
We aVe upon the eve of a great recon
struction. It calls for creative statesman
ship as no age has done since that great
age in which we set up the Government
under which we live.
Are the bosses of Tammany and of
Illinois to be Mr. Wilson's coadjutors
as creative statesmen in this great re
construction? .They are practical, he
Is an idealist statesman; will they
modify their practice to conform to
his ideals, or will he lower his ideals
to the level of their practice? Or
has a miracle been worked and have
the scales fallen from their eyes, as
i they fell from Paul's? Has the bright
light of truth which illumines Mr.
Wilson's soul shone into the souls of
these two men that they will in their
mature years forsake the sordid poli
tics in which they have groveled and
will labor with Mr. Wilson to spread
the gospel of progress?
It may be; this is a world of won
ders. We shall see.
"I won all right in the Progressive
primaries, but was counted out," says
the same old Bill Sulzer.
What? Are such crimes committed
in the party which revolted against
the same crime in 1912? Colonel
Roosevelt led the revolt because he
alleged his delegates were counted out
and that the nomination was stolen by
the bosses for Mr. Taft Has the party
already completed the circuit to the
crime against "which it rebelled? Is
Mr. Davenport running for Governor
on a nomination stolen from the im
maculate and much-wronged Sulzer,
as Mr. Taft is alleged to have run on
a nomination stolen from Colonel
If this be so, it is but another sad
case of "throwing back" in politics.
A party sets forth on its career deter
mined on relentless war against all
the sins of the older parties, but with
in a year or two commits those sins
itself. So it was in many instances
where the Populist party was strong.
So it is now with the Democratic
party, which, promised economy, lower
taxes, cheaper living and civil service
reform, but has given us extravagance,
deficit taxes, as costly living as before,
but with less to spend, and a revived
spoils system.
The report of State Highway Com
missioner Roy, of Washington, on the
cost of convict labor in road-building,
will be a revelation to advocates of
employment of convicts in such work.
He shows that convict labor through
out is more costly than free labor,
when the amount of work done per
day is considered.
The reasons are not far to seek. A
convict usually hates work or he would
not be a convict. He particularly hates
laborious work, for his effort has been
to live by his wits. Even if he were
willing, his muscles are soft and hard
ening him is a slow process. In spite
of constant watching and urging, he
will shirk in ways which cannot be
From the standpoint of reform,
road-building is not the right kind of
work for convicts. It is the kind of
work which is done by casual laborers,
who have frequent periods of idleness.
To a man with a rooted distaste for
work, those periods offer the greatest
temptation to return t' a life of crime
rather than hunt another job. We
have too large a proportion of casual
laborers already, and we gain little by
recruiting the army from the convict
class. The convict should be equipped
for a life of honest labor by being
taught a trade for which he shows
aptitude and in which he can use
those wits which he has abused. If
encouraged by being paid the value of
his labor while a prisoner, or cred
ited with that value for payment on
his discharge, and if helped to find
employment and kept under friendly
watch after his discharge, he may re
instate himself as a good citizen.
Any illusions as to the efficiency of
convict labor as compared with free
labor in road-building will be removed
by a comparison of the work done by
convicts on Shell Rock Mountain with
that done by free labor on the Colum
bia Highway. The former needs
largely to be done again, while the
latter was done to stay, by men who
took pride in it, and was done with
The new crisis in railroad affairs
brought about by the war has caused
President Wilson to promise consid
eration of the railroads' need of re
lief and has caused the Interstate
Commerce Commission to consent to
reopen the Eastern rate advance case.
These two facts constitute a tacit ad
mission that regulation of railroad
rates is not a purely judicial function
but involves questions of public pol
icy. The President implied as much
when he described the Interstate
Commission as a semi-Judicial body.
If it Is only half judicial, it must be
half something else.
The courts have defined the com
mission as an administrative body to
which Congress has delegated certain
functions within certain prescribed
lines. Since Congress is guided in
legislation by considerations of pub
lic policy, surely the body to which
it delegates power must be moved in
some degree by like considerations. To
that extent and within the limits pre
scribed by Congress the Commission
must therefore be a legislative body.
In so far as it adopts judicial meth
ods in taking testimony, hearing ar
gument and reaching conclusions of
fact from conflicting evidence, the
Commission is a Judicial body, but in
its application of those conclusions to
the conditions with which it is called
upon to deal it is performing the leg
islative functions delegated to it by
Congress and should be guided by
consideration for the general good as
well as for justice between shipper
and carrier. In the last analysis the
general good is always promoted by
justice, but what may appear exact
justice as applied to a concrete case
may be justice to neither party in a
rate controversy when considered in
the light of its general and ultimate
Shippers have been accustomed to
consider their interests best served by
low rates and they have generally
been ready to join in a demand for
reduction. But the loss, delays and
damage they suffer through ineffi
cient railroad service under too low
rates may far exceed any saving they
make through a reduction, or the de
nial of an advance, in- rates. If by
paying a rate five per cent higher
shippers could be assured that goods
would arrive in Portland from New
York in fourteen days and in good
condition, they might gain far more
than if at the lower rate goods were
kept three or four weeks on the road
and arrived with packages broken in
wrecks or otherwise damaged and
some of them missing. The shipper is
less interested in the amount of the
rate, so long as it is reasonable, than
in the assurance that it is as low as
and that the service given him is as
good as that of his competitor. It
is to his interest that the railroad earn
a margin over cost of operation, taxes,
interest and a fair dividend, provided
that care is taken that this margin
shall be expended in maintaining, im
proving and extending the road and
its equipment at an equal pace with
the growth of its traffic. Then its
service will be kept up to the stand
ard which the shippers' needs de
mand. The shipper's attitude of hostility
to the railroads and his habitual de
mand for lower rates have been due
to diversion of this margin to pay
ment of excessive dividends, to pur- :
chase of competing lines, often at
excessive prices; to high finance or
to the granting of discriminatingly
low rates to favored competitors. The
Commission and the courts have been
busy for some years in putting a stop
to this misappropriation of the mar
gin which, should go into improve
ment and they have had such success
that these offenses are becoming rare?
Since the shipper can now feel confi
dent that this margin is going into
efficiency, his demand for low rates
should give place for a demand for
equal rates sufficient to keep the rail
road in healthy financial condition,
and thus assure good service.
To the extent to which the Commis
sion is guided by these considerations,
it is not a judicial body and it should
be open to the influence of public
opinion as to what public interest
demands. This should be genuine
public opinion, spontaneously ex
pressed, not a concerted attempt to
dictate to the Commission by means
of form letters and telegrams and
Identical resolutions adopted by many
Interested bodies.
Questions of public policy are par
ticularly weighty at the present time,
when the temporary shrinkage of
traffic due to the war and the prob
able permanent decrease of through
traffic due to the opening of the
Panama Canal have made such in
roads on railroad earnings as to
threaten a financial crisis in their af
fairs. The growing increase in ex
ports and the increasing Industrial
activity in industry will remove one
of these causes. The loss of revenue
due to the' Canal will in the end be
compensated by increase of local traf
fic between the two coasts and the
interior, due also to the Canal, but
during the period of transition the
railroads must suffer financially and
the shippers and passengers will
surely feel ill effects. Coming at a
time when war has raised interest
rates, this transition has still further
impaired the borrowing power of
roads. From the standpoint of public
policy, the wise course for the Inter
state Commerce Commission seems to
be the prompt grant of a fair general
Increase in rates, to be followed by a
readjustment in detail.
The great difficulty about following
the progress of the war on a map is
that hostilities constantly drag into
prominence towns and villages of
which the mapmaker seems never to
have heard. That is not the map
maker's fault; i is one of the inevita
ble handicaps of his trade. Who ever
heard of Waterloo before a battle was
fought there? Gettysburg would
probably have been unknown outside
the bounds of Pennsylvania and Mary
land, but for the clash of Union and
Confederate Armies in 1863.
Criticisms leveled at the widows'
pension law by the Oregon Federation
of Women's Clubs illustrates the diffi
culty of providing relief for the de
serving without pauperizing what
might have been self-supporting citi
zens and of preventing the public
bounty from being shared by the un
deserving. The tax on cosmetics and perfumery
imposed by the Democratic deficit bill
is a blow at women which the women
voters of the West may resent. But
the Democrats don't expect to carry
any Western states, for they did not
try to conciliate either the West or the
suffragists, whose voting strength Is in
the West. -
Many will be surprised to learn that
seventy professional ballplayers in
Oregon receive salaries aggregating
$254,385. The figures come from the
State Labor Commissioner and must
be correct. They show the game to be
good business. "
Sedro-Woolley and other towns in
Northwestern Washington are becom
ing favorite places for the operations
of bank robbers. The banks should
add quickness on the trigger to the
qualifications required in cashiers and
By the generous aid which the
Dutch people have given to the Bel
gian refugees, they must have extin
guished any remnant of bitterness
which survived from the separation
of the two countries eighty-four years
If an intoxicated man anywhere at
tempted to steal a streetcar the affair
would be classed as a joke; but when
a Tacoman commandeers a car in an
effort to go to Seattle, of all places, it
gets beyond ordinary comprehension.
Oregon prunes run to large sizes this
year and if the California brand can
be kept off the box the Eastern con
sumer will learn where to get a good
article in later years.
The strategist of the London Times
is a typical John Bull when he says
Great Britain will have its main army
In the field a year hence, just in time
to begin smashing.
The old man is coming into his own,
slowly but surely. Dr. Anna Shaw
admits that he has at least an interest
in the raising of the children.
Only native optimism prevents the
judge who hears all the divorce evi
dence from becoming a misanthrope,
Robert A. Booth challenges the
Governor to debate, but the Governor
Is an artful dodger.
General TJribe-TJribe, of Colombia,
like the chicken of JOstory, got the
ax, with like result.
The -Greeks have been racked by an
earthquake just to divert their minds
from war.
Does the man who believes in
"Safety First" let his wife split the
When the Germans reach Ostend
they'll find '"it's a long way to Tip
perary." Who will eat the samples of cook
ing apples at the display tomorrow?
Wrhy not revive the hoopskirt to
use more cotton goods?
Trade-unionists of Great Britain are
loyal in time of stress.-
Joining the Army.
London Punch.
Seedy civilian Did you bet the shill
ing all right?
Recruit (cheerfully) Yes.
CivilianWell, let's go and 'ave i
drink. Don't lefs be down-hearted.
That Province Were Wronsjly Taken
From Denmark la Disputed.
. PORTLAND, Oct. 17 (To the Edi
tor.) Please permit me to correct a
statement which I have seen mentioned
several times and which also appears
In Profesnor Eliot's article in The Ore
gonian last Sunday about the causes of
the present war.
Among the many wrongs of which
Germany is guilty, such as absolutism,
militarism and wars of conquest, which
the allies have set out to correct, and
of which of course they themselves are
innocent, is mentioned the tearing
away of tne provinces Schleswig-Hol-stein
from Denmark, when as a matter
of fact it is just the contrary.
The peninsula of Jutland in its early
days was inhabited in its northern part
by the Danes, a people closely akin to
the Norsemen, with whom they were
often associated in the early raids,
while in the southern portion, now
called Schleswig - Holsteln. lived the
North Abingiens. smaller divisions of
which were the Frlesians and Anglo
Saxons, who -ere a part of the Saxons,
a truly German race, and who have re
mained German in language and senti
ment all the time regardless of their
different political affiliations.
Denmark under "Knud the Great"
conquered them. Again under "Walde'
mar the Conqueror" they were made a
part of Denmark. Whenever opportun
ity afforded they broke loose. They
finally became a part of the loose
fitting German Federation, and in the
course of time the Danish King
through a certain relationship, fell her
to the title Herzog of Schleswig-Hol-stein,
but the two countries were not
united. Although both offices for
time were held by one man, they were
Kept distinctly .separate, for each sue
ceedlng King of Denmark had to swear
in that country on the Danish const!
tution and in. Schleswig-Holsteln as
"Herzog" on the constitution of that
country, declaring that he would for
ever leave those two countries intact.
In 1848. as the holder of both titles,
Frederick VII of Denmark, had no male
heir, the probability arose that at the
time of his death the office of Herzoa-
of Schleswig-Holsteln, according to the
constitution of that country, would re
vert to a side line, the House of Au
gustenburg, and both offices would
again become separated. To prevent
this and to keep the country forever in
tne hands of Denmark a political party
was tormea in mat country which had
for Its object the annexation of Schles-
wig-Holsteih. This party finally became
o strong that Frederick VII yielded and
an attempt was made to annex Schles-
wig-Holstein. The answer to this
action was an uprising of the people of
S5cnieswg-riolstein against Denmark,
tne war Detween whom lasted three
Finally, beinsr partly defeated, part
ly by the pressure brought to bear by
England and Russia, they were an
nexed to Denmark. But that they re
mained loyal Germans. In spite of the
martial laws, a system of espionage
ana prosecution inaugurated by the
Danes, was shown by that royal wel
come they gave the German soldiers
when after 14 years of waiting they
came to liberate them and to bring
them back to the German fold. Wher
ever a place was evacuated by the
Danish army out would come the old
hidden flag of their country, the red.
white and blue, and once more would
the old forbidden song. "Schleswisr-Holsteln
Meer Umschlungen." echo through
the land. And so it Is to this day
except for a small portion of people on
the Danish border. They speak Ger
man, are German in sentiment and wish
to remain so. I waa born and raised
311 Morris street.
Oresron Area Under Ferteral Control and
Untaxable la 3(1,21 ,.t 17 Acres.
Supplementary to the map published
in The Oregonian Sunday showing the
tax burdens already placed on land in
Oregon and thk need for wise Htataa-
rnanship In order to obtain for Oregon
the benefits of the staggering area of
Federal lands within the state, the fol
lowing table Is herewith given.
The diagram map was prepared from
these figures:
Table showing by counties the number of acres
cannot be taxed by the state.
Na- Indian
tlon- v Reser-
ai vi-
Counties . Parks. , tions.
Clatsop .'
Coos. ........ .......
'rook 208,362
Gilliam.. .... ....... ........
Harney ........
Hood River
Jackson L . . .
Josephine. . .. t..P." .
Klamath 169.360 "" 951.231
Lake 67,915
Lane .,
Marion '. . .
Morrow . ... ... ........
Sherman. ........
T'matllla 156.774
Wasco 254,442
Wheeler. . ... ....... ........
Totals 159,360 1,638.754
By somewhat of a coincidence a
Government bulletin reached Portland
the day preceding the publication ot
the map. It discloses that since the
present National Administration took
office 1,121,679.18 acres of public lands
In Oregon had been entered upon.
These figures are for a period of 16
months. The major portion of this
entered area was accounted for in the
map published In The Oregonian and
In the figures given In the accom
panying table.
The new figures are significant In
showing that more than 1,000,000 acres
of newly-homesteaded land will prob
ably, through commutation of a por
tion of it, produce a considerable reve
nue for the reclamation fund. Under
a formerly existing section of the
reclamation act the major portion of
these funds would have been expended
In. Oregon. That section was repealed
without a protest from Senator Cham
berlain. Payments for public lands, as a rule,
come from the proceeds of Oregon
labor. They represent Oregon wealth.
They are taken from Oregon and ex
pended elsewhere.
Meanlnjr of Water Ordinance.
PORTLAND. Oct. 18 (To the Edi
tor.) Will the ordinance to be voted
on October 27 in regard to collecting
water rates reduce the flat rate to users,
or will the rate remain 50 cents for one
faucet and 25 cents for bath and toilet?
There seems to be a general belief
from the wording of this ordinance that
there will be a reduction to 50 cents
for the above-named fixtures.
G37 Maiden avenue.
The ordinance does not change the
minimum fiat rate on household con
sumption of water. For the fixtures
mentioned the existing rates would con
tinue. Her Reason for ot Walking;.
Mrs. J. Do you "walk by faith and
not by sight." as the New Testament
says? Mrs. X. (haucrhttiy) I never
walk; we have four motor-cars.
Gleams Through the Mist
By Deis Collias.
The GnarratiTe of the Gnu.
A gnu I gnever gnew his gname;
Twas gnever gnoised about by fame
Gnear Gnatal and Gnamaqual and
Led all the gnus gnoble band.
Gnow. gnoon or gnlght, th gnible gnu
Gnipped wher the gnlcest herbage grew;
Gnuts and gnarclssus. gneatly blent.
The gnu would gnaw for gcourlshmenL.
A gnegro gnomad from the Gnlle
Gnatlve of Ginger too awhile
One gnlght to gnatal came to do
Uis gneatestk work to gnab a gnu.
The gnlmble gnn waa gnlpplng gnnts
.w... nuuiHivg n cr, law a11 ll C HI. .
His smickering gnostrlla, gnow and then.
Sniffed the gnlght air. He gnlpped again.
The gnegro gnomad. gnear a gnoli.
With gneclc craned gnow and gnervoue soul.
Gnoted the gntce. gneat. gnativa huts
And the gnu near them gnibbllng gnuts.
Gnearer and gnearer, gnosed the gnu.
Gnow gnext the gnegro s gnoll It drew.
Who with gnew gnlfe gnow gneatly slew
For in ths gneck he gnicked that gnu.
Gnumb on its gnose gnow dropped the gnu.
The gnegro's gnlfe. It gnailed blm through;
Gnelhlng dashed all the gnoble band
From Gnatal and Gnamaqualand.
Gno more gnow gnavigates that gnu
Where Gnatal'a gnoddlng gnutmegs grew
unor gneed I carve his gnlehe In fame
Gno. Gno! I gnever gnew his gname.
Way They Sometimes Go Wrasg.
The following must have been sent
down by either a compositor or a proof.
reader. Just after the foregoing pome
was sent up:
Why -will bonehead. poetising gents
Resort to spelling that ia shy of sense?
Oh, many schooners of forbidden brow
Must drown the memory of that insolence,
e e e
"Sir," said the Courteous Office Boy,
"that rough-looking guy you passed
in the hall Is a Jiamond-cu tter and
this Summer he cut a bigger diamond
than ever came out of South Africa."
"Tut-tut and a couple of poohs," I
snorted, "I can size men up well, and
I can't see how these things you speak
of can be."
"Well." said the C. O. B.. aiming him
self at the door, "you see, he runs the
lawn-mower at the baseball park."
And it always did make me so sore
to bite at a poor, old, decrepit one like
We would get on quite well. "I think.
And living would be cheap.
If, instead of "raining cats and dogs,"
'Twould rain us pigs and sheep.
Kansas City Journal.
But if it did rain pigs and aheep.
One thing, I think, is plain.
We'd cever get the butchers out
To help us pray for rain.
In hayinT season, furthermore.
Amid '.he drying hay,
'Twere best to rain, not pigs and sheep.
But pitchforks, any day.
Approximate History.
42,771 B. C. Rout of the anthropoid
apes from date groves is expected to
change the may of Antedeluvia.
218 B. C. Hannibal predicts that the
Second Punic War will change the map
of Europe.
1S53 A. D. War writers say that the
war in Crimea will change the map of
1913 A. D. Ditto Balkans wars.
1914 A. D. Same dope on the present
1954 A. D. Ditto.
1970 A D. Ditto; but why go fur
ther? '
The explanation of . Theo. Roosevelt,
the prominent explorer who once used
to mingle In U. S. politics, regarding
that' other cup of coffee affords our
George a fine precedent.
When he said he would not leave his
post of duty in Washington, he did not
in forest and other reserves
and Un
reserved. 656,667
3 4.553
808, OSS
54, 500
2 2''0
ed O. C.
serves. 496,977
' i.VsV.sss
51 3,565
"V. 6" 5
173". Ml
167,481 43,015
' 30,256
" 2V.7H
"8.6 si
mean "never"; he merely meant just
Don't you see? It's all very clear
when one considers it.
Oh say. regarding that rain question:
Though when it rains Just "cats and dogs,
For "pigs and sheep" some yell.
Would it not -save time, after all.
If bams and cutlets fell?
Reflections of a Barber.
It's a gone hair that has no return
ing. Toupees cover a multitude of skins.
A dull rasor gathers no tips.
A mole on the neck is worth two on
the mush.
When hairs fall out, then barbers sell
their dope.
As the wig is blent, the fee is de
fined. A rolling dome purchases no tonic.
A strop In time shaves nine.
Solemn Thought.
Admitting war's as Sherman said.
And fully justifies his claims.
I'd rather go where 8herman said,
Than try. aa each dispatch is read
To speak those war gone citler names.
But to return to our discussion of
the pluvial question:
rve seen It raining "cats and dbgs."
And really, I can hardly tell.
Just how a rain of "sheep and hogs"
- Would help the guy on whom It felL
Finally, brethren:
Now, if I wished to build a house.
I'd leant no pitchforks. It is plain.
Nor cats and dogs, nor sheep and hogs
I'd want to see plain brickbats rain.
An Application for Work.
"Have you any experience In the
lunch business?" asked the chef of the
man who applied for work. "Why, I
should eay so." replied the energetic
youth. "Ive been lunching for almost
20 years."
Twenty-Five Years Ago
Prom The Oregonian. October 13. 1SS9.
Albany C. C Hogue. A. BenselL J.
O. Wilson and J. L. Ripley have Incor
porated the Albany Canal. Water
Transportation & Lighting Company.
San Francisco J. C Stubbs, general
traffic manager of the Southern Pacific
Company, has resigned to accept the
second vice-presidency of the Chicago.
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad.
New York John L. Sullivan has
spent the 120.000 that he won in his
fight with KUraln. and will now depend
on his friends for support.
The Jury in the case of James Turk,
charged with harboring a deserting
seaman, was called in the criminal
court by Judge Stearns yesterday, and
being unable to agree, was discharged.
District Attorney McGinn has no hope
of convicting Turk, and will move for
the dismissal of the indictment.
In the case of G. W. Shaver against
R. Koehler, as receiver of the O. &. C.
Railroad, Judge Sawyer yesterday gave
a judgment of non-suit.
Marriage licenses were granted yes
terday for Edmund A. Austin and Vir
ginia A. Wood, and Charles H. Turner
and Alice T. Brady.
Thomas H. Boyd, of the
Ledger, Is in the city.
A. F. McClaine and wife, of Tacoma,
are in New York, according to word
received from S. C. Beckwith.
Uncle Myers' loan office has been
removed to its old stand at 165 Front
will be elections in Companies
A and C at the Armory Thursday night
to fill vacancies caused by the resig
nations of First Lieutenant Alden in
the former and First Lieutenant Mc
Kay in the latter company.
C. E. Kindt and Miss Adella Wag
gener will be married at Hillsboro
tomorrow. Mr. Kindt is a graduate of
the Portland High School and now is
a member of the Oregon bar.
Warren Parrot left yesterday . for
Lexington. Ky.. to bring out the young
stallion recently purchased by Van B.
DeLaahmutt The stallion is a half
brother to Axtell. the king of the turf.
"Miaalnalppl Haa Negrligrible Amount ot
Child Labor, Sara Writer.
PORTLAND. Oct. 14. (To the Edi
tor.) I object to the statement of "Ob
server" as to the State of Mississippi,
in The Oregonian, October 10, for three
(1) Because it is a political error.
(2) Because that state is not con
cerned In the election in Oregon.
(3) Because the statement is false,
so far as the state referred to is con
cerned. I am a native of Pennsylvania, and
opposed to Mr. Chamberlain in every
way, and am doing all I can to elect
Mr. Booth, but, like the mass of Ameri
can voters, I object to unfairness and
believe In justice and fair play.
Such au unwarranted attack on ait
Innocent state will cause voters to con
jecture if "Observer" is so nnjust to
parties in no way concerned, is he not
more so to those who are? "Vinegar
catches no flies," hence the error po
litically. I am told Mr. Chamberlain left the
South when a very young man. came
to Oregon and has lived here about 40
years. He has never been elected to
any office in Mississippi nor by votes
of Mississippians, but only by the votes
of Oregonians.
- As to "sunken-faced" children. I
lived there in Mississippi 10 years,
and can say with truth that there are
more "sunken-faced" children, men
and women. In one city not in Mis
slppi than In the entire state named.
which are under Federal control and
Pet. of Co.'s
Area Under
Control and
66. S
76 4
66. S
7 4.0
09 7
32.1 '
2.0 23.830
3.209,83 4
594. S29
5.221. 96S
247.71 2
4 8.6IP2
18.21 2
440.320 .
1,1 92,960
1,04 1.920
2,95 1.KS0
,3 3i
61,188. 4S0
as there are more looms and spindles
in that one city. The report of the
commission which investigated the
mills of said city shows that no place
In the United States equals It for star
vation wages, grinding work, poverty
and misery among the working people.
But were "Observer's" statement true,
what has It to do with electing a Sen
ator for Oregon? Surely, abuse of no
state can make votes for Mr. Booth.
There are few mills in Mississippi
and less than 5000 millhands. all told.
In 1910 that state had 1,800,000 popula
tion, of which about 600.000 are white.
It is estimated 1,000,000 lives have been
lost by war In Europe and If every
mlllband for 20 years had died, includ
ing men and women, it would amount
to about 10 per cent of the loas In Eu
rope to date. "Observer's" statement
shows what a lurid imagination can do.
I want it known that I defend the
State of Mississippi, where I was kindly
and hospitably treated by all. and not
Mr. Chamberlain. I believe the way to
defeat him is to show him unworthy of
the great position of Senator and his
unfitness for the office, and not by
slandering a state because of the ac
cident of his birth. That state was
not consulted about It. FAIR PLAT.
These Chill
October Days
Sometimes they are too warm to
turn on the steam or to light the
furnace, but something is needed to
take the chill off the house.
Time to use a gas, electric or oil
These were designed for just such
days. They are not expensive; are
safe, sanitary and warmth giving.
Where to ros them?
Consult t.V- advertising columns
of The Oresonian.
Just an Instance when the adver
tising Is of great and Immediate
personal service.