Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 14, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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..Women Form Club to Work for
Booth, McArthur and
, . Entire Ticket. .
Organization to Campaign Energet
ically From Xow On State and
County Committees Meet to
, Arrange Speaking- Tours. .
An organization of colored women
was effected at the Public Library yes
terday afternoon to support the can
didacy of Robert A. Booth, Republi
can nominee for United States Senator;
C. N. McArthur, Republican candidate
for Congress, and the entire Republican
About ej women attended the first
meeting, following which the entire
party went to the Courthouse where
they registered everyone of them as
Republicans. Mr. Booth and Mr. Mc
Arthur addressed the meeting.
The women elected permanent offi
cers as followss President, Mrs. L. K.
Weeks; vice-president, Mrs. Hattie
Redmond; secretary, Mrs. J. A. Merri
Tnan; treasurer. Mrs. Virgil E. Keene;
advisory committee, Mrs. E. K. Griffin,
Miss E. Clemens, M,iss Edith Bird, Mrs.
T-ucy Bell, Mrs. Peries. Mrs. Fred
Thomas, Mrs. Cora Jackson, Mrs. B. J.
Fuller, .Mrs. W. R. Peek and Mrs.
Several of the women spoke in de
termined support of the Republican
ticket. and especially urged their
hearers to vote for the Republican
nominees for Congress.
Women to Campaign.
The- organization will continue to
hold meetings throughout the cam
paign and will endeavor to enlist the
interest of other colored women vot
ers, to urge them to register and to
cdvise them to vote the straight Re
publican ticket The organization was
brought about largely through the ef
forts of Mrs. Alice R. Nugent, secre
tary of the newly organized Repub
lican Women Election Officials' Asso
ciation. She was assisted in the work
by Mrs. L. K. Weeks, who was elected
president of the Colored Women's Re
publican Club, as the new organization
is to be known. Miss Verna Champe
and other prominent colored women.
A joint meeting of the Republican
sta'.e ana county committees was held
in the Morgan building last night and
plans were made for the speaking
programmes in various parts of the
county during the closing weeks of the
campaign. It is' proposed to give par
ticular attention in the next two weeks
to the outlying precincts of the county.
The general plan is to have the can
didates visit the rural districts by day
and to devote the evenings to 'street
meetings and to other public gather
ings in Portland.
R. A. Booth, Senatorial nominee; C. N.
McArthur, Congressional nominee; Dr.
James Withycombe, candidate for Gov
ernor; Thomas M. Hurlburt, candidate
for Sheriff, and several of the legisla
tive candidates will be among the prin
cipal speakers in the final campaign
Open-air meetings are scheduled at
Lents and at Sellwood next Saturday
evening. If the weather is bad the
Lents meeting will be held in the
Grange Hall and the Sellwood meeting
In the schoolhouse.
- The Republican rally, which was to
have been held in St. Johns next Fri
day evening, has been indefinitely post
poned on account of the plans of the
Republican county executive commit
tee to entertain the entire county cen
tral committee and the Republican can
didates at a dinner at the Commercial
Club. The festivities will start at 8
o'clock. In addition to the county or
ganization and the candidates, members
of the state committee have been in
vited to attend. A special invitation
Is being extended to the women.
The St. Johns meeting probably will
be held later in the campaign.
A number of prominent Democratic
women have arranged to tender a pub
lic and informal reception in the green
room of the Commercial Club next
Monday afternoon to Senator and Mrs.
Chamberlain. Music will be provided
and the general public especially the
women will be invited. The reception
will continue from 3 to 6 o'clock in the
afternoon, and Senator Chamberlain
will speak probably at 4 o'clock. The
formal address on.the part of the wom
en will be delivered by Dr. Esther Pohl
Lovejoy. Mrs. Thomas C. Burke will
have charge of the musical programme.
The committee in charge announces
that this reception is to be an ex
pression of appreciation on the part of
Oregon women for the work that Sena
tor Chamberlain has done for Nation
wide suffrage.
The committee on arrangements is:
Mrs. Edith T. Weathered, Dr. Esther
Pohl Lovejoy. Mrs. C. J. Smith, Mrs.
E. T. Hedlund. Mrs. B. F. Irvine, Mrs.
Frank S. Myers, Mrs. Thomas C. Burke,
Mrs. A. F. Flegel, Mrs. John Nlssen,
Mrs. William N. Gatens, Mrs. John Man
ning, Mrs. C. S. Jackson, Miss Gaffney,
Mrs. I. N. Standifer and Mrs. Agnes P.
William Hanley, Progressive nominee
for the United States Senate, was In
Echo, Stanrield and Hermiston yester
day. He will be in Heppner, Arlington
And way points today and in Dufur and
other Wasco County towns tomorrow,
returning to Portland on Friday.
A Democratic meeting was held last
night in the Arleta schoolhouse. Among
the speakers were A. F. Flegel, candi
date for Congress; Tom Word, candi
date for Sheriff; T. O. Hague, nominee
for the Legislature, and others. George
H. Watson presided.
Mr. Flegel will speak tonight before
the Woodstock Good Government
League in Woodstock Methodist Church
and at a mass meeting in the Brooklyn
school. He will continue to hold night
ly meetings.
Dry workers throughout the state are
preparing to give an enthusiastic recep
tion to the "flying squadron" of "dry"
orators that is on its way to Oregon.
The orators will be here late next week
and will speak in Medford. Salem and
Portland. A different group of speak
ers will be present at every place every
day. The personnel of the party in
cludes such well-known persons as ex
Governor Hanley. of Indiana: Oliver W.
Stewart, of Chicago, and others. The
party is making a tour of the entire
country and will visit all the principal
cities, including the capital of every
state in the union. It aims to assist in
making the Nation "dry."
W. S. TJ'Ren. independent candidate
for Governor, left last night for Eu
gene and will speak before the State
Federation of Women's Clubs this even
ing on taxation questions. He will
speak in Ashland and Medford Thurs
day, in Grants Pass Friday and in
Roseburg Saturday.
The William Hanley campaign com
mittee has prepared a large number of
circulars attacking the political and
official record of Senator Chamberlain
and asking -im a series of pointed
questions directed at his attitude on
various public measures. These cir
culars will be distributed at every
meeting at which Senator Chamberlain
speaks between now and election time.
Frank Fawk. chairman of the Demo
cratic committee in Polk County, was a
visitor in Portland yesterday. He ar
ranged lor the meeting at Dallas at
which Senator Chamberlain is to speak.
Milton A. Miller. Collector of Internal
Revenue, will speak at a Democratic
"rally" Friday evening.
Bert E. Haney, Democratic state
chairman, left yesterday for Baker,
where he will meet Senator Chamber
lain today and accompany him on his
trip back to Portland. Chamberlain
speaks in Baker this evening, at La
Grande tomorrow eveniner. at Pendle
ton on Friday and at The Dalles on
Saturday. Other stops will be made at
intermediate points. He will arrive in
Portland on Sunday morning and will
pass Sunday and Monday here.
The Oregon State Board of Horticul
ture yesterday adopted resolutions op
posing the eight-hour bill on the state
ballot at the forthcoming election. The
members believe enactment of this
measure would seriously hamper devel
opment of the horticultural and agri
cultural resources of Oregon.
Republican women of Washington
County will form an' auxiliary to the
regular county committee at a meet
ing in Hillsboro on Saturday after
noon. Ex-Governor T. T. Geer, of Port
land, will represent the state commit
tee at the meeting. It is the purpose
of the Washington County women to
take an active part In the closing
weeks of the campaign. . . -
Thomas M. Hurlburt, Republican
nominee for Sheriff, has covered more
than half of the county since his cam
paign began and has come into per
sonal contact with thousands of voters.
many of them women. He reported
yesterday that he is greatly encouraged
over the outlook. He will 'join other
Republican candidates on both the state
and county tickets i-a tour of the
outlying precincts of the county In the
next two weeks. Hurlburt is getting
promises of strong support every day
irom former Democrats.
headnUArtem fnni.rnintr hi i.or.An
uirougn .eastern ana boumern Oregon,
ill- .in I ! 1 1 m ivirnvpnmnfl rn. nai-vv nomi
nee for Governor, tells' of the splendid
interest rri n i f t pH Vi r i nonnia
everywhere And rtt tha atmnat unani
mous promises oi support that he la
getting from the voters.
Last Saturday he spoke before the
Klamath County Water Users' A
tion at Merrill and made another
soeech before a. in rt-n n (t i
Klamath Falls on Saturday evening.
He was on the train all dav veter-
day, traveling back from Klamath
Falls to Ashland, and will be in Ash
land todav. H will h t Cnttatr
Grove on Thursday, at Eugene and
Springfield on Friday and Junction
City, Harrisburg and Albany on Sat
urday. He is due to arrive back in
Portland on Saturday evening or Sun
day morning.
S. F. Pace, npmnrrntio cnnntu nhair.
man in AVallowa County, was in Port
land yesterday and reported to Demo
cratic headquarters that "everything is
muMng tine.
W. S. Levens Dprnfuratic e t -i i .
mitteeman in Baker County, was in
Portland vpstprdov nnH u n ti tl,-,t
Baker County Democrats are going to
sivo oenator wnamDeriain a reception
there this afternoon. Baker County
always has been a Chamberlain strong
hold but the R(nihHpana ra
into his strength this year.
T It- r T fc- T . 1. ; . i . i.
-w . wimm la in me race
far finvomni- If T . ; i 1 .
...... . v ewi iv, win x IV li U W
that I must defeat Dr. Withycombe.
But I am not yet willing to admit that
I will not defeat Withycombe."
So said W. S. U'Ren, independent
candidate for Governor, yesterday,
shortly after addressing the depart
ment of the Oregon Civic League on
revenue and taxation on the proposed
$1500 exemption law.
"Normally the odds are two to one
against a Democrat running for Gov
ernor in Oregon. Dr. Smith's only
chance to win would have been a
split in the Republican party over
some vital issue, such as the assembly
issue four years ago. He could have
entertained some hope if he had the
solid backing of the radical faction.
Governor West in his campaign for
election certainly profited immeasur
ably by the split in the Republican
party and he got many of the radical
"But this year there appears to be
no split in the Republican party and I
am going to get the radical -vote. For
those reasons I can't see where Dr.
Smith- has any chance of election."
As the big crowd stood in Alder
street yesterday afternoon watching
the baseball scoreboard, thousands of
white cards fluttered down from the
third floor of . the Selling building.
The men reached out for them and soon
the modest election announcements of
R. A. Booth, Republican nominee for
the.Uited States Senate, were in the
hands of thousands of men.
The idea of distributing the cards in
this novel manner originated in the
offices of the- Republican Women
Election Officials at 301 Selling build
ing, and was carried out by Mrs. Alice
R. . Nugent, in charge of the offices,
and Miss Ruth Gilbert, of the Repub
lican county headquarters.
C. M. Hurlburt, who recently was re
pudiated by the Republican County
Committee as a candidate for the
Legislature from the Multnomah
Clackamas joint district, has gone to
Oklahoma, and, it is understood, will
not return to Oregon for several
months. Many Republican voters will
support Koscoe P. Hurst, the Demo
cratic nominee for the office.
C. M. Hurlburt, it is pointed out. is
not related to Thomas M. Hurlburt, Re
publican nominee for Sheriff.
W. S. U'Ren. independent candidate
for Governor, spoke for the enactment
of the $1500 exemption law before the
department of revenue and taxation of
the Oregon Civic League at the Hazel
wood yesterday noon.
He contended that if it was fair to
exempt mortgages, diamonds and
jewelry from taxation, that it was fair
to exempt the house on which the
mortgage lay and to exempt tools, im
plements and livestock at least up to
$1500. He held that it would encour
age the little homemaker.
In rebuttal, Arthur M. Churchill de
clared that the $1500 exemption law
did not conform to any principle of
taxation aside from the one to get all
exemptions possible.
"There is absolutely no precedent
for this proposed law," he said. "It
simply means putting single tax under
another name. Why not exempt a man
from paying for his groceries unless
he has a bill in excess of $300 or ex
empt him from paying water rent un
less it runs over a certain figure? This
law would be 'even more discrim
inatory than the single tax.
"It would work a severe hardship
on the tenants, the owners of vacant
lots, the owners of residence property
that is about to be transformed Into
business property and the consumers
who will be forced to bear indirectly
the burdens of excessive rents." -
A number of Democratic women
have arranged to hold a meeting in
the main assembly hall of the Public
Library building on Wednesday even
ing. October 21. A number of candi
dates on the state and county ticket
will speak.
The Hanley-for-Senator Club will
meet at the Public Library on Friday
evening. Miss Anne Shannon Monroe
and others will speak.
Printing Delayed Awaiting Su
; preme Court Decision on
Legality of Plan.
Votes for Mayor and Commissioners
Dieck and .Brewster Separate.
Majority Voting "So" "Would
End Entire Matter.
The official ballot to be used in
the Albee-Dieck-Brewster recall elec
tion October 27, if the -Supreme Court
rules that the recall is legal, has
been completed by City Auditor Barbur.
Printing of the sample ballots has been
delayed for a few days to see if the
Supreme Court decides the recall case
now pending. If no decision is made
it is probable the printing will go
ahead along with all other arrange
ments. On top of the ballot are the usual
instructions to voters under the pref
erential nvctom do . l ; i i . i
- - , s vuiiiucu ill LIIO
city .charter. Below these are inserted
tsiaiemem oi cnarges against each
of the officials sought to bo recalled,
along with a statement in rebuttal by
the official attacked. Below this are
spaces n which is the question, "Shall
the official be recalled?".
Voting: on Each Separate.
The question is asked serjaratelv for
each official. The voters will vote
yes or "no" on the question.
Below this is the list of candidates,
with the spaces for voting first and
second choices. In case of the re
call against Commissioner Brewster,
mere is only one choice because there
are only two candidates. In the cases
of Mayor Albee and Commissioner
Dieck there are more candidates, so
there is provision for first and second
It has been ruled that in case the
majority of voters vote "no" on the
question as to whether or not the of
ficials or any of them shall be re
called, the election is ended there with
out regard to the vote for candidates
on the ballot spaces below.
At the bottom of the ballot is the
ordinance submitted to the voters by
the Council regarding the assessing of
water rental against the property In
stead of against occupants, as at present.
Return to Farm Home Sought After
Arrest Ends Gay Career.
CHICAGO, III., Oct. 8. They called
her Mandy on the farm and they made
much of her.
She was the only daughter the Boy-
era had and nothing was too good for
ner. so dad said and mother agreed.
jviandy didn t realize how happy she
was. She was ambitious and wished
to see the city. She had an aunt in
Chicago, Mrs. J. Cole, of 4856 Fulton
street. by couldn t she go to Chi
cago, study stenography and live with
Her parents didn't like to have her
go, but she insisted. So they kissed
her and sent her away.
She went to the Revilo School at 17
North Wabash avenue for some time
and then, last June, she had a quarrel
with her aunt and went to live at 1309
W est Madison street.
She made the acquaintance of John
Pazen, of 4119 Jackson boulevard, and
Mandy quit the school. Only she wasn't
Mandy any more. Her name was
Thelma Meyers.
Pazen and the girl, who is only 16
years old, were arrested by Detective
Woman Stops Has band
From Using Tobacco.
An Ohio - Wife Broke Her Husband
of . the Tobacco Habit With a
" Recipe She Oave Secretly.
She Telia What She Used.
A well-known Ohio woman, whose
husband has been a heavy user of
tobacco for years, broke him of the
habit by the use of a simple home
recipe that she gave secretly. She very
gladly told what she used, but request
ed that her name should not be made
public, as her husband does not know
why he quit using tobacco. She said:
"The recipe is Inexpensive and can be
obtained from any drug store, and giv
en secretly or with the patient's knowl
edge. To 3 oz. of water add 20 grains
of muriate of ammonia, a small box of
Varlex Compound and 10 grains of pep
sin. Give a teaspoonful three times a
day at meal time in the food or in the
coffee, tea or milk. This recirje is ner
fectly harmless and has no color, taste
nor smell, and will be found effective
for the tobacco habit in any form."
.Player Pianos Mow
Sergeant George E. McCormlck. and
Mandy wept and told her story.
It had been a gay life, she said, fas
cinating and swift.
But if mother and "dad" down in
Ridott, 111., will forgive her she will go
nome ana stay there for good.
But Mandy is needed as a witness
Lagainst Pazen and Ave other young
men tor wnom warrants were obtained
And she will have to appear against
the proprietors of the Congress Cafe.
Charley West's, the Cafe De Luxe, the
Delaware and eight or ten other cafes
which sold her gin fizzes, highballs and
other drinks: and against the owners
and proprietors of eight or ten hotels
that admitted her- a girl Just out of
short skirts without asking questions.
Then there is a woman of a good
family on the West Side who will be
charged with contributing to the de
linquency of a minor.
So it will be a long time before Mandy
can go home.
Eastern Oregon Anxious to Exhibit
Resources at San Francisco.
BAKER, Or.. Oct. 13. (Special.) All
of Eastern Oregon is anxious to send
exhibits to the Panama-Pacific Expo
sition and this part of the state will
be among the best represented at San
Francisco next year. This was shown at
the meeting of the different counties
held at the Commercial Club today.
Robert Withycombe, of Union, who
represented Union County, presided.
Other speakers who pledged their
support were Ernest Welch, president
of the Baker Commercial Club; J. V.
Tallraan, president of the Pendleton
Commercial Association, representing
Umatilla County; Judge J. A. French
and Ross Leslie, representing Wallowa
County; Dr. V. C Belknap and R. L.
Reese, of Prairie City, representing
Grant County. Judge McKnight tele
phoned that Malheur County will take
part and like word came from Morrow
W. A. Copeland Eiles Suit Against
Oregon Lumber Company.
W. A. Copeland filed a complaint with
the United States District Court yester
day against the Oregon Lumber Com
pany asking $75,000 damages for in
juries he avers were due to 'careless
ness and negligent acts and omissions
of the defendant."
In a bill of equity filed yesterday,
Wallace Redman, trustee in bankruptcy
for Frederick C. Mullen, of Eugene,
asks judgment for $2000 -unless the
Eugene Loan & Savings Bank, of Eu
gene, returns automobiles received from
Mr. Moullen. The statement alleges
that the bank lent money to Mr. Moul
len after his bankruptcy had been de
clared and therefore asks that the auto
mobiles given to the bank by Mr.
Moullen in consequence of his debt be
returned to the trustee.
.Less Thae
T3 n nn Tra
E3 VS.. 11 C! II-
many seii ir or
- -r .... '
Stub Stub
To Be Torn Off by the lo Be Torn Off by the First
Chairman. Clerk.
To vote for any person mark cross (X) In a square to the right
of the name.
Vote first choice for three.
Vote second choice for two.
Vote your first choices in the first column.
Vote your second choices in the second column.
Do not vote more than one choice for any one candidate.
All distinguishing marks make the ballot void.
If you wrongly mark, tear or deface the ballot return it and ob
tain another from the election offioers.
Officers to be elected: Mayor and two Commissioners.
If any voter shall vote more than one choice for any one candidate
- the vote nignest in graae snail De counted and others rejected.
Reasons for demanding recall of
H. R. Albee. Mayor: Mayor, One to Be Elected.
First Sec'nd
Names of candidates. Choice Choice
Mayor H. R. Albee's justification 12 H. R. Albee
of his course in office. 13 B. E. Kennedy.'...
14 Eugene E. Smith..
Not more than 200 words.)
Commissioner Remainder of Four-
Tear Term One to Be Elected.
Mark cross (X) between the . .
number and answer voted for. First Seo'nd
Names of candidates. Choice Choice
Shall H. R. Albee be retailed .
from the office of Mayor? 15 Robert G. Dleck...
20 Yes. 16 H. E. Abry.
21 No. 17 George Parrish...
Reasons for demanding recall of Commissioner Remainder of Two
Robert G. Dieck, Commissionei : Year Tejjn One to Be Elected.
Names of candidates. . Flrst Choice-
18 Wm. L. Brewster...
Commissioner R. G. Dieck's Jus- 19 W. A. Leet.
tification of his course in office:
Mark cross (X) between the
number and answer voted for.
Mark: cross (X) between the Submitted to the voters by the
number and answer voted for: Council an ordinance entitled
(Water Ordinance.)
Shall Robert G. Dieck be recalled Shall the above ordinance pars?
from the office of Commissioner? 100 Yes.
22 Yes. 101 No.
23 No.
Reasons for demanding recall of
Wm. L. Brewster, Commissioner:
Commissioner Wm. L. Brewster's
justification of his course in office:
Mark cross (X) between the
number and answer voted for.
Shall Wm. L. Brewster be re
called from the office of Commis
sioner? 24 Yes.
25 No.
Yesterday we bought
outright and had turned
over, to us fey Mr.
Lucore the balance of
altogether forty-four
of the costliest Pianos
in the Soule Bros.'
Failure Sale
The most important event in West
ern piano merchandising, the Manu
facturers' Emergency Surplus Sale,
merged with the Soule Bros'. Failure
Soule Bros., old-t -tablished musical
instrument merchants. their stock.
after authority and direct order of
court, was taken over by C E. Lucore.
the wholesale piano man and repre
sentative or some or tne creditor man
ufacturers. Nearly all the inexpensive
pianos were quickly sold, at 388 Mor
rison, but the more costly kinds were
left on hand. There was no time to
lose. A quick turn was necessary and
we were able to get them in one lump,
so that we can sell them for almost
what they sold their medium and
cheaper priced pianos for. for we de
clined to take over any but the finest
instruments in the sale. The better
makes and higher grade pianos, the
really much-to-be-desired Instruments,
now on sale at Ellers Mustc House,
started yesterday morning.
In these two great sales at Ellers
Music House will be found pianos for
a great deal less than what the manu
facturers expected to get for same
when they billed them to their agents.
Some of them. oldest established
makes, time honored, time tried names,
are included in this great sacrifice
sale now, and positive assurance that
every instrument is reliable, depend
able, price worthy, and accompanied
by our positive guarantee as to qual
ity and service, and accompanied by
our exchange agreement and money
back guarantee.
For several weeks,'' while the Soule
Bros." failure sale was in force, we
would hear customers ' say, "I believe
they have real bargains up there at
Soule Bros." failure sale, but if the
piano should not turn . out what it
should be, to whom can we look to
make the piano right?" Now that dif
ficulty has all been done away with,
for with the Eilers guarantee, and a
record of many years' fair dealing and
the high standing of the house, every
pianoless home can now feel sure
that the piano will be found in every
way satisfactory. For Eilers Music
House Is the money back institution.
We also issue an exchange agree
ment so that for any reason, at any
time within -two years, a customer can
exchange for another piano at the big
piano hcjuse, and all the money paid
will apply on the instrument selected.
Their enormous business enables them
to sell a piano of a higher grade for
much less money than the old-time
method dealers ask. Seventy-two per
cent of all the pianos shipped to the
Coast are sold by the Eilers houses.
This leaves only a very few for all the
other dealers combined to sell. This
fact itself should have consideration;
any thinking business man or woman
knows that a large quantity of goods
can be marketed for less per article
than can a small number. Thinking
people know that in buying in large
quantities each article can be purchased
for less. Furthermore our Eilers Music
For Example We Quote:
$900 Chickering Baby Grand $487
Used, but trig bargain.
$750 Lester Grand just like new $366
Less than half. .
$950 Knabe Grand less than half $472
For professional use. '
Vose . . .
Estey'. .
Like new.
Like new.
$800 Melville-ClarkPlayer Piano $396
$600 Kingsbury Inner Player-- $288
Late 88-note model.
$600 Angelus Player Piano $225
$400 Hallet & Davis - $140
Pine for Students.
And many others, new or used, at equally low prices, some of them taken
in part payment at our own price for new pianos and player pianos, dur
ing this great Manufacturers' Emergency and Surplus Sale.
Mouse guarantee is thoroughly depend
able and trustworthy in every way.
It Is the only lar&e home institution of
its kind, and many years of successful
piano distribution has put it in the
lead of all the great National institu
tions. Whenever the opportunity pre
sents Eilers Music House is always
ready and anxious to arrange excep
tional values, and offers them to buy
ers at the lowest possible price con
sistent with quality.
Everyone knows that the export
business has practically been at a
standstill; every manufacturer, espe
cially of musical Instruments, has been
at his wits' end to know what to do
with his surplus stock, that is why the
manufacturers' representatives, Ells
worth, Barnes and Davey and Lucore,
are now in charge of this greatest of
all - Portland piano sales. Hemember.
these pianos are all new, guaranteed.
The famous Duotonal (Double Sound
board Piano), also the Eilers De Luxe
Player Piano are included in this great
sale which is now being conducted by
the manufacturers under an agreement
that the Eilers Mustc House will buy
three pianos every time the manufac
turers' representatives sell two. How
ever, a sale like this can never hap
pen again, for the same conditions will
never again exist.
Never Were the Old Reliable Makes oC
Pianos Offered at the Low Price
Now Marked on Every
Never since the establishment of the
Ellers Music House many years ago
have' prices been made so low and
terms so easy. Think of buying the
Chickering, America's oldest and best;
the Sohmer, pr'de of New York; the in
strument you find in the most exclu
sive circles of that great city; the
Kimball, the piano that today enjoys
having received the indorsement of
more of the great artists and musici
ans than all other makes combined, and
we could go on and enumerate many
other makes included in this emerg
ency sale. However, for the future pro
tection of smaller dealers who must
secure the established retail prices, plus
the freight, it has been agreed not to
advertise the names of these new
pianos now on sale in connection with
the price.
Instruments that are worth $1000,
$1100 and $1150 in the regular retail
way can now be secured in Uprights,
Players or Grands for only $585. How
ever, if you do not care to invest in
the very highest priced of all musical
instruments we will sell you the me
dium grades at correspondingly low
prices. This would mean instruments
valued at $200. $250 or $300 for $9S.
$118 or $145. Or for only $195 we fur
nish highest grade, strictly warranted
Colonial design Uprights which usually
sell for more than double this price.
We have decided to give 40 months.
30 months, 20 months or 10 months'
time In which to pay for a piano in this
Lucore. Ellsworth, Barnes and Davey.
the sale of the Soule Bros.' failure
stock and the Manufacturers
Emergency and Surplus Sale, Broad
way at Alder. Store open in the
evening until 9 o'clock during: this
sale only.
Madibou Mobs Clasli After Boy Is
. "Thrown in Lake.
MADISON. Wis., Oct, 8. Students of
the University of Wisconsin tried to
throw 'a town boy into Lake Mendota
one night recently, mistaking: him for
a fellow student, and precipitated a
street fight in which three hundred
students battled with as many citizens
for hours. For another hour the city
fire department poured streams of
water into the crowd without dispersing-
the fig:hters. ,
C. R. Van Hise. president of the uni
versity, grave bond for the four stu
dents who were arrested, and ad
dressed the 1500 students who sur
rounded the police station, finally- persuading-
them to return to their homes.
Hundreds of windows. Including; all In
the police, station, were broken.
The students whose mistake started
the fig-lit said they attempted to disci
pline the town boy because they mis-1 green cap. Custom at the university
took him for a freshman without his decrees a jrreen cap for a freshman.
Beer is the combined extract of malt and hops
Malt builds up tissue IIops is an invigorating
Beer contains natural carbonic acid gas, which
gives it sparkling effervescence.
Beer contains 3 to 4 per cent of alcohol developed
by natural fermentation, just enough to pre
serve it.
Phones: Main 72, A 1172
Henry Weinhard Brewery
Portland, Oregon