Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 13, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Women and Business Men
' Separately Indorse Candi
date, Laud His Probity.
Toung and Old, Rich and Poop Pro-
claim to Favorite Son That At
tacks by Political Opponents
and in Press Are Resented.
EUGENE. Or- Oct. 12. (Special.)
R. A. Booth, called home by the peo
ple of Eugene and Lane County to re
ceive their approval in face of at- j
tacks upon him "by Governor West and
political opponents, declared tonight
that he believed these acts of com
mendation clinched his election.
He referred to two specific instru
ments of approval. One was a letter
presented to him tonight as a surprise
by the women of Eugene containing
an appeal to Oregon women to recog
nize Mr. Booth as he is known by the
women of hts home town. Mr. Booth's
voice showed intense emotion as he
thanked the women.
The other was a. statement signed by
virtually every business man in Eu
gene, expressing confidence in the in
tegrity of K. A. Booth, and thanking
him for the service rendered Lane
County by the company which he
-Even the students of the university
spontaneously responded to the ovation
tendered him by his home city today.
With their student band they "marched
from the campus tonight to join the
throng that paraded the business
streets in a remarkable demonstration
of loyalty and appreciation. It was the
same' everywhere he went throughout
the county during the day. The mill
men at Springfield left their posts to
greet him. In his office today old
pioneers, men who had worked for
him years ago, and men who had
grown up with him, climbed the stairs
with the younger business men to pay
their respects.
"I am the nominee of a party
largely in the ascendency in Oregon."
said Mr.- Booth, after being presented
with the two statements from his fel
low townsmen. "The indications are
that the people will vote as they are
registered. This means that I "will be
elected unless the people of Oregon
believe the stories that are being cir
culatd by my political enemies from
the platform and through the press.
"Whether or not I am capable or
worthy of this is best known by my
neighbors and friends.
Appreciation la Exprewd.
"If the people of Eugene and Lane
County can Indorse me as they did
when they petitioned my candidacy, as
they have done by the reception given
me everywhere today, and by the writ
ten testimony given me tonight, such
as that which the business men, with
out regard to political affiliation, and
the women of Eugene have given me
if these statements can be credibly re
ceived by the people of Oregon, it will
guarantee my election.
"U feel, therefore, that the service
you have rendered me this day by these
written statements and by your words
" of approval and by the ovation given
me at this meeting is the greatest help
you could possibly give my candidacy.
Only you who know me best know how
deeply 1 appreciate it."
The letter handed Mr. Both from the
women of Eugene reads as follows:
"To Mr. K. A. Booth:
"We, your neighbor women, who
have intimate acquaintance with you
that has extended over many years and
who earnestly petitioned you to be
come a candidate for the United States
Senate, desire to express our renewed
interest in you and your candidacy.
"We desire most emphatically to re
sent the slurs aimed at you by your
political enemies now in high places
in Oregon;
we wouia line to nave tne message
go from us to the women of Oregon
that we know you intimately we have
seen you in your home and you in ours
that we are your friends and sup
porters because we know that. If elect
ed, you will carry into the National
counsels the same high moral attri
butes, and the same unselfish devotion
to right, that has characterized your
nome ana community life.
"In every battle that we have fought
for purity, for home protection, for
civic virtue, you nave Been our coun
Eeiur ana neiper; we want the same
spirit, tne same high purposes that
nave cnaracierized your home and com-
mumty lite, that has made homes
brighter, schools stronger and churches
more effective through your influence
and direct help, to be carried through
your election to every home under our
Detractors Are Condemned.
"We regret that In this advanced age
of your beloved and progressive state
that people who have been honored and
advanced by the vote of the people of
the state should so far forget common
oecency as to make the attack that
has recently been made upon you, but
your Influence for good in this state
will be a potent. force when their names
are forgotten."
Following is the statement circulated
by a self-appointed committee of busi
ness men and subscribed to by repre
sentatives of virtually every business
firm In Eugene, regardless of politics:
"We, the undersigned business men
of Eugene. Or., having noticed the at
tacks on the personal integrity of K. A.
Booth, and on the methods by which
the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company has
acquired its timber lands, desire to ex.
press our full confidence in Mr. Booth
and our appreciation of the valuable
service rendered our county by him and
the company which he founded.
Vast Operations Recited.
'This statement is based on years of
observation and business relations with
I:. A. Booth and the Booth-Kelly Lum
ber Company. They have not been tim
ber land speculators or exploiters, but
manufacturers of lumber. They have
acquired timber not for speculative pur
poses, but to provide logs for their ex
tensive lumbering operations. Since
they began operating in this county In
1S96 they have distributed in our county
nearly J10.000.000, and each month have
given employment to hundreds of our
"Having seen the honorable career
of this great institution in our midst
and having satisfied ourselves of the
Integrity and splendid business ability
of R. A. Booth, we resent the impu
tation of dishonest methods or motives
in our esteemed fellow-townsman, and
In the company bearing his name.
"This Is qot a matter of politics, but
a simple act of justice taward aiK hon
orable fellow-citizen and the greatest
single industry in our county.'
Overflow Meeting- Addmud.
Five hundred persons, unable to gain
omittance to me courtnouse, were
addressed tonight as they gathered on
the Courthouse lawn by Mr. Booth,
who left the Auditorium, packed with
people, to speak from the Courthouse
"I want you to vote for the man
which you feel will best represent
you; that will put the most bread on
your table. If your vote does not elect
me I have no fault to find.
"I have asked myself what I can do
to place more men in your university
and schools, to see more virtue and
less vice in the state. I want to see
the time when the railroads shall carry
products of this country to the mar
kets of the East and to the harbors
on the West. Our prosperity depends
largely upon our ability to reach the
markets of the West: the wealth of
the forest and the farms must move
Westward. The sands of the Columbia
must be cleared away and from this
stream there must be a silver path to
every Western nation. Every acre of
land susceptible to cultivation must
produce crops. I want to see a system
of rural credit so extended that the
production may be Increased manifold."
At the close of Mr. Booth's address
a member of the local Women's Chris
tian Temperance Union addressed Mr.
Booth, saying: "There Is no question
in my mind as to how you stand on the
temperance question, but others wish
to know."
Mr. Booth replied r'
"I can best answer that question by
referring to a letter addressed to the
committee on candidates from the
Prohibition convention in reply to a
letter In which they asked if I would
ace'ept their party nomination. I do
not have the letter with me and do not
remember the exact date, ' but it was
about the first or second of May, as
near as I can remember. My reply was
as follows:
' 'In the National Congress policies
are carried through party organization.
L am aspiring to this omce tnrougn
the Republican party, I have no oppo
sition for that nomination, but could
not accept the nomination of any other
party until after I receive the nomi
nation of the Republican party. After
I receive that nomination, if I had your
indorsement it would make my election
more certain. But whether I have
your indorsement or not I will in the
future, as in the past, favor National
prohibition.' "
Matthew Harris, 11, Missing
Since Saturday, Taken
Frorn Creek by Father.
Mr. Booth Says He Looks to Peoplo
to Defend Him in Lane County.
EUGENE. Or., Oct. 12. (Special.)
R. A. Booth, Republican candidate for
United States Senator, looks to the
people of Lane County to defend him
from the insinuations of the Governor
of the state. So he told the people
of Junction City in a short address
there this morning from his motor car.
when hundreds of loyal friends surged
about the machines, a dozen of them,
which formed the procession that
escorted Mr. Booth from Eugene this
"When the people of Lane County
made me a candidate for the United
States Senate they gave me a good
certificate of character," said Mr.
Booth, "It has not been a part of my
policy, even though the attacks are
frequent and vicious from political op
ponents and men in high positions, to
make further answer to these."
Mr. Booth referred to the day in
Eugene when several hundred Eugene
friends appeared at his home in per
sonal petition, imploring that he be
come a candidate. He afterward said
that it was the pressure of his Eu
gene friends that caused him to ac
cept the tendered honor.
"The question as to who will be
Senator must be determined by every
individual voter as to what he or she
thinks is best for himself." continued.
Mr. Booth at Junction City. "And by
this token the people of Junction City
will decide that which is best for Lane
County, the state of Oregon and the
United States. They must decide
whether it is better to be represented
by one of their 'own community, who
has had a part in the essential growth
of western Oregon, and who is a mem
ber of that party that has made the
growth .of the nation and has com
pelled the respect of others. The
party's policies have been to protect
American interests, the farmer, the la
borer and the manufacturer. Whether
these policies shall be re-established
under Republican domination, or
whether the conditions that are now
casting' shadows and that were
brought about by the free trade policy
of the Democratic party shall continue
is for you to decide.
"Oregon, the United States, are In
terested In good prices for agricul
tural products and, labor. And so long
as conditions are obtained that bring
these results, the country will be
prosperous and the people happy."
Capable Bookkeeper Out of Work
and Penniless, Asks Chance.
Among the most pathetic cases found
yesterday afternoon by one of the so
clal workers of the Associated Charities
was a young woman, aged 29, an expert
typewriter and bookkeeper, who has
vainly sought for employment for sev
eral days and is destitute. She is well
educated, refined and willing to work
and does not wish to be an object of
charity, but was forced yesterday to
accept assistance from the association
to keep her from starvation.
Persons who are willing to give this
girl a chance to work for an honest
living may apply to the Associated
Charities, where her. excellent refer
ences may be seen. Telephone Main
Alvah Tower, IB, Detained for In
vestigation Harry Nolan, 12,
Killed - at Minnehaha by
Brother, Philip, 14.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Oct. 12. (Spe
cial.) Mystery surrounds the shoot
ing and killing of Matthew Harris, 11
years old. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Harris, of Sara, whose body was found
at 3 o'clock today under a brush pile
and ties in Whipple Creek, about three-
quarters of a mils above Knapp Sta
A .23 caliber bullet had pierced the
heart of the schoolboy, and his body
had apparently been dragged over' a
steep bank and flung into Whipple
Creek. Alvah Tower, 16, who lives at
Sara, but has been attending hijrh
school in Vancouver, was with Matthew
when he started on the hunting trip,
and, though he denies any knowledge
of the tragedy, he Is being held in the
woman's ward in the County Jail
pending an investigation.
Schoolboya Aid Search.
The boy was shot some time after
aoout 4 o clock baturday afternoon,
and, though bloodhounds owned by
nentr word, of Multnomah County,
were used, the body was not found
until today. All Saturday night. Sun
day and Sunday night, 150 men and
boys searched for the boy. The High
School at Ridgefield waa dismissed
today and 20 of the boys joined the
systematic searching parties, headed
by Sheriff Cresap and his deputy
George Johnson.
Coroner Victor H. Limber went to
the scene shortly after the body was
found. L. M. Burnett, County Attor
ney, joined the county officers on the
ground. Mr. Limber decided to hold
post mortem examination at Sara to
morrow, probe for the bullet, and find'
the gun that Alvah Tower had with
him. Little Matthew had a .22 caliber
gun, but this has not been found
though the creek was raked thor
Tevrer Saya He Hunted Alone.
Alvah Tower says they went to L.
R. Thurman's place near the cemetery.
Then both got their dinner at their
own homes. Tower had his gun and a
22 belonging to M. V. Bond was at
Tower's and this was taken out by
Matthew. Both boys started down the
railroad track to a popcorn field three
quarters of a mile above where tr-e
body was found.
Tower said Matthew began, to Dick
popcornand he went on hunting for
pheasants. He says he did not see his
companion again.
Although the creek had been searched
once for the boy Mr. Harris, the father,
discovered evidence that a body had
been dragged over the bank. He in
vestigated and Matthew's body was
found in Whipple Creek, under a pile
of brush.
The post mortem will be held at
Sara tomorrow and Investigation of i
number of clews made, and the cor
oner's Jury impaneled and the inquest
When Coroner Limber was investi
gating the killing of Matthew Harris,
a call came in to his office telling of
another tragedy near Minnehaha,
where Philip. Nolan, 14. had shot and
killed his brother, Harry Nolan. 12
years old. accidentally. Both are sons
of Mart Nolan, a farmer.
The boys had been attending school
and when they returned home in the
afternoon started after the cows in
the pasture. They carried a shotgun
hoping to get a pheasant.
Harry walked a few feet in front of
his brother. In some manner which
Philip cannot distinctly remember the
shotgun was discharged and the charge
struck Harry In the back, killing him
Ticket Vacancy Pilled.
GRANTS PASS. Or.. Oct. 12. (Spe
cial.) The Democratic central commit
tee tonight appointed C G. Gillett to
make the run for County Judge, taking
the place of Judge Jewell, deceased.
Mr. Gillett owns the Grants Pass Feed
Tonight! Clean Your Bowels and
Stop Headache, Colds, Sour
Get a 10-cent box.
Take a Cascaret tonight to cleanse
your Liver. Stomach and Bowels, and
you will surely feel great by morning.
lou men and women who have head
acne, coated tongue, a Dad cold, are
bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, oisordered stomach, or
have backache and feel all worn out-
Are you keeping your bowels clean
with Cascarets or merely forcins:
passageway every few days with salts.
cathartic pills or castor oil?
Cascarets immediately cleanse and
regulate the stomach, remove the sour.
undigested and fermenting food and
foul gases: take the excess bile from
the liver and carry off the constipated
waste matter and poison from the
Remember, a Cascaret tonight will
straighten you out by morning. A
10-cent box from your druggist means
healthy Dowel action: a clear head and
cheerfulness for months. Don't Xorget
the children. Adv.
Like Ringworms on Face and Neck.
Later Formed White Scales.
Spread. Could Not Sleep. Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment Healed.
354 Plum St.. Youngstown. Ohio.
"Blotches like ringworms started to come
out all over my face and neck. Later it
took the form of white flakes
and when I would rub they,
came off in little white
scales. The eczema so dis
figured me that I was ashamed
to go out anywhere. It
Itched all the time and when
ever I perspired or got my
face the least bit wet, U
would burn until I very nearly
went crazy. The more I rubbed or scratched
the more it spread and it made me so rest,
less I could not sleep at night.
" I used one remedy after another.
uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii luiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
and two or three others that were
made at home, but none of them did any
good and I was despairing of ever being
cured. One day a friend prevailed upon
me to get a sample of Cuticura Soap and
' Ointment. They caused the itching to stop
instantly and In a very few days my face
and neck began to show a marked Improve
ment. I used three cakes of Cuticura Soap
and one box of Cuticura Ointment and my
face and neck are completely cured."
(Signed) Newton D. "W. Chapman, Feb.
27, 1014.
Samples Free by Mail
Although Cuticura Soap (25c.) and Cuti
cura Ointment (60c) are sold by druggista
and dealers throughout the world, a sample
of each with 32-p. Skin Book will be sent
free upon request. Address post-card:
'Cuticura, Dept. T. Boston."
Rev. C. P. Gates, of Dallas, . and the
Rev 11. R. Giles, of this city.
The report of the programme commit
tee provides for a meeting October 26,
at which the Rev. C. C. Poling will
give a review of the general conference
at Barrlngton. 111. On November s
Bishop Bell, of Los Angeles, will give
an address.
Rally services were held on the pre
ceding day at the Ockley Green United
evangelical cnurcn. oi i. i-.
Lovell Is pastor.
Rev. E. D. Hornschuh President
United Ministerial Association.
The Rev. K. E. Hornschuh has been
re-elected president of the United Min
isterial Association of Port- nd, which
held its first meeting for the yaar yes
terday morning at the Y. M. C A. Other
officers are: Vice-president, J. B. Par
sons; secretary. J. A. Goode, and treas
urer, H. chuchnecht.
Speakers at the meeting were: The
J. F". Glbaon. 70-Year-Old Pensioner
Shot at Sodaville, Denies Tale of
Fray Told by W. Z. Ansel.
ALBANY, Or., Oct 12. (Special.)
Alleged persistent attempt by Gibson
to persuade Pearl Adams, housekeeper
of W. 25. Angel, of Sodaville, to leave
and accompany him back to Lebanon
to work for him, OibBon'a visits to the
Angel home to gain that end and his
alleged threats to take Angel's life
after having been ordered awayvre
the reasons given by Angel for shoot
ing John C Gibson, 70-year-old Civil
War veteran of Lebanon, at Sodaville
"Pearl Adams has been employed by
me for some time as housekeeper and
to assist in caring for my invalid chil
dren, whom I recently brought to Soda
ville from the State Hospital at Salem,"
said Angel in the County Jail today. -"Late
Saturday afternoon, while
Miss Adams and I were attending
my sick daughter, Miss Adams heard
a nolso in the adjoining room. I opened
the door and there stood Gibson with
a shotgun in his hands. He was hold
ing the piece above his shoulder. When
X asked him what he wanted he re
plied 'I want you," and, lowering his
gun. " he pressed it to my side. I
reached above "my head and got my
rifle, which hung on the wall. Before
he could get the shotgun up I pressed
my rifle against his side and' ordered
him from the place. He wouldn't go.
and while pushing him from the room
with my rifle, 1 pulled the trigger."
Gibson, when Questioned at his home
in Lebanon said:
"I drove to Angel's home In Sodaville
Saturday to ask Pearl Adams where
her parents had moved to,, her father
having been indebted to me when he
left. I took my shotgun along to hunt
pheasants. When I arrived at Angel's
place I got out of the rig, leaving my
gun in the vehicle. Angel opened the
door and invited me inside. I asked
him where the Adams family had gone
and he replied that he didn't know and
didn't care, at the same time picking
up his rifle, which stood In the corner.
He then shot me. We had never had a
quarrel and I know of no reason for
his action."
Gibson has been married three times
and had two children by his first wife
and five by his second. Some of his
children reside at Moscow, Idaho. His
third wife died less than a month ago
The Only Scrip Company Licensed to Do
Business in Oregon
Always look for this trade-mark
An Oregon Company for
Oregon People
'' ' ' Patronize the Company
Witfi Legal Standing in Oregon
American Travel Scrip is a service used
by leading merchants as a mark of appre
ciation for your loyalty in patronizing them,
and to create new business.
American Travel Scrip is issued by an
Oregon company of Oregon men employing
people and keeping Oregon money in
Thp American Travel Scrip, Inc., is the
only scrip company licensed to do business
in this state.
American Travel Scrip is safe and is not
restricted it is good on any streetcar,
steamboat or railroad in the United States
and can be redeemed at your local bank and
does not have to be rnailed to the home of
fice. American -Travel Scrip can only be ob
tained at the best merchants. It is given
with 10c, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 purchases
and can be redeemed for any amount.
A, Mile of Travel American Travel Scrip, inc.
For Every Dollar Spent Northwestern Bank Bid. Phone Main 4203
SALEM, Or., Oct. 7. Corporation
Commissioner Watson announced to
day that he had issued a permit to
the American Travel Scrip, Incor
porated, of Portland, to do business
in the state. Because of a conflict of
the name of this company with the
American Scrip Company, of Loa
Angeles, the Corporation Commis
sioner was in doubt for a time as
to which of the two concern was
entitled to the permit. The former,
however, had filed its articles first,
and he concluded to give a permit
to It. The California corporation
in order to obtain a permit must
now either change its name or con
test the other for the name in the
courts. Which it will do Is not
known by the Commissioner. From
the Telegram of Oct. 7th.
This clipping tells
the story.
i iiiiisiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiinnnmiitmniiiimiiiii-itii.iimtinsi iuninuiiuiiiniiiiunnimniimiumniT
If y ou wear glasses and your
eyes burn or your head
aches, it is just as likely that
it is due to improperly
.adjusted glasses as inaccur
ately ground lenses.
We have the most modern lens
grinding equipment and the best
facilities for accuracy and speed,
, and in the art of adjusting your
glasses to your eyes and face, our
specialists excel.
Our work is guaranteed in every respect.
Any changes your ocu ist may prescribe
in one year are male without charge.
Headquarters Toric'
and Kryptok Lenses
Columbian Optical Co.
145 Sixth St., Bet. Alder and Morrison
Floyd Brower, Manager.
at the State Hospital at Salem. Gibson
rallied last night and may recover.
Angel's preliminary hearing haa been
set for tomorrow morning.
Recall Judges and Clerks Also to
- Serve General Election.
Continuing with plans for the pro
posed recall election against Mayor
Albee and City Commissioners Dieck
and Brewster October 27. City Auditor
Barbur yesterday selected a list of
judges and clerks to serve if the. elec
tion is called. The recall election of
ficials selected are those chosen to serve
for the county in the general elction
Novmber 3.
It Is expected that the State Supreme
Court will decide the recall case now
pending today or Friday at the latest.
If the decision la against the recall
the city will have Bpent but little, as
publication of special election notices
and arranging? of ballot forms are the
only steps taken that have entailed expenditure.
Friends Pay Tribute to Woman at
Grace Methodist Chnroh.
The funeral of Mrs. Frances Wlllson
Gill, wife of J. K. Gill, who died last
Friday at the Virginia Hill Hotel, was
held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon
from the Grace Methodist Episcopal
Church with interment in the River
view Cemetery. The church was packed
with friends who came to pay their last
respects, and the casket was burled in
flowers and floral wreaths. Services
were conducted by Rev. F. L. Love
land. The pallbearers were all nephews
of Mrs. Gill. They were: Ralph.
Joseph W., Walter J. and Harold D.
Gill and Edward Hanscom and Edward
The Italian City or Milan has changed
from saa street lighting- to ,lectricity. gen
erating its current by Alpine waterfall,
nearly 100 miles nway.
Gl Meaxtles
25c "Relex" brand, now 15c
35c "Welco" brand, " now 25c
The economy, efficiency and comfort of Modem
Gas Light depend upon the mantle! You cannot
get good light by using inferior and inefficient
mantles. For this reason, we have determined to
put Welsbach and Reflex "Shield of Quality",
Mantles within the reach of every user of light.
Uhe Heart Of The Light Is The Mantle
Welsbach anji,Reflex Mantles bum brighter, last
longer, "use less gas and give that quality,
of light which is best for the eyes. At
these new low prices, their use is a
double economy.
Accept only the genuine Wels
bach and Reflex Mantles, trade
marked with the "Shield of
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