14 TITE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1914. BEAL ESTATE. NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 9800 CASH. Owner will take mortgage on place for balance amounting- to (10 u0. 3 ye are. In terest 7 per cent, for the man or woman who has o00 caeh this i tne beat buy in th City of Portiand- j'ive rooms and sleeping porch, corner lo;.. one block from Hum City Park car line, cement sidewalks, yard will be grad bDtl seeded. .buiit-ln bookcase, Dutch kitchen, bed rooms, bathrouin and kitchen finished in wnite enamel; concealed boiler and wood lit t ; iron t porch 26x8 feet ; electric fix tures, switch for each opening, shade, waxed floors, walla all tinted; the work mansnip of this house is the best; agents need not answer this, aa I cannot pay commission at this price. a 273, Ore gonian. HOMESEEKER, READ XHlj AD. I am going away and must sell a beau tiful home in .Beaumont, b-ruom house, fine garage, fine electric nxtures all in, ce ment ariveway, on canine. There la a 20ui mortgage, runs 2 yeara at 1 per cent and all interest paid up to ltflo. This properly is at 50u Earn. 42d at., N., on iteuumont canine. If you want a bargain go see this hotn and make me an -otfer, t-aah, as 1 must sell and the first reason able oiler will be accepted. Aa dress own er, M. A. Kfle at Norm Plains, Or. IRVINGTON HOMES. For sale by owner, 2 beautiful homes, all modern, in select district, o31, 535 Kast luth North, at a bargain; also 37 lots ui Mind vicinity. For further particulars call at 035 East 10th North. Ask for L. T. iiokt. "WILL sacrifice swell modern 2-f amily flat, ." and ti rooms, worth sii0O, now $o0U0. loio down and $-'." per month; walking ujstance on E. 1'amhiil st. bee owner, 171 E. 23d si. Phone Eat 004!s. $20U0. $300 DOWN. BAL. EASY TKKilS. Strictly new, thoroughly modern, doubly constructed bungalow, extra large living room, 20 feet in length, hardwood floors, hanosome buffet, Dutch kitchtn, break-xa&t-room, cement floor in basement, lu un ary Lrays, etc. Only one block to car. For iru urination and appointment, call Tabor 30SU. 5 ROOMS AND SLEEPJNG-FORCH. Located in good district, handy to car; home has li vine-rooms with fireplace, dinintr-room with buffet, two good bed rooms, nice kitchen and large batn, sitej'ing-porch and large attic on Id floor, tilde walks and curbs in and paid for; also graded streets. Will sell to good people for S'Jo a month. 'which Induces Interest. Call ine night and .morning. Kast 2070. BUNG A LOW AND FURNIT U RE. $2o0 10O Down, Bal. Like Kent, .v cozy 5-room bungalow, located just one block from Ha wthorne-ave. car, close in; completely furnished; all ready for oc cupancy; lot worth $2000 alone; great sacrifice. See it today, tomorrow may be loo late; auto at your service. PEARSON & WILLOUGHBY, Main tibO. H'JS Jloi gan Bids. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT Tl'RN A HL'RDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNlSti THE itONEV BUILD APARTMENTS, R E S I -UKNOK OR ANYTHING; PL A NS FREE, AVE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOV KUW. TALK WITH OI K CLIENTS, SEE OCR WOK K. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. K. BAILEY Ac CO., CONTRACTING ARCHI TECTS. 324 AHINGTON BLDG. FOR SALE. BIG BARGAIN PRICE, IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Strictly modern S-room house, fully equip pea garage, fine lawn, etc. ; might consider some trade. F. E. TAi LOR CO., Ground Floor Henry Bldg. Mfc,W MODERN FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW; ALL DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED; LARGE ATTIC, CEMENT BASEMENT. FIRE PLACE. FURNACE. WASH TRAYS. CE MENT WALKS, ETC.; $000 CASH OR TRADE. BALANCE MONTHLY PAY MENTS. TAGUART, 410 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $3150 $l."0 CASH. BUNGALOW, ROSE CITY PARK, 424 EAST 40TH ST. NORTH. 5-room cosy home, just built; 17 minutes from city ; fireplace elegant oak tloors, swell buffet and built-in conveniences to please ladies. Phone Tabor 100. VE will finance and build your home on monthly payments. Call at office or phone Main 4347. O'DONNELL & STEELE, Commercial Builders, aOI Corbet t sidg. BARGAIN RESTRICTED DISTRICT. New, swell home, $3000; $liH cash ; 7 rooms, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, three bedrooms, large double living-room, elegant plate glass buffet, oak floors; 20 minutes to city. Phone Tabor 1000. EAST FRANKLIN ST. SNAP Fine 7-room modern house. 4 bedrooms, furnace; a big snap at $30uo; $300 down. $15 per month; near 36th. Make an offer. ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 414 Corbet t Blrig. A 1410. Marshall 02. $4(00 BARGAIN Modern 8-room house; sightly location, steam heated, lot 50x1 OO; location northeast corner E. 4 1st and Harrison sis. ; terms $roo cash, balance 7 per cent Interest. Tabor 2ti30. $1750 EQUITY FOR $700. Modern 7-room house and lot on East Side, close-In. near car. all street Improve ments in, tino neighborhood. Terms. 21 1 Lumber Ex. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lots or ours; by your own plans or ours; pav us like rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 160 BY 200, well Improved with 4-room bungalow, close to school; view acres, mile east of Risley station, Oregon City line: $10 down. $10 monthly. A. C. Mars ters. 202 Wilcox bids. 61X-ROOM house, also seven-room, modern; will sell or trade; near Peninsula Park. H. L. Messier, 1242 Montana ave. Wood lawn 604. FOR SALE cheap for cash, lot 50x100, house 12x20. at Alder Springs, on Oregon Elec tric, opposite Ryan Place. Thus. J. Fox, Troutdale. Or., R. D. No. 2. MODERN S-room bungalow. Rose City Park, two blocks from car; 04th st. ; only $2100. Terma. Marshall 274fi. Collins. MY 250o 0-room modern home, near Sandy boulevard, for $1700; $40O cash, balance to suit. X 311, Oregonian. BAHGA IN 7-room modern house, Willam ette Heights. $25. E. M. Brown. 7 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 328, A 4110. $3500 6 ROOMS, modern. 2 Iota, roses, fruit, clear; terms. 6703 71st at. S. E. Tabor 2317. FOR SALE at your own price, modern S- room house, near Irvingtou Club; must be, sum ; lending cn. run ne r,ast .-tnu. t-ROOM modern home, Irvington, $3oo0; terms. Marshall 2589. 8-ROOM house, lot 50x100, In Irvington. In qulre 330 Eugene st. Terms. For Sale Husloew Property. $10.000 CLEAN, high-class Investment; pay 12 per cent net; something good. Y 301. Oregontan. Suburban Home Property. A COUNTRY HOME. About 3 4 acres 11 miles from Portland, on main road to Oregon City; located at Junction of branch and main line of new electric line, with station in front of place; exceptionally well eituated: good buildings; private water supply, plenty of xruit, good view; we nave photos at office. Price $4000. GODDARD & W1EPR1CK. 543 Stark St. 700 20 DOWN and $ 1 0am o n t hbu y s"k half acre, fine soil, ideal for a home where you can raise all your vegetables, berries, fruit, chickens, etc.. which is the greater portion of your living. City water piped in front of the place. If you are looking for a location with a bic future ft will pay you to see this. M. E. Lee, Corbett bldg. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water; close to carllne; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall l.N5 or Sell wood 476. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. ACRES and 5-room bungalow on 5c car line. Portland, Or. : will sll at a genuine bargain, write t:. l.. walker, 103 W. Main st.. Centralla. "Wash. For Sale Acreage $10 DOWN $5 PER MONTH. Tract In city limits, containing nearly half an acre; level, all cleared; Bull Run . water, gns. K-ccnt fare. W'H TTM ER-KS I.T.Y CO.. 711 Pittock B?ock. 1 to ACRES choice sitely land, cleared, walks and Bull Run water laid to it. near Mult nomah station, on the Oregon Electric, forced on the market at an exceedingly low price on easy terms. See attorney for owner. 512 Piatt Mag. TIG ARD ROA D GARDENS. 2. S and 4-acre tracts, all tn cultivation. 5 min. walk to station. $350 to $430 per ere; easy terms ; only 6 tracts left. Fred W. German Co.. 914 Cham, of Com. AT BARGAIN PRICBFOR QCICK SALE. 28 acres on Oregon Electric. 8 miles out. Van be sold In acre tracts at handsome profit; terms. 211 Lumber Ex. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. 1, 2, 5 and l-acre tracts, 30 minutes out. NEW BIG RED STEEL ELECTRIC CARS, 12c commuiters fare; very best of soil, water and community conven- . iencea; $123 to $s00 per acre, on in statements. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 33- 1V2 4th St. A 3300. 3 ACRES FOR $250. $10 Down and $3 Per Month Buys 3 acres good logged-off land 1 mile Irom main line of ranroad and town of li0o population, with cannery, creamery, between Portland and Astoria; land from 35 to $60 per acre on these terms; many 5-acre tracts to choose from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. Bet. 3d and 4th Sts.. on Sark. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham; 3 acres $400, SSuu, $7W; 3 acres, $3UO, $700; lO acres, $730. $900, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., $23 to $10 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 300 Yeon Bldg.. Portland, Or. Homesteads. TWO ad.ioinine relinouishments, Tillamook, creek, house and clearing on each; horse and implements with one; $200 for 2 claims. Phone Marshall 3041. 00tt Oregonian bldg. For Sale Farm. RANCH. NEAR DAYTON. ON MAIN ROAD. Close to depot; acres; 22 acres all cleared and in cultivation, good 5-room bungalow with hot and cold water, bath, toilet and wired for electric light; barn, silo, chicken-house and park, hoghouse, place all fenced with woven wire, hog tight; water piped to barn; some ma chinery with the place, mower, disc, culti vator, 2 plowe. wagon and small tools; about 8 acres of bottom land; cash price, no trades, at $6500 ; $2000 cash, balance at 7 per cent. W. A. BARNES CO. 510 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. Main 2081. FARM SNAP, $3S0O. 10-0 acres, 3 miles from town; all good rollins hill soil; 33 acres In cultivation, 70 acros easilv cropped; 3 horses. 4 cows, 14 hogs, chickens, ducks, all tools and Im plements, for $3&O0. A sacrifice for quick sale. Terms on part. MORGAN & WALKER, Corvallis. Oregon. CLARKE COUNTY, WASHINGTON. Father and mother have gone East, son works in the city; has no use for the place and will sell at a sacrifice 10 acres 1 miles from station on electric, only 6 miles from Vancouver; all in cultivation; 7-room house nearly new, barn, chicken-houses, farming tools, etc.; one horse; good neigh borhood. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. FINE VALLEY FARM. 116 acres choice soli all in cultivation: a station 1 mile. 1 and 3 miles ail differ ent linesi miles on gravel road to Eu gene; 9-room house and large barn, 3Ox80, both in fine shape; milk and mail routes and phone: school close; all productive land, well improved; $ 10O an acre; some terms. D. McChesney. Title & Trust bldg. 200 ACRES in Yamhill County, Or., one mile from thriving town. 33 acres prunes and pears, 23 acres apples. 43 acres grain and hay. 13 acres clover, all in high state of cultivation : 00 acres oak timber, half cleared, good buildings. Price, $35.O00. Terms; Half mortgage, balance in cash or clea r city property. BC 320, Oregonian. FORCED sacrifice: "Willamette SO; some Im provements: $2100. Owner, Chauncey Bar ney. Oregon City. FOR SALE Small farm in California, 5 or 3 0 acres, small monthly payments. $lo0 per acre. Address 49 E. 10th st. N. WAN TED BE A L ESTATE. WANTED. INCOME PROPERTY. AFARTMENT-HOCHE OR STORE BUILDING. Have client with unincumbered close-In property and cash to exchange for good in come property. What have you? Only properties submitted on cash valuations considered. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Ground floor Henry bldg. WANTED CLOSE-IN VACANT PROP ERTY. Have Income property that can be ex changed for good close-in vacant property. Small amount of cash necessary. W. A. BARNES CO. 510 Lewis Bldg.. Fourth and Oak Sts. Main 20S1. LOTS WANTED We can sell your lots at a. small expense if the price is righr. Send us description, price and terms. We havj the buyers. Security Development Company. 4th and Pine sts. WANT to buy quarter block or 100x150 on west slope of Mt. Tabor, between Haw thorne and Morrison ; can pay all cash. I mean business. Give me full particulars. AK 294. Oregonian. WILL take vacant lot up to $1500 or house up to $2500 for my equity in new house in Ladd's Addition; price $5000. See my agents. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. 1 WANT to buy a house close in on East Side. Ladd's Addition will suit; 6 rooms with central hall preferred; want room to build garage. AR 292, Oregonian. IF vo i have house of from 4 to 8 rooms, no incumbrance, to sell for small payment and terms, write me all particulars tlrst letter. X 309. Oreaonian. WILL PAY all cash for good cheap corner lot. Rose City Park lino preferred; atate price. E 30S, Oregonian. $SOO MORTGAGE covering gilt-edge West Side property; will apply as part pay on home. 302 Corbett bldg. OUTSIDE room. $2; walking distance; heat, bath and phone. 323 12th st. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT A large jstock. cattle, hog and alfalfa ranch; one of the finest places in the state for rent on very attractive terms; stock for sale. If you are looking for a place to go into the stock business on a large scale, this will suit you. M. E. Lee, 3t5 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT One of the finest valley places on the river; large orchard, very rich soil, to lease on shares; attractive lease; party to buy stock. M. E. Lee, 5o5 Corbett building. FARMS WANTED. WILL trade any part or all of my stock (paying 12 per cent yearly dividends) In large, growing automobile concern for stock or wheat farm. Opportunity for farmer or son to become active or other wise. K 330. Oregonian. WANTED TO RESiT FARMS. WANTED To lease farm and buy stock if reasonable: understand farming: references furnished ; elve full particulars. E. J. EYtckson. eeneral delivery. Portland JAPANESE farmer wants to rent small farm near city. BD 319, Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M CRACKEN. 3u4 M'KAY BLDG. MILLION feet pine, 100 acres. $300; $030 lot. $000; easy terms. Boggess & Co.. 206 Gerlinger bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. NEW 6-room house, value $2000, In Rose burg. Or., lot looxlOu will trade for acre age or lots in Portland or furnishings of hotel; country preferred. B. C. Wood, 706 Everett St. WHO has a small improved farm to trade for a nice, modern nine-room house in the Sunnvside district? WMllamette Valley pre ferred. Address 10&3 Kat Yamhill St., Portland. Or. EXCHANGE bakery, restaurant, confection ery in big hotel; steady trade; brick oven; for equity in lot, bungalow, or any kind of businese. Particulars 3!o Morrison st. TO EXCHANGE wood and coal yard. What have you? Give full particulars In firs: letter. Agents" answer not wanted. Ad dress AM Ii03. Oregonian. ; IF YOUR real estate has value and you want to make a eood exchange for other property, see us. Bell Real Estate Co als Railway Exchange bldg. AUTOMOBILES or trucks to trade for Al first mortgages or bonds, etc. G 332. orgonhn. 20 ACRES to trade for sun auto; also fur niture of 10-roora house, $123 cash. UU0 E. Yamhill st. a-STORY brick apartment-house. West Side, worth $35,000. to trade for city or farm property. WiUoughby, $28 Morgan b:dg. HAVE 16 lots free of Incumbrance in thriv ing town to trade. What have you ? AF 312. Oregonian. WANT to buy a home for about $20O0; give full particulars; no agents. AB 313, Ore gonian. BY OWNER 16 fine lots for a farm, tim ber claim or house and lot; will assume some. Main 1166, or R 311. Oregonian. 80-ACRE Improved farm, under ditch, worth $70oo, to rade for city property. Pearson. Main 5960. 120 ACRES. 5 miles Camas, Wash.; $35 acre. Owner, Ills yeon bldg. , TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE or trade. 7 rooms. 3 hk -story house, br'.ck veneer, with balcony, fine view, concrete porch, garage, 2 toilets, 2 sinks, 2 fireplaces, built-in buffet and bookcases, very best oak floors with bor ders, beam ceilings, veneered panels, fur nace and built-in brick cooler, all modern in every respect; lot 50x1 OO, 2 blocks to Rose City car, paved street; my price, $35o0, $2000 mortgage running 3 years at 7 per cent, my equity of $2K for some cash, 1 or 2 lota m good locality or a i pass. auto in good condition and of late model. Call 300 E. 33th at. N. Tabor 3uU9. No agents. STOCK FARM. - For sale or exchange for city Income property; 133 acres; located convenient to Medford, Or., on & good county road; new 6-room, strictly modern house; new large barn, alt well fenced; 100 acres un der cultivation; 80 acres under irrigation; best of soil; fully equipped ; 10O head of high-grade beef breed of cows and heifers, 50 head 3 to 5 yrs., 25 2-yr.-old. 25 1-yr.-old. Price for everything $20,000 cash or good city Income property. SHEFLER, room til7 C. of C. bldg., Portland. Phone Main 1500. SUBURBAN ACREAGE FOR HOUSE OR BUSINESS PROPERTY. 10 acres of land 1 h miles east of city limits near Base Line Road and ML Hood carline; all under cultivation. Bull Run water, over 130 bearing fruit trees, good house, barn, etc; beautiful country home, fine investment; Al subdivision proposition Worth your time to investigate, F. E TAYLOR CO., Ground floor Henry bldg. FOR EXCHANGE. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Strictly modern 8-room house, fully equipped garage, etc. Price $Uu00, equity $3300. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Ground floor Henry bldg. SMALLER HOUSE WANTED HAVE a client with fine home in Irving ton and one in Beaumont, each valued $ouOO, and $2000 mortgage. See Mr. Hart, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON Fourth and Stark Sts. WANT Small tract of clear improved acreage as first payment on good $4300 8-room modern house, nearly new. See Mr. Hart, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON Four tli and Stark Sts. WILL trade any part, or all, of my stock i paying 12 rer cent yearly dividends) in lare. growing automobile concern for stock or wheat farm. Opportunity for farmer or son to become active or other wise. E 339, Oregonian. SPLENDID home In restricted district ; ideal location; price right; good reason for sell ing; might consiuer late model, high-grade automobile as part payment; no agents. AC iil, Oregonian. DAIRY and hog ranch with equipment, on good auto road, handy to city. Will take income property to value about $Gooo, balance lo ig time. Vanduyn & Walton, 31h Chamber of Commerce. IN fe.-tile Sacramento Valley, California, small farm for sale on easy terms, or ex change for property in or near Portland or acreage in Central Oregon. Address 49 E. 10th SL.N. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE, sales or exchange. 933 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 71U3. FOS SALE. Uorsea, Vehicle, Harnett, Etc. MULES Pair of the blackest, slickest mutes with mealey noses, weignt 20U0 pounds ; have no blemishes, are 0 and 7 years old and no older; true pullers under any or all conditions; have no tricks or vices in or out of stable, gentle for any boy to feed or handle or care for; set of hand made harness, all complete at low price of $2G3; cost $Uu0 two years ago and are worth as much today. If you have use lor them ; snlpmems attended to free of charge. Union U ransier Stables, 11th, at Hoyt st. Mules Team of blue mules, 6 years old, weight 2400 pounds, and are gentle and kinu in or out of stable; drive line pair of horses and will do more work thau two teams of horses un less feed than one team will eat; set of breeching iiarness, ail complete at low price of $2V3. Call Union Transfer Stables, 11th, at Hoyt st. Mules A team of the biggest chunk mules in this city for sale today: will weigh as close to 3uuO pounds as any team of mules in Oregon; are 6 and 1 years old and are not up on legs, but the real low. blocky wear-ior-ever kind ; can walk four miles per hour any time you ask them and pull five tons under any or all conditions, have no blemishes or bunches, but are a pair of the best big mules in this tatt:; set of new harness, all complete at low price of $330. Allow ing trial to test them. If you are in the market for good, sound mules at little money, call and look these three teams over. Union Transfer Stables, 11th, at Hoyt st. HAVING no further need for our ranch horses, will sell at great sacrifice pair of bay geldings, weigh 20U0. honest as can be. gentle for anyone to handle; neariy new breeching harness, cost $30 without collars: will sell with 2 weeks' trial, only $103; also medium-size mare, works any place. 23. Call at my home, 713 East Couch st. 3 MULE TEAMS. Team, weighs 2600 lbs., 225. Team, weighs 3000 lbs., $235. Team, weighs 25U0 lbs., 22. This Includes their harness; all good workers; young and gentle. 24U East Eighth. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia Stables, 302 Front St., every Thursday at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you want to buy, attend this sale. AUCTION SALE of horses, wagons, etc., every TUESDAY at 10:30; every transac tion in these sales is and must be ABSO LUTELY ON THE SQUARE. Consign ments of stock, etc., solicited. Old Star Stables. 308 Front st. Main 9103. AUCTION. Horses, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, lo A. M. ; only strict ly commission stables in the city; con signment solicited. The McClelland Horse A; Mule Co.. 240 E. blh. East 0313. ONE team, mare and horse, weighing 2300, wagon and harness: left nere to sell and must be sold ; would like to get around $133 ; one sorrel horse, 7 years old, $30. 240 E. bth st. Phone East 6315. I TOOK a team of horses in on a truck and must sell; first offer fur geldings takes them ; weight 2800, 7 and 8 years old; perfect condition. Call Marshall 4022. E. L. Fraley. FOR SALE One team of mares 5 years old weighing 2900 lbs. ; one 6-year-oid horse weighing 14 00 lbs. ; 2 cheap farm horses. '12 6 Russell at. TEAM of horses, weight about 1400 lbs. each; also new farm wagon and har ness. Hobson Grocery Store, Woodmere Station. Mt. Scott car. Tabor 24oy. NOT ICE. Carload Eastern Oregon horses, mares, 1100, 16J1 lbs. ; ail broke. ls3 Vi Madison st., on approach of bridge. NICE family horse, rubber-tired buggy and harness for sale cheap; trial allowed. Iu20 E. Yamhill st. 1 TEAM mares and 1 team geldings for sale at your own price. CaK Marshall 4U22. E. L. Fraley. $30 TAKES good ranch horse, little pave men t sore. 196 7 E. Stark st. ONE team of iron grays, 4 and 5 years old. unbroke, cheap. 196 7 E. Stark st. FOR SALE Good young team of mules; also one odd mule. Marshall 2S94. Planus, Orgaus and Musical lintnueouT" HIGH-GRADE olano sacrificed cheap.-A, J. Detsch. 1O0 5th St., bet. 2 and 3 o'clock. WANTED Old pianos, cheap for cash. T 311. Oregonian, 3 DOUBLE disc graphophone records for 30 cents each. A 341. Oregonian. ONE electric piano in good condition $90 cash. 101 N. 3d, cor. Flanders. WAGONS and horses by day, $1.25. L Cohen, :;S1 Water st. Main 220S. GO" STALL b RPAR T T O RENT. 308 Front St. Main 9103. FOR SALE $100 cabinet grafonola tor $00 cash. A 340. Oregonian. FOR RENT Piano. X Oregonian. DogH, Birds, Pet Stock. WANTED Bird dog, bitch or untrained pup now or later or will give pup for uae of bitch. A 346, Oregonian. IRISH water spaniel dog for sale. P. M. Boose. Multnomah, Or. AIREDJ.LES. great pals, guard and hunt ere. Laddix Kennels, Estacada, Or. Poultry. THOROUGHBRED white Wyandotte pul lets and cockerels. Oak Grove 22. R., or B 30tt, Oregonian. Livestock. MY thoroughbred and high-grade Holstein cattle: also 6u pigs, 6 months old; thia Is a rare chance to buy some choice stock at a bargain. For information, 341 Mor rison Bt. FOR SALE Two cow giving milk, will ba fresh in December. 4SU9 6th st. S. E., Portland, at Kern Park. Take Mt, Scott car. ONE full-blooded Pol Durham with calf $ week old by aide. Z40 East 8th at. Phone East 6315. Jersey cow, youne Jersey bull, Jer sey -Daroe sow El Modelo Farm, 1 mile S. E. of MUwaukie. Or. Box 32. ONE brood sow for sale; also 5 pls 12 weeks old. AB 314 Oregonian. FOR SALE No. 1 family cow! 1967 East Stark st. DRY cow toe sale. Phone Kast COT 5.. FOB JSALE Automobiles. ELECTRIC AND SELF STARTING AUTOMOBILES. NEW AND USED. Learn to Drive Free Motor to San Francisco 1915. Call and see any of the following cars. All guaranteed. Prices $200 upward. Terms to suit: l Maxwell Roadster. 1" Warren Roadster. 1 American Roadster. 1 Molina 5-passenger. 2 Buick 5-pasEengera. 1 Regal 5- passenger. 2 Buick 130O-lb. trucks. 1 Pierce Arrow 7-passenger stage car. We sell the best cars for the money, new or used. - HOWARD AUTO CO.. Buick Distributors, 14th and Davis Sts. USED AUTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TER51S GIVEN. 1914 Chevrolet. 2-pass., $075. 1913 Chalmers, 7-pass., 6-cyL. $1350. 1911 Cole. 2-pass.. M) H. P., $473. Several other good buys. Call or phone for demonstration. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts. Main fcS7. A 4939 FOR SALE A DANDY 1912 MODEL MAR ION FIVE-PASSENGER TOURING CAR, FULLY EQUIPPED. WITH TWO EXTRA TIRES. IN BEAUTIFUL CONDITION. ORIGINAL PAINT ON CAR NOT SCRATCHED; CAR LOOKS AS GOOD AS NEW. I MUST SELL. SO OFFER AT $375. BC 818, Oregonian. A REAL BARGAIN Must sell my 1912 model, 5-passenger Case car; in first class condition; urgent need of ready cash my only reason for this offer. Cha. S. Goodale, East 634a Call Modern Con f ectionery Co. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Prices, $300 to $730. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Building. Corner Chapman and Alder Sts. FOR SALE MY 1913 OVERLAND ROAD STER. IN PERFECT CONDITION. FUL LY EQUIPPED; FIRST CHECK FOR $40 TAKES IT. OR. MAKE ME AN OFFER. AR 31d Oregonian. GARAGE. 21st and Clackamas; electric lights, water; $3 per month. Main 2033. S23 Morgan bldg. H. C. Thompson. FOR HIRE 3-passenger 1914 Ford, $1.30 per hour ; special rates for day or week. Main 121. After 5:30, "call East 430!. , 23-H. P. roadster, electric light, at $223; 1913 twin Indian motorcycle, $135. Faull, 301 Hawthorne ave. East 119 U MY Studebaker car for daily hire between 3 and 6:30; very reasonable rates. AB 310, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILES or trucks to trade for Al first mortgages or bonds, etc. G 332, Oregonian. FORD car wanted; my 5-pass. Maxwell, just overhauled, and some cash, give or take, for a Ford. AP 321, Oregonian. 1914 5-PASS Ford car, same as new. $42 AO 318, Oregonian. FORD auto, cheap for cash. Call room 291 Vi Morrison st. HAVE a rebuilt Hudson roadster to trade for light 5-passenger. Tabor 444. AutomoblleH Wanted. WANTED to buy for cash. Ford roailstt-r or delivery, in first-class condition. Only good car for spot cash considered. Call Main 4933. WANTED Automobile as first payment on 7-room house, close in ; price $3500. AO 313, Oregonian 3-PASSENGER CAR Have 10 acres good land, house and lot. AD 2S7, Oregonian. M ot ory cles. FOR SALE QUICK. One 7-h.p. Twin, $!. tine 0-h. p. Twin, $H. One lO-h. p. Twin, $150. 74 M.VIH SI. $300, SUMMER resort, 2 lot. neaF Tilia mook, exchange for 1914 twin cylinder Hariey Davidson motorcycle; must be good order and fully equipped; may give some cash. BD vl7. 1913 INDIAN TWIN, equipped, perfect con dition ; $140 cash. 1030 E. Caruthers. Furniture For Sale. $55 RANGE, dininic table. 4 chairs, iron bed, springs, sewing machine. rocker, child's bed. sorlpES. mattress, high chair, go-cart, kitchen table, fruit cabinet, gar den tools, chickens: alt for $50. Phone Wood lawn 579. FOR RENT 0-room furnished house. East Side. 3 blocks from Stei bridge, com pletely furnished: furniture for sale; rent reasonable. Party wants to la vo town. Call 108 E. 3d st. N. Phone E. 0048. BEAUTIFUL Circassian walnut. birdse e maple bedroom furniture, weathered oak dining set, chairs, carpets, nearly new; all in good condition. Phone East &572. ATTENTION. newly weds; party leaving town offers snao in fine furniture for five rooms, phono Sellwood 184 or Main 5109 or A 4."G. NICE furniture of 0 rooms for sale cheap at 30 E. 11th N. FURNITURE of 9-room house for sale. 216 17th st. North. FURNITURE for sale cheap: also canned fruit for sale. Call 104 N. 15th st. HEATER, cost $22. for $9; good condition. Iu3. East Caruthers st. Tabor 3744. BEAUTIFUL mission style furniture, rugs, etc., at half price. 344 East 54th. Machinery. FOR SALE. One TO-ton Monarch combination road roller and hauling engine; A No. 1 con dition and strictly up to date; has been used about SO days; cost $3250; will sell at big disccunt. Address.p. O. Box 13L San Diego, California. Typewriters. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Royal typewriter No. 10 the latest and best product of the factory; every up-to-date attachment and improvement. Cost F. O. B. factory $103. less than 3 month ago hardly been used big sacrifice to quick buyer. P 300, Ore gonian. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up: 6 months' rental applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, JS0 Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent an all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder, retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash st. TYPEWRITERS All makes, $10 to $05. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark St. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. FOR SALE One nearly new No. 5 Royal typewriter cheap. R 291, Oregonian M iseellaneous. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. Raincoats, overcoats, watches, phono graphs, typewriters, cameras, musical in struments, etc. Stein Loan Co., 19 years in business. 20 N. 6th St.. Near Burnside. HERRING-HALL-MARVIN SAFE, Bur roughs addine machine, filing cabinets. Remington typewriter, office chairs and t a Dies. x jsort u western DanK Diag. VERY fine new stereoptlcon, with latest im. proved acetylene attachments; cost $05, bargain price to first comer; leatherette carrying case. am ";iu-, uregonian. HUNTING season is now on ; bargain in rlflos. shotguns, revolvers, ail makes cheap. Beauregard's, 702 Main st., Van couver, w csn. SA FES All sizes, at cost ; safes reoaired Mosler Safe Co., 409 Northwestern Bank biag. Main itiiti. FOR SALE Comb honey, 300 to 4U0 cases oi rto. l and 2. write lor prices. Shnvei Bee Supply House, Boise, Idaho. FOR SALE cheap. 12-guage hammerless Parker shotgun, with solid leather case. 30 3 Lbr. Exchange. SPECIAL low CASH prices on REMADE typewriters, $o up. u. L. steinau, dot E. 47th st. HOCHFELD'S CAMERA EXCHANGE. I buy, sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras ana tenses. i'rs Ja st. CAMERA, post card size, only used a few times, owner must aell; paid $20 for it, will iuKe AQaress u it, oregonian. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made In Oregon; per gallon. $1.05. Portland Paint Co.. 20 Front st. Marshall 100. SECOND-HAND SAFES and office furniture at less than half price. Kilham Station ery & Printing Co., otn and Oak sts. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months for $4. Main 273, A 4441. 244 Stark st. 20 H. P. horizontal boiler, firebox, Al condi tion ; a bargain. Ersted. 40 2d. M. 8706. SAFES New and second-hand; bargains. ii rirsi st. USE Eaesett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. ut) tablets ior -'oc. .ti oruggists. BARGAINS in new and second-hand fix tures, snowcas-s. 4S Mitn. iiar. 774. FOR SALE Beautiful baby polar bear rug vcLiucium use. u.. -u .o. tn St. GAS HEATER and trunk cheanT A53i,'i li3 W. Park, Tuesday or. Wednesday. ONE gas range, one combination heaten like new; bargain. 1SH Union ave. N EDTSON Mimeograph In perfect condition a bargain. P 301, Oregonian, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING. CALL MAIN 2US0, 2S5 FIRST STREET. AND you. will get highest cash prices, no matter what you have. Mail Main 208O. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYERS. HONEST DEAL. WE PAY THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHES, SHOES, TRUNKS, SUIT CASES. ETC. TRY US. CALL MAIN 61'.5. 203 MADISON ST., OR 251 FRONT. AT J. MYERS. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. $3 AND UP. SHOES BOUGHT. RELIABLE BUYER, 247 MADISON ST. MAIN 35u3. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, rangesv hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or .Main U072. Our buyer calls promptly. SECOND-HAND roll top desk or flat top office desk; also typewriter stand. Phone or call Room 27 Imperial Hotel this forenoon. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes, shoes, etc. 120 6th N. Main 2f45. iND-HAND FURNITURE. ETC.. WANTED. Don't give it away. Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 1S2 1st. Main 4773. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, 1U4 2d st. Marshall 473. FURNITURE WANTED I pay cash; quick deal. J. H. Nash, 723 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Phone Main 5120. CHANDLER & PRICEpresssmall size; must be in good condition and cheap; wli; pay cash. N 304. Oregonian. BEST prices for everything. Call our Junk dept. Main 003 or A 103. Barde. WANTED Three National canh reKister at once; will pay spot cash. Main iXJti. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8051. WANTED National cash register; must be cheap. 243 Washington st. SPOT CASH For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 16S2. WE tint rooms kfor $2.50; paint houses ut your price. Pnone Kast 1 I. STOVE repairing, colls, connections, castings. rooting, piumDing. 3iain biw. it. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. All young men seeKtng employment m commercial, clerical or technical lines are cordially invited to consult the employ ment secretary. Record, 1913: Calls ' for men from employers 855 Positions filled 3i41 Employment memberships $3 per annum, guarantees members will secure employ ment or refund of fee. Includes two months' full and 10 months' social privi leges. issued by employment secretary only. Second floor, Y. M. C. A. bldg. WANTED Experienced dress goods sales man. Apply, between l ana 10 a. m.. Superintendent's Office, 6th floor, tith-st. building, Meier & Franjt Co. WANTED Young man, with small automo- oiie, to tacK signs at oaa times: a cnance to earn a piano. Ask for advertising manager, Ellers Music House, Broad waj at Alder. WANTED A first-class janitor that un derstands machinery, boiler, steam, pumps, -lectricf and general repairing; address Commonwealth bldg. ; none but responsi ble men need apply ; good wages. USE spare time to build. up mall ordtr busi ness of own; we n ei p y ou i a r iv ouare iu profits ; 27 opportunities. Particulars tree. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. CASH advanced you weekly selling my harjy guaranteed stocK ; excellent territory; nus tlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. LIVE young man with wheel or motorcycle and capable or advancement, cor city ana office work; start $C9 to $4i; give phone. A E 315, Oregonian. HIGH-GRADE special advertising solicitors. capable obtaining big business; reputaDic religious paper, 30 years old. AB 3uL, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman to represent large corporation ; good pay to right parties; come prepared to work. Apply, 0 to iu, 41 s Mohawk bldg. WANTED Several men of good character who are willing to worn and make $2o a week. Call 328 Washington, next to Sun set Theater. Ask Mr. Ambrose. BOOK or magazine salesman, call on busi ness men only ; money-maiter tor men or ability. Call room 201 Alder Hotel, Si to 10 A. M. or alter p. ii. uniy. DAIRY lunch counter man; must be flrat- class; .give references and phone number, BF 31S, Oregonian . ATTORNEY seeking location ; have a good proposition for sucn a. party; state lengtn of time in Portland. BC 317, oregonian. WANTED Salesman calling on dry goods trade to cell a line or ready-to-wear gar ments for ladies. 15 East 2bth at. South. WANT Man for ranch work for the Win ter; state wages and what you can do. AP 310, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED ad solicitors; local week lies, monthlies; commission. Clyde Agency, 204 Stock Exchange. SOBER auto mechanic, with some capital preferred, to make cross-country auto trip. BC 3iy. Oregonian. LIVE photo agents, new, snap offer, extra commission. Moore stuaio, jiks biag. PHOTO coupon ; new ticket for live ones. Lutberth stuaio, ueKum oiag. WANTED Young man to work in grocery. ju-i i-arra Dee si., PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paia. barony btuaio. rtoyai oiag. Help Wanted Agents. AGENTS make $'2o to JuO weekly selling self-lighting tips ana gas stove lighters; 110 matches required; just turn on gas, lights Itself; sells on sight; send for prop osition before all territory is taken. Automatic Gas Appliance Co., 1 Union Square, New York. ' WANTED Live, energetic men and women to sell raincoats; good, paying proposition. S E E M E. L. 1. RAN KE, H otel Eaton. Main 8170. Call mornings or after 6 P. M. Help Wanted Salesmen. FOUR ambitious young men of good ad dress, under 35, possessing good common school education or better, those with sell ing experience preferred, to Join institute for - thorough and practical course of in struction lor music houee salesmen and manager preparatory for city, road and branch house position. Course now being organized by most competent manager instructor. No charge. Steady and re munerative employment. Salary of $2000 or better per year assured to men properly qualified; knowledge of music not essen tial. Address In own handwriting. Dept. F, care Oregonian. TWO high-class calendar salesmen, Ore gon, on 1915 contract for exclusive line map calendars, specialty calendars, leather goods, signs, novelties; best combined line out; liberal commissions, fine samples, low prices; we are manufacturers, not Jobbers; state experience. KEN YON COMPAXY, Deo Moines, la. 40th year. WANTED Local , salesman covering Port land and surrounding territory to carry w ith present line on commission, the Baldwin Double-Service line of patented housedresses; give territory covered and references. Baldwin Garment Co., Holyoke, Mass. IF you are an Al salesman, have a little money and want half interest in a busi ness that will pay (40 per day, call Mar shall 5927. WANTED Stock-bond, realty and other salesmen to take up different work. Un limited money-making possibilities. AC 312. Oregonian. WANTED 3 salesmen ; Interesting. dig nified and lucurative work; immediate in come. Room 714, Hotel Benson. HELP WANTED FEMALE. FAMILY cook, $45; hotel cook, for the country, $4u. Hansen Employment Co., 345 Washington st. Main 2002. AMBITIOUS, energetic woman over 25, for position with local firm; permanent; ex perience unnecessary. AG 33U. Oregonian. WANTED Good cook for private family; mist have satisfactory reference; very good wages. AO 31t, Oregonian. GIRL or woman for general housework. Call S5Q Marshall st, WAIST FINISHERS Must have long ex perience in dressmaking shops. 434 Mor rison st. GIRL to assist few hours a day for room and board in good family; some wages. 43 6th. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; references. 453 East 25th st. North. WANTED A girl for coffee-house. Apply to 33 N. 4tn st. MUSIC lessons In exchange for assistance In housework dally. P 31L Oregonian. DELICATESSEN cook wanted. Apply 440 East Burnside at. BUSINESS GIRLS EMPLOYMENT SERV ICE. 4C3-5 Dekum bldg. WANTED A lady to work In tailor repair shop. 114 Grand ave. HELP WANTED FEM ALE. WANTED Neat housekeeper for modern country home. Apply (S3 7 East ilst at Tuesday. 14th. after 3 P. M. Take Brook lyn car at 3d and Morrison. A YOUNG COUPLE on farm want a girl. over 10. to help witn no use worn ; v. n clothe and school and give good home; give particulars. AP Oregonian. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY Washington bldg., 270 Washington, room 35. near 4th. Pbone Main 8S36 or A 2ft. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Company. 423 Pittock block 33 Washington. FIVE "girl to learn beauty culture; pay wnile learning. 414 Dekum bids. Sani tary Parlors. WANTED A first-class experienced cook for restaurant; good wages; reference re squired. AE 314, oregonian. WANTED An experienced woman to take care twin bauies one year old. Reier ences required. -401 Hassalo at WANTED A girl or woman who can sleep home nights for general housework. Call afternoons. l!3o N. 24th. CASHIER and wrapper, must have experi ence and references. Bon Marc he, 145 Second st. FAMILY cook. $40; family laundress, o0. housework, $15 to $30. St. Louis Agency, 1:8 Main st. A 7175, Main H EL P WANTED MALE OB FEMAL. LEARN art of acting, singing; engagements open capable actors. 40y Stearns bldg. WE furnish all kind of Japanese domestic help. Mtln 0307. A 7J72. A 130. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE TEACH practically, wiui actual ma chinery In operation, electrical, gas and team engineering, machine shop work and automobile repairing. Send I or new catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, 100 to 110 West Roy su, Seattle. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage a specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced. i:33 Madison st. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE want men and women to learn the trade in 8 weeks; clean work, percentage paid while learn ing, tools tree; scalp and face massage a specialty; send for free catalogue. 4b N. 2d. WOMEN for Government clerkships: big pay: Portland examinations soon; sample qu ?stlons free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 704-S. Rochester. N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerk. P. O. clerks, car riers; exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Paciilc State School, McKay t ldg, city. I. C. c. Let home-study course help you to a position; over Uo0 courses; true literature. McKay bldg. MEN wanted to prepare for firemen, brake men. Sluu 120 monthly. Positions ob tained free. Send age, postage. Railway Association, care Oregonian. EXPERIENCED French teacher wishes few more pupils for classes, 50c. H 307, Ore gonian. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. 3 PER MO. 14TH ST. M.. 8SU3. EXP. INSTRC N. LEARN all the modern dances at Gilbert Murray School. 409 Stearns bldg. Mrs. Hinsdale Business School. 502 Em press bldg. Personal instructions Positions. EIGHT WEEKS SHORTHAND course, pay by week. Investigate. 4U3-4O0 Dekum blug. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. 404 Commonwealth bldg. Mar. 42oS. TEACHER of English desires foreign pu pils, So month. Room if 10 Byron. SITUATIONS WANTED MAI.K. Bookkeepers and Clerk. COM PETENT and trustworthy office man. ago 4:t. wants position: wide experience as accountant : best references, phone Mar shall L-1S2. C Klt'o. P. O. Box llO'.t. EXPERIENCED married man wants work in grocer, clerk, solicitor or driver, or other steady work. J. F. Dowell, 175 12th st. Phone A 6545, Main 120fi. BOOKKEEPER with 10 years experience, married; can furnish best of references. D 310, Oregonian. CREDIT manager or business manager, mer chandise or manufacturing experience. Box 6J. Portland. OFFICE work, books posted, written up day or evening. Box Portland, EXPERIENCE D middle-aged hotel clerk wants employment. A 3i'3, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. ALL-AROUND steam fitter ; high -pressure or heating; can do plumbing repairs; have tools; would care for heating plant iu hotel or apartment-house, if you can use man for anything in this line let me talk to you, no matter what you have. AD 330, Oregonian. WANTED Position bv a trained and expe rienced merchandise man. Has been suc cessful as manager and buyer of general and department stores In small towns, farming and mining trade. Address J. M. S., 4017 So. Yakima ave., Tacoma. Wasn. NEAT young man wants work; do anything to make honest living; good auto driver; will work evening and morning for board. AB 3 1 2, Oregon ian. WANTED Job clearing land. brush or stump, by 3 men. all sober and experi enced ; have tent, board selves. W 314, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS carpenter wants work of aiijr kind: will work reasonably by day or con tract: small Jobs appreciated. AF 313, Oreeonian. WA NTED Position as an all-around handy man; can do pipe work, plumbing; firing, oil ot wood : can do lanitor work : can give cood references. Call East 4573. TWO men who have been sailors, one a blacksmith by trade, both well built, clean cut and able, want work of any kind ; are Irish and Scotch. Main 717. A l.17. A MIDDLE-AGED experienced man, neat appearance, badly in need of work; ex perienced in boarding-houses or hotels. Marshall 3502. YOUNG man, 19. a willing worker, of some experience, wishes work on farm. A. Kemp, 108 10th st. SINGLE Irishman, experienced blacksmith, willing to do any kind of work, wants position or odd jobs. Main 717, A 1517. WANTED Any kind of work ; handy at most anything; wage no object. AE 312, Oregonian. MAN and wife, first-class cooka and bakers, want work, town or country. Howell, oil Evere 1 1. Marshall 1842. JAPANESE night school boy wants work of any kind between 6 A. M. and 7 P. M. Phone A 1509. MAN and wife want postion on farm; have one child; can furnish references. AR 320, Oregonian. GOOD Japanese wants cooking, porter or chamber work or any kmd work. X 313, Oregonian. $5 FOR a job elevator driving or delivery. Day work only ; references furnished. E 340, Oregonian. HARDWARE MAN, 38 year old, 20 years experience, wishes to come West. G. R. Prentice, 1417 Marcus ave., St. Louis, Mo. EXPERIENCED lanitor: can do all repair work also: city reference. B 307, Ore gojiian. INDUSTRIOUS married man, 32. wants po sition as Janitor; can furnish bond. 23 15th st. N. RANCH COOK want position.; W. K.. 4427 50th st. S. E. YOUNG man living at home wants position; will do anything. AC 311, Oregonian. UAKPENTEH foreman want situation, day or contract. J. Young. 6014 4tth st.. S. E, YOUNG man must have work. X 310, Ore gonian. PAINTER desires work by day or contract; rcaauuoun;. Ajy a-ia, uregonian. CARPENTER wants day or contract work repairing or resningiing. .ast 431. WANTED Situation as private chauffeur; can do all repair work. A 315, Oregonian. PAINTING. tinting and paper-hanging. Phoae Marshall 2043. BITCATIOXS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper and Stenographer. EXCHANGE operator, bookkeeper. four years' experience, clerical, cashier, operate typewriter, general office work; Al ref erences. Marshall 1372. EXPERIENCED stenographer, slightly out of pravtlce; good references. Phone Mar. hail 3411. WELL educated young lady desires position as typist, cashier or general office work; experienced. Phone East 270. EXPERIENCED atenographer desires posi tion ; references; moderate salary. Wood lawn 173U, Marshall 217 BOOKKEEPING, typewriting, private ex change : experiences: reference. Phon? Main 4245. COMPETENT stenograDher. assistant book keener, desires oosition; lumber business preferred. Phone Marshall 2740. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 10 years' experience, best of references. V 335, Oregonian. A-l BOOKKEEPER. Capable of responsi bility and heavy position; reierence. Phone Tabor 8 GO. GENERAL office work wanted at once. A ol7. Oregonian. COM PETENT tenographer wishes perma nent position. Please call Marshall 4 5$ a. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. MODi&Tfi recently from San Francico. using French style without patterns, will make suits, gown, dresses, cape, etc 24 -tBroadway. apt, an. CaU Eat 5SS1. GOWNS, suit, make-over and alterations neat. y and quickly done; work guaran teed; price icasonabie; rates to profe s:or.al people. Main 6467. Zll ldth N. PLAIN sewing, children' work; price rea sonable, wor guaranteed. Main hV2. Room ' F ASHiON ABLE dressmaking, reasonable, home or day. K,u Lane St. Main DRESSMAKING at home or out, reasonable. Marsaall DRESSMAKING work guaranteed. 1&6 st. Leonce Apt. 7. Phone Marshall - DRESSMAKING Ladies tailoring, altera - tion. Alain 2333. MODISTE from the East has opened makc over shop, --3 11th at. Main iUI4. DRESSMAKING and ladies' tailoring by the day. So; experienced. Tabor -4. DRESSMAKING, mending. all kinds of Main 1311. sewing by day; references SEWING by the day. East 123. NURSE wishes more engagements; terms reasonable; some housework; references. Tabor 33J. EXPERIENCED nurse: best ot references; will assist with light housework, phone Main V'-. N U KSE and companion to invalid or any case. Main 41M0. PRIVATE home, trained nurse, for invalids; reference. Tabor 2J13. Housekeeper. A PRACTICAL young widow, capable nurse and cook, understands apartment house keeping, warns work of any kind by the day or by the hour. East 3S0O. 780 Bel mont st. WOMAN, about 40 years old, with girl 3 t years old. wishes position as housekeeper; can take full charce: also am good dress maker: could also take full charge of fam ily sewing. AF 3LJ, Oregonian. COMPETENT and refined middle-aged lady desires position as housekeeper in wid ower's home or small family of adults. Woodlawn 34S. FI NX1SH girl wants a position as house keeper; wages up from 20 a month would be considered. Phone G 3134. ObO Min nesota ave. HOUSEKEEPER Good cook, competent in boarding-house or private; references. AE 313, Oregonian. W ANTED Position as housekeeper, town or country. Address Mrs. Alice Hurley. Turner. Or. Box lo. Route 3. REFINED young lady wishes position house keeper for bachelors. Mam lS7o, room 21. HOUSEWORK by clay, Scandinavian woman. AI 31-'. Ort'ftoniati. TWO women want work together, cook and helper, or other work. Main 9203. Domestics. EX PERI E NCI-ID Finnish girl w ants house work : would consider wages at $35 a month, phone C 3104 or call and see at Osti Minnesota ave. GERMAN girl wants to assist in house work, small family. Tabor u40. NORWEGIAN girl wants place to assist in housework. Plionc East 4 732. ' Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED laundress will do lace and fancy curtains: also small bundles of fancy laundry at home; must have work. East ft43S. A MIDDLE-AGED woman, fine appearance, wants position for general housework : is a good cook; A No. 1 references. Main 717, A K'17. A M IDDLE-AGED experienced woman wants postion in boarding-house doing general work. Marshall 3,102. A WOMAN, with 4-months-old baby, wants a homo and small wags. where she can assist with the housework. East ll'3. EXPERIENCED wurnaTi wants day work; washing, ironing or work of any kind. :tSss Burnslde st. Phone Main 717. EX PERI ENCED woman wants day work ; washing, cooking or work ot any kind. Main 0432. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work ; washing, ironing, cleaning. A 7175 Main liM3M. COM PETENT young woman wishes position in cafeteria or kitchen helper. Main fe034 between Hi and 4. EXPERIENCED laundress wlshe ironing and washing. Call East 33SS from 6 to evenings only. EXPERIENCED middle-aged woman wants general housewr-.rk t cook. Call Wood lawn 070. or 7'.2 Montana ave. LADY will work for table board, self am boy going to school; no wages: West Side permanent. A 333, OreRonian. GOOD, willing girl, 17, wants housework where she will be treated as one of the family. Phone C ls-4. LACE curtains laundered ; 10 years experi ence, 15c up. Tabor &933, B 2oa5. Mr. Scott. EXPERIENCED German woman" washing. Ironing, cleaning. Call Main 4 092. WASHING. Ironing, day. hour; first-class references. Main 4 1S2. room 2. CAPABLE married couple want farm work; ost references. Room 60, Cadillac Hotel, LACE curtains hand laundered, 2c up, by experts ; canca ior. cteuwooa ltjyn DAY work wanted by capable woman. Main PIANIST, Al, young lady, desires position along any lfne of piano work. Main 1530. WOMAN must have work. 2UU3. Tabor 002. TWO colored girls wish day work or gen eral work. Woodlawn 1563. WOMAN wants housework by the hour; West Side. Marshall 5152. TWO neat girls want general housework. 3 43 Thurman St. Main 703 7. COMPETENT woman wants day work; ref erences. Phone Tabor "01. NEAT, experienced girl desires housework; city references. A 71 75. Main 230. A COLORED woman wants work by day. Main 017.". Mrs. Perkins. DAY work, wasljing, ironing, cleaning. Woodlawn 14?2. I WANT worK by day. Tabor 42&6 after ft. WANTED TO KENT. Houses., WANTED TO RENT 5 or 6 rooms, modern, Richmond or Hawthorne district; furnace not required ; no children ; must be reas onable. AG 337, Oregonian. Rooms. WANTED Room by young man. W. Side, close in; state conveniences. AN 321, Ore gonian. TWO young ladies wish two pleasant rooms, close in on East Slue. AD ol3, Oregonian. Booms With Board. YOUNG business woman wants good board and room, reasonable; good location; give phone number, etc. BD 31S, Ore gonian. FOB KENT. Furnished Boom. MAKE YOUR HOME WITH US. 'Better accommodations for less money." HOTEL CLIFFORD. . East Morrison St., near Grand ave. F. H. G. M. STRONG, Proprietors. HOTEL RAINIER, Two Blocks Irom Union Depot. Modern, c.ean and homelike ; the house mat treats you rigiit; auc up per day; Sli up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. 3413. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. and East Belmont Koums 12 month up, SJ2.50 up witn pn ate bath ; large, pleasant lobby ; cafe iu connection. Phone Kast 323. STAND1SH HOTEL. D4SH WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 1STH. outsloe rooms, steam heat, free phones and batn; $2 week; per month up. YOUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms listing several hundred m all part of city at Y. M. C A., also in Association bldg. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20th and Wash. at. New, firepioof brick, every modern con venience; outside, clean rnw., quiet, home like; some private hatha; J 2. So week up. STANDISH HOTEL. 54SH WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 1STH. Outside rooms, steam heat, free phones and bath; $2 week; t per mo. up. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh st. New modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate bat lis, hot and cold water, comfort ably rurnished ; transients solicited. "eltoncourtI 11th and ainhlll sts. ; room $11 and up; rooms with board, $35 and up. Cen trally located. ' YOUNG men may consult v.-ithout charge furnished room register, listing rooms ail parts of city, at Y. M. C. A. YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. C. A. wants roommate to reduce rooming expense, ln q uire Y. M . C. A. office. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th t. Strictly modern; private baths, en suite, room 3.5 O up. M aln 94 72. A 4788. LA R R A B E E HOTEL, 227 i Larrabee st. If you want an exceptionally clean, homelike room below regular price, phone East 84s. HOSTEL NOKRIS. :S3 Alder; cheerful out- 1 side- rooms, muderu; $2 to 94 week.