THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 12v 1914. 13 SITUATION'S WAMED FEMALE. HOME for invalid; nice room, sleeping pore ii. trained nurse. Tabor 2687. PRIVATE home, trained curse, for invalids; reference. Tabor --13. A PRACTICAL young widow, capable nurse and cook, understands apartment house keeping, wants work of any kind by the day or by the hour. East 3869. 760 Bel mont ft. - SITUATION wanted by middle-aged lady as housekeeper for widower with chil- (ii-pn; rt ferences exchanged, Phone Mar. 74'j or rail 227 N. 21st. U.-."iED Position as housekeeper, towa f-r country. Address Mrs. Alice Hurley. Turner. Or. Box 1), Route 3. EXVERIEN'CED girl wishes housework or housekeeper. Call A 6717. apt. 101, be- tween 10 and 12. MOTHER and child want position as house keeper on ranch. Tabor 2492. LA DY wishes Tabor general housework and cook- Domestics. U KNERAL houRewoik wanted by refined Norwegian girl; first-class references. N '-0. Oregonian. M iicr 1 1 a n eon s . M T DDLE-A ED woman, years ago was a kindergarten teacher, wants situation, for a single lad v or children as companion; references. .142 Karl st.. Sell wood carline. EX PKniF.VfV.n Isiuii.lrfsK vishes ironing and washing. Call East 33SS from 6 to e venings only. EXPERT Swedish masseuse wishes position in sanitarium or hot springs; best refer ences. AO 336, Oregoniun. LADY "ill work for table board, self am boy going to school; no wages; West Side -permanent. A 33:t . Oregonian. LADY would like orders for all kinds fancy crocheting. 642 East Ankeny st. East 221. Fl RST-CLASS colored laundress wants small bundles to take home. Woodlawn 3S10. . GOOD laundress wants work for Wednes day and Thursday ; references given. Ta bor 3242. ABLE woman wants work by day (20c). washing. Ironing, or houpeoleaning; experi enced ; references. Tel. Marshall 890. WASHING, ironing, day. hour; first-class references. Main 1! S2. room 2. A COMPETENT Swedish Girl wants work by day. Phone Columbia f55. CAPABLE married couple want farm work; best references. Room 69, Cadillac Hotei. WANTED D;iy work, also dinners, teas, etc.. prepared and served. Main 5224. N E A T. ex DTlenced cirl desires h on sew or k ; it v reference. A 71 TS, Main 2nH!. LACE curtains hand laundered, 2c up, by experts; called for. Sell wood 1696. LA'E CI RT A INS hand laundered; all work guaranteed. Fell wood S01 or Mar. 5656. WANTED fiy good Swedish servant, cham ber work or housekeeping. Marshall 1628. DAY work 4394. vanted by capable woman. Main RKLIAB1-E woman wants position, cooking or would care for baby. Woodlawn 2i4. WASHING, ironing by day 5S70. room. 1H. r hour. East WOMAN 200.". must have work. Tabor 6ti2, DAY work, washing, Woodlawn 142. ironing. I WANT woiK by day. Tabor after 6. WANTED TO KENT. BiiMnebH Place?. W ANT to rent for term of years 50x73 loom for bookbinding a nd printing busi ness, bet. Yamhill and'Ook. Call 414 Cor bett bldg. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL Washington 50c per day FRANKLIN. St., at Thirteenth. weekly S2.50 and ud. Running wattr, phone in each room, steam neat, iireproot oiug.. ground xioor luouy, all-night service. Business is good. HOTEL ROWLAND, 07 ft 4TH ST. 10l ROOMS. Modern brick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms, hot and cold water; rates 60c, 76c and 4T per day ; 33 per week and' up. HOTEL BLACKSTOXK. Cor. lith and Stark; $3 week up; ele vator, hot and cold water, steam heat, telephone connection in each room; no extra charge for two in a room; room and bath 31 day. Transients solicited. HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill; a very desirable location; new, clean rooms, with every modern convenience; well heat ed; rates for two $4 and to ptr week. $1 per day; no extras. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrifiou st., at 10th; central location, REDUCED RATES, 5 0c per day up, weekly, 92.50 up; neat rooms; running water, free phones and baths; steam heat. HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold water and phone In every room; rooms without bath $10 up; with bath $15 up. MAKE YOUR HOME WITH US. "Better accommodations for less money. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison ft., near 'Grand ave. K. H. & G. M. STRONG. Proprietors. HOTEL RAINIER, Two Blocks irom Union Depot. Modern, clean and homelike ; the house tnat treats you right; auc up per day; $12 up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. 3413. EOTEL WEAVER. 71t WASHINGTONST. Light, pleasant rooms, private bath aud phone in each, large parlor, $15 and up. Marshall 5110. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooms $12 month up, $22.50 up with private bath ; large, pleasant lobby; cl"e in connection. Phone East 323. STAND1SH HOTEL7 54Ss WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 18TH. Outside rooms, steam heat, free phones and bath; $2 week; per month up. TOUXG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms listing several hundred in all parts of city at Y. M. C A also in Association bldg. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20th and Wash. sts. New, tirepioof brick, every modern con venience; outside, clean rms., quiet, home like; some pri ate baths; $2.50 week up. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh st. New modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot aud cold water, comfort- ably furnished; transients solicited. E LTO N :OURT. 11th and Yamhill sts.; rooms $12 and up; rooms with board, $35 and up. Cen trally located. NEWLY renovated and furnished large or small front rooms; conveniences. 475 Mor rison. YOUNG man room In or at Y. M. C. A. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. In quire Y. M. C. A. office. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th st. Strictly modern ; private baths, en suite, rooms $S.bO up. Main P472. A 4783. LAKRABEE HOTEL. 227 Larrabee st. If you want an exceptionally clean, homelike room below regular price, phone East 849. HOTEL NORRIS. 5S3 H Alder; cheerful out side rooms, modern: $2 to $4 week. Furnished Rooms In Private Families. BEAUTIFULLY" furnished steam-heated rooms in refined modern home ; meals if desired. Very reasonable rates. 565 H Glisun. TABOR 107O; sitting-room and bedroom in first-class residence district; cozy home for one or two persons; every convenience; reasonable. NICE L Y furnished rooms : furnace heat, electric lishta ; for gentleman only. 602 Everett. Marshall H 3 0 2. TWO nicely furnished rooms, suitable for one or two; close in. reasonable. 187 H IHih st., near Yamhill. NICELY furnished room, hot and cold water, walking distance. 34 S MilL Further infor mation call Main SttKC. N ICE furnished front room, modern con veniences, rea oiiuble. central. 4U4 Clay, near l"th. ROOM with brakfat for gentleman in first-class apartment. Phone Marshall 1453. So A MONTH Furnished room, bath and phone, w alkinc distance. 43S 3d. Main -47 Is. A WELL-FURNISHED room. $12 per month. private family. Phone Marshall 1640. $10 LARGE beautifully furnished room in modern home. East 155. 31 East 10th N. NEAT L Y furnished bedroom, walkin g dis- tance. i..u per ween. 42i 6th st. W. PARK, best location, modern, warm front room; convenient for 2. Mar. 4214. 269 14TH SOUTH, rooms, walking distance. Phone Ma n 3S93. 11 AVE beautiful home; will rent one or two rooms to refined party. Phone Tabor 5649. VERY " fine, furnished room and sleeping porch. 23'- 1Mb st. FURNISHED rooms, close in. modern, $2.50 per week, clean. 244 U B roa d w a y . NICELY furnished rooms, olos in. -1 70 Columbia s conveniences. $6 MONTH ; nicely furnished front room. East 510$. SINGLE room, nicely furnished. Apply 22$ 10th st. References required. FOB. RENT. Furnished Koomt in Private Families. TWO outside rooms, sleeping porch privi lege of H. K. or will rent single, use of piano, steam heat. Nob Hill. Mar. 1430 aj-ter 6:3U p. M. Uufurniohed Rooms. 424 JEFFERSON; two front .rooms; mod ern conveniences included, r private en trance, $4 week. ftoorrm With Uoard, THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14:h And Jefferson streets. An excellent residential hotel; attractive rates to transient or permanent guti Phone Main 9283, A 6628. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 3S6 Montgomery at-, at West Park Mod ern convenience; room with or without bath; excellent table services" reasonable rates for regular or transient'suests. A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE. The Whitehall, 253 6th st., has fine table board, modern rooms, sun parlor; a teal home; reasonable rates. ' ELTON COURT. 11th and lama ill sis. Rooms and board, $35 aud up. BUSINESS women artid students wil find good board and room, $4 and $4.50 week. Portland Women's Union, 510 Flanders. BEAUTIFUL corner front room, first-cla table service. 374 Park st. THE HAZEL, 385 3d st. Modern rooms, with or without board; special rates. THE STRIKER. 554 Couch. Choice rooms and board; rates reasonable. Rooms With Board in Private Families, ROOM and board in strictly private family; - modern, new and clean; must be seen to be appreciated; nice place for two young men or ladies. 6ti East Washington st. Phone East 32S7. LARGE, well-furnished front room, suitable for one or two, five minutes' walk to P. O. Excellent board; rate $25 per month; $22.5u if two in room. 349 th st- s, 2846. 431 .WEST PARK, just opened, beautiful rooms, newly furnished, home cooking, sleeping porches. Terms moderate. Walking distance. Facing parkv CLEAN, pleasant room, home comfort, strictly modern, with or without board ; walking distance. Marshall 2424. 451 West Park. FRONT room and board, two men ; home privileges; 15 minutes from Postoftice. Marshall 4878. MODERN furnished room, with breakfast, $3.30 per week. 368 E. 3d. N. Broadway car. TWO pleasant' front rooms with first-class board in private home. 106 N. 21st st. Main 4220. small room and good board in private family for relined young man, reasonable; references required. M 25S, Ortgaian. SLEEPING porch or room, with finest board, furnace heat, all home comforts. 57 Trinity place. Main 67S1. ROOM and board for two young men, rea sonable, home cooking. 472 Salmon. Marshall 4273. NICELY furnished front room with alcovo and sleeping porch and board. 163 North 22d. Phone Mar. 3857. LARGE room, with alcove, fireplace; also small room; excellent tubie board. 515 Morrison. Phone Marshall 4923. ROOMS with or without board. 474 Yamhill st , cor. 14th St. A 3669. ROOM and board. 332 Ulh st'., walking dis tance. phone Main 617 1. A 2S65. REFINED young ladies for room and board, private family ; refeVence. Tabor 3650. ROOMS with board, walking distance, strict ly modern. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. PLEASANT room with board, suitable . two, private family. GOO East Main, 3 NORTH 17TH Comfortable rooms, mod erate rates; iirst-class meals if desired. PLEASANT room, suitable for two. with boiird: all home conveniences. East 3.26. ROOM, with board, home privileges; steam heated. 211 N. 20t h Man h al 1197 8 . ROOM and board. 166 N. Main 23C4. 2 2d. near Irving. CHILDREN to care for Damascus 3J , or box 'J- in country. Phone , Clack iun a s, or. Furnished Apartments. STRANGER, GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Only $18 to $20 per month for com pletely furnished housekeeping two-room apartments, including electric lights, pri vate bath and phone; ail modern conveni ences; new brick building ; 15 minutes walk from Postoffice. Lincoln Apts., cor. 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377, A 4lo2. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, (Apartment Hotel) , Tenth and Salmon Sts. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. RATES by the day, week, month or year. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments, linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 2bo Ross st Phone East 3172 DENVER APTS. ee them before locating for Winter; furnished elegantly; all out side room; private bath and phone, hard- wood lioor. new manager; references. Take 'W" car. 274 N. 21st st. Marshall 3S0. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Corner Park and Taylor. Best location in the city; cozy home;1 well furnished iu 2. 3 and 4-roooi suites; first-class service. WESTFAL, 410 5th. near Hall; 3 and 4-r. apts., by week or mo.; concrete -bldg., ele vator, thoroughly renovated, -electric vacuum cleaner free, steam heated; $20 up; best in town; easy waiking distance. HISLOP HALL Cor. E. 6th and Hawthorne, one 2-room apt.. $14; one 3-room, private bath and phone, large, light kitchen. $18; also one 3-room, $25. All apts. well fur nished and up to date. East b82. ORDERLEIGH APTS., 62 Grand ave., cor. East Stark Well furnished 3-room apart ments; easy walking distance; $1& per month; cheapest rent furnished apart ments in city. East 300. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient. 6-minute walk to Postoiiice. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments. Marshall ol8. References. A 3326 COMPLETELY furnished 2-room steam heated anartment. easy walking distance, $17 ter month, including lights, batn, phones, janitor service. 1S7 17 th, near Yamhill. BERKELEY Apartments, 3k Trinity Place; well furnished apartments, 2 and 3 rooms, urivaie balconies, elevator, ail modern; 1 2-room, $25; 1 3-room, $27.50. Marshall BIRMINGHAM, 390 12TH ST. 3-room. furni-hed, walking distance, rea sonable; one 2-room lower, front, $12. Mar shall 4S4. GRAND EST A, East Stark and Grand ave. rs..w builtiinz: nicelv furnished: nrivate; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 20b. MADISON PARIC APTS., Park St., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, clote in. by week or month. LIiriLE COURT. 20th and Lovejoy Mod ern2. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or unfurrushed; Bleeping porcn, nne para. Phone Marshall 2031. THE LOIS. 704 Hoyt St.; very desirable 4 room modern apartment, also 8-room with sleeping porch, furnished or unfurnished references. Marshall 201L vnrxG couple. will share modern furnished apartment reasonable, close in. w at King distance. Phone East 107. 553 E. Stark. THREE-ROOM APARTMENT. $20. Large, clean, well-furnished; private phone, bath, bed and table linen. B 1070.. JACKSON bungalow, all newly furnished; janitor service, wa'king distance. 454 11th street. FAIRMOUNT APTS., 286 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments, $22.50 up; close in. Main 22b6. 1-ROOM H. K. apts.. including heat, bath, phone, etc., $9 per month : easy walking 1S7 17th. near Yamhill. BOZANTA APTS.. 1891- 23d st. N., 3 and 4-room apartments, $25 and $30; outside exposure. Marshall 245. WILL rent my beautifully furnished four room apartment at 705 Davis street for the Winter. Phone Marshall 5537. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS. 341 14th St.. at Market. New 3 and S rooms, furnished, reasonable. Main 1739. baWF.R APARTMENTS. .489 Clay Modern two rooms, .completely furnished. .completely iurnisned. Phone Marshall 2074. $16. $13 and 2Q. THE KATHERLNE APARTMENTS. 149 N. 23d st., j near" Hoyt, modern 3 00:11 s, furnished, reasonable. Marshall 190. HA.MMERSLY COURT. 250 12TH St.. 2 and 3-room apartments, close In; modern, rea sonable. Phoue Marshall 2052. References. LUXOR, 3-4 13TK ST.: iurnished apart ments and single rooms. DRICKSTON. 448 11 th. Choice 2 and 3 room apartments. Marshall 57. COMPLETELY furnished apartments in con crete block $12. 1162 Union ave. N. ARDMAY TERRACE, 395 12th st. Large 2-room apartments. Mrs. John Cran, mgr. THE ELMS. 14th, near Yamhill 1 and 8 room, outside; walking distance; $16-$23. FOR SALE. Furnished Apartments. AND 4-room furnished or unfurnished. The Bjelland. A 1867, Main 1867, A 1857. Unfurnished Apartments. BRAND-NEW, ROYAL ARMS. COR. 19TH AND LOVE JOT. Just completed, S-story fireproof brick bldg., 67 2, 3 and 4-room outside unfur nished apta., large. light and airy, with all modern up-to-date conveniences, auto matic elevator, marble bathrooms, private balconies; references required. PRICES MODERATE. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th, near Main. Best arranged and most desirable 3-room apis., in city; all outside rooms; beautiful surroundings; large pr'rate balconies; & minutes walk to business center; up to date in every de tail; 1 3-room. 2d floor, $27. 0; 1 3-room, 5th floor, 335. Mar. 240. LTJCRETIA COURT. Lucretia st, bet. Washington and Everett, near 2Sd Very high -class 2 to B-room apus. ; ail large, outside rooms and recep tion halls; hardwood floors; free private phone; reasonable rates; ref. required. Ap ply mgr. Mar. 1613; janitor. Mar. 1500. FORDHAM APARTMENTS, 170 Ford St. We now have one 4-rm. front apt., $42.50 per mo., on second floor; most desirable apartment in city; beautifully papered wall, oak finish, hardwood floors, tile bath, unexcelled service. Main 6835. " HANOVER APT3., 165-167 King at., -cor. Washington; walking distance, new and modem, private balconies, one 2 -room. $l$t50. one 3-room, $20; excellent service. Marshall 2009. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broadway. 6 blocks to business center; large, light and pleasant rooms: private bath, phone, etc., all modern ; 1 3-room apt. $27.50; also a beautifully furniehed 4-room apt., 3S5. - Phone Main 2506. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. One corner 3-room unfurnished apart ment, with French doors and balcony; two disappearing brass beds; gas range and ice chest; rent $35. ST. FRANCIS APTS-, 21st and Hoyt. Nob Hill district Up to date in every detail, large corner balconies, excellent service; 1 4-room, 1st floor, $22.60; 1 3-room, 3d floor, $27. 50; 1 4-room. 4th floor, $35. Main 76S. THE MARLBOROUGH. Slst and Flanders, & and 6 rooms, large ad homelike, more service and conven ience for the price than you will find in the city. Phone M. 7516 or A 2676. CECELIA APTS., 2 2d and Gllsan Very nice 3-room apt., all outside, modern, private bath, phone and balconies; 1 3-rm., 2d floor, $J5; 1 3-rm., 3d floor, $22.50. Mar. 1SU4. THE WASHINGTON, 6S9 Northrup 5 -room unfurnisaed apartments, with bath and all modern conveniences telephone, steam heat, gas. electricity, etce Take W car to 21st and Northrup. Phone Main 4376. KNICKERBOCKER APTS.. Harrison, be tween loth and 11th. Very desirable apart ments, every convenience, best of service; easy walking distance; 1 three-room. $27.50; .1 four-room, $32.50. Main 1320. WElsINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett fc.asy walking d istance, private bath, phone, etc. ; 1 2-rm., $16, Including elec tric lights; 1 3-rm.. $19; 1 4-rm.. $22.50; 1 B-rm . $32.50. Main 1245. CLIFTON APT.. 7Su IRVING. Unfurnished 6-room apartment; three bedrooms, large closets, two porches; ref erences. 1 SO I r vin st. Phone Marshall 175S or Main 53S3. COLUMBIAN APTS.. 11th and Columbia n.aey warning distance, very pleasant, spacious rooms, all outside, private bath and telephone each apartment; 1 3-rm., $22.50; 1 4-rm., $27.50. Main 1911. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson. High-grade 3. 4 and 5 rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service. Prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 3360 or A 3676. CLAY POOL APTS.. 11th and Clay sts. The very best in 3-room apartments, large private balconies, fine view, eastern ex posure; 1 2-rm., front, $27. SO; 1 3-rm.. $30. Main &S91. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay sts. 3 and 4-room unfurnished suites; pri vate vestibules phones and baths, with steam heat, hot and cold water; references. BRBXTXOR APARTMENTS. 215 N. 20th, cor. Lovejov St. Unfurnished 4-room apartments, up to aate in every respect. MAYO APARTMENTS 503l Union ave. N near Broadway: new, strictly modern 3-room apts. East GRACE APT3., 24th and Northrup 5 large rooms, uniurnisned, large front veranda, sleeping porch; new, modern; hardwood floors, phone, oatn, neat. Marshall 107o MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4-room apartments, $o and up; good janitor service; waiKing distance; refer ences. 712 Wash., op p. 22d. Main 7134. KINGSBURY," Ford, near Washington; high- ciass u in uruisueu -room apartments; pri vate balcony ; reasonable rent. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service; private phone; ref. CAM AR. 704 Lovejoy. 2 and 3-room unfur nished apartment, irom sis to $25. Mar shall L'Slo. 7-ROOM duplex apartment. 4 bedrooms, 2 uatns, in xireproox ouiiding. Apply 705 Davis st. PORTNOMAH APTS., 4 rooms, bath, phone. hardwood floors, etc.. SZ2. 200 East 13th st. ; warning d l s tan c e. WE shall, have a beautiful 6-room apart ment to rent on rxov. at tvo uavis st. KEARNEY APTS., 4 and 6-room apts. $20 ana ssu. Appty manager. t2 Kearney. THE LAUKETTE. one unfurnished 3-room apartment. modern. 220 11th st. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYCE. S13-b2I Morgan Bldg. , i Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all Darts of the city ; great variety of locations, size and price. . Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. THE BUENA VISTA, STRICTLY MODERN. 12tn and Harrison. Under new man agement. Finest apartments in the West all outside rooms, 2 and 3. furnished or unfurnished ; walking distance; beautiful view; few apartments tor batchelor gen tiemen ; lounging-room. References. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS, 49-57 Trinity Place. The finest aoartments on the Paci'lc Coast, with every modern convcaiunce; aoartments furnished and unfinished ; terms reasonable; references required", furnished bachelors' quarter with club room. Manager, Marshall 1101. THE BAKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments, In 2. 3 and 4 rooms ; four-story brick ; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in bufiets and writing desks; plenty of closet room: vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2961. CARLOTTA COURT. 17th and Everett. New and modern, beautifully furnished, close in. no carfare, five minutes to post office; moderate prices; excellent service. References. TH E IRIS Anartments. 3d and Mill sts , will be completed October 1; rents from $17 ud: 2. 3. 4-room. all modern improve, ments; the largest heating plant in the citv. furnished or unfurnisned; no charge gas for cooking. THE ROSENFELD (NEW). COR. 14TH AND EAST STARK. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, new. modern and Quiet: references. MODERN apartments, furnished or unfur nished, best value in the city for the ' money: adults only. Latham bdg., cor. Missis&ipni and SUidmore st. THE DEZENDORF. 20S 16th St.. near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Nice 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments: also nice 3-room apt. THE CHETOPA. ISth and Flanders; 2, 3 Or 4-room modern aoartments. furnished or unfurnished; eood ianitor service. THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders 2. 3 , and 4-room modern apartments, furnished ' or unfurnished. ONE 6-room. up-to-date upper corner flat 633 East Madison; rent reasonable. Phone East 234. . MODERN 5-room flat, reasonable, walking distance. 576 Salmon, opposite Multnomah Club. TWO modern 4-room flats, newly tinted, linoleum, eras range, $15. E 5. B 1404. FINE B-room lower, fireplace, close; no car fare; reasonable. 523 Flanders. SIX rooms, lower, modern, choicest tion. West Side. Inquire 173 16th. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt St. Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main 62 S. 666 HOYT ST rear 21st Upper flat, 6 rooms: jarge. light rooms; $15. Main 201a. SWELL S-room modern lower flat; nice yard. 789 . Yamniu. tr none gaat o4S. HOLLADAY ADDITION Five-room corner flat. 412 u Wasco st. Phone East 3S0a. 4-ROOM modern flat. 1.9 Green, ave., near 23d and Washington. Mam 3S..3, A 2676. 2 modem 9-room and 1 7-room flat, cheap. 12th and Mill Inquire 430 Mill. M. 4013. 2 7-ROOM flats, all modern improvements. fireplace; almost new, ; verett, STRICTLY" modern 7-room flat, lSofc 16tn . at. Apply 11 loin, cor. x amnui. FOR KENT. Flat. A VERY desirable 0-rooai corner flat; light - and airy: southeast exposure; has fire place, furnace, with hot-water coil, sta tionary tubs and every convenience, and the rent 1 returnable. See it. 72 Kear ney, cor. 22 d. Key and information at 104 2d sc. near Washington, phone Main 1436 or A 1436. IRVINGTON. x We have a vacancy jn the finest flat In Portland; five rooms, sleeping porch, tile bath, hardwood Doors; located at East 10th and Hancock sts.. one block from either Broadway or Irvington car. ' F. E. Bowman & Co .' Commercial Club bldg. Main 3026. A 1231. 5-ROOM flat, walking distance; gas and electricity, cas range; will completely re decorate. 42 14 tli st.. near Hall, or call Main 4563. $22; MODERN 6-room upper; furnace, fire place, Dutch kitchen, etc. ; good location, close-in, cor. East lth and Davis. 1'hoae Tabor 2.12. CLOSE IN 13th and Clay. 6-room modern flat, sleeping porch, yard, fine condition. Main 7o07. A N E W. uo-to-date 5-room flat, gas, elec tric litfhts and furnace. t6S Bonhwick st. East 2"31. STRICTLY modern S-room tipper flat, gooa condition. 427 Clay bu near Z ! th. Phone East K VERY sightly flat, five large rooms, walk ing distance, very reasonable rent, tils' Main st., near King. 6-ROOM uppr flat, furnace, good location. 371 12th st. near- Montgomery St. $20. FOR RENT Modern 5 aud H-room liats, reasonable. 529 Everett St.. West Side. Furai-Jied 1- Lata. F5r RENT 6-room upper flat, completely furnished, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, living- '. room, dining-room and kitchen, steel and gas range, wash tray in kitchen, gas and electric fixtures, $22.50 wuii bedding and dishes, $20 without; located lt4'3 Oibbs. Phone Main 011 mornings or even lugs. FOR RENT Furnished flats, 4 and 6 rooms; walking distance; 32 and $25 perouontn; w iter furnished. 56 Market st.. corner Chanman. THREE nicely furnished outside rooms, bed, table, linen, bath and phone. B 1078. See this. 193 W Belmont street. COZY, tanci lboy. furnished. 4 rooms! walking dis Ji6S Koss st Phone Woodlawn T.nwr r.-room flat, comuletelv furnished will be vacant uci. ii. uwner s uyaie. East 770. i.ROOM lower flat, include heat, water, pnone, oatn, iirepiace; large yaru, porcu auuitsj. 3ji w. t-arx. aiar. i;ia. tlx THHKP. rooms. A23. rooms. Uti strictly muoern, cuniyificij im mancu, a.xt itpni, Clfttll. i"J Jllll. nn BEAUTIFUL furnished flat. very reason- abie. C 1666. House keep ins Rpomh. S.X25 WEEK ud. completely furnished house- Keening suites, aosoiuieiy cieauest in town: hot water, baths, every convenience, free; quiet, respectable; save carfare; also single nouseKeeping, up. xiotei aa iliac. 3d near Jefferson. 1.50 TO S2.75 week; clean furnished house Keening rooms, suitaoie ior or ; ireo heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone East 60.j0 4u6 ancouver. 203 btanton. u ca FURNISHED H. K. rooms., cheap. Cam bri ise bldg.. 3d, cor. Morrison. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $1.25 week up. Th oilman, 142 V- 1st, cor. Alder. 4jl. EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room nouseaeeping apartments, cneap. HOUSEK EE PING in 2-room suite; reason able rent. 37 "Yamhill st. Housekeeping Rooms in Priate Families, STOP paying $30 and $35, save money, two elegant housekeeping rooms, everything furnished, $1 S. Electric light, plume and heat free. llbJ Belmont, cor. 30th. SUITES and single housekeeping-rooms. pinso in meal neichborhood. with privi lego of bath and phone, prices reasonable. ti.j x landers si. v TWO nice, sunny housekeeping rooms, $4.50 a week ; hot water neat, not and com water in-room; use of parlor with piano, 65S Gllsan st. Main wjbu. TWO pleasant, partly furnished housekeep ing rooms, private- en trail ee, fcruuuu oui , walkirtg distance. Phone East 2i.u, morn ings. TWO or three clean, completely furnished housekeeping rooms, - very reasonable. 14V 3 3th st. - TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, with heat, light, water and phone free. o5o Rodney ave. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, central; single or en suite; $3 week up. 309 Jefferson. FURNISHED or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, reduced rates. 105 20th, cor Flan ders. FURNISHED housekeeping suites, 2 week up; running water, ru ivnott, near w u- llams ave. ' THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas. bath. $12.50 month. 602 Front street. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 67 N. 14th St.. Davis to Everett. SINGLE or en suite. large, newly furnished, clean, convenient. 475 Morrison. 2-ROOM suite, large front room, two base ment rooms cheap. 147 Lownsdale. TWO and three furnished H. K. rooms, adults, close In. 240. Union ay,. N. ESPECIALLY desirable, newly rtttedfwell furnished, good location. 534 Morrison. TWO housekeeping rooms, furnished, no children. 280 12th st. THREE clean, furnished H. K. rooms. East 30th. East 5505. Adults. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sleeping cheap, close In. 102 12th. rooms. 2 AND 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, hot water heat. 7&1 Kearney. $14 and 316. 2 NEATLY furnished front H. K. rooms, gas. bath, phone, electricity. 350 Montgomery. HAWTHORNE district, on 39th st.. modern 6-room house with attic and chicken park. 411 East 30th S. Main 9276. FOR RENT Modern house, 45 W. Park sL; reasonable rent. Inquire 214 Com'l Club bldg. or Phone Main 216. $1S 6-ROOM house, all conveniences, fine view; air exhilarating; 13th st., near Port land Academy. 31 W. Park. Mar, 4215. FOR RENT $16 per month, new modern 5 room house, located 12S4 East Lincoln st. Tel. B 2731 or Main 3U2. for modern houses and flats at reasonable rents see Hacker Therkelsen Co., 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7592, A 33S8. FOR RENT Modern C-room house, with nice lawn. 62o L,ovejoy. Hjeiiand Grocery, 234 16th St. North. Main 1867. STRICTLY modern five-room house, fur nace, wash trays, one block from Alberta canine. Lait at lz-- 1. atn st. w. 3 LOTS, 7-room house, bath, stable, chicken- house. 420 E. 46tb boutb; $20. Key &t 42S Phone Tabor 41o4- . 5-ROOM modern house in good condition; close- in. uiay oeu tn ana tn. iast 353. MODERN 8-room home, Irvington; hard wood floors throughout; open fireplace. 645 E. 12th N. 5 rooms, furnace, range, heater, phone; $18. B 1923. E. 24th, bet. Ank. and Burnside. 7 ROOMS, modern, furnace;. $25. 229 East 3d near Holladay. Tabor 4346. IRVINGTON 6-room modern house, close in, 545 Tillamook st. Phone Columbia 381. $16 NICE 5-room house, gas, bath. E. 20th. near Washington. East 350. MODERN fl-room house, hot and cold wa ter In. bedrooms. 6-5 Northrup. COURTNEY", near Milwaukie. 8-rm. cottage, 10 acres, fruit, etc., $23. 235 Taylor. b-ROOM cottage. West Side, very cheap. J. P. Morrla, 1201 N. W. Bank bldg. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. large yard" and garage. 335 Weidler st. Call East 1380. 5-ROOM modern cottage, 3SS Benton, cheap, near Broadway bridge. C 202L 8 ROOMS, large basement, furnace; best lo cation. West Side. Inquire 175 16th. 9-ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. In qulre 130 6th. Main 6278. TWO clean 5-room cottages, Pennoyer and Hood sts. and $10. 8-ROOM houfie, walking distance, near park; gas, electricity, fireplace. 350 Montgomery. $20 11-room house, well arranged for 3 families. Sellwood 860. $12.50 7 ROOMS, full lot. 1 block Mt. Scott car. Tabor 2317. 6-ROOM house oh 14th st., between Main and Salmon, West Side. Call Main 8093. A NICE 5-room cottaKe, close to school. 730 Rodnev. East 2031. 3-ROOM cottage. 622 Quimby, between 19th and 20th. near Davis School. East 1055. DESIRABLE 6 and 8-room houses. 396 and 898 San Rafael, close In. East 1685. 4-ROOM HOUSE Y'ork St., $12 rent, duyn & Walton. 513 Chamber of Van Corn. 5-ROOM HOUSE Near -Park st., only $12. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Cham, of Com. 5-ROOM cottage, 441 East 30th St. Richmond car. J. E. Carrico. Take 3-ROOM modern cottage, walking distance. 406 HalL near 10th. inquire 425 10th. S-ROOM hous". living st.. trtcity. hot water, fumacn. eas and elec Main 6317. 5-ROOM modern, house. Ladd's Addition, $30 month. Sellwood 1S2B. FOR KENT. H oases. LAURELHURST HOUSES FOR RENT. We have some new. ' strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, we will build just what you want on easiest or terms. laureinurst o.. - u Stark st. Main 1503. A 1515. 335 FOR a fine Irvington residence of rooms, with fireplace and furnace, hard wood floors, fine lawn and best of sur roundings. Blanchard c Clemsou. 7U2-3 Selling b!dg. ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights 6-room bungalow-fiat, hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping porch, maid's" room. clo in. Marshall 2624. MODERN 6-room house, hard-surface. St.. one biojk ot U" car; nice neighborhood; rent $18 per month. CaH for key at ttll Cleveland ave. 18S NORTH 21ST ST.- 9 rooms, hardwood rioors, beam ceiling, iirepiace, turnace, etc.; $35. Key, Janitor. St. Francis Apts.. 21st North and Hoyt "Main 2019. $17 NEW modern bungalow, just com pleted, rurnace, very desirable lor genue iii a u and wife; will lease for year or more 1297 East Morrison. Ml. Tabor car. 172 N. 1STH STREET, fine residential dis- - tt-ict. easy walking distance business cen ter; 6 rooms, furnace. $27.50. Key Janitor Ionian Apts.. ltt h, and Couch. Main 2015. 19 EAST 46TH ST., modern bungalow. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, basement, built-in conveniences. Key at 548 Corbett bldg. $14 NEAT 5-room house. E. . 10th, near Washington; aas and bath. Key at Mr. Bcscamp s grocery store. BEAUTIFUL "-room modern house, one-haif biocK unnysicears i4o pnone MODERN 6-room house.' shrubbery, lawn. paved street, block from car, ideal home. 7S0 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. ' HEIGHTS Beautifully situated, 6 rooms. residence flat, duierent. Apply T'6 toav ler st. $1S 7-room modern house, excellent car service, convenient jerterson Htgn. h.. 7HS9. MODERN S-room residence, fireplace, fur nace, gas, electric. E. Burnside, near 22d., $25. Tabor 1W3. NEW S-room modern house, Westmoreland; 147; tn st.; 22.w. Tabor t4i4. urnlshed Houses. CLOSE-IN FLAT, $12. Three rooms, completely furnished, with bath, gas and electricity; 20th and Bel mont sts. Fred W. . German Co., 014 Cham, of Com. RARE. OPPORTUNITY by responsible peo ple to lease very modern nome, wen xur nished, attractive grounds; good district. Phono East 2l57. WILL LEASE furnished my Rose City Prk home; has riruplace, furnace, three beds . with complete furnishings. 305 E.- 45th st. N Phone Tabor 753. NICELY furnished U-room house in perfect order; piano, walking distance, very reas onable to rignt party; no oojecuon roomer. 355 14th st. South. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6-room houe, Rose City Park. A. H. Birrell Cc Mar. 4114. FURNISHED modern 6-room home, ei clectriclt y. furnace, piano, $30y 3U3 Fargo. rnone iaoor wei. 541 TAYLOR. near 17th l-room. nicely furniBhed flat, large bay windows, walls newly decorated; rent $-o. NICELY" furnished -five-room cottage, 341 H her man St.. near Broadway; $25. Main 867. SMALL house, partly furnished, big lawn, rent cheap, good place for small family. 1028 E. 3i'th st. N. Alberta car. S-ROOM well furnished house, with or. with out garage; hot-water heat; corner In Irv ington. East 6595. MODERN house, 4 rooms and bath, small lamily of. adults; no dogs. 406 13th st, MODERN house74roomsand bath small family of adults; no dogs. 406 13th st. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage. Call 414 College. 5 ROOMS, completely furnished. 828 East 11th North. Snap to good tennant. $2o MODERN five-room bungalow, nicely furnished, sewing machine. Tabor 1271. FURNISHED and unfurnished houses and bungalows. Phone Woodlawn 2783. $25 STORE, suitable for market or grocery. GOS 1st. Phono Tabor 1114. Office. DESIRABLE ground floor office In Jobbing district; steam heat and electric lights free; nominal rent. Occidental Warehouse Co., 0-11 N. Foutrh street. DESK ROOM in large, light '-offic .n Mor gan bldg. Apply manager. $13-821 Mor gan bldg. . WELL furnished private office; also desk room. $ and $7. 728 Chamber of Com merce. OFFICES, $10 and up; furnisned offices and desk room very reasonable ; Portland s busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg. Halls. THE following nights can be had for lodges: 2d and 4th Monday, 2d and 4th Wednesday, 1st and 3d Thursdays; hall is carpeted, draped and nicely furnished. $7.50 for 2 meetings per month. Gevurtx hall. Front and Oibbs. Main 1511. GEVURTZ DANCE HALL. Front and Glbbs, for rent for dances, parties and weddings any night of the week ; $10 per month lor club dances 4 times a month. Main 1511. FOR RENT Large hall; good dancing floor, steam heated. 1)1 2d St. Phone Main 183. Warehouses. OPEN storage (100x330) on dock with use of hoisting engine ; rail connections all roads. Central Hawthorne Dock Co. E. 2t'63. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE General merchandise store, with or without buildings; stock invoices about $200O;- restaurant and lunchroom and pool hall in connection; located in Grays Harbor country town. Address AV 850, Oregonian. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called interest in established real estate business get a vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILL trade any part, or all. of my stock (paying 12 p;r cent yearly dividends! In laree. growing automobile concern for stock or wheat, farm, -Opportunity for farmer or son to become active or other wise. E 339, Oregonian. GROCERY A good one, thorough investi gation solicited, -extra clean stock, auto delivery, fine trade, well located, neat, clean- aud attractive. See our representa tive. 51 S Hen ay bldg. , VAUDEVILLE and picture theater, now run ning with comedy company, $500 total takes it, terms if desired ; located at Pendletoii. Phone today. Main 4232, week days after 6 - . ROOMING-HOUSE for sale; furniture and carpets almost new ; good location, low rent; price about one-third of original cost. Inquire 412 Hawthorne ave, fore noons. FOR SALE or trade. 150-barrel capacity flour mill, machinery second-hand, and a fruit dryer. Address 233 State st. or 430 Court st.. Salem. Or. WANTED Small apartment-house in ex change for desirable ranch in Rogue River Valley; must be paying proposition. Phone Sellwood IViSZ. X rfiu, uregupian. WANTED Cash grocery in exchange for good residence property in, sunny Mearora, Oregon. rnone israiwuuu ivo. or i Oregonian. NICE neat grocery and confectionery store in fine location ; living-room, stock and fixtures; $300. Phone E. 84$. FIRST-CLASS shoe repair shop, doing good business; good cation; low rent; at a sacrifice. Address W 301, Oregonian. FOR SALE One of the best heating, plumb ing and sheet metal shops in Oregon. Ad d ress A V 828, Oregonian. POOLROOM, central location. Morrison st. and Broadway ; entrance 346 V Morrison t. ; a baraain if taken at once. WILL exchange drugstore for Coast property of equal value.- Address Dr. E. A. Woods, Rogue River. Or. PATENTS purchased for cash or leased on royalty; also capital raised to develop new patents. AG 312. Oregonian. FOR SALE Tailoring and cleaning estab lishment with two living rooms, steam heated, good location. 402 3d st. LIVELY man with references to take care of territory; must be A-l man; some capi tal required. Write to AO 303. Oregonian. CIGAR, tobacco, confectionery, news stand at waiting-room, invoice $700; quick sale will take $475. 248 Stark St. PHYSICIAN to take practice In fruit and dairying district in Southwestern Waah ington. AV 824. Oregonian. 4-CHAIR barber shop, cheap. Swell location. 36 N. 2d st. RESTAURANT, depot location; cheap rent; $1200. AR 300. Oregonian, BLACKSMITH shop for sale cheap. P. box 713. Newberg. Or. WANTED Partner in first-class picture honse. Phone. Main 3435, room 620. LUNCH counter for sale. Address 244 Ank- cry st. I CAN sell your business. W. Lawrence. SI5 Hiiii. Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark sts. HOTEL for sale, doing good business. Write to L. O. Vadnaia, 2dlat, Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. OLD-ESTABLISHED and good-paying launch busint-es. running between Kelso. Wash., wnd Rainier. Or.: consisting of Inunch Baden l, length 55 ft., beam 1 1 ft., 4. H. P. Imperial engine; and North Star, length 34 ft., beam & ft.. 12 H. .P. Stand ard engine, and float. Will sell cheap If taken at once. Call or address F. J. Hor bach, Kelso, Wash. ESTABLISHED reputable material and supply-house, increasing business, offers spe cial Inducement to man willing to work up; investment of three to five thousand required; good salary, splendid opportunity for large Increase in cash business; giva name, address and reference with reply. Address owner. AP 316. Oregonian. WANTED Partner immediately, lady or gentleman, to buy half interest in three best feature pictures; experience unneces sary; travel, take tickets at theater door; must be neat, honest and Invest $50O. half cash, balance from profits; no curiosity seekers. Write or phone room 512 Palace Hotel for appointment. EXCHAX'SE Bakery, restaurant, confec tionery, iu hotel, steady trade; brick oven, for equity in .ot or any kind of business up to $700. $SW. 390 Morrison. WORKING partner in well-established and paying automobile garage. H 336. Orego nian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. TO PURCHASE or lease, first-class modern transient hotel, out of city. 11 339. Ore gonian. WANTED By reliable man to Invest small capital in paying business where he can assist; references. N 342, Oregonian. KOO U1N G-1IOU SES. MARY E. LENT. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. Hotels Rooming, Apartment-houses. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. 608-9 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. Phone Main 8560. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale; furniture and carpets almost new; good location, low rent ; price about one-third of original cost. Inquire 412 Hawthorne ave., tore noons. FOR RENT or sale; a 11-room filled with roomers, walking Marshall 2442. 56 Flanders st. residence, distance. FOR SALE Good rooming-house. 13 rooms, good location, good furniaure, cheap. AB 301, Oregonian. SMALL rooming-house at 327 Broadway So, Phone Marshall 4127. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. DEPARTMENT of the Interior, United btatea .Reclamation fcervlco. Sunnyaide, Wash. Sept. 25. 1914 Sealed pro posals will be received at the office of trie united states reclamation service, Sunnyside, Washington, until 2 o'clock P. M. October 26, 1914. for the construction of about 13,25 miles of main canal exten sion of the Sunnyside Canal, near Benton City. Washington, with pipe lines. Hunba and other appurtenant structures, involv ing the excavation ul approximately 67.4UO cubic yards of earth and 17,550 cubic yards of rock, the construction of 6 pipe lines, the total length of which is approx imately 4240 feet. 6t35 imeal feet ot metal flume, and the incidental irrigation struo tures. Particulars may be obtained at the offices of thti United States Reclamation Service at North Yakima and Sunny side. Washington. SEALED proposals will be received at the omce ox tne undersigned, iui courthouse, until 12 M. Monday, October II. 1914, tor the improvement of the grounds of Llewellyn School. Plans and specifica tions may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore, supt. of properties. 303 Courthouse. A deposit of $2 is required for plans ana specincatious. Certified check for lo per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Diretcors re serves the right to reject any and all proposal. m R. H. THOMAS" School Clerk Dated October 8. 1!14. PILE BRIDGE TO LET Eight pile tres tles. 1152 lineal feet, 15 to 70 feet high, lour to six plies in each bent. Road wilt be finished to first bridge about Decem ber 1. All materials will be delivered to bridges and work must be done with - two drivers working from opposite sides. Company will 'furnish the drivers. Will ing to let the work to responsible pile driver crew. Work can Include top work or driving bracing and capping only. Profile will be iurnished to responsible parties wishing to bid 011 the work. ' Ad dress Columbia & Nehalem River Ry. Co.. Westporf, Or. BENT TRESTLE Contract for placing about 400.000 feet lumber in bent tres tle, 160 feet high, will be let; lumber ail framed, abutments in, engine, high line and carriage in place ready fr Imme diate use. Lumber will be placed with in reasonable distance of the bridge. Finished track and push car will be pro vided to be completed in 30 days.' Board. $5.25 per week; boarding camp witbm half mile. Willing to let contract to two or more experienced men accustomed to high work. Address Columbia & Nehalem River Ry. Co., West port, Oregon. TO LUMBER MILLS. Bids wanted in lots from three and a half million feet and up, both sawed and In leg. Alternative bids will be takeu ship's side and delivered Sydney, Austia lia. accord inir to specifications. Will lo cate Chamber of Commerce. Tacoma. Oc tober 6 and 7; Aberdeen. October S, 9 and 10; Portland. October 12 and 13. Get busv: bia business to successful bidders. H. E. Dakln. LOST AND FOUND. LOST or strayed from North East Portland, a roan mare, close-built, weight about 1000 lbs., please notify Mallory Stables, 34 Northth st. Reward. LOST Lady's purple handbag, containing papers bearing name of owner and also money. Address 1121 E. GHsan. Phone Ta bor 2314. LOjST A child's neck fur. white, near Su Francis' Church. 620 C Ankeny. LOST Diamond locket, monogram on back. Reward. Call East 1 424. LOST Irish setter dog, turn to 1276 Kelly st. 7 months old. Re Reward. FINANCIAL. FIRST LI EN MORTGAGES Bought and Sold FEAR & GRAY, lo2 Fourth Street. WE BUY MORTGAGES 1 AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. NOTES drawing 8 per cent Interest, will dis count 5 per cent; notes mature within one year payable monthly; Al security, responsible indorsements; investigation will convince you. H 330, Oregonian. - U.OANS on improved inside property; plenty of money; low rates; no delay. Principals only. Robertson & Ewing. 207-2U8 Nortn western Bank bldg. SEVERAL mortgages for sale; sums of $500 to $16,000, drawing 7 and 8 per cent In terest. Phone Main 3407. W. G. Beck. Fall lng bldg.. of: tee 315. MONEY for good city loans, tt and 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham, 832 Morgan tldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. S. Noble, Lumbermen! bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (ilrxC t d second), equities pur chased, F. H. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson A Ewing. 207 -a N. W. Bank bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. su TO X5G00 loaned In a day a real es tate security; lowest rates. Smith Invest ment Co., 9U2 Northwestern Bank, bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., INC, Stock Exchange Bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. o improved and unimproved real utat mortgages bought, w. H. Nunn, 448 far- lOCK UlUg. f nunc am 111 uiitf. BEE us today for loans on improved city property, d to o -per ceni; uu ana up, Celiars-Murton Co.. 825 Yeon bldg. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. W. O. Becic, 3L- 31a Failing biag. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 ER CENT. UOL1S SAL-MON CO.. 221 STARK ST. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. a. xx. nAivwi.-j, 01. $200. $350, $600, $900, $1200, $18u0. Fred W. German ui., .uimer ox commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS at 6 and 7 per cent. FKfiU s. wiLLiAjaa, j irst at. $iuOO TO $1.0.000 at 7 per cent. Main 693J. H , 1. ja.uriou, oi 1 w ui crater Liag. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry l. rruanomme, em .tucox Dtag. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. H. Seitg & Co., 310 Spalding bldg. $1000 TO $7000 for city or farm loan. Tabor MONEY loaned on real eatate; contracts and mtga. pougnt. rt- aiiiey. mi vrunger blag. ALL amounts at tow rates of interest. 414 Yeon bldg. ore, na. ec sug. -a. aiar. S3. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. 3E. Thomas! aeur MuUnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. $2000 ON city property. C A. Ambrc 313'. Washington st. Main 6078. $luoo CN Portland real estate; 8 per cent, uus C ilcioi, 2024 Yccn ttldff. FINANCIAL. Money te Loan on Keal Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO, yl6 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city aud larm property, 6 to 7 per cent. , MALL t VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St., near Washington. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; LIBERAL PAY MENT PRIVILEGES; MONEY AD VANCED AS BUILDING PROGRESSES. THE EOU1 TABLE SAVINGS 4c LOAN ASSOCIATION. 240 STARK ST. MONKS TO LOAN, 6 TO S PER. CENT. Any Amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4-1-424 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN. Lowest Rate Money on business property, apartments, dwellings and farms. K. H. Blossom, 316 Chamber ot Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN On Keal Estate. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., St. Charles Hotel, 204 Morrison MORTGAGE loans on cUy property; lowest rates. a. h. jsirreu lo, xw-iy isorta western Bank bldg. $10iH TO LOAN on Portland real estate. . 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. $5v0, $1000 and upward on Improved real estate; iavoraoiu terms; no aeiays; no brokerage. John Batn 5o7 Spalding bldg. TO LOAN $40.U00 OR LESS. FAR KINGTON. 80 4th St. BOARD OF TRAPE ELDO. MONEY TO LOAN. WAKE FI ELD. FRIES dfc CO, S5 Fourth Street, MONEY to loan, improved city or farm property, by private party. P 306. Orego-. nlau. PRIVATE party has $1000 or less for build ing loan. Phone Woodlawn 274. Money to vmn Chattels and Sahirie. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. " We have one ot the finest retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan department is conducted in counectlon with same, mak ing business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, absolutely no signs designating loan busi ness displayed in front of our store. All merchandise pledged is held for a period of seven mouths, whether or not interest 1 paid when due. we are licensed and have been established since l&au. No con nection with any otner loan establishment in this city. A. M, DELOVAGE. JEWELERS. 324 Washington St, SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN -OTE3 $1U TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSt.E&S STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAY TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 3tf FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. ELBY COMPANY Licensed 32U Lumber Exchung rU ug. Second and Stark Sts. We Make Loans iu Six. Hours Time. AT LEGAL RATES. We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock, stot age receipt, equities, real estate, plain notes or furniture. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. (Licensed.) Room 205 Koihchild Bldg. Bet, 4th and 5th on Washington BL WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx Bloch. 74 3d st. LOANS on diamonds and jewelry; strictly confidential. 14 1 3d su. near Alder. MONEY LOANED on diamonds and jewelry. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Win. bull, room 8, Washington bldg. MONEY" on chattels, notes and mi&s. bought. Columbia Loan Co., 2U6 a wetland. LOANS on chattels or anything of value. 317 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 5898. Loans Wanted. $6u00 WANTED for 3 to 5 years on $18,000 stocked and equipped 2U0-acre Larm ; one of the finest places In the valley; moral riok unusually good. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 6U6-6U7 Yeon Bldg. NOTES drawing b per cent interest, will dis count 5 per cent; notes mat use within 0110 year, payable montnly; -i security, -responsible indorsements; investigation wiM convince you. H 33u, Oregonian. MONEY WANTED from principals; desir able applications on band ; selected tirst mortgages for sale. Henry C. Prudno ime. Wilcox bldg. WANTED at once. S23.O00. three to five years. 7 per cent, on $200. 0U0 inside in come Portland property ; no commission. Phone KJepper, Marshall 547. FOR SALE $650 mortgage, runs two years, on 15 acres of land and house near White Salmon. Room 9 Washington bldg. 1 WANT $5O0 loan, 3 years, on tour lots. 2 corners, and small house ; Rose City Park district. V 339. Oregonian. $3ouu. $3500 FOR 3 years at 8 per cent; se curity $!wuu. unproved realty. jj rfua. Oregonian. $1SOO FIRST MORTGAGE for sale; new nome, bcnuyier su n jiu, ureguniaa. $6u0 WANTED 011 new. modern bungalow. value tist-u. s aui, uregonian. . $3000 on beautiful Piedmont quarter, block. value Si.tuo. u jim, uregomau. $500 FROM private party, 7 per cent; resi dence wortn i-'juv. ii a 1 j, uregonian. $ 4000 CLOSE-IN East Side improved prop erty wortn ib.wu. -a n, oregonian. $25u0. ONE year, 10 per cent, $20,000 se curities, mcomo tuuu. jv -v7, tuiiiii. Stocks and Bonds. TALK WITH FLETCHER. STOCKS and bonds; a good auto for coin machine stocic. G 32t, oregonian. PERSONAL. . HAIR-HAI R-HAIR-H AIR. 26-inch convent hair switches. ..$4.85 26-inch convent hair switches, gray..4.8a Hairdressing i Face massage .25 Shampoo 35 Manicure, 25c; 5 for 1.0' 12 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electric needle ; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair, in any shade; switches, any length; prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 400 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors' graduate; rheumatism nervous and stom ach ailments under physician s directions; bath, massage. No. 7 East 11th St., sec ond floor south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 200. B 1803. FEB V ET & HAN EBU T. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest: stock human hair gooas; switches fro;iv 95c up; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment; combings made up to or der. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 546. SAM GORDON, want your address. Friends of said party win iavor mm by sending same ; also that of Mrs. W. L. Penland. lately of St. Johns, present address un known. J. F. Matlock, Chicago, Illinois. 6 A. M. TILL 5 P. M. Hair shampooed and scalp cleanea of aanaruir. gray and faded hair restored to natural life color at your home or hotel. Maud Casey, East 3ul0. city. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE Treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc; raauagt and baths. 452 Salmon St., cor. A3Uu Marshall 5033. Open Sundays. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental and spiritual sci e lit 1st, daily, 3U2 Alisky bldg. Messages Wednesday, 8 P. M. Main 8 2 2 5. MRS. STEVENS, 21 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, author of "Palmistry Made Easy." 21 Morrison st. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS Switches, 15c; curl and puffs. 75c Sani tary Beauty Parlors. 4O0 Dekum bldg. SPIRITUALISM Thk 1 Wed. Rev. Mary A. Price, Circle 11a bun. p. M. Reading daily. b03 Fifth st. Marshall 3960. DIVORCES Lawyer of 25 years' experience, reliable advice given free. 404 Rothchitd b 1 d g. 2g7 Washin gton st. ' THE FUR SHOP. New orders and remodeling; best work, lowest prices; trimming. 717 swetland bldg. $1 RE MOV Es superfluous hair by roots without pain: harmless. 5o9 Spokane ave. Phone Sellwood 1S47. ELECTRIC vibration for rheums tism, neu ralgia, facial and scalp treatment, rea aonabie. Phone Marshall SO. HYPER EM E TREATMENT, 508 Northwest bldg ; all ailments treated; hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. DR. M'MAHON. chiropractor. 121 4 th, Chronic cases. IS treatments $10; baths 25o BALM OF FIGS compound Royal Tonic Tablets. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 23U3. Dr. Olga Necloba. ehlropractle, steam baths. massage. 5U3 Northwest bldg. Main Sty. PHEASANTS ' ' prepsred for hats. 717 Swetland. BROWN Biue. looking for delayed letter; studying hard, folks well. Love, Gustavo.