Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 09, 1914, Page 17, Image 17

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7 : '
Employes Suffer 10 Per Cent
Reduction November 1.
Commission Makes Order to Prevent
Closing of Plant and Loss of
Employment for Many.
Contracts Are Let.
To relieve its financial burden, as
some heavy expenses were shouldered
during the year, notably the 5475,000
given to the Government to carry on
the north jetty at the mouth of the
river, the Port of Portland Commis
sion voted yesterday to cut all salaries
10 per cent, effective November 1.
It may be that such a reduction
will be severe in the case of laborers
and only a portion of the 10 per cent
insisted on, but the aim is to reduce
the payroll 10 per cent monthly.
Commissioners R- E- In man. Captain
James W. Shaver and D. C. O'Reilly
were named by Commissioner S. M.
Mears to make an adjustment of the
payroll at once so that official notice
can be given employes by October 15.
There are said to be cases in which
higher wages are paid than for the
eame class of work for private corpora
tions and owners. The move is re
garded as much more advantageous
for all concerned than to have to
retire part of the operating plant from
service and thereby force a number
of men out of employment. It has
been under consideration for some time
as it was apparent something must be
done to check expenditures so that
the annual levy could be made as low
as possible.
Dredge Contracts Awarded.
Regarding bids of Oscar Strtind of
$5665.70 and F. A. Perry of $6575 for
resheathing the public dry dock pon
toons. Manager Talbot was empowered
to make another report on the necessity
for the work and include recommenda
tions as to the bids. Contracts were
ordered awarded aggregating ?12,
262.35 for new equipment in connection
with changing the plant of the dredge
Columbia into a new steel hull, which
1b to be carried out shortly.
A resolution was adopted, amending
a former one, in which the Commis
sion went on record as favoring a
dredging policy of deepening the har
bor to SO feet within 100 feet of the
harbor lines on each side, but that
it would dredge to within 50 feet of
docks at the request of owners, pro
viding the Port of Portland was re
lieved of all damage resulting from
dredging and property owners eign a
waiver to that effect.
It was brought to the attention of
the Commission that soundings made
in North Portland harbor, where a
channel was dredged a year ago to 20
feet, showed there was but feet
of water available at zero. It was sug
gested that at such a rate of deteriora
tion dredging would have to be carried
on there each season.
"Willamette? Burn ens Changed.
The fact that cut fuel is again to
be had in limited quantities win result
in the dredge Willamette, workng at
the new O.-W". R. & N. dock, being
changed Saturday from an oil burner.
Papers were executed leasing to the
Western Cooperage Company about
two acres of land adjoining the dry
dock, which is to be used as a storage
for material. Engineers of the com
pany and the Commission got together
and adjusted a line dividing the prop
erty, which had been in dispute.
It was voted to return to the Hamburg-American
line $26o0, representing
money paid for piloting its vessels on
the- bar and shifting them in the
harbor during the first year the com
pany maintained a service between
Portland and the Orient. The same
action was taken recently with ref
erence to the Royal Mail fleet, the
refund in that case being about $3000.
This had been agreed to as an in
ducement for the fleets to operate from
Cate Leaves Callao for Portland and
lesaix Is Due Soon.
German successes at Antwerp have
forestalled the delivery of grain car
goes there, and yesterday the Mer
chants' Exchange received a telegram
that the British steamer Virginia,
which some assumed was bound for
Antwerp, had passed Tuskar Wednes
day, headed for Cork. She sailed from
the river July 20.
The Exchange also was advised yes
terday that the Norwegian ship Cate,
listed to load grain here for the United
Kingdom, sailed from Callao October
8. Next of the windjammers looked for
in the Columbia is the French ship De
saix, bringing general cargo from Ham
burg, which sailed from San Diego on
September 26 and may arrive during
the next week, as she should be favored
by southerly winds. San Francisco re
ports a drop in the grain freight mar
ket through tho recent charter of the
British steamer Strathallan by Balfour,
Guthrie & Co. to load here, her rate
being 35 shillings, while a preceding
fixture was on a basis of 37 shillings,
and one vessel was fixed at 37s 6d.
Queen Adelaide Quits Port With All
White Company.
On the British steamer Queen Ade
laide being cleared yesterday, 12 de
serters were chalked against her ac
count by United States Immigration
Inspector J. H. Barbour. There were
three Germans in the crew that were
paid off on her arrival and one fire
man, a Russian, has been left in a hos
pital. When she reached port she car
ried six Japanese and tive of them de
serted and seven Caucasians followed
suit. There was but one Chinese
aboard and he stood by the vessel. The
places of the deserters were filled with
British subjects.
No trouble is being met with In
getting crews for vessels bound to Eng
land, because many men, enxious to go
to the righting zone with the British
colors. are seeking transportation,
though their desire is for bertha on
steamers, not sailing vessels, as the
run by way of the Panama Canal is
.short. As to the danger of capture,
shippers are not fearful that carriers
on the way from the canal to England
will be bothered owing to the number
of British naval vessels patrolling in
the Atlantic, and the lane between Xew
York and the other side is said to be
fully protected.
Xews Prom Oregon Ports.
COOS BAY, Or., Oct. S. (Special.)
The steamship Breakwater arrived
from Portland today, having 80 passen
gers and 364 tons of freight.
The steamer Adeline Smith arrived
from San Francisco.
The steamship cieo. W. Elder arrived
from Eureka and sailed for Portland at
noon with a large list of passengers.
The dredge Col. P. s. Michia wa
ready to operate yesterday, but a
rough bar prevented.
The Nana Smith sailed for San Fran
cisco after having been barbound two
ASTORIA, Or., Oct, 8. (Special.)
The steam schooner Shoshone arrived
today from San Francisco- in ballast and
went to St. Helens to load lumber.
The steam schooner Multnomah sailed
for San Pedro with lumber from St.
The steamer Roanoke sailed for San
Francisco and San Pedro with freight
and passengers.
The steamer Sue H. Elmore sailed
for Tillamook with general cargo.
The steam schooner Jim Butler
finished - taking on .lumber at the
Knappton mill last night and went to
Prescott to complete her cargo.
The Mexican steamer Mazatlan sailed
with 424,040 feet of lumber, loaded at
the Hammond, mill and destined for
Guaymas and Mazatlan. The steamer
will stop at San Francisco, where sh
will load general cargo.
The tank steamer Washtenaw sailed
for California after discharging fuel
oil in Portiand.
Amounts Approximate Estimates of
Requirements to Keep Work In
Progress Until March 1.
Confirming press reports of " allot
merits for projects in hi8 district. Major
J. J. Morrow yesterday received a tel
egram from General Kinsman, Chief of
Engineers at Washington, informing
him that $70,000 had been set aside
tor the Coos Bay project, $26,000 for
the Coquille River, $5000 for the
Siuslaw River, $10,000 for the Columbia
River and its tributaries above Celilo
and as far as the mouth of the Snake
Kiver, and $525,000 for The Dallea-
Celilo Canal.
In a telegram to the headquarters of
Colonel McKinstry, in charge of opera
tions in the Second District, it was an
nounced that $1,000,000 had been set
aside for the north jetty at the mouth
of the Columbia and $200,000 for the
Columbia and Willamette Rivers be
tween Portland and As.toria, while $25,
000 is for the. upper Willamette and
Yamhill Rivers, with $6000 for the
Cowlitz and Lewis Rivers.
These amounts approximate esti
mates submitted to the Chief of En
gineers on the failure of the original
rivers and harbors bill to pass, and
are based on what will be required to
keep all plants going until March 1,
1915, by which time it is felt another
rivers and harbors bill can be acted on.
It is hoped to keep the north jetty
going most of the Winter, and the
same plan will be followed on The
Dalles-Celilo Canal, if the weather will
Next in Importance is channel work
between Portland and Astoria, in which
the Government will operate the
dredges Clatsop, Multnomah and Wah
kiakum, and they will be augmented
by the Port of Portland dredges, which
will look after the channel from Port
land to the mouth of the Willamette.
Preparations have been under way for
the past week and crews -are being as
sembled rapidly; also at Coos Bay,
where the dredge Col. P. S. Michie is
to work, so in another week the proj
ects should be under way.
Marine Notes.
Repairs to the engine of the Cape
Disappointment lifeboat having been
completed. Captain Rimer left down
with the craft yesterday.
To work the remainder of her grain
cargo for England the British ship
Kirkcudbrightshire was shifted yes
terday from the Globe elevator to Mont
gomery dock.
After taking on a part of her lumber
cargo at the Standard mill the steamer
Saginaw left down yesterday to finish
at Astoria. She goes to San Pedro and
Kedondo with 850.000 feet. The North
land -has been -cleared for San Fran
cisco with 600 tons of grain, 80 tons of
merchandise and 400,000 feet of lum
ber. Collector of Customs . Burke was ad
vised from Washington yesterday that
the rate on war risk insurance was
of 1 per cent. One Portland firm cov
ered a shipment of coffee bound from
Brazil via New York.
Corrections made on the manifest of
the Norwegian steamer Tricolor, which
left yesterday for Balboa, show that
she carried 3.600,000 feet of lumber and
1-3 piling, amounting to 200,000 feet of
material, besides other cargo as
originally cleared.
Though there was a decline of four
tenths of a foot in 24 hours, the
Weather Bureau forecast is that the
Willamette will remain nearly station
ary here for a few days.
Edward A. Brook, keeper of the New
Dungeness light station, has reported
to the Portland headquarters of the
Seventeenth Lighthouse District that,
when the steamer Sioux grounded
Tuesday at the end of the spit, during
a heavy fog, the Government launch at
the station was used to take off pas
sengers, there being 75 in all, who
were transferred to the steamer Sol
Due. The Sioux remained aground with
the tugs Tyee and Prosper standing by.
On the arrival of the steamer Bailey
Gatzert from The Dalles last night she
was ordered out of commission for the
Winter. The steamer Dalles City will
remain on the run. in command of Cap
tain Scammon, and Captain Alden, of
the Gatzert, will be pilot on the former.
Bids are to be opened October 13
at the office of the Quartermaster De
partment, United States Army, for
transporting iOOO tons of oats from
Portland to Manila, the fodder having
been sold to the Government by the
Northern Grain & Warehouse Com
pany. Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Oct. S. Arrived Steamer
Shoshone, from San Francisco. bailed
Steamers Navajo, for San Francisco; Beaver,
for Han Pedro, via San Francisco.
Astoria, Oct. 8.- Sajled at 4 A. M., steam
ers Multnomah, for San Diego and San
Feilro; Roanoke, for 5an Diego and way
ports: at 11:50 A. M., steamer Washtenaw,
tor Port Pan Luis; at 1 :liu P. M., Mexican
steamer Mazatlan, for West Coast. Arrived
at 5 and left up at 6 A. M., steamer Sho
shone, from San Francisco.
San Francisco, Oct. S. Arrived at 4 A.
M., steamer Yucatan, from San Diego.
Sailed at 6 A. M-. steamer Oleum, for Port
land: at 11 A. M-, steamer Geo. v Fenwiek
for Portland: at noon, steamer Bear, from
Portland, for San Pedro; at 1 P. M-, steamer
Georgian, from New York, for Portland.
October 7. Sailed at S:30 P. M., steamer
Yellowsrone. for Portland, via Coos Bay.
Coos Bay. Oct. S. Arrived at 2 A. M-,
and sailed at 4 P. M.. steamer Geo. W.
Elder, from Eureka for Portland. Arrived at
6 A. M-. steamer Breakwater, from Port
land. Sailed, steamer Alvarado, from Port
land, for San Francisco. Sailed, tug Daring-,
towing dredge Oregon, for Grays Harbor.-
Tuskar, Oct. 7. Passed, British steamer
Virginia, from Portland.
Callao, Oct. 3. Sailed Norwegian ship
Cate, for Portland.
Gavlota, Oct. 7. Sailed Steamer W F.
Herrin, for Portland.
New Plymouth. Oct. 7. Arrived Schooner
Kric, from Columbia River.
Astoria. Oct. 7. Left up at 7 P. M., steam
ship Jim Butler.
New- York. Oct. S. Arrived Isabels, from
San Francisco. Sailed Lyra, for San Fran
cisco. San Francisco. Oct. S. Arrived Steamers
Milwaukee (British), from Taital; Trlnculo
(British, from Vancouver; V. S. submarine
H-3. from Bremerton. Sailed Steamers
Georgian, Oleum, for Portland: G. W Fen
sick, for Astoria; Barneson (British), for
Seattle. Oct. 8. Arrived Steamers Alki.
from Spokane; Humboldt, from Southeastern
Alaska: Yokohama Maru. from Hongkong;
El Segundo, from San Francisco: Senator,
from Nome; schooner C. S. Holmes, from
Point Barrow. Sailed Steamers Captain A.
F. Lucas, for San Francisco.
Tides at Astoria Friday.
High. Low.
3:.-.5 A. M 6.1 feet! 0:04 A. M 3 7 feet
3:U5 P. M S.l feet10:33 p. m 0.7 foot
Boston Curb Will Resume.
BOSTON. Oct. S. The governing commit
tee of the Boston curb exchange voted to
day to resume sessions October 14.
Thousands of Bales Change
Hands in Oregon.
.Prices Holding: Steady at Ten to
Fraction Over Twelve Cents.
Baying Is Also Opening
Up in California.
Hop dealings now are runaina Into thou
sands of bales daily. Tho demand is strong
and the market is more active than it has
been at any time since October of last year.
Growers are offering their hops readily and
everything offered that is of serviceable
quality is being taken. Prices paid yester
day were the same as the day before, 10 to
124 cents fur grades ranging from prime
The Eastern orders now coming in are to
fill October sales and there is no -evidence
of much new business being worked with
brewers. No export trade has developed
yet and in view of the large English crop
it is uncertain when the foreign demand
will open. The bears are still talking of
probable Imports of German hops by way
of Rotterdam. This talk, which is In
tended merely to frighten growers Into sell
ing at lower prices, is not taken seriously
by anyone. A few bales of Imported hops
have reached Is'ew York, but -with the block
ading of The Netherlands ports this move
ment will cease.
The largest transaction yesterday was the
purchase by A. J. Ray A Sons of TOO bales
of the Cars tens and Banks Hop Company
crops at Banks at 10 cents. This firm also
bought the Brentano lot of 55 bales at St.
Paul at the same- price.
The Seavey Hop Company bought the
Haxnitt .lot of 03 bales at Eugene at 11
cents; 122 bales from James Feller, of Don
ald, at 11 Mt cents; the Sat hern Mot of 0
bales at Silverton, at 10 cents; 170 bales
from White Bros., of the same place, at 11
cents; the Hadler lot of-100 bales at Mount
Angel, at 11 cents, and the Holland lot of
65 bales at Springfield, at Jl cents.
H. L. Hart on Wednesday and Thursday
bought 1000 bales, including the purchases
yesterday of l&O bales from John Kdmond
son, of Eugene, at 10 cents; 270 bales from
Williams & Plummer, of Dallas, at 11 H
cents, and the Rosich crop of T9 bales at
Buttevillle, at 10 Vi cents.
McNeil Bros purchases in The Dalles
section were 300 bales, including the crops
of Frink. Hart and Lee. Ralph Williams
bought 300 bales in the same section at 10
to 13 cents.
Dorcas Bros, bought the Damon crop of
21 tf bales at Independence, paying 1 cents
for 160 bales and cents for the remainder
of jthe lot.
B, O. Shucking paid 11 cents for the Gong
crop of 250 bales at Salem. T. A. Lives ley
& Co. bought the Kutch lot of 175 bales at
Jefferson at 11 cents and other crops. Cook
Bros., of Independence, sold S2 bales to Cat
lin &, Linn at 11 cents. Bishop fc Keyt
bought the Balls and New bill crops at
Ballston at 10 cents. William Brown & Co.
secured the Gregg lot at Ballston and several
lots in the Buena Vista section.
The first news of the awakening of the
California market came in a wire from Santa
Rosa reporting the purchase by the Uhl
manns of 160 bales of Sonomas from S. & W.
Leggett at 12 cents.
Eastern Textile Manufacturer! Close Con
tracts With European Nations.
" Business "Was been done by textile manu
facturers on goods that will eventually find
their way to the countries at war, says Dun's
Review. A much healvier movement is
looked for, as many firm orders have been
submitted and are now being figured on. At
least 750.0OO wool blankets for soldiers use
have been bought and more are being sought.
Sales of G00.U0O cotton towels have been
made. About 36,000 do ten sheets, 72xOo,
have been bought or contracted for. Four
New York State underwear mills have en
gaged to deliver about 600,000 garments in
the next 60 days and as many more as they
can make in the time limit Axed. Orders are
being completed for the purchase of 500.000
pairs of wool hosiery to be shippped at the
earliest possible date. Considerable quan
tities of duck have been bought, but there
are several large orders for khaki and army
duck pending and which will probably be
closed. Converters of cotton and cotton
goods who make hospital supplies have re
ceived very large orders and mills are at
work on various lines of absorbent cottons
and bandage cloths.
While the details of much of this busi
ness are being suppressed at the request of
purchasers and of the United States State
Department, sufficient is known to warrant
the above statements. A rrfuch larger
business is pending, on blankets and hospital
supplies and if some of the men's wear fac
tories are in a position to make uniform
cloth it is expected that they will secure a
substantially increased rate in the near fu
Operations Are Restricted on Account of
Terminal Situation.
A little wheat buying is being done daily
at country points, but operations are re
stricted for the reason heretofore given, the
heavy stocks at Coast terminals. Prices rul
ing in the country are the same as earlier
in the week. At the Merchants Exchange
session yesterday bid pries were from one-
half to 1 cent higher than on Wednesday on
all grades except biuestem, which was un
changed. 1 1
One hundred tons of oats were sold on
the exchange at S23, a better price than
had been offered recently. Buyers bid the
same price for November delivery and 225.50
was offered for December oats. The valley
market was dull.
Local receipts, in cars, were reported by
the Merchants Exchange as follows:
Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay
Monday 171 5 Id 2a
Tuesuay 64 16 3 6 o
Wednesday .... 74 4 la 12 lo
Thursday 72 li 8 17 13
lear a;o oi v 4 13 4
Season to date. 575s 544 7S5 Sbtf 56H
Year ago 5480 fclM 66u 626 681
Local Supply la Cleaning Up and California
Market Has Advanced.
Tokay grapes are closely cleaned up on
tne street and with higher prices demanded
in California the local market will probably
be advanced next week. " Other California
grapes are holding steady. Local Concords
were in fair supply and sold' at 85 cents a
The orange market is firmer and $3 is
now quoted. Lemons are weak and lower
at $ (& 5.ZQ.
There was a moderate movement in ap
ples, chiefly medium grades. The banana
train arrived and the fruit was mostly ripe.
The steamer today will have the usual
assortment of vegetables and a 'shipment ut
oranges and lemons.
Country Produce Weaker.
The poultry and dressed meat markets
were weak yesterday. Hens, large and
mall, cleaned up at 14 cents. The top
quotation on pork was 10 cents and on veal
13 ?ents. .
Eggs continued firm for fresh local ranch.
No changes were reported in the butter or
cheese markets.
Buena Vista Hop growers Hold.
BUENA VISTA, Or.. Oct. 8. (.Special.)
The growers in the Lucklamute Valley are
holding this eeaaon's hop crop andlaa opin
I m
ion is general that the price will soon rise.
Conrad ICrebs' recent prediction that 1U14
hops would reach the $1 mark in price was
well received here. The yield was not up
to the normal this year, but the hops are of
an unusually good quality.
The growers show faith in the Industry
by the addition of new fields in convenient
places along the river bottoms. .
Polk County Grain Shipments.
BUENA VISTA, Or.. Oct. 8. (Special.)
Considerable quantities at grain already
have been shipped from various points in
Polk County. The supply of clover this
season was not great, in spite of the largest
acreage -the county has ever seen. Wheat Is
being held in bins In a great many casus,
as the price seemes lo be advancing steadily
in tho local1 maj keu Outs are being shlppeU
and vetch is commencing to go, as tho price
Is not expected to reach an unusual mark
this year.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were as 'follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland $2, 056. W60 $2f4.476
Seattle 1,847.260 2110.730
Tacoma 331,270 25,216
Spokane 6U1.061 U4.U66
Grain, flour, feed, Etc.
Merchants Exchange, noon session.
Wheat - Bid. Asked.
Biuestem $1.00 $1.02
Forty fold . s 1.00
Club Vi , .H6
Red Russian SS .l0
Red fife .01 .93
No. 1 white feed ... ,...24.50 2-3.O0
Ne. 1 teed 19. (M 22.O0
Brewing 21.00 23.00
Bran .23.00 24.00
Shorts 24.00 25.00
All quotations for prompt delivery.
Sales .
100 tons oats $25.00
MILLFEEU Spot .price: Bran, S25.50&
26 per ton ; shorts, $27.50 28 ; rolled bar
ley. $26 ( 27. x
FLOUR Patents, $5.40 per barrel;
straights. $4.60; graham, $5.40; whole wheat,
$5.6; exports, $4.20 4.40.
CORN Whole, $37 per ton; cracked, $3b
per ton.
HAY Eastern Oregon timothy, $16(17;
grain hay, $11l12; alfalfa. $1213.50.
Emits and Vegetables.
Local jobbing quotations; .
TROPICAL. FRUITS Oranges. $2.503.00
per box; lemons. $5 5.50 per box; bananas,
44,ttC per pound: grapefruit. (Florida, $5
5.50; pineapples, 6ft 7c per pound.
VEGETABLES Cucumbers. $1.50 per box:
eggplant, 7c per pound ; peppers, 6c per
pound; artichokes, S5cifj$l per dozen; toma
toes, 35c (& $1 per crate; . cabbage, lkc per
pound ; peas, 10 11c per pound ; beans,
Sc per pound ; corn, 75c&$l per sack;
celery, 50 S5c per dozen ; cauliflower. $4p
$1.25 per dozen; asparagus, $2.25 per box;
sprouts, 10c per pound.
ONIONS Yellow. $11.25 per sack.
GREEN FRUITS Apples, 75c & $1.73 per
box; cantaloupes, $1&1.50 per crate; ca
sabas, $1.25 (ft 1.50 per dozen ; pears, 50c
$1.25; peaches, 30 60c per box; grapes, 75c
&(1.75 per crate; cranberries, $S.5o per
POTATOES Oregon, $1.33 per sack; Yak
lmas, $1.35 ; sweet potatoes, 2 Sj 2 4 c per
Dairy and Country Produce.
Local jobbing quotations:
EGGS Fresh Oregon ranch, case count,
31 i 32c; candled. 33 4r 35c; storage, 27 2c.
POULTRY Hens. 14c: Springs. 14c; tur
keys, young; 186200. dressed 22&25g; duck,
10fil4c: geese. 10 to 11c.
BUTTER Creamery, prints, extras, 33c
per pound ; cubes, 30 31 c.
VEAL Fancy, 12 fx1 13c per pound.
CHEESE Oregon triplets, jobbers buying
price, loc per pound f. o. b. dock Port
land; Young Americas, 16c per pound.
PORK Block, 10c per pound.
Staple Groceries.
Local jobbing quotations:
SALMON Columbia River one-pound
tails, $2.30 per doxen; half-pound flats,
$1.50; one-pound flats, $2.55; Alaska pink,
one-pound tails, $1.05.
HONEY Choice, $3.25 per case.
NUTS Walnuts, 10H20c per pound;
Brazil nuts, 14c; filberts, 14ft15c; almonds,
23c ; peanuts, 5?' 6c ; cocoanuts, $1 per doz
en ; pecans, 14 r 15c. r
BEANS Small white. 6c; large white,
Vi c ; Lima, Sc ; pink, 5 , c; Mexican, 7 c;
bayou. 6c. ,
COFFEE Roasted, in drums. lSUfi?3Sue
per pound..
bt GAR Fruit and ' berry, $7.05; beet,
$6.S5; extra C, $6.35; powdered, in barrels.
SALT Granulated, $15.50 per ton; half
ground, 100. $10.75 per ton; 60s, $11.50 per
ton; dairy, $15 per ton.
RICE No. 1 Japan, 5c; Southern head,
6(&7c; Island, 6c.
DRIED FRUITS Apples. SV-c per
pound; a pi! cots, 1416c; peaches, 7'ic;
prunes, Italian, 10&12ttc; currants, Ofcc;
raisins, 8&8 Vic: Thompson. 11 c; un
bleached Sultanas, Sc; seeded, 7Vi(&12c;
dates, Persian. 7 Si) 7 a e ner rum mi farri'
$1.40 per box.
Hops. Wool,' Hides; Etc.
HOPS 1914- crou. naiiiP-' iift .f
HIDES Salted hides, 13c per pound; salt
kip. 14c: salted calf. ISr- irrPn hiHB
dry hides, 25c; dry calf. 2Sc; salted 'bulls!
10c per pound; green bulls, 8c.
WOOL Valley, 17 3 8c; Eastern Oregon,
15 to 20c nominal.
MOHAIR 1014 clip, 27V-C per pound
PELTS Dry. lie; dry ehort wool, 8c; dry
shearlings, 10c each; green shearlings, lo
30c each ; Spring lambs. 24 (? 25c ; green
green Iambs, July 65c, August 73c.
HAMS 10 to 12-pound, 20to2JVc; 11 to
10-pound, 2UH21Hc; 14 to lb-pound, 20Vs
(&21Vic; skinned, 17Hto21c; picnic, 14 j c.
BACON Fancy, 29r31c; standard. 25
DRY SALT CURED Short clear backs,
14&17c; exports, 15(5. 17c; plates, lift' 13c.
LARD Tierce basis: Pure, 12 &14c;
com pound, 9 Vi c.
iw niir, arums, Dar
relS or tank wagon. lOc; special drums or
barrels, I3Msc; cases, HH'tf-'yc.
gine distillate, drums, 7 'ic: cases 14c-
N'nnthn ilrtim 1 'ir. ... "
LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels, 67c; raw,
cases "t'lct- hnilfH hnrrnlB kQo- kniu -
74c. ' '
TURPENTINE In tanks, 60c; in cases,
67c; ten-case lots. 1c less.
Prices Quoted at the Bay City on Fruit.
Vegetables, Etc.
apples, $1.50fer 2; California lemons, $2 & 4.25;
40'a 05c. bun anus. $1 til.75.
Vegetables Cucumbers. 25 40c; string
beans, 2(s 3 He; eggplant, 25 fij50c.
Egsa Fancy ranch, 43c; storage, 30c.
Onions Yellow, 50 c
Cheese Youne America. li.U. tn-
lOfulJc; Oregon. 10c.
suiter ancy creamery, 28c; second.
27 VjC
Fotatoea Delta Burbanks, per sack, 80c
$1; sweets, $1.401.60 per sack; Salinas
Burbanks. $1.70(1.90.'
M""' t.l, UiXl iCJ,
1015 centals; potatoes, 5320 sacks; hay, 32a
Coffee antl Sugar.
NEW YORK. Oct. 8. The coffee market
was generally steady here today, with price
about unchanged. Some of the cost and
freight offers from Brazil were a shade
higher aniL the talk of improvement in the
Brazilian financial situation, combined with
the advance in the exchange rate, has
prompted rather a better demand for Bra
zilian shipments. The local spot market,
however, continued quiet with Rio 7s quoted
at and Santos 4s at 10 c. The rate
of Brazilian exchange on London showed a
further advance of d to 1- d by this
morning's cables.
Raw sugar weak. Molasses 4.11c; cen
trifugal. 4.76c. Refined quiet.
Luo4oo Wool Sales.
LONDON. Oct. S. Offerings at the wool
auction sales today amounted to 10,0jO
bales, principally New. Zealand cross-breds
and si i pes. There was a strong demand
from the home trade and prices were firm.
Merinos were In slightly better request, but
they showed no recovery and were fre
quently withdrawn. American buyers were
Money, Exchange, Etc.
NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Mercantile paper,
to T per cent. Sterling exchange, steady -60-day
bills, $4.03; cables, $4.9fe; demand,
$4.07. Bar silver, 52
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. S. Drafts, teie
graph. 2c. Sterling, demand, $ 4.ini Hi cable.
Two-Cent Advance Scored in
Chicago Market.
Liberal Foreign Sales Closed at
DulutU and Winnipeg Grain
Shipments Will Be Made by
Way ot Gulf Ports.
CHICAGO. Oct. S Revival of export busi
ness todav rave the wheat market a- de
cided uuward turn. Clostna pricea were
steady al Hi to 2c net advance. Corn fin
ished He to H'&ic up, oata with a gain of
' to c and provisions unchanged to 40c
hlirher. '
Liberal export sales of wheat were an
nounced here and at Duluth nd Winnipeg.
The Chicago sales, which were of wheat to
be shiQDCd by way of the Gulf, amounted to
300.000 bushels. Heavy buying of the De
cember option here was said to be for the
account of exporters at the Eastern sea
board. Corn advanced with wheat after a mod
erate early decline, due to the bearish show
ing of the Government crop report.
Strength in oats came chiefly from b!g
sales to shippers. It was said that 500,000
bushels were taken for export.
Although provisions at the outset were
weak with hogs. the. market later scored the
best advance in some time.
Futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
Dec 1.0S l.lOii 1.07 1.09
May 1.14V4 1.18 1.18 1.15
D: 67 .BTH .884 .6TV4
May 69 .70 H .60 is .70 ft
Dec. .i 47' .4SH .47 .48
May .50 .51ft .50 .51ft
Jan 18.50 1 3.93 18.50 18.83
Oct. ....... 9.40 9.72M 9.40 9.72V4
Jan 37iO V 9.70 S.80
Oct 10.05 10. 70 10. SO 10.70
Jan. S.70 D.UO S.tiiVs 9.VO
Cash prices wero as follows:
Wheat December. 1.0'J7i; May. $1.15.
Corn December. G7Vsc: May, 7ic
Oats December, 4HHtc; May. 51 c
Pork January. S1S.U5.
Lard Octooer. $9.7i: January. $9.90.
Klbs October, lu.70; January. $9.UO.
San Francisco Grain Market.
SAX PKA.N'CISCO. Oct. S. Spot quota
tions: Walla Walla, $1.60 1.02 : red Hua.
slan, tl.60ftl.B2Vi : Turkey red. $1.701.75;
biuestem, H.SO'tfl S5: feed barley, $1.07
1.10: wlilte oats. tl.4.. u 1.47 Vt : bran. $23;
middlings. $31&o2; shorts. $2930.
Call board Wheat. Arm. .Barley, steady;
December. $1.10 bid. 1.11 asked: May.
$1.18 bid. Sl.o asked. Seller, five days:
Port Costa, $1.05 bid. $1.10 asked.
Puget Sound Grain MArkets.
TACOMA. Wash. Oct. 8. Wheat Blue
stem. $1.02tiz!l.O4: fortyfold. 9ti$j.u7c; club.
U4c: nfe. uii04c.
Yesterday's car receipts Wheat. 48; bar
ley. 3: oata. 4: hay. 25.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 8. Wheat Blue
stem. fsc; fortyfold. 7c: club. 94c; fife,
01c: red Russian. SSc: Turkey red, 'J7c
Yesterday's car receipts Wheat. 46: oata,
4; barley. 5; hay, 13; flour. 14; corn. 1.
European Grain Markets.
LONDON". Oct. . S. Cargoes on passage
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 8. Wheat, October, 8s
Bd ; December, 8s 6 34d. Corn, October, &s
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 8. Wheat May,
tl.OSft; December. $1.14: No. 1 hard,
$1.10; No. 1 Northern. $1.0741.0'J; No.
2 Northern. $1.04 Si 1.07ft.
Barley. C5Wi4c; flax. $1.32H1.36.
Top rrlcr Now Obtainable la JC7.50
Good Lambii Taken at $8.
Cattle Steady.
Receipts of hogs wero large again yester
day and the market was weak. Other lines
were steady.
The tup price obtainable In the hog di
vision was $7.50, a decline of a nickel from
the preceding day's quotation. The bulk of
the sales were at. $7.40. Cattle transactions
were . few and tne sales were within the
former range. Choice hogs again brought
A- large bunch of medium grade ewes sold
at S3. 75.
Recei pts were 1 77 cattle, 8 cal ves, 723
hogs and 998 sheep. Shippers were
: With cattle W. H. McMahon, Halrfey, 1
car; Hoskins & Rand, Montour, Idaho, 1
car; K. Calavan, Redmond. 1 car; R. E.
Brown, Albany, J car.
With hogs F. McGill, Shearer, 1 car; C
T. Wilson, Shearer. 1 car; Will Block, In
dependence, 1 car; J. H. Carlton. Central
Point, 1 car; B. H. HUdebrand, Condon, 1
car; Emerson-Keithley, Heppner, 1 car.
With aheep W. Talbert, Lyle, 2 cars;
Hunt Commission Company, Bend. 2 cars.
With mixed loads Springfield Flour Mills,
Creswell, 1 car cattle and calves; Stevens &
Benson, Corvallis, 1 car cattle and calves;
Patton & Overton. Halsey, 1 car cattle and
hogs; T. G. Kopplin, Harrlsburg, 1 car cat
tle, hogs and sheep.
The day's sales were as follows:
W. Price.
Wt. Price.
. 320 $3.00
. 957 5.35
. mo a s
30 steers ..1027 $6.15
S cows . .. 994 4.6.V
39 cows . .. 936 5. Si
22 hotes .. . 226 7.50
0 hoes . ISO 7.50
1 calf .
7 steers
1 ster
2 steers . .1010 5.00
1 bull .... 810 3.75
1 cow . . ..1060 5.25
1 cow 910 6.50
152 lambs 63 &.35
257 lambs ... 59 6.00
21 hogs ... 145 6.2o
47 hogs . .. 1S1 7.45
101 hogs 172 7.401
172 hogs ... 19S 7.40
hours .
. 130 6.26
. 225 7.50
. 350 6.50
. 13 4 7.25
. 81 8.75
72 hogs .
7 hogs .
10 hogs .
471 ewea
1 calf 610 5.001
Current prices ot cne various class of
stock at the yards follow:
Prime steers .S&7SQ6.90
Choice steers .................... 6.50Q6.73
Medium steers 2.5i..0
Choice cows .................... COO 9 8 13
Medium cows .25 o 5 75
Heifers B&0 6I.M
Calves ......... tt.uO o '
Bulls 0004.73
etagk 4.&03ra.ta
Light 7.007.50
Heavy .006.5(
Wethers ........................ 4.O0 95.50 3.30 4.54
Lambs S. 00 $.00
Omaha Livestock Market.
SOCTH OMAHA, Oct. 8. Hogs Receipts,
5"3K; market, lower. Heavy, $7.30 7.40;
light. $7.40 'n 7.65; pigs, $6.75 4 7.2i ; bulk ?f
sales, $7.a.l&7.40.
Cattle Receipts, iK)0: market, strong.
Native steers, $7.73 10.50; cows and heif
ers, $3.75 7. 2.j ; .Western steers, $t S.5o;
Texas steers, $3.85 7.15; cows and heifers,
$5.r.iKi 7.UO; calves, $8 (& 10.5.
Sheep Receipts. 10.OO0; market, strong.
Yearlings. $3.5u&G; wethers, $0 a 5.50 ; lambs
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO, Oct. H. Hogs Receipts. 17,
000; market, slow to 5c under yesterday's
average. Bulk of sales, $7.5rj8; light, $7.b0
mixed, $7.233 8.30; heavy, $7 $6.10;
rough. $7 i(i 7.10; pigs, $4.75 ft 8.
, Cattle Receipts, 5O0u; market, steady.
Beeves, f 6.5011; steers, $6.15 &t; stocker
and feeders. $5.25& 8.35 ; cows and heifers,
$3.40(cz, a.10; calves, $7.30 11.25.
Sheep Receipts, 24.0v0; market, slow.
Sheep, $4.75 5 5.U0; yearlings. $5.50&6.4v;
lambs, $tjjj. 7.65.
Spot Cotton Is Lower.
NEW YORK. Oct. 8. A further decline
was reported In the Southern spot cotton
markets today and local dealers said that
Texas shippers were offering middling here
at 6 V4 cents f. o- b. interior points. Rather
a better demand from both domestic mills
and exporters was reported at the decline,
but fresh business was still said to be far
from- normal.
1 ,
Capital- .... $1,000,000
Surplus .... $1,000,000
J. C AINSWORTH. President.
R. LEA BARSLJ, Viee-Prealdeat. W. A. HOLT. Asst. Cashier.
A. M. WK1UHT, Asst. Cashier,
R. W. SCHMEER. C.ahler. P. s. mcK A.,t c.ahler.
The First National Bank
Interest Paid on Savings and Time Deposits
Security Savings and Trust Company
Fifth and Morrison. Streets.
Established 18SI.
Capital and Surplus
Commercial and
Foreign Exchange Advances as Result
of Large Purchases of Bills.
Bank, of England Statement. '
NEW YORK. Oct. S- Further easinr of
local monetary conditions was indicated to
day, over-year loans being; made at T per
cent. Interior banks were lenders of 30-day
money on hinh-rrade collateral at 6 per
cent. Western banks were also buyers of
bonds and other investment issues.
Another abrupt advance In foreign ex
chance whs a natural result of the large
purchases of bills, made by bankers for re
mittance to London for payment of HO-day
loans contracted last July. The total of
these commitments doubtless is unusually
large. Inasmuch as very easy rates prevailed
when these loans were negotiated.
Cables and sight drafts were a cent per
pound sterling higher and the $l00.u00.0o0
cold dooI received numerous applications for
exchange. For the most part, only those of
mercantile character were accepted, the pool
adhering to lis policy of extreme conserva
tism. Other exchange brokers dealt exten
sively in grain and cotton bills for Paris
and Berlin, the latter by way of Amsterdam.
Further large shipments of gold to Ot
tawa. where thov will replenish the credit of
the Bank of England, were made In connec
tion with the recent sale of the New York
City 6 per cent notes. Exports for this ac
count now aggregate fully 15.000.000.
The weekly statement of the Bank of
England shows an increase of S19.202.00O in
gold over the previous week, to which may
be added almost JS.0O0.00O more of the
precious metal which was received after the
publication of the statement. The bank's
reserve Increased almost $20,000,000 with a
substantial rain in its liability reserve.
Otherwise the news from London was less
assuring;, trade in securities being restricted
because of the news from Antwerp. From
Paris, however, came word of an advance in
rentes to almost the highest quotation since
the outbreak of the war.
Definite announcements of continued price
cuttinr added to the existing depression in
the steel and iron trade.
Naval Stores,
SAVANNAH, Ga., Oct. S. Turpentine,
nominal, 5H ; no sales; receipts, 327; ship
ments, 3; stocks, 26.403.
Kosin, nominal; no sales; receipts 13S4;
shipments. 400; stock, 106,774. Quote: A.
B. $3.:-C, D. $3.52: E. F, G. H. L 3.55;
K. 4.45; M. $4.i0; N. 6.00; WG, 6.25; WW,
Hops at New York.
NEW YOKK, Oct. 8. Hops steady. State
common to choice 1914, 40 45c,
Commercial Club Committee to Ask
All to Add Catchy Phrase to AU
Letters Preamble Adopted
"Eat Apples 'Buy' the Box" was
adopted yesterday as the official slo
gan for Apple Day, October 20, by the
subcommittee of the Commercial Club
committee on Apple Day. The commit
tee also adopted a "preamble. It Was
decided to request all business men to
instruct their stenographexs and mail
ing; clerks to add the Apple Day slogan
as a postscript to aU letters leaving;
their offices and to request the schools
and colleges of Oregon to issue bul
letins on the science of cooking
The committee meeting at the Com
mercial Club was attended by George
D. Lee. A. P. Bateham. Wilmer tfieg,
C. C Chapman, John Boyer, C. A. Mal
boeuf and W. 5. Kirkpatrick.
The preamble, which will be printed
on all letter-heads to be sent out in
connection with Apple Day reads as
War and Apples.
The effect of the European war on North
western apples is disastrous. Big money is
Invested. Few markets are open. The
growers face a crisis. A prosperity loss in
the Northwest of $10,000,000 is possible.
Loyalty and Apples.
Patriotism will save the situation. To
dispose of 13,000 carloads of apples concert
ed action is necessary on the part of every
men, woman and child in the Northwest.
The world should eat more apples for
health's sake. Let the Northwest set the
example for her industry's sake eat more
For Wealth and Health.
A few more apples eaten by everyone vir
tually will save an industry, a few more
Savings Deposits
apples eaten by everyone actually will bring
better health.
Apple Iay.
October 20 has been set aside as the birth
day to apple-eating. preauh and practice
apple-eating on that day for the two fun
damentals of our very existence wealth
Oft the habit.
Canadian Bank
of Commerce
Toronto, Canada.
' Established 1867.
A general banking business
Interest paid on time deposits.
Commercial Letter, of Credit
Exchange on Loadoi, England.
Bought and Sold.
Corner Second and Stark Sts.
F. 0. M ALP AS, Manager.
Ticket OOrico Freight Oftic.
12 A 3d St. I p-oot Korthrup St.
MALN 1314. A 1314 U Main 5203, A 5423
American -Hawaiian Steamsh;p Co.
"The Panama Canal I, Inc."
Between Portland. Xew Vork. Charles
ton and Phlladelpkia.
For Information as to Kates, Sailings.
Etc., Call on or Address
C- I. KEXXEDY. A cent,
270 Stark Street. Portland, Or.
Sir. State of Washington
Loaves Taylor-st dock daily, except
Thursday, at 1 1 P. M. for The balles. Lylo.
Hood River. White Salmon. Underwood.
Carson. Stevenson. Returning, leaves
The DiUei 12 o'clock, noon. Tel. Mai.
Sail. Direct for San Franclo, La.
Anseles and San Diess.
Today, October 9
124 Third St. A 45U6, Main 2U.
3 P. M., OCTOBER l:(
The San Franciacn & Portland S. S. Cf,
Third and V aahinKton St a. with OW.
K. N. Co. Tel. Marshall 4SUU, A Bl.iL.
Sails from Alnsworth dock, Portland, 8 P.
M. every Tuesuay. Freight and ticket orrlc.
lower Aiasworlh dock. P. A C B. S. S. Line.
L. H. Keating. Agent. Phones Main ttSOu, A
233i. City Ticket Offica. so sixth at-. C W.
Stinger. Asenu Phones Marshall 45O0. A
Steamer Georgiana
Leaves Washington-street Dock at 7 M.
Dally. Except Monday.
Astoria and Way Landings
Returning Leaves Astoria at 2:00' P. tf.
fare. taca Way. Main 1422,