14 TTTE 3IORXTXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1914. KEAL ESTATE. NEW, 5-ROOM BUNGALOW". $S00 CASH. Owner will take mortgage on place for balance amounting to $luoO. 3 years, In terest 7 per cent; for the man or woman who has JSGO cash this is the best buy in the City of Portland. Five rooms and sleeping porch, corner lot, one block from Rose City Park car line, cement sidewalks, yard will be grad ed and seeded. Built-in bookcase. Dutch kitchen, bed rooms, bathroom and kitchen finished in white enamel; concealed boiler and wood -lift ; front porch 2(ixS feet; electric fix tures, switch for each opening, shades, waxed floors, walls all tinted ; the work manship of this house is the best; agents need not answer this, as I cannot pay commission at this price, M 273, Ore go man. HAWTHORNE AVE. DIST. Job 32: New Cottage Job 322. Price 2750 ; $JoO cash ; located 55th and Lin coln sts.; b rooms and attic; strictly mod ern in everv oartieular: American com munity , fine view ; large trees ; will give big bargain; we have made 32.1 otner peo ple happy; think we can please you. Royal Building Co.. owner. East 6504 or Tabor U4S. P. S. Brokers recognized. LEAVING CITY. Nearly new ."-room bungalow, 50 x TOO lot, no assessments, reduced from $1S"0 to 1 400 ; close to car. Woodmere station. Tabor 148 or 2042. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lots or ours; by your o w u plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOMBBUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ICO BY 200, well improved, with 4-room bungalow, close to school; view acres, 4 mile east of Risley station, Oregon City line; $lo down, ?10 monthly. A. C. Mars ters. 202 Wilcox bldg. FOR SALE cheap for cash, lot 00x100, house 12x1:0, at Aider Spring;, ou Oregon Elec tiic. opposite Ryan Place. Thus. J Fox, Troutuale, Or., R. D. No. 2. LEAVING city; cosy bungalow; 3 block car. a rooms and attic, lot 50x100, cost $2 7oU b months ago; take $2000 and give good terms to right party. C 339, Oregonian. Suburban Home Property. $ 700 BUYS a half acre. $20 cash, $10 a month; on a large tract like this you can raise all your vegetables, berries, chickens, etc., which is the - greater part of your living; this property is located on the West Side, 15 minutes' ride, iic fare; water piped in front of each tract; best value to be had around Portland, il. E. Lee, 5 22 Corbett bldg. GIBSON HALF ACRES,. ' Good soil, city water; close to carline, easv terms: will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall irb5 or Sell wood 47d. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. St ACRES and o-room bungalow on 5c car line, Portland. Or.; will sell at a genuine bargain. Write E. L. Walker, 103 W. Main t., Ccntralia, Wash. for Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. 1.2. 5 and 10-acre tracts. 30 mtnutes out. NEW BIG FED STEEL. ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters' fare ; very best of coll, water and community conven iences; (125 to $500 per acre, on in stallments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 35. 102 4th St. A 3500. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland : new ubd i vision near Gresham ; 5 acres $400. $300. $700; 3 acres, $500, $700; 10 acres, $750, $900, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., J5 to $lo0 per acre. FRANK M FAR LAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. 5 ACRES FOR250 " $10 Down and $5 Per Month Buy 5 acres good logged-off land 1 mile from main line of railroad and town of 1000 Dopulation; with cannery, creamery, between Portland and Astoria; land from 436 to $6u per acre on these terms; many 6-acre tracts to choose from. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. Sis Railway Exchange Bldg., Bet. 3d and 4th Sib., on Stark. 17 ACRES, $800. Good soil, on county road, and within s miie of macadam road and school; 3! miles to Columbia River and R. R. sta tion , terms. F. B. HO LB ROOK CO., 214 Lumber Exchange Bldg. TIG ARD ROAD GARDENS. 2. Z and 4 -acre tracts, all in cultivation, i min. walk to station, $350 to $45 u per acre, ea?y terms ; only tracts left. Fred w. German Co.. Sl 4 Cham, of Com. LT a bargain, equity in 4 acres of rich Val ley land: new 4-room cottage. For full particulars address Robt. B loci sett. Wilke boro. via Banks, Or. Homesteads. TWO adjoining relinquishments, Tillamook ; creek, house and clearing ou each; horse and implements with one; $2ou for 2 claims. Phone Marshall 3041. 003 Oregonian bldg. ANYONE wishing to be located on good tim ber claim, suitable fur homestead, call Main 2000. RELINQUISHMENT for sale or trade; it is Al. but will let go cheap; best of reasons; owner, no agents. 300 Columbia. For Sale Fruit Lsods. I MUST sell my place this week, consisting of 20 acres of choice Hood River orchard land, ifiost of it in bearing; buildings all strictly modern ; business requires my be ing m the East In future; will trade lor Portland property ; must dispose of this at once and best offer takes it. Address E. H. Pilson. care Hotel Oregon,' Hood River, Or. For Sal -Farms. A GREAT FARM BARGAIN. 904 acres located two miles south of 6CTHERLIN, on main line Southern Pa cihe, also the Pacirtc Highway. Two sets elegant farm buildings; the best of farm land; greater portion under cultivation ; nothing better in Douglas County. 300 head of sheep. 150 head of hogs, 6 fine large mares, two Jersey cows, new binder, i.ew mower, wagon, buggy, plows, harrows, discs, etc. ; also 1000 busheis of oats, 400 bushels of wheat, 800 busheis of barley. 300 bushels of cheat and vetch and 100 tons grain hay. This farm can be divided to good ad cautage. Will sell half or all, $00 per acre. J. F. LI'SE, OWNER. SUTHERLIN, OR. EXCELLENT FARM BUYS. 46 acres, improved farm, excellent for daliy or vegetables, on fine bay and nav igable river ; a great snap for SuSQO. 160-acre farm, fine for stock and fruit, best of climate, dirt cheap at $ J 00. 150-acre farm, the best dairy farm in Oregon for the price; rich dyked tideiand, good improvement, on fine bay; & hum mer at $100 per acre on good terms to uit. For farm bargains, large or small, ce F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT AND STOCK RANCH. 3500 acres in Klickitat County, which has record wheat yield in Washington for 1014. Fenced, improved, plenty running wat r from creek and springs; 4 miles from town on main line railroad; moderate transportation to Portland. Several hun dred acres in cultivation, over 20OO acres good level wheat land. Will accept small vayment and balance paid from part of croo each year. F. M. Brown, &oO Dekum bid. Portland. FARM SNAP. $3S00. 109 acres, 3 miles from town; all gocd rolling hill soil. 35 acres in cultivation, 70 acres easily cropped. 3 horses. 4 cows, 14 boss, chickens, ducks, all tools and im plements for $3feoo. A sacrifice for quicc ale. Terms on part. MORGAN & WALKER, CorvallU, Oregon. TO one wishing cheap brush land should buy this direct from the owner and save com mission fees: 160 acres, about one-half level enough to plow; about SO acres .old growth timber; young orchard. small house and barn; no rock; $12 per acre If sold Immediately. For further partic ulars, M. W. Ruble. A I sea. Or. " F A RM ERSAND HOM ESEEKERs! No matter how small or large or what kind of a farm you wish to buy, if you want good value for your money and a square deal, see us. Largest list of farm bargains in Portland to select from. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. BIGGEST FARM BUY NEAR HrLLSBORO. 40 acres very good land 2 miles from Cornelius, at only $7S per acre; $1000 cash, balance 5 years 6 per cent. F. Ft'CHS. 420 Chamber of Commerse. IMPROVED farm. 155 acres, including $1200 worth of livestock and implements; good buildings, good soil, running water; all complete for operation; all for $52011. terms. Thos. J. Hammer, 310 Morrison. tsTOCK ranch. 202 acres, worth $12,000; must sell ; will take $s.".k cash ; 42 miles f ro.n Portland : 25 acres in cultivation. Ira Kllborn. Scotts Mills. Or. $12ut'0 T KES 20.000 pear orchard at Men ford: lil acres full bearing Si young, part cash. Thomas, tU5 S. Vergil. Los An sel es. Cal. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WVNTED Timber to buy, Cloje R. R. 93 Vk 4tb L use for ties. TO EXC I1ANGK REAL ESTATE. MANSFIELD, Wash.; 200 a: good wheat land. 173 a. in crop; 20 per acre. Spokane; two acres, near oarline; chicken ranch, house, barn; also 10O a. near Newport: house, barn, 20 a, cleared; million feet timber; $20 per acre. Thompson Falls. Mont.; 33 acres irri gated land; 35 a. cleared; want auto, uiamoncis, apartment-house, residence. 021 Northwestern Bank bidg. M. 2316. WANT 5 -room house In city or suburbs. . near car. free of mortgage, for equity in sti ictly modern residence, near E. 26th and Klickitat; rooms, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors. French windows, built-in sideboard, fine light fixtures; price $t60u, mortgage $3050. L.ODUARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark Street. MODERN S-room residence, living-room, dining-room. den. bedroom and kitchen on ground fioor; large, light, full concrete basement with furnace; 3 large bedroom on second floor; fine locality with all street improvements in; will exchange for ac-ant luis or acreage up to $20uu. AC Oregonian. WE CAN SELL OR TRADE. If you wish to sell your real estate for cash or trade for other property, it will lay you to see us for quick results; lo j ears' successful business is our guarantee for a qua re deal. M'KENZIE & CO.. 513 Gerlinger Bldg. Main CS01. 45 ACRES, 1 u. miles to Camas, on main road, 35 in cultivation, 5 in prunes, ne A' builulngs. oronard. water, team, 0 cows, hogs, chickens. wagon, sep., all farm tools, $35uo, $3000 mortgage, tor house and lot. W. H. SEITZ & CO, "10 Spalding bldg. Main CoS4 WILL trade any part, or ail, of my stock ( paying 1: per cent yearly dividends j in large, growing automobile concern f-r stock or wheat farm. Opportunity for farmer or son to become active or other wise. E J330, O: egoman. 19 ACRES, 5 miles Courthouse, northwest, improvements first-class and complete, 1 1 acres in high state of cultivation, nice, large orchard, free of debt ; will take good city property up to $5000; Stout In vestment Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE for any kind of property close to railroad in Southern Oregon, have good income property to exchange tor same : give full particulars in first let ter; no cgents. BF 300, Oregonian. SACRAMENTO VALLEY (California) lands, improved and unimproved, to exchange tor Washington. Oregon or Idaho; A 1 propo sitions only, jjox 441. Corning. CaL 20 ACRES, finely Improved, small mtg.. for house, about $3500 to $4000. $I5,0uo valley ranch, mtg. $5000, for clear city. D S37, Oregonian. IF YOUR real estate has value and you want to make a good exchange for otnr property, see us. Bell Real Estate Co., ulS Railway Exchange bldg. 20 ACRES, 8 miles west of Portland, $30O0. clear; good soil, some timber; to exchange for 5-room house, clear, about same price. K 335, Oregonian. ACREAGE AND IMPROVED FARMS For cUv home j and income property, any size. Len hart & Kelly, 723 Chamber of Commerce. WHAT have, you to exchange for a $1500 equity in a good business lot ? Stout In vestment Co., 723 Chamber of Commerce. 320 ACRES of land in Tillamook County at a bargain ; would consider city property. M. E. Lee. 522 Corbett bldg. FOR EXCHANGE Unimproved land In Hood River Valley for donkey engine; no junk. E 337, Oregonian. GOOD second mortgage bearing 8 per cent interest; will exchange for Provident Trust Company bonds. AC 252, Oregonian. WILL trade 4 pool tables, fully equipped; 1 floor case. I wall case, oak, ft feet each, for lot in city. A. L. Cook, 144 1st st. AUTOMOBILES or trucks to trade for A-l first mortgages or bonds, etc G 332, Ore gonian. TRADE 10 acres. 7 cleared, for good team, harness and wagon; must be A No. 1. Write or call 33 E- 22d st. 4-ROOM bungalow, Tremont Place, value $1850. small mortgage, will trade for country property. 11 333, Oregonian. HAVE clear property and good securities; want good auto. 430 Worcester bldg. CLOSE-1 N acreage, sales or exchange. 333 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 7105. TO E XCHANOE M ISCELLAXEOU S. NEW $500 SS-note player-piano and $50 worth records fdr diamonds. Owner, 00ii East Main. WANTED REAL E STATU. AM looking for the best chance to Invest $500; will buy a lot or small house; will not go to St. Johns or Mt. Scott; no at tention paid unless price and exact de scription of property is given ; will be glad tc hear from real estate agents. 3D 290. Oregonian. WANTED Real Estate: I want to exchange a three apartment hat of six rooms each, well rented. for vacant lots suitable tor small houses. My flat is walking distance from center of city. West Side. T. F. iveeley, 2S3 Oak st. Main 7750, A 7374. HAVE several ready buyers for new, well located homes or lots as high as $5000; must be bargains and near school and car line. R. L. Yoke, 1136 Northwest Bank blag. ABOUT 20 acres, house, barn, good soil, all or Dart cleared. Will pay $100 per acre cash. Nvihalem. Bay Land Co., 512 Board of Trade. WANT 5 or 6-room house, near 24th and Hawthorne, about $7O0o; have business lot $500u and $2000 cash. Call 414 Cor bett bldg. WANTED 5 to 10 acres swampy land on good auto road, close in; must be cheap. LL'EDDEMAXN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED must be B 11SG. Home In Irvington to $::500; real snap; no agents. Phone CASH paid for lots up to $600; give lot, block, addition and price. AK 303. Orego nian. WANTED To buy lot or house not exceed ing $15J0; must be real snap; owners only. Bi) 3u4, Oregonian. HAVE buyers for city residences and small improved farms near Portland at right prices; owners only. 211 Lumber Ex. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT A large stock and alfalfa ranch, completely equipped; stock for sale; very attractive lease to the right party; this is better than owning the land. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT Well Improved farm on the Willamette River ; etock for sale. M. K Lee. 522 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT 10 or 15 acres, small bungalow and 3 outbuildings, on ."c carfare, for $15 per month. ltt East 2sth st. North. FOR SALE: TIMBER LANDS. 3,000.000 FEET fine yellow fir timber, eai-y to get at; cruise guaranteed; for $40,OtO cash. 13.000.000 feet for $"000 cash. 7.00O.000 feet yellow fir, on railroad now built, west of Eugene, $450O. 42a Henry bid?. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 304 M'KAY BLDG. FARMS WANTED. I WANT a pood farm, all improved; I wl'l trade a 10 -room modern house and one 5-room and two 4-room cottaces. ail clea for a tood farm : must be on pood auto road and not more than 25 miles from Portland. See J. H. Nash at 723 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Office hours, 10 to 4. W'AT:n TO RENT F.M(M w axtko To rent 3 to 10 acres, with house. poultry-houses; must be cheap and close in. 104O i-ast jjorrison. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harne, Etc irou i,r-': One 4-vear-olJ horse, dark gray; well broke, gentle and sound; also one "pure-bred Angora buck: both at a bargain. Write to R. P. Weise, Carroll- ton. Vasa. r v v. tpm. mare and horse, weighing 2300, wagon and harness; left here to sell and must oe Moia ; v ouiu una 10 m. ouu $135- one sorrel horse, years old, 30. 240 East Sth st. Phone East 6315. t-t Tin 4 t x Team celdings. 2 00 uounus, with harness; a little thin but sound and good workers; only $135. 302 Front st. TEAM horses, breeching harness, weignt 23o0, sound in wind and limb, true to pull; price $120. fnone ooaiawn vo. AN ideal family mare and rubber-tire buggy at a sacniice . " "u"u. iv-t c Yamhill WAGONS and horses by day, $1.26. Cohen, 351 Water st. Main 2208. DEAD horses and cattle 'hauled tree. Taic: 42U3. 3-YEAR-OLD mare, weight about &C0 lbs. 1101 Holgate. w-w car. GENTLE mare. S years old, weight 80O lbs. none casi vo - GO STALLS OR PART. TO RENT. SOS Front St. Main 8102 A GOOD light hors and grocery delivery waron inr ma.iv cuna. rnoni lauor rjoj.. FOR SALE. HorsfB, Vehicle, Harness, Etc. FARM team of mares, weigh 250 lbs., are true to Dull and will work In all harness or ride ; set good heavy harness and good farm waeron. all In good condition. All at low Drlce of S135. Call Union Transfer Stables. 11 at Hoyt st. Two teams of heavy drafters, weight 2tt85 and 3OO0 lbs ; are true to pull and will euarantee them; your choice at $285; also team of nice chunks. 2550 lbs., horse and mare. 4 ami 5 years old. woik single, double or ride: set good heavy harness at 10 price of $2"C5. Two nearly new farm wagons at your own price. Union Transfer Stables. 11 at Hoyt st. Mares, pair of low. blocky built mares. 6 years old. weigh 20u0 lbs.; are true o pull four tons any suot on earth, and are eentle for anv bov or lady to feed or han dle in or out of stable; no tricks, no vices; aiso set of hand-made harness and collars complete at low Dfice of $200. Union Transfer Stables. Il at Hoyt st. $10 buys team; horse and mar weigh 2 5oo lbs.; are true pullers, not lame 01 sore; e-entle for anyone to handle; set of hand-made harness included in price. Trial ailowed; also good farm wagon, $45. Call and see this bargain. AUCTION SALE of .horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia Stables. 302 Front- EL, every Thursday at 2 :30 . We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If .you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction. If you want to buy. attend this sale. AUCTION SALE of horses, wagons, etc., every TUESDAY at 10:30; every transac tion in these sales Is and must be ABSO LUTELY ON THE SQUARE. Consign ments of stock, etc.. solicited. Old Star Stab.es, 208 Front st- Main 9103. MARES Team bays, G auo 7 years old, weighing $l;Su pounds. well matched chunks, absolutely sound and guaranteed to be good, true workers. 3U2 Front st. f iaiiu!, Organa and iui:al iiiriru.tieut. TRADE my $500 player piano for a piano balance $lbo. C. W. Carlson, lbO 15 Union - avenue North. KIM BALL piano, ma hogany case, practi cally new, reasonable. P 280, Orcgoaiap. Dogs. Birds, j-et Stock. ST. BERNARD kennels, pups from pedigreed and prize-winning stock. Prices $lu .0 tloo. Roc hat. K. D. No. 2, Spokane, ash. AIREDALES, great pals, guards and hunt ers. Lad d ix K.ennels, Estacada, Or. WANT one full-blood brown water spaniel pup. A. Whuteil, itl l.son at. BOSTON bull terrier puppies; pedigreed. 267 Knott, near W illiams ave. ENGLISH setter, trained, pedigree. Phone Last ol4 a before U A. -M. Livestock. 20 H EAD of good milch cows, Jersey, Dur ham and Guernsey; give 1 to 4 quarts a day. Take Woodstock car to 50th ave walk 4 b lock s west. ONE full-blooded Pol Durham with calf 3 weeks old by side. .10 .cast tn si. ruoae East 615. FAMILY cow for' sale cheap or will ex change for horse. l'Jb fc.ast atarK si. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAP. Lioeral terms given. 1014 Chevrolet 2-pass. 2o-h. p. electric starter and lights, nearly new, only $07o. 1013 Chalmers, 7-pass., ti-cyl., Just over hauled and repainted, $1300. 1911 Cola roadster. 2-pti.ss., 30-h. p.. Just overhauled, $47.". 1112 St ude baker, .'-pass., 30-b. p., $o"5. 1011 Stoddard O-pass., 35-b. p.. fore door, $40. Several other good buys. NORTHWEST ALTO CO.. Broadway and Couch tats. Main 87 A 4953 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CLARENCE HAKK1SUN. UA.x iiir- 1 will receive sealed bids for two 7-passen-g r Peerless automobiles, 1911 and 1912 models, up to 5 P. M. Thursday. October 15. 1314 Terms cash, and a certified check for 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Cars can be in spected at garage at SU 10th St., Portland, or Trustee reserves the right to reject any or all bias. bale made subject to confirmation of court. It. D. Campbell. Trustee in Bankruptcy, 909-14 Board of Trade blug., Portland, Oregon. TH REE five-passenger cars, little used, all equipped with slt-stariers ana " Oakland. Overland, Buiok; also o-pajss., late model Ford for 30t. GENERAL AUTOS CO., &23 Alder st. Main 24S1. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large s:ock. Prices, $300 to $70. URKiiON MOTOR CAR CO., Studebaker Building. Corner Chapman and Aluer Sts 1014 BUICK. BClCiv, JyJ-t- Model .), live-passenger, ieico .. oversize tires. exceptionally powerful, never been off pavement; opportunity. Van Dersal. Main 24 SL I HAVE 1914 White "40, "-passenger and 1014 American six, t-paswuii' , ' ji .l- less than per cent cost. F 33'J, Ore gonian. ' mm FCR HIRE 5-passenger 1014 Ford, $l.o0 per hour; bpecia! rates lor cay or ween. Main 1201. After 5:30 call East 4308. MY 1013 Cadillac, in perfect mechanical condition, extra equipment. "uuo Marshall 2140 and Main 0130. 5-11. P. roadster, electric light, at $22o. 1M3 twin Indian motorcycle, $135. Faull, Mil Hawthorne ave. E. 1100. AUTOMOBILES or trucks to trade for A-l first mortgages or uonus. etc. o 00-. 01c- goinan WE will rep-air two light cars; no charge except tor material ana pans, won anteed. BD 303, Oregonian. OU RENT Garage, electric lights, water. lilst and ClacKaaias, 90 pei mount. Morgan. Main 2035. 5-PASSENGER auto, $400; in fine running order, just paimo.. to " v- FOR RENT Dandy shed for garage, cement courtyard entrance. iia: rison. Automobile Wanted 5-PASS. car: have ten acres good land, , Oregonian. house and lot. AD HAVE good mortgage, $1200, for touring car. no judk wanieu. t ova, meguumu. 51U00 NEW diamond studded jeweiry ior late mouei auiu. 000, 1 to Motorcycles. FOR SALE QUICK, One 7-h.p. Twin. $100. One O-h.p. Twin, $100. One lo-h.p. Twin, $150. 74 SIXTH ST. FOR SALE 1014, two-speed twin, Harie Davidson motorcycle; run ies umu -rvw ruiles ; a bargain. Y 331, Oregonian. Typewrit era. typewriters for rent, 3 months for $ and up; o montns- rental appuea on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, bti it road way, ruruiiuu, 01 . WE eave you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder, retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 31 Wash. at. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $1 NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark St. NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D- C. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. FOR S LE One nearly new No. 5 Royal t y pev. riter cheap. R 291, Oregonian. Machinery. FOR SALE. One ten-ton Monarch combination road roller and hauling engine; A No. 1 con dition and strictly up to date; has been used about 30 days; cost $U20O; will sell at big discount. Address P. O. box 131, San uiego, California. --H.I D. C. Main 0442. motor, with rheostat. Phono M i&cella n eo us. HOCHFELD'S CAMERA EXCHANGE. I buy, sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras and lenses. 44 North 2d st. DIAMOND earring, 1 K... also 5-8 K. mond solitaire ring; bargain. BD Oregonian. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon ; per gallon. $1.65. Portland Paint Co. Marshall luO. 2ii Front L SAFES All sizes, at cost; safes repaired. Motfer Safe Co., 409 Northwestern Bank b.dg. Main 767ti. SECOND-HAND safes and office furniture at less than half price. Kilham Station ery & Printing Co., 0th and Oak sts. DIAMOND brooch, 8 stones and 17-stone dia mond after-dinner ring, cast $17o; sell tor $100. D 2SS. Oregonian. DIAMOND ring, 35 stones set in platinum, for $100; big bargain. 320 LuiuLer Eat. bldg., 2a and Stark: FOR SALE cheap Lady's new cross saddle, habit, boots and spurs. IOS E. ttuth. ceax Ksimont. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented $ months for S4. Main .2'.S, A 4441. 244 Stark st lit) H. P. horizontal boiler, firebox, Al condi tion; a bargain. Ersted, 46 2d. M 67t&. ROLL TP desk. Rem. typewriter and desk, chairs and table. 514 Cham, of Com. BARGAINS in new end second-hand fix tures, showcases. 4SN. 10th. Mar. 774. SAFES New 101 First st. and second-hand; bargains. TWO 6-foot plate-glass showcases, cheap. 243 Washington St. FOR SALE Decov ducks, w. Gresham. Or. Phone 471. N. Cleveland. FURNITURE of 9-room house for sale. 2i6 17th st. North. SOTl PALE "00 cords of wood, near Tigard Elation- CaU Ol Dekum bid,?. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. ' WHY pay $25 for your suit or raincoat when you can get the same for $15? Money Back Shop, 342 Washington, Morgan bldg. Open till 8 P. M. TY"0 Monarch tables, 6-ft. cigar case, cost $525; take $325. $lo0 down, rest easy payments, or trade for. $10O furniture. K. 337, Oregonian. HERRING-HALL-MARVIN safe. Burroughs adding machine, filing cabinets. Reming ton typewriter, office chairs and tab lea. 1129 Northwestern Bank bldg. S P E CIAL low CASH prices on REMADE typewriters. $5 up. G. L. Stelnau. 33 7 East 4 7lh at. 3-STONE diamond gents' ring and 8-stone diair Td scarf pin, cost $40; wiil sell for $2 ")'. F 335, Oregonian. HOUSEBOATS and launchhouses. J. L. Gil ham. A 3471, Main 3S04. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED One second-hand railing, stenog rapher's typewriting desk, booKkt?eper s desk and ilat-top desk, all oak; must be cheap. K 301, Oregonian. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING. CALL MAIN 2US0. 2&5 FIRST STREET, AND you will get highest cash prices, no matter what you have. Call M. 20S0. S ECO ND-H A X D CLOTH I NG BUYERS. HONEST DEAL. WE PAY THE HIGH EST UR1CE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHES. SHOES, TRUNKS. SUIT CASES, ETC. TRY US. CALL MAIN Gi5. 203 MADISON ST. OR 251 FRONT. AT J. MYER'S. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, $5 AND UP SHOES BOUGHT. RELIABLE BUYER. 247 MADISON ST. MAIN 3585. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, haru ware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 307 i Our ouyer calls promptly. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes, shoes, etc 12'J 6th N. Main 2&15 WANTED A complete second-hand multi- graph outfit; must be in first-class con dition and reasonable. Address H 302, Ore gonian. 2ND-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED Don't give it away. Get our figures nrL Standard Fur. Co.. 182 1st. Mala 4773. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House. 194 2d St. Marshall 4783. WANTED 20 to 50-h. p. single phase mo tors. B. E. Davis & Co., Iu3 East Water su Phone B 2230. ' WANTED Fresh milk goat. Phone Sell- wooti 347. BEST prices for everything. Call our Junk uept. Main 663 or A 1663. Barde. WANTED Three National cash registers at once; will pay spot cash. Main 606. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 4U0 Dekum bldg. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. WANTED National cash register; must be cheap. J43 Washington at, SPOT CASH For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 1682. WE tint rooms for $2.50; paint houses at sour price. Phone East 171. STOVE repairing, coils, connections, casting. rooting, piumumg. 3iain eioi. o--: isi. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. All ouug men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines are cordially invited to consult the employ ment secretary. Record. 1013: 1 alls for men from employers 2S" Positions filled 1941 Employment memberships $5 per annum, guarantees member will secure employ ment or refund of fee. Includes two months' full and 10 months social privi leges. Issued by employment secretary onl. Second floor, V. M. C. A. bldg. WANTED Manager and buyer for drapery department; state age, with whom here tofore employed, references, salary ex pected; also experience In merchandising and in decorative work. Address AV b4, Oregonian. WANTED Office boy, temporary position, where may prove permanent with excellent opportunity for advancement; state age and euucatiun in application. BC i0 4, Ore gonian. WANTED Good ofiice ma n In established business; small investment required; po sition pava $75 per month; a willing work er can always make better than $ouo year. Call G4t-ti0u Pittock block. WANT rood dinner and short-order cook for Uairv lunch. Must be sober, reliable and rapid. Steady 1ob for right man; S12 a week at start. Come ready to work. 101 Oth st. USE spare time to build up mail order busi ness of own ; we help you start, share in profits; 27 opportunities. Particulars free. . Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y-HOUSE-TO-HOUSE salesmen, must be pro ducer of good business; quality goods; money back guarantee. 44a Washington street. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent territory; hus tlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. TWO shoemakers wanted on logger and lining shoes, steady work, good pay; none but sober men need apply. J. P. White, i'."S Trent ave., Spokane, Wash. TWO live-wire real estate salesmen; Port land and Lower Columbia harbor prop erties; liberal commission. Apply at once. R. L. Yoke, 1136 Northwest Bank bldg. MEATCUTTER wanted, first-class shop man ; no other need apply. East End Meat Market, Alberta, near 30th st. RELIABLE boy, over 10, with wheel; per manent placo and good salary. Between and 0::iO A. M.. 421 Washington st. WANTED Jaoancse schoolboy to work mornings and evenings for board and room. ;;25 Multnomah. SOLICITOR for auto repair shop; big commis sion; hustler can make from $5 to $7 per day. E 330, Oregonian. YOUNG man to learn watchmaking; must sleep In the store; references required. BD 30, Ore g onian. A M IDDLK-AGED man to help around a small boarding-house for his board and room, no wages, phone East : 017. PHOTO coupon ; ne .v ticket for live ones. Cut berth Studio, Dekum bldg. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio, Royal oldg. PH OTO coupon offer; something good; sal ory. Vassar Studio, Ablngton bldg LIVE photo agents new, snap offer, extra commission, iioore btuaio, .iks oiug. WILL trade sewlnp machine for plumbing Siniror. store :.V2 Morrison st. Marshall 721 ACTIVE, sober man, inside work; attractive place. 121 4th st. TAILOR wanted. Sid Oldman, Kalama. Wash. Help Wanted Agents. DISTRICT AGENT AUTO ACCESSORY. Wanted Live agent for best vulcanizcr on the market; retails at $u; every auto owner needs one; to good man with small working capital w;u give exclusive tern tory and liberal commission; no bonui required for exclusive rights. AUTO VULLA.MAit tfc orliLlALl I U.. 1J North Federal St., Pittsburg. Pa, WANTED Responsible agents everywhere; bv the largest, best-known nursery In the North west. Liberal commission, steady position. Address Oregon Nursery". Or enco. Or. AGENTS, everv locality ; auto necessity ; no ex&i'lt-ine r.esessary; demonstration means Bale: laree profits : exclusive territory ; permanent proposition; don't pass this up. AG ;.-10. Oregon lan. WANTED Live, energetic men and women to Sill raincoats; good paying proposition. SEE ME. L. 1. RANK E. Hotel Eaton. Main bl70. Call mornings or after 0 P. M. Help WantedSalesmen. WANTED Local salesman covering Port land and surrounding territory to carry with present line on commission, the Bald win Doubie-Service line of patented house dresses; give territory coered and ref erences. Baldwin Garment Co., Holyoke. Mass. MjUALIT Y FIRST" our motto; have several good openings for salesmen in territory near Portland ; must be w ide-awake and able to furnish bonds and finance your self. Grand Union Tea Co., 44b Wash ington st.. Portland. Oregon. WANTED Salesman for Al glove line in establlsned territory. State of Oregon, on commission basis. Call or write E. W. Simmons Glove Co.. ChehaMs, Wash. SPECIALTY salesman for Portland and vi cinity for old established house: young man preferred, give phone. T 302. Ore gonian. SPECI LTY salesman with experience in meetimr the public; a man of good habits; m U3t furnish bond. AJ 3Q0. Oregonian. SALESMEN for new electric Hash sign and other specialties. United Sales Agency, 310 Sheldon bldg., San Francisco. HTXr WAVTED MALE. trit Lady for ser.erai housework. l'apas Sellwood 405 betwwen 11 and 12. HELP WANTED FEMALE. POSITION of trust and responsibility open to well-educated woman over 25 with pleasing personality; travel and represent well-known firm in dealing with old cus tomers; permanent position, with chance for advancement; liberal remuneration; splendid opportunity for right party; ref erences. Address J. Johnson, 337 Henry bldg., Seattle. SCHOOLGIRL to exchange services for room end board: good home for willing girl. Call B 1020. &04 East Mill, cor. 2otu st. PURE-MINDED, sweet-mannered young woman who would rent 3-room apartment may pay rent by giving few hours daily to retined employment, CU t:30 to lu. 306 Hancock st. WANTED Colored woman to do general housework for two in family; no washing: state experience and wages expected. C 3.S. Oregonian. WANTED Soubrettes or chorus girls who can sing and dunce. City work, easy hours. Inquire room 500 Hotel Oregon, after 11 A. M. WANTED Woman 40 or 30 years old as housekeeper on farm; two cbiluren, 4 and 0: no objection to one child. A. Salstrand. Clackamas. Or. MIDDLE-AGED woman for housekeeper ; must be good cook ; Swedish or German preferred. A only personally at. Ltndquist Hotel between 11 and 12. 2d and Madison. FAMILY cook. $::.-; cashier, $30; hotel'walt. ress. $20; second girl. $20. :40 Wash ington t.. room 7. Main 2002. Hansen's Employment. WANTED Eight girls of good appearance to play piano; must be experienced pian ists. Apply publicity department, Eilers Music House. GIRL for light housework and take care of two children. Apply 50a Washington st.. in tailor store. RELIABLE "woman for general housework ; must like children, fine treatment, good wages to right party. 020 East Ankeny. WANTED Telephone operator to work few hours evenings lor room and board. Call office Hotel Washington WANTED Neat -appearing solicitors; good money and exclusive territory to right parties. Hamilton, 001 Broadway bldg. WANTED Girls for facing prunes. MASON. EHRMAN & CO.'S WAREHOUSE 1 5th and Thurman Sts. EXPERIENCED neat waitress, $8.00 uek; kitchen helper. Howe's Agency, iiO, 270 s Washington. TO DO cooking and general housework In family of 3; no washing. Main r017. 700 Marshall st. COOK. $40 ; family second-w or k. out, $25; housework. $15 to $15. St. Louis Agency, 2-S Main st. A 7175, Main :r;f0. GIRL wanted to sew mattress ticks; one who has had experience on power machine. Carman Mfg. Co., 1214 Macadam. MRS HOWE'S LADIES7-AGENCX. Washington bldg, 2 7u Washington, room 35, near 4th. Phone Main bbi& or A 3266. WANTED A nursemaid or nursery gov erness: must speak German. Apply N. 21st at. Mam 1172. WANTED ExDerienced maid for general housework; small family, 1 child. Phone East 4007. WOMAN for general housework; must be competent and neat; two in family. Mar shall 0S7. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Company, 4iJ Pittock block, 285 Washington. FIVE giris to learn beauty culture; pay while learning. 414 Dekum blug. Sani tary Parlors. FINISHER on gowns ; only first-class need apply. C. W. Young,' 400 Flledner bldg. B U S I N ESS G I R LS' EM PLOY M EN T SER V ICE. 403-5 Dekum bldg. WANTED Girl for light housework; refer ences. 447 10th. WAITRESS wanted in coffee-house, $S per week. 271 'i Burr-side st. EXP E R I ENCEDah I rtf 1 nisher. Palace Laun dvy Co., E. loth and Everett. EXPERIENCED sewers at 210 2:d st. Call before O o'clock. Marshall 2745. HELP WANTED MALA: OR EM AX WANT ED Lady or gentleman, experienced in the lecture field, to act as manager for ii lecturer, r or particulars appiy loo rz r a 1 h o hi. LEARN art of acting, singing; engagements open capable actors. 400 Stearns bidg. V E furnish all kinds of Japanese domestic help. Main A 7272, A Li20. HELP WA XTED M I SC E LLA NEO US. WE TEACH practically, with acual ma chinery In operation, electrical, gas and steam engineering, machine shop work and automobile repairing. Send for new catalogue. Seattle Engineering School. 100 to llo West Roy st., Seattle. OUR EVENING SCHOOL offers you a splen- oiu euauce 10 oetter vourse 1. 1'rivate in struction under experts. $5 per month. Central Commercial College. 10th and Alder. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In S weeks; scalp and face massage a specialty; toWs free; positions guaranteed : pay while learning ; tuition reuueed. i:33 Madison St. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the trade in S weeks: ciean work, percentage paid while learn ing, tools free; scalp and face massage a specialty; send for free catalogue. 4S N. 2d. R A I LW AY mall cler its, 1 o! clerks, car riers; exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Pacific State School. McKay bldg, city WOMEN Get Government jobs ; thousands vacancies yearly ; list positions open to women free. Fran kiln Institute, Dept. 703 R. Rochester, N. Y. I. C. S. Let home-study course help you to position; over 250 courses; free literature. McKay bldg. MEN. IS to 35. become railway postal clerks; commence $75 month ; sample examination questions free. A V 704, oregonian. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, $5 PER MO. 200 14TH ST. M.a 3hU3. EXP. INS I RO N. LEARN all the modern dances at Gilbert Murray School. 40I Stearns bldg. ELITE PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, 404 Commonwealth bldg. Mar. 425S. LADIES Hanna will massage your face or Foalp for ."Voc. Marshall U7. E1GH T W E E KS" SHOR T IIAND course, pay by 'wck. Investigate. 4O3-405 Dekum bldg. DAY and night school. 357 12th sti SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED married man wishes posi tion as clerk in cigar store, restaurant or grocery store; can give references and la not afraid to work. Main 717, A 1517. NEED work, not charity, with one concern ten years, bookkeeper and salesman; ref erences ; good health and a hustler. Ad dress G 3o 1, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, slightly out of practice: good references. Phone Mar shall 3411. FOR any accounting work, rendering ac counts, balancing books, phone Marshall t4. J UN IOR clerk, 19, seeks opportunity for advancement ; Al references. J 30O, Ore gonian. EXPERT bookkeeper wants keep" several sman eis dooks. uay or evening; reason able. Main 3401. M 33 7, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. RELIABLE young man will do janitor work for moderate wages and -room. AR 301, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 22 years, wants work; experi enced teamster and mill man; will make reasonable terms. A 3961. MAN and wife want work on a ranch; wife good cook, man experienced rancher. M 300, Oregonian. MAN, with small team and delivery wagon must have work of some kind; what have you 7 Phone Sellwood 110. COOK Restaurant. dinner, short order or pastry; married; don't drink; want steady work. Phone Marshall LU37. SOBER, steady. Industrious young man, auto driver by trade; must have work; will tackle anything. AO 300. Oregonian. YOUNG, gentle Japanese wants work clean ing stores, theaters or housework. Y. S, Y. Phone A 1500. MAN and wife, first-class cooks and bakers, want work. Howell, 511 Everett Mar shall 1842. YOUNG man desires position as watchmaker, five years' experience. AL 3o2, Oregonian. TWO family men want work; must have it. 'J.2 Monroe st. wood lawn 270. SINGLE man wants farm work; experienced. 245 5th st. BOY of 14 wants place to work for room and board. East 6704. CARPENTER wants contract or day repairing or reshingling. E. 4S9L WANTED Position as carpenter help; w,n: CARPENTER foreman wants situation, day or contract. J. loung. ui4 4tn St., S. E. BAKER wants Job, city or country. Wm. Trout. 835 Clay. Tel. Main 352C. MIDDLE-AGED man wants employment of any kind. iSF 3u5. Oregonian SITCATIOXS WANTED M M.K Miscvl lan eons. POSITION wanted with a iurv,tng parry or as fireman, watchman, foreman or pon der man, or a grading camp or Quarry; 1 have the best of reference from railroad and U. S4 Army officers. R. Jensen, Co. F, Engineers, Vancouver, Wash. NO NEED for you to keep high-priced book keepers these days; 1 am an expert ac countant with IO years' experience; use any Kind of machine, know office- routine thoroughly: can do your work after hours very reasonably. Address BF 3o6, Ore iron lan for appointment. I WANT TO DO YOUR PAINTING. Autos. buRKies, wagons, signs, ornament ing; have had SO years' experience; prices reasonable. Address painter, 22; Hth st. North, or phone Main 0009. WANTED Situation by linotype operator machinist and ad. make-up man; in Nortn or West. Both employed now. Reason for chancing will be stated in first letter. O. G. GEEKS. Cleburne. Texas. EXPERIENCED married man wants posi tion running elevator, driving team, or work In garage: also understands gasoline engines. Main 717, A 1517. SEVERAL men out of employment; have large families and must have work of some kind; common labor. Main 717, A 1317 WANTED Position as an all-around, handy man ; can do pipe work, plumbins. firing, oil or wood; can do janitor work; can give references. Call East 4 ."75. JAPANESE boy wishes a position of house, work for lea mine English and primary cooking, aKes no object. All 3u2, Ore conian. MARRIED man with family wants work of any kind; had lifetime experience with stock. AF 304, Oregonian. CAMP COOK, willing to take anything; has wifo and two children to support. Main 717. A 1517. MAN and wife want management hotel un der wages as clerk and housekeeper, city or country references. E 3o!. Oregonian. WANTED Position as janitor or night watchman; have family and must have work of some kind. Main 717, A 1517. YOUNG law student wants place to earn board and room or small salary. Room Gil, Y. M. C. A. FIRST-CLASS loKRing-camp cook wishes po sition: best references. Palmer, Marshall BOY IS years wants work on farm; is alone in the world and wants to make an honest living. Main 717. A 1317. EXPERIENCED powder man would Uke position clearing land and blasting stumps. J 33J Oregonian. A MARRIED man wishes work of any kind : not afraid of hard work; can drive and repair car. AH .:., Oregonian. WANTED By man with family, position as press teetier ; experienced ana will wont reasonaoiy. Marshall 780. FIRST-CLASS workman, paperhanger. paint er, tinier, wants 'worK. city or country nonunion. T 304, Oregonian. JAPANESE couple wish position, wife cook ana nouseworK. man card en wont; city or country. AO SOI, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND Dacker and shipping clerk wishes nosition: reierences. v jo,, ore Eonlan. BOY 19 wants posiiion as tailor or assistant; has had 5 years' experience; can give ref erences. Main 717, A lol7. A HIGH SCHOOL student desires a Dosi tion after 2:30 and Saturdays. Call B 2104. EXPERIENCED landscape gardener wants position. 405 East 14th ; references. 6ITCATIONS4 WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. BOOKKEEPER, 4 years' experience, cleri cal, general office work; knowledge of typewrit ins1, exchange operator; Al refer ences. Mar. 1372. WANTED Position as clerk in candy or grocery store by experienced woman; willing to do any work where can go home nights. A 3961. STENOGRAPHER, assistant bookkeeper, several rears experience lumber business. M arsh a! 12 7 40 THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer desires position; references. Phone East 3HS5. STENOGRAPHER and assistant bookkeeper desires position; A-l references. Mar. 3090. OFFICE work, typewriting or bookkeeping ; experienced ; references. Main 4245. Drmouilteri. MILLINERY makeover shop ; reblocking. making, $1.50 up; trimmings, 50c up; Wi-1 call at your home or ko out by day. Phone Main 1730. Winston Apartments,, Apt. 21. cor. 14th and Market. MODISTE recently from San Francisco, using French styles without patterns, will make suits, gowns, dresses, capes, etc. 245 East Broadway, apt. Zli. Call East S65L STYLISH dressmaking and designing, also ladies tailoring, done by tne day; ref erences furnished, 509 Spokane ave. Sell wood 1S47. FIRST-CLASS stylish dressmaker; many years' experience; city references. Marshal 5070. EXPERIENCED dressmaker would like more home or day work; references, C 1547. DRESSMAKING by day or home; work guaranteed; prices reasonable. Main 931i. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable, home or day. 150 Lane St. Main too 13. SCHOOL of sewing and millinery. 414 Flled ner bldg. Main 7409 INFANTS layettes. Mrs. Meier. Tabor 3f7S. DRESSMAKING work guaranteed, iSG 22d st. Phone Marshall 2204. DRESSMAKING, ladies' tailoring at home. Phone Tabor 207. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. alterations, makeovers, references, 52 day. East 5195.- F1T eua ran teed ; urices reasonable. Apt. D. third floor. Halsey Apts.. ;UH Williams ave. SEAMSTRESS More engagements wanted at home, or go out by day. Call East 12tus. DRESSMAKING, ladies' tailoring, tlons. by day. Main 2333. DRESS MA KING, at home or out, reason able. Mar. 4U. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking done by day. Call JUar. ii'J.i. A ooss; 2.w per day. DRESSMAKING and tailoring by day. Sell wood 042. SEWING by the day. Nor WANTED By nurse, babies and children to board, reasonable. i3u4 both ave. S. E. near 72d st. Mt. Scott car to Tremont station, phone Tabor 1402. WANTED By nurse, babies and children to board; reasonable rates. 7304 60th ave, S. E., near 72d st. Tabor 1462. TWO graduate nurses desire positions in small hospital, outsiae rortiana ; reier ences. L 337, Oregonian. NURSE wishes to care for Invalid or any case. Sellwooo I(s. Housekeeper. LADY, experienced, desires position as housekeeper in small respectable hotel. K 304. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER Lady, age 3S. would like to take charge ol gentlman s home. N Oregonian. Domestics. FINNISH girl wants general housework. Call at 420 10th st. Can give good refer ences. JAPANESE girl wants position housework. P 330. Oreeonian. GOOD Japanese girl wants position In small family. J 333. Oregonian. GIRL withes place to assist with general housework. Phone Woodlawn 3S47. S W ED1SH Kirl wants general housework. Call Woodlawn 1300. SCHOOL GIRL will work mornings and evenines for room and board. Main 7T10. GIRL wishe3 to ecsist with light house work: no children preferred. Tabor 2725, GENERAL housework by thoroughly com petent jrirl. Phone East 4732. Miscellaneous. WOMAN will assist in rooming-hous for board and room. Woodlawn 3utl3. from 2 to 4. REFINED young woman wants to care for chid during day at her home. D 330, Ore gonian. YOUNG lady wishes employment In doctor's office; one year's experience in hospital. Main -'hp, room iu, in mornings. LACE curtains hand laundered, 2c up, by experts; called for. Sellwood 10l6; TWO girls want place, general housework. 314 liuth North. WILL care for apartment-house for rent of furnished apartment. T 30;;, Oregonian. CAPABLE woman wishes work, washing. ironing, cleaning. A 1470. Main 2o3o. EXPERIENCED telephone exchange oper- ator wishes position. Main 5557. DAY work wanted by a good working woman. Call Main 4:i94. WANTED Washing, ironing, day, hour; first-class. Main 41S2. Room 2. EXPERT Ironer would like fine linen to laun der by the day; references. Wood'n 1611. COOK would like work; wages $35. Mar. 707. A 24bl. WANTED Situation by experienced second girl. Call .rQ3 Columbia st. COMPETENT worn n wants day work; ref erences. Tabor 7ol. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. EAFERiENt'ED woman wants position in private family, general houswoi k or sec ond help; iS good plain cook. Main S17, A 1 -i 7. By man and wife, position as janitor or work on farm; good cook and experienced in farm work; must have work. Main 6S S 6. ANTED Work by hour or day 20c; strong, healthy woman for washing, iron r8 bouseclenlng ; experienced; reU-rence. Tel. Marshall fci0. DINNERS, served; :Iso cooking" lessons; expert. Sell wood J00. CL'l.Tl REU younc man. cood personality wants oositiou as iiurs. .r companion .(V1. urtgonian. A GOOD young German ladv Is looking for housework by the day. Mrs. Wess. 4011 LAD will work for tabie board, seif anA boy going to school; no wages; West Side, permanent. A 333, Oregonian YOUNG lady studying muMc wishes posi tion as companion; references exchanged. J ;01, Oregonian. WANTED By man and wife, work on farm; good cook and teamster. Marshall SjO-, room 2. EXPERIENCED waitress or chambermaid wishes uosition. hotel or boarding-house, references. yarshaU Cf.V,. A MIDDLE-AGED woman of education and refinement would like any position sha can fill. Address BF Sua. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants housework Wednesday, Friday; good cook. Tab-r 4723. PLACE on farm wanted by man and wife; man can milk, woman housekeeper; is neat and clean. Main 717, A li!7. W A N T E I Position as cook in restaurant or hotel: experienced and can give refer ences. Main 7 72S, room S. EXPERIENCED waitress w ill work for husband's room and board. Phone East CHRISTIAN girl, adults or hotel work. West Side preferred. Main 8010. WANTED TO SENT. WANTED Two tiartly furnished housekeeping-rooms; give telephone number. V 5t- Oreconian. JBulnc?a Placet. THOROUGH hotel man wants to rent fur nished country hotel; will buy after trial if suited. J 33o. Oregon lan. GERMAN man wants room and board with a German family on West Side. Phou Main 26 J 7. Business 1' laces. WANT to lent for term of years i0x7i room for bookbinding and printing business, bu. Yamhill and Oak. Call 414 Corbett bldg". rOa KENT. Furnished Kooiiis. HOTEL F R A N K L 1 N. Wasiungton St.. at Thirteenth. 50c per day; weekly x. Ju and up. Running water, phone in each room, steam heat, tutproof bidg., ground floor lobby, ali-nignt service. Business is good. MAKE Y O L' It HOME WITH US. "Better accommodations for less money.- Modern brick building, centrally located, nice, clean rooms, hot and cold water; rates iuc, 7c and 1 per day ; 53 per week sua up. HOTEL BLACKSTOXE. Cor. lltn and toiark ; $ J week up; ele vator, hot and cold water, steam beat, telepnone connection lu each room; no extra charge lor two in a rtora; room and bath $1 day. Transients solicited. HOTEL NAVARRE. 11TH AND ALDER STS. MAIN 4137. Clean and exceptionally we il -furnished rooms, with and without private baths; central location. Rates by week and mouth. HOTEL ARTHUR llth, between Morrison and Yamhill; a very uesiraole, location; new, clean rooms, with every modern convenience; well heat ed; rates for two $4 and in per week. SI per day; no ex. ti as. HOTEL CLlFFdRix East Morrison su, near Grand ave. F. H. & G. M. STRUNG, Proprietors. HOTEL ROWLAND, liOifc 4111 ST. lOO ROOMS. HOTEL EATON, West Park, and Alorrison Sts. Large, comfortable rooms at modest prices, single or en suite, with and with out private bath ; every possible comfort ; special rates by the week and month. $2 WEEK up, absolutely cleanest rooms in town ; large, well luruisheu ; we cater to high-data worKinginen; quiet, decent place; no rowuies, no sports, iiotel caull iac, od st.. nej.r jetterson. HOTEL O C K L E Y. Morrison st., at lUth ; central location, REDUCED RATES, oOc per day up, weekly, $2.5u up; neat rooms; running water, free phones and oaths; steam lieau HOTEL FORD. 735 Washington, i- amily hotel; hot and cold water and pnoue in every rooiu; rooms without bam 10 up; with bath $15 up. HOTEL RAINIER. Two Btocks iroui Union Depot, Modern, clear, anu nomelike; the house tnat treats you rignt; auc up per uay; u up per mo. Tourist trade solicited. M. 341J. " HOTEL ANGELA. 625 Washington St.. at a rinity Place. Room j wim batn, single or en suite, 15 to -5 ; single rooms without batn (lu. Thorougniy modern, elegant lobby. HOTEL WEAVER, 710 WASHINGTON ST. Light, pleasant rooms, private bath and phone in eacii, large parlor, $15 and up. Marshall hi 0. HO TEL ED W AHDS, Grand ave. a n d East Belmont Rooms $12 mouth up, $JJ.5U up with private bath; laige, pleasant lobb ; cafe in connection. Phone East 323. STAN DISH HOTEL. 54S WASHINGTON ST.. OFF 18TH. Outsiae rooms, steam heat, free phones and bath; $2 week; ti per month up. YOUNG men may consult without charge register of furnished rooms listing several hundred m all parts of city at Y. M. C A., also m Association bldg. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20th and Wash. sts. New, iireptoof brick, every modern con venience; outside, clean rms., quiet, home like; some private baths; $2. Jo week up. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh st. New modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably turnished ; transients solicited. ELTON COURT. ' 11th and Yamhill sts.; rooms $12 and up; rooms with board, $35 and up. Cen- trally located. SAN MARCO HOTEL. 11th and Washing ten, strictly modern, newly renovated; rooms $- month up; private bath, $1 month up. YOUNG man rooming at Y. M. C. A. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. la quire Y. M. C. A. office. HOTEL CORDOVA, 2C9 11th st. Strictly modern; private baths, en suite, rooms $3.5o up. Main a 7 2, A 47S3. UHRABEEoTEL. 2i'7H Larrabee St. 1C you want an exceptionally clean, homelike room below regular price, phone East 89. 452 MORRISON. COR. 13TH. Rooms board optional. HOTEL NORRIS, 533 Alder; cheerful out side rooms, modern; $2 to $4 week. Furnished Rooms 1 Private) Families. NICE front room with or without board for ladv emploved. 3 blocks from P. O. ; rea sonable rent. Phone Mar. Iu7, or oall 314 Columbia st. NICELY furnished front rooms; private phone bath, walking distance; $1.5o to $3 40 Taylor st. NICE clean room, cosy and warm; adjoining bath, in quiet home; electric lights and puone; references; close In. 04 North lbth. NICFLYfurnished front room ; modern con veniences, easy walking distance, 3 0s East ;;d st. North; $10: one $0. NICELY furnished light outside room : N-o Hill district; walking distance ; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. W 331, Oregoniai'.. NICELY' furnished ; running water; plenty heat : good location. 74o Hojt. Phone Marshall 4703. WELL-FURNISHED rooms, one with kitch enette; walking distance. 487 East Ankeny Btreeet. A WELL-FURNISHED room, $12 per month, pri va te family. Phone Marshall lQ4o. LA KGE beautifully furnished room in modern home. East 15 31 East luth N. NICELY furnished front room, modern con veniences. $10. Marshall 3322. 400 Park su " 32 7P I XT H . LARGE. DESIRABLE ROOMS. II WE beautiful home; will rent one or two rooms to refined carty. Phone Tabor .ri40. NEAT, clean room, heating stove, $1.5d wk. ; quiet home, close In. 'J2 10th st. Rooms With Board. BUSINESS women and students wll find good board and room. $4 and $4.50 week Portland Women's Union. 610 Flanders. BE UTIFUL corner front room, first-class THE HAZEL, 385 3d St. Modern rooms. Willi OI , mix.tm.t THE CALVARD. 4 52 Morrison, cor. 13th; rooms and board; modern conveniences. THE-FTRYKEK. 5o4 Couch. Choice rooror and board; rates reasonable.