Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 08, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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1: Ex-Mayor Refuses to Run,
r Saying Proposed Election Is.
. Ill-Aclvised and Costly.
; Calling or Vote Suddenly Withdrawn,
Officials Beins; Warned by ou
Partisan League That Expense J
May Be Up to Them.
t Ex-Mayor nushliprht will not be a
g candidate against ?.iayor Albeo in the
J proposed recall election.
i Definite announcement to' fhia effect
$ -w as made by Mr. Rushlight last night
! with a public statement in which he
J explains his attitude regarding the re
J call and the city government. He says
J that in spite o the fact that ho has
51 been ur?cd by hundreds of friends and
5 sr.I porters to enter the recall cara
3 paii.'n he has decided not to run be-
cause he feels that the recall at this
J time is ill-advised.
This announcement of Mr. Rushlight,
filing of the nominating: petitions of
f Ir. Georjre J'arrish as a recall candi
1 date yaint Commissioner Lieck and
the bobbins up of a tangle of legal
i Questions i-oiictrnins tiie standing of
I the recall and the legality of city of
. ficials expending money to provide for
t a special election were ihe principal de
' velonments in the recall movement yes-
' terday.
j l iliug 'lime KxpireM.
': Dr. Parrish wos the last candidate to
j file and the only candidate to join the
; race outside the three named origin
al ly as candidates by the recall com
; mittee. City Attorney I.altoche ruled
that yesteraay was the last day for the
; filing of nominating petitions, which
'.s means ihat there will be no other can
" dictates than those now in the race.
" They are H. II. Kennedy for Mayor and
' II. il. Abry, V. A. Deet and Dr. George
I'anish for Commissioners. City At-
torney LaRoche says the filing of peti
- tions must be in accordance with the
'' city charter covering this point. The
charter reuiiirrs filing of nominating
petitions not sooner than 40 days and
the election not later than 20 days prior
to the election.
Hat for intricate and extremely se
rious legal questions appearing at the
last minute yesterday City Auditor
ljarbnr would have issued an official
call this morning for the recall elec-
inr; on October 27. Forms had been
prepared and sent to the printer, when
it developed that in case Mr. rlarbur
expended any money for the recall ar
rangements he might be held person
ally responsible lor the amounts if
the recall was held by the Supreme
; Court to be illegal.
Klection C'nll -Withdrawn.
5 Forthwith he withdrew the official
. call far the election on advice of City
i Attorney La Roche. He will call a
special meeting of the City Commission
I today and put the subject before that
i body. If the members are -willing to
t take the responsibility for expending
money on the recall Mr. Barbur will
' go anead with arrangements. Other
1 wise. ho r-ays, he will wait until
questions involved are settled satis-
' George Mason, of the Xon-Partisan
i League. who has conferred with a
number of prominent attorneys who
j have looked into the recall question
; thoroughly, raised the recall questions
! that baited proceeCings. Mr. Mason
1 wrote a letter to City Auditor Barbur
: yesterday notifying him that there Is
a serious question as to the legality
j of the recall and that should he or the
City Commission t:o ahead and call
- and hold a recall election each, or
i the bondsmen, would be held person-
; ally responsible for the expenditures
Injunction Not FeaMible.
: Tt was intended at first to seek an
! injunction against the proposed elec
. tion. It was found that this could not
; be done, but that the city officials
; could be held responsible for any ex-
penditures made for a recall election
T- if 1 1 was determined by the Supreme
I Ctuit that the recall law is illegal. A
; case from Columbia County involving
1 the same question as raised in Port-
land is to be argued before the Su-
pieme Court Saturday.
J City Attorney LaRoche will ask the
I City Commission for authority to go to
K Salem Saturday and appear before the
? court to present Portland's side of . the
case and to urge a decision as soon as
possible. It is believed a decision can
j he !ad in time fcr a recall election to
; be held Octoher 27 if it Is decided a re
( call law exists in the state.
t City Auditor Barbur proposes to put
' tlie entire responsibility up to the Com-
mission. Xo money is available at
present to defray any election costs.
It wouid be illegal. Mr. Barbur says,
f f- r him to expend any money for recall
t arrangements or for an election wlth
! out getting an apropriation from the
: Council.
Amllior In -Worried.
: Mr. Mason in his letter to Mr. Barbur
-I understand from the newspapers
that you contemplate a special election
' on or about October '-'7 in connection
; with the recall of the Mayor and two
; Commissioners. I wish to call your at
: tention to the fact that the legality of
i the recall is. to be adjudicated in the
Supreme Court of the iftnte of Oregon,
the case to be heard on Saturday, Octo
; ber 10.
; "Upon advice of counsel I believe that
; a retail election held at this time would
f be illegal, and 1 am advised it would
cost something like J23.cutf. and should
you expend this money in conection
J- witn that, I wii! hold you, the Coni
J niissioners and their bondsmen person
', allv ivsponsible in case this recall is
. declared illegal and tne money conse-
j q'ler.tiy being improperly spent."
K vpeuilltlire Stir Protest.
"1 am taking this action," saitl Mr.
Mason yesterday, "because I oppose a
recall election b.-ing called under pres
J era conditions. It involves an expendi
'' lure of about $J5.000. Why hoM an
election and expend this amount of
t money when the whole thing is now
1 before the Supreme Court with the
chances strongly in' favor of its being
" illegal?
i "it is not that I and the Non-Tarti-i
nan League are attempting to protect
any o? the officials sought to be re
J called, but it is merely a step to pre-
vent an unwise and probably an illegal
expenditure ol $2".0c0. 1 think a recall
. would clarify conditions, but it would
v not clarify conditions if, after we had
expended $25,000, we should find that
it had allvbeen wasted. I do not believe
t'.ie City Commission or City Auditor
Barbur will take any chance on be
ing held personally responsible for an
expenditure of this kind. I have gone
Into the recall question extensively and
4 1 am informed by some of the best iaw-
yers in the city that It is almost eer
j lain the Supreme Court will rule that
the recall is not in effect because the
tate Legislature has not passed an
mauling act putting the provisions of
the recall amendment to the state con
stitution into effect."
It is said that should City Auditor
Barbur refuse to act in the lecall the
backers of the recall may start manda
mus proceedings. This, it is said, could
be sent straight through to the su
preme Court and could be considered
with the other case Saturday.
Following is a public statement is
sued last night by ex-Mayor Rushlight:
-'Since my name has been so inti
mately identified with the presumably
open office for Mayor in tiie coming
or rather contemplated recall election,
and this notwithstanding that I had
determined not to be a candidate, it
might not be amiss for me to explain
my position.
"I endeavored to prevent the filing of
this recall, first because I believed the
men now in office had hardly had a
sufficient time to demonstrate, to tne
public what they were capable of ac
complishing. Again 1 was opposed to
the recall on account of the unneces
sary public expense which would
naturally result from a special election.
as a city election is close at hand. And
I fully realize the feelings of the al- j
ready overburdened taxpayer, a demon
stration of which was clearly regis
tered in the last special election called
by t!e City Commission. w;:en some 29
measures were all defeated, not because
they were all bad, but because the
voters wished to rebuke this constant
tinkering with the laws and the frivo
lous use of public funds.
Tteea!! Deemed Inopportune.
"Again I felt the recall was inoppor
tune on account of the impending gen
eral election and that the special elec
tion might and would detract from the
interest of the candidates in the field
and might jeopardize the success at the
polls of my esteemed Republican
iricnas, tor whose success 1 am as
much concerned as I could possifcly be
for my own fortunes.
"Being fully convinced, then, that
this recall election is ill-advised. I
have determined not to permit my
name to be used. I cannot, however,
but be more than grateful to hun
dreds of my old friends and support
ers who so consistently tendered me
thetr support and think it proper here
to assure them of my sincere apprecia
tion of their confidence.' - Should the
time come in the future when this
system or plan of government shall re
quire revision or my services either
as a candidate or a supporter shall
be needed I will not' bo found want
ing, ior i desire sincerely the pros
perity and welfare of Portland and all
its people and cannot but hope that
the Republican party, that has so
honored me in the past, will be hon
ored itself in the coming election b'
the election of its entire ticket.
"Trusting that it may be rightfully
understood that I refrained from en
tering this recall campaign because I
did not believe it well for Portland
and tiiat whenever it seems otherwise
to me I will not be wanting, I beg
to remain, truly yours,
CSigned) ""A. G. RUSHLIGHT."
Willie Meyer. 1.1, Committed From
Portland, Win Heart of Couple,
Klec as Superintendent Comes.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 7. (Special.) The
State Fair, with its ring circus, its
funny clowns, its Ferris wheels and
merry-go-rounds, is responsible for the
fail from grace of -Willie Meyers, 15
years old and erstwhile best boy in the
Oregon State Training School.
Willie, with the other inmates, was
taken to the fair last Tuesday by Su
perintendent Hale and from then on he
was a c-ansed boy. Responsive to the
lure of the glamor and tinsel of the
circus. Willie, who was a trusty, quietly
slipped away from the school the next
morning and headed for the fair
grounds. He spent the day seeing the
sights and, late in the afternoon,
climbed into the wagon of C. A. Muths.
of Lincoln, and asked that he be cared
for during tl-.e nijiht. With fair com
plexion, blue eyes and a mop of tawny
hair, the boy soon won a place in the
affections of the Lincoln man and his
Willie said he was lost; that his home
was near Salem, but he did not know
just where. He explained that his
mother died "many years ago" and that
his sisters were in a convent in Port
land. The boy told Mr. Muths the next
day that he did not care much about
going home and that he would like to
remain with him.
Superintendent Hale learned today
that Wrllie was at the Muths' home and
went there for him, but the boy saw
tiie superintendent coming and made a
hasty departure 1 in a southerly direc
tion. Willie was committed from
Portland about a year ago.
State Provides for Mrs. C. B. Ilam
mons Six Days After Joss.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 7. (Special.) That
compensation under the workmen's act
comes quickly to those entitled to it
was proved today when the State In
dustrial Accident Commission- an
nouneed that settlement was made with
Mrs. Charles Byron Hammons, of Rain
ier six days after her husband was
Mrs. Hammons is 23 years old and
has an expectancy of life of 40 years,
The Commission set aside in the segre
gated fund $7125.36, which, invested
at 4 per cent interest, will yield a reve
nue sufficient to pay her a pension of
$30 a month for the remainder of her
life. There also was set aside J1579.82,
which at the same rate of interest will
yield an income of 56 monthly for each
of the two daughters.
Those Taking Bar Examination at
Salom Say It Is Hardest Yet.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 7. ("Special.) That
the ex;: mi nation for admission to the
bar, which v.-as concluded today, was
the most difficult and most puzzling in
the history of the state, is the opinion
of numerous applicants. The quiz was
conducted by the state examining
board, appointed about a year aero "and
whs the second under its jurisdiction.
"It was a sure enough stiff examin
i'tion.' said one applicant. "Virtually
everything -.vas bused on case law. The
questions were intricate and puzzling-.
Members of the board declared that
person is not qualified to practice law
who cannot answer the questions.
Launch Burns, Man Hurt.
TOLEDO. Or., Oct- 7. (Special.)
When T. B. Smith early Monday en
tered Edward Stanton's boathouse to
secure a pump to pump the water
from his launch, he lighted a match,
and the accumulated gas exploded,
burning him badly about the face and
hands. One of the boats was saved
and part of the boathouse, but the boat
Doc Tak was destroyed.
Pullman Karnings in State Shown.
SALEM, Or.. Oct. 7. (Special.) Ac
cording to the annual report of the
year endinjr June 30. the Pullman Com
pany operated in Orecon 149 standard
: nd S3 tourist cars. The value of rel
:md person :il property, exclusive of
cars, in the state is $100,817. The
jrroris earnings on Oregron business for
the year was ?L5SS.l04.
"Interference" by. Congress
ional Union Rebuked.
Everybody's Suffrage Club Adopts
l!eoliitioii Condemning Effort,
Which Is Declared Inimical
to National Cause.
Speakers at a meeting of Everybody's
Suffrage Club at the Commercial Club
green room last night voiced resent
ment of the "interference" of Mrs. Jes
sie Hardy Stubbs in the local political
maelstrom. A resolution condemning
the activities of the Congressional Union
for "Woman's -Suffrage -was adopted by
unanimous vote. About 100 women
were present.
"Women have gain- ..age in Ore
gon through their av ;.:.m:y methods,
by which they have won the admira
tion of the men," declared Mrs. Kdythe
Tozier Weatherred in the course of her
remarks. Continuing, she said: "We do
not need any instructions from out
siders. We are not mushrooms that
have grown in a single night, but in
telligent, thinking women, capable of
judging for ourselves. We do not
think that the methods used by Mrs.
Stubbs are of any benefit to the cau&e
of suffrage."
The principal speakers were Mrs.
Millie Trumbull Mrs. F. S. Myers. Mrs.
Weatherred and Dr. ISsther Pohl-Love-joy.
Officers for the season were
elected with the following results: Dr.
Ksth'er Fohl-Lovejoy, president: Mrs.
Mira C. Jackson, vice-president; Miss
Marie Chambers, treasurer, and Mrs.
Agnes J. Gaffney, secretary. The next
meeting will be at the call of the presi
dent. The speakers treated of the necessity
of women following non-partisan lines,
reserving the right to vote for whom
they pleased regardless of party affili
ations. Discussion of amendments to
be voted upon at the coming Election
closed the session.
Causes Great Disturbance in Local
Piano Market.
It wili soon be all off with the fat
man. This man Houseman and Lucore
himself will soon be out of the race, for
the great piano sale at 3SS Morrison
street (Soule Bros." failure) closes Sat
urday night. In fact, there won't be
anything left to sell, as the house Is
packed full of piano buyers all the
950 Weber Pianola Piano, $527; a
$1500 combination Lester Grand Piano-
a, $bbb; a $oou Combination Burmeister
Pianola, $218; $600 Kingsbury Player
Piano. 88-note. one of the latest, $325, it
has been offered; what will you give?
Other player pianos, also late 88-note,
$188 and $237. Everything goes, even
below manufacturers first cost.
Store open in the evening until 9 to
10 o'clock. 388 Morrison street. Your
own terms. Read page 18, this paper,
for further particulars. Adv.
Corvallis Mourns Death of Major
Frank K. Edwards, ex-Student.
LEGE, Corvallia. Oct. 7. (Special.)
Flags at the Oregon Agricultural Col-
ege are at half-mast in honor of Major
Frank E. Edwards, a graduate of the
college and a former commandant of
the cadet regiment, who died several
days ago at San Joee, Cal., as the re
sult of an accident, and whose funeral
was hold hero yesterday.
Major Edwards was for two years
commandant of cadets at the State
Polytechnic School at San Louis Obispo,
and head of the department of chem
C. L. McFadden, colonel of the cadet
regiment; G. R. Thomas, lieutenant
colonel; Jens Olsen, Nicholas Tartar
and Irwin Betzel, majors, and Ottp
Ballhorn, captain, acted as honorary
pallbearers. Six former students of
the California Polytechnic School, now
ttending Oregon Agricultural College,
were pallbearers. A volley was f ied
over the grave by a firing squad of the
California Producers Announce Or
ders for 3,0 00,00 0 Gallons.
SAX FRANCISCO, Oct. 7. Activity
in the shipment of California wines to
the Atlantic Coast via the Panama
Canal is noted in the manifests of ves
sels leaving- this port for the Eastern
seaboard and it is said in a statement
published here today that Eastern or
ders for 3,0U0,000 gallons are now being-
filled by this state's producers.
The stimulated demand for the do
mestic wines is due partly to the Euro
pean war, it is said, but largely to the
expected Federal tax on wines, which
it is. believed, would not affect goods
that already had left the wine cellars
after maturing.
I'ornier Ashland Painter Has Sts
tern of Kstablishing Credit.
ASHLAND, Or., Oct. 7. (Special.) A
local bank was rather startled this
morning on receipt of a sight -draft for
$8500. This was drawn upon the home
Institution by Dan Mylrea in favor of
the First National Bank of Vallejo,
Mylrea is well known here, having
been a former-itinerant painter in these
parts, and has been in trouble across
the border on several occasions. It has
been his custom after drawing such a
draft to request a copy of the same,
which would be exhibited as
of abundant credit, against which he
would issue worthless checks.
In Spite of Rain, Tvo Days' Profit
of $2000 Is Reported.
SALEM, Or.. Oct. 7. (Special.)
Frank Meredith, secretary" of the State
Fair, announced today that the receipts
of the recent show would more than
pay expenses. He said he thought the
surplus would be nearly $2000.
Mr. Meredith thinks that if the
weather had been favorable Portland
day ana the day following the pro
ceeds would have been larger than last
year, which established an attendance
record. The attendance Salem day this
year was as lrage as on the same d:.y
last year and almost 33 largo as that
on Portland day last year.
Proposal Is to Make Charges
Lien Against Property.
Commissioners to Discuss Asking
Opinion of Voters on Having
Bills Payable Quarterly and
Exacting Xo Deposits.
The City Commission at a meeting
tomorrow morning will decide den
nitely upon the question of referring
to the voters at the special recall
election, if one Is held, the question
of assessing water rental against the
premises instead of against the occu
pant, and also the question of sub
stituting a quarterly collection for
three months after use instead of
monthly in advance.
The proposed initiative measure was
completed yesterday by Commissioner
Daly and is expected to meet with
a great deal of opposition from prop
erty owners. The ordinance would
make the property owner responsible
for the water bills of his tenants.
The ordinance as proposed would
do away with deposits to guarantee
payment of bills and would reduce the
minimum charge from 75 cents a
month to 50 cents a month.
Following is the f ull , text of the
proposed measure:
Section 1. AH charges for furnlBhlner
water within the City of Portland shall be
chargeable to the premises where water is
supplied, "When delinquency In the pay
liiothars Tell of
Father's Friend
Ezperlenea is or should be our best
S teacher. Women who hare obeyed th
highest and noblest
of all sacrifices, the
struggle for the Ufa
of others, should
have a better idea
of helpful influence
than thosewho
theorize from obser
vation. At any rate vrhen
a. prospective grand
mother urges hes
Saughter to fio as she did to usa
"Mother's Friend," there is ample reason
to believe It the right kind of advice.
Its purpose Is to furnish pliancy to the
muscles, to take away the strain on the
cords and ligaments, to relieve the ten
ion of nerves and tendons so apt to
provoke or aggravate nausea, morning
sickness, twitchings of the limba and 6Q
pn. It Is applied externally.
Although, in .the nature of things, si
Ionian would use "Mother's Friend" but
rarely, yet so effective has it been found
that this splendid remedy is on sale in
most drug stores throughout the United
States. It has been prepared by Eradfleid
Regulator Co.. 3K Lamar Bldg.. Atlanta,
Ga., and advertised oy us fcr over tweniy
years. Ask at the drug store for u. boctla
of "ilother'a i'riend.' Ii wvrtik WW
To Rev. William T. Foster,
President of Reed College, and
to Dr. Herbert C. Miller, Presi
dent North Pacific Dental
College, Either or Both of You:
Since you have seen fit to appear publicly as the
champions of the Ethical Dental Trust in opposition to
Dentistry Bill 340, 1 make this offer to meet either or both
of you in joint debate on said Dentistry Bill.
I give you the choice of meeting me jointly or singly,
in one debate or in an3?- number you suggest; to be held in
Portland or elsewhere in Oregon.
I also give you the choice of dividing the time equally
with me or taking most of the time if you desire.
Further, I agree to pay all expenses of such joint
This offer is made with the understanding that said de
bates, whether held indoors or in the open air, shall be with
free admission to all, and that either or both of you accept
this challenge and arrange details on or before Thursday,
October 15,1914. Yours,
Sixth and V ashingion Streets
Portland, Or.
ment of anv charge for furnishing water
shall extenu 10 days oeyond maturity of
such charce the Com mtssi oner In charge of
the Bureau of Water Works shall discon
tinue the service by turning off the water
and the water shall not again be provided
to such premises until all outstanding ob
ligations for water supplied to such prem
ises uhall have been paid in full.
faection 2. ATI water accounts estimated
at K-ss than for a period of three
months, which estimate shall be based upon
the rates fixed by the Council, shall be col
lected quarterly. All other water accounts
shall be collected monthly.
Section 3. AH deposits heretofore re
ceived from consumers and all prepayments
for water shall be refunded to the persons
making such deposits or prepayments.
Section 4. rvo greater minimum than 30
cents per month shall be charged. .No ce-
posits shall be required and no bills snail
b collected in advance
With Revenue of $761,00 and Sur
pluses Tax Expected to Be Ixv.
At a meeting of the City Commission
tomorrow plans for pruning budget
estimates for 1915 to the minimum will
be considered. It is probable the en
tire Council will consider the budget
at the same time as it is considered
by the budget committee.
Considering the fact that there will
be revenue amounting to about $761,-
000 next year and there will be large
surpluses in the various funds it is
expected the tax levy can be brought
down to a point lower than it has been
for three or four years.
Personal Quality of
Fremstad's Voice
is presented in Columbia Records. . It costs you sev
eral dollars to hear her once. "With the Grafonola in
your home you may hear her any time, always.
Graf onolas $25.00 to $500.00 .
All Columbia Records can be played on Victor Talking Ma
chine all Columbia instruments will play Victor Records.
Graphophone Company
' 429-431 Washington Street
Between Eleventh and Twelfth Streets
j J
William Allen, lht Operator of Ele
vator Seized After Discovery of
Loot Suspect Suspended.
Investigation of a series of thefts
of various articles from the police sta
tion at Second and Oak streets, led yes
terday to the arrest of AVilliam Allen,
night operator of the jail elevator. No
charge had been placed against Allen
at a late hour yesterday, but he Is held
pending further investigation. Allen
was suspended by Chief of Police Clark.
Captain of Detectives Baty having
been told yesterday that Allen was re
sponsible for the many thefts from the
jail and offices in the building. Detec
tives John Maloney and Hyde were de
tailed to question Allen at his home,
at East Thirty-second and Alberta
streets. Near Allens residence is a
small shack and' when the detectives
asked Allen if the shack belonged to
him he is said to have denied owner
ship, remarking that the detectives
probably would have to get a search
warrant to go through the shack, as J.
j Mitchell owned the building.
When the detectives returned a tele
while .the charm of her voice still
lingers in your ears, let us - show
you how exquisitely the
phone message informed Captain Baty
that Allen was removing property from
the shack to his own home. Detectives
Da. Salle and Royle left for Allen's
home immediately. They say they
caught Allen removing property which
has been identified as belonging to a
contractor, who worked on the jail
section of the police station. A bicycle
also was found which is said to have
been identified as being the property
of one of the jailers.
Commission T'pholds Freight Kate.
SALEM, Or., Oct. 7. (Special.) That
the freight rate of $2.40 for 1000 feet
of lumber hauled between Cochran and
Oswego by the Southern Pacific Com
pany and the Pacific Railway & Navi
gation Company is just was a decision
reached by the State Railroad Com
mission yesterday. The Oregon & Kan
sas Timber Company complained that
the rate was excessive and asked that
it be fixed at $1.50 for 1000 feet.
Paper for cigarettes Imported from Spain
last year weighed 4.000,000 pounds, the
value beintr S7-"it.u0O.
May Find Help in This
Swan Creek, Mich. "I cannot speak
too highly of your medicine. When
through neglect or
overwork I get run
down and my appe
tite is poor and I
have that weak, lan
guid, always tired
feeling, I get a bot
tle of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound, and it
builds me up, gives
me strength, and re
stores me to perfect
health again. It is truly a great bless
ing to women, and I cannot speak too
highly of it. I take pleasure in recom
mending it to others." Mrs. Ankib
Cameron, B.F.D., No. 1, Swan Creek,
Another Sufferer Relieved.
-Hebron, Me. "Before taking your
remedies I was all run down, discour
aged and had female weakness. I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and used the Sanative Wash, and
find today that I am an entirely new
woman, ready and willing to do my
housework now, where before taking
your medicine it was a dread. I try to
impress upon the minds of all ailing
women I meet the -benefits they can
derive from your medicines." Mrs.
Charles Rowe, R. F. D., No. 1,
Hebron, Maine.
If you want special advice
write to Lydia E. Pinkhani 3Ied
icine Co, (confidential) Lynn,
Mass. Your letter Tvil be opened,
read and answered by a woman
and held in strict confidence.