THE MORNING OREGONIAN'. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1914. 17 FOB KENT. Rooms With Board in Private Families. 2 OR 2 refined young people can have pleas ant, nicely furnished, a team -heated rooms and oest of board, modern home, all con veniences, home privileges, use of living room and piano. West Side, easy walking distance; rates $3 to $6.50 per week. Phone Marshall 2438. WANT a young couple, two ladies or two gentlemen, to room and board; nicely lurnished home, home privileges, piano, nice location, very reasonable. Phone Sen wood 1033. LARGE, well-furnished front room, suitable for one or two, five minutes' walk to P. o. Excellent board; rata f-o per month; $li2.50 if two in room. 349 i 6th be- A 246. I'L'ItXISHED room and hoard cheap; good, permanent people; furnishings new; no ob jection to man and wife. with, a child over a year old. Marshall 2745. BEFINED young woman wants to care for child during day at her home. D 330, Oregonian. ATTRACTIVE front rooms, new, with break fast or two meals. &S North 17th. Furnished Apartments. . THE WHEELDOX ANNEX. (Apartment Hotel) Tenth and Salmon Sts. APARTMENTS OR ROOMS. RATES by the day, week, month or year. 6 T RANGE R, GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Only $18 to - per month for com pletely furnished housekeeping two-room apartments, including electric lights, pri vate bath and phone; all modern conveni ences; new brick building; lo minutes' walk from Postoftice. Lincoln Apt., cor. 4th and Lincoln. Main 3377, A 4152. THE ALTAMONT, Fifth and College. Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur nished apartments, very cheap. .Also bachelors' apartments. Heat, water, phone and. janitor service Included. VILLA ST. -CLARA, 12th and Taylor. t Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. "Walking distance. References. ORDERLEIGH APTS., 52 Grand ave., cor. East Stark Well furnished 3-room apart ments; easy walking distance ; $18 per month; cheapest rent furnished apart ments In city. East 3O0. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments; linen, silverware, private ' phone and bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 2S3 Ross st Phone East 3172 GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Corner Park and Taylor. Best location in the city; cozy home; well furnished in 2, 3 and 4-rooin suites; first-class service. DEXVER APTS. See them before locating for Winter; furnished elegantly; all out side room; private bath and phone, hard wood floor, new manager; references. Take "W" car. 274 N. 21st st. Marshall 3S0. WESTFAL, 410 5th, near Hall; 3 and 4-r. apts., by week or mo.; concrete bldg., ele vator, thoroughly renovated, electric vacuum cleaner free, steam heated ; $20 Up; best In town; easy walking distance. PAGE APARTMENTS. Corner East Burnside and E. Sth Sts. Desirable 3-room furnished apartments, peri fireplace, convenient location, mod erate terms. i H1SLOP HALL Cor. E. tith and Hawthorne, one 2-room apt., $14; one 3-room, private bath and phone, large, light kitchen, $18, also one 3-room, $25. All apts. well fur nished and up to date. East 8S2. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient. t-minute walk to Postoftice. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments. Marshall 51DS. References. A 3326 BE RKELEY Apartments, 39 Trinity Place; well furnished apartments. 2 and 3 rooms, private ba lconies, elevator, all modern ; 1 2-room, $23; 1 3-room, $27.50. Marshall 1930. CHELTENHAM tirst-class furnished apart ment, 2, 3 and 4 rooms, greatly reduced price; private phone and baths, all front rooms, hardwood floors, best service, 10 th and Northrup sts. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. New building; nicely furniahed ; private ; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 20S. ' VERY desirable 4-room furnished etea:n heated apartment, close In, private phone, best service ; references required. Main 8389. MADISON PARK APTS., Park St., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, close in. by week or month. LUCILE COURT, 20th and Lovejoy Mod ern 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished; sioepiag porch, fine park. Phone Marshall 2oSl. THE STANFIELD. Xcatly furnished two-room apartments; walking distance; reduced Winter rates. $13 and $-0 204 Porter st. Main 7392. THELOIS. 704 Hoyt St.; very desirable 4 room modern apartment, also 3-room with sleeping porch, furnished or unfurnished; i references. Marshall 2011. HAMMERSLY COUUT, 250 12TH St., 2 and 3-room apartments, close in; modern, rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2052: References. THE KATH E!UNE AF ARTMENTS. 14ft N. 23d st.. near Hoyt. modern 3 rooms, furnished, reasonable. Marshall 190. DIUCKSTGN, 44S 11th. Choice two and three-room modern apartments. Marshall 57. PARK HURST 20th, cor. Northrup, modern 3-room furnished apartments; private bal cony ; references. ONE room H. K. apt., including heat, bath, phone, etc.; S'3- per mo.; easy walking dis tance. 1S7 17th, near Yamhill. FAIRMOUXT APTS., 280 11TH. Modern furnished two-room apartments, f 22.50 up; close in. Main 22S6. LUXOR APTS., 324 13TH ST. Homelike apts., single rooms, 10; hot and cold water. BOZAXTA APTS., 1S0U 23d st. N., 3 and 4-room apartments, $U5 and $30; outside exposure. Marshal! 2045. V'I1.L rent my beautifully furnished four room apartment at 705 Davis street for the Winter. Phone Marshall So3i. TH REE-ROOM APARTMENT, $20. Large, clean, w ell-furnished ; private pnone, uain, oeo. ana taoie linen. s IV i VI. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS. S41 14th st.. at Market. New 2 and 3 rooms. lurnisneu. reasonaoie. Main 1739. ACKSON bungalow, all newly furnished; 1 janitor service, walking distance. 454 11th street. ANNER APARTMENTS, 4S9 Clay st. .Modern two rooms, completely lurnished. $lti. $13 and $2Q. Phone Marshall 2074. THE UPSHUR, 20th and Upshur Furnished a-room apts. c-team neat, light, $la up. COMPLETELY furnished apartments in con crete blofk $12. 3 162 H Union ave. N. ARDMAY TERRACE, 395 12th st. Large room apartments, airs, jonn trail, mgr. iTHE ELMS. 14th. near Yamhill 2 and 3- ) room, outside; walking distance; $lb-$23. 8 AND 4-room furnished or unfurnished, The B.lelland. A 16(17, Main 107, A 157, Unfurnished Apartments. THE WASHINGTON, 6S9 Northrup 5-room ( unfurnished apartments, with bath and all modern conveniences telephone, eteam I heat, gas. electricity, etc. Take "W" car to sist and .Northrup. pnone Mam 43. b, BRENTNOR APARTMENTS. 213 N. 20th. cor. Lovejoy St. Unfurnished 4-room apartments, up to cate in every respect. "UNFURNISHED six-room apartment; three bedrooms, iars-e closets, two porches: rer erencee. 7 SO Irving st. Phone Marshall 17oS or Muin 5383. GRACE APT?., C4th and Northrup 5 largs rooms, unfurnished, larsre front veranda sleeping porch; new. modern: hardwood t spots, phone, bath, heat. Marshall H.o. i ERED1TH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4-room apartments. $2 and up; good janitor service; walking distance; refer- ences. . i v asti ., opp. L'-'d. Mfiln 7154. ( KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay fcts. 3 and 4-room unfurnished suites; pri- vcsnuuics. pnones ana. oaths, wltn if a :n cchi, not ai:q coiu water; reterences JIORTOX APTS.. corner Washington and King. 3 and 4-room unfurnished apart i nwnts, reasonable rent; walking distance. li. E furmslied 2 and 4-room housekeeping sunes at 3 tviiiingsworth ave., low i iu. ruone v uooiawn ban, tj 135 t. t?AN MARCO APTS.. E.. fcth and Couch sts. Investigate our low rates for modern 3- room steam-neatea apts.; no equal. KINGSBURY, Ford, near Washington: high- class unfurnished 3-room apartments; prl- vate balcony ; reasonable rent. ,ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef I ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, nrst-ciass ser ice; private phone; ref. VESTONIA APARTMENTS. 21st and Glis- an; large, attractive, desirable; 2 and t rooms umurnisnea IcAMAR. '04 Lovejoy, 2 and 3-room unfur nished apartment, irom $16 to $25. Mar shall 2915. 7-ROOM duplex apartment, 4 bedrooms, 2 DatDS, in luciiiwt ounuing, ppiy (Uo Davis St. , PORTNOMAH APTS., 4 rooms, bath, phone. narawooa noors,, etc., uu bast 13th st. ; walking distance. LTHE LAURETTE One unfurnished 3-room FOB RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. CARMEL1TA APARTMENTS, 13TH AND JEFFERSON STS. 4 and o rooms, unfurnished. Main 2lSti. References required. BRAND-NEW, ROYAL ARMS. COR. 19TH AND LOVEJOY. Just completed, 5-story fireproof brick bldg., 57 '1, i and 4-roorn outside unfur nished apt., large, light and airy, with all modern up-to-date conveniences, auto matic elevator, marble bathrooms, private balconies; references required. PRICES MODERATE. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. 251 12th, near Mala. Best arranged and most desirable 3-room apts., in city; all outside rooms; beautiful surroundings; large pr vate balconies; 3 minutes walk to business center; up to date in every de tail; 1 3-room, 2d floor, $J7.30; 1 3-room, 5th floor, 35. Mar. C54U. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucre ti a St., bet. Washington and Everett, near Jod Very high-class 2 to 6-room apt. ; ail large, outside rooms and recep tion halls; hardwood floors; free private phone; reasonable rates; ref. required. Ap ply mgr. Mar. 1513; janitor. Mar. 1500. FORDHAM APARTMENTS, 170 Ford St. We now have one 4-rm. front apt., $42. 50 per mo., on second floor; most desirable apartment In city; beautifully papered w-alls, oak finish, hardwood floors, tile bath, unexcelled service. Main 6935. HANOVER APTS.. 165-167 King at., cor. Washington ; walking distance, new and modern, private balconies, one 2-room, $1S.50 ; one 3-room, $30 ; excellent service. Marshall 2009. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broadway, 6 blocks to business center; large, light and pleasant rooms ; private bath, phone, etc.. all modern ; 1 3-room apt. S27.50; also a beautifully furniched 4-room apt., $33. Phone Main 2500. ST. FRANCIS APTS., 21st and Hoyt, Nob Hill district Up to date In every detail, large corner balconies, excellent service; 1 4-room, 1st floor, $22.50; 1 3-room, 3d floor, $27.50; 1 4-room, 4th floor, $35. . Main 76S9. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, 5 and 6 rooms, large and homelike, more service and conven ience for the price than you will find iu the city. Phone M. 7516 or A 2676. CECELIA APTsTr22ondlisanVery nice 3-room apts., all outside, modern, private bath, phone and balconies; 1 3-rm., 2d floor, $a; 1 3-rmr," 3d floor, $22.50. Mar. 1804. KNICKERBOCKER APTS., Harrison, be tween loth and 11th. Very desirable apart ments, every convenience, best of service; easy walking distance; 1 three-room, $li7.r.Q; 1 four-room, $32.50. Main 1320. WELLINGTON COURT, 15th and Everett Easy walking distance, private bath, phone, etc.; 1 2-rm., $16, including elec tric lights; 1 3-rm., $19; 1 4-rm., $22.50; 1 5-rm., $32.50. Main 1245. COLUMBIAN APTS, 11th and Columbia Easy walking distance, very pleasant, spacious rooms, all outside, private bath and telephone each apartment; 1 3-rm.. 22.50; 1 4-rm-, $27.50. Main 1911. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson. High-grade 3, 4 and 5 rooms, witn porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service, prices reasonable. Phone Marshall 3360 or A 2676. CLAYPOOL APTS., 11th and Clay sts. The very best in 3-room apartments, large private balconies, fine view, eastern ex posure; 1 Mm., front. $27.50; 1 3-rm., $30. Main 5S91. I'urnifehed or Unfurnished Apartments. MORGAN, FlJEUNER & BOYCE, 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments In all parts of the city; t;reat variety of location, size and price. Our free auto mobile at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. STELWYN APTS., HIGH CLASS. Beautifully furnished and unfurnished 2, 3 and 4-room apts., every modern con venience; terms reasonable; rels. req. ; bachelor rooms, en suite and single ; a limited number of bachelors can have rooms and meals; moderate prices. Mar. ZS30. TRINITY P.LACE APARTMENTS, 4y-57 Trinity Place. The finest apartments on the Pacific Coast, with every modern convenience ; apartments furnished and unfurnished; terms reasonable ; references required ; furnished bachelors quarters wiLh club room. Manager, Marshall llol. BUENA VISTA APTS.. llith and Harrison. Under new management, 6-story fire proof brick bldg., all outside apts, 2 and 3 rooms, furnished and unfurnished, mod ern, up- to-date, bath, phone, automatic elevator, beautiful view, walking distance, references. Prices moderate. THE BAKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments, in 2. 3 and 4 rooms ; four-story brick ; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buffets and writing desks; plenty of closet room; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 2U61. CARLOTTA COURT, 17th and Everett. New and modern, beautifully furnished, close in, no : aria re, five minutes to Post office; moderate prices; excellent service. Referer ces. THE IRIS Apartments, 3d and Mill sts., will be completed October 1 ; rents from $17 up; 2, 3, 4-room, all modern improve ments; the largest heating plant in the ftcity; furnished or unfurniahed; no charge gas for cooking. THE ROSENFELD (NEW), COR. 14TH AND EAST STARK. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, new, modern and quiet ; references. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Nice 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; also nice 3-room apt. TH E C H E T O PA. ISth and Flanders; 2, 3 or 4-room modern apartments, furnished or unfurnished; good janitor service. Flat. A VERY desirable 6-room corner flat; light and airy : southeast exposure ; has fire place, furnace, with hot-water coil, sta tionary tubs and every convenience, and the rent is reasonable. See It. 721 Kear ney, cor. 22d. Key and Information at 104 2d st., rear Washington. Phone Main 143tt or A 143tf. 5-ROOM flat, walking distance; gas and electricity, pas range; will completely re decorate. 427 14th St., near Hall, or call Main 4503. ONE ti-room. up-to-date upper corner flat, 033 East Madison; rent reasonable. Phone East 2:;4. $2 1-ROOM modern lower flat at 512 E. Davis. Save carfare. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange bldg. SIX rooms, lower, modern, choicest location, est MJe. inquire l7o 10th. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 733 Hoyt st. Inquire 130 0th st. Phone Main 0278. G0i HOYT ST., near 21si Upper flat, 0 rooms; lare, light rooms; $15. Main 2015. HOLLA DAY" ADDITION Five-room corner Hat, 412 Wasco st, Tnone East 3805. FOR RENT Modern 5 and 6-room flats, 52tf Everett St.. West Side. 5-ROOM flat, heat and hot water. Janitor service. 713 Johnson. Main 2395. 4-ROOM modern flat, 179 Green ave., near 23d and Washington. Main SS33. A 2670. 4ui5 MILL ST. 0 rooms and attic, $J5 per month. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. 5-ROOM steam-heated flat, good, close-in location. 504 Couch St. 2 modern u-room and 1 7-room flat, cheap. l::th and Mill Inquire. 430 Mill. M. 4013. SWELL ."-room mourrn lower h" a t : n ic yard. 7M E. Vatnhill. Phone East 504S. STRICTLY modern 7-room flat, lSoV 16th M. Apply lsl 36th, cor. Yamhill. turn 1 he d Flats. FOUR furnished rooms of modern 5-room oungaiow; half block to Rose City car. absence caused by illness: exceptional opportunity for reliable party. Phone FOR RENT Furnished Hats, 4 and 6 rooms: walking distance; $J0 and $25 per month: water furnished. 006 Market at., corner Chapman. COZY, furnished. 4 rooms; walking dis tance, 2tS Ross st. Phone Woodlawn THREE nicely furnished outsidA ronm hAd table, linen, bath and phone. B 1079. See iqis. i:ao ceimuni street. ATTRACTIVE, modern, 5-room flats, well lurnisnea, aiKing uisrance. West Side, 13th jnont hf r ee . Mar. 5 'J 3 S . NEW fiats with all modern conveniences, in cluding gas range. 71 E. 2bth st. East 4-ROOM modern flat, walking distance, 3S3 rtoss St., oiucKa nroaqway briage, $la $23 Five rooms, new. strictly modern, com pletely furnished. 572 Mil!. Main 6447. Houekeeping hooms. l.fn TO $2.75 week; clean furnished house. keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free neat, laundry, batn. yara, gas. Phone East 603H. 406 Vancouver. 03 Stanton. "U" car FURNISHED H. K. rooms, cheap. Cam bridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $1.23 week up. j. ne unman, -ist, cor. Alaer. 461 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and 1. wo -room Housekeeping apartments, oheajt. FOG BEK1. housekeeping Booms. $3.."o WEEK Completely furnished house keeping rooms; absolutely clean ; baths, hot water and every convenience free; gas range; save carfare; also single house keeping rooms. $2.25 up. Hotel Cadillac, 3d st., near Jefferson. rHE UPSHUR. 2Gth and Upshur Furnished 2-room apts., steam heat, light, $12 up. Main 8023. Take 'S," 23d of W" car north Housekeeping Koomw In Private Families. $20 Modern furnished upstairs parlor bedroom, 2 large ciosets, kitchen, pantry, sewing-room, bath, linen closet, gas range, laundry trays, furnace heat, electric lights; no children. M E. 3oth, cor. Stark. TWO modern housekeeping rooms, strictly clean and first-class completely furnished phone, light, bath and heat free, $16 and $18. 1163 Belmont, corner 39th. 2 LARGE, clean front furnished h. k. rooms, first tloor; running water, free lights, phone, good carpets, linoleum; child taken. 7Si E. Yamhill, near 23d. LA RGE, clean, completely furnished h. k. room, kitchenette, gas, electricity, laun dry; child taken. 2 13 Grand ave S. E.. cor Ankeny. NEWLY furnished, large, clean rooms; two room complete, having dishes to gaa range; bath, phone, heat and light; $lo. 71 East 11th st. North, near Burnside. TWO modern housekeeping rooms; strictly ciean ana nrsi-ciass, completely lurmsuea; phone, light, bath and heat tree; $ltt up. llt3 Belmont, corner Suth. TWO-ROOM suite, complete for housekeep ing; $3.50 week, freu light, phone and "bath. W2i Grand ave., corner Taylor. FINEST 2-room housekeeping, with sleep ing porch; new, Portland Heights. Main 511(9. , 13TH ST. 2 pleasant rooms; modern, gas range, phone; adults. Tabor 1 lytS, Main 3671'. McFarland, 309 Yeon bldg. N ICELY furnished room, modern conven iences, with privilege of lisht housekeep ing; very reasonable. 410; Morrison. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, also front parlor, gas range, phone and bath. 72 N. 15th. ntar Davis. DOUBLE parlrfr suite and kitchenette, mod ern, furnace heat, walking distance; very reasonable. 67 X. 20th St. Marshall 713. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms In the heart 01 city, ai js. rarK. Alain H."72 or A T.413. FURNISHED H . K. s u i tes, two rooms $S, three, $lo; four, $12; yard. Drake, 41X Vancouver. 2 AND 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, hot water heat. 7S1 ive&raey. 14 ana ia. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS, electric lights. gas, Datn. pnone. zzv tasi lotn st, jx. FOUR furnished H. K. room. Phone Cast 3225. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. sleeping rooms. cheap, close in. ivz iztn. TWO strictly modern H. K. room, first floor, $18 a month. 392 Colum b i a. TWO neat, clean rooms, gas plate, phone., j.0 per month. oi2 Columbia, 2 OR 3 neatly furnished modern H. K, rooms, reasonable. Woodlawn 200. 105 20TH. cor. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. DON'T search; modern, cheery H. K. rooms. always hot water. 40 1 Jeilerson. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap. 357 12th st. BouMt. LAURELHURST HOUSES. FOR RENT. We have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; if they do not suit, we will build just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 270 h Stark st. Main 1503. A 1515. MUST BE RENTED. Something good. Something reasonable. Beautiful modern home in select residence district. Large corner lot. Close to car. Fine view of the river. Take a look at it then make me an otfer. Owner, Main 7635, or evenings. Main H360. 172 NORTH ISTH ST.. fine residential dis trict, easy walking distance business cen ter. 6 rooms, iurnuce, electric lights, etc.; $27.50. Key janitor, lbth and Couco. Main 2015. ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights 6-room Dungalow-lliit, narawooa Hoars, nrepiace, sleeping porch, maid's room, close in. Marshall 2624. IbS NORTH 21ST ST.; U rooms, hardwood floors, beam ceiling, fireplace, furnace, etc.; $35. Key, janitor, St. Francis Apts., lst North and HoVt. Main 2015. $18 PERMANENT tenant. 7-room house. gas stove, hot water, linoleum installed, car service excellent; convenient to Jet t erson High. Main 7681. 10-ROOM ho&se in heart of Sunnyslde, suit able for two families, giving privacy to each; rent $12. 5o to each party. Call for particulars at 512 Piatt bldg. MODERN 6-room house, hard-surface, st., one block ot U car; nice neighborhood; rent $15 per month. Call for key at fill Cleveland ave. NEWLY tinted, clean, 4-room cottage, gas range, partly furnished or unfurnished, close in, 1 block to car; cheap rent. No. 40 Fremont st. Woodlawn or Alberta car. 7 ROOMS, neat and clean, suitable for two families; 2S8 13th, West Side; walk ing distance. Main 4510. MODERN five-room cottage, reasonable, near two carlmes. East 6333 or call at 2'J6 Monroe for information. STRICTLY modern live-room house, fur nace, wash trays, one block from Alberta eurline. call at 1224 E. 29th st. N. $35 S-ROOM modern bungalow at 1004 E. jrving st., Laurelhurst. Adults only. Smitn-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange bldg. 6-ROOM modern houee, 174 E. 40th St., near Belmont. Call at liO E. ilith st. or phone Tabor 425. SWELL, new, U-room bungalow. Rose City Park, 52S E. rSth st.. N. No children, $153. Young, Woodlawn 1583. $12.50 5-ROOM lower flat; modern. $1S 7-room residence. West, modern. Main 367J. Mcl'AKLAXD, 309 Yeon bldg. S70 EAST DAVIS, cor. 29th; $20; 7 rooms; very desirable neighborhood; entirely mod ern ; neariy new. Owner;1 Key. Main 1013. FOR RENT $16 per month, new modern 5 room house, located 1284 East Lincoln st. Tel. B 2731 or Main 802. S-ROOM modern house, fine location, close in. low rent to careful tenant. 780 E. Main. cor. 24th. East 3152. FOR modern houses and flats at reasonable rents see Hacker & Therkelsen Co., 306 Spalding bldg. Main 7592. A 3388. $45 Delizhtfullv arranged 5-room bungalow, all modern. 1013 East ISth st. "ey at 1041. Phone Marshall 5565. CLEAN, modern, 2-story, 6 rooms; yard; choice location . Da ed street ; near car; $20. 7SO Williams ave. Woodlawn 420. MODERN 8-room house, fireplace, furnace, gas. electric. E. Burnside, near 22d.. $25. Tabor 1993. FOR RENT Modern 6-room house, with nice lawn. 65 Lovejoy. Bjellaud Grocery, 234 16th st. North. Main 1S67. 5-ROOM cottace. 413. corner 11th and Hall sts.: rent $20; key at 409 11th st. Parrish, Watklns & Co.. 106 2d st. SIX-ROOM house on Knott st.. near Wil liams ave.; large yard. Rent $13 per month. Call at 512 Piatt bldg IRVINGTON 6-room modern house, close In, 545 Tillamook at. Phone Columbia 381 $o U-room house, well arranged for 3 families. Sellwood S00. 5-KOOM HOUSE near Park St., only $12. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Cham, of Com. 7 ROOMS, hot water heat, garage, piano, bea atiful furniture. Tabor 1970. S-ROOM house, distance, near park; gas. electricity, fireplace. 350 Montgomery. $ie NICE 5-room house, gas, bath. 103 E. 20th, near Washington. East 5356. COURTNEY, near Milaukie. S-rrn. cottage, 10 acres, fruit, etc., $25. 233 Taylor. DESIRABLE 6 and 8-room houses, 396 and 398 San Rafael, close in. East1685. 6-ROOM cottage. Weft Side, very cheap. J, D. Morri. 1201 N. W. Bank bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, with or without garage. Phone Woodlawn 2783. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. large yard and garage. 335 Weidler st. Call East 13SO. S ROOMS, lame basement, turnaee; best 'o. cation. West side. Inquire 175 16th. S-ROOM house. 712 Lovejoy, near 22d. In quire 130 0th. Main 627S. MODERN 6-room house, all conveniences. WEST SIDS. reasonable, 275 N. 21st. 749 Front st. 207 Pennoyer. Marshall 4440. 4- ROOM HOUSE York st.. $12 rent. Van duyn & Walton. 515 Chamber of Com. 5- ROOM modern cottage, 3SS Benton, ch ea p. near Broadway bridge. C 2021. S-ROOM house with attic, electric lights, gas and furnace. V Ella st. $13 NICE 4-room cottage, 22d and E. Ash. Phone East 2409. I-urnhshed Houses. 5-ROOM furnished cottage. 757 Minnesota ave. ; reference. Phone Mam 9572 or A 0413. $16 Modern 4-room furnished cottage, new- iv Tinted, near car. laoor i. 5-ROOM furnished cottage at 665 Savier st. Rent si. 7-ROOM house, furnished, $18 per month, Phone Tabor 3633. 4-ROOM modern cottage in Sell wood, on paved street, $18. Phone fcellwood 043. $2" MODERN five-room bungalow, nicely iurnisiieu, c.- w m5 mat-nine, j auor i t j. $17 NEATLY furnished 5-room cottage, as qsta. ow xuioiu FOB RENT. Famished Houses. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. IRVINGTON 2 beautiful 7-room fur nished homes and one 7-room bungalow, furnished, for rent. They are among the prettiest homes in Irvlngton and com pletely furnished one has valuable grand piano. Both house have a garage. Call at our office for information. Rental Department, F. N. CLARK COMPANY, 2d fir. Title & Trust bldg., && Fourth ct. MODERN, well furnished 4-room house, west of Peninsula Park; piano, gas. elec tricity; very reasonable. Phone Mar. bZ2l or Woodlawn 157. HANDSOMELY furnished house; every modern convenience; six rooms and dressing-room; Willamette Heights. Phone Main 4624. A 2124. ATTRACTIVE home, completely furnished, every modern convenience, two fireplaces, two baths, hardwood floors, etc., to lease; in Ladd's Addition. Phone East 2"957. 5-ROOM furnished house, moderate, includ ing piano, phonograph, also garage; good car service, $25. 11 tfo East Morrison, cor ner of 39th. Tabor 23. FOR RENT Elaborately furnished, strictly modern 6-room bungalow ; ref lued neigh borhood. Phone Sell wood 46 or call at 875 East Kelly st. 549 TAYLOR near 17th 4-room, nicely furnished flat, large bay windows, walls newly decorated; rent $25. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Furnished bun galow, modern. 5 rooms and attic, $25. Marshall 3713. A 0291. HANDSOMELY furnished 7-room house on Laurelhurst car; strictly modern, new piano; rent $45. Main 92S3. PIEDMONT DISTRICT 7 rooms, fully mod ern, furnace, stationary wash tubs, etc; rent very reaso nable. Call East 384 . MODERN furnished 5-room cottage, also 3-room apartment; private bath. 514 E. W. R. car. NICELY . furnished five-room cottage, 341 onerman sr., near sroaaway ; iviain 667. $li SIX rooms, furnished. 678 East Flan ders, j. j. oeaer. Grand ave. and n.ast Ankeny. EAST PORTLAND, completely furnished. ciean, u-room riai, cneap, poren ana yara, 2 carlines. Phone bell wood 280. 6 ROOMS, piano, china, etc., walking dis tance, wooaiawn l-w. NEW 5-rm. bungalow, piano, lawn, garden. io mm., $:: jg inn, mar. 53 31. NICELY furnished b-room cottage. Call 414 uoiiege. 6-ROOM furnished house, with or without garage, rnone wooaiawn Ziss. SMALL furnished bungalow, best part of .Tvose ilty j-arK. os im is. FURNISHED 5-room modern house, near carline and school. $1 o. East o240. MODERN house, 4 rooms and bath, small iamiiy of aauits ; no aogs. 4Ub iitn st. NEWLY furnished 5-room bungalow to right party. ian aium w.tu. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house, Irv lngton. inquire 816 ciacKamas st. STORE, 277 Hawthorne ave, 17x45; perfect jignt, low rent. u&wuorni uock ch $25 STORE, suitable for market or grocery. 608 1st. Phone Tabor 1114. SMALL store with living apartments up- Offices. DESK room for rent, centrally located of- lice, aamiraoiy aaapiea ror insurance, real estate and notary - pjublic. Terms reason able, phone Main 3574. DESK ROOM in large, light office .n Mor gan bldg. A-pply manager, 813-821 Mor gan bldg. ; WELL furnished private office; also desk room, t ana si. ii4 taamoer or com merce. OFFICES, $10 and up; furnlsned offices and desk room very reasonable; Portlands busiest corner. 303 Swetland bldg. ATTRACTIVE deskroom in Chamber ot Commerce bldg. $5 and $10. Apply 71$ Chamber of Commerce bldg. DESK ROOM or part of ground floor office. wun vaun. Appiy ii ciara st Balls. FOR RENT Large hall; good dancing floor. steam neatea. m st. rnone .aiain isa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MEAT MARKET. Located in one of the best residence neighborhoods on the East Side; doing from siuu to sidou ner month all casn business: very best of equipment, marble counters, Dayton scales, meat slicer, etc. Rent only a lnontu, oricK buuaing; price $iuu, Further particulars room 618 Yeon bidg, tc761) CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest in cstatlisnea real estate business feet vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Scretary. 532 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CAFETERIA and bakery; rattling good west aiae location ana Business; complete equipment; reasonaoie rent; $soo cash will namne. LumDer hxenange. ELEGANTLY furnished apt. ; have to be sold at once: part cash. ual. on easy pay' ments; leave city. Call at Cheltenham, iutn ana isortnrup. PICTURE SHOW Splendid good location and business; A-l equipment; mighty good proposition; bargain for cash or will make noerai terms. iiu lumoer .exenange. COFFEES, light groceries, etc. Here's strictly cash business clearing- $140 month after all expenses are paid; can try it be fore you buy. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. CASH grocery wants reliable partner, good oav and don t reauire very much money: owner is tired of hired help, call room ibzu Morgan Diug. CONFECTIONERY and lunch business, open ing tor energeLic man; pay you iou month; money required will be secured. Room 320 Morgan bldg. YOUNG man. with office and shop exper ience, wishes to secure an interest with services in good automobile repair tfhop or saies nusiness. w iio. uregonian. BAKERY, restaurant, confectionery, in big hotel: every fixture Tjerftjct: worth X140O: will sell $800, part cash, or oonsider some iraae. particulars, ;w Morrison st. YOUNG man, used to farm products, wanted for partner In growing business; profits large; oniy smau investment required. Call room 7, 291 Morrison st. WILL sell h interest in an old. reliable livery and boarding stable, will guarantee $io month to toe man who will work. M 332. Oregonian. $750 A PAYING grocery at a sacrifice, all cash business, rent of store and 5 livincr rooms, only $20 per month. Located 596 AiDerta st. THE best little Saratoga chip, horseradish, etc.. establishment in city; good location: cheap rent, with all equipments up to uaie ; jot'u tanes it. .ma .ur. ixciiange. WANT man as partner to look after office end of automobile repair business; a bar gain for ngnt party, call room 426 Mor gan bldg. YOUNG man wanted In safe cash business, $15 weekly salary and profits; must In vest small amount money. Call room 426 Morgan bldg. FEED and fuel business in suburbs; this will stana iun investigation, can 426 Morgan digs. hal.1- interest in nice ciean Business; no experience required ; make good wages; WELL-BUILT-UP claniug and pressing es tablishment ; wood location, cheap rent; ju .i. o"i exenange. WORKING partner in well-established and paying automooue garage. i urego nian. PATENT on a new clothespin for .sale or trade. Good trade to tne right party. G ,;o. . oregonian. PARTNER wanted to show stores, etc., also attend office: very little capital needed. Room 7, 291 H Morrison at. NICE neat grocery and con feet lonerv store in fine location ; living-room, stock and fixtures; $500. Phone E. 249. PARTY toinvest about $250oTn high class business proposition, with or without serv ices. O 828, Oregonian. BIG timber, good wood. 40 acres 7 miles west of Portland, $3000 for the wood. H 334. Oregonian. FOR SALE The only bakery and confec tionery in one of the best towns of East em Oregon. AV 749, Oregonian. POOLROOM, central location. Morrison st. and Broadway ; entrance 346 S Morrison st.. a bargain if taken at once. FOR SALE Grocery, fine location, good trade, auto delivery, $50mj c.'sh: no agents, no trade. Phone Woodlawn 338. OLD-ESTABLISHED dye works wants re liable partner; half interest $3O0. J 837. Oregonian. POOLROOM for sale, three tables. 731 Washi ngton sr., by owner; terms, 4-CHAIR barber shop, will sacrifice account 4-CHAIR barber shop, cheap. Swell location. 36 N. 2d st. BARBER shop, 2 chairs, nicely equipped, living-rooms. 618 Alberta st.; $S5. PARTNER wanted in oldabIshei res taurant; $S00 BF 288. Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS clear property to exchange tor stock groceries, phone Iain 7d0. B C SIN ESS OPPORT UNITIES. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Rent only $20 per month, with living rooms: splendid corner location on the East Side, up-to-date fixtures and clean stock; a nice place and a bargain for $1000. DAIRY LUNCHROOM. In the heart of Portland; business runs $150 per day; will sell or exchange and pay cash difference or assume. It any; price ot lunchroom $bU0O; not one cent against it CASH GROCERY. $1200. Will sell or exchange for acreage, pref erably in the Mt. Scott district, dandy store, good location; doing $2a to $35 per day. all cash business. $400 HANDLES GENERAL STORE. Located 16 miles from Portland ; doing $300 per month; rent only $10; building 40x6) with 3 living rooms in connection; snap for man and wife; chance to get post office. $1200 HANDLES GROCERY. Doing $100 per day; rent $33, Including barn for horse; stock goes at invoice for cash; fixtures, horse and wagon, $70O on time or will take clear lot; books and ac counts open for inspection. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Corner of 4th and Pine Sts. WANT A PARTNER with S400 for half interest in a well es tablished tailoring, both ladies' and gents-. business, now clearing 2U0 a montn. a. man does nt need to be an experienced tailor out good outside salesman and so licitor. This proposition will stand full est Investigation. Call 618 Yeon bldg. C762 FOR SALE Furniture and lease of 40-room hotel, fireproof building, hot and col a water in rooms, baths, electric lights, steam heat, finely furnished, doing excel lent business; only modern hotel in hustl ing business town in Central Oregon; must live in lower altitude; price $4000. AV 814, Oregonian. EARN $500 MONTH. I want a man as my partner. I am the outside man and must have someone in charge of the office. Have a permanent, high-class business; guaranteed salary; $1000 required ; references exchanged. W 3-4. Oregonian. INVESTORS. IF YOU want a business, large or small. store, mig. plant or investment, see me. My list is extensive; I also solicit the list ing of those wishing to sell. P. W. Fer sels, 4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 20 s. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS and scJl it QUICKLY and PROFITABLY? If so, call or phone us and we will tell you how. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 618-610 Yeon Bldg. Main 481. WANTED GENERAL AGENT FOR STATE OF OREGON BY OLD-ESTABLISHED ST. LOUIS FIRM; MUST INVEST $3oU FOR STOCK; BIG PROFlio; FINE OP PORTUNITY IF A GOOD SALESMAN AND CAN FURNISH REFERENCE. H 337, OREGONIAN. WANTED Partner- In rood excluslvemfs. business; no experience necessary, $150 per month guaranteed : yuu handle all money; few hundred dollars secures half interest; will stand strictest investigation. Phone East 1614 or call at 245 Holladay. WILL trade any pert, or all, of my stock (Day in e- 12 ner rent vaarlv dividends in large, growing automobile concern for stock or wheat farm. Opportunity for rarmer or son to become active or other wlse. E 339, Oregonian. WANTED Small dry goods store, in town not over 250o: I have manv veara' experi ence and can put up $1000 cash; not a sold mine dreamer, but a worker; no nini-uam agencies need apply. Address qix, ji ebuuisa. WANT to meet capital to join in enterprise that offers $5 for $1 invested; will abso- same; space forbids details, but you can't " " moil iu lufeaiigaie iuib pruyo A MAN with advertising experience. J100 short time can obtain interest in livest " ui'uoi uuu -ever in ronianu. 111 net you over $200 monthly inside year. J 303. Oregonian. YOU MINER, who is looking for a good uppurmnuy t nave tnree, mining ctaimi in Montana that 1 want to have repre senting work done this year; partnership, salary, or sell. BF 304, Oregonian. MANUFACTURER wants state managers to -establish office and manage salesmen; lib eral pay; $30o to $70o necessary; you handle own money. Secretary, 4o6' Fisher oiug.. cnica go. SPLENDID opportunity Dairy ranch near Astoria, fully equipped, stock and all as it stands: can be laid out In 5 and 10 acre tracts For particulars, room 514. rnone iiarsnaii otu, FORCED TO SACRIFICE. Small restaurant, everything new, doc tor says I must quit; high-class trade. See my agent, Mr. Easton, 73 Chamber 01 commerce. SEWING FACTORY. Good location, cheap rent, no reason able offer refused : investigate. Phone ownar Marshall 216S; evenings, Marshall 111 i SPECIAL. $200. restaurant, employment district. all stock included, rent paid. Hurry, this can't last. See Mr. Easton, 723 Chamber of Commerce. DANDY good bakery, confectionery, light grocery; a-j equipment, spienaia ousiness low rent, with liv;ng rooms; splendid op portnuity; $500 cash and terms. 319 Lum ber Exchange. FEED STORE Partner wanted for this solid business, oav each partner S25 week now: can be increased with interested help; re quires very little money. Room 329 Mor gan bldg. GENERAL MDSE.. fine suburban ctnr rent $S0, including 6 furnished living rooms and barn; invoice about $2000; price $2200. half trade. P. W. Persels, 269 Stark street. 40-ROOM hotel and restaurant, good nearby town, best location, very low rent, nice ly furnished; $S00. P. W. Persels, 269 r-tarK st. CLASSY tittle cash grocery; ideal location, new brick bldg. : fine living rooms : heat. light, water Included in rent, $18; $700 cash. Jio Lumber Exchange. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WILL invest S350 and services in a well paying proposition ; prefer tailoring. K , oregunmn. TO PURCHASE or lease, first-class modern transient hotel, out of city. H 339, Ore gonlan. WANTED To buy cigar store, clearing at least ioo monthly. l JUo, uregonian, STOCKS AND BONDS. STOCKS and bonds; a good auto for coin machine stock. G 32b, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Corner of 4th and Pine Streets. 70 ROOMS, TRANSIENT HOTEL. $150O handles It; clears $25 per month: price $450o; would exchange for dairy ranch, stocKco. 68-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. $150o handles it: price $3400; 20 two room and 9 three-room apartments; West Side, brick, strictly modern ; clears $200 per month; located m walking distance. 56-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. Swell Nob Hill location ; always full : modern brick building; rent only $200 per month; $L'0UO handles it. 04-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. Rent onlv $75 per month; good location clears $loo pr month ; good furniture ; price $16oo. hair casn; real snap. 44-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE For only $15oo. half cash ; West Side, Close in; rent siuu per montn. 43 ROOMS SOME CLASS. Only $1000 cash required : all single rooms, witn private Datn; one transient location ; elegant ly furnished ; only $3500; clears $25X) to $300 per month; hurry if you want something gooa. 40-ROOM DOWNTOWN HOTEL. House full : rent only $175 per month hot and cold water in all rooms; steam- heated corner ones: oniiaing; price s.., only $SO0 cash, balance easy payments; clears i.o per montn. Corner of 4th and Pine Sts. Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY ROOMING-HOUSE SPECIALS. 40 ROOMS. RENT $150. St am heat, hot and cold water, nrivate baths, centrally located : one of the best buys in the city; price $z2ou, si-jihj cash. 41 ROOMS. RENT $125. Hnupk eeTlns-. clears $125 ner month, al ways full, 2 years' lease; price $10o0. some terms. 5 ROOM APARTMENTS. Steam heat, rent $200. 5 years lease, clears $125 per month; price $15o0, some terms. n ROOMS. RENT $180. Finely furnished, close in, steam heat, hot and cold wsvter. must sell on account of death owner. $loK cash to handle. 16 RUU31S, KfcM $-'0. Furnace heat, enough wood to last all Winter, rooms full, good transient loca tion, clears $." to $75 per month. See this for a bargain; price $600. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 61S-619 Yeon bldg. Main 4M- MARY" E. LENT. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY. Hotels Rooming, Apartment -houses. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. S0- NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. Phone Main 8560. YOU have just one more chance to buy best-paying, most homelike place in the ciiy; a snap, but must sell this week. 201 Irtth at. ; no agents. MUST leave city. 10 -room, rent $2o; price, $150. 303 Main U ROOMING-HOUSE. DO YOU WA NT SOME CASH ? Then b this 12-rnom place. Nice loca tion, Wftt Side, well um:shed, coir.plfie for housekeeping, rent $37. 5v. income t support Fmall Iamiiy. value $.".00; if you have a lot worth ?70t or $750 you will get the difference in cash. O. C. K. ELLIS CO.. 3M Board of Trade. 4th and Oak Sts. SMALL rooming-house at 327 Broadway So. Phone Marshall 4127. LOM AND FOt'U. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light A Power Co. and owners thereof may claim sama at the First and Alder-st. station: Oct. 6. Marshall 5i0u. A 6131. 1 over coat, 9 umbrellas, 2 small packages, 1 miik bottle, 1 ring, 1 package laundry, 1 grip, 3 packages, 1 satchel, 1 suit box, 1 broom. 2 books, 1 roll butter, 1 purse. 1 pair spectacles, 1 small suitcase, 1 grip, 1 pair rubbers, l pocket knife, l locktt, 1 grate, 1 handsaw, 1 coin, 2 school boois, 1 lunch box. ENGLISH setter dog. black and white col oring, aoout S years old, In neighborhood of Forest Grove. Or., Sunday. October 1: answers to name of Don." Finder notify Good Real Kstat Co., Forest Grove, or W. K. Chetwood. 254 6th St., Portland. Or. Marshall 2o00. ' Reward. LOST Watch, hunting case, Elgin, engraved ic., iost near .'3d and Washington. John McClurg. delivery boy, H. Liebes & Co., 2S Morrison st. Finder please return. as watch Is keepsake. LOST Please hand the purse containing t.i.u max you louna on the Oregon Electric car to the conductor of the same car or to the officials at the North Bank depot. Reward. LOST By L L. Povey, Hancock St., 1 lemaie osion terrier, orinule body, one side of face .white; answers to name of Peggie; will pay reward. Phone C 1461. LoST Purse containing $70 Saturday even ing; rewara it returned to C . Uood.iie. the Modern Confectionery Co.. E. 11th and Flanders st. LOST Wire-haired fox terrier, without col lar or muzzle, white with black spot on head ana tall. Main 76o3. Reward. LOST One cameo bar pin set with pearls. very valuable as keepsake; liberal reward. Phone C LOST Male Irish setter duy, license 12VS. tt. a. jewis, iast 10 or notiiy ponce Station. LOST Kitten, Persian Angora, near Irv ing ton ccrodi ; nnaer Kinuiy return to lit tle girl at 4!: E. 11th st., N. LOST A fraternity pin with name engraved on duck, ij. Aiagiaary; rewara. taii jxiaiu 4t47. LOST Yellow Persian cat. 1396 East Hth fat. Reward. Sell wood 1881. LOST Black cccker spaniel, name Chubby. Phone Tabor i52i; reward. AUTOMOBILE crank and sleeves. Reward. Call Main TH.'l. FOUND Gold bar pin with pearls. Flion A SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals In v It ed. DEPARTMENT of the Interior, United btates Reclamation Service. Sunny side. Wash., Sept. . 2. 1914 Scaled pro posals will be received at the office of the United States Reclamation Service, Suunyside, Washington, until s o'clock P. M. October 26, 1914, for the construction of about 13,35 miles of main canal exten sion of the Sunuyside Canal, near Benton City, Washington, with pipe lines, flumes aud other appurtenant structures, involv ing the excavation of approximately 67.40tt cubic yards of earth and 17.550 cubic yards of rock, the construction of $ pipe lines, the total length of which Is approx imately 4240 feet. 003 lineal feet of metal flume, and the Incidental Irrigation struc tures. Particulars may be obtained at the offices of the. United States Rec.amution Service at North Yakiina and Sunny side, Washington. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE, Portland, Ore gon t Jd Dist. , Oct. o. 1914. Sealed proposals tor the construction of tne wooden hull combined dredge and snag boat Mouticello will be received at this office until 11 A. M.. November 5, 1014. and then publicly opened. Information on application. C H. Mc Kins try, Lieut. Col., Engineers. FINANCIAL. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 60 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. NOTES drawing S per cent interest, will dis count 5 per cent; notes mature w ithin one year payable monthly; Al security, responsible indorsements; investigation will convince you. H 330, Oregonian. LOANS on improved inside property; plenty of money ; low rates; no delay. Principals only. Robertson &. Ewiug. 207-20& North western Bank bldg. MONEY for good city loans. 6 and 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham, fc32 Morgan tldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermena bldg. MORTGAGE ?wOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (drst ax.c second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis bidg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgagee, itub ertson &. awing, -JO'-B N. W. Bank bldg. MONEY for good city loans, 0 and 7 per cent. J. A. Cunningham, &32 Morgan bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amount from $5o0 up; current rates of interest. Straight loans on straight propositions Get our terms and rates be fore your mortgage comes due, OREGON INVESTMENT & M' TGAGE CO.. 202 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. Main 6S2L A 4144. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO., Olti SPALDING BLDG. " TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and farm property, 6 to 7 per cent, MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Secoud St.. near Washington. MONEY TO LOAN, ti TO PER CENT. Any Amount. PROMPT SERVICE. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 428-424 Chamber ot Commerce. ON improvea city property or for building purposes. 3 to S years' time ; iberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as build ing progresses. '1 no Equitauie Savings & Loau Association. 240 stark st. TO loa;. Lowest Rate Money on business property. apartments, dwellings and farms. Jt. H. Blossom, S10 Chamber ot Commerce. MONEY' TO LOAN On Real Estate. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., St. Charles Hotel, -04 Morrison Street. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., i7-l0 North western Bank bldg. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-44 Chamber of Commerce. $100 TO $1000 to loan, mortgages, con tracts, equities bought. 20U Oerliuger bldg. TO LOAN $40.0b0 OR LESS. F A R R I N G TO N . SO 4th St. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. $50 TO - $5o00 loaned in a day on real es tate security; lowest rates. Smith Invest ment Co., 002 Northwestern Bank bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO.. INC, Stock Exchange Bldg., 3d and Yamhiil. v ON improved and unimproved real estate, mortgagee bought. W. H. Nunn, 448 Sher lock uldg. Phone Main 3119. SEE us today for loans on improvea city property. 0 to S per cent; $oo and up. Cellars-Mur ton Co., a25 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, tt and 7 . ER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 229 STARK ST. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 313 Ch. of Com. $0O, $350, $0UU, $yoO, JIUOO, $1SOO. Fred W. German Co., t14 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS at C and 7 per cent. FRED S. WILLIAMS. y2 First st. PLENTY of money to loan at 7 f.nd & per cent, uoaaara at wieqncK. l43 iStark. $1000 TO $0,000 at 7 per cent. Main fitfJ m T Murton. 317 Worcester Lias;. $l'Mo to loan, part or all. Phone Tabor 543. liOKTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, S07 Wilcox bldg. MONEY', any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. II. Seits 6c Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. $1000 TO 7oOOf or city or farm loan. Tabor ijjj Or V v' i fa .1. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and mtgs. bought. H. Miley. 204 Gerllnger bldg. &.'.. H000 and upward on Improved rsai estate ; favors ble terms; no delays; no brokerage. -"' " coiuuig Diag $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 31 J 31S Failing bldg. S60O0 PRIVATE FUNDS on hand to place on first-class improved farm security; no delays- i o-t gpa;uing o:ug. ALL amounts at low rais of ;nterest 414 Yeon bldg. Ore. Bd. &. Mtg. Co. Mar. 338 STATE FUNDS. per cent. W. E. Thorn-. agent Multnomah County, 400 Co, of Com, FINANCIAL. Mooei to X.OSUI m iicsd Instate. $2'(-o oN city properiy. c. A. Ambrose. 31Sa WashingiQij st. Main Gv7S. -Money to Vosn Chat t els and Salaries. 1MMEDI A TELOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN" RATES. We Lave one o: ihe finest retail Jewelry stores in thtj city. A loan department is conducted iu connection with so. me, mak ing bufeinesc STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, absolutely no igiu designating loau busi ness o'l&Ljlayed in front ox our store. Ail merchunaise pledged is held lor a period of seven montus, whether or nut interest ia. paid when Uue. YY e are licensed, ana have been established since ls-sw. No con. .nectiou with auy other loan ustablisarnent in this city, A. Ac M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS. 324 Washington St. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN -oOTEfi 10 TO $lUO CHEAPEST AND .BUST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY No SECURITY. BUSINESS STK1CTLV CONFIDENTIAL UOLKS S A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAY aO l P. M. oTATE SECURITY CO.. 3D., FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc. SEPARA1E DEPT. FOR LADIES. ELBY COMPANY (Licensed) 320 Lumber Eschanjt eB Ug. Secoud aud Stark Sts. We Make Loans in Six Hours' Time. AT LEGAL RATES. We loan money on diamonds, pianos, livestock. stoia;e receipts, equities, rai estate, plain notes or furniture. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. -tLicensed. ) Room 200 Koihciuld Bldg. Bet. 4tn and Mh on Washington St. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx bioch. 74 3d st. LOAN S on diamonds confidential. 14 IV 3 ind jewelry ; strictly I st.. near Alder. MONEY' LOANED on diamonds and jewelry. S. w. Kins, room 43 Washington blug. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew e Iry . W m. 11 o 1 1 . room b, Washington bldg. MONEY on chattels, notes and mtgs. bought. Columbia Loau Co., Ut Swetland. LOANS on chattels or unything of value. ;17 Lumber Exchange blug. Main SyjS. Loans Wanted. APPLICATION FOR MORTGAGE LOANS. $I2.0oO 40 acrt--s east of the city, all iu cultivation ; value 1 40,ooo; J years, S per cent. $ 7,000 CO cres near Reedville. on elec tric line; value $24,uu0; 3 years, b pe- cent. 5.O00 2UO acres near Lutoure.l; value $15,000; 3 years. 8 per cent. $ 1,000 est Side corner, elose lu, value lio.ouo; o years, b per cent. Many applications in smaller amounts. gilt-eugc security. OREGON INVESTMENT & M TGAGE CO.. 2u2 Stoi-k Exchange uidg., 3d aud YamhilL. Mam 021. A 4144. $1000 A'Ae. $1000 AT $1000 AT S9- On one S-room modem house aud 'one 4-room house, piastered, nut modern, both in Sen wood, value about$300o. That is a good loan for $luO0. FRED W. GERMAN CO., Main 6445. 914 Chamber of Commerce. gUOt'O WANTED tor 3 to 5 years on $1S.1'uO stocked and equipped :uo-acre farm : one of the finest places in the valley ; moral risk unusually good. U. S. MORTGAGE & I XV. CO.. Ovtt-CO" Yeon Blug. WANTED From private party: $000, 3 years. S per cent ; $750, 3 years, S per cent; $ilou, 3 years, a per cent; all gooa residence property. H. F. BOTHFUR. 724 Board of Trade. Main 3533. $30O AT tf',c. $3uo AT 9';i- $3UU AT 5 -room dwelling, occupied by owner, vaiuu of house und lot fluOu; $3oo warned for 3 years at per cent. FRED W. GERMAN CO., Main 6io. &11 Chamber of Commerce. $300 AT 10?c. $300 AT 10'i. - 3U0AT 10. Security ISO acres raw land, in Umatilla, County; good moral risk. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Main 145. 1M4 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Second mortgage $1500; well se cured by city residence property; win take $bOO for immediate sale. This Includes 4 months' Interest at $ per cent. Phone Mar shall 41 NOTES drawing S per cent interest, will dU- count o per cent ; notes mature w unm one year, payable monthly ; Al security, responsible indorsements; investigation will convince you. H 330, Oregonian. PRIVATE parties who have money to loan out at the going rate of interest, will give good security and steady emplo -men. Write for particulars. AH 331. Ore gonian. WANT. ED A loan of $33o0 from private par. ties at the going rate of interest with , good security. For particulars write AC 323, Oregonian. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE. $1300. SVb, Rose City Park res., K'SOO. $16UU, V, Rose City Park res., $3400. HAKTMAN-THOMfSO N BANK. WANTED $70u0. on income property less than 1-3 value, a years, 0 per cent; will not pay commis--sion. V 2fe&. Oregonian. MONEY WANTED from principals; desir able applications on hand ; selected first mortgages for sale. Henry C. Prudnomme. Wilcox bldg. FOR SALE First mortgage, J 1900. interest S per cent; goixi security; sell for $1700 cash. X 3uo. Oregon tan. WANTED $lno on 20 acres of good land. 12 miles from Portland, val ue $:;00. E. J. GEiSER, 420 Chamber of Commerce. $500, S per cent, Parkrose residence, $'000. $1S00, 3 per cent. Rose City res.. $3700. HART MAN -THOMPSON BANK. $3oo AT S per cent, from private party, improved city property, worth $2000. W 332, Oregonian. WA N'T $2500 on $10,000; pay S bids. business property worth per cent, 43J Worcester WANT $1000 to $."0o0 private money, 7 per ce n t. on good security. K 303. oregonian. WANT $1000 on good lots, Irving ton dis trict; value S30t-0. Owner. P. O. Box 103. "WANT money from principals only for very desirable loans. L 3on, oregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. 2-Inch convent Hair Switches $4 85 26-lnch convent Hair Switches, gray. 4.3 5 Hairdressing .25 Face Massage ... -25 T Shampoo .S3 Manicure. 2iic; 5 for 1.09 12 scalp treatments 5.0t Superfluous hair removed by electrio neeule; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair, in any shade; a v. itches, any length; prices half Sanitary Parlors, 400. 412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's directions; bath, massage. No. 7 East lith st.. sec ond door south from East Ankeny carline. Phone East 260. B 1S03. FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; f:nest stock human hair goods; switches from, Bbc up; hairdressmg. manicuring, face and scalp treatment; combings made up to or der. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main S46. LAWYER Efficient and confidential service, 20 years experience. DETECTIVE Address Lock Box 2o2, Port laud, Oregon. GERMAN TRAI NED NURSE Treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc ; manage and baths. -ioZ Salmon st., cor. 13th. Marshall 3033. Open Sundas. FOR SALE Superfluous hair remover; re moves the hair by the roots without pain. Harmless and easy; reasonable, Oti'j Spok uno ave. Phone Sell. Ib47. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mary A. Price. Circles Tues. 2; Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M Readings a a 1 1 y. bU3 Fifth st. Ma rshall 3960. SOPHIA B. SEIP. mental and spiritual sci entist, daily, 3o Alisky bldg. Messages Wednesday. S P. M. Mam S--5. " MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, $3c; curie and puffs, 73c Sani tary Beauty Parlors. 4U0 Pesum bldg. ELECTRIC vibration for rheumatism, neu ralgia, racial aud seal p treatment, rea sonable Phone Marsh all JO. DIVORCES Lawjer of 23 years' experience reliable advice free. 4o4 Kothchlld blc g 27 tj Washington st THE FUR SHOP. New orders and remodeling; best work. lowest prices; trimming. 717 Swetland bid. MRS. STEVENS, 21 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, author of -palrouuty Maue Easy." 2l?a Morrison gt. HYPEREME TREATMENT. 508 Northwest bldg.; all ailments treated; hours 10 A. M to 8 P. M- MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs, M. D. Hill. 42U Fleldner bids Mam 3473. CARPETS cleaned and relald ; refitting a specialty H. Packer. Tabor 105. DrU McMAHON. chiropractor 121 4 th. Chronic cases, IB treatmen ts $10; baths 2ao MILLINERY order and makeover shop. 208 Tilford bldg. Phone Main S53L USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. 00 tablets tor 2Cc. All druggists. LESSONS In phrenology and card readings. 33 Qth st Phone Main 754S. PH EASANTS prepared for hats. 717 Shetland. BALM OF FIGS compound Royal Tonio Tablets. Ml Davis st. phone Maiu 2303 Dr. Olga Nethyba. chiropractic, steam baths, . massage. t0 Northwest bldg. Main 3199.