THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, TnTJRSDAT, OCTOBER 8, 1914. 15 FOOTBALL PLAYING CODE IS ALTERED Aggie-Multnomah Club Contest Will See Readjustments Brought Out. SHIFTS COVER 38 YEARS Abolition of Kickout and Barring of Coaches From Sidelines Will Furnish Novelty for Spec tators In 1914 Games. BY KOSCOE FAWCETT. When the Oregon Aggies and the crack. Multnomah Club warriors line tip for the first bis football tussle of tha year Saturday on Multnomah Field, spectators will De confronted with. 14 readjustments in the playing code. American football has been in con dition of continual shift for 38 years, but, thank goodness, it is down to rock bottom now, where the readjustments, with one or two exceptions, cut little figure in one's past knowledge of the game. The change which will be noticed by the largest number of spectators is the Abolition of the moss-covered kickout. The kickout is kicking the ball from the 20-yard line alter a touchback or safety, the defending side having the option of free-kicking or scrimmage. Kickout Came In 1S70. The kickout came into American football in 1876, and the scrimmage option was added in 1909, when the rules committee saw what an advan tage the offenders had when the de lenders were forced to kick out against a stiff wind. Scrimmaging from the 25-yard line as it was then proved too advan tageous to the defense, however, and K. couple of seasons ago the line was moved back to 20 yards. Nearly all coaches ordered scrimmage on the play, so the committee has now re scinded the kicking feature entirely. Barring the coaches from the side lines is another shift that will fur nish novelty. This will not affect play nor will it stop sideline coaching. Perhaps football don't know it, but every time a coach sends In a substi tute and this happens frequently throughout every game said substi tute carries out enough tips to supply a dozen phonographic rolls. This move against the coaches had Its Inception as far back as 1901, when the rules committee limited the side line roamers to five persons. This was reduced to three in 1911 and to one in 1912 and now exit the last buffalo of the herd. Forward Pasa System Changed. The intricate and complex forward pass system has received four new rules and we now challenge anyone without a card Index system in his brain to keep track of them. The only important change is the legislation against the intentional grounding of a pass when a runner has been tackled five or six yards back of his line of scrimmage. For merly his side was penalized simply a down, the ball returning to where it was put into play. Now, however, this 'strategem' draws a 10-yard pen alty and an added down. A memorable incident of the Yale Harvard game last Fall has brought forth another change of moment. For many years a rule has been in the book to the effect that any kicked ball, except on kickoff or free kick, hitting the goal posts on the fly be fore being touched by a player auto matically became a touchback. One of Yale's kickoffs in 1913 struck the posts and bounded back on the TtelJ, whereupon a Harvard "Merkle" trotted back of his own line and touched the ball down for what he thought was a touchback. Instead, the play came under the head of ex ceptions and it was a safety, scoring" two points. Under the revision any kicked ball, except one scoring a goal, becomes a touchback upon hitting the goal posts before touching any player. The other changes are technical and do not affect the average fan's under Btanding of the gridiron sport. COLLEGE ATHLETES ELECT 'Orange O" Club, of O. A. C, Names Gk"orsre Dewey President. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, Or.,, Oct. 7. (Spe cial.) The "Orange O" Club, composed of Oregon Agricultural College ath letes, "Who have bki t.U their monograms in some form of major sport, have chosen George Dewey, a senior in the department of dairying, as president for the year. Other officers selected were W. O. King, captain of the bas ketball team and member of the foot hall squad, as vice-president; Lee Rey nolds, captain of the track team, as secretary, and Leo Laythe, varsity line man. as treasurer. "Admiral" Dewey, the new Orange O heao, is one of the best all-round ath letes ever developed here. Despite the fact that he is small in stature, weigh ing only 140 pounds, he holds mono crams in football, basketball and track. He is now playing regularly at center on the Beaver gridiron eleven. Last year, on the basketball team, he was mentioned for all-star honors, and was Dr. Stewart's high man in the dis tances on track season, negotiating the mile in 4:26 in his first season. Dew ey's home is in Jackson. Mich., and be fore entering O. A. C. he took work at the University of "Wisconsin, and at Peraue University. The Orange O Club plays an Impor tant part in the athletic life of the college. It was this organization which last year staged the athletic carnivaL A similar affair will be undertaken this year. WHITMAN" TEAM CRIPPLED Captain Slover and Berney Laid fp ana May Not Play Saturday. WHITMAN COLLEGE. Walla Walla. Wash.. Oct. 7. (Special.) Making a poor showing in the last scrimmage before the Oregon game, the Whitman football squad allowed the Walla Walla High School eleven to score three touchdowns on them. Two of these were made when the preps picked up the collegians' fumbles, but one w:as made on a clean forward pass from the 20-yard line over the goal line. Coach Hahn is extremely disappointed with the showing of his men and de clares that any man on the regular squad who makes a fumble within the next few days will be relegated to the scrubs. The Whitman team was crippled by the absence of Berney from his posi tion at right tackle and of Captain Slover. Slover is laid up with a bruised knee, while Berney is still suffering with a strained ligament in his leg. It Is doubtful if he will be able to play tn the Oregon game. The Whitman team will leave for Eugene tomorrow night. PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable price. Pacific Title & Trust Co.. 7 Ch. of Com. ACCORDION PLEATING. K. 6TEPHAN Hemstitchinr and scalloping", accwd. side pleat buttons covered, goods sponged: mall orders. a3 Alder. M. 9378. AKSAYBRS AI) ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSY OFFICE. Milfe 2d. Gold, silver and platinum bought. GILBERT A BALL, successors Wells A Co., tiOt) to 613 Couch bids., 10 4th. Main 71SO. ATTORNEYS. J. R. GREENFIELD General practice, ab stracts, contracts, collections, etc; consul tation free. New offices, 707. 70S, 7t Sell ing bldg. Main 4UD3. Open evenings. WM. M. LAFORCE, Counsellor-at-Law. 22Q Failing Bag-. BUSINESS COLLEGE. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Tllford bldg, Portland. Oregon. Phone Main 0OS3. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old car- ycia. rag rugs. &9 iast atn. jjoth phones. CELLULOID BUTTONS. BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY, 33 5th Bt. Phone Main 312 and A 1254. CHIROPODIST. William. Estelle and William. Jr.. Deveny, the only scientific chlrodopists in the city. Parlors. 302 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. t. Hill. Offices. FUedner bldg. Main 3473. t'MIKOPKACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHON. 121 4th Chronio cases; li .qiiiicim. iu: otnera less. Main i:Uo. CLEANING AND PRESSING. DRESS SUITS for rent; we press one suit c:ti perymontn. UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. o09 Stark at., bet. 5th and 6th. Main 514. COLLECTION AGENCY. Accounts, notes, judgments collected. "Adopt c!iir ir f,f'm- snort Adjustment Co., i-.. w. nan tuqg. f none Main 974. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796 No collection, no charge. Established 1900. DANCING. PROF. WAL WILSON Waltz, hesitation, one-step, two-step, schottische: lessons, 2.,c; morning, afternoon, eve. ; guarantee to tpach anybody who walks hnu, rt onA S5Vi nth st.. bet. Stark and Oak- 4 private lessens, f2; 8 classes, phone Main 7637. ilR. and Mrs. Heath's Academy Dancing I-ri. eve.. 7 to 9: assembly after; lessons daily. 22Hj Morrison, cor. 2d. Mar. 313. AOmCULTUEAl IMPLEMENTS. R. M. Wade &. Co.. Z22-32t$ Hawthorne ava. ABCIUTECTlBaL HIKE A IRON WORKS. Portland Win & Iron Win., lid and Columbia. AUTO AJiO BUGGY TOPS. DI'BRUI LLfc; BUGGY TOP CO., 200 2d Bt. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BAI.LOU A WRIGHT, 7th and Oak: sts. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer, Park A Davis. BICYCLE. MOTORCYCLES A SUPPLIES. BALLOL' & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sts. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHARD. 13th and Burnslde. CASCARA BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAHM BKUS., 191 FRONT ST. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. Crowe & Co.. 45 Kourth street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CLOS3ET A DE VERS, 1-11 X. Front St. DRY GOODS. FI.EISCHNER. MAYER A CO.. 207 Ash St. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electrical Co., oth and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall GROCERIES. '"O.. J'-V.i Fonrvh street. OA C. FRESHMAN TO PLAY C1IF.MAWA INDIANS AND OTHER TEAM S MAY BE MET. Lincoln High School, of Portland, Chal lenged and Outside State Ag(re aratlon Game Expected. OREGON AG KICTJ LTXTRAX COLLEGE, Corvallis. Oct- 7-r-lSDeclal.) If plana announced by Everett May. assistant manager of athletics at the Oregon Ag ricultural College, mature, the fresh man football eleven will enjoy a sched ule this Fail which will rival the col lege card In attractiveness. Games have been scheduled with the Chemawa Indians and with the high schools of Corvallis. Aibany and Salem, and over tures have been made to a number of other prep school aggregations. Lincoln High School, of Portland, has been challenged, and Coach May Is hopeful of arranging a game with Bor leske'a hopefuls. As a climax to the season the local "rooks" will be taken on a trip which will serve as an added attraction. Aberdeen High School, As toria High School and schools in East ern Oregon have been approached In this regard. Although it is likely that before many days have passed the ranks of the lo cal first-year men will have been de pleted by the ravages of Head Coach Stewart, who has been call ing on some of the best-looking fresh men for service in the varsity ranks, the 1918 eleven will be a husky bunch this year. The freshmen who are most likely to find themselves unable to compete with the beginners because of promo tion to the first team are Hoerline, fullback; Newman, halfback; "Watson, tackle; Cole, guard; Bissett, end. and Allen, tackle. All of these men prob ably will be seen in Portland Saturday. HE1X1G TO ITiASII BALL GAMES Manager Pangle Arranges to Give Vans Chance to Watch Series. Portland world's series ball fans will hear the news three hours ahead of the fans on the sidelines. That is to say returns of the game will begin flashing on the Star board at the Heilig Theater Friday morning shortly after 11 o'clock. Thanks to the difference between Pa cific and Eastern time, local fans thus can know the result almost before It has happened, paradoxical as it may sound. "Our doors at the Heilig will open at 10 o'clock," said Manager Pangle yesterday. "Popular prices will prevail &ni there will be no hitches in the re turns. Every precaution has been tak en to prevent wire trouble. An oper ator will sit cm the stage with his in strument and a force of skilled men will work the unique playing board. "Every play will appear on the board just as soon as it comes off the wire. I expect a packed house and have made arrangements to serve hot dogs and weiners to the fans." DIRECTUM I TAKES ANOTHER World's Kecord of 1:59 1-2 for a Third Heat in Race Is Made. LEX1XGTOX. Ky Oct. 7. A world's record of 1:59 for a third heat in a race was established by Directum 1 in the Tennessee, which he won in straight heats from a small field. Frank Bocash, Jr.. the horse that was expected to be the principal contender, did not start because of lameness. Murphy drawing him after warming him up. Directum I s mile Is also the record for the Tennessee, being a full sec ond faster than the mile of Minor Heir in 1908. For the first time in many year BUSINESS DIRECTORY DENTISTS. DR. A. W. KEENE. Majestic Theater bldg., 351 tv Washington at. - Marshall -3205. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatments by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Caseeday. 517 Dekum til.. 3d w Wash. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kind of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 21 First St. Nortn. Phone Main 9210. FEED STABLE. TEAMING, hauling, excavating; sales stable. A. P. Morse. 334 Front. Main 6720. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works, East 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. KODAKS KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE A MARK. HAM CO.. 345 Washington St. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Morotcycles and bicycles. phone Main 53. A 2153. MOVING PICTURES. FILMS, machines, supplies, rented or sold. United Film Co, 220 2d Bt. MUSICAL PIANO studio. 26U 14th st. S. : arrangements made for practicing. Phone Main 3893. Emll Thielhora. violin teacher; pupil Sevcik. 207 Fliedner bldg. A 4160. Mar. 1629. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist in paralysis, ner vous chronic diseases. 504 Oregonian bldg. OPTICIANS. oo A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay $5 to 1 for a pair of glasses when I can fit your eves with first- quality lenaes, gold-filled frames, as low as SI. 50? Goodman, 191 Morrison at-, near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. GEORGE R. WELLS, 532 Morgan bldg. Hours 2 to 6 P. M. and by appointment Office Marshall 331; res. Marshall 19TO. T W R "R X'nrthrnn Iftft Unen V.l H o- nr- Broadway and Washington streets. 6 IT ice pnone Mam 4rf; residence East 1028. PLL'MES. DON'T throw your old dumes away; we are experts in feather dyeing, cleaning and remodel ing, mounting birds of paradise our specially. "xttifi fjL ME, 238 Morgan bldg. Main 4009. ROSE CITY PLUMB SHOP, Marshall 49U7." Plumes, paradise feathers, cleaned, dyed, remodeled. 416 FUedner bldg., 10th, Wash. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS If AIR GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO., WHOLESALE OXLf. 411 DEKUM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front st. HIDES. PELTS. WOOL AND JX'IiS. KAHX BROS.. 191 Front street. IROJI WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East End of Burnslde Bridge. STEEL, STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON, CASTINGS. STEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES, Carry Complete stock of STEEL BEAMS AND ANGLES. CHANNEL PLATES, t TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. I. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description, taps., mfg. findings. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, METAL LATH. The J. McCraken Co., 1114 Board of Trade. Sales agent celebrated Roche Harbor lime. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO.. 231 Pine street. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co. S3 Fifth st. MILLINERY". BRAPSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. the distance was waived in the third heat so that Directum 1 would not be likely to distance the other starters. Earl, Jr., won second money in the event. Don Densmore was third. Wal ter Cochato, the only other starter1, was distanced in the first heat. The 2:17 trot was unfinished after three heats and the 2:04. pace was carried over on tomorrow's programme. Sum mary: '2:14 pace, three in five, value $1000; 'A heats Tuesday The Assessor, ch. g.t by Walter Di rect (McMahon 6 111 Fred Mac, br. g., untraced (Glasscock) 12 6 6 William T.. blk. m .-...(Wilson) 3 4 4 2 Time. 2:05. 2:04. 2:06t4. 2:04. 2:1:2 trot, three in nve. value $1000 Kins Ambit, ch. m., by Robert Kins (Jamison) 2 4 111 Billy Bins. br. c. (Albine and Walker) 3 5 2 2 2 Dan C, E. S (Warner) 5 2 6 4 b Time. 2:10, 2:11(4. 2:12. 2:13, 2:12. The Tennessee, for free for all pacers, three in nve, value $3000 Directum I, ch. h., by Directum Kelly (Snedeker) 111 Earl Jr., g. h (Cox) 2 2 2 Dan Densmore, b. h... (Russell) 3 3 a Time, 2:02, 2:04, 1:C9S. 2:1? trot, three in five, purse $1000, un finished Mirthful, b. by Star of Patchen, (Murphy) 8 11 Hazel Lains. ch. m.. by John A. Mc- Kenon (Andrews) 122 Silver Bell. X. m (McDonald) 2 6 5 Time, 2:08V4. 2:06. 2:08. COLUMBUS DAY MATCHES SET Waverly Country Club Tournament to Begin at 9 o'ClocV. Columbus day, Monday, October 12. promises to be a busy one at the Wa verly Country Club, for golf matches will be played throughout the day with a supper and dance to conclude the programme. The first tournament will start at a o'clock, and the next at 1 o'clock, and the last at 3 P. M. At 9 A. M. a competition against par for two ball men twosomes, handi capped on the basis of holes up or down. Two men will play together, their best ball taken for each hole as against par. The entrance fee will be two golf balls each, and the first prize will be suitable for each man. For second honors two-thirds of the balls taken for entrance fees will be given, and the remaining third will go to third place. The handicap for men will start at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, while the mixed foursomes handicap will start at 3 P. M. Immediately after the last af fair a special supper and dance will be given in the clubrooms. Denver Loses to Indianapolis. DENVER. Colo.. Oct. 7. A ninth inning rally by the Indianapolis team, of the American Association, defeated Denver, of the Western League, today in the interleague series by a score of 4 to o. I.angford Knocks Out Colin Bell. BOSTON, Oct. 7 Sam Langford, the negro heavyweight, last night knocked out Colin Bell, of Australia, in the fourth round of a scheduled 12-round bout. The men fought a 15-round draw in Australia a year ago. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. 7. Maximum temper ature. 70.6 desrees; minimum, 52 degrees. River reading at 8 A. M.. 3.8 feet; change in last 24 hours, 0.4 foot fall. Total rainfall 5 p. M. to 5 P. M.) none: total rainfall since September 1. 1&13, 4.16 inches; normal rain fail since September 1, 2.62 Inches; excess of rainfall since September 1. 1J4, 1.54 inches. Total sunshine October 7, 8 hours. 47 minutes: possible sunshine. 11 hour. 24 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea-level) at 5 P. M-. 29. hi inches. . FORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Thursday. Increas es cloudiness, followed by rain; cooler; southerly winds. Oregon and Washington Thursday. In creasing cloudiness, followed by rain; cooler vrest portion, except near the coast; south erly winds. Idaho Fair south, rain north portion. WEATHER CONDITIONS. The harometer Is falling-'rapidly over the North Pacific States. The pressure is rela tively high in the Atlantic State and also over the Upper Missouri Valley. Rain has fallen in Utah. Colorado and in portions of the Mississippi and Missouri Valleys. Changes PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main S4i. PATENT ATTORNEYS. T. J. GEISLER, Att'y-st-Lsw. 603 Henry. Wm. c. Schmidt, Eng. and Draftsman. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice U. S. and foreign patents. t00 Dekum bldg. Rt'BBER STAMPS, SEALS. BKA$S SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash, st. phone Main 710 and A 2 TIP. SHOE REPAIRING. SHOES HALF SOLED in io minutes while you wait, 45c New York Shoe Repair Co,, 243 V4 Aider tit. SHOWCASE. BANK. & STORE FIXTURES. MARSHALL MFG. CO., 10th and Flanders New and old window display and cabinet work. FOR reasonable prices see Western Fixture & Showcase Co.. 48 N. 10th. Mar. 774. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van A Storage Co.. cor 15th and Kearney sts.. Just complete, new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam -heated piano-room, trunk and rug vaults, track age for carload shipments, vans for mov ing, reduced freight rates on household goods to and from Fast in through cars. HI AO V-Ff OK TRANSFER CO.. New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. We move and pack household goods and pianos and ship at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage. Office and warehouse 10th and Hoyt sts. Main 547, A 2247. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co. Office and commodious 4-etory brick warehouse, separate Iron room and fireproof vaults fur valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved end packed for shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main M0, A 296. MANNING WAREHOUSE TRANSFER CO., 13th and Everett Sts. Pianos and household goods moved, packed and shipped, reduced freight rates on all household goods to and from East, through car service. Main 703, A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St., cor. 18th. Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates in city. vi a D-n-KT DOCK and WAREHOUSE- Office 38ft Madison; general merchandise and forwarding agents, pnone Main owi WOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood; block wood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 5720. A 3899. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d and Columbia PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. lOtf First street. W. P. Fuller & Co.. 12th and Davis. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-St) Front street. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. I- KLINE, S4-S6 Front street. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES & CO., 1st and Oak: sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVER DING A FAKRELL, 140 Tont St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. foot of Ankeny. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davis. Portland Iron Works. 14th and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN bCPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 68 Front st WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS OPTICIANS. m'TTESFIEI.D PROS.. MOHAWK BI.D'J. in temperatures since yesterday have been unimportant. The conditions are favorable for increas es cloudiness Thursday in Oregon, Wash ington and Northern Idaho, which will prob ably be' followed by rain. Fair weather will continue in Southern Idaho. THE WEATHER. 5 Wlua V n 2. Tr3 2? I o 0 . o SJ L State ot Weathet STATIONS. Baker Boise Boston ........ Calgary ....... Chicago Denver ........ Des Moines.... Duluth , Eureka ........ Galveston ..... Helena Jacksonville Kansas City. Los Angeles.... Marshfield Medford Montreal New Orleans... New York North Head.... North Yakima.. Phoenix .... Pocatello Portland ... Roseburg Sacramento ... St. Louis. ...... Minneapolis ... Salt Lake San Francisco. . Seattle Spokane ....... Tacoma 60 0.001 4 NW Cloudy 62;0.00 4.XW Clear BO0.00 12ISW SO0.00. .) Clear Clear Cloudy eti'.o". oo'i 6jNE I't. cloudy kk 1 .v 4 h: Cloudy Cloudy 02 0.01 60,0. OO 82'0.OO 8l5,0.0O 8u;0.01 7Sft.4' 8,NE a ne Cloudy Clear Cloudy -Clear . Clear Clear io;se 4JN 81 NE 10:NE 0.0012 Cloudy 74 O.UOilO 58. 0.4IO14 NW Ft. cloudv W Cloudy 84:0.00 4SE 60:0.00 10 S Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy WO.OO 10S rrtiO on 4.SW &O1O.O0 54,0.00 70O.00 72j0.00 4,NW 4 W 3iS 4 N ft. cloudv Clear Clear Clear Clear 16,S SO'.oloOilrtlS 72,0.46, 4S Cloudy O!0 . u. ejo.oo 64 O.OO CO 0.01 (SliO.OO 4 SE 6lW Rain Cloudy 14 X Clear 4 E 4N Cloudy Clear TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Young man to assist photog rapher; experience unnecessary; must fur nish good references. Apply bet. 7 and 8 tonight. iSL'l K. Glisan st. Portland's Building Directory Chamber of Commerce Building Attorneys. DUNIWAT, RALPH R. Main 1615 S2S-5S1 Insurance, VINCENT, S. D. t CO. Main 1654 810 Beat Estate, REASEY. DORR E. & CO. Main 118..131 Board of Trade Building; Real Estate. BARRETT BROS. Main 6494 301 WALLER. FRANK L. Main 825 1011 Lewis Building Consulting Engineers, LUCIPS. W. W. Marshall 4 H-tl7 Spalding Building Mortgage Loans. BAIN. JOHN. A 1442. Main 6021. Yeon Building Attorneys. KIMBALL. BSNH Sr' M. Mar. 6S0 M.ALARKEY. SKA B HOOK 4t DIBBLE. Mam 1601. A 621! laoO-lUI Billiard IlaU. H'CREDIE BILLIARDS Second Floor Real Estate. RAINET. J. Q. Marshall 177 .....1S04 WAGGONER, GEO. E S0 ASISEMKNTS. BROADWAY AT TAYLOR Main 1. A 11SX HEILIG 3 NIGHTS BEOLNNESO TONIGHT 8:15 Wm. A- Brady Present Margaret Mayo' a Comedy "BABY MINE" Splendid Cast and Production, POPULAR EVENING PRICES. Entire lower floor $L Balcony 7So, 50c. Gallery Sec, 25c RABGAIS MAT. SATURDAY, Lower floor 75c 60c Balcony 60c J So. BOX OEl'lCE SALE HOW OPEN. BOX OFFICE SALE OPENS TODAY DE WOLF HOPPER and the GILBERT-SULLIVAN Comic Opera Co. Next Week gun day, Saturday Night and bat or day Matinee "THE MIKADO." HON. AND WED. NIGHTS. SPECIAL PRICE MAT. WED. Double Bill "PINAFORE," "TRIAL BY JURY." TUBS. AND FRI. NIGHTS. "lOLAMHE." THURS. fIGHT "PIRATES OF PEXZAXCE." Eve. and Sat. Mat., VI. (1.50, 1. 75c Special Wed. Mat.. $1.50, $1. 75c. 6ia. Buy Ticket at Theater or Send Mall Order. PROGRAM TODAY SELIG SPECIAL DRAMA WHO KILLED GEO. GRAVES in two parts. COMEDY HAM THELINEMAN KEYSTONE COMEDY HARDCIDER MISS THLEL JORDAN from the LONDON REVUE. New Programme Every Day. T JK t?D THEATER DAlVrilV Mains. A 6360. "mn On. L. Baker. MKT. Broadway and Morrison Street. Home of the Famous Baker Players. To night. All week. Mat. Sat. first time In stock. Philip Bartholomew's remarkable farcical Play. "LITTLE MISS BROH'V." By special arrangement with Wm. A. Brady. One of the season's biggest hits. Even ings. 25o, 35c. 60c. 75c; box seats. 91. Sat. Mat., 25c. 50c Next week, starting Sun. Mat. "Paid in Full." HAXaHEE PAlDf 230 Broadway at Alder Street "Th Kingdom of Dreams." The Acme Pour, Grey and Peters, Bob Kelly and George Catlln, Iarly and Jjalglit, "jSmlthy ajid the Eel." produced by Howard Kussell; Under wood & Underwood War Service, Mutual Weekly. Phone Main 4636. A WHERE OOES "WLAU1T VAUUliVlLLE lO Big Features lO tO.MIXlOlo Afternoon. 1:3 to :30. night, 8:30 to 11:00; Sundays, 1:00 to 11:00. PRICES Afternoons. 10c and 15a Mights. 15a and 25c CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily - mad Sunday. Per Line. One time arae- ad two consecutive time. 82c Same ad three consecutive times 30c Same ad six or seven consecutive times.. 66c Xbe above rates apply to advertisements tinder "w Today" and all other cImm Idea tion m except the following; Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted 1-em ale. For Kent, Kouiiih. lrlvate Families. Koom and Board, Private Families. Housekeeping Kooms, Private 1-amillea. Kate on the above classifications Is 7 cents a line each, insertion. On "charge" advertisements charge will be based on the number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words In each line, ikajnlmum charge, two lines. The Oregonian will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone, No prices will be quoted over the fihone, but bill will be reudered the f olio w- g day. Whether snbeiaent advertisements will be accented over the phone depend up on the promptness of payment of telephone uvrrnwriurni. rhuhiiiidi nuiru una i cr sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telenbone. Orders for one Insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Sale "Suines Opportunities "Aooming houses,' and "Wanted to Rent J he oregonian win not guarantee accuracy or iKMime responsibility for errors occurring Xr telephoned advertisements. idvert laments to receive prompt classl Ccation must be In The Oregonian office be fore B o'clock at night, except Saturday. C loft In hour for The undav Oreronian will be 7 :30 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open until io o clock 1 . as aual, and all ads received too late for oroorr clasi!ication will be run under heading "Too Late to Classify." The Oregonian will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion of any ad vertisement offered for more than one time. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK Contalnlnaf 835 Acre.. Portland's Only Madera Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Refined, Plcilllic Service. Complete. Perfect Eejolpment. Price. and Term. Ressoasbie, Both Telephone. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY T GK AND A V K Sj Between Dart, and Everett. Paonn Kui 1-111. B,513. Open Day and ."V IK fat. Report ail cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick, or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a pet may communicate witn " AUCTION SAFES TODAY. At 10 A. M. Entire furnishing of the Ritx Hotel, N. W. corner Park and Morrison streets. J. T. Wliion. auctioneer. At Baker's Auction House. 166-168 P.ark st- Furniture, etc Sale at 10 o'clock! MEETLVG KO TICKS. AL KADER TEMPLE SHRINE BAND will give a dance and card party at toe Masonic Temple, West Park autl Yamhill streets, on Sat. urdray. October 10, at P. M. Concert by tiie band from 6 to 0 o'clock. All Masons and their ladies cordiahy invited. Informal. Tickets, $i per couple.- fly order of the Po tentate. 11UXJH J. BOYD. Recorder. t COLUMBIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. F. AND A, M. Special com j&lm munlcauoa this t Thursday) even- Temple.- Labor In the F. C. de cree. VlsitiCsT brethren &lvavi welcome. By order w. M. FRED L. OLSON, Sec A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PORT land Kowing Club will be held at ths club house Wednesday evening, October 14, 8 P. M., for the purpose of adopting supple mentary articles o incorporation. By or der of the board of directors. H. O. CHICKER1.NG. Secretary. OREGON COMMANDER Y, K. T. Regular conclave Thursday, Oct. 8, 7:30 P. M. Parlors open from and after 1:30 P. M. The attendance of all Sir Knighta will be appre- C F. W1EUA.VD, Recorder X-AeV. dated. UTOPIA RE8EK.AU LODGE, NO. 62, L O. O. F., meets this (Thursday) evening In Oddfellows' Hall, E. 6th and Alder st. Short business session, followed by a tHH party. Admission 10 cents. JESSIE HENDERSON, Sec INDEPENDENT uhDER OF FOREST ERS. COURT PACIFIC, NO. 1247 extends a cordial Invitation . to its members and friends to attend the monthly social tonight at the hall. 19 H Fourth at. PIED. BRODIGAN October 7. at 2S6 Stanton t-, Owen Brodlgan, age 59 years, beloved hus band of -Mrs. Adeline Brodigan. Funeral announcement later. Remains at A. R Zeller Co.'s parlor, 592 Williams ave. STEME At late residence. li8 17th St., Mrs. Eva Stemme. Remains at liolman's funeral parlors. Announcement or lunerai later. FUNERAL NOTICES. COLEMAN At Good Samaritan Hospital, October 6, Harrold De Wayne Coleman, aged 14 years 10 months 2 days, beloved son ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Coleman, 12H4 E. tith st., N. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the Woodlawn Methodist Church, E. 10th and Highland sts.. at S P. M. today Thursday.). Oct. b. Interment Rose City Cemetery. ROXET In this city, October 7, Sarah A. Roney, age 55 years, mother of C. A, Ro ney and wife of W. M. Roney. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chaped of the F. S. Dunning, inc. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder st., at 1:80 P. M. Friday, October 9. Friends Invited. ITNERA1 DIRECTORS. The uui resilience unueituKing establish ment in Portland with private . driveway. Main U. A 1SUU. J. P. PIXLEY & SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeral director, 120 Third street, corner Salmon. Lady assistant. A 1511. Main 6f7. P. S. DUNNING, INC. East Side Fnneral Directors. 414 East Aider st. East E2, B 2S25. A. R. ZELLER CO., 582 WILLIAMS eve. East 1068. C 1088. Lady attendant. Day and night service. DUNNING & M'ENTEE. funeral directors, 7th and I'lne. Phone Main 43u. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. R. T. BYRNES. Williams ave. and Knott. East C 1943. Lady attendant. P. L. LERCH, East 11th and Clay sta Lady assistant. East 78L SK.EWES UNDERTAKING COMPANT,-M and Clay. Main 4152, A 2321. Lady attendant KLORtSTS. MARTIN & FORBES CO., florists, S47 Washington. Main 2t9, A 1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., designers and decorators; fresh cut flowers, great variety. Morrison, bet. 4th and 5th. Main or A 1805. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 2d and Alder. Designs and sprays. Marshall 5U22. MAX M. SMI TIL. Main 72l A S12L Sell lng bldg. NEW TODAY. 10 to 50-Acre Tracts Between Portland and Oregon City. Fine locality for investment. Many new nomes will be made therein year ly. Prices right. In some cases part exchange. I. G. DAVIDSON 819 Chamber of Commerce. $8000 Horns for $5250 9 rooms, modern, fine view, 'Willam ette Heights. Easy terms. W. B. STREETER 1215 Teon Bids'. Phone Marshall 3S33. MORTGAGE LOANS OS IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY, Money available wlthla 24 hours after receipt of abstract, 6 and 7 per cent. ROBERTSON & EWING 207-8 Xorthircstern Bank Bids. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Kate. FAKU AJiU CITY LOANS. hO Fourth St. Board of Trsds Bids. MONEY TO LOAN Sums to suit. Consult us. GEO. H. THOMAS. SI7 Oak St., Hoom 2, Ainnnorth Bids. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kates, JOHN K. CKONAN 902 epalaina: -Bids.. Portland. Or. KEAX. ETAT DF.AI.KRij. J. U. .NASH. t3 CtuunlMr r Cozxuneros bid.;., pays c&sh for real rsti-, sad. sells on sy terms sod exchsogs. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P. 04-05-40i BLCK, TrYluiAin G., 815-216 ratline bids. EEXKDiCX BROS., 930 Hawthorns svenu. J LK NINO CO-, Main 1&S. 206 Orsun&o. Fst fealo Lots. tsSlvERAU rood essps is Astoria. Warren tan aad Fl&vel lota; I know the ground and can locate you in tne itsart of the bast or it. R. 1. Tons, lie Korthwsst Bank bldg. REAL ESTATE. For bale Lots. LAUKELHURST AM CLOSIXa OCT AN ESTATE. That has 20 choice lots in Iurelhurst: some o the best In the addition can be had now at s discount of less titan original cost. This opportunity lll not last long. AO Oregon tan. 1KY1NGTON DISTRICT. lOOxltio lot. (loOO. three blocks from Broadway car. Investor or builder lookt this up. Three lota one bv'xloo and mo ouxlou each. East frontage, good loca tion. This la a cash sacxince. Security Development Company. 4:h ana Pine sts. FINE east-front Irving ton lot; Improvements are rn.ll In and psid for; price 1SD0; i0a under vaiu; terms can be srraogsd If desired. S. I. VINCENT A COMPANY. SIS chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVING TON DISTRICT. 00x100 lot, Must be cash. Take Broadway car. so three blocks east. Se curity Development Company. ih and Pine sts. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes and tonvisltea. A few nreat bsrgains. livery customer Is a reference, Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A ssa. LOT BARGAIN. Make me an offor ou Kuxl'J5 S build ing lots) corner 4Hh and Lincoln streets. S. W. corner. Marshall 4'2v). $o00. $10 CASH, balance $5 per month, buys h acre West Side, 5c t;ire, best value In the city. M. E. Le, rJ2 Corbett bldg. HAWTHORNE-Ave. lot, west of 5Hh St., Improvements all paid. Price $1200; hall cash. Addreya F Ss. Oregonian. WESTOVER TERRACE, 60x90 corner loner section, near Cornell road; owner will aac- rince. P. O. box 2QS3. Vm PRICE, Rose City lot bargain. Swank, Main 4110, East 1015. tor Sale Buwineaw Property. SOUTH PORTLAND BUSINESS PROPERTY $&0Ov. Fins corner, targe store building, and rooms overhead, street improvements paid for; unincumbered; exchange for sma.i farm same va.ue or less. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 14, Chamber of Commerce. For bale liescn Property. SEASIDE, OREGON. For asle or rent, 8-room house on G" sU. 60 feet from boardwalk; view of ocean from lower or upper porches. Lot 50x100; rent $15 per month. Inquire at Mrs. Jety's real estate office or at resi dence of Mr. Grogan. Seaside, Or. Anyone wishing to buy addreas James Dutty Seaside, Or. For Sale Houses. 100 FEET FROM HAWTHORNE AVE. CAR. New, modern bungalow, 5 rooms fin ished on ground floor, partitions set for o large rooms upstairs; double constructed, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, bueau tiful butCet, Dutch kitchen, full length bevel plate mirror in cloakroom, full cement basement and fruit shelf, laundry trays, shades on windows, linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors, all other floors pol ished; pick your own light fixtures; bed rooms, bath and kitchen finished in white enamel; beautiful corner lot, graded aud in grass: ail for Jouou, your own terms, 1 per cent straight. Call WILBERG-OPPEGARD IW. CO.. 009 Siock Exchange Bldg.. Marshall ouu. GREAT SACRIFICE. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Only $100 down, balance $o per month and interest; price S400; located between Hawthorne and Richmond ca rimes, this side of 35th street. Is modern and has reception hall, living-room, paneled dining-room, buffet, Dutch kitchen, two bed rooms with connecting hall to bathroom, full basement, electric natures, shades. Must be sold at ouce. Let us show you our auto at your service. PEARSON & W1LLOUGHBT, Main 3U0O. Morgan bldg. WILL sacrifice swell modern 2-family Cat, 6 and ti rooms, worth $bo00. now $53lh: $100 down and $23 per month; walking distance on E. Yamhill st. See owner. 171 K. 23d st. Phone East 5U48. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME'; WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OK ANYTHING; PlANS FKclE; WE AKG RESPONSIBLE; WE IvNO V HOW. TALK. WITH OLR CLIENTS-, SEE OUR WORK, WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING, ARCH1 ETCTS. o24 ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $25 DOWN $12 MONTH. 4 rooms and bath, complete plumbing, electric fixtures, cement basement, win dow shades. Price, $1000. Cement walk and everything paid; Sell wood car to 7ua Ellis ave., a mue nearer than Sell wood. Also 704 Ellis, $1500. Go look, then call f.15 Abington blag. $750.00. Small house, beautiful 50x100 foot lot; disappearing bed. $5o cash payment down, balance at $15 per month, including inter est. Take Rose City Park car to 72d at. See Austin. GREGORY INVESTMENT COMPANY. LOOK AT THIS! 6 ROOMS WALKING DISTANCE. Hard-surface street, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, good plumbing, double construction; view lot. Price, $3oOO. Small amount down, balance monthly. 4bo E. 23d st., near Division. Lathrop, ili Abington bldg. JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL COTTAGE. Nice, nearly new, 5-room large cottage on a beautiful lot 60x100, on Webster st.. half block to L car. Price a snap; $26uo, $100 cash, and $15 per month. GRUSSI & HOLDS, 326 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. HAVE beautiful 8-room home, nituated on cor.ier, central location, near two carlines. all modern conveniences, large sun room and French window, all screened; was built for a home and will sell reasonable to right party. Inquire U26 East Taylor, corner 31st st. NOTHING" DOWN. $10 per month, including Interest; ii room house, 50xlOO-ft. lot, all Improve ments paid; 15 fruit trees and berries. 1179 Atlantic St., 1 block to car. J. V. Guthrie, owner. Main 3&u7. 500 Spalding bldg. BARGAIN RESTRICTED DISTRICT. New, swell home, $3650 $150 cash; S rooms, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, three bedrooms, large double living-room, elegant plate glasss buffet, oak floors; 20 minutes to city. Phone Tabor 1900. NEW, ATTRACTIVE. MODERN HOME. For amount of original mortgage, $o250. $250 cash; easy terms; 5 rooms, cement basement, paved street. 1 block to Clin ton st. car; 2U minutes out. East Side. 211 Lumber Exchange. FORCED on the market, a beautiful, new. modern, up-to-date 4-room bungalow cot tage. In cnolce, sightly residence district. It is a gem See for yourself. 1 must sell. Will take payments like rent. 6ee owner, 612 Piatt bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Brand-new 5 room bungalow; hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, breakfast-room, full norch and cemet.t basement; 1 biock to Hawthorne ave.; a, location. For full particulars nhone owner. Tabor 5483. W E will finance and build your home on cionialv nayments. Call at office or phone Alain 4347. O'DONNELL & STEELE. Commercial Builders, 501 Corbett Bldg. EAST FRANKLIN-ST. SNAP Fine 7-room "modern house; 4 bedrooms, furnace; a big snap at $3000; $350 down, $15 per month; near 36th. Make an offer. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92. NEW, modern, five-room bungalow, all dou ble constructed ; large attic, cement base ment, fireplace, furnace, wash trays, ce ment walks, etc.; $000 cash or trade, bal ance month' y payments. Taggurt, 4i0 Chamber ot Commerce. ' NEW BUNGALOW ROSSMERE. 5-room cosy home, $3IaO; $16o cash; just built, 17 minutes from city; fireplace, elegant oak floors, swell buffet and built in conveniences to please ladles 424 K 4Uth u N. Phone Tabor lfloo. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lots or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOMEBCILDERS, 13J0 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LARGE West Side home, beautiful view, largo grounds, every convenience, thor oughly modern : terms to suit purchaser. L 334. Oregonian. COME to 663 East 54th st.. Rose City Park, corner, for new. strictly modern 7-room home; price $3500, terms. Phone 'owner, Woodlawn 1571. MuDERN 6-room bungalow on nice corner lot. 1 olock to car; will give unusual bar gain to party able to make fair Drat pay ment. Phone Sellwood 2321 ATTRACTIVE, cew, 6-room, classy bun galow ; full corner, unincumbered. In Al berts, at $3500; $J5 total a month. U mun C It. Owner and builder, 1020 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE The finest new home in Irvinsr ton, between Bra see and Knott : price $".nK. K. E. Bowman si Co.. Commercial Club bid. FOR SALE at ynur own price, modern -room nous, near Irvtngton Club; must be sold: lea vine city. Pnone East $00" BUYS 3-room cottage, corner lot, $t cash, balance $10 per month, sf. S. Lea 622 Corbett bldg.