THE MORXIXG OREnOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1914. WHITE SLAVER IS FOILED ON SHIP Girl Traveling With Woman Rescued in Time as Boat Nears Los Angeles. MOTHER'S SEARCH IS CLEW Daughter ot Rich San Diego Parents Lured From Home Is Recognized by Captain, Who Warns Her and Sends Her Back. SEATTLE, Oct. 6. (Special.) The Btory of how a beautiful 19-year-old Kirl. daughter of wealthy San Diego parent, was rescued from the clutches of a white slaver after she had been persuaded to leave her home is recited by officers of the steamship Governor, of the Pacific Coast Steamship Com pany, which arrived in Seattle today Xrom California. Credit for the safe return of the younj- woman to her home in San Diego Is given by the officers to Captain H. C. Thomas, master of tiie Governor. Mother Provides Clew. A few minutes before the sailing the frirl's mother, almost distracted with apprehension, appeared at the dock and sked that the ship be searched for the girl, who, she said, had written a note raying she was to go north on the Governor. Soon after the vessel left port Cap tain Thomas, from the description fur nished him. recognized the girl and is sued instructions that she be taken to his office. There Captain Thomas closely ques tioned the frirl as to her plans. He dis covered that the runaway not only was totally unaware ot the danger she faced, but was determined to continue with her companion, who, officers of the vessel say, was a woman of a type readily recognizable by anybody with worldly experience. Truth Shokine to Girl. The girl told Captain Thomas the woman had promised her remunerative employment in San Krancieco. It was only after Captain Thomas had explained to her the real motive of the woman with whom she was traveling that tlie young girl was shocked into listening to reason. After the purpose of the woman was made plain to the girl, her effects, with her consent, were moved to another stateroom, which was occupied by a girl friend, who happened to be on the Governor. When the Governor arrived at Los Angeles Captain Thomas, out of his own money, bought a railway ticket to San Diego and placed the girl in charge of the steamship company's agent, with instructions to see that she boarded the first train out. He also telegraphed to the girl's mother asking her to meet the train. Because the girl was of legal age the woman was allowed to escape prosecution. gravity system from the headwaters of the north fork of the Newaukum. 14 miles away, was completed yesterday morning. SHERIFF'S CLAIM RESENTED Jlewnrd for Meachum Train Robbers Xot Taylor's, Say Complainants. I.A. GRANDE, Or., Oct 6. (Special.) Indignation has been aroused here over the action of Sheriff Taylor, of Pendle ton, in claiming a share of the reward offered for the capture and conviction of the Jleacham train robbers. Taylor has been awarded $1300 of the $3100 of- fered for the capture of the two men, 'the remainder of the reward being equally divided between jailer Bache lor and detectives Booth and Powers, the men who actually effected the cap ture, while Sheriff Taylor and his pos es were scouring the woods many miles away. Sheiiff August Hugg. of Union coun ty, today declared that he was as much entitled to a share in the reward as was Taylor. I'riends of the three men here have declared their intention of preparing a formal protest against Sheriff Tayior's action. 0. A. C. REGENTS TO MEET Reception Will Be Given in Honor ot College Guests. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oct. 6. (Special.) The board of regents of the Oregon Agri cultural College will hold a regular meeting on Friday, October 9, in the office of the president of the college. Matters of importance will be taken up. Following the meeting of the regents, president and Mrs. W. J. Kerr will entertain with an elaborate reception in honor of the guests of the college. All faculty members and students have been invited to this affair, which will be the first social function to be held in the new erymnasium. KLICKITAT FAIR IS READY Dit-plujs, Carnival and Wild West Show Staged at Goldcndale. GOLD EX DALE, "Wash.. Oct.. 6. (Spe cial.) Everything is in readiness for the opening of the sixth annual Klicki tat County Fair at Goldendale October 7-10. Exclusive of the livestock and agri cultural display the amusement fea tures this year will come up to many of the larger fairs held in the North west. A special feature will be daily aeroplane nights by Frank Bryant, a San Francisco aviator. The Arnold Amusement Company has the carnival concession. Spain brothers, of Pendle ton Rouna-Up fame, are here. The race horse stables are filling up with some of the best running horses in the North west. The Yakima Indians will attend. PURE WATER DAY IS SET Centralia to Celebrate Completion ot -Vew tiravlty System. CENT Ft A LI A. Wash.. Oct. 6. (Spe cial.) Centralia will let the state know October 20 that it has water as pure as any to be found. A celebra tion, to be known as Centralia Pure Water day. is to take place in observ ance of the completion of the new local gravity water system. The preliminary details of the dav were worked out at a meeting held last night by a committee of 40 busi ness and professional men. Committees were appointed and the complete programme will be announced at a meeting to be held Friday night. There will not be an Idle minute during- the day and everything will be free. BAKER MINES DEVELOPED Moon Anchor Being Put In Shape and Stamp Mill Began at Tipton. BAKER, Or.. Oct 6. (Special.) Frank McCarvel, of Sumpter, has start ed development work on the Moon Anchor Mine at Cable Cove, having taken a contract from T. Mehr and Frank Degande to put In 200 feet of tunnel. The tunnel is already in 150 feet Some shipping ore has already been uncovered, but it is the hope of the owners that the work now under way will penetrate the ore shoot for which it is headed. The Greenhorn mining district also reports renewed activity. At Tipton 20 men are constructing a stamp mill. The West Side mine is shipping in limited quantities, the ore being of medium grade. Frank Roberts is milling ore irom nis claim near the Snow Creek mine. This Is the property from which. a year ago, jvir. itoberts took a rich pwwji vs ii n ii caused a sensation in mining circles. GRAIN SALES GROW Checks Cleared at Spokane Show Record Business. TALE IS ONLY HALF TOLD Coast Banks Handle Many More Payments Showing Inland lim pire Transactions in September Reach at Least $2,000,000. HAY WAREHOUSES FILLED Baker Cou nty Farmers Putting Aside Crop While Prices Are Ixw. BAKER. "Dr.. Oct R (Snoiol Farmers of Baker County are storing large quantities or nay. in the ware houses at Haines and a large amount of hauling is being done to the hay center of the ftnuntv. PortlnH muFVuta are reported to be overstocked, causing B&irvme auiiness in prices, and farm ers are counting on better conditions. The Baker County hay crop is far above averaere And th rmn fa eai . be so large that in event it is not tak en ultimately by the Portland market it cannot all be fed to stock. The Baker warehouses are already filled. A few shiDments are beiner ranHp hv thn.a farmers who do not care to take any chance on advancing prices. Others are shipping hay on contracts made earner in tne year. WRECKED CATTLE CAUGHT eoo Head From Train Near Sumpter Are In Roundup. BAKER. Or., Oct 6. (Special.) Aft er nearly two weeks of incessant work, Curtis Haley and A. E. Lucas today completed a roundup of the cattle which escaped from a wrecked train near Sumpter last month. They drove in on horseback with 200 of the cattle which escaped at that time and scat tered all over the hills. All but six of the herd were found. They turned the cattle over to the Sumpter Valley Railroad today. The railroad company has assumed liability for the loss. It is said that the men who conducted the roundup over a wide area were handsomely rewarded. LUMBER INDUSTRY REVIVES Mills in Baker County Will Reopen After Temporary Shutdown. BAKER, Or.. Oct. 6. (Special.) The Stoddard Lumber Company mills at Whitney are preparing to resume work within the next week. The mills have been shut down owing to the falling off of orders after the start of the war in Europe. Large orders received from the trade in America, however, have caused a revival of the business. Logging opeiations have started near Whitney, a large number of teams and men having been sent out under Joe Neilson. the company foreman. SPOKANE, Wash., Oct 6. (Special.) Clearance of drafts and checks through Spokane renresentine- pur chases of grain in the Inland EmDlrs amounted to almost $2,000,000 during September. It 13 declared by grain men and bankers to - have been the largest amount of grain business ever conducted in the city during one month. . This figure represents only a part of the actual purchases and sales made through grain offices of the city. A large part of the drafts were cleared through Coast banks, local offices be ing branches of concerns doing a gen eral Northwest business, with head of fices at the exporting points. "Although definite figures are not available, it is a safe estimate to place ins monm s grain business at from i,ouu,uuu to 2,000.000." says J. A. Yeo mans, cashier of the Old National Bank. today. "The clearances through the city of grain money have been unusu ally heavy. . YAMHILL WOMEN MEET REPUBLICANS ORGANIZE TO CAMPAIGN WORK. How To Get Rid of. a Bad Cough : A Home Made Remedr that Will o It Quickly. Cheap and Easily Made Tf T-rtll lov. - V. I 1 , -."oc jicm uj ordinary reine- pint bottle and till the bottle with ,,! granulated sugar syrup. Start taking "h"ui "try nour or two. In 24 hours your couirh will ho ,..,, ,,i very nearly so. Kven whooping cough is ereatlv rpiiovOK) " lbe above mixture makes a full pint a family supply of the finest cough syrup that money could buy at a cost of only 54 cents. Kasily prepared in 5 minutes. Full directions witn Pinex? . ? ,P.lnex and Sugar Syrup prepa ration takes right hold of a cough and gives almost immediate relief, ft loos ens the dry, hoarse or tight couch in a "".r, is really remarkable. Also quickly heals the inflamed membranes V - J t""-v pamiui cough, and stops the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes, thus endin the persistent loose cough. Excellent for bronchitis, spasmodic croup and winter coughs. Keeps perfectly and tastes good children like it. Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, rich in guaiacol, which is so healing to the membranes. lo avoid disappointment, ask your druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex,"l-do not accept anything else. A guarantee pi absolute satisfaction, or money prompt Jj, refunded .goes with this preparation. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Mrs. Carrie I. Sherwood, Candidate for Recorder, and Miss Alice Adams, for Treasurer, Make Speeches. NEWBERG. Or.. Oct. 6. (Special.) Representatives of the Woman's Repub. lean clubs of Yamhill County met here today to organize for effective work. in behalf of the party candidates. Ihe initial organization of the women of the county was launched September 19 at a meeting In the Courthouse at McMinnville. Mrs. Martin Miller was chosen president and Mrs. J. G. Eckman secretary. At that meeting presidents and secretaries were appointed or the various towns in the county, for New berg Mrs. Clarence Butts was appointed president and Airs. Ella Ivelty secretary. Announcement was made today that there is now a total membership of 84 women. In addition to the women, sev eral men were present. Mrs. Butt pre sided and Mrs. Carrie L. Sherwood, of AlcAiinnviHe, candidate for Recorder. spoke. She said she had often heard the expression, "dyed-in-the-wool Re publicans, but she did not consider it was the duty of Republicans to not vote for all measures calculated to pro tect the home and benefit society. For that reason they should all vote for the prohibition amendment in Oregon. Miss Alice Adams, also of McMinn ville, a candidate for County Treasurer, said that the women of Sheridan and Willamina had not organized and she asked those present who have friends in those towns to write and urge them to get together. She said that all narts of Yamhill County should be working ror the success of the Republican party. y Charles B. Wilson, candidate for County Clerk, formerly postmaster of N'ewberg. said that ho "had been raised a Republican and that his ancestors were Republicans. This, he said, is a Republican year. Under Republican Administrations this Nation has pros pered. Henry O. Miller, of McMinnville, sec retary of the Republican county central committee, said it was important that everybody should register. BAKER REGISTRATION BIG Interest Keen In Approaching City Election, but Candidates Few.. BAKER, Or., Oct. 6. (Special.) Registration books for the approach ing city elections, October 23 and No vember 2, closed this week, and show more than 2400 names on the ballot This is the first city election at which the women will have a vote. At the last city election only 1500 votes were cast, with a wealth of candidates in the field. Interest is keen despite the fact that only the incumbents. Mayor Palmer and Commissioner Henry are in the race. This is due to the fact that there is to be voted a proposed char ter amendment, which would abolish the city form of government and sub stitute the city manager plan. CATTLE BUYERS ROBBED Masked Trio Trails and Hold TTp Three In Vancouver. VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct 6. (Spe cial.) When E. D. Tlmms. cattle buy er, of Seventh and B streets, this city, and C. M. Smythe. of Gloyd, Wash., stepped off the cattle train in the local railroad yards, en route from Salem, Or., to Gloyd. they looked into CapTTifbtHsriSchaflner & Mjtrs SUITS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Most men haven't time to change their clothes for every occasion occasions like this, for instance. Wear a suit or overcoat that "fits in best -with the activities of the day. Indoors or outdoors almost any HART SCHAFFNER & MARX suit is pretty sure to be in tune with the event. "Wear Model 54 down to busi ness; for a walk in the country in the afternoon; if you can't get home for a "change" it's good for the informal party in the evening. Best of it is, you'll know you're in perfect taste. Come iu and let us show you these Fall fashions; some clever models in Hart Schaffner & Marx men's coats for women that will be of interest to women. Priced $18.00 to 35.00 Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. The Men's Shop for Quality and Service Northwest Corner Third and Morrison the muzzles of three guns, behind which stood three masked men, who demanded everything of value they possessed. Mr. Smythe lost fll.75 and a 21-jew-eled Hamilton watch, while all Mr. Timms had with him was an empty pocketbook. The cattle men believe that the robbers had followed them from Salem and held them up at the first opportunity, believing that they had a large sum of money. The money they had carried had been paid for cattle in Salem. The robbery was near the freight office in the yards. The police and Sheriffs office tried in vain to locate the robbers. Baker Verein Opposes Prohibition. BAKER, Or.. Oct 6. (Special.) The Baker German Verein has adopted resolutions declaring against state wide or Nation-wide prohibition and declaring that prohibition is against the foundations of the American Re public, which, the resolution avers. grants to each and every man "per sonal, religious and economic liberty." MAIDS TAKEN TO REGISTER Women Employers of Domestics Vse Autos in Campaigning. Many Portland women who have hired giris or "maids" are performing a patriotic service these days by tak ing the domestics to registration headquarters in their automobiles. This movement it seems, originated among some of the women, who intend to vote "dry," but supporters, of the regularly organized political parties have heeded the suggestion and are lo in g likewise. It is estimated that the registration among women voters will be augmented by hundreds through this activity on the part of the women. Pasco League's Fair Is October 9. PASCO. Wash.. Oct. . (Special. )- The second annual Industrial and Ag ricultural Fair and Aster Show for children of the public schools, under the supervision of the Women's Civic League, will be held in Pasco. October 9 and 10. YOUTH ADMITS FORGERY Californian Says He Tried to Get Casdi at Vancouver to Go Home. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct. 6. (Spe cial.) John Harwin O'Shaughncssey. the stenographer who forged and cashed two checks on which he pro cured $20 Friday night In this city, Monday pleaded guilty before Judge Back, of the Superior Court, to the charge of forgery. He said that he will be 19 years old in November. O'Shaughnessey said he is a native of San Jose, Cal., but had been employed in Seattle and was working his way back home, when he came to Vancouver from Portland to forge the checks to e-et morev to travel. iimniirrririiMiniffiii ftwft iTii i -' 1 tit i-n Good "0 music oeions i an the Vict roia pots 6- 3 3 '"is n Music is no longer a luxury to be enjoyed by a select few. It has come to be an actual necessity in every home, and its foremost exponent today is the Victrola. J 1 There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $200, and any Victor dealer will gladly demonstrate them to you. Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. every there. home With the return of the Autumn season and the long and sometimes rainy evenings, you will appreciate what it would mean to have a Victrola in your home. This wonderful instrument gives you a thorough ap preciation of the masterpieces of music sung and played by the greatest artists, bands and orchestras. Visit our Victor Department and select the Victrola best suited for your home. With stock and service second to none we can take care of your Victor requirements. Q Easy terms on any Victrola. Sfeinway Weber and Other Pianos 501 Morrison at Sisth I i!' S" I iir- ' j t iu: Kay. i,' ' : At ' - - 'N ? MV 'if ; flu I 4 - If S i -SrtT iiW ill t ' 1 i 11" i al Victrola XIV, $150 Mahogany or oak Pianolas Opposite Post Office