22 THE 3IORNIXG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7. 1914. Out-of-Town Patrons Can In These Very Timely and Telling Economies Mail Orders Received by Us Within Three Days of Date of This Paper Will Be Promptly Filled at These Special Prices Our Personal Shoppers Will See to It That Your Individual Wants Are Carefully Supplied Write Now for Our Fall and Winter Catalogue Share : : ill 1 1 i ill ! I jl " "ff I !i ll ! I II il li il li i ill I : MEN! I 1 1 Here's An V j ! IMPORTANT ' Hi SHIRT I t SALE 1 1 Men's Store Meier & Frank's Temporary Annex Today men will have their "innings" and hundreds will score . heavily in the savings to be made by taking advantage of this seldom-heard-of Shirt Sale. Even a glance at the emphatic cut in price we 've made on the five specials detailed here will convey to men the emphatic economy this sale makes possible. This sale will assuredly create a great deal of enthusiasm and quick re sponse with the men of Portland. Note carefully the keen cutting of prices! There's a vast assemblage of Shirts to choose from at these prices. Come early! Famous "Nofade" $1.50 Shirts, 95c In addition to the non-fading quality of these Shirts, they are of fine-grade Percales, made in very attractive patterns, show ing the newest ideas in neat black and colored stripes; also wide combination and novelty stripes, offering a broad range to choose from. Have attached laundered cuffs made coat style plain or pleated bosoms. "Nofade" Shirt3 we guarantee not to fade, and a new Shirt is given free in any instance contrary to this guar antee. $2 Silk-Front Shirts, $1.15 To men who like the Silk Shirt effect in cuffs and shirt bosom, these Silk-front Shirts are very popular, in addition to being ex ceptionally good in wearing qualities.. The , bosom and outer facing of cuffs are of very fine quality wash' silk,' the silk front extending to the side seams, and far'below the waist line. ' The Shirt body- is of soft, durable, material, matching the silk in pat tern and color. These Shirts are . shown in neat patterns of blue and black. $5.00 Silk Shirts, $2.50 Beautiful Silk Shirts in very fine quality "Wash Silk material. A Shirt for the ultra-fashionable man. The Silks are shown in neat pin and wide-striped effects, of black and colors every Shirt perfect in workmanship and guaranteed to fit. New $1.50 Shirts, $1.29 These Shirts are made with the popular soft French cuffs. Material pure white ground, with neat stripes of blue, black, lavender, brown, pink and color combinations. Tailored .from fancy woven fabrics in the new crepe effect. $2.00 Mushroom Shirts, $1.50 The newest novelty in Shirtdom is the Mushroom Pleat, which gives an exceedingly "dressy" effect and this is a Shirt cer tain to prove very popular with men who like Dress Furnishings that are different. These Shirts have fine tucked bosoms have double starched cufs and neckbands. They're shown in single and cluster cross tucks, of black and attractive color combinations. SEE THESE SHIRTS TODAY First Floor, Temporary Annex Men of Portland are displaying their appreciation of our new Fall Neckwear, which is now here in most complete assortment. Rich, multi-hued Silk Cravats, made from exclusive patterns of Imported Silks, are causing unusual comment and winning instant admiration. SEE OUR WIN DOW DISPLAY! F"trst Floor, Temporary Annex SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. 25c Assorted Notions at 17c Wednesday's Notion Offering ; EVERYTHING INCLUDED EXCEPT SILK THREAD. Our Notion Stocks are complete with all the little necessaries for general use, pins, needles, hooks and eyes, thread, etc. WEDNESDAY ONLY, 25c ASSORTED NOTIONS FOR 17 School Tablet Tree With every pair of Children's "Hickory" Hose Supporters purchased Wednesday in the Notion Section. Demonstration of Eleinert's Dress Shields, all this week. A competent demonstrator to help you select your particular style Shield. First Floor, Stxth-St. Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING: Women's Imported Glace Kid GLOVES Regularly Selling at $1.50 Pair $1.142 Pairs $2.25 We purchased these Gloves last February, and the shipment arrived in July giving us a two-fold advantage a low purchase price and the arrival of the Gloves when most needed. Excellent quality Lambskin, one-clasp Glace Gloves, all pique sewn. Some Paris point stitched, others with three-row embroidered backs. Colors are black, white and tan shades and sizes 5'2 to 7Y2. This is a Glove that will give you excellent service and possesses flexibility and style. Regular $1.50 Gloves, on sale at, two pairs, 2.25; pair, 1.X4. First Floor, SLxtk-St. Bids;. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. British, French and American Ivory Toilet Articles At Reduced Prices For Three Days' Sale On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday you may purchase Toilet articles of either British, French or American Ivory at very greatly reduced prices. Full assortment of articles. Make your selections NOW, while the following reductions are in operation: $2.75 British Ivory large-size Hand Mirrors, reduced to Sj51.98 $2.00 British Ivory medium-size Hand Mirrors, reduced to. .... . 1.48 .75 British Ivory Stand Mirrors, reduced to .48 .50 British Ivory Stand Mirrors, reduced to 36 $1.50 British Ivory Pnff Boxes, reduced 1.09 $1.00 British Ivory 'Trays, reduced to 1. .73 $2.00 British Ivory Hair Brashes, reduced to 1.4S $1.50 British Ivory Hair Brushes, reduced to 1.09 .75 British Ivory Dressing Combs, reduced to 4S .25 British Ivory Dressing Combs, reduced to 18 $1.25 British Ivory Hair Receiver, reduced to. 92 $1.25 British Ivory Puff Boxes, reduced to f .92 .25 British Ivory Salve Boxes, reduced to.... 17 25 Per Cent Discount on Entire Line of French and American Ivory Toilet Articles for Three Days' Sale. ' First Floor. Slxtfc-St. Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. Women's New Coats OF FANCY WEAVES, CHEVIOTS, CHINCHILLA, ZIBELINE AND ROUGH MIXTURES in the most diversified and seaonable styles are grouped in our Garment Salons. Coats for every occasion Coats for everybody whatever the exactions may be are here. Fancy plaids, mixtures and cheviots in rough weaves, handsome Chinchilla Coats, the attractive and popular Balmacaan all are here. Fancy collars are quite prominent, of velvet, caracul, broadcloth and novelties, many closing snugly at the throat a most welcome innovation in view of the prevalence of low-neck dresses. Included are Coats priced from $12.50 to $50.00 that bespeak the season's newest and most up-to-date models. Fourth Floor, SIxtk-St. Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. Quaint "Fixin's" for Hallowe'en Many Novelties Shown Today Dennison's Hallowe'en Lunch Sets (12 plates,12 napkins, 12 doilies and a fancy tablecloth), the set 50 Dennison's Hallowe'en Table Covers, size 63x84 inches, each 25 Dennison's Fancy Paper Plates, in 8-inch size, dozen 35 Dennison's Fancy Paper Plates, 6-inch size, dozen 25 Dennison's Fancy Figured Crepe Paper, priced, the roll 15J Dennison's Fancy Crepe Paper Caps, variety of styles, doz. 50S ea. Dennison's Hallowe'en Streamers and Festoons, each 25 and 10i Dennison's Paper Napkins Suitable for Hallowe'en, 100, 35?, doz. 5 Dennison's Hallowe'en Seals and Gummed Silhouettes, box -10 Hallowe'en Place and Score Cards, attractive novelties, doz. 20 to 1 Hallowe'en Postcards and Greeting Cards, each 15 to 1 Fancy Hallowe'en Dinner Favors and Table Decorations. The greatest assortment of newest novelties. Now on display. Ktrst Floor, SLxth-St. Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. Buy Cotton Goods Now! Eight at this time the cotton producers and cotton manufac turers of the United States are without a f oreijm market, owinr to the lack of shipping facilities. To encourage the use of cotton materials at this time we are making some Decidedly Deep Reductions which we are certain will move great quantities of Cotton materials, compelling us to go into the market again for more Cotton Fabrics and thus assisting in maintaining an industry in the South that needs the hearty support of everyone. 25c Figured and Striped Voile, light and dark colors, 38 inches wide, yard 15d 35c Figured Crepe and Rice Cloth, light colors, 33 inches wide, yard 27 $1.BQ Fancy Cotton Ratine, in checks and plaids, 42 inches wide, yard 75 $1.98 Fancy Cotton Ratine, 50 inches wide, reduced to, the yard 98d 15c Ripplette, good assortment of colors and stripes, 27-inch width, yard 11 18c Ginghams, in plaids and checks, light and dark, 32-inch width, the yard lOd 35c Checked Ratine and Cotton Waffle Cloth, 36 inches wide, the yard .12V2C 25c Flake Crepe, 27 inches wide, reduced to, the yard 15 d 25c Madras Shirting, variety of colors, 32-inch width, yard 12V2d 75c Quilted Cotton Bats, 72x90, full size, reduced to !!!!!!!!!!!!. -6oC 15c Shirting Cheviots for mens' and boys' shirts and blouses, 32-inch, the yard 11 $1.00 Silk and Cotton Crepe material, 38 inches wide, yard 49c 50c SILK STRIPE WHITE PIQTJE, YARD 25tf Splendid soft material in variety of stripes. 27 inches wide, suitable for 'waists, children's coats, house dresses and many other uses. Regu larly 50c reduced to, yard 25S $2.25 12-YARD PIECE LONG CLOTH, $1.50 Soft-finished, high-quality Long Cloth, 36 inches wide, 12-yard pieces, selling regularly at $2.25 for this sale, piece, $1.50. New and Attractive Wash Fabrics JUST ARRIVED! NEW ROMAN STRIPE EFFECTS Silk and Cotton Ratine in handsome Roman striped patterns, dark colors predominat ing. 40 inches wide, priced, yard, 98c Silk and Cotton Crepe Roman stripes in light and dark colors. 38 inches wide. Priced, the yard, 75c. Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chine handsome light shades for evening wear. 38-inch material. Priced, yard, 75c. New Ratine Crepe Roman stripe patterns, in ll ins. wide, yd. 35c. Third Floor, Slxta-st. Bide dark color effects. TEMPORARY ANNEX. Unusual Sale of Wilton Rugs! Desirable and Durable Floor Coverings for Every Room in the House Also for Offices and Hotels The durability and attractiveness of high-grade Wilton Rugs have brought them into extraordinary demand as floor coverings to beautify the home or enhance the office or hotel furnishings. For today and the succeeding days of this week, we are making some deep reductions on handsome Wilton Rugs, of most attractive designs small figured patterns predominating, many have medallion centers and a pleasing selection of .colors throughout. Note the special reductions in force here today! $55.00 Wilton Rugs Size 9x12 Special .$47.50 S45.00 .Wilton Rugs Size 9x12 Special $37.50 $38.50 Wilton Rugs Size 9x12 Special , .$29.50 $54.00 Wilton Rugs Size 8-3x10-6 Special. . . ... . . .$45.00 ' $50.00 Wilton Rugs Size 8-3x10-6 Special $42.50 $40.00 Wilton Rugs Size 8-3x10-6 Special $33.00 $36.00 Wilton Rugs Size 8-3x10-6 Special $27.50 Seveatk floor. Temporary Annex SIXTH-STREET BUIL.MNG. Special Club Rates on Magazines In effect until November 19 only. Place your subscriptions at once If you would benefit by those low rate for l- ear subscriptions. Mother's Magazine, regular price.. $1. 50 Pictorial Review, regular price . 1.00 Regular price 93.60 Price V" nt II November 1 0. 1.50. Everybody's Magazine, regular prlce.fl.50 Delineator, regular price 1.60 Regular price ..... . $3.00 (Both these magazines muat be sent to same uddress. Price Until November 10, SS.OO. Pictorial Review, regular price $1.00 Ladiea' World, regular price l.OO Modern Prfxcilla. regular price 1.00 Regrular price $3.00 Price Until November 10, $.00. McClure's or American Magazine. .$1.50 Woman's Home Companion 1.50 Regular price $3.00 Price Until November 10, $2.00. American Magazine, regular price. .$1.50 McClure's Magazine, regular price. . 1.50 Regular price $3.00 Price Until November 10, $2.00. Christian Herald, regular price $1.50 Woman'i Home Companion, regular. 1.50 Regular price ' $3.00 Price Until November 10, $3.00. American or McCIurea, regular price. $1.50 Woman's Borne Companion, regular. 1.50 Review of Reviews, regular price... 3.00 Regular price $6.00 Price Until November 10, $3.23. Scribner's Magazine, regular price.. $3.00 Review uf Reviews, regular price... 3.00 Regular price . . . .- $t.0O Price Until November 10, $3.75. Many Other Combinations. Subscription Accepted l-irt lloor. Ar cade Entrance; Mvth Floor, lxtb fetreet Building. SIXTH-STREET BUILDIKG. , Grocery Specials for Today IAKGE CANS FANCY PINEAPPLE No. 23 cans, very best brand uigai micK slices or delicious Hawaiian Fruit formerly 25c " Q I can. Wednesday only, 'dozen $1.95, 3 cans . 50, can JL O Cl Shoulder Hams Sugar cured and well smoked. Pound l-l1 Black Pigs -New California cooking. Four pounds 25 .Bieacnea iaisins jine California fruit. Three pounds for... 2 Standard Tomatoes No. 2ys cans, labeled "Puree," dozen, 95c; llll rC 1U1 .................................... Jersey Butter Satisfactory brand. Roll 67 White Beans Fine Michigan pea. Five-pound cloth sack .29 Baking Molasses Aunt Dinah's No. 10 cans, 5C. No. 5 cans 29 Cabinet Coffee Fresh and fragrant. Pound SO Red Salmon No. 1 tall cans, fine, rich fish, can 15 Sago or Tapioca Best quality, 5-pound cloth sack 29 Olive Oil Koyal Banquet, medium-size bottle 35 Pure Food Grocery. Basemeat, Slxth-St. Buildlr. Complete Showing of "Munsingwear 1 In Fall and Winter Weights For Men, Women and Children Many Special Prices in Effect TMfc QyALrnT Store or Porxlwb TOK SbctK.'Mut i LlWfc AkW Ota.