THE MORNING OEEGOXI1X, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1914. 17 PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title &. Truat Co., 7 Ch. of Com. ACCOHDION PLKArrNQ. K. 6TEPHA.N Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goods ponged; mail orders. 383 Alder. M. 9373. ASSAVEH3 A-ND AJiAJLVSTa. WOXTAKA AsSAY OFFICE, 142 2d. Gold, silver and platinum bought. (GILBERT & HALL, successors Wells & Co.. 609 to 613 Couch bidg.. 1G& 4th. Main 7150. ATTORNEYS, J. R. GREENFIELD General practice, ab stracts, contracts, collections, etc.; consul tation free. New offices, 707. 7u8, 70S tjell lng bidg. Main 4'Jfe3. Open evenings. WH M. LAFOHCE, Counclllor-at-I-aw. 20 Failing Bidg. BUSINESS COLLEGE. LINK S BUSINESS COLLEGE. TUford bidg., 1'ortland. Oregon. Phone Main iu3. CABJET H tlVLNG. KOMHWESI RUG CO. Rugs from old car. pets, rag rugs. 1S8 East 8th. Eoth phones. CELLULOID BUTTONS, BADGES. Ifclb. IRWIN-HODSON COMPAJ.Y, 82 Sth at. Phone Main 312 and A 1254. CHIBOl-ODIST. JWilliam, Estelle and William, Jr., eveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors, 302 Gerlinger bidg.. S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1801, CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. A. Hill. Offices. FUfcdner bidg. Main 3473. CHLBOPBACTIC PHYSICIANS. SDR. M'MAHON, 121 4th Chronic cases. 18 treatments S10; others less. Main 205. CLEANING AND PBEtVSINQ. CRESS SUITS for rent; we press one suit each week for SL50 per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 809 Stark su. bet. Sth and Ota. Main 614. COLLECTION AGENCY. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Bhort Methods." Short Adjustment Co 826 N. W. Bank bidg. Phone Main 874. 2sETH & CO.. "Worcester bidg. Main 1786 No collection, no charge. Established tfcOO. DANCING. 1PROF. WAL WILSON Waltz. hesitation, one-step, two-step, schottische; lessons 5c; morning, afternoon, eve. ; guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance 85 ft 5th St.. bet. Stark and Oak: 4 private lessons. 2; 8 classes. Phone Main 7637. IB- and Mrs. Heath's Academy Dancing taught In all its branches; class Man. and Fri. eve.. 7 to 8; assembly after; lessons dally. 231 Morrison, cor. 2d. Mar. 813. DENTISTS. ID?,Ar KEENB. Majestic Theater bidg.. S61 h W ashlngton St. Marshall 8205 ' AfiRICri.TliRAI. Yf IR. M. Wade A Co., 822-23 Hawthorne ARCHITECTURAL W IRE & WON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iroa Was, 2d and Columbia. iiiiu uiJ lituui TUn. PUBRTJILLB BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 3d St. AUTOMOBILE SCFPLTEsI HALLOU a WRIGHT. 7th and Oafc eta. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer, Park & Davis. BIC1CLES. MOTOKCXCLKS & SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak sts. BREAD BAKERY " yoyal Bakery loaf.. Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEINHARU. 13th and Burnslde. CASCARA BARK A 1 GRAPE ROOT. KAti.V HHPS.. 191 gRQNT ST. CEMEXT, LLME AND PLASTER. y. T. Crowe & Co.. 45 Fourth street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSEST & PEVERS. 1-11 N. Front St. DRY GOODS. ' FLE1SCHNER. MAYER & CO.. 207 Ash t ELECTRIC SUPPLIES. Ftubbs Electrical Co.. 6th and Fine stmi GBAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front & Marshall. GROCERIES. JADHAVS ft CO.. W-75 Fourth street. CHURGH ELECTION HELD rOilTLAXD PRESBYTERY IN SES SION AT PORTLAND. Ttev. A. L. Hutchinson la New Moder ator Film Shows Blamed by One. Statistics Termed Misleading. The Fall session of the Portland Presbytery, which opened in the Pied mont Presbyterian Church Monday night, elected Rev. A. L. Hutchinson, of the Third Church, moderator for the ensuing lear. Rev. C. W. Hays was named stated clerk; Rev. H. G. Han son, permanent clerk; Rev. r. V. Mc 3venzie, temporary clerk, and Rev. J. "V. Milligran, treasurer, for three years. Rev. A. M. Thompson, of the Willam ette Presbytery, preached. Rev. I. B. Self was received from the Grand Ronde Presbytery yesterday. In the forenoon Rev. Andrew Oar rick reported on Sabbath observance. Mr. Garrick said that moving-picture shows had teen making; alarming in roads among the young people, keeping them from church and Sunday school. In discussion of th "Oregon dry" movement, it was the general opinion that the essential step is to get per sons to register. All pledged them selves to work for this purpose. In a report on "Evangelistic Work," made by Rev. H. N. Mount in the after noon, it was set forth that results are ' not satisfactory. "If tho minutes oT"'the general as sembly were destroyed for five years." said Mr. Mount, "it would be better for the church. Statistics do not tell the real story of the success of the church, s we have supposed. It is not the long membership list that tells of progress. but the consecrated character of the minister and members." Talks by Rev. A. J. Montgomery. Rev. S. V. Seaman, Rev. Harry Leeds and Rev. J. E. Snyder followed. The missionary and evangelical con ference is to be held next Friday in the First Presbyterian Church at 10 o'clock A M. In the evening a popular meeting at Westminster Church, East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets, will be held. Dr. Mahs, general assembly committee chairman of home missions end evangelistic work, will speak at both meetings. FIREMEN BRAVE EXPLOSION i-Jiime Kncompass 50 Gallons of Gasoline on Eugene Fire Truck. EUGEXB, Or.. Oct. 6. (Special.) r-iienien here, early yesterday morn ing, risked their lives fighting the mat encompassed 50 gallons of gasoline on the bis five-ton fire truck. The flames, the result of the explosion of a cylinder in the 100 horsepower motor, quickly spread to the oil In the crank case. The front or tne truck was lifted from the ground and hits of machinery scat tered in all directions. However, a concrete gutter saved several bystand ers from injury. At the time of the iiccide;;t two firemen were on the ma chine. The damage, which is estimated at from $5u to $500. is due to a defect in tne engine, says B. F. Goodpasture, .i vuj Luuncii. ii may be many v.Eda ueiore me apparatus can b used again. Gas Cumpanj- Asks Beheariny. SALEM. Or., Oct. 5. (Srieclal.'i Al leging that the standard of measures fixed by the State Railroad Commission in its recent schedule of rates is too great, the Portland Gas A Coke Com pany yesterday filed a petition for a rehearing. i ne company says that b60 British thermal units mr cubic foot la sufficient. The Commission BUSINESS DIRECTORY EYE, EAR, NOSE AN'P THROAT. Treatments by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 617 Dekum bL, 3d Wast. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. U. Electric Co.. 21 First St. North. Phone Main 9210. FEED STABLE. TEAMING, hauling, excavating; sales stable. A. P. Morse, 334 Front. Main 6720. rOTJNDBY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works East 3d and Haw- thorne. General machine and foundry work. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE c MARK HA1I CO.. 345 Washington St. MESSENGER SEBYICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2158. , MUSICAL. PIANO studio. S69 14th St. S ; arrangements mads for practicing. Phone Main 3&S2. Emll Thielhorn, vloUn teacher; pupil SevcUc 207 Flledner bidg. A 4160, Mar. 162. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, ner vous chronic diseases. 504 Oregonian bidg. U OPTICIANS. . A FIGHT on high nrlcea. Why pay ti to tlO for a oair or . siwi whn t as $1,60 7 Goodman, 11 Morrison at., near OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. GEORGE R. WELLS. 632 Morgan bids: Hours 2 to P M. and by appointment isn. ru ts. Aorurup, 3U8 Morgan bidg., cor Broadway and Washington streets). Office phone Main 348; residence East 1028. J-LCMSS. ay. DUN r tnrow your old plumes away; we are experts In feather dyeing, cleaning and remodel ing, mounting birds of paradise our specialty. "THE PLUME." 2o Morgan bidg. Main 400. ROSE CITY PLUME SHOP. Marshall 4U07 Plumes, paradise feathers, cleaned, dyed remodeled. 406 Fliedner bidg., 10th, Waan! PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th. and Yoric ts. Mala S4S. PATENT ATTOBNETg. T. J. GEISLEK. Att'y-at-Law. 503 Henry R, C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice U S. and foreign patents. 600 Dekum bidg. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS HAIR GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO.. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDCL' HATS AND CAPS. THANHATJSER HAT CO., 68-55 Front St. HIDES, PELTS. WOOL AND IX'RS. KAH.N BROS.. 191 Front street. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS, East End of Burnslde Bridge. STEEL STRUCTURAL PLANT. FOUNDRY. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. 6TEEL BRIDGES ROOF TRUSSES. Carry Complete Stock of STEEL BEAMS AND ANGLES. CHANNEL PLATES, TEES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. I. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. LIME. CEMENT, PLASTER, METAL LATH. The J. McCraken Co., 1114 Board of Trade. Sales agent celebrated Roche Harbor lime. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO.. 231 Pine street. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., e3 Fifth st. MILLINERY. BKADSHAW PROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. fixed it at about 600. The complainant alleges if it had been compelled to furnish the gas the Commission, now demands, it would have had a loss in net earnings for the year ended August 31 last of 95.177.48. MAJORITY OPINION SCORED Two of Washington Supreme Bench Dissent in "Seven Sisters" Case. OLTMPIA, Wash., Oct. 6. Judges Stephen J. Chadwick and Mack F. Gose, of the State Supreme Court, today handed down opinions dissenting in the strongest language from the majority opinion of the court several days ago in the case of the "seven sisters" in initiative petitions. Judge Chadwick says that the effect of the majority de cision is that "fraud can stalk rampant through the courts." Judge Gose is equally severe In his language. Both declare the petitions to be filled with fraudulent signatures, and both hold that the court or the Secretary of State has the authority to go behind the face of the cerification of the signatures, the opposite belief being the ground for the majority opinion. The dissenting opinions do not effect the status of the "sisters" measure which will be on the November ballot. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Oct. . Maximum temper ature, 68 degrftes; minimum, 57 degrees. River reading at S A. M., 4.2 feet; change in last '24 hours, 0.2 foot fall- Total rainfall (5 1 M. to 5 P. M.. none; total rainfall since September 1, 1014, 4.16 inches; normal rainfall since September 1. 2.50 inches; ex cess of rainfall since September 1. 1PT.4. l.tfij inches. Total sunshine October e, 0 hours, 80 minutes: possible sunshine, 11 hours, litt minutes. .Barometer (reduced to sea-ieveij at 5 P. M., ::!.IiS inches. THE WEATHER. Baker ROiO.OOl 6'NW 64 0. OO 4NW 56 0.00 4:B 48:0.00 4 SB 76j0.00 6E 7O.00 12N 7S 0.S4I 6SE B0;O.lSl'JNE 54 O.Chi 6 SW S SE :t8jo.:;2' 4 sw Sli 0.04 S'N 80 O.O0I12 SE 66 0.00 4:SE 7'Ji0.O0l 8 S 72 O.OOj 8 XW 74 O.Wl 8;NW 50 rO. 0O:10 E 82 0.00 4;xe 72O.0O;14;E 55 0.141 8 N 60 V.OOl 8 S 84 0.001 4'W 480. 12 6;SE 6Sj0.00 3:XE 720.001 B.N 70 0.00! 4IS 82 0.OO12 SE 720. 0OI S S Clear Clear Clear Boise ......... Soston Calgary ....... Chicago ....... Denver Des Molnes-V,. Duluth Eureka ........ Galveston Helena ........ Jacksonville ... Kansas city.... Laurier Los Anpeles . . . Mashfield Medford Montreal New Orleans. . . New York North Head. . . . North Yakima. Phoenix ....... Pocatello Portland Roseburg ...... Sacramento ... St. Louis St. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco. . Seattle Spokane Taeoma Tatnosh Island. Walla Walla Washington Winnipeg Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Jlouay Bain Cloudy Clear Snow Haln Clear Clear PL cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Liear Cloudy Cloudv ft. ctouay Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 60 O.OOi 8 NW Cloudy 620.00 12, W 60 O.OO; 6.N Clear Cloudy eo;o.oo 4 Clear 62 0.CO 4 N 4'NE 4 N 4 SE S.B Pt. cloudy 561.01 ctouay Clear Cloudy Clear 68 0.00 82 O.O" 62,0.00 WEATHER CONDITIONS. A small high-pressure area is central over Montana ana a large nigli-pressure area over lies the fcastern States. The barometer is relatively low over Arizona. Snow has fallen in Montana and rain has occurred in por tions of the North Pacific States and also in UKianoma, tne upper Mississippi Valley, Florida and the I pper Ohio Valler. The changes in temperature- sine yesterday have been unimportant. The conditions are favorable for ' fair weatner in tnis district Wednesday, except in Southeastern Idaho, where it will be un- settiea wun propaoie rain. FORECASTS: Portland smd vicinity Wednesday fair variable winds. Oregon and Washington Wednesday, fair variable winds, mostly easterly. ' Idaho Wednesday, fair excep't rain south- portion. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. I St Ts BTATIOKSL "a 2 Weathe. SCO O 3 c a : : RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP 31 Wash. it. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. 6EWLG MACHINES. SEWING MACHINES; new. ail makes, $20 up; used machines. $2 up, and guaran teed, renting and repairing. Main 9431 Sewing Machine -Emporium. 19t id, near Taylor. SHOE REPAIRING. SHOES HALF SOLED in 10 minute wiisle you wait. 46c . New York Shoe Repair Co., 243J4 Alder St. SHOWCASE. BANK. fc STORE flXTCBES. MARSHALL, MFG. CO.. 10 th and Flanders New and old window display and cabinet work. FOR reasonable prices see Western Fixture & Showcase Co., 48 N. 10th.- Mar. 774, STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van A Storage Co.. cor. ltth and Kearney -tea,. Just completed, new fire proof warehouse tor household effects, pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano-room, trunk and rug vaults, track age for carload shipments, vans for mov ing, reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East in through cars. Main 5640, all department. OLSON-ROS TRANSFER CO.. New fireproof warehouse with separate room. W tt move and pack household goods and pianos and ship at reduced rates. Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage. Office and warehouse 15th and Hoyt eta. Main 547, A 2247. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co. Office and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron room and fireproof vaults for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for ahipment; special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 596, A 286. MANNING WAREHOUSE TRANSFER COT, 13th and Everett St. Pianos and household goods moved, packed and shipped, reduced freight rates on all household goods to and from East, through car service. Main 703, A 2214. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan at cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A lit We own and operate two large class "A" . warehouses on terminal track. Lowest insurance rates in city. MADISON-ST. DOCK and WAREHOUSE Office 189 Madison; general merchandise and forwarding agent. Phone Main 7&8L GREEN and dry slabwood; block wood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 6720, A SsSa. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron Wits, 2d and Columbia. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., loo First street. W. P. Fuller & Co., 12th and Davis. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMTJSBEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor atree: . PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-S6 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTK6 CO., 1st and Oak Sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEROlNfl A FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrop. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. foot of Ankeny. SASU, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO. 12th and Davis. Portland Iron Works, 14th and Northrop. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., BS Front St. WAL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 2SO 2d St. WHOLESALE JEWELERS AND OPTICHN3 Pl'TTEP.FIET.D BROS MOHAWK ELDO APPRAISAL PLAN URGED NEW YORKKR SAYS SYSTEM WOULD AVERT TROUBLE HERE. X K. AndrilM. S. S. Thnrn w u Taylor Suggest Appointment of Six ! Realty Men on Committee. Recommendation of the adontion nt a standard system of appraising Portland property was made yesterday by J. E. Andrus, ex-Representative in Congress from New York, who i3 a heavy land owner in Oregon; S. S. Thorpe, of Min neapolis, ex-preeident of the National Board nf Real K 1 5. t a trvvQ n o-aa -i W. H. Taylor, of Yonkers, N. Y.,' who wcio in roruana. Air. xnorpe and Mr. Taylor are sons-in-law of Mr. Andrus and represent his interests. The niirtv Wn a antnrtalnoJ V, T 1 dent Dean Vincent. Secretary K. L. j-urse ana leading- members of the Portland Realty Boarfd. They were taken to the Portland: Commercial Club for luncheon, on an automobile ride to Chanticler and about Portland in the afternoon and were guests last night at a dinner at the Multnomah Hotel, attended by a dozen realty brokers. Mr. Thorpe, who was one of the most popular presidents of the National Realty Aasociation. was especially em phatic in his argument for the estab lishment of an official appraisal' com mittee in Portland. He said that about seven of the most reliable realty men in Portland should be designated to place valuations on all city property and thus avert countless disagreements and difficulties in Probate Court and condemnation matters. TJiis method would not only handle such matters ef ficiently, he said, but would serve as well to standardize realty values all over Portland. Mr. Andrus, until a few years ago, owned 520.000 acres of the old military land grant that extended across Ore gon. He returned yesterday from Lakeview, near where he is completing an irrigation project that has cost him Tl,000,000. Mr. Andrus, Mr. Thorpe and Mr. Tay lor left last night for Canada, where they have extensive interests. DRAIN TEACHER IS DEAD Miss Lillian Gardner Succumbs at Eugene After Operation. DRAIN, Or., Oct. 6. Miss Lillian Gardner, English teacher in Drain High School, died yesterday afternoon In the hospital at Eugene, after an operation for a tumor. The body will be buried at Eugene. A mother and two brothers survive. Campaign Committee Formed. CENTRALIA, Wash.. Oct. 6. (Spe cial.) The executive committee of the Lewis County Republican central .com mittee, which will direct the Novem ber campaign of the Republican party, has organized, tand In composed of the following: w. P. Miller and S. C. Davis, of Centralia; Henry Loomis, of Skoo kumchuck: F. M. Broadbent. of Morton; B. F. Arnold, of Chehalis; David Fay, of Adna; D. W. Moilurphy, of Vader; H. H. Hurst, of Toledo, and George Leudintrhaus, of Dryad. AMUSEMENTS. LYRIC Fourth aad Stark Sts. TOXIGHT EltraTlie CoontlT Store Capital Present Talaed at (9 Free first Performance 7:16 " 15c and 25c AMUSEMENTS. TONIGHT- FREMSTAD AT THE HEILIG BROADWAY AT TAYLOR Main 1. A 1122 HEILIG 3 NIGHTS BEGINNING TOMORROW Wm. A. Brady Presents Margaret liayo'i Comedy BABY MINE 99 Splendid Cast and Production. POPULAR EVENING PRICES. . Entire lower floor $1. Balcony ?5o. 50c Gallery 35c. 25c. BARGAIN MAT. SATURDAY. Lower floor' 75c. 50c Balcony 50c Sac BOX OFFICE SALE NOW OPEN. BOX OFFICE SALE OPEN8 TOMORROW Tht.M for DE WOLF HOPPER and the GILBERT- SULLIVAN Comic Opera Co. Next Week Sunday. Saturday Nights and Saturday "THE MIKADO.1 MON. "AND WED. NIGHTS. SPECIAL PRICE MAT. WED. Doublo Bill "PINAFORE," "TRIAL BY JURY.' TUES. AND FRL NIGHTS. IOLANTHE." THURS. NIGHT "PIRATES OF PENZANCE." Eve. and Sat. Mat., $2. 1.50. 1. 75c Special Wed. Mat., . S-1.50. tl. 75c, 60c CITY MAIL ORDERS NOW. THEATER llth anil Washington. Programme today: Two-part special, THE TRAIL OF THE LOVELORN Drama, THE MISSING PAGE. Comedv, A VILLAGE SCANDAL and THE LAZERNS In new bill of illusions. ADMISSION SUNDAYS 10c Bill changes every day. BAKER Ma'TS,.. iAs. ;eo. L. Bauer, Mgr. Broadway and Morrison Street. Home of the Famous Baker Players. To night. All week. Mats. Wed., Bat- First time in stock. Philip Bartholomew's remarkable farcical play. "LITTLE MISS BROWN." By special arrangement with Wm. A. Brady. One of the season's biggest hits. Even ings. 2.1c. 35c, 50c. 75c; box seats. $1. Sat Mat, 5c, oOc Wed. Mat., all seats (ex cept box). 25c. Next week "Paid in FulL" WHERE OOES lO Big Features lO CONTINUOUS Afternoon. 1:3 to 5.30. Dlgat. 6:30 to 11:00: Sundays. 1:00 to 11:00. PRICES Afternoons. 10c and 19a Nights. 15e and 25c Broftdway at Alder Street. "The Klnedom of Dreamn" Th Acm Four, Grey and Peters, Bub Kelly and George i-iun, any ana x-ajgnt, "Smitiiy and tne Eel," produced by iiow ard Russell; Vnder wood A. Underwood War Service, Mutual Weekly. Phone Mnln 4C:G. A '2TG Portland's Building Directory Chamber of Commerce Building Attorneys. DUNIWAT, RALPH R. Main 15S6 61-ftl Insurance. VINCENT, 8. D. CO. Main 1654 S10 Real stats. KEASET. DORR U. & CO. Main 118. .IJJ Board of Trade Building Seal Estate. Barrett Bros. Main nt soj WALLER. FRANK L. Main 829S 101S Lewis Building Consulting- Engineer. LUCIUS. W. V. Marshall 334 816-317 Spalding Building Mortgage Loans. BAIN. JOHN. A 1442. Main-6021. ...... 107 Yeon Buildiria: Isnsgs sis S8S5? t V'Z-ti rLSJJ.w. S5S. v'.'j'j AClorneys. K1HBALI.: HENRY it. Mar. SS0 ..925 MALARKET. SEABROOK & DIBBLE. Main jaUl, A 5212 , . , I iQQ I603 Billiard Hall. U'CBEDIE BILLIARDS Bacond Floor Real Kstate. RAI.NET, J a. Marshall XJ7 ISO WAGGONER, GEO. B. 800 - GLO B E CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally and Sunday. One time ............................. lie Same ad two coneecntive times Tic i Smme ad three consecutive times SUc bame ad six er eeven coneerottve times.. 5 fie The above rates apply to advertisement under "New Today" and all other classifica tions except the following! Situations anted Male. Situations Wanted Female. For Kent. Kooms, private Rooms and Board, Private families. Housekeeping Rooms, Private families.. Kate on the above classifications la 1 cents a line each insertion. On "charge" advertisements charge will be based on the number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of words In each line. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregon! an will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the follow ing daj-. Whether subsequent advertisements wiil be accepted over the phone depends up on the promptness of payment of telephone advertisements. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not be accepted over the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted for "-Furniture for Sale," "Business Opportunities ''Kooming houses," and "Wanted to Kent." The Oregonian will not guarantee accuracy or assume reoponslbility for errors occurrinr In telephoned advertisements,, , Advertisements to receive prompt classi fication must be In The Oregonian office be fore ft o'clock at night, except Saturday. Closing hour for The Snndav Oregonian will be 7:30 o'clock Saturday night. Tiie office will be open until 10 o'clock P. M. as usual and all ads received too late for proper classincalion will be run under heading "Too i,ate to Classify." The Oregonian will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any ad vertisement offered fur more than one time AUCTION SALE lOlJAT. Ford Auction House. 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc. Sale at 3 P. M. At Wilson's Auction Bouse, at 10 A. M.. turnltur 168-S First st- MEETING KOT1CES. WASH1NGTO.V LODGE, NO 43. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this rWedneedayj evening 7:30. E.'kth and Burn slde. Official vljlt of M. W. Grand Manror - r u -i regular nicnthly meeting at Masters'" and Wardens Association. All M. M invited. Special invitation extended to past masters. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec THE MASTERS'. WARDENS' AND PAST MASTERS' ASSO CIATION of Portland will meet as the guests of Washington Lodge. No. 4. this (Wnlnxilivl . , ' evening. Brother Most Worship ful Grand Master W. C. Bristol will H.iiv.r an address on the sublect- -rh. wihr Wear Masonic InsiB-nln." president. LESLIE S. PARKEH. Set PORTLAND CHAPTER. NO. 3. R. A. M. A called convocation of Portland Chapter. No. a. will be held In their hall. Masonic Tem ple. Portland. Or., this (Wednes day) evening. Oct. T. at 7:ac O Clock Work fn na.t anH excellent degrees. Visiting companions mil J. A. ALLEN, Sec - CIETV The annual m'.ln. ii t '. 7,V? w."co"t h'dg.. on Tuesday, October l.i, at v u .iui-b. r. am. jn aucmun to tile regular Pu"ne business a revision of the hy-laws ill be considered. A full attendance is earnestly reauested. ituMEiiil' LIVINGSTONE. President. A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PORT land Uoini! Club will h. . .u . f;.!: house Wednesday evening. October 14 S P. M., (or the puraose of sdnmn,. .,,nnin. mentary articles of incorporation. -By or der of the board of directors H. G. CHICKEIUNG. Secretary. OREGON COM.MAXDERI, K. T. Regular conclave Thursday. Oct. 8. 7:30 p. M Parlors open from and after 1:30 P. M. The attendance of all Sir Knights will be appre- v-. r. tv i,ua.u, necoraer PALESTINE LODGE. NO. 141. A. P. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Wednesdav) evening 7:30, Arleta station M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. GEO. T. HOWARD, Sec. nl (.01-, REGULAR MEETING THIS Si-zj-ftSLS 'Wednesday) evening. East Ulh rteifcJS- ana Aiaer sts. v isitors cordially invited. Third degree. W. W. TERR V. Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. ME EH AN October 6, James Edward Mee han, aged -64 years, beloved father of Charles, Edward, Mary, Anna and Aly dane Meehan and grandfather of Ethel, John and Albert Liugan. Funeral will take place from family residence, tS Wasco street, tomorrow (Thursday), Oct. b. at 8:30 A. M., thence to the Church of the Magdalene. E. -3d and Siskiyou sts., at 9 A. M., where requiem mass will be offered. Friends respectfully Invited. In terment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. EVANS At the residence of her son, J. J. flvans, 471 Main street, October tf, Jaye C Evans, aged 90 years, wife of Jeremiah Evans, mother of Mrs. F. P. Iavid, Mrs. Annie Matschek. Mrs. Arnold Myers and J. J. Evans. Friends Invited to attend fu neral services, which will be held at Hoi man's funeral parlors at 2 P. M. today (Wednesday). October 7. Interment Lona Fir Cemetery. NELSON The funeral services of the late Sarah Elizabeth Nelson, of Milwaukie, Or., will be held today (Tuesday). Oct. 7, at 2 o'clock P. M., trom the funeral parlors of Walter C. Ken worthy, ltl7 E. 13th st.. Sell wood. Friends invited. Interment Milwaukie Cemetery. MARSHALL The funeral services "of the late Davis J. Marshall will be held today (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock P. M-, at the reside no establishment of J. p. Flnlcy and Sorr, - Montgomery, at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at Rivervlew Ceme tery. EDWA RDES Samuel B. Edwardes. be loved husband of Lily J. Edwardes, Sio East 47th street Mouth, Portland. Or., died at Grants Far,?, Or.. Patupday, October 11. Funeral services at Crematorium Wednes day. 1 P. M. Friends invited. No flowers. ENYART The funeral services of the late Luella Enyart will be held today (Wednes day ) at 1! ::to o'clock P. M., at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Fin ley & Son, Montgomery, atuth. Friends invited. FUNERAL DIRECTOR8. The only residence undertaking establish ment In Portland with private driveway. Main 1), A J. P. FINLEY & SON. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeral director, 220 Third street, corner Salmon. Lady assistant, A 1511. Main t7. F. S. DUNNING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder St. East B '2525. A. R. ZELLER CO., 512 WILLIAMS ave. East 10SS. C 10S&. Lady attendant. Lay and night service. DUNNING & M'ENTEE. funeral directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. R. T. BYRNES, Williams ave. and Knott, East 1115, C 1043. Lady attendant. P. L. LERCH. East llth and Clay sts Lady assistant. East Thl. SKEWES UXDERTA kTn"g"c"o MPA NT.-Si and Clay. Main 41S2, A 2", J I. Lady attendant FXOR1ST8. MARTIN & FORBES CO., norists. JU" Washington. M&ln 2tS9. A 1261. Flowers for sl occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., designers and decorators: fresh cut flowers, -great variety. Morrison, bet. 4th snd 3th. Main or A 1S03 PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 2d and Aldor. Designs And sprays. Marshall fitflii. MAX M. SMITH. Ins bidg. Main 7213. A 31-1. Sell- CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOI IVT SCOTT PARK Containing- 335 Aerea. Portland's Only Modern Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Refined. Pleasing- Service. Complete. Perfect Equipment. Prices and Terms Reasonable. Both Telephones. DIED. PAHS HALL October 6. Jessie Parschall. seed '29 years, daughter of -Mrs. Mary Stonehockr. Remains at Dunning A Mc Entees chapel, where thev have been pre pared for shipment to Ren ton. Wash. DOHS At Oswego. Or.. Louis R. Dons. Ke malns at Dunning A McHntees chapel, where they have been prepared for ship ment to Fort. Dodge. Iowa. , SEGUR At Los Alios. Cal.. October 5. 1914. Airs. H. C. Segur. mother xf .Mrs. C. H. Bod ley. Burial here. .Notice o funeral later. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 67 GRAND A V K N Brtti Da via and Everett. Pkonea East B 1:513. Opea Day and Mutt. Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lethal chamber for email animals. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a pet may communicate with us. KIW TODAY. GREAT AUCTION SALE $! 0,000 WORTH GF ALMOST NEW Furniture ABSOLUTELY TO BE SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER Me A re Favored Witts Instructions from the Owners to bell the Entire Content of THE RITZ HOTEL N. W. CORNER PARK AND MORRISON STREETS Said Bnlldlnir Harlsg Been Leased. Furniture Most Be Disposed Of Sale Commences TOMORROW THURSDAY AT 10 A. M., J. T. AUCTIONEER. For Lease November First 4-story brick building-, known as 44 and 46 E. 6th st. N. and now occupied by the Russell & Gilbert candy factory, containing- about 20,000 sq. ft. . Prigmore & Younger 849 Morgan Bld. Alain 7525. Columbia River Highway 10 acres, beautifully wooded view property on main high way. Just what 3-ou want for your country home. A great snap at $3000.00. Come out to Chanticleer Inn today and see for j-ourself. $8000Home for $5250 9 rooms, modern, fine view, Willam ette Heights. terms. W. B. STREETER 1215 Yeon Bidg-. Fhone Marshall 3833 WE lilILD ! ANY PART OF C1T HOUSES Cnting from $2tM)0 .to J20.oou; also Apart ments. Flats an-i Ga rages. W have money to loan. Call and see F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. Room 1, Commercial Club Building. MORTGAGE LOANS on good Improved city and farm prop erty at current rates.-: Attractive re payment privileges. Loans quickly closed. If you need money call today. A. H. "BlRItELL CO. 21-2t Northwestern Bank Building. MORTGAGE LOANS OS IMPROVED CITV PROPERTY. Money available within 24 hours after receipt of abstract, O and 7 per cent. ROBERTSON & EWING SOT-8 Northwestern Bank: Bids. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Katea. 1AH11 AAU CITY LOANS, 80 FsarU St-. Uoara of U Ian. MONEY TO LOAN .Sums tt 'suit. Consult us. GEO. H. THOMAS, Oak St.. Room :!,- Alnaworth Blda;. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount .t Current ilatea. JOHN . 003 S pal dins PvrtlmmA. Or. &EAL EST AT K DALB3. J. H. IS Afeii. 7'2ii Cha.mbt:r ot Commerci bide;., ptty cua fur rtai estaie and oa eaJiy tormj and excliaiis. PALilER-JONEb Wilcox bidg. 4U4-40A-40t BECK, Witliain G., 81a-316 Falling bidg. BENEDICT BROi-,, toU Ha thorne avenua Jii.NMNG CO.. Main 168. 200 Oresoman KEAL KaTATts. For JSitle lxtf. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes and fcamiaitem. A low rreat bargains. Every customer is a referen-, Marshall 487. BROOKE. A S83. SAGINAW HEIGHTS SNAP Lots XI and 12, block 3. for quick sale at $400; $00 down and $7.00 per month. ZADOW & ALEXANDER. 414 Corbett Bidg. a 1416, Marshall 2. SEVERAL good snaps In Astoria,"" Warren to,n and Klavcl lota; 1 know tha ground and can locate you in the heart of tiie bet of It. Xt. L. Yoke. 1126 Northwest Bank bidg. LOT BARGAIN. Make me an offT on Iu0xl25 (5 bafld ing lou) corner 45th and Lincoln aitreets. S. W. corner. Marshall 4L'uu. real estate. LAUKELHDKaT AM CLOSING OUT AN KSTATE I - That hu 20 cliuic iois in Laurlburst;' ' som ot the be&i in ta addition can bm had now at discount ot ftiiKr les thaa original cot. 1 lua opportunity will not last lon. AG i0, Oregonian. $ii50, $lo CAiH, $0 a month, buvs quarter ttcre; trn a la rye piece ot k round iik this ou ca rais all your vegetable. DJrrjes, chickens, etc.. which la Hit- greater part ef your living; this is the best value in the city; city water .piped in front ot tlia property. M. K. Lee. $22 Coruett bidg. FINE east-front irvington lot; lmprovemenTs are all In mud paid for; price 10 0; Jua under value; term can be "arranged if ielred. S. D. VINCENT A COM PAN T. SI 6 Chamber ot Commerce' Bidg. MONT A VILLA. H ACRE, $00. All cleared and set to fruit trees, clcs to new school, very reasonable and can givu easy terms. AT red V. Carman Co.. 114 Cham, of Com. 43x140 CORNER lot only 2o0. z cash. Ta- bur 3371. tor Sale iicwch Property. SEASIDE, OREGON. For sale or rem. s-room house on "ti" st.. i0 teet from boardwalk; view of ocean from lower or upper porches. V Lot 50x100: rent 15 per month. Inquire at Mrs. Jety'a real estaiw off tee or at resi dence of Mr. Grog an, Seaside, Or. Anyone wishing to buy address James Dmty, Seaside, or. For bale Mouses. GREAT SACKIUCE. HAWTHUIiNL BUKCiALOW. Only Slim down, balsnca IS per month and interest; pricr J.--1U-J; located between Hawthorns and Ricamuud carlines this .Ids of oath street. Is modern and lias . reception hall, Uvinj-room. paneled diu-lng-room. buffet, Dutch kitchsn. two bed rooms with connecting hall to bathroom, full basement, eisctnc Iixtures. shades. ; Must be sold at once. Let us show you our auto at your servics. PEAKSOX & W1LLOUGHBY, Main S'Jtsu. jB Morsan bids. 32.0 ROSE C1TY PARK ACBIFICE. JiloJ" 700 down, balance easy terms. bus an. elegant o-rooin bungalow, sleeplnc porch, breakfast-room, living-room; has cove ceil ing, fireplace, dinins-rooni, basement and -paneled, trimmed In oak, artistic buffet. -reception hall, larse whits enameled Dutch Kitchen, airy bedrooms, large attic full cemeut basement, lot SOxluO. beautiful ' lawn, six fruit trees, wide parking with rose bushes. Call owner. Marshall lail. No agents. SWELL BUNGALOW f 100 CASH. 5-room new bungalow; fine fireplace, bookcase, enamel Dutch kitohen, beam ceiling, extra large living-room and dining room, dousiy constructed, extra well fin ished, cement floor .And laundry travs. concrete porch, brick pillars; a ger.ui'ne bungalow; on East 36th St., near Wvgant; block to Alberta car; price a snap. 7dU. 100 cash and 115 per month. GRLTSSI A EOLDS, 33 Board of Trade. Main GO OUT TODAY AND YOU WILL I3CY THIS BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Seven-room bungalow and large attic, with Dutch kitchen, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet ami conveniences; th pluce is one of the most attractive on the Oregon City c-Mrline. only short rlue from irst and Alder streets, and is situated oa a highly developed S-10 of an acre; im provements can't be duplicated lor the price asked; J;t",0. terms. CALL AN & KASER. 722-2 Yeon bidg. WILL sacrifice sweil modern 2-fanuly.' flat, 5 and t room, worth 5d00, now $".900; -10oO down and 25 per month; walking distance on E. Yamhill st. See owner. 171 . L. :Sd su Phone East &4S. HAWTHORNE AVE. D1ST. Job o-:' New cottage Job 3 Price 27ii): J50 cash; located 55th and Lin coln et. ; 5 rooms and attic; strictly mod- -ern in every particular; American com munity, fine view; large trees; will give big bargrain; we have made 331 other peo- ' pie happy ; think we can please you. Royal Building Co.. owner. East 6504 or Tabor 104$. f. S. Brokers recognized. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NO T TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL KUKN1SH THE . . MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS F ItE E; ''' " WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW. TALK WITH OCR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL, GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING. ARCHI ETCTg. 3-.M ABINGTON BLDG. ONLY $25 A MONTH. Which includes interest, will buy agood S-room bungalow only 2 blocks from car line; bat. living-room with fireplace, dining-room with buffet, kitchen. 2 good bed rooms, and bath, large attic and sieeplng-por--h upstairs. Restricted district. Street work paid. Call mornings and evenings. East 2 To. CHEAP HOME LAOD'S ADDITION To save foreclosure, will sell 371 E. 20th. ' st., near Harrison, at $4500. on easy terms or will rent at o6 per month; brand new bungalow of 5 :arge rooms, furnace, fire place, basement plastered: this ts a very, attractive home at a genuine snap. GODDARD & W1EDRICK, 243 Stark Street. . PIEDMONT HOME. Quarter block, corner Mallory and Jar ret t, with fc-room bouse. '2 fireplaces, a baths, hot water heat, pretty shrubbery -blocks .from car; this place can now be obtained at a low price anrt on easy term. r H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 4Q4 Wilcox Bidg. NEW. ATTRACTIVE, MODERN HOME. For amount of original mortgage, $3-50. $-50 cash; easy terms; 5 rooms, cement basement, paved street, l block to Clir.- ' ton st. car; 20 minutes out. East Side. -11 Lumber Exchange. EAST -4'RANKLIN-ST. SNAP Fine 7-room modern house; 4 bedrooms, furnace; a big. snap at S300M; $250 down, $15 per month; near 36th. Make an offer. ZADOW & ALEXANDER, 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92. BARGAIN RESTRICTED DISTRICT. New, swell home, 53650 $150 cash; '7 rooms, fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitchen, three bedrooms, large double living-room, elegant plate glass buffet, oak floors; in minutes to city. Phone Tabor 1900. FORCED on the market, a beautiful, new, modern, up-to-date 4-room bungalow cot tage. In a choice, sightly residence district, Jt Is a aem Se for yourself. I must sell. Will take payments like rent. See owner. 512 Piatt bidg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Brand-new T- 1 roo-n bungalow: hardwood floors, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, breakfast-room, full non-U and cement basement; 1 block to Hawthorne ave.: Al location. For lull -particulars phone owner. Tabor 54S3. WE will finance and build your home on monthlv nay men ta. Call at office or ohone Main 4347. O'DONNEtJj & STEELE. Commercial Builders. 501 Corbett Bidg. NEW BUNGALOW, $2500. " $150 down, S25 month; new. 5 rooms and bath, full basement, laundry, fire place, gas and electricity, etc.; lot 60x 115; block to Rose City Park car. Owner, Tabor 5475. NEW, modern, five-room bungalow, all dou ble constructed; large attic, cement base ment, fireplace, furnace, wash trays, ce- -ment walks, etc.; $500 cash or trade, bal ance monthly payments. Taggart, 41ti ' Chamber ot Commerce. NEW BUNGALOW ROSSMERE. 5 -room cosy home, $.1150; $150 cash; just built. 17 minutes from city; fireplace, elegant oak floors, swell buffet and built in conveniences to please ladies. 434 E. 4'th fit. N. Phone Tabor 19u0. WEST SIDE COTTAGE, $2100. 5 rooms, basement, bath; fractional lot. Market Jit., near 16th. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. . 243 Stark Street. YOU NEWLY' WEDS, TAKE NOTICE. 4-room Cal. bungalow, lot 50x111, ce ment walks in and paid for; price $2000; ,$:0 down, $15 monthly. See photo at f . W. German Co., 814 Cham, of Com. LET US BUILD YOU A HOME On your lota or ours; by-your own plans or ours; pay us like rent. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS, 13J0 Northwestern Bank Bidg. LEAVING city; cosy bungalow; block car, 5 rooms and attic, lot 5rxlO0. cost $2750 6 months ao; take $2000 and -rive good terms to right party. C 339, Oregonian. COME to 6S0 East 54th St.. Rose City-Park", corner, for new. strictly modern 7-room home; price $350o, terms. Phone owner. Wood lawn 157 1. MODERN 6-roora bungalow on nice corner Iol. 1 block to car; will give unusual bar gain to party able to make fair tirst pay ment. Phone SeIlt7ood 2321 ATTRACTIVE, new, 6 -room, classy bun galow; full corner, unincumbered, in Al berta, at $2500; a$j5 total a month. U must C tu Owner and builder, 1020 Yeon bidg. FOR SALE at your own price, modern J rwm house, near Irvington "lub: must be fold; leaving rtty. Phone East 24tjH. $300 EQUITY for $40; 3-room furnished house; sleeping porch. Tel. C 1166. Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water; close to carlf ne; easv terms: w ill build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall lflsi or Fell wood 47ti. JOHN GIBSON, OWN ER. ACRES at Metzfter station : fruit and in fine cultivation; house aul furniture at bar gain: sell, trad: cr rent $m month. Phon Marshall 31U1. 603 Oregonian bidg. ;