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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1914)
THE MORXISQ OREGONIA2T, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0. 1914. Out-of-Town Patrons: Here Are Timelv Sales for Vo Mail Orders Received Within .Three Days of This Date Will Be Filled at These Special Price SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. Famous "Munsingwear IS v i SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. Gaily Colored Ribbons Reduced Newest Fancies, Staples and Novelties UNDERPRICED FOR THIS SALE 10c-12c SATIN TAFFETA RIBBONS, YARD, 7c No. 9 and No. 12 width. All the desired colors Ribbons selected from our regular. stocks. PLAIN TAFFETA AND MOIRE RIBBON, 15c Pure silk, 4 and inches wide. Also fancy Silk Ribbons in light and dark color effects. ROMAN STRIPE AND FANCY WARP PRINTS, YARD, 19c Roman stripes in ten different color combina tions. Warp Prints, light and dark effects. 41"! inches wide. " ' . 35c-40c SATIN TAFFETA RIBBONS, YD., 20c All pure silk variety of colors. No. SO and 100 width. Regular stock Ribbons. FIFTY DIFFERENT PATTERN RIBBONS, 21c ITairbow Ribbon, 6 jnches wide, fancy and plain taffetas, Duchesse moire and fancy Ribbons of various styles immense assortment. - ' $1.25 LOVELY FANCY RIBBONS, YARD, 95c Jacquard, Tapestry, new Maxixe and beauti ful fancies immense display of imported Rib bons in light and dark colors, 6 and 7-inch widths. - First floor, Slxth-St. Bids. 85c BLACK CHIFFON TAFFETA RIBBON, 59c In 7-inch width. Also imported taffeta Ribbons of very high luster. . 75c FANCY RIBBONS, YARD, 63c . . Beautiful shades, ombre effects, in all desired colors center of wflire with wide' satin edges. 6l2 inches wide. ; ' 85c-$l ROMAN STRIPED RIBBONS, YD., 75c Imported Ribbons, in beautiful colorings. 7 and 8-inch widths. Very large variety to select from. 50c SATIN AND SATIN TAFFETA RIBBONS, YARD 33c - 7 inches wide. 20 desirable colors very fine quality satin and satin taffeta.', ' 50c PANAMA MOIRE FAILLE RIBBON, 35c In 20 different colors, including the'new Fall shades. G-inch width . Ribbon of superior quality. 25 Off on All Ribbons selling, regularly $2.00 to metallic, Velours, Novelties, pieces your choice. . . . .Less $12.00. New Hundreds of 25 Discount SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. The New "Pandora Box Very Latest Party-Box Novelty Shown for the First Time in Portland Special Introductory Price $3.75 These new Party. Boxes are as at tractive as their name. German sil ver, in two patterns, one engine turned effects, the others handsomely etched. The shape is a complete in novation, and the box is substantially built. Fitted with vinaigrette, pin box, card attachment, nail file, coin holders, powder puff and mirror, in gilded effect, making a pleasing con trast. Carried on link chain. "Pan dora Boxes" are sure to be extremely popular be the first to have one! Very "specially priced at 33.75 First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. Rally to the South! -OTTON the great industry of the "Sunny South," is calling every loyal American citizen to its stand ard. And assuredly no better spirit of patriotism could be evidenced at this time than to patronize this gi gantic American industry, that has been deprived of its usual market through the great European conflagration. The Cotton industry of the United States is of vital importance to this Nation's future greater greatness and our appreciation of that faet can best be dem onstrated by the extent to which we all "Rally to the South." y . it TEMPORARY ANNEX. Sale and Demonstration of Wearever" Aluminum Ware Temporary Annex Third floor.' "Wearever" Aluminum Kitchen Utensils are favored by all house wives. Their supreme wearing qualities , and their absolute . cleanliness are" the secrets of their popularity. DURING- DEMONSTRATION SPECIAL PRICES PREVAIL. on four untensils of this nncfxcelled kitchen ware. Make' your selec tions from the following list, and come in to our department and allow the expert demonstrator to tell you the advantages "of "WEAREVER" ALUMINUM WARE TOR KITCHEN USE. 80c "Wearever" Saucepans just as illus trated. Tinned handles heavily riveted, rquart size. For this sale.prieed at 59 60c 'Wearever" Stew Pans in three-pint size. Substantially made and will not dent. Just as illustrated. . Specially priced for this sale at -41. ... , "Wenrever" Berlin Sauce Pans, one- ' 'quart size, each 70 "Wearever" Berlin Sauce Pans, two quart sixe, each 9o "Wearever" Berlin Sauce Pans, four quart size, each $1.45 "Wearever" Round Cast Griddles, 10-inch size, each 81. 90 Wearever" Round Cast Griddles, 12-inch size, each .' S2.-40 "Wearever" Cast Waffle Irons, low style, eaoh S3.00 Wearever" Preservi ns- Kettles, four-quart size, each. $l.X5k. "Wearever" Preserving Kettles. six-quart size, each $1.40 ""Wearever" Preserving Kettles, eight-quart size, each SI. 65 "Wearever" Preserving Kettles, ten-quart size, each S2.00 Wearever" Preserving Kettle. twelve-quart size, each 82.-10 "Wearever" Lipped Sauce Pans, one and one-half-quart size, each 60c ""Wearever" Lipped Sauce Pans. two-quart size, each 70J Wearever" Lipped Sauce. Pans, three-quart size, each 9oC "Wearever" Lipped Sauce Pans. four-quart size, each 81.15 "Wearever" Covered Windsor Ket--tles. four-quart, each SI. 55 "Wearever" Covered Windsor Ket tles, five-quart, each S1.T5 Wearever" Covered Windsor Ket tles, six-quart, each.. -S1.90 i Preserving Kettles 85c "Wearever" Preserving Kettles just as illus trated. 2-quart size. . Splendid aluminum kettles, not affected by acids, ideal for preserving uses. Special for this sale, each 59(. Wearever" Covered Sauce Pans $1.15 "Wearever" Covered Sance Pans just as illustrated. "Without joints, seams or soldered parts. 2,2-qiiart size. For this sale, each 79S "Wearever" "Wearever" "Wearever" Wearever" "Wearever" "Wearever" "Wearever" "Wearever" "Weareve;-" "Wearever" "Wearever" "Wearever" "Wearever" "Wearever" "Wearever" "Wearever" "Wearever" Teakettles, five-quart size, each Teakettles, six-and-one-half-quart size, each . .' 4.GO Teakettles, Heven-and-one-haU-quart size, each 4.50 Teapots, one-quart size, each SIS. GO Teapots, one-and-one-half-quart size, each 2. SO Fie Pans, shallow, slx-and-three-quarter-lnch size, ea.. 17 Pie Pans, shallow, eiyht-and-f ive-Mf?hths-inch size, ea.. 2 Pie Pans, shallow, ten-and-one-eisthth-lnch size, each.... 30? Pie Pans, shallow, elevtrninch size, each.... 35r RU-e Boilers, one-quart ize, each 81.55 Rice Boilers, two-quart size, each $2.00 Hice Boilers, three-quart srze, each $2.-40 Puddins? Pans, one-quart size, -each -. ; -40 Pudding Pant, one-and-one-half-quart size, each ooc Pudding" Pana, two-quart size, each Q5f Pudding Pans, three-quart size, each SOo Pudding Pans, four-quart size, each Go Third Fluor Temporary Annex. TEMPORARY ANNEX. MUNSINGWEAR for Men &Boys Sale and Showing of Fall and Winter . Garments SPECIALS Men's $l,25"Munsing','Fleeced Cotton Union Suits, 98c - Medium heavy weight, in. ecru and gray color, lligh aieek, long sleeves, ankle length and elosed crotch. Reduced from $1.25 to, suit, 98. Men.'s $2.50 "Munsing" Worst ed Union Suits, $1.98 Medium heavy weight, in natural color only. High neck, long sleeves and ankle length. Regular $2.50 garments re duced to, each, S1.98. " Boys' 75c "Munsing" Fleced Cotton Union Suits, 59c Medium weight fleeced cot ton, gray only. High neck, long sleeves and ankle length. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Reduced for this sale from 75c to, garment, 59c Ki rM t PIr, Temporary Annex Portland Agents "Butterick" Patterns Thin! Floor, Stlxth-St. Bids. For Women and Children Showing of the New Fall Weights Many Lines at Reduced Prices WOMEN'S "MUNSINGWEAR" COTTON UNION SUITS Medium weight, high, low or Duteh neck. Knee and ankle length. $1.25 Regular Sizes, reduced to, garment SI. 15 $1.50 Extra Sizes, reduced to, garment S1.35 WOMEN'S "MUNSINGWEAR" WOOL AND SILK UNION SUITS Dutch neck, elbow sleeves and ankle length. Regular Sizes priced at, garment S4.00 Extra Sizes 'priced at, garment S4.50 WOMEN'S "MUNSINGWEAR" ALL-WOOD UNION SUITS "White and natural Color. High neck, long sleeves, and ankle length. Regular sizes only, priced at, garment S3.50 WOMEN'S "MUNSINGWEAR" WOOL AND COTTON UNION SUITS White or natural. High or Dutch neck, long sleeves, ankle length. Regular sizes priced, garment S2.50 Extra sizes priced, garment S3.00 WOMEN'S "MUNSING" ALL-WOOL VESTS AND PANTS White and natural. High neck, long-sleeved Vests, ankle-length Pants. Regular sizes priced, each...'. S1.T5 Extra sizes priced, each S2.00 $1.75 CHILDREN'S "MUNSING" WOOL UNION SUITS, $1.59 White and natural. All sizes. High neck, long sleeves, ankle length and drop seat. CHILDREN'S ''MUNSING" FLEECED COT TON UNION SUITS Heavy fleece-lined cotton, in cream and natural color. High neck, long sleeves, ankle length and drop seat. Sizes 1 to 9 years, garment 75 Sizes 10 to 13 years, garment 85c WOMEN'S "MUNSINGWEAR" WOOL AND COTTON VESTS AND PANTS White and gray. High neck, long-sleeve Vests and ankle-length Pants. $1.25 Regular sizes, garment SI. 10 $1.50 Extra sizes, garment S1.35 WOMEN'S "MUNSINGWEAR" WOOL AND LISLE CLOTH UNION SUITS t Medium weight. Dutch, high or low neck, long, short or elbow sleeves or sleeveless. Knee and ankle length. . $2.00 Regular sizes priced, garment SI. 79 $2.50 Extra sizes priced, garment. . - S3. 15 WOMEN'S "MUNSINGWEAR" WOOL AND COTTON UNION SUITS Heavy weight, in white and natural color. High neck, long sleeves and ankle length. Regular sizes, garment. SI .75 Extra sizes, garment S2.00 WOMEN'S "MUNSINGWEAR" FLEECED VESTS AND PANTS Heavy fleece-lined cotton, cream color only. High neck, long-sleeve Vests, ankle-length Pants. 65c Regular size garments, each 55 75c Extra size garments, each '-63 CHILDREN'S 85c TO $1 WOOL PANTS AND VESTS, 78c 2 for $1.50. High neck, long sleeves, ankle length. In white and natural. All sizes. See Alder-Street Window Display ! Second Floor, Slith-St. Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. ainty, New Undermuslins Specially Priced ! The Very Newest Ideas Combining Daintiness, Simplicity and Moderateness of Cost HEKE IN ABUNDANCE FORYOUR SELECTION. Come in today and inspect these new Undermuslins that we're placing at your disposal at these very special prices. Surprise and delight will be your reward to say nothing of the extreme economy you may enjoy. New Combinations of Fine Nainsook, Special 9Si Straight leg or knickerbocker style! Most attractively trimmed with dainty Swiss and hand-loom embroideries, or fine Swiss insertion and lace combined, with beading and ribbon at tli3 waist line. A wonderful offering at this very special priee 98. New Princess Combinations of Nainsook, Special 51.98 Fine nainsook, made irr attractive Princess style, entire yoke, back and front, of fine race insertijDti. Finished at Hop with lace beading, ribbon-run. Specially priced at $1.98 New Combinations Straight Leg Style, Special $1.98 Made of finest materials. Beautifully trimmed with laces, Swiss medallions, embroidery insets and lace insertion. A variety of attractive effects. Very special for this sale only, ?5X.S. New Nightgowns Full Cut Special 98.' Cambric and Nainsook Gowns, 60 inches long, full width. High neck and long sleeve, with yokes of hemstitching and tucks combined with embroidery edges. Also Nainsook and Crepe. Gowns- in low-neck style, with trimmings of lace and embroidery. Very specially priced at 98. New Crowns of Nainsook and Batiste, Special $1.98, Two styles. One Empire with all-over lace yoke back and front. The other a simple gown, copied from a French model. Square neck, daintily tucked across the front, with ribbon run through casing and finished with smart ribbon bow. Regularly selling: at $2.98 reduced for this sale to only $1.98. ' - - Extra Size Garments Now at Special Prices Extra Size' Combinations Prettily lace and embroidery trimmed. A variety of different stvles. Sizes 46, 48 and 50. Specially priced at 98 to $1.25. Extra Size Gowns Crepe, Nainsook and Cambric. High and low necks. The simplest to the most elaborate models. Priced $1.25, $1.59, $1.98 to $4.50. Extra Size Drawers Made of Soft Nainsook. Straight leg style. Com plete assortment. Some trimmed with Swiss embroidery, some with lace and Swiss medallions. Prices 59S 79, 9SJ. The New French Undermuslins HAVE ARRIVED We announce the arrival of our complete assortment . of dainty French Undermuslins, a collection that is the loveliest it has ever been our fortune to see gathered together in one group. Many novelties and handiwork of the most delicate character on sheer materials. New designs, new models, and a bevy of new ideas in French Under muslins await your selection here. t Tmb Quality" Store of Portland nU.SixtJx.Tlor'risaiv Aktor 9ta. . V - ' New Envelope Drawers, Very Special 59. Made of "soft Nainsook in the new envelope style. Elastic at waist line, and trimmed with dainty patterned embroidery. For this sale only, priced 59. New Corset Covers of Fine Nainsook, 59J. One style trimmed back and front with-fine Swiss embroidery and lace medallions. Another made in 6urplice style, with elastic at waist line prettily trimmed. Special for this sale, 59. New Reinforced Bloomers of Nainsook, 59. In pink, blue or white. Strongly reinforced at seat. Made with elas tic at waist line and knee. Very special at 59J. Women's Drawers of Nainsook, Special 39? - Very good quality material. Prettily trimmed with lace, embroidery and hemstitched tucks. Specially priced at 39. Second FIoo- "xth-St. Dlds. Grocery Specials for Tuesday Royal Banquet Flour Milled for us 'specially from the best Blue- S f Or stem Wheat. Makes splendid bread, cakes and pastry. Sack X ocji Golden Pumpkin Solid pack No. 2'2 cans, dozen $1.10; can IOC Victor Butter Satisfactory brand. Roll 67c Cottage Hams Solid pieces, about 4 lbs. each, pound lTViC White Asparagus Peak brand. Round cans, dozen $1.40, can lS1 Lima Beans California dried. 3 pounds for U5 Pure Lard No. 10 pails, $1.39, No. 5 pails TO Shredded Cocoanut Schepp's long white threads. Pound 17l; Condensed Milk Sunrise brand. Dozen cans 85S can 7Vb German Lentils Best quality. Pound 10 Japan Tea Victor 50c grade. Pound ; 39 , Pure Food Grocery, Basement, Mxth-M. Bunding.