TJTE 3I0HNTXG OREGONTAW, TUESDAY, ST!PTE5rRER 20, 1014. WHISKY GASES DUE nursery babes shooting chutes in fire drill at albertina kerr nursery yesterdayj Next Wednesday Will Be "Red Letter Day" in Premium Parlors lO Free Stamps Will Be Given to All Visitors Bring Your Book With You TO RED WITNESSES Olds, Worttndn & Indians Called to Testify in Trials Over Liquor at Bot tom of Inquiry. Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific. Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231 Double Stamps on Groceries Double Stamps Will Be Given With All Cash Purchases Amount ing to 10c or Over Made Today in the Grocery, Bakery and -Delicatessen Departments on 4th Floor Shop in the Morning. ONE OF THREE INDICTED Federal Grand Jury Returns 16 In dictments, Three of Which Are Not AnnouncedThree Held Under Mann Act. r r " yjv " ' - ' "j "n '-' -"' 111 i xxy r- K X X x: x'-X X X ; . .X h T y- If x x x J s x x x x ' . JyyXyXSi I yX jX xy-! 1 ; - - x xx x x-x x'x-x x"x" ,;. 1 V ' ' ' LV Xs X X xr r X - H - - fxf- - x- x ; ' i"; 1 I J Three of the 24 cases that came be fore the Federal grand jury that ad journed yesterday originated because of the presence in Portland, of Indian witnesses In cases involving- the selling of liquor to Indians. A true bill was returned in one of the three cases, George Brown, a bartender, being in dicted for selling whisky to Miller Bro"wn, George Merrit and Floyd Brown, Klamath Indians, September 23. Not true bills were returned in the cases of John Erickson, accused of selling whisky to the Indians in Port land, and Cain Sconchin, an Indian, ar rested on a similar charge. The Indians named in the indictment against George Brown came to Portland as witnesses in the case of Dial Chilo QUin, who was indicted for his alleged attack on Floyd Brown, another Indian of the same tribe, with a knife on the Klamath reservation June 30. Two Too Drunk to Testify. "When Floyd Brown and Miller George were called before the grand jury they were found to be too drunk to testify. The grand jury sent them to Judge Bean, who ordered them put In jail. Deputy United States Marshal Mac Swain made an investigation, resulting in the arrest of George Brown and John Crickson, Brown being indicted. Of the 16 indictments, three were secret. The other indictments are: Julia Lockett, of Medford. indicted for perjury in having sworn that she had not been married since the death of her husband, James Jackson, who was a soldier in the United States Army. She made false oath in applying for a pension as a soldier's widow. It is charged, and when shown a certifi cate setting forth that she had been married to John Lockett after Jackson's death, said she had "clear forgot about that marriage." Nathan Schneiberg, Nick Campagnl and Charles H. Fenton were indicted for alleged violation of the Mann white slave act. Roy Spear was indicted for perjury. It is alleged that he swore falsely at a Commissioner's hearing, where he was charged with violation of the Mann act, in saying that he had not been in The Dalles since 1905 and had never been in Pendleton. Liquor Charges Against Five. Louis Hutchinson and John Lowe were indicted, charged with bringing alcohol and whisky into the Umatilla Indian reservation; A, Pay ant with sell ing whisky to Umatilla Indians and C. Farquharson and R. C. Alexander with taking liquor to the Warm Springs res ervation. Lee Ling and Chew Sin, of Portland, and Ah Sung, of Astoria, were Indicted on charges of having had opium in their possession. Besides a not true bill in the local Indian liquor cases of John Erickson and Cain Sconchin, not true bills were returned in the cases of Ah Chung and Gin John, accused of having had opium; G. H. Davis, accused of taking liquor into the Umatilla reservation; John Watson and A. H. Decatur, ac cused of taking liquor into the Klam ath reservation, and Michael Schuh, a former member of the local National Guard organization, accused of taking a military overcoat and hat from the Armory. There remain about 60 cases for the November grand Jury-to consider. OREGONiANS SEE BATTLE CAUL, GKHLGER, OF DALLAS, AND FAMILY BACK FROM WAR. Tourists but Six Miles From Firing Line it Sarrborg Thousands of Dead Piled In Grove. Carl Gerlinger, of Dallas, a nephew or Louis Gerlinger Sr., of Portland, re turned to Portland Sunday night from Germany. He is the first to bring first' hand observations of one of the Euro ,pean battlefields, after an engagement of the present war. Mr. Gerlinger vlstte,d the battlefield of Sarrborg just after the battle and saw several thousand French and Ger man dead, a number which, to him, he said, seemed like 50,000 or more, and was so reported at the time. During the battle Mr. Gerlinger and his (am ily were only six miles from the firing line and could see the battle. With Mr. Gerlinger were his wife and four children, Mrs. Fred Gerlinger and child, Mrs. Joseph Gladh, of Dal las. Miss Sophie Bankauser. of Neu weller, a sister of Mrs. Carl Gerlinger, and Miss Otile Drexler, of Stundweiler! Germany, who has come to reside wth her uncle, P. H. Drexler, of Independ ence, at least until the war is over. It took the party three days and nights to reach Rotterdam from Strass burg and then they were forced to take steerage to get to America. They ar rived in New York last Monday. The Gerlingers left for Europe in May and. having toured all through France and Germany, expected to leave for home August 6, but the war interfered with their plans. "Two days after the battle I went over the field near Sarrborg, and it appeared, to me that I saw the bodies of 50,000 dead Germans and 50,000 dead French stacked up in heaps," said Mr. Gerlinger last night at the Per kins Hotel. "The bodies were so thick that most of them were leaning against others without touching the ground. The French had rougnt from a grove and the trees had been cut down as cleanly as if by the use of axes. Be neath were the bodies of the dead Frenchmen. We were six miles from the battlefield when the struggle oc curred and could see the firing plainly "Conditions are certainly bad in Ger- jiiany. All men between 17 and 45 have already been pulled out and they are now talking of mustering all men between 45 and SO years of age. The train service in Germany is shot all to pieces and they are short on many eatables. We were treated consider ately, but the fact that I was the only man in a party of six adultB and five children made it rather difficult for us to get about. "I also saw the battlefield of Muel hausen. While the battle's were In progress a constant noise prevailed which sounded much like thunder. Swltserlund apwnd. xnor. on relief of th. poor tnaa uoe any ot&ar country. . .L : tlx :rx : ' . 'fl -H i . ..... Z I X 4 - ' X " ' ' ' 1 i-"s - 1 if . 4-- x . . x-v- - TAGDAY IHOOBSEDP'- Mayor Makes Appeal in Behalf of Institutions. LIBERAL GIFTS EXPECTED Funds Raised Will Be Used to Help Unfortunate Girls and Babies of Louise Home and Alber tina Kerr Nursery. There will be a good old-fashioned tag day next Saturday. And because that day is. planned for the benefit of the very least of "God's little ones," the unfortunate girls and the helpless babies of the Louise Home and the Al bertina Kerr Nursery, the public is asked by the management of these In stitutions to give liberally. The Mayor of the City and many oi the prominent men and women have promised their support. There will be warm blankets and plenty of food lor the children and care and housing and good influence for the older proteges of the institutions, if half the promises made are kept. Here is Mayor Albee s unsolicited endorsement of the approaching tag day: "The Portland Commons and its able manager, w. u. Macjaren, neec no introduction to the people of Portland. For years the splendid work done by this institution has been known and appreciated, not only by the many citi zens who realize the need for just such help as the Commons is giving, but who are unable to give of their time personally to aid the work. "It is to these citizens and to otbers who have not, perhaps, yet heard of the efforts of this institution to help unfortunates, that the appeal for fin ancial help is now made. Surely no contribution could go 'to a better cause than that to which 'Tag Day is deal, cated the support of the Louise Home and the Nursery Home Rescue Work. "It is hoped that many contributions. ONE OF BABIES WHO WILL BENEFIT BY SATURDAY. E'Ji s X X- " , "V 5 N:, -X ZB?S!G&a.Ti o both small and great, may be forth, coming when Tag Day arrives." PANTAGES' BILL STARRY NEW SHOW TEEMING "WITH FEA TURE ENTERTAINERS. From First to Last Vaudeville Slelanice Is Frolicsome "September Morns" Are Hendliners. Features are to be found in every number at the Pantages this. week. First of all is Chester Kingston, "The Chinese Puzzle." The puzzle comes in trying te figure out just what kind of a knot this person could not tie his body Into. He is not a small man, yet V s - x V vv - Xt: V Vx3 v- " x 1 Nurse Putting Toddler in Chnte. 2 Tiniest Infants. 3 Catckl he squezzes through the back of an or dinary dining chair with less trouble than the average man has in getting Into a Portland "pay-as-you-enter." His act is followed by Taylor and Arnold, man and girl. It's an act with snap and music. Their songs, little heard before, are clever and enter taining. "The Village Priest" is the only thing solid on the bill. It's a departure from the average lS-minute sketch, and aside from being a good bit of acting, dis tributes a lot of wtkejesome philosophy and common sense, rr Charles King as Father T Donovan is immense. The story concerns his niece, played by Virginia Thornton. The girl's suitor ia portrayed by Frank Seavey, who has played in Northwest stock companies in the past. The two have a quarrel over the "sphere of women" with the result the engagement is al most broken. The village priest does a lot of diplomatio service and the two are united. Then come Niller, Packer and Selz. It would bo hard to say what they do. It might be best to say that they do nothing, but the result, nevertheless. Is a house bursting with laughter. Ethel Davis and her company are last, but not least. It is a musical playlet, "The Fountain of Youth," of a type very popular with the Pantages folk. It's staged in a cafe and a covey of pretty girls help Miss Davis and a half dozen comedians put the headline act "over" In great shape. The climax "TAG DAY" RECEIPTS is an interesting scene in 'which half a dozen "September Morns" (hooked up the back) prance around the Fountain of Touth. EIGHT INDICTED IN COOS Druggist Fills 40 AVbisky Prescrip tions for "Patient" In 10 Weeks. COQTJILLE, Or., Sept. 28. (Special.) The grand jury here returned eight indictments Saturday- The names have not been made public, though liquor sales at the dry town of Myrtle Point are supposed to be the basis. Drug gists were subpenaed from there who had filled prescriptions for whisky by the thousand, and in every case the physician's fee for writing them wbb $1. They simply called for "Sp, Frumenti," in quantities of one quart. and the doss was three teaspoonfuls a day. one patient had paid for 40 prescriptions in ten weeks. -Down Conies Narse and One of the ng Tnena as They Land. ZIP! BABES SLIDE Albertina Kerr Nursery Has Unique Fire Drill. TOTS WHIZ DOWN CHUTE Tiny Inmates Speed From Second Story Into Arms of Nurse and Enjoy Sensation Youngsters Know What to Do. "Save the babies." That is the slogan of the Albertina Kerr Nursery. One of the most novel fire drills Port land has ever seen was practiced yesterday afternoon. The event took place at the well-xept nursery at 129 Fourteenth street, where over 40 babies are sheltered. The tiny mites of hu manity were drilled in getting out of tneir nursery in a hurry. And they really enjoyed the initiation. From the second story of the build ing there is built a smooth zinc chute that connects the upper window with the ground. Into this chute the babies are carefully placed, and down they slide right into the open arms of a nurse who waits below to catch her precious charges. The tiniest ones are taken down in the arsis of a nuie. Yesterday after noon the whole big family "escaped" down the chute in a Tew moments. It was a convincing demonstration of a simple but decidedly unique and prac tical contrivance in the shape of a fire escape. The fire drill chute is only, one of the many innovations Introduced at the Al- Dertlna iverr Nursery for the safety and comfort of the little Inmates. A Tag day for the benefit of he nursery and the Louise Home will be held Saturday. CITY GRIEVES WITH MAYOR Officials to Attend Funeral of Young J George Albee Today. Officials and employes of all de partments of the city service will at tend the funeral of Oeorge Albee, the young son of Mayor Albee. this after' noon at 2 o'clock, at Westminster Pres byterian Church, at East Seventeenth and Schuyler streets. Burial will be in Rivervlew Cemetery. The flag at the City Hall was placed at half mast yesterday. At the request of Mayor Albee no autopsy will be held. Grange Receives Premium of $200 PLEASANT VALLEY, Or., Sept. 28 (Special.) i. N, Sager, chairman of the ChargePurchases Made Today and the Remainder of This Month Will Go on Your October Account, Payable on November First. Stamps Will Be Given on Charge Accounts If Paid in Full by 10th of Each Month. Drapery Remnants V2 Price Bargain Circle, First Floor Remnants and short lengths of Marquisettes, Curtain Scrims, Cretonnesr etc., In great variety of p a t terns U JPier todav at onlv rntK $4.5Q Table Runners At $1.98 Bargain Circle, First Floor Beautiful Table Runners of Silk Tapestry, Velours, Da masks, etc. Grades worth up to $4.50 on sale now 2J f QQ your choice at pXei70 50c Pillow Tops 10c Bargain Circle, First Floor 25x25-inch Tapestry Square for cushions, pillows, chair seats, etc. Scores of patterns and and colors. Pieces worth up "3 fls to 50c. Choice at, each Time to Supply Bedding Needs Wool Blankets and Comforters Reduced Regular $4.00 Regular $6.00 Regular $7.50 Regular $4.25 Regular $4.50 Regular $3.50 Fancy Plaid Wool Blankets, special, pair S2.9S Fancy Plaid Wool Blankets, special, pair S5-1.9S Plain Color and Plaid Wool Blankets, pair S5.4S Mixed Cotton and Wool Blankets at, a pair $2.98 Wool Blankets brown, tan and gray, pair $3.25 Gray California Wool Blankets at, the pair $2.98 $16.50 Down $18.00 Down $20.00 Down Comforters $13.25 Comforters $14.40 Comforters $15.95 A Sale of Bathroom Fixtures , Dept., Third Floor, tiegmar ooc cam oprays oac Reg. 45c Tumbler Holders 35? Reg. 75c Tumbler Holders 60c Reg, 40c Soap Holders for 32 Reg. $1.00 Towel Racks at 80 Reg. $1.25 Towel Racks at SI Reg. 15c Glass Towel Bars 13d $1.00 Comb and Brush Holders, special at SOC $2.25 Hand Rail for bath tub, special at Sl.SO $1.75 Combination Sponge, Soap Holders $1.40 Regular 15c Nickel Toilet Paper Holders xip Regular S5.50 Adjustable Shaving Mirrors, special now for S4.40 Regular $7.00 Medicine Bottles and Holders, special at S5.60 $3.25 Oval White Enameled Plate Mirrors on sale at only $2.60 Regular $4.50 Nickel Frame Plate Glass Mirrors now for $3.GO Men's and Women's $2.50' and $3.00 Chippewa Indian Moccasins in handsome beaded effects with leather thong. On sale, Shoe Department, pair county fair exhibit, yesterday presented to Pleasant Valley Grange the red rib bon and $2p0 prise won at the Gresham fair. Ten days before the fair opened Pleasant Valley Grange, he said, had made no preparations for the exhibit, and some wanted to abandon the effort to have an exhibit, said Mr. Sager, but a few determined to go ahead, with the result that the Grange secured the sec ond prize. Mr. Sager complimented the committee for its work, and congratu lated the Grange on its success. Master Henderson accepted the badge in be half of the Grange. A programme prepared by Mrs. H. W. Snashall was rendered. Indian Fair Visitor's Get Liquor. TOLEDO. Or., Sept. 28. (Special.) Many of the Indians of Siletz reserva tion who attended the Lincoln County Appetite Follows Good Digestion Nearly everyone indulges their appetite and digestive organs are abused, resulting in. a congestion of poisonous waste that clogs the bowels and causes much misery and distress. The most effective remedy to correct this condition is the com bination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin known as Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. This is a natural, pleasant-tasting remedy, gentle yet positive in action, and quickly relieves indigestion, con stipation. sick headache, belching, etc Drug stores sell Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin at fifty cents and one dollar, a bottle, and in thousands of homes it is the in dispensable family remedy. - For a free trial bottle write Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 451 Washington St., Monticello, I1L Silk Petticoats-A Sale! Garment Salons 2d No matter what color or style you have in mind we have it in this magnificent show ing of the new Petticoats. All lengths. All sizes. Choose now. LOT 1 Special ?2.49 Petticoats made of' excellent quality silk messaline or messa line with silk Jersey top. Wide and narrow accordeon pleated flounces and string tops. All the new- jJO 5Q est shades. Special at PWefr7 LOT 2 Special ?3.39 These are also to be had in all silk messaline or messaline with silk Jersey .'top. Full range of all the plain shades, also in changeable effects. String and adjustable tops. ljt? Special now at low price of LOT 3 Special $4.39 Made of extra good quality silk messaline, silk Jersey, crepe de chine or messaline flounce with Jersey top. Styled with plaited flounces or folds. Every desirable shade CS Q Q to choose ffom. Special LOT 4 Special S&.50 Beautiful new silk Petticoats in a number of very attractive styles with narrow or wide plaited flounces. Patent adjustable tops. Full Cjf? line of all colors and black. Priced very special J-v Long Crepe Kimonos at $1.98 and $2.49 Attractive Wash Waists at 98c Center Circle, First Floor Two special lines of women's long Kimonos underpriced for Tues day's selling. Made of cotton crepes with low necks and short sleeves. Empire and belted ef fects. Attractive new figured and floral patterns in pretty colorings. Several different stylos. Priced spe- O i Q cial $1.9S and p-W $22.50 Down Comforters $17.95 $26.50 Down Comforters $20.95 $27.50 Down Comforters $21.95 $1.29 Fair appeared to be well supplied with liquor by some bootlegger. The num ber of Indians arrested totaled 13. Burglar Kills Grocer. TACOMA, Seot. 88. IT. G. Mont THE HORTE ROUTE BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SPOKANE is via the NEW AYER SHORT LINE - ' of OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. Superior service daily between Union Depot, Portland and new O-W. R. & N. Passenger Terminal in the heart of Spokane Leave Portland 8:00 P. M. Arrive Spokane 7:55 A. M. Leave Spokane 8:30 P. M. Arrive Portland 7:20 A. M. Tickets, reservations and full infor mation upon application to: CITY TICKET. OFFICE, Third and Washington Streets, Marshall 4500, A 612L Floor Center, Circle, First Floor Many dainty styles in this line of Waists some with low neck and short sleeves, others with high neck and long sleeves. Mar quisettes, batistes, crepes and linens. Mostly white, although there are a few in colors. All sizes from 34 up to 50 in the assortment. Priced spe- QQ cial for Tuesday atO ff4 Dress Goods Main Floor Brocade crepe de chine, brocade crepe meteor, brocade pussy willow silks and brocade charmeuse. Beautiful silken' fabrics for gowns, dresses, waists, evening wraps, etc. The $3.50 and $4.00 CJO JO grades ou sale at P-w4-0 $3.00 Crepe de Chine $1.9S Beautiful finish and rich bro c a d e d patterns. J? B Q G Today, the yard PJ-mZfO 12l2C Outings 10c Basement Bargain Center At this price for one day only, 36 inch Outing Flannels of splen did heavy quality for gowns, skirts, etc. Mill ends in lengths up to 20 j'ards. Attractive line of patterns stripes, checks, plaids, etc., and good fast col ors. The standard I2V2C grade on sale for this special Tf fg sale at low price of, yd gomery, 35, a grocer at E046 South M street, was shot and killed with his own revolver by a burglar in his store about 5 o'clock this morning. William Davis, 17, colored, was arrested after being trailed by bloodhounds. ST