Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 29, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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liL ' J))
A SMART event of this evening will
be the dance to be given by the
Tuesday Night Club in the Irv-
. ington Clubhouse. The matrons who
. have outlined the plans of entertaln-
lng for the Fall and Winter anticipate
that the club's parties will be among
the most popular social features of the
' coming months. The patronesses for
; this evening will be Mrs. Frederick W.
Skiff, Mrs. Charles A. Edwards, Mrs.
II. M. Haller and Mrs. William H. See.
Miss Alma Enke, one of the charming
members of the younger set, haa issued
cards for a tea at which she will en
tertain on Thursday afternoon in her
borne on East Sixth .street North.
About 60 of the younger maids and
matrons, friends of the hostess, are In
eluded In the guest list.
Complimenting Miss Harriet Ross, of
the "Kitty Mackay" company, who is
the house guest of Mrs. Wilson Bene
flel. the hostess will entertain with
en Informal reception at her home, 110
East Twentieth street, Thursday after
noon from 2 until 5 o'clock.' Miss Ross
is the sister of Mrs. W. H. Atwlll and
Dr. Louise Ross, of Washington, J. C.
both of whom formerly lived In .Port'
All former friends of the Rosa girls
re Included In the Invitations.
After passing several days as the
guest of friends in Portland, Miss Hilda
Lancefleld, a member of the 1913 class
at Whitman College, has left for Al
bany, N. Y., where she will take a post
graduate course In the library school
of the State University. v
Mrs. S. Backus and daughter Louise
: returned home last week, after pass-
lng the Summer in Europe. They sue-
ceeded in getting cut of Switzerland
, after the war had begun, and sailed
; for New York on the Olympic from Liv
: erpool, August 23. They also visited
' with relatives in New Tork and other
i Eastern cities before returning to
' Mrs. NettU Koch, of 79 West Park
street, will give a luncheon to her
friends today.
Ladles of Modern, Maccabees, Wood
1 mere Hive, No. 90, will give a dance
, t and card party Friday, October 9, at
Myrtle Park Hall, on the Mount Soott
! carline.
; The Oregon Alumnae Association will
. hold its annual luncheon at the Hotel
: Oregon on Saturday at 1 o'clock. Mrs.
; George T. Gerlinger will be the guest
of honor. Mrs. Isabel Jackway will
; preside. Mrs. Gerlinger was recently
j appointed a regent of the University of
Mrs. Carl G. Liobo has issued cards
I for Saturday afternoon, October 3,
; when she will entertain at the fourth
; of a series of card parties with Which
he is dispensing hospitality in her
t attractive home. 64 5 East Fourteenth
, street. North. .
The Portland Heights Club's open
f lng reception for the season will be
, one of the socially charming events
of Friday night. After the reception
.' there will be dancing. The festivity
Is anticipated by the members and
' those who nave received cards.
J' The G. N. C. B. Girls will entertain
iat their opening party on Thursday
night in Cotillion Hall. Invitations
have been issued and these, the com
mittee announce, must be presented at
;the door. The members of the com
jmittee are the Misses Eva Cook, Rose
iCoddard, Jeannette Routledge, Faye
;Wlse, Esther Rudeen, Gertrude Lucke
:and E. L. "Vinton, Elmer A. Hansen
;and Arthur Rudeen. The patronesses
;re Mrs. J. W. Cook, Mrs. Charles
Christensen, Mrs. W. H. Snook, Mrs. M.
"E. Gray and Mrs. R. F. Goddard.
: Mrs. A, C. DeLong, who is assistant
'pastor of the White Temple, was the
;lionored guest at a reception given on
Friday afternoon by the women of the
;church. Rev. W. B. Hinson, Mrs. David
;Koulkes and Mrs. H. W. Gates assisted
In receiving the guests. An elaborate
:3ecoratlon of Autumn foliage made the
parlors most attractive. Mrs. P. M.
Jamison was chairman of the commit
tee of arrangements. She was assisted
by Mrs. W. H. Seigner, Mfti. W. C.
Xawrence, Mrs. Edward Johnston, Mrs.
Ji. H. Leabo and Mrs. F. C. Knapp.
Cartridge Whipp and Norman Hoose
contributed several delightful and af
tistic solos.
i Representative society and literary
V'oraen and members of the Dramatic
league were among the many who as
sembled in the ballroom of the Hotel
Multnomah yesterday to hear Alfred H.
Urown, M A., in his scholarly and in
teresting lecture on Strindberg's
"There Are Crimes and Crimes." The
last of the series of morning lectures
Twill be given on October 1 at 10:30
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Coburn. of 653
Holly street, announce the marriage of
xneir aaugnter, Katnryn Uertrude Co
burn, to Walter Ramond Kinser, son
of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kinser, 1080
Milwaukie street. The ceremony took
place Saturday, Rev. W. B. Hinson of
ficiating. The opening party of the interschol-
astic circles will be held Friday even
ing, octoDer z, in tne cotillion Hall.
Cathedral Court, Catholic Order of
Foresters, will hold a social gathering
tomorrow nignt in tnetr hall, at Fif
teenth and Davis streets. Mrs. F.
Flannigan will sing, and Miss Rita
Manning win play violin solos. Judge
Kavanaugh will give an address. Arch
bishop Christie will be present and
speak briefly. All Foresters and their
xrienas win be welcomed.
Mrs. Harriet McArthur, who has been
traveling abroad for several months.
arrived in Portland last night. She was
welcomed at the depot by her son, C. N.
McArthur, and a party of intimate
THE permanent committee of the
X Social Workers' Clwb, Miss T. R.
Goodman, Mrs. Margaret Thoroman
and Professor W. Fielding Ogburn, an
nounce the opening meeting of that
organization, Friday, October 2, at 6:30
P. M. at the Hazel wood.
Dr. Hector Mac Thurson, professor
of political economy at Oregon Agri
cultural College, will speak on "Factors
in the High Cost of Living." The -dis
tinguished educator - is on a lecture
tour, and this is the first time he has
been heard in Portland. Since he
comes in the interests of the humani
tarian service at a sacrifice - of time
the social workers of the city are
urged to take advantage of this op
Appreciations of William X. Gardner,
: v0"' .'. "Jm If it
CC: . - 4
qMiss1 J3eth" Jsudlum..
WhO di1 In 1A rnnlr. anrfal u v.r
ice, by representatives of other social
weiiare agencies, win loliow.
Rev. Fredrick K. Howard, of the
Episcopal Social Service Leacrua. will
suggest a motto for the club.
The committee in charge of the pro
gramme includes: Mrs. Sarah A.
Evans, market insoector: Can tain An
drews, Salvation Army, and Rev. Wil
liam G. MacLaren, Portland Commons.
The Parent-Teacher Circle of the
Munt Tabor school held Its first meet
ing of the year on September 24. Mrs.
Eastman was elected secretary to suc
ceed Mrs. Brown, who has moved to
McMlnnville. Mrs. Short, president.
presented an outline of the plans for
the year's work. The playground
committee reported favorably and ap
paratus may soon be placed. A com
mittee of lour was appointed to plan
an entertainment and social for hal
loween. The woman's auxiliary to the Rail
way Mail Clerks' Association held a so
cial afternoon recently in the home of
Mrs. H. C. Pettit, of East Seventieth
street. Mrs. W. H. Myers assisted in
receiving. Mrs. A. J. Simpson and Mrs.
Ray Antrim were elected delegates to
the state federation convention, which
will meet in Eugene, October 12 to 15.
Mrs. A. D. Stearns and Mrs. F. B. Em
mons are alternates.
All clubwomen and others interested
as voters will be invited to attend a
mass meeting to be held in room H
Central Library, Wednesday night.
October 7, at 8 o'clock, when all the
women candidates for office 'will be
presented and prominent speakers will
tell 'why women should hold office."
The meeting is to be non-partisan.
The first meeting of the Council of
Jewish Women for the Fall will be held
October 7. Mrs. Isaac Swett, the pres
ident, will give an address, and a mu
sical programme will follow. Mrs.
Max S. Hirsch will be hostess. She
will be assisted by Mrs. Charles Berg,
Mrs. Henry Ottenheimer, Mrs. Ben
Neustadter, Mrs. Samuel Rothschild,
Mrs. Abe Meier, Mrs. Ludwig Hirsch,
Mrs. Sigmund Frank, Mrs. Julius
Louisson, Mrs. Sanford Lowengart.
The subject of' "Prison Reform" will
be taken up by the Women's Political
Science Club. - The organization will
meet this afternoon in the Library at
2:30 o'clock. Miss Anne Shannon Mon
roe will give an interesting talk.
The Alberta Woman's Improvement
Club will meet tonight in the home of
Mrs. Josephine R. Sharp, 1033 East
Twenty-fourth street North. An at
tractive programme will be presented.
PE. P. writes: "We have a boy 4
years of age, a strong and healthy
child, who is stammering in bis speech.
He- began about two months ago. He
was frightened on one occasion and his
mother thinks this the cause. Would
you please tell us how to help the child
overcome this imperfection?
"What is a good remedy for dandruff?"
Stammering is a lack of balance in
the action of the muscles used in speak
ing. This lack of co-ordination of the
muscles in turn is due to improper nerve
impulses coming from the brain. It is
the center in the brain that 4s at fault.
It is possible that the tendency o stut
tering was there and the "fright pre
cipitated it. This is likely in one with
a nervous system that is susceptible to
nerve shock, as is often the case. He
redity seems to have something to do
with this defect.
Now is the time to train the child
out of this difficulty, and it will re
quire considerable patience.' Teach him
to pronounce his words slowly, unus
ually slow, and if he begins to stammer
stop him at once. Distract his mind
by having him breathe slowly seevral
times and then speak the word without
haste. It is the hasty attempt at speak
ing that makes the matter worse. Ex
citement in speech must be avoided for
a long time. Many people stumble over
words when excited, who otherwise
have no trouble in saying what they
Teach him simple. Interesting child
songs. People who stutter on trying
to speak do not do so when singing.
Do not exaggerate the fault in his pres
ence but distract the mind,- having him
sing or repeat words slowly. Patience
will win out in this matter.
The best -treatment for dandruff is to
apply a little olive oil to the scalp for
several nights in succession and then
shampoo with a mild soap. If this is
done once or twice a month the scalp
can be kept quite free from dandruff.
In addition to this treatment a 10
per cent solution of resorcin in alcohol
rubbed into the scalp gently is a good
disinfectant. In this application it Is
-Photo by Grove.
not necessary to wet the hair. Rub the
solution in with the ends of the fingers.
Tape Worm.
"Will you please tell me how a tape
worm may be permanently removed
an effective cure?"
Fast an entire day, taking nothing
but water. Prepare about 160 dried,
pumpkin seeds by picking out the
meats. These may be pounded up,
mashed, mixed witif a little honey or
eaten like any nut, but should be very
thoroughly masticated. The morning
after the fast eat the pumpkin seeds
and remain quiet for three hours, then
take from one to two ounces of castor
oil, according to whether constipated
or not. This treatment is harmless and,
as a rule, is very successful. There is
no harm in taking more of the seeds
and more of the oil if one desires.
Not Werqu,
"I have been a reader of The Sunday
Orelgonian for many years, and read
your articles with much interest. Your
opinion regarding our son would be
greatly appreciated. He is 9 years old
and has the habit of digging in his nose
wtlh his finger.
"My husband says it is only a bad
habit, but I am inclined to believe there
is a cause. Do you think he has worms?
"He goes to school, lives an outdoor
life, is tall, perhaps a little pale."
Picking of the nose is rarely a sign
of the presence of worms. In fact, XHt
one child in a thousand has worms
when the' grandmothers in the neigh
borhood make such a diagnosis. It is
an easy matter for children to form the
habit of picking the nose, and more
than likely this is a habit on the part
of your son. Irritations due to over
eating and Intestinal indigestion seems
to cause some tendency to pick the
.gr ates Wucsif. .
Row Joel and Amos Found a Rome.
Part Two.
OLD Pumpkin Head sat at the top of
the big hole with the whip in his
hand, and when a boy did not dig fast
enough he would give him a. little tap
with the whip.
When morning came the boys were
taken out and carried back to the room
where they had eaten the night before
and they found a good breakfast on the
When they were eating their dinner
Joel asked why they were all carried
down the stairs.
"He is afraid we will discover his
treasure," replied one of the boys. "No
one ever steps on those stairs but old
Bumpkin Head; we think this old place
is full of gold."
"But if he keeps us prisoners here,
how can we carry it off even if we
found it?" asked Amos.
"I don't know," replied the boy, "but
we think he is afraid of someone; he
is always looking through the iron bars
when he is not watching us, and it must
be he Js afraid of someone or some
thing." Old Pumpkin Head came in just then
and Joel and Among learned no more
that day about their strange home and
The digging and the sleeping went on
the same that day and the next, but
Amos and Joel, who were working side
by side, felt their shovels strike some
thing on the third day, and while they
did nor say anything to the others, they
were sure they had found the treasure
for which old Pumpkin Head was mak
ing them dig.
When they went in to dinner they
had hardly begun to eat when old
Pumkin Head burst into the room and
shouted: "Come out, come out; no time
for eating. Tou must dig, dig, dig!"
And this time he grabbed an armful
of boys, he was in such a hurry.
Into the hole he went, too, when the
boys were all in, and with his great
hands he made the dirt fly faster than
the shovels.
He was digging right where Amos
and Joel had felt something strike their
shovels, and soon Pumpkin Head began
to shout and laugh, and the boys began
to tap the big iron chest.
"I have found it; I have found it,"
cried old Pumpkin Head, and taking
two boys at a time in his great hands
he threw them out of the hole and
climbed out after them.
He would not leave one of them there
while he carried the others upstairs
this time, but drove them in front of
him with his whip so fast their feet
scarcely touched the stairs.
But this time they did not go into the
room where they ate. He drove them
in another direction and opened an
iron door.
After waiting all one day, Joel pro
posed that one boy stand on the shoul
ders of another.
The boys went into the room, and the
door closed after them with a bang,
and they found themselves in a room
of stone, with only one window, and
that so high they could not reach. It
even by one boy standing on the shoul
ders of another, and a third boy climb
up on the shoulders of the second and
look out and call for old Purp.ukln
But all their calling was in vain. No
answer came and no one came to let
them out. They pounded on the iron
door, but not a bit could they move it.
and they could hear no sound but the
wind through the trees.
"I see It all," said one boy. Old
Pumpkin Head found the treasure he
made ua dig forand he did not want
us any more, soJ he put us In here to
starve; and that is what will happen."
"None of us is very fat," said Joel.
"I think one of us could squeeze
through the bars if we knew how high
up we were."
"That is so," said one of the boys.
But you may be sure we are high up.
Old Pumpkin Head would have thought
of that. We might ge through the
bars but we would fall to the ground
and be killed. No, there is another way
that is safer if we only had a knife
or a piece of iron."
(To Be Continued.)
(Copyright, 1814, by the McClure Newspaper
Radrad a PkrwTY
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" i , i n
SAW a husband and wife today
M who made me think of pieces
of granite," observed the Bache
lor Girl.
"Granite as a characteristic isn't so
bad," observed the Bachelor. "A cer
tain amount of firmness is rather de
sirable." "Itr wasn't the firmness that was so
noticeable, but the coldness and hard
ness. And I think the husband had
caught it from the wife."
"Is the granitic structure catching?"
laughed the bachelor.
"In a case like this I think it is. Hus
bands and wives do sometimes grow to
look alike, you know. I suppose it is
a case of thinking alike and in time
expressing physically what they are
mentally. And so they have both come
to look like granite, though I observed
signs that she was the leader in this
flinty way of thinking." -
"What are the signs?" inquired the
Bacbelor. r '
"He had velvety brown eyes, the kind
that have red sparks in them. And at
times there was a suspicion of warm
color in, his cheeks. Even now the"re
was a trace of the human about him;
but she was all cold, bard rock. I can
imagine him, when a young man, as
having tire in his eyes and warm red
in his cheeks, and being cordial and
kindly and enthusiastic. But she had
probably been icy and sarcastically
critical, and so gradually she has chilled
bis ardor, until the urea have gone out
and he has become .transformed fnto
the same cold, hard texture she is. I
could never imagine a glow in her eyes,
even when he asked her to marry him.
I think she looked upon the proposal
with a calculating gleam, considered
the pros and cons of it, and as he
seemed likely to prosper, accepted. But
isn't it a pity he has grown like her
Instead of her growing like him?"
"Naturally the stronger dominates."
"But wouldn't it be better to grow
in the direction of what is good instead
of what is stronger? I think if I had
to live with a block of granite, rather
than turn into stone myself I would
chip and hack."
"You might strike a fault in the
rock and cause a split," interrupted the
"That would be preferable to becom
ing a rock myself. And if I failed in
every effort I made to change him, I
should get some dynamite of some sort
and justblow up things. Petrifying
wouldn't appeal to me. That couple I
saw today won't have much left in life.
It seems to me, in the course of 10 or
20 years more. And yet if she had be
come warm and human like him instead
of his becoming cold and calculating
like her, how different their lives would
be today and how much happier. I do
not imagine stones njoy life very
"I am perfectly willing to assimilate
all your virtues," said the Bachelor.
"But you have some awfully nice ones
of your own," conceded the Bachelor
Girl. And' for once she smiled upon
the Bachelor in a way to set his pulses
to leaping.
- s
lon-s Fancier and) J adge Thinks Cli
mate Here Ideal fop Poultry.
"The Oregon Agricultural College
hen that was reported recently as hav
ing laid 303 eggs in a year has every
hen that I have heard of beaten badly,"
said W. S. Russell, of Ottumwa, la., at
the Perkins Hotel yesterday.
Mr. Russell is en route to San Fran
cisco, where he will act as superintend
ent of the department of poultry at the
Panama-Pacific International. Exposi
tion, On his way to Portland he acted
as judge at several poultry shows and
before the exposition will Judge at 11
shows in California, one in Arizona and
two in Washington.
"As evidenced by the extraordinary
performance of the Oregon Agricul
tural College hen, the Pacific Coast is
the best place in the country for laying
hens," said Mr. Russell. "The climate
here in Oregon is such that hens may
lay more months out of the year than
in any of the Eastern or Middle West
ern states."
OlTil Service Examination lor Ellgi
blea Ends Today.
Thirty-one aspirants for positions in
the police detective service began a
civil service examination at the City
Hall. The examination will be con
cluded today with an oral examination
of each applicant. From the list of
men who pass highest in the test a
number of permanent appointments
wlll be made to the detective bureau
It is essential in the making of raised food3
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Rumford accomplishes this by restoring to the
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Successful Home Baking
Mailed Free. The new Rumford Home Recipe
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RUMFORD COMPANY. Providence. R. I.
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T helps to inspire
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You can't find
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285 iSlorrison
Between Fourth and Fifth.
Among those taking the examination
are several men who are detectives at
present serving under temporary ap
pointment and several patrolmen.
Following is a list of those taking
the examination: W. W. Post, John
M. Wise, B. R. Evert, George B. Mur
ray, C. R' Grisim, John J. Keegan,
Archie Leonard, James M. Thackabery,
William D. Morris, John E. Lng, D.
I. Kelleher, A. C. Welch, C. A. Ten
nant, B. F. Hunt. B. R. Perkins, J. F.
Cassidy, P. R. Johnson, Le Roy B. Ca
hill, Fred Meyers. II. N. Shears, F. W.
Huntington. W. P. Lillis, T. J. Casey,
A. F. Gordon, F. R. Gouldstone, S. R.
Hennessy, B. F. Sherwood, K. White
head; J. L. Gould, J. C. Gill and C. B.
P. II. Hanus, Here as Guest, on Re
tarn From New Zealand! Meetings.
Professor Paul H. Hanus, for 25 years
the head of the department of educa
tion at Harvard University, passed yes
terday in Portland as the guest of Pres
ident Foster, of Reed College. Pro
fessor Hanus has returned from New
Zealand, where he went in July to at
tend the meetings of the British Asso
ciation for the Advancementof Science.
Before reaching New Zealand a wire
less message conveyed the news that
the European war had broken out, and
as a result the party was forced to stay
In New Zealand for more than a month.
The war completely disarranged the
programme for the meetings, but lec
tures and Important sessions were held.
On the return trip the ship carrying
Professor Hanus sailed under sealed or
ders and played hide and seek with
several German cruisers known to have
been within 15 miles.
Reinstatement of Suspended Police
men Optional Is Ruling.
That Mayor Albee will not have to
appoint to the Police Department? any
of the men whom he dismissed and
whom the Civil Service Board rein
stated, if he does not wish to do so,
was the ruling yesterday of Chairman
Caldwell, of the Municipal Civil Serv
ice Board. He said that while it is the
Intention to have appointments made
from. the list of names certified by the
Civil Service Bo.ard. appointment 'of
these men can be refused if the Mayor
or other appointing officers consider
the men on the list unfit lor the posi
tions. This ruling menu that, for the pres
ent at least, none of the policemen
suspended last December for card
playing at the Police Athletic Club will
be reinstated, the Mayor having an
nounced his opposition.
Attention Is Drawn to Chamberlain's
Omission of Party on Placards.
TOLEDO, Or Sept. 28. (Special.)
T. T. Geer, former Governor of Oregon,
addressed a large crowd at the Lincoln
County Fair at Toledo Thursday. His
address was in behalf of Mr. Booth and
Mr. Withycombe and the entire Repub
lican ticket. Mr. Geer drew attention
to the fact that campaign pictures of
Chamberlain here simply bear the cap
tion, "George E. Chamberlain, Candi
date for United States Senator," no
party affiliation being given. He said
he could prove by Chamberlain's own
letter to Mr." Stillman that he (Cham
berlain) was the father of the Assem
bly. He closed by urging Democrats
and Republicans to stand by our Ore
gon system and vote for their princi
ples as th'ey registered and voted in
the recent primary.
He asked all Republicans to vote the
straight ticket and not make a farce
The 28th of each month brings
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California aad Von . . . . .Irvlns; Kaofmu
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C012S Mikado The Moon nnd I .Margaret Romalna
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7010S Ta Ta, My Bonnie Margie Darllnr.. Harry Lauder
74404 Beloved, It la Morn Evan tVUItama
87202 Contes d'Hoffman Barcarolle. . .Alma Gluck and Lulse Homer
88502 I.a Faru del Deatlno Mercy, Ob My Lord. . . '.Lulaa Tetraulnl
Stop in and we will play any musio you wish to hear. "We'll show
you the various styles of the Victor and Victrola $10 to $200 and
explain our system of easy terms. ,
We are Victrola Specialists. We know your needs and meet them
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Morrison Street at Broadvay
OTHER STORES -San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento, San Jose,
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of the Oree-on svstem hv beiner fooled
by non-partisan chaff.
Several Addresses, Reading and
Vocal Selections Heard.
The Indiana Society of Oreeron met
In room A, of the Public Library, last
nlsht at 8 o'clock.
R. W. Raymond delivered an address
on "Made in Oregon Goods," and Philip
S. Bates, president of the Federated
State Societies, spoke on the care of
guests for both the Rose Festival here
next year and the Exposition at San
Mrs. H. C. Bush was heartily ap
plauded... for her reading:, and Mrs.
Fowl's and Mrs. Warren Lake's vocal
selections were enthusiastically re
ceived. This was the first meeting of the
Society after the Summer vacation.
The Society meets the fourth Monday
of each month. .
Colombia Kiver Exposition Oficlals
Study AVild West Features.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Sept. 28 (Spe
cial.) That'the Columbia River Inter
state Fair next year will be superior
to this year's successful effort is the
hope and plan of President John P.
Wlneberg and the 18 directors. Al
ready plans for the next fair are under
way and George P. Larsen. manager;
A. J. Eorland, treasurer, and M. R.
Sparks were sent to the Frontier Days
at Walla Walla, the Interstate Fair at
Spokane and the Roundup at Pendleton
to get what suggestions they coudd
concerning Wild West features.
This year's fair, with inadequate
Another Bold Burglary!
"Well. Jerry, what do you think hap
pened to me Sunday night? You know
that new suit and overcoat I had just
bought, and had only worn it twice.
Someone broke into my room, and
well, you know the rest. You see. my
sister gets married on the 4th of Octo
ber and now I am strictly up against
it no clothes and only a few dollars.
Well, say, Charley, how much money
have you got?" "Only about $10 or $15."
"Now. listen to me; I'll fix it for you.
Have you ever traded at Cherry's?"
"No; who are Cherry's?" "Why. that
is the fine new store in the Pittock
block, up on Washington street. They
are really and truly the store of better
clothes for men and women. They, sell
you what you want on easy payment.
Now, take what money you have and
go up there and they will fit you out
in great shape in the latest styles, and,
believe rrte, Charley, they have some
fine stuff to show you. Fit you?
They've got any tailor pushed plumb
off the board. I know what I am talk
ing about. My wife and I came by
there Saturday night and went in to
take a look at their stuff and she was
so taken with it that she bought her
self a suit' right then." "Jerry, I shall
never forget you for telling me this.
I shall go there tomorrow and ,get
fitted out. What is their number?"
Here it is: 389-391 Washington street,
in the Pittock block." Adv.
By Constance.
When I was in Europe this year I
found both cities so thickly dotted
with hairdressing parlors and hair-
goods stores that I wondered If the
women ever had time for anything but
care of the hair. Personally I was
chiefly interested in finding a really
good shampoo and I found that they
never use makeshifts but always some
item made for shampooing only, and I
was happily surprised when several in
quiries each brought the suggestion
that our own American made canthrox
shampoo is best. They like It because
In addition to being perfectly safe and
making the hair free from all dan
druff, excess oil and dust, it is so sim
ple to get canthrox from any drug
gist and just dissolve a teaspoonful in
a cup of hot water, knowing you will
then have a preparation that makes
the hair not only entirely- clean but
so fluffy that it appears very heavy.
Canthrox stimulates the scalp to healthy
action, making the bead feel good, and
the. hair look good. Adv,
transportation facilities across the
Columbia River, was a financial suc
cess. I
Bluejackets Fight Tollce.
BELLING HAM, Sept 28. Three mem
bers of the submarine tender Cheyenne,
now in this port, were arrested today
as a result of a street fight last night
in which the bluejackets worsted the
policemen, after they had nearly dis
mantled a cigar store.
Complexion perfection; Santlseptic
Lotion. Adv.
who bakes is fast coming to
recognize the, many advantages
of a properly blended flour for
general baking purposes
Fisher's Blend Flour
is superior to an ALL-HARD
bread, caks and pastry
Fisher's Blend Flour
is a better flour than an ALL
FLOUR; it makes a better loaf
of bread with better flavor, bet
ter texture and of better color
. than an all-bard wheat flour
Fisher's Blend Flour
is a better Sour than an ALL
produces more and larger loaves
of better bread with
better crust, better color
and of better texture
than an all-soft wheat
For sale by all grocers
yww "mt11 i . "'.y KyH
UJ Some day UJ
other electric car build
ers may increase the
mileage of their cars and
lessen the expense by
reducing friction and
achieving perfect bal
ance between parts.
Frank C. Riggs
23d at Washington street.
11 f1 tl