Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 29, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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houses. Should the German shells
reach these bottles the high price of
living in the lobster palaces will be
proportionately increased.
I was delayed in sending thl3 mes
sage because outside of Rheims at a
certain place, with my companions,
Gerald Morgan, of McClure's Magazine,
Ashmeade Bartlett, of the London Daily
Telegraph, and Captain Cranville For
tescue, I was arrested. Under escort we
were taken to Paris. Once there, every
courtesy was shown us. We were de
tained only one night at the headquar
ters of the general staff. The follow
ing morning Mr. Herrick, our Ambas
sador, acting through our military at
tache. Colonel Spencer Cosby, arranged
that we should .be set at liberty on our
giving our word that for eight days
we would not leave Paris nor in any
way communicate with anyone con
cerning what movements of the allies
we might have seen. As the destruc
tion of Rheims does not come in that
category, I have concluded the account
of my visit to that unhappy city at' the
point where the gendarmes so abruptly
The story of our arrest my com
panions can tell. This year I have been
"A Mile of Travel for Every Dollar Spent "
Carranza's Answer to Villa's
Resignation Demand
Vital Question. -
Flags Are Entwined at Heilig
Theater for Brrtains'
Benefit Performance.
Meeting to Carry On Negotiations
VIII JVot Take Place for Several
Days Strong Pressure Being
Brought on Carranza.
Audience AVild With Enthusiasm
When National Airs Are Sung.
Society Ont in Force to Aid " '
Cause $600 Raised.
Always Look for This Trademark
ssssw JitW
sssssfcsw -ssssss
EIj PASO, Tex., Sept. 28. The be
ginning of actual hostilities between
the divided Constitutionalist army
awaited tonight General Carranza's an
swer to General Villa, who has de
manded that he resign In favor of.Fer
nando Iglesias Calderon as first chief.
So far as could be learned here, how
ever, there has been established no
actual armistice, and Carranza's and
Villa's forces continued preparations
and movements toward each other.
The condition of the railroads and
other communications between Chihua
hua City, Villa's headquarters and Mex
ico City probably will delay the nego
tiation between the northern leader's
upokesrnen and Alvaro Obregon and
other of Carranza's representatives who
are expected to confer at Aguas Cali
entes. The meeting cannot take place
for several days, it was believed.
From all sides today came reports of
strong pressure, aside from Villa's de
mand, which is being brought to bear
on Carranza that he resign at once
as first chief of the revolutionary party.
Jose Santos Chocano, a Peruvian poet
and publicist, who for several months
has been traveling with both Carranza
and Villa, today telegraphed the former
that as a friend of the revolution he
deemed It highly necessary that he
resign at once. Partisans of Calderon
sprung up from all quarters and rep
resentatives of the old federal "Cienti
flco" party declared that his Installa
tion as provisional president would be
the best means of assuring at least
temporary peace.
J. La. Canova, who has been acting
as investigator for the Washington
State Department arrived here today
from the south. George C. Carothers,
acting In a similar capacity, remained
at Villa's headquarters In Chihuahua.
Athough optimism was the keynote of
expressions, the Carranza and Villa
elements, as represented in Sonora,
continued their actual warfare in the
second battle since the official declara
tion of peace in Mexico. General Juan
Cabjal, named as military governor of
Konora. has returned here, declaring
that he has no quarrel with either side
and that he will enter private life, for
the time being. In the United States.
Mexican Officials Optimistic Re
garding Outcome of Conefernce.
MEXICO CITY, Sept. 28. General
Carranza today answered a message
sent by General Francisco Villa's divi
sion of the army which, while pro
testing loyalty, asked the first chief of
the Constitutionalists to resign in favor
of Fernando Iglesias Calderon, thua
maintaining the honor of the constitu
tionalist cause and preventing blood
shed, anarchy and possibly interven
tion. While the text of General Carranza's
answer has not been made public. Gov
ernment officials are most optimistic
regarding the result which it may have.
It is semi-officially said that the gen
eral conference is to be held from Octo
ber 1 to October 5, when all differences
between General Villa and Carranza
will be amicably adjusted through an
understanding that no northern chief
shall be a candidate for either tem
porary or permanent president.
(Continued From First Page.)
Venus or a lying Mercury chopped off
at his waist. Long streamers of ivy
that during a century had crept higher
and higher up the wall of some noble
mansion until they were part of it,
still clung to it, although it was di
vided into a thousand fragments.
Of one house all that was left stand
ing was a slice of the front hall just
wide enough to bear a sign reading,
"This house is for sale, elegantly fur
nished." In some streets of the de
stroyed area I met no living person.
My feet kicking the broken glass was
the only sound. The silence, the gap
ing holes in the sidewalk, the some
times ghastly tributes to the power of
the shells, and the-complete desolation
made more desolate by the bright sun
shine, gave you a curious feeling that
the end of the world had come and
you were the only survivor. This im
pression was aided by the sight of
many rare and valuable articles with
no one guarding them. They were
things of price that one may net carry
into the next world, but which in this
are kept under lock and key.
In the Rue de la Universite at my
leisure I eould have ransacked shop
after shop, or from the shattered draw,
ing-rooms filled my pockets. Shopkeep
ers had gone without waiting to lock
their doors' and in houses, the fronts of
vhich were down, you see that in order
to save their lives the inmates had fled
at a moment's warning.
Outside the wrecked area were many
shops belonging to American firms,
but each of them had escaped injury.
They were filled with American type
writers, sewing machines and cameras.
A number of cafes bearing the sign
"American bar" testified to the nation
ality and tastes of many tourists.
I found our Consul, William Bardel.
at the Consulate. He is a fine type
of the German-American citizen and
since the war began with his wife and
son, has held the fort and looked after
the interests of both Americans and
Germans. On both sides of him shells
had damaged the house immediately
adjoining. The one across the street
had been destroyed and two neighbors
killed. The street in front of the Con
sulate is a mass of fallen stone and
the morning I called on Mr. Bardel a
shell had hit his neighbor's chestnut
tree, filled his garden with chestnut
burrs and blown out the glass of his
windows. He was patching them with
brown wrapping paper, but was chiefly
concerned because in his own garden
tho dahlias were broken.
During the first part "of the bom
bardment, when the firing became too
hot for him. Mr. Bardel had retreated
with his family to the corner of the
street, where are the cellars of the
Roderers champagne people. He has
lived six years in Rheims and he has
estimated the damage of the property
destroyed by shells at $30,000,000.
Mr. Bardel said that unless the seat
of military operations is removed the
champagne crop for this year will be
entirely wasted. It promised to be an
especially good year, but unless the
grapes are gathered this week the
crops will be lost.
In Rheims are stored nearly '50,000.
000 bottles of champagne belonging to
six of the best-known champagne
Woman's club and Good Roads lay.
Forenoon S, gates open; Judging
livestock continued; 9 to trsp
shooting; 9, eugenics, babies exam
ined from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ; 9. chil
dren's playground open; 10, James I.
Davis, bee demonstration; 10:3O,
Boyd & Ogle's one-ring circus; 11,
concert by O. A. C. band.
Afternoon 1 to 5. entertainment.
Auditorium Educational building; 1:15,
band concert, grandstand; 1:30, races
2:16 trot, purse. $700; 2:18 pace,
purse $700; S-year-old trot, purse,
$2000; second heat, relay race, $1500;
t 2, Boyd & Ogle's one-ring circus;
T 2:30, concert. Auditorium 'new pavil-
Ion; 8, James I. Davis, bee demon-
Sstration. I
Evening 7:30, Cantata by pupils
of Oregon State Blind School, Audl
4 torium Educational building; 7:30.
f band concert; vocal solo. Hallie Par-
irish Hinges, Auditorium new pavil
ion; 8:15, Boyd & Ogle's one-ring
so frequently in jail that your readers
must be as weary of it as 1 am.
Then, again, perhaps I flatter. myself,
in any case I would be ungrateful, if
I did not acknowledge the prompt as
sistance of Mr. Herrick and Colonel
Cosby and the courtesy of French of
ficers and of the general staff. We
were less prisoners than their guests,
and should I be invited to spend another
week-end in Cherchomidl prison I
would accept with pleasure. -
But I have a feeling that the next
time I am arrested it will not be in
Europe for trying to see this war,
but in Westchester County, New York,
for over-speeding. I have investigated
enough Europe and jails. At home
there must be some equally bad. One
should see America first.
Songs and Dancing by Lee Rose and
Catherine Moon and Clever Farce,
"Maid Mary," Amuse.
Alice Hanson, the laugh girl, is as
full of giggles as Is the proverbial
pudding full of raisins, if it's a raisin
pudding. Alice heads the Empress bill
and leaves everyone laughing with her
and at her when she says au revoir.
Her name, she says, is Hazel Nut,
and she lives up to the last part of her
name. She has a deserted bride number
done with wilted bridal finery and a
midget who comes on as the missing
bridegroom and helps-sprinkle comedy.
Their burlesque on the peachy tango,
danced by Moon and Rose, who precede
Alice's, is a riot and particularly a hit,
since the different acrobatic steps of
the Moon-Rose act are faithfully imi
tated "at."
Alice has another song, about the
"White Hopes," done in a sweater and
boxing gloves, which she handles dan
gerously and dexterously as she wallops
an imaginery partner. . Her opening
number tells why she is a nut.
The dancing act of Lee Rose and
Catherine Moon is distinctly a novelty
in stage dancing of the whirlwind ac
robatic nature, strung along with
tango, maxixe and even the first of
the lot, turkey trotting. They dance
as one, in perfect unison, both are
graceful and occasionally they climax
a set of steps with a real thriller.
Rose sings, one song he shouldn't, or
at least, he should trim one verse.
A merry little farce is called "Maid
Mary," in which Mary isn't the maid
at all, but pretends she's the wife of
a gay young blade who is just awaken
ing from a pleasant "souse." To please
a friend Mary agrees to scare the
awakening one. She scares him to the
everlasting fun of the audience. Mary
is a dolly sort of girl, mighty pretty
and a keen little actress. She is Sera
Shields on the bill, and her pseudo hus
band is played most capably by a clever
comedian, Allen Miller. Bennie Junior,
as the "fix it" friend helps out on the
Edward Jolly and Wlnnifred Wild
and a piano contribute a musical me
lange. Jolly has a "Dark and Stormy
Night" song that appeals. Theo Bam
berg opens the bill with a capital
shadow craft act, that is chuckfull of
comedy elements. A trio of Japanese
with toes more nimble than the average
Juggler's fingers, close the bill with
an artistic act that has plenty of hu
morous twistings.
Mrs. A. Adams Assistant United
States Attorney at San Francisco.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 28. Mrs. An
nette Adams, of San Francisco, was
appointed today Assistant United States
Attorney there. She is the first woman
in the United States to occupy such a
Representative Baker, of- California,
said he considered the appointment a
recognition of woman- suffrage.
Mrs. Adams Is Daughter of '40er
and California Graduate.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28. Mrs. An
nette Abbott Adams, appointed United
States Assistant District Attorney to
day, is the widowed daughter of Hiram
B. Abbott, a pioneer of 1849.' She was
graduated from the University of Cali
fornia in 1904. took a doctor's degree in
law in 1912, and the same year was
admitted to the bar.
Her appointment was recommended
by John W. Preston. United States At
torney for the district of Northern Cali
fornia. Mrs. Adams has never held office and
has never been a candidate for office,
although during the Wilson campaign
she was president of the Women's State
Democratic Club.
Thomas Jones Is Vale Register.
ington. Sept. 28. President Wilson to
day nominated Thomas Jones, of Vale,
Or., register of land office at Vale.
There was a thrill in the atmosphere
at the Heilig Theater last night. There
was true British patriotism. There
was the strong love of men and women
for their fellow-men and the earnest
desire to help suffering humanity.
The occasion was the benefit per
formance of "Kitty MacKay" for the
British Red Cross and Prince of Wales
funds. Society turned out In num
bers and with a feeling of loyalty and
an enthusiasm that was electrical. The
benefit cleared about $600.
The "Star-Spangled Banner" and the
"Union Jack" were hung proudly, side
by side. Their color?, after all, were
just the same, only differently arranged.
but the audience rose as one to pay
tribute to both flags and to sing "Ood
Save the King" or "My Country 'Tis
of Thee."
Flaga Are Kntnlned.
The balconies and lobby were draped
in flags. The boxes, occupied by rep
resentatives of foreign lands were
adorned with the colors of those coun
tries. Every part of the British Isles
was represented by banner or flag.
The Belgium, Japanese, Russian and
French emblems touched those of Eng
land, Scotland, Ireland and the others
that pay homage to King George V,
while American Stars and Stripes
seemed to unite them all and form a
perfect harmony of rich coloring.
In the boxes were numbers of Port
land's most exclusive society and rep
resentatives of several of the foreign
powers. In the main body of the
house were noticed many of the city's
leading business men and their families,
many of them entertaining parties of
friends. Of these scores were formerly
residents of Great Britain.
Society Par Tribute.
The gowns worn by" the women in
the boxes and in the parquet stood out
in their rich coloring in harmonious
contrast to the patriotic display. So
cially, it was a gala night; but, above
and beyond all, the social import of
the evening, was expressed the unan
imous . feeling of brotherly love and
the broader things that inspired the
Between acts were sung inspiring
songs, including "It's a Long. Long
(Way to Tipperary," "Land of Hope
ana Glory and the grand finale was
enlivened by the British National an
them and "The Star Spangled Banner.'
J. Maldwyn Evans and F. T. Crow
ther gave the solos and the orchestra
played patriotic airs, which were en
thusiastically received.
A demonstration, markedly unusual
in an American theater, ensued when
the audience rose to its feet and sang
"Rule Britannia" between the acts. It
was a patriotic outburst long to be
A bevy of prettily-gowned society
girls sold souvenir programmes. They
were the Misses Rhoda Rummelin,
Sara McCully. Mary Stuart ' Smith,
Alice Smith, Isabella MacLeary, Har
riet Cumming, Elizabeth Menefee,
Margaret Ayer, Elizabeth Marvin,
Ailsa MacMaster and Charlotte Lald
law. Many Box Parties There.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox
had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Wilcox, Miss Barbara Mackenzie,
Hamilton Corbett, Miss Claire Wilcox
and Frederick Korstev. t
Mr. and Mrs. 'John G. Edwards oc
cupied another box with their guests,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Henri Labbe, the
French Consul and his wife; John
Trant. British Vice-Consul, and A. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Burns were
host and hostess in a box 4n which
they had as guests British Consul
Thomas Erskine, "Mrs-. Erskine, the
Japanese Consul, Morizo Ida. and T.
Urabe, representative of a large Tokio
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webster ' Talbot
were host and hostess to a party in
cluding Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Ruggles
Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. C Edward
Grelle. r
Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett were in one
of the lower boxes.
Miss Clementine Wilson's box .was
occupied by Miss Linthicum, Harry
Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Murray Sherwood. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wheelwright had
as their guests Mrs. S. M. Mears and
Mr. and Mrs. Zera Snow.
Council Orders Pass Built for Teams
to Marquam Gulch.
Work of constructing a roadway and
temporary tool and supply houses for
use in connection with the municipal
garbage dump in Marquam Gulch in
South Portland will be started today
under the direction of Superintendent
Hilber, of the garbage incinerator. It
is expected the dump will be ready to
receive garbage by the first of next
A road will be built to the bottom
of the gulch to accommodate teams,
and sheds will be erected for tools and
supplies. ThevCouneil at its last ses
sion appropriated $500 to cover the cost.
6 6,0 0 0-VoIt Current Fatal to Man
Moving Hay Derrick.
ONTARIO. Or.. Sept. 28. (Special.)
Gid Dingman, a young rancher living
here, was electrocuted today. He was
engaged with others In moving a hay
derrick under a high-voltage power
line in order to steady the boom as
the derrick was pulled along.
Dingman grasped the hanging fork
connected to the boom with a wire
cable and u-ecelved 66,000 volts. The
grass around where he stood was set
afire. He is survived by a wife and
child. t
Provision Made for Inspection With
out Employing Representative.
NEW YORK. Sept. 28. Regulations
that will be observed in examining the
baggage of Americans which they were
forced to abandon in their hasty flight
from Europe were announced in a
statement issued today by Dudley Field j
Pay Your Traveling Expenses
Good on Any. Railway, Steamship or Streetcar Line in America
We Can Use a
Number of Live
Salesmen; Apply Today
Malone, Collector of the Port. The
statement follows:
"Passengers who have returned from
Europe and those who will return and
are desirous of obtaining the baggage
that did not accompany them will not
be forced to employ a representative
to arrange for Its delivery.
' A f 1 r- hLlncr ruccl v o! itifnnnot Inn
of the arrival of their baggage, they
may apply in person at the custom
the Necessities of Life
Scrip Means
Free Vacations,
Free Trips to
the Exposition
It Means Delightful
Outings at the Sea
shore, the Mountains,
the Old Home, and
It Doesn't Cost a Cent!
With Purchases
American Travel Scrip is given FREE with
25c, 50c, . 75c and $1.00 purchases and is
redeemable at the home office of the Ameri
can Travel Scrip, Inc., at Portland, Or., or
your local bank at its face value for transpor
tation good anywhere, any time for anyone.
American Travel Scrip will be obtainable
at the best stores ONLY, and is given
FREE by merchants in return for your
loyalty in trading at their store. Ask the
start saving for the Exposition trip NOW.
Oregon Company for Oregon People
erican Travel
National Bank Building
house, where arrangements will be
made to have the same immediately ex
amined and the return of the exam
ining officer made on the original
Many pieces of belated baggage are
arriving on nearly every steamer from
In Japan a waterproof leather suitable for
many purposes is being made from the hides
of sea lions.
Merchants, Secure
This Trade-Getting
Feature for Your City
Cart Replaces Sack and Then , Ma
chine Is Needed at Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sept- 28. Spe
cial.) The parcel post business here
has grown so enormously since its
installation here that an automobile
at 'Re
Phone Main 4203
is necessary to deliver the packages
that formerly were carried around by
one man in his sack.
As the business increased the car
rier got a cart. The size of the cart
was increased, but finally the pack
ages became too numerous to be han
dled that WM.
Germany has seven cities with more than
fife hundred thousand population.