Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 29, 1914, Page 16, Image 16

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Charge Purchases Made Today and the Balance of This Month Go on October Accounts and Made Payable November First
For Women
U11UU: wear
and Children
Days at
9 5
O o
" ''''
" I .f1eU)1XT. jfi?lfr gjffi -most -I
jtKSL. allowed -for- bust J?T of Knit garment X.
Ay II M foj front JIjh : bAhena
j V!fi:. I yfeiM garments
lldiJLd I L TN6 are moulded to V
Athena No. 6200 Merino Pants and Vests
$1.75 regular sizes reduced to, garment SI. 60
$2.00 extra sizes reduced to, garment SI. 80
Athena No. 4000 Medium-weight Cotton Pants and Vests
65c regular size garments, all styles, each 59
75c extra size garments, all styles, each 68
Athena No. 16577 Children's Silk and "Wool Union Suits
$2.50 sizes 2 to 12 years, reduced to, garment S2.25
$3.00 sizes 14 to 16 years, reduced to, garment S2.70
High neck, long sleeves and ankle length garments.
Athena No. 10776 Children's Wool and Cotton Union Suits
$1.00 sizes 2 to 12 years, reduced to, garment. . .89
$1.25 sizes 14 to 16 years, reduced to, garment SX.XO
High neck, long sleeves, ankle length, and with drop seat.
Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
Tailored Suits for Women
Exemplars of Style and Extreme Economy at .
A moderate-priced Tailored Suit but one combining
style and goodness of material is what hundreds of our
patrons request daily. And to satisfy this demand is one
of our greatest desires. In offering this splendid
group of Suits at the very low price of $19.50, we're
acceding in every way to these requests. Here are splen
didly tailored Suits of broadcloth, serge and cheviot, in
navy, black, brown, green and Hague blue in the most
seasonable models, including Russian blouse effects, or the
short cutaway styles with deep tunic skirts, plain or
belted coats. Collars of velvet and novelty materials and
handsome button trimmings add to the effectiveness and
smartness of these Tailored Suits for women sizes 34 to
44, inclusive that we're featuring at this very modest
price S19.50.
Garment Salons Fourth Floor. Slxth-St. Bid.
Order a Ham Today, Price Reduced
FINE SUGAR CURED HAM Closely trimmed East- r -
era Hams, weighing 12 to 14 pounds. Today, pound X C
Butternut Butter Always satisfactory, roll .....67
Victor Peas Exceptional value, dozen $1.10, can. .. .. .. .10
Dried Pears California, 6 pounds for .25
"Snow White" Flour Eastern Oregon make, sack 1.29
Shoulder Hams Sweet and juicy, pound 15
Head Rice Fine Japan style, 5-lb. cloth sack...... 35J
Rolled Oats Freshly milled, No. 9 sacks. ...... . 39
White Beans Michigan Pea, 5-lb. cloth sacks 35
Holly Milk Oregon make, case $3.59, dozen. 90
Dry Milk California make, while any remains, 25c cans. .12V2
Baking Molasses No. 10 cans 55S No. 5 cans 29J
-!'" Food Grocery Bawmnt, Slxth-St. Bids.
Prices Are Reduced on Our Complete
Perfect Fitting Garments in Desirable Weights
Athena No. 4850 Womerfs Silk and ."Wool Union Suits
Regular sizes priced at, the garment S6.50
Outsizes priced at, the garment S7.00
Low or Dutch neck, elbow or sleeveless style, in ankle length.
Athena No. 6470 Women's Silk and Wool Union Suits;
$4.00 regular sizes reduced to, the garment S3.50
$4.50 outsizes reduced to, the garment... S3.95
Medium weight, high neck long sleeves or Dutch neck elbow
sleeves. Ankle length.
Athena No. 6670 "Women's Worsted Union Suits
$4.00 regular size garments reduced to, each S3. 55
Medium weight, high neck, long sleeves and in ankle length.
Athena No. 6286 Women's Merino Union Suits
$3.50 regular size garments reduced to, each S3.10
High neck, long sleeves, or Dutch neck elbow sleeves ankle
Athena No. 5870 Women's Merino Union Suits
$2.50 regular size garments reduced to, each... 2:19
$3.00 outsize garments reduced to, each S2.65
Tese garments come in all different styles, in regular and
Athena No. 7670 Women's Wool and Cotton Union Suits
$2.25 outsize garments reduced to, each S1.98
$2.00 regular size garments reduced to, each. . . -SX.T9
Heavy weight, in white and gray. High neck, long sleeves,
ankle length.
Athena No. 6150 Women's Mercerized Lisle Union Suits
$2.50 extra size garments reduced to, each S2.19
$2.25 regular size garments reduced to, each S2.00
Medium weight, all style necks and in ankle length.
Athena No. 4052 Women's Cotton Union Suits
$1.25 regular size garments reduced to, each SI. 10
$1.50 extra size garments reduced to, each SI. 30
Medium weight, all style necks, knee and ankle lengths.
Athena No- 6408 Silk and Wool Pants and Vests
$2.50 regular sizes reduced to, garment S2.25
$2.75 outsizes reduced to, garment. -S2.45
at Meier & Frank's
Have You Weighed the Baby Lately ?
If not, here's your opportunity during our Baby Weighing
Contest. All babies two years or less are eligible to enter the lists
for prizes in this unique contest; nine prizes to be given, for the
heaviest, the lightest and average weight babies, in three classes,
divided according to ages.
IN ADDITION A Trained Nurse in uniform is in attendance to talk to mothers about the best
way to .dress, feed and care for the babies through the first years of baby's life. Abso
lutely free advice from an expert. The Nurse will also demonstrate dressing the baby in
15 Discount on Umbrella Covering
lz your Umbrella in readiness for the "Winter Rains T Have your
Umbrella re-covered in an expert manner during the balance of this
week, at a special reduction of 13 per cent less than usual cost.
$1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3 to $4.50 Less 15 per cent.
$3.00 and $3.50 Less 15 per cent.
' First Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
made without pins or buttons, that insure comfort and health to the tiny baby.
BOOK ON THE CARE OF BABIES Written by specialists, containing valuable information on
every-day subjects, and answering the numerous questions that confront the young mother.
RAG DOLL "CUT-OUT" FOR BABY given by courtesy of the Imperial Granum Co., an attrac
tive "cut-out" to every baby two years or less visiting our Infants' Wear Section during
"Baby Days."
VANTA PINLESS DIAPER Paper pattern and directions for making free to every mother this
week. Vanta Garments do away with pins and buttons, and are ideal for the baby's wear
and comfort.
Baby Days" Specials
Infants' Wool Bonnets plain white or
trimmed in blue and pink. Dutch style with
turnback.. 50tf, 75, SI and $1.25.
Infants' Silk Crocheted Bonnets warmly
lined with wool, with white satin ribbon ties.
Priced at 75.
Infants' Silk Crocheted Bonnets heavy
weight, close mesh, pink or blue satin ribbon
ties, priced SX.25.
Infants' Knitted Wool Sacques all white, or
white trimmed in blue and pink. Heavy
weight for Winter wear. Priced S1.25
and S1.50.
Infants' Crocheted Wool Sacques in a variety
of styles. Priced S1.25 and S1.59.
Infants' Bootees in various styles. Priced
19S 59S S1,'S1.25 and S1.35.
Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
Jap. Lunch Cloths & Napkins
Lunch sets made of the pretty, washable Japanese Toweling are
extremely effective for use at afternoon teas, card parties, or for break
fast table use. White grounds with quaint blue designs, hemstitched ends.
Lunch Cloths 36x36 inches square, priced at .....50
Lunch Cloths 42x42 inches square, priced at 75i
Lunch Cloths 54x54 inches square, priced at . $1.25
Lunch Cloths 60x60 inches square, priced at Sj51.50
Hemstitched Japanese Napkins to match, 11x11 inch size, dozen 60
Third Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.
TH& Quality" Store of Portland
"Acorn" Ranges & Heaters
Meier & Frank's
"Smile" Heaters, for Wood Only
-A-lrtlglll. OLOves, Willi casiuun tups -mu. uuuuiua xxiu.
solid castiron linings. Fitted with large swing top. and
PppH rlnmv Smooth nickel foot rail and ton ornaments.
"Smile" Heaters come in three sizes
18-inch feize priced at $11.00
20-inch size priced at. $12.50
22 inch size priced at $14.50
"Acorn" Oak Heaters, for Coal
Body of heavy boiler steel, with smooth nickel trim
mings. Large feed door and ashpan. These splendid
Stoves come in four sizes, priced as follows:
14-inch size Oak Heaters $12.50
16-inch size Oak Heaters. ... $15.00
18-inch size Oak Heaters... $18.00
20-inch size Oak Heaters. .. . $20.00
Aurora "Acorn" Steel Ranges In Three Sizes
Substantially built for best of service. Perfect bakers. Popular leg base style. Large firebox
for burning coal and special grate for burning wood.
Aurora ' 'Acorn" Steel Ranges, 14-inch ovens, price S39.00
Aurora "Acorn" Steel Ranges, 16-inch ovens, price S41.00
Aurora "Acorn" Steel Ranges, 18-inch ovens, price S45.00
Fifth Floor, Temporary Annex
r v
jzsd of coxscniPTiosr system and
Wallace McCaraant, at Transportation
Club Meeting, Predicts Victory
of American Trade.
The European war undoubtedly will
prove a blessing in disguise, declared
Wallace McCamant. in substance, be
fore the Portland Transportation Club
at the Multnoman Hotel yesterday aft
ernoon. . Mr. McCamant enumerated among
the probable benefits the world will
receive, following the conflict: The cur
tailment of "the terrible curse of mil
itarism"; "elimination of the conscrip
tion system," and "a limitation of arma
ment to the size necessary to preserve
domestic peace."
. Mr. McCamant's address was on the
subject, "The War From the Viewpoint
of an Optimist."
He discussed first the probable ef
fects of the war upon American com
merce and American industry. Amer
ican securities and American exchange
will be discounted, American shipping
will be : hampered on account of the
absence of . American' ships from the
high seas, and America as a Nation
temporarily will be a debtor instead
of a creditor.
But he predicted that within a short
time the balance of trade will swing
the other way and the European coun
tries, through the heavy' purchases of
foodstuffs that they necessarily must
make, will become indebted to the
United States. , Better prices will pre
vail for farm products and the Amer
ican producers will be substantially en
riched, he said.
He took a cheerful view of the war
through the progress and development
that have followed wars of the past. He
emphasized that the hardships and suf
ferings of the present struggle are
not to be compared with those endured
by the patriots who fought in the
American Revolution.
"So, with all its horrors and all Its
devastation, I am sure that this present
war will leave us many benefits. I
am convinced that there is more good
in It than harm.
"When the smoke of conflict clears
away militarism will have been swept
out of power, royalty probably will
have been abolished and the republican
form of government extended over a
wider area."
E. A, Muncey, general agent for the
Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, presided
at the meeting. H. E. Vernon, gen
eral agent for the Santa Fe, pronounced
the eulogy for the late C. A. Pettibone,
general agent for the Wabash, who
died two weeks ago.
Xo Word Yet Received From Dean
Sumner as to Action on Call.
Dean W. T. Sumner, of Chicago, who
has been chosen Episcopal bishop of
the Oregon diocese, up to last night had
not responded to the call, and Rev. A.
A. Morrison announced that he had no
intimation when an acceptance or decli
nation would be received.
Dean Sumner was chosen to succeed
the late Bishop Scadding, but it is
understood Chicago is making an effort
to retain Dean Sumner in his present
Ien Powers Training With Dundee.
Len Powers, the popular Portland
lightweight, who wore the Multnomah
Club colors before he turned profes
sional, is training at present with Dun
dee, at Los Angeles. Len picks Dundee
to beat Beecher in their coming bat
tle, as he is faster and has a dan
gerous wallop. The local favorite has
worked with, beth fighters. Powers
Is making his headquarters at the Pa
cific Athletic Club of Los Angeles.
Without Help From Japan, Enarland's
Troops Exceed Foes, Bat Treat AU
Prisoners Well, He Writes.
England's strength In the Orient ex
ceeds that of Germany's even without
aid from Japan, writes John B. Sawyer,
Vice-Consul-General at Hongkong,
China, to his brother-in-law, Henry Mc
Connell, of the United States Attorney's
office. Mr. Sawyer formerly was in
the United States immigration Office
in Portland and his letter dated Aug
ust 24 has Just reached Portland.
Mr. Sawyer writes:
"Your letter of July 30 arrived last
Saturday by the Empress of Russia aft
er the quickest trip ever made across.
She is the last Canadian Pacific Rail
road - boat that will cross the Pacific
until the war is over and she will now
be painted slate-colored and sent out
to make trouble. We do not look for
any bombardment of Hongkong. The
'extras' now are saying that Japan has
declared war on Germany. Even with
out Japan entering the conflict Eng
land's strength in the Orient exceeded
that of Germany and she also had the
help of the Asiatic squadrons of France
and Russia.'
"Nearly all the Germans have left
the colony and there used to be a good
many. Those who remain are prisoners
on an island in the harbor or. in case
they are women, in a hospital on the
Peak, or else have signed an under
taking not to commit any hostile actor
go outside of certain bounds or spread
any rumors regarding the fortunes of
the war.
"I think the German prisoners here
number 80 now, most of whom have
been taken from vessels calling here.
The British have been very considerate
of the Germans and have treated hem
very well. I have a greater respect for
the British than ever. They act coolly,
reasonably, dispassionately under cir
cumstances where people of many races
go off their heads. Where are the
peoplo who said there would be no
more war? A great English scientist,
one of the greatest scientists of the
world, said shortly before his death
that as a result of all his study and re
search he had come to the conclusion
that tha human race had made no ad
vance in the fundamental things of
character since the earliest history.
Aren't we a lot of Huns, Vandals and
Tartars after all? America is the only
country that settles things by the pow
er of mind and I doubt if she would be
in a position to boast of this If it were
not 'for a wonderful President." .
Day of Atonement Observed Tonight
at Temple Ahavai Sholom.
Tm KIppur, or day of atonement, will
bpe observed at Congregation Ahavai
Sholom, Park and Clay streets, tonight
at 6:30 o'clock. The Kal Nidre service
will be read by Rabbi R. Abraham. To
morrow morning service will be held at
7 o'clock!
At Temple Beth Israel Tom Kippur
services will start tonight at 8 o'clock
and tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock.
Roscoe C. Nelson will address the
congregation at 11 o'clock on the sub
ject, "A Message of Hope." The memo
rial service will be held at 11:30 o'cloi ..
Rabbi R. Abrahamson officiating.
Appropriation of $42 50 Required to
Remove Concrete Obstructions.
An appropriation of 34250 is to be
asked by the public works department
to pay the cost of removing three stub
ends of concrete piers from beneath
the Morrison-street bridge. The piers
which are the remains of the old Mor
rison brioge are declared by the Fed
eral engineering department to be se
rious obstructions to navigation and
their "emoval has been ordered.
Divers for the city completed a sur
vey of the piers and the cost of re
moval has been estimated. One of the
three is beneath tho east span of the
bricige and the other two are beneath
the second span from the east end. AU
stand to a height of from one and a half
feet to four and a half feet below the
low water mark. It is proposed to cut
them off even with the bottom of the
H. Brown, ex-Portlaird Operator,
Vow Western Union Superintendent.
Notice of the promotion of Herbert
Brown to the superintendency of the
Western Union Cliicatro District was
received yesterday at the Portland office,
where he was employed for 10 years
until about seven years ago. Mr.
Brown was a prominent member of the
Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club and
a leader in the musical entertainments
of the club.
For four years, with headquarters at
Chicago, he has been covering 11 states
as commercial agent.