Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 29, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Appointments Announced at
; Close of Methodist Episco-
pal Conference.
Three details surprise
Tier. G. F. Hopkins Placed in Charge
of $100,000 Fund for Aged Min-
: isters Taylor-Street 1 nsur-
gents to Appeal Case.
' Four new ministers are coming; to
Portland as the result of the appoint
ments announced by 'Bishop R. J. Cooke
following- the conferences with his dis
trict superintendents during the Ore
gon State Conference of the Methodist
Kplscopal Church, which came to a
close yesterday at noon.
The new pastors are Rev. E. O. Eld
redge. of Medford, detailed to the Mount
Tabor Church; Rev. George H. Feese,
of Lakeview, who comes to the Pat
tern Church; Rev. A. R. McLean, of
Koseourg, who takes the Sellwood
Methodist Church, and Rev. T. W. Lane,
of Tacoma, who comes to the Centenary
Methodist Church.
I Rev. J. K. Hawkins, of the Sellwood
Methodist Church, is transferred to
Medford; Rev. C. L. Hamilton, of the
Mount Tabor Church, is transferred to
the University Park Church, and Rev.
Delmer H. Trimble, of the Centenary
Methodist Church, Is to go to the First
Methodist Church, of Tacoma.
Three Axe Surprises.
Rev. George F. Hopkins, pastor
of the Patton Church of this
city, was appointed to have charge of
the collection of the $100,000 endow
ment fund for superanuated ministers,
their widows and orphans. Collection
will begin at once.
Rev. Asa Sleeth, of the Portland su
peranuated ministers' list, was named
minister in charge of the superannu
ated list.
. Rev. R. N. Avison was returned to
Balem for his fifth year, and Rev. T.
B. Ford to Oregon City for his fourth
Though meeting defeat again, the "in
surgents" in the Taylor-street Metho
dist Church dispute will take an ap
peal from Bishop Cooke's decision to
the general conference in Saratoga,
N. Y., in 1916. .The action of the Quar
terly conference in moving the c'aurch
from Third and Taylor streets to the
old Grace Church was sustained by the
bishop in his decision announced yes
terday. Resolutions, of sympathy for Mayor
Albee in the death of his son were
Rendezvous to lie Chosen.
No church offering an invitation for
next year's conference, the bishop
named the four district superintendents
as a commission to select the place for
1915 sessions. Rev. H. S. Wilkinson,
of Eugene, pastor of the largest church
in the conference, was named to deliver
the missionary sermon at the next an
nual conference, with Rev. Frank L.
Lioveland as alternate.
The appointments are:
Portland District.
J. W. McDougall, superintendent. 324
Glenn avenue, Portland; Astoria, W. S.
Gordon; Clatskanie, C. T. McPherson;
lioulton, D. T. Summerville; Knappa, W.
1-'. Powell; Linnton, S. H. Lie wart. Port
land Centenary, T. W. Lane; Central,
U. C. Rarick; Chinese Mission, Asa
Kleeth; Clinton ICelley. John Parsons;
Epworth, C. O. McCullough; First
Church, Frank L. Loveland; assistant,
H. T. Greene. Laurelwood, V. E. Will
lngs; Lincoln, supplied by M. C. Reed;
Alt. Tabor, E. O. Eldridge; Montavilla,
W. 11. Hampton; Fulton, George H.
Feese; Rose City Park, W. W. Young
eon; Sellwood, A. R. McLean; St. Johns,
W. E. Ingalls; Sunnyside, Robert E.
Smith; Trinity. A. B. Calder; Univer
sity Park, C I Hamilton; Westmore
land, to be supplied; Woodstock, Frank
James; Woodlawn, Louis Thomas;
Rainier, C. L. Dark; Seaside, C. M. Van
Marter; St. Helens, F. N. Sandifur;
Warrenton. supplied by Alfred Bates.
Salem District.
! James Aloore, superintendent, 1395
South High; street, Salem, Or.; Amity
G. O. Oliver; Ballston, supplied by J.
M. Hixson; Banks, G. A. Jahn; Beaver
ton, supplied by Robert Brymer,
Brooks, F. M. Jasper; Canby, T. U.
v Downs; Clackamas, B. A. Bristol; Cor
nelius, J. H. Irvine; Dallas and Carlton,
G. H. Bennett; Dayton, E. T. Luther;
Dilley, supplied by C. O. Pressnall; Es
tacada, C. B. Reese; Fairview, supplied
by . C. M. Brown; Falls City, M. A.
Marcy; Forest Grove, R. E. Dunfep;
GfeSham, M. T. Wire: Hillsboro, R. E.
Myers; Lafayette, supplied by C. W.
Comstock; Lents, W. Boyd Moore; Lib
erty, William Nicholl; Marquam and
Hubbard, Thomas Acheson; MeMinn
vllle. D. L. Fields; Metzger, G. A. Jahn;
Molalla, J. F. Coleman; Nehalem, E. M.
Smith; Newberg, H. Gould; Oregon City,
T. B. Ford; Oswego and Oak Grove. C.
K. Curtis; Pleasant Home and Boring,
L. F. Smith; Salem, First Church, R. N.
Avison; Jason Lee Memorial, J. M.
Brown; Leslie. J. C. Spencer; West Sa
lem, T. D. Yarnes; Salem Circuit, to be
supplied; Sandy, G. O. Gray; Scholls
and Farmington, supplied by T. J. Ha
zelton; Sheridan, A. S. Mulligan; Sil
verton, W. R. F. Browne; Tillamook,
E. Gittens; Tualatin and Wilsonville, F.
S. Francis: Willamina, supplied by J. S.
Moore; Woodburn, L. C. Poor; Yamhill,
Henry Spiess. James Lisle, custodian
of museum at Willamette University.
Enecue District.
J. ; T. Abbett, superintendent," 1398
Willamette street, Eugene, Or.; Albany,
T. H. Leech; Bandon, C. M. Knight;
Brownsville, A. C. Brackenbury; Buena
Vista. Oren C. Wells; Coburg, J. M.
Crenshaw; Coos Bay circuit, W. E.
Williams; Coquille, C. H. Bryan; Cor
valli3. J. C. Rollins; Cottage Grove, H.
K. Aldrich; Crawf ordsville, to be sup
plied; Cresswell, R. S. Bishop; Drain.
J. F. Dunlop; Elgin, supplied by F. A.
Piper; Eugene, H. S. Wilkinson; Gard
iner, J. J. Pacey; Goshen, supplied by
George Warner; Halsey, J. 5. Green;
Harrisburg, F. G. Drake; Independence,
W. C Stewart; Irving, supplied by Eric
Bolt; Jefferson, R. C. Young; Junction
City, C. O. Heath; Lebanon, Robert Sut
ciiffe; Lorane circuit, F. W. Snyder;
Lowell circuit, supplied by Walter
Ross; Marcola circuit, supplied by B. B.
Paul; Marshfleld, Joseph Knotts; Me
hama and Lyons, supplied by Eric Bolt;
Monroe circuit, supplied by J. G. Cro
zier; Mountain View circuit, supplied
by R. S. Davenport; Myrtle Point. E. S.
Mace: North Bend, A. S. Hisey; Port
Orford, supplied by W. H. Myers; Sag
inaw, supplied by J. L. Stratford;
Shedds, F. S. Clemo; Siletz Indian mis
sion, supplied by W. T. Pierce; Spring
field, J. T. Moore; Stay ton, L. W. Chand
ler; Toledo, R. H. Allen; Turner. J. J.
Mickey; Yoncalla and Oakland, R.
Klamath District.
H. J. Van Fossen, superintendent, 407
North Main street, Ashland. Or.; Ash
land, W. J. Douglass; Bonanza, S. W.
Hall; Canyonville, supplied by J. T.
Cowley; Central Point. C. L. Creessy;
Gold Hill, to be supplied; Grants Pass,
Walton Skipwortb; Indian Mission,
Klamath, C. C. Coop: Jacksonville.
Alonzo Coslet: Kerby, W. J. Warren;
Klamath Falls, E. C Richards; Lake
view, W. J. Weber; Medford, J. K.
Hawkins: Merrill, supplied by A. Haw
thorne; Paisley, supplied by W. Hutch
inson; Roseburg. W. R. . Jeffrey, Jr.;
Roseburg circuit, to be supplied by W.
L. Wilson: Sutherlin, supplied by
George P. Trltes; Talent, supplied by J.
H. Adams; Wilbur, H. W. Rummell;
Wilderville. W. J. Warren; Wolf Creek..
J. L. Beatty.
Special Details Made.
A. N. Fisher, field secretary of sys
tematic beneficence, member First
Church. Portland quarterly conference;
Fletcher Homan, president Willamette
University, member Centenary
Church, Portland, quarterly confer
ence; Clarence True Wilson, general
secretary Temperance Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, Topeka,
Kan., member Centenary Church.
Portland quarterly conference: W. B.
Hollingshead, secretary of apportion
ments, member of First Church. Port
land quarterly conference; H. G. Mc
Cain, extension secretary Temperance
Society of Methodist Episcopal Church,
Topeka, Kan., member of First Church,
Salem quarterly conference; G. L.
Tufts, secretary of Methodist Federa
tion for Social Service, member First
Church, Portland quarterly confer
ence: W. F. Drew, president of Knox
College. Galesburg, 111, member First
Church. Salem quarterly conference;
D. A. Watters, financial secretary of
Kimball College of Theology, member
V x si- -'. - - - y s -
of First Church, quarterly conference;
A. A. Heist, member First Church.
Portland quarterly conference; G. W.
Hall, member of First Church, Salem
quarterly conference; H. G. Schroeder,
member of First Church, Salem quar
terly conference, left without appoint
ment to attend school: M. B. Paroun
agian. Sunday School missionary, mem
ber First Church, Salem quarterlj
conference; R. C. Blackwell, superin
tendent Alaska mission; J. J. Patton
and C. C. Cook, missionaries in Alaska;
H. W. Swarts, missionary in Japan; C.
O. Beckman, .missionary in New Mex
ico; J. H. Westervelt and C. W. Pogue,
missionaries in Nevada mission; Edwin
Sherwood and E. S. Hammond, profes
sors in Kimball College of Theology,
members of First Church, Salem quar
terly conference; G. H. Hopkins, finan
cial secretary of conference claimants'
permanent fund, member of Patton
Church. Portland quarterly confer
ence; James Lisle, custodian museum
of Willamette University.
Third Annual Exposition at Myrtle
Point Declared y Success and
Management Is Encouraged.
COQUILLE, Or., Sept. 28. (Special.)
The third annual Coos-Curry fair
closed at Myrtle Point Saturday and
everyone agreed that It was far
superior to the previous ones. The
attendance was good and the manage
ment is much encouraged for the
Interest In the fair was augmented
by holding a school industrial fair in
connection, for which the County Court
offered $500 in prizes. Half of the
upper story of the new exhibition hall
erected this year was devoted to these
displays. Frst prize of $10 for best
school exhibit was awarded to the
Coquille school. Myrtle Point had the
largest exhibit.
The prize for the best individual ex
hibit by a school girl was won to
Rowena Roberts, of Myrtle Point; and
for the best by a boy to Russell Train
of the same place.
The blue ribbon fbr cheese was won
by the Sugar Loaf factory on the
South Coquille, and that for the best
butter by the Coquille Valley Creamery
at Coquille.
" " 2L-r: ..-ng -
Assisted by the steamers Vulcan and Henderson, the damaged steamer Gamecock, which struck a rock
near Sheridan's Point and sank with a full load of wheat more than two weeks ago. reached the yard of
the Portland Shipbuilding Company at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The trip was begun at 7 o'clock Sun
day morning. The steamer Shaver helped the other to a point below the rapids and then came here. Sun
day night was spent at Vancouver and little trouble was met with-in handling the tow. The bow of the
Gamecock is damaged and she may have one or two holes in the hull where she swung against rocks. It
is estimated her damage Is about $1000 and with the cost of raising her and such expense the total will be
close to $5000. . ...
More Vessels Coming to Port
land Despite High Rates.
British Steamer's Voyage Through
Panama Canal to San Francisco
Indicates Owners Are Seek
ing Business Again.
More tramps are announced for grain
loading, and while rates have advanced
from 35 shillings to 36s 3d, and some
are reported as high as 37s 6d, it is said
there is plenty of tonnage to be had
for early loading. That owners are
seeking business once more is evident
from the fact the British steamer Far
ley Is on her way through the Panama
Canal to San Francisco in ballast to
load for Europe, a move that means
her owners will pay about $21)00 in
tolls. Shippers say it would have been
impracticable to send a vessel of her
class via the old route through the
Straits of Magellan, because being
bound for Philadelphia, she would
steam 13,182 miles as against 5237 miles
by way of the canal.
Two vessels were listed for Portland
yesterday to work grain cargoes for
England, and one may be in ballast,
the British steamer Barrington Court,
which sails from Galveston October 22,
and was reported Saturday as being
the vanguard of a service from there,
though shipping owners could not sat
isfy themselves as to how a foreign
vessel was to ply in the coast-to-coast
trade of the United States.
Other Comes From Newport News.
The other is the British steamer
South Pacific, which sailed from New
pore News September 21 and Is sup
posed to have a cargo of coal for the
Government that she will discharge at
Mare Island. The Barrington Court ar
rived at Galveston August 1 from
Montevideo and is a vessel of 2835 tons
net register, while the South Pacific
is of 2307 tons net register.
Late war risk insurance quotations
are reported at 2 per cent on steamer
cargoes and 4 per cent for sailing ves
sels. Some exporters say they believe
the latter class will bent a premium,
as a sailing vessel is ordinarily about
four months making the voyage, so
storage for the extra time is taken
care of as well as insurance.
Two Encaged at 36s 3d.
The engagement of the British steam
ers Volga and Strathdon last week to
load here is reported from San Fran
cisco to have been done at 36s 3d. The
Queen Adelaide, now here, was fixed
at 35 shillings. The British ship Kirk
cudbrightshire, coming from Astoria,
was taken at 32 shillings and the Nor
wegian bark Spartan at 30 shillings.
The German bark Kurt, owners of
which canceled her charter, had been
chartered at 29s 6d, and the Dalbek.
also canceled, was first fixed on about
the same basis, so their owners stand
to get higher rates when war abroad
ceases, unless there is a decided slump
in freights.
The British steamer Sowwell, which
was to have been here this month to
load for the European Continent, has
been canceled, also the German bark
Werner Vinnen, which sailed from Car
diff August 1 for Antofagasta. Both
were consigned to the Portland Flour-
i ing Mills Company and other arrange
ments have been made to move their
Navy Department Wants Oregon
Sailors to Recommend Itinerary.
Every member of the Oregon Naval
Militia Is to have a voice in outlining
the general course of the 1915 cruise,
Lieutenant-Commander Blair having
decided to let majority rule In deter
mining whether the cruise shall be to
Alaska, British Columbia and Puget
Sound or to California ports. As the
1915 Fair will be on at San Francisco
next Summer, it is regarded as a fore
gone conclusion that the, citizen tars
will select the Bear state.'
Lieutenant-Commander Blair received
instructions from the Navy Department
to forward recommendations as to the
cruise, where it was thought best to
go, for what period and under what
general plan of drill and instructions.
The militia has a strength of 240 men
and it is hoped to have 350 enrolled
January 1. No drills have been held
during September and it is intended
after the 1915 cruise to grant the mem
bers a vacation of 30 days.
Naval militiamen believe that the
Navy Department has requested that
the next cruise be outlined because of
Intense - dissatisfaction that existed
after the cruise to Honolulu in July,
on which the men failed to obtain the
amount of instruction desired.
Big Gains Made in Few Months at
Entrance to Columbia. ,
Having 31 feet of water in a chan
nel 1500 feet wide Immediately off the
end of the south Jetty at the mouth
of the river, which is a gain of one
foot in depth and 500 feet in width
since June, is encouraging news re
sulting from the September survey of
the Columbia River bar, which has
been completed by a force under R. E.
Hickson, Junior engineer in the office
of Colonel McKinstry, Corps of Engi
neers, U. S. A.
Data Mr. Hickson obtained from
soundings made at his direction are
being assembled and as soon as a new
chart of the entrance is printed the
details will be given out. The chan
nel to the westward being dredged by
the Government dredge Chinook is said
to have deepened materially, while be
tween that and the Sl-foot channel
there has been' a large amount of scour
ing where the least depth was about 24
feet, as shown in the former sound
ings. The results are highly gratifying
In spite of the fact the lack of rivers
and harbors funds forced a shutdown
on the new north jetty. -
Lighthouse Inspector Makes Per
t sonal Test of Fog Warnings. '
If steamers traversing Puget Sound
in fog will proceed under a slow bell
so there will be no great noise from
the wash of the vessels and machinery,
fog signals can be distinguished
several miles away, says Henry L.
Beck, inspector of the Seventeenth
Lighthouse District, who has returned
after spending two weeks In the north
looking, over aids to navigation.
"We picked up the fog signals at
Patos Island and Semiahmoo Harbor
eight miles away and yet again we
heard the Patos Island signal 11 miles
off," said Mr. Beck yesterday. "Of
course, the tender Heather, on which
we were, was slowed when the at7
tempt was made to- locate the signals."
It has been complained that passen
ger vessels in the north pay little
heed to foggy conditions and that they
are seen passing certain points on
schedule during thick weather the
same as when conditions are favorable.
Departure of Liner From Hongkong
Delayed Xearly a Week.
Detained at Hongkong longer than
was expected, the Royal Mail liner Den
of Airlie sailed from there yesterday
direct for Victorta, B. C, says a cable
to Frank Waterhouse & Company. The
liner was to have put to sea September
22. As a means of getting her on
schedule again the company has or
dered that she eliminate the usual Jap
anese ports of call and head for the
North Pacific Coast. From Victoria
and Vancouver she goes to Puget Sound
and then comes here.
Advances in rates decided on several
weeks ago by the Trans-Pacific Freight
Bureau become effective Thursday.
Trade with ports across the Pacific is
not as brisk as is loked for in another
month. Even with the withdrawal of
the Hamburg-American fleet and the
giant Great Northern liner Minnesota
there appears to be no congestion at
present. Oriental buyers not having re
sumed on an extensive scale because
of conditions resulting from the Eu
ropean war and Japan's participation
as an ally of Great Britain.
Grain Ships Gather to Work Cargoes
for United Kingdom Market.
How the new tariff schedule is work
ing out to the detriment of the Custom
House financial showing was called to
the attention of Government officials
yesterday, when duties were paid on
the cargo of the French bark Gen. de
Sonis, which arrived Saturday, from
Newcastle, England, amounting to $600,
while under the old tariff they would
have approximated $4S00. The ship is
laden with fire bricks, fire clay, pig
iron, mineral water ancT the usual gen
eral cargo assortment from that clime.
She loads wheat when discharged.
The British ship Kirkcudbrightshire,
hailing from Newcastle. N. S. W.. Is
due here today after having discharged
a cargo of coal at Astqria. The unload
ing of her cargo made it necessary for
ballast logs to be used on each side, of
tl.e ship to hold her on an even keel,
and she was started up stream yester
day In t ow ol the steamer G. K. W ent
worth. The vessel will be given a grain
cargo by Balfour, Guthrie & Co.
The British steamer Queen Adelaide,
which is loading wheat, flour and hops
for the United Kingdom, shifted last
evening from the Crown mill to Al
bina dock. The British steamer In
veric arrived up last night, coming
from Callao to work a grain cargo un
der engagement to Kerr, Gifford &
Co. She berths at Montgomery dock
after being lined at the bunkers. The
British steamer Mexico City, which Is
working grain for the West Coast of
South America at Montgomery dock, is
to finish tomorrow night or Thursday.
Xews From Oregon Ports.
COOS BAY, Or., Sept. 28. (Special.)
The steamship Gearge W. Elder arrived
today from Portland at 9 A. M. and
sailed for Eureka at 3.
The delegation of Humboldt County
men and their horses which has been
at the Myrtle Point fair sailed on the
. The tug L. Roscoe is due from the
Siuslaw River to tow the barge Law
rence to Florence.
The steam schooner Redondo sailed
today for San Francisco and San Diego
at 4 P. M-
ASTORIA, Or., Sept. 28. (Special.)
On account of the bar being rough the
dredge Chinook did not go down to
the shoal, but spent the morning dredg
ing the channel between Astoria and
Flavel. Later she went to Three Tree
Point to take on fuel.
The steamer Portland arrived this
morning from California with oil for
The steamer Lottie Bennett is to sail
tomorrow for Iquique with a cargo of
lumber from Knappton.
The steamer Yellowstone sailed Sun
day for San Francisco, via Coos Bay,
with general cargo from Portland.
The steamer Yucatan arrived this
morning from San Francisco and San
The steamer Breakwater arrived to
day from Coos Bay with freight and
Marine Xotes.
Frank Bollam, Portland agent for
the independent lines, was advised yes
terday from the San Francisco head
quarters of the Olson & Mahony Steam
ship Company that the steamer Oliver
J. Olson would be placed in regular
service between Puget Sound and Cali
fornia harbors.
In a large exhibit to be made at the
1915 fair at San Francisco by the
United States Immigration Department
will be views of vessels and their crews
that have been received and dispatched
at Portland in which Immigration In
spector J. H. Barbour and his force
were concerned. One of them will be
the British steamer Mexico City, carry
ing 150 high-caste Chinese, photos of
which were taken yesterday.
Captain Clyde Raabe has been re
turned to the command of the Yellow
Stack steamer Oregona, relieving Cap
tain E. P. Williams.
Among vessels due off the river to
day is the schooner Inca, coming from
Puget Sound, which loads lumber at
Prescott for the West Coast under char
ter to W. R. Grace & Co. The cargo
of the schooner Samar is to be finished
today. The Norwegian steamer Tri
color sailed from San Francisco for
Portland yesterday to load lumber for
the Grace interests, which goes to the
Canal zone. The Santa Clara, of the
Grace New York fleet. Is due today.
All cargo ready for the steamer Rose
City was aboard at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. She sails at 9 o'clock this
morning andf the freight to be de
livered early will be hurried aboard so
she can get away on time. The vessel
arrived here Saturday, two days behind
W. G. Carroll, assistant engineer in
the office of Major Morrow, Corps of
Engineers, U. S. A., who is In the city,
says that the harbor improvement proj
ect at Nehalem is progressing and
headway is being made at Tillamook.
The force under Major Morrow Is all
prepared to resume operations on The
Dalles-Celilo Canal as soon as word is
received from Washington that the
rivers and harbors appropriation is
Eteamer .Schedule.
Name. fruia Oat.
Rote City. ..... .Los Anyeles. ..... In port
Break watsr. Coos usy . ........ In port
besr. ......... ... .Los AQKeles. .... .aupt,
Yucatan .,tn Dleiv Sept. 2i
Geo. W. Elder Kureka. Oct. V
Hoanoks. -ban Diego. ... Oct. 4
Beaver. ... ..Los Amteles. ... ..Oct. 4
Nam. For Data.
Roio City. ........ O.oa Angeles. ..... Sept. 2tf
breakwator. ...... Coos Bay. ...... . Sept. SO
Y ucaiaa. ......... .ban iego. tiept. &j
Celllo. ban liego. ...... .Sept. bu
11 a i v ard .......... a. K. to 1. ja...... Sept. 8(j
Yale D.F.UL.A. Oct. 2
Bear. .Los Angeles. .... .Oct.
I'aralso ......Coos tiay-s. F.... Oct.
Geo. W. Elder. .... .Kureka. ......... Oct. 4
Uultnomaa sen Diego Oct. 0
Koanoke. ban Diego. ..... ...Oct. 1
Beaver. . . . ....Los Angeles. ... .. Oct. ft
Klamath tian Diego. ...... .Oct. lt
Northland. .ban Krauclaco. . HOcc lu
San Ramon. .San Francisco. . . .. Oct. IV
Name. From Data,
Andalusia. ....... Hamburg. ....... In d"f t
Den of Alrlia. ..... Xondon. ........ ..Oct. 83
Belgravla. ........ liamburg. .Oct. 24
Merionethshire. . London. Oct. SV
Cardlgansnlra. .... London. ......... Nov. xg
Brasilia, . . . ... .Hamburg. Nov! 23
Name. For Data.
Andalusia. ........ Hamburg. ....... Ind'r t
Den of Alrlle. . ... .London. ... ... ...Nov. 1
Belgravla Hamburg........ Nov. 4
Merionethshire. ... London .....Nov. 14
Cardiganshire. ... . London. Nov. i
Brasilia. .......... Hamburg. ....... Nov. 29
Name. For
Qulnault Skagwar. ....... SeDt. 2a
Thos. Uwaaa Skagway. ........Oct. J
Movements of Vessels.
- PORTLAND, Sept. 28. Arrived Steam
ers Breakwater, from Coos Bay; Portland
from San Pedro: British steamer lnv.H.'
from Callao; British ship Kirkcudbrightshire"
Astoria. Sept. 2S. Arrived at midnight and
left up at 10 A. M. British steamer Inverlc.
Try Chamberlain's Tablets for
stomach troubles, biliousness and con
stipation. There are many who have
been greatly benefited by them.
They only cost a quarter.
What war teaches as well as busi
. ness life.
Courage in war or business is born
of good pure blood. Pure blood Is the
greatest blessing mankind can have.
Millions of people need this power
ful vegetable remedy that puts the
stomach, liver and bowels In fine con
dition; that clears the skin of pimples,
rash, blemishes and eczema: that dis
solves boils and carbuncles; that makes
nerves stronger and steadier and gives
to pale, weak, rundown people the full
est measure of health and happiness:
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery, free from alcohol or narcotics,
does just what is stated above, simply
because it banishes from the blood all
poison and impure matter. It is the
world s great Blood Purifier: so enters
Joints, dissolves the Impure deposits
ana carries them out. as it does all
impurities, through the Liver, Bowels,
Kidneys and Skin.
If you have Indigestion, slusrtrish
liver, backache over the kidneys, nasal
or other Catarrh, unsteady nerves or
unsightly skin, eet Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery today and start at
once to replace your impure blood with
the kind that puts energy and ambi
tion into you and brings back youth
and vigorous action.
If you will pay the mailing charges.
Doctor Pierce will send you his cloth
bound book of over 1000 pages newly
revised with color plates and illustra
tions. Everyone should read and have it in
caee of accident or sickness in the home.
Treats of so many subjects in such
an interesting manner that knowledge
of the human body is quickly and easily
attained by all who read the book.
Send 20 cents In stamps for mailing
charges to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel,
Buffalo, V., and enclose this notice.
from Callao. Arrived at 7 and left up at 8
A. M. Steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bay.
Arrived at 10 and left up at IX A. M.
Steamer Portland, from San Pedro. Left up
at 2:1a P. M. British ship Kirkcudbright
shire. San Francisco, Sept. 28. Sailed at noon
Steamer Beaver, from Portland, for San
Pedro. Sept. 27. Sailed at 2 A M. Steamer
Koanoke, for San Diego; at noon Steamer
Bear; at 7 P. M. Norwegian steamer Tri
color: at a P. M. Steamer Alvarado; at 10
P. M. Steamer Multnomah, for Portland; at
noon Steamer J. B. Stetson, from Portland,
for San Pedro.
San Diego, Sept. 26. Salled--French ship
Desaix, for Portland.
San Pedro, Sept. 28. Arrived Steamer
Jim Butler, from Columbia River; steamer
Roanoke, from Portland and way ports.
Coos Bay. Sept. 28. Arrived Steamer
Yellowstone, from Portland.
Astoria, Sept. 27. Sailed at I P. M.
Steamer E. H. Vance, for San Pedro; at
4:30 P. M. Steamer El Segundo, for El Se
gundo. Sailed at 5:30 P. M. Steamer Geo.
V. Elder for Coos Bay and Eureka. Ar
rived at 10 and left up at II P. M. steamer
Tucatan. from San Diego and way porta.
San Francisco, Sept. i8. Arrived Steam
ers St. Helens, from Seattle: Grace Dollar,
from Bandon; Matsonia, from Honolulu;
Governor, from Victoria.
Yokohama, Sept. 2i. Arrived Tamba
Maru. from Seattle.
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 28. Arrived Steam
ers Humboldt, from Southeastern Alaska;
President, from San Diego; Admiral Far
ragut, Capt. A. F. Lucas, from San Fran
cisco; Virginian, from New York via Pan
ama; Mariposa, Admiral Evans, from South
western Alaska; Argyll, from Port San Luis;
Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian), from San Fran
cisco. Sailed Steamers Alki, Spokane, La
touche.. Jefferson, for Southeastern Alaska.
Balboa. Sept. 28. Arrived Steamers
Isabella, from San Francisco; Lewis Luck
enbach, from New York for San Francisco.
Sailed Steamer Vlmeira. from Philadelphia
ana ortoik, tor san r-rancisco.
Cristobal. Sept. 28. Arrived Steamers
Hanx Santa, from Catalina for Tacoma;
South Pacific. Philadelphia and Newport
News lor Portland, or. salted steamer Ne
vadan, from Tacoma to New York.
Philadelphia, Sept. 28. Arrived Steamer
Dominion, from Liverpool.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday.
High. Low.
10:O A. M....7.0 feet!3:44 A. M 0.4 foot
:39 P. M 7.6 lee 1,1:07 P. M 3.1 feet
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, Sept. 28. Condition of
the bar at 5 P. M.. clear; sea, rough; wind,
northwest 14 miles.
Marconi Wireless Reports.
(All poHitions reported at 8 P. M., September
2n, unless otherwise designated.)
Santa Clara, San Francisco for Portland,
six miles south Columbia River.
Admiral Schley, Seattle for San Francisco,
off Capo Foulweather.
Bear. San Francisco for Portland. 113
miles south Columbia River.
Richmond, from Richmond for Seattle,
miles from Richmond.
Buck, from Monterey for Everett, 73 miles
from Everett.
Northwestern, from Seattle for Alaska, off
Kennedy Island.
Norwood, San Francisco for Grays Harbor,
53 miles north Blunts Reef.
Oliver J. Olson. San Francisco for Seattle,
five miles north Cave Blanco.
Multnomah, San Francisco for Portland,
five miles north Blunts Keef.
Vance, Astoria for San Pedro, 62 miles
north Cape Mendocino
Nome City, Everett for San Francisci,
four miles north St. Georges Reef.
El Segundo. Portland for El Segundo, 33
miles north Blnnts Reef.
San Ramon, Portland for San Francisco,
off Point Gorda.
Santa Rita, Seattle for Port San Luis. 202
miles north San Francisco.
Asuncion, San Pedro for Richmond, 20
miles north Point Arguello.
Santa Cruz, San Francisco for New York,
5Gti miles south San Francisco.
Lightship Mazatlan. Ensenada for San
Pedro, 10 miles north Ensenada.
Queen. San Pedro for San Francisco, eight
miles south Point Arguello.
Atlantic, New York for San Francisco, 700
miles southeast San Pedro.
Yacht California. New York for San Pedro
075 miles south San Pedro.
Cuzeo. San Francisco for Balboa 1500
miles south San Francisco.
Georgian, New York for San Francisco, 300
miles south San Pedro.
Chanslor. from Monterey for Honolulu fine
miles from Monterey, September 27.
Sierra, from Honolulu for San Francisco.
10.M miles out, September 27.
Wilhelmina. from San Francisco for Hono
lulu, miles out. September 27.
Victoria, from Seattle for Nome SO miles
north of Unimak Pass, September 27.
Lurline. from Seattle for Honolulu. 90
miles lrom Diamond Head. September 27.
Governor, from San Francisco for San
Pedro. 10 miles south of Piceon Point.
Beaver, from San Francisco for San Pedro,
26 miles south of Point Sur.
Columbia, from Aberdeen for San Fran
cisco, 2,1 miles south of point Arena.
Willamette, from San Francisco for Seat
tle. 2o miles north of San Francisco.
Herrin. from Monterey for Linnton, 202
miles from Monterey.
Yale, from San Francisco for San Pedro,
passed Pigeon Point at 6:22 P. M.
Kllburn. from San Francisco for Eureka.
IS miles south of Point Arena.
Speedwell, from Coos Bay for San Fran
cisco, 125 miles north of San Francisco.
Washtenaw, from Portland for Port San
Luis, 83 miles south of San Francisco.
Oleum. Port San Luis for San Francisco,
17i; miles south of Sau Francisco.
Topeka. from Eureka for San Francisco, 23
miles south of Point Arena.
Snnla Vnrln. frnrn Hllo for Tort Pan T.u!j
Restored to Health by Lydia
E. Pinkhamys Vegetable
Unionviile, Mo. " I suffered from a
female trouble and I got so weak that I
could hardly walk
across the floorwi th
ou t holding on to
something. I had
nervous spells and
my fingers would
cramp and my face
would draw, and I
could not speak, nor
sleep to do any good,
had no appetite, and
everyone thought I
would not live.
Some one advised me to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I had
taken bo much medicine and my doctor
said he could do me no good so I told my
husband he might get me a bottle and I
would try it. By the time I had taken
it I felt better. I continued its use, and
now I am well and strong.
"I have always recommended your
medicine ever since I was so wonder
fully benefitted by it and I hope this
letter will be the means of saving soma
other poor woman from suffering."
Mrs. Martha Seavey, Box 1144,
Unionviile, Missouri.
The makers of Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound have thousands of
such letters as that above they tell
the truth, else they could not have been
obtained for love or money. This med
icine is no stranger it has stood the
test for years.
If there are any complications you
do not understand write to Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential)
Lynn,Jlass. Yonr letter will be opened
read and answered by a woman and
lield in strict confidence
7G4 miles from Port San Luis,' September 27.
Adeline Smith, from Marshfield for San
Francisco. 70 miles north of San Francisco.
Regain the Mastery
Over Blood Trouble
No Matter How Disheartening
You Can Overcome It.
Blood disorders are quickly checked by
S. S. S.. the famous blood purifier. It
rushes Into the blood and In three min
utes has traversed the entire circulation.
It penetrates to where the blood is made.
It washes out those spots and places
where stagnation has settled, it cleanses
the membranes, drives Irritation from -the
Joints, fills the blood stream with
antidotal influence and from bead to foot
creates conditions that make for blood
health. There are people In every com
munity who know this to be true. They
have used S. S. S. for severe forms of
rheumatism, for Indolent, ulcerated spots.,
for eruptive skin diseases, for any and
all those bodily conditions caused by
blood loaded with impurities. Belnjr a
pure product of Nature it can not hurt
the stomach and has therefore been the
refuge of a host of people misguided in:
their dilemma by first flyinjr to those
dangerous mercurial drugs which hava
claimed so many unfortunates. If the
skin breaks out In a rash. If bolls or
other eruptions appear, if there are blood
risings or any other Indications of im
pure blood get a bottle of S. P. S. at
once of any druggist. But beware oC
substitutes. If in doubt as to your trou
ble or you wish competent medical ad
vice free, write to the medical depart
ment. The Swift Specific Co.. 58 Swift
Bids., Atlanta, Ga. This department la
known far and wide as one of the great
est of helps to blood sufferers. But don't
delay to get a bottle of S. S. S. today.
With tho use of Poslam the process
of healinir any skin trouble is simple.
No guesswork, for you can see improve
ment after every application. Itch Iris
stops and burning skin is comforted at
You take no chances in uslntr Poslam,
for it cannot possibly harm. It is anti
septic, kills germ life and is unequalled
for the eradication of Eczema, Acne,
Itch, Pimples, etc.
Your druggist sells Poslam. For free
sample write to E:.iergency Labora-.
tories, 32 West 25th Street. New York.
Poslam Soap is non-irritating, abso
lutely pure, luxurious and beneficial for
daily use. toilet and bath. 25 cents
and 15 cents. Adv.
The Pains
of Sciatica
Dr. E. O. Underwood says that there Is no
expression of neuralgia whlcb is more dis
tressing than that known as Sciatica. The
cause of this condition Is usually exposure
to cold and dampness One of the mosft
common causes is rheumatism: Indeed this
Is bo often tne cause that some writers in
elude sciatica among the varieties of rheu
matism. The treatment includes remedies to
counteract the cause of the disease, as well
as measures looking to the relief of pain.
Whatever treatment may be employed, two
things must be borne in mind the patients
must be kept as free from pain as possible
and be kept as quiet as possible. One or
two Anti-Kamnla Tablets should be given
every two or three hours: and the pattens
must be warned against going out In Incle
ment weather.
Anti-Kamnla Tablets may be obtained a
all druggists in any quantity. lOo worth or
more. Ask for A-K Tablets.
In Headaches. Neuralgias, and all Pains,
they give prompt relief.
"Rheum atism
No More"
Compounded by
St. Louis, Mo.
For sale by all druggists.