Jlwtiiii g jjj 11 pwtim VOL. L.IV. NO. 16,800. PORTLAND, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. T HALTS NOT ALLIES French Progress on Heights of Meuse. TEUTONS ABANDON WOUNDED Many Who Might Escape Sur render to French. ALL ATTACKS REPULSED Belgians Slake Desperate Sorties and v Reports of Onward Sweep ol Czar's Forces Come From AH Along Rrontier. PARIS. Sept. 28. The following of ficial communication was issued to night: "First On our left wing the reports of the situation are favorable. "Second On the center our troops successfully have withstood new and most violent attacks. "We have made Eome Blight progress on the heights of the Meuse. la tne vvoevre region a thick fog has caused a suspension of operations. "Third On our right wing (Lor raine and the Vosges) there has been no change in the situation." LONDON. Sept. 28. For the first time since the beginning of the war, news by wireless sent out by the French government through the Eiffel tower station was received in London tonight. The message, dated Septem ber 28, follows: Position Now Critical. "Feeling that their position was be coming more and more critical under the pressure of the allies' arms, the Germans have tried to stop us by re peated counter attacks. Since Septem ber 26 they have delivered, by day and night, frequent and most violent at tacks at several positions on our front. Everywhere they have been repulsed, sustaining considerable losses and abandoning as they lay thousands of dead and wounded. "The eighth army corps and the guards were severely put to the test and a large number of prisoners fell into our hands. It Is to be remarked that many of the latter gave them selves up voluntarily, although they could have escaped. Fear of Captivity Nil Now. "It seems that the German soldiers are beginning to have no further doubt as to the treatment which awaits them In captivity. At the beginning, all those we captured had a supplicating and terrified attitude, arising out of statements made by their officers to the effect that the French 'shot their prisoners.. It Is rather by an excess of kindness that we transgress in re tard to them, and the too kindly treat ment which is meted out to prisoners In certain districts of France even has evoked complaints which occasionally have been Justified, on the part of all those who know how our men are treated in Germany." Allies Make Gains. Official communications of yesterday said that the attack on the German right made a distinct advance and this version was supported by official Berlin advices, which said the allies have made extensive advances against the German extreme right. Telegraphing from Bordeaux the primes correspondent says: "The rival armies are now close to .gether. A few hundred yards sepa rate the trenches. German Fury Unavailing. "Everywhere the German fury has ceen unavailing and the close of yes terday found the allies' left reaching Up still further north. "The battle has become, to some ex tent, a race between this movement on the left and the enemy's offensive against the center and the right. "The failure of the enemy to shake off the tightening grip of the allies on the Oise and north of Somme was accompanied by a renewed attempt to smash the center. "Here was massed the flower of the army the Prussian Guard, which dis tinguished itself from the outset of the campaign by its ability to give and take hard knocks." Other reports from Bordeaux say the Prussian Guard has been practically cut to pieces. Virtually all the original officers have been killed or wounded. two battalions have been annihilated and some companies reduced from 250 to 100 men. Belgians Retaliate. The Belgians have retalliated against the threat of the Germans to bring up their great siege guns before Antwerp by making desperate sorties. Along the great western battle line Itself, the struggle still continues to be general with the most determined attacks being made on each flank. Another manifestation of the week end has been the renewal of aerial ac tivity by Germany. Zeppelins and aero planes have been out in force, appar ently for scouting work, but indulging in bomb-dropping wherever feasible. Kaiser Reported in East. From the east comes reports of ac tions from almost every section of the Russian frontier. Emperor "William is reported to be in East Prussia and the German offensive probably under his yes has recommenced against General GERMAN DNSLAUGH (Concluded on Pag 2.) BULLETINS LONDON Sept. 39, 3:50 A. M. The Russian Emperor on Monday received representatives of the Petrograd Bank, who placed at his disposal 1,000,000 rubfcra S50O,OOO) for the necessities ot u and 1,000,000 rubles for the or ganisation ot a ship service and to aid the families of soldiers, says a dispatch from the Tsarkoye Selo correspondent of Renter's. The Kmpress attended. LONDON, Sept. 29, 4:40 A. M. A dis patch from Rome to the Exchange Tel egraph Company says that a message from Budapest asacrta that the Min ister of the Interior has announced that IS new cases of cholera were discovered in the city's military hospital Monday morning. LONDON, Sept. SO. A Renter dis patch from Ostend says that a traveler from Brussels reports the town fnll of German troops coming; from the south. LONDON, Sept. Z. A Petrograd dis patch to the Exchange Telegraph Com pany states that the Russian morator ium has been extended for a month. LONDON, Sept. -V On the anniver sary of Sedan, according to a story published in the Dally News today, the people of tBerlln hung out bunting everywhere, but Emperor William or dered its removal, on the ground that it was premature. GENEVA, via Paris, Sept. 28. A re port received from Munich estimated that 2,000,000 men and women are idle in Germany and that the number of unemployed is increasing daily. A lack of raw material, it said, in the cause. MONTREAL, Sept. -H. The Canadian Pacific Railroad announced here today that the operating department of Its eastern and western lines would em ploy 6G0O extra men within the next two months. The object of employing such a number of laborers at this time, the company states, was to relieve dis tress brought about by the war in Eu rope. ROME, via Paris, Sept. 28 Dis patches from Nlsh, Servla, say that the Servians and Montenegrins have been greeted by the Bosnians aa liberators. Bosnian volunteers to the number of 5KN0 have Jolntd the Servian army, it is aid. CETTIXJE, Montenegro, Sept. The Montenegrins are within artillery range of the Sarajevo, the capital of the Austrian province of Bosnia. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. The Ameri can embassy building in Paris was severely shaken by the explosion of one of the bombs dropped into that city yesterday from a German aeroplane. Ambassador lierrlck reported the inci dent to the State Department by cable today without comment. With the embaasy staff Mr. lierrlck made a per sonal Investigation of the damage caused by the bomb, which, besides killing two persons, injured the ma sonry of surrounding buildings and per forated steel shutters. The State De partment will take no action on the re port. BERLIN. Sept. 28 By order of the military commander of the province of Brandenburg, the Vorwaerts, organ of the Social Democratic party, has sus pended publication indefinitely. LONDON, Sept. 28 The Dardanelles have been closed to navigation, accord ing to a dispatch from Constantinople to the Renter Telegram Company. The duration of the closure Is not stated. AN CON A, Italy, Sept. 28. The. enlist ment of volunteers with the object of landing in Dalmatla, Austria-Hungary, is reported here. PARIS, Sept. 28. A resident of Mau- beuge, who had been made prisoner but later escaped, states that Maubeuge was three-quarters burned by the Germans. The forts resisted for a long time the assaults of 40,000 men. , DENIAL ISSUED BY FRENCH Embassy Says Frederick tlie Great itot Friendly to Americans. "WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. An offi cial statement was issued today by the French Embassy, drawing attention to the remarks of Representative Bar tholdt at the celebration .of German day In New York on September 27 and denying that Mr. Bartholdt's asser tion, that Frederick the Great sent Baron von Steuben to America, was true. The statement declared that Von Steuben was sent from Paris to aid the American colonies on a French ship and - that his passage was paid with French money. It further as serted that Frederick the Great was not friendly to the Americans and that he refused to see the emissary sent to him by the colonies to ask for his support. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY OPEN Mf.ycon Invites All to Traverse Road to VVarrendale. x ravel over the Columbia. River Highway now is possible as far east as vrarrendale, and the public can make use of this portion of the, new road, beginning today, until another rain makes It advisable to stay off the high way again. John B. Yeon, County Eoadmaster, returned to -Portland last night after completing work on the Warrendale link and urged that Portland residents travel over the new road to Inspect Its construction and to enjoy the scenery while the weather Is advantageous. " GERMAN BOMB KILLS TOTS Zeppelin Attack Fatal to 1 1 Pupils - in Russian School. LONDON, Sept. 29. The operators of a German Zeppelin dirigible dropped a bomb into a schoolhouse at Bielostok, Russia, yesterday, killina; the children, according to a dspatch from Petrograd to the Morning Post. Eleven children were reported killed by the bomb. . DAMAGE AT RHE1MS INTENDED, IS HINT German-Fire Far From Real Foe, Says Davis. LOSS FIXED AT $30,000,000 American Consul Forced Un derground, Mourns Dahlias. SHOTS PLAY QUEER PRANKS All of Some Homes but Chimneys Destroyed Others Deprived or Only One Room Relics Go and All Parts of City Hit. BT RICHARD HARDING DAVIS. (Copyright, 1014. by the Wheeler Syndicate. Incorporated.) PARIS. Sept. 25. (Special.) (De layed In Transmission.) This morn ing. In the Paris papers, the official German excuse for the bombardment of Rheims was published. It says that the French batteries were so placed that in replying to them it was Impos sible to avoid shelling the city. It would not be proper for me to tell where the French batteries were, but I know exactly where they were, and if the German guns, aimed at them, missed them and hit the cathedral, the German marksmanship is deteriorating. Brace Shots Find Range. To find the range the artillery sends what In the American Army are called brace shots one aimed at a point be yond the mark and one short of it. From the explosions of these two shells the gunner Is able to determine how far he Is off the target and accordingly regulates his sights. Not more at the most than three of these experimental brace shots should be necessary, and as one of each brace is purposely aimed to fall short of the target, only three German shells, or, as there were two French positions, six German shells .should ' have, fallen be yond the -batteries and into the city. And yet, for four days the city was bombarded. Germans Miss Target by Mile. To make sure I today asked French, English and American Army officers what margin of error they thought ex cusable after the range was deter mined. They all agreed that after his range was found an artillery officer who missed it by from 50 to 100 yards ought to be court-martialed. "The Germans "missed" by one mile. I walked over the district that had been destroyed by these accidental shots and it stretched from the northeastern outskirts of Rheims in a straight line to the cathedral. Shells that fell short of the cathedral for a quarter of a mile destroyed entirely three .city blocks. The heart of this district is the Place Godinot. AH Parts of City Hit. In every direction at a distance of a mile from the Place Godinot 1 passed houses wrecked by shells, south at the Parus, north at the railroad. There Is no part of Rheims that these shells aimed at the French batteries did not hit. If Rheims . accepts the German excuse she might suggest to .them that the next time they bombard. If they aim at the city they may hit the French batteries. The Germans say that the damage done was from fires, not shells. But that is not the case. Destruction by firo was slight. Houses wrecked by shells where there was no Are out numbered those that were burning ten to one. In no house was there probably any "other fire than in the kitchen stove and that had been smothered by falling masonry and tiles. Except for Red Cross volunteers seeking among the ruins for wounded that part of the city that suffered most was deserted. Shells still were falling on houses as yet intact and those partly destroyed were empty. Refugees Arouse Pity. - One saw pitiful attempts to save the pieces, and in. places, as though evic tions were going forward, chairs, pic tures, cooking pans, bedding were plied in heaps. There was none to guard them, certainly there was no one so unfeeling as to disturb them", and I saw neither looting nor any effort to guard against it. In their common dan ger and horror, the citizens of Rheims of all classes seemed dravvn closely to gether. The manner of all was sub dued and gentle like those who stood at an open grave. The shells played the most incon ceivable pranks. In some streets the houses and shops along ono side were entirely wiped out and the other un touched. In the Rue du Cardinal, du Lorraine, every house was gone. Where they once stood were cellars filled with powdered stone. Tall chimneys that one 'would have thought a strong wind might dislodge were holding themselves erect, while the surround ing walls, three feet thick, had been crumpled into rubbish. In some houses a shell had removed one room only and as neatly as though it were the work of masons and carpenters. The waste was appalling. - Old Relics Destroyed. Among the ruins I saw a good paint ing in rags ana in gardens statues cov ered with the moss of centuries smashed. In many places and still on the pedestal you would see a headless (Concluded on Page 5.) INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 75 degree; minimum, 60 degree. TODAY'S Fair; variable winds becoming southerly. War. Rheims" destruction Intended by Germans, Richard Harding Davis hints. Page J German's 40 years of preparation tor war makes even Socialist converts. Page 1. Onslaught of Germans does not halt march of allies. Page 1. Siberia ready for war quickly. Page 8. Russians push Austrlans into mountains and repulse German attacks. Page 2. Japan starts out to capture Chinese railway. Page 3. Allies pushing in fresh troops to relieve war. worn front. Page 2. Mexico. Open hostilities in Mexico await Carranza's reply to . Villa's resignation demand. Page 5. Domestic. Detectives at Stockton accused of dynamite conspiracy. Page 4. k r - Sport. i Record for Salem track cut first day of State Fair races. Page 10. Jefferson's coach hopes letter men will make winning team. Page 10. Beavers begin final serlea at home today. Page 10. Pacific Northwest. Perfect weather greets opening of Oregon State Fair. Page 1. Raymond tallyman, - arretted, confesses writing letter threatening to annihilate German diplomats. Page 4. Commercial and Marine. London and Pacific Coast bop markets af fected oy large English crop. Page IS. Rumors of ultimatum from Ruasla to Tur key advance wheat at Chicago. Page IS. Sharp rise in foreign exchange sales at New York. Page la. More vessels coming to "Portland for grain trade. Page 14. Portland and Vicinity. . One man killed, three seriously and two slightly hurt In auto collision. Page 1. Democratic state chairman accused of try ing to confuse campaign issues. Page T. Four new pastors detailed to Portland by Methodist Episcopal conference. Page 14. Salem and The Dalles fairs invite Portland. Page 11. Mayor Indorses Tag day and makes appeal for liberal giving. Page 9. Babes slide down chute In fire drill at Albertina Kern Nursery. Page 9. Indians here as witnesses In whisky cases bring about three liquor charges. Page 9. .Mrs. Marsh, acquitted of murder, leaves for Vancouver to remarry divorced husband. page 13. British benefit at Helllg Theater for Red (jross is inspiring event. Page o. Political campaign waxes warmer. Page 11. Weather report, data and forecast. Page '13. CANADIAN TROOPS ON WAY Duke of Connaught Admits Forces Have Gone to Aid Britain. OTTAWA, Ont, Sept. 28. That the Canadian troops have embarked for Europe was admitted here tonight by the Duke of Connaught, Governor-General of Canada, at a rally at which the Ottawa, campaign for the Canadian pa triotic fund, was initiated. Addressing a great crowd, the Duke said: . . . - ""Recently I have'hjia tha pley"'ii-e sev eral times to visit Valcartier, and also to be present at what is perhaps no longer a secret, the embarkation of the Canadian troops. "Every creed and every nationality Is represented in this undertaking."' PRINCE REPORTED KILLED Autopsy Said to Have Found Ger man Bullet in Body Kaiser's Son. LONDON. Sept. 29., 3:30 A. M. The Ghent correspondent of the Daily News sends with reserve the report that a Belgian doctor from Brussels says that Prince Adalbert, the German Emperor's third son, has died in hospital in Brussels. . Dr. Lepage, King Albert's physician, according to this report, was ordered to hold an autopsy in the presence of two German doctors, and it was found that the prince had been killed by a German bullet. In other autopsies on German officers it was found they also had died from a similar cause. ALBANIAN RULER ELECTED Prince Burhan-Eddin Reported Suc cessor to. William of Wied. LONDON, Sept. 28. A dispatch to the Central News from Rome says that a message from Durazzo, Albania, an nounces that the Albanian Senate has elected Prince Burhan-Eddin, son of the former Sultan, Abdul Hamld, Prince of Albania, in succession to Prince Wil liam of Wled, Who lert his kingdom some days ago and subsequently re nounced his throne, retiring to Switz erland. The correspondent adds that Essad Pasha has arrived at Dibra and declares his Intention of proceeding to Durazzo at the head of 10,000 men. POLITICS LOSES MINISTER Progressives Turned Down by Dela ware Man, Xamed Xomlnee. WILMINGTON, Def Sept. 28. Rev. George E. Reed, former president of the Dickinson College, tonight withdrew as the nominee of the Progressive party of Delaware for Representative In Con gress. He was named at the state con vention of that party- in Dover last Tuesday. In a letter Dr. Reed says his accep tance would mean his retirement - as minister of Grace Methodist Episcopal, Church here, which, he adds, would not be just to his organization. SERBS AND ALLY ADVANCE Austrlans Are Accused of Using Ex plosive Bullets. LONDON, Sept. 29. An official state ment issued at Nish and sent to the Reuter Telegram Company says: "The Servian and Montenegrin troops marching on Sarajevo have reached Mount Kamanle. Reports from all our commanders concur in saying that the enemy is everywhere employing ex plosive bullets. The first discharges from the Maxims are always of ex plosive bullets.". GREAT WAR METHOD' INSPIRES WITH AWE 40 Years of Toil Re- vealed by Germans. SINGLE PURPOSE IS MANIFEST People Themselves Amazed by Their Own Resources EVEN SOCIALISTS CONVERTS Bennett Says Spectacle Makes One Wonder Whether Xew, Mighty Teutonic Empire May Not Xow Be in Making. ' BT JAMES O'DONJCELI, BENNETT (War correspondent of the Chicago Tribune. Published by arrangement with the Tribune.) AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Germany. Sept. 11. The German newspapers are not allowed to print lies or to circulate wild rumors. If they report a victory or the fall of a French fortress, the news may be accepted absolutely. Nor is the presentation of actual news and the pointing out of its significance given much pro-German color. German reverses are recorded briefly, but with out" extenuating comment. The people trust the papers and the papers keep faith with the people. Kews Is Concise. All the newspapers are compact. The regular size is four pages. Pages one and two are close packed with war news printed In ordinary type In four wide columns. The various dispatches run from 100 to BOO words, and are separated by one-line heads in black face type. Across the top of page one will be a line in black face type half an Inch high, reading, "Matters Relat ing to the War," or "The Operations In France," or "The Kaiser on the Barbar ous Warfare of Our Enemies," or "Eng land's Duplicity." Page 3 contains some reading mat ter of a. routine nature and a few small aiv:;i3ments. Tago 4 fs usually all advertisements. v Fallen Officers Memorialised. Last Sunday morning page 4 of the Kclnlsche Zeltung contained a dozen black-bordered cards memorializing fallen officers and signed by their rela. tives. "On the 2d of September," an announcement will begin, "my beloved husband died a hero's death for the fatherland."- Another . introductory phrase frequently encountered in these cards is "Fell on the field of honor." The tone of the papers is astonish ingly temperate. There is no vitupera tion of the French. - All that Is saved for the English, whose duplicity" is a frequent theme of criticism. All the criticism of all the allies Insofar as I have been able to piece it together from German newspapers is more scornful than malevolent. The truth is. I have found Jn the editorial expres sions of certain American newspapers far more vehement language on the present crisis than I have found In any German newspaper. . English Papers Declamatory. By contrast with the staid, compact German .press the more spacious Eng lish Journals run to the declamatory. The Kaiser is spoken of as "the ty rant" Just as the English broadsides of a century ago spoke of Bonaparte. Some of the statements are extraordi narily loose. The Daily Telegraph re fers to the mass of German soldiery as "unthinking peasants." Couple that reference with the fact that the per centage of illiterates in Germany is 2-10 of 1 per cent, and the reference becomes an absurdity. In such a country "the unthinking peasant" hardly can be a numerous fig ure. He is, on the contrary, so capable of taking thought and exercising cau tion that In a column two miles long which I passed and passed again on a bicycle I saw not one sick man and not one straggler. The "unthinking peas ant" thinks far enough ahead to Iook solicitously after his feet, so that he shall not be a torture to himself nor a burden to the army. Wounded Bear Pain Stelcally. The demand for both the passenger and the freight cars of the railway system of the empire for the purpose of transporting troops to the front has been so heavy that the fewest possible cars compatible with decency and a fair degree of comfort are used In sending the wounded back home. In the car which brought the American cor respondents from Beaumont to Aix-la-Chapelle were four compartments filled with men who bad been severely but not dangerously wounded. In order to economize space no attendants were sent with them. They looked after themselves without assistance except when we occasionally gave them an arm. Not once during the two tedious nights and the long, hot day we were cooped up with them did I hear a moan escape them. Not once were the queru lous questions of sick men. which ev erybody excuses, on their lips. Their food three times a. day was slices ot heavy, black bread, which a man has to be well to relish, and their drink a few sips of the fine wine that Lieuten ant Rosenthal had taken from the Prince de Caraman-Chimay's cellars. Favoritism Not Intended. Wan, silent, uncomplaining, courte ous, wistful, they were the most af fecting sight I have seen in this war. Concluded on Pas &. Monday's War Moves FTRIOUS fighting continues In North ern France, where the allied French and British armies are at grips with the German forces in what Is character ized as the crucial action of the battle of the Aisne. Beyond admitting this fact the official statements are vague. Few details of tho struggle which may be the turning point of the western campaign have been given out. One sentence, in which there Is no "change in the situation," epitomizes the official reports from London, Paris and Berlin. The allies claim to have made slight advances here and there, notably on the heights of the Meuse. The German official statement,, how ever, declares that "reports concerning a victorious advance of the enemy are untrue." Both the British and French official statements refer to the violence of the attacks made by the Germans, who seem to have redoubled their efforts in an attempt to hurl back, the allied line. The reports indicate, however, that the English and French have given no ground before the onslaught of the Invaders. A most rigorous censorship has evi dently been imposed at virtually all points, particularly in London, regard ing the operations at the front, as lit tle news is being permitted to come through. The war officials probably hesitate to raise the hopes of the peo ple without some decisive result having been attained and fear that the publi cation of the smallest details of the op erations might be of aid to the Ger mans, v Petrograd reports officially that the Austrian stronghold of Przemysl, in Galicla. is completely Invested by the Russians and that the main Austrian army is retiring behind tho Carpath ians into Hungary, pursued by the Rus sians. Berlin, however, declares that "reports ' of the fall of two of the Przemysl forts are inventions." The Montenegrins, who have allied themselves with the Servians, In the conflict with Austria, are making ad vances, according to advices. A dis patch from Cettinje, Montenegro, says the Montenegrins are within artillery range of Sarayevo, capital of Bosnia. The Austrian forts at Cattaro, Dal matla, on September 19, sifnk a large French warship, according to a dis patch to the Cologne Gazette. This ship was one of a fleet of 18 which was met by a salvo from one of the Austrian forts as it approached the stronghold. The rest of the fleet re treated hastily, says the dispatch, after the French ship was sunk. A dispatch from Constantinople says that the Dardanelles have been closed to navigation. The Austrian government has con fiscated the Canadian Pacific Railway's securities and money deposited in Vi enna, according to report, as well as the company's cars running on Austrian railways. This is tho result, it is said, of the refusal of the company to pay the divi dends of Austrian shareholders. Advices received in Paris say that the rapid Increase in grain prices in Austria is causing anxiety in official circles. Farmers are holding their supplies for higher prices, and the government proposes to fix a. minimum price for this commodity. For the first time since the war be gan, wireless news sent out by the French government through the Eiffel tower has been received in London. The message detailed the fierce fighting which took place In Northern France" between September 26 and 28. Sir Edward Carson, the Ulster leader. In outlining the Ulster programme with respect to the home rule bill, has called upon Ulsterites to throw them selves "whole-heartedly into the pa triotic action that the time demands supporting the empire." TEA FOR PRISONERS HIGH Germany Gets It for Russians and English "at Any Cost-" LONDON, Sept. 29, 3:15 A. M. The restrictions recently imposed by the Danish government upon the purchase of horses in Denmark have compelled German horse buyers to turn to Nor way, according to a dispatch from the Copenhagen correspondent of the Standard. Tinned provisions, foodstuffs and tea now are largely imported into Germany from Scandinavia, says the correspond ent, buyers explaining that "the Rus sian and English prisoners want tea, so Germany must buy irrespective of cost." $2,000,000 LEFT SUFFRAGE Bat-lness De Bains Leaves Residue of Estate to Women's Cause. NEW YORK, Sept. 28. The residue of the estate of the late Baroness De Bazus, formerly Mrs. Frank Leslie, has been bequeathed to. tho cause of woman suffrage, it was learned to day. The estate has been estimated at 82,000,000. Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the International Woman Suffrage Alliance, said today that she had been informed that she had been named as recipient of the residue, but had not been informed yet as to the amount of tha sum. FRENCH FLEET IN ACTION Forty-eight Hours' Bombardment of Cattaro Reported. LONDON, Sept. 29. A Special dis patch to the Daily Mail from Venice dated Sunday, says that the French fleet at that time had been in action for the -last 48 hours bombarding the port of Cattaro. The fortified island on the Dalma tian coast was also bombarded, says the report. ' - GATES SWING OPEN AND RIG FAIR IS ON Weather Perfect and AH Signs Propitious. STATE'S- BEST IS ON VIEW Children Come to Front With Fine Poultry Exhibit. SALEM MECCA THIS WEEK Agricultural Displays Show Wide Range and Horsemen Aro Given Happy Surprise as Xew Record for Track: Is Hung Up. BT ADDISON BENNETT. SALEM, Or, Sept. 28. (Special.) The 63d Oregon State Fatr opened to day under the most favorable condi tions. The weather is simply superb and tho" exhibits are in better shape than usually seen on first days. In many respects all records will be broken in v the number, variety and scoring of these exhibits. This will prove true in several Important par-, ticulars. The most noted will be in the number and quality of swine; never before were there as many, never be fore were there better animals. In prac tically the same category will be the display of corn, for, surely, the hog and corn go hand in hand. The more corn the better hogs, the more hogs the better corn the more of both the greater our prosperity. There is also a wonderful exhibit of sheep, both as to numbers and individual merit of the animals. Racing Stables Full. The cattle display, particularly of milk stock. Is also larger than usual. The same is true of the poultry. There is a slight falling down in horses be cause two of the largest owners, who heretofore have exhibited a large num ber of animals, are this year conspicu ous by their absence. On the other hand, the racing stable's contain more horses than ever before since the gam bling den under the grandstand had a quietus put on it. One of the most interesting exhibits Is that of the State Hospital. It has a large display of agricultural and horticultural products, and the needle work of the women is not excelled by that on display in any other depart ment of the fair. Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, superintendent of the institution, said all of the articles were from patients' hands. What looks mighty good to almost all visitors is the wonderful display of poultry in the school garden contests. The boys and girls have a large tent bang-full of fowls, many of them Just as fine as in the building where their elders show theirs professionally. Weather Indications Good. Sitting In the grandstand today both Mount Hood and Mount Jefferson were in plain view. As President Booth re marked, "Whenever we can get a sight of those mountains on the opening day I feel assured of good weather for the week." If he is right there ought to be record attendances here on Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. The association has been especially fortunate In three particulars. In the first place, they have In the Coos Bay band about the best music they have ever had. Second, the Ad Club 'Quartet, of Portland, consisting of Messrs. N. A. Hoose, R. M. Emerson, H. G. Whipp and M. L. Bowman, are sure to prove one of the great ' cards of tho week. They are sure artists and -do not have their voices drowned with the sounds of musical instruments. - Starter Wins Praise. In the third place they have obtained the services of one of the best starters any fair ever had. This man's name is W. P. McNair, and he hails from Doug las. Ariz. He will do his duty toward the audience and the horsemen in spite of everybody and everything. He showed his nerve and his fairness sev eral times today In a way to demon strate fully that he is to be the master of the races. It is too early to get a full line on the agricultural exhibits. But there will be keen competition in the open events. Individual mention might well be made of the one-farm show exhibit ed by Charles Ogilvy and his wife, from their little farm up near Pilot Rock, in Umatilla County. Even If they are over 3200 feet above the sea level they can raise agricultural prod ucts and fruits that show the wonderj of the soil and the skill and persever ance of the owners. Klne Racing Predicted. The Morrow County exhibit. in charge of ex-Postmaster Smead, is attso a fine display. It was gathered hur riedly, is not so large as that of some other counties, but Mr. Smead has shown great sliill in its arrangt-ment, while its variety shows what can be done in the so-called wheat counties. The four races today gave an inkling of what may be expected in that line. In the 2:24 trot there were eight -starters and seven of them went through the three heats. To show the quality of the race, it is only necessary to say that the track record of 2:10 for trotters was lowered. Dean Swift, a Los Angeles horse, making it in 2:08 14. Remembering it was a 2:24 race shows its quality. And It was a driving fin ish for three horses in all three heats. rtaSsmWaBSBMsMpaaVSiraMaaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBK j m 108.2