Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 28, 1914, Page 9, Image 9

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Workers From Adjacent Coun
ties Expected at Repub
i lican Luncheon Friday.
It. A. Booth and Dr. Withycombe
Will Be Present, Though Attend
ance Will Require Long Night
Ride to Keep Engagements.
Women from Tamhill, Polk, Marlon
and other nearby counties where Re
publican women have recently organ
ized club and auxiliary committees will
be present at the "Fill the Empty Din
ner Pail" luncheon to be given by the
women's advisory committee of the
Republican state central committee at
the Multnomah Hotel next Friday.
New Republican songs written for
the occasion and other unique stunts
will be features of the luncheon which
will be the big "state-wide" get-together
affair of the campaign. Every
Republican woman and man in Oregon
lias been invited to be present. R, A.
Booth and Dr. Withycombe have ar
ranged to be present, although this
will make it necessary for them to
make a 45-mile automobile trip ' by
night to fill engagements the following
day. So many out-of-town Republicans
will be in Portland Friday en route to
the State Fair that a large attendance
from Eastern and Southern Oregon is
looked for.
The women of Polk County are thor
oughly organized and have a commlt
teewoman in every precinct In the
county. The Tamhill County women
recently effected the organization of a
county club, with branch clubs In
Carlton, Newberg and other cities. The
officers of the county organization are
Mrs. Martin Miller, president; Mrs. J.
G. Eckman, secretary, and Mrs. C. F.
Daniels, assistant secretary. The
parent organization designated Mrs.
Queen Dennis, president of the Carl
ton Club and Mrs. Catherine Cooper as
secretary; and for Newberg, Mrs. Clar
ence Butt, president, and Mrs. Ella
Kelty, secretary.
Steps were taken Saturday by the
Republican county central committee
of Marion County to assist the Repub
lican women to form a woman's auxil
iary in that county. There will be a
county advisory committee of five
women similar to the advisory commit
tee of the state central committee and
this committee will work up an or
ganization In every precinct In the
Dr. W. H. Dale, of Harrisburg, writ
ing to the state committee, reports that
the Republican candidates for Gov
ernor, Representative in Congress, etc..
will lead by & safe majority in No
vember. J. E. Loggan, of Burns, says that It
looks better for the whole Republican
ticket in Harney County every day.
He writes that arrangements had been
made to give Dr. Withycombe a cordial
welcome when he visited Burns Satur
day night.
W. P. O'Brien, of Astoria, says that
many who voted without much regard
for party at recent elections, will vote
solidly for Booth and Withycombe this
year. "I have talked with a man who
had a large acquaintance throughout
Clatsop County and he says there will
be mighty little backsliding among
Republicans this year," he writes.
An organization is being formed by
the Republicans of Crook County this
year. John Bell, of Prineville, is state
committeeman and at a recent meeting
in that city E. J. Wilson waschosen
chairman of the county committee and
L. M. Bechtel, secretary. There was no
regular organization in Crook County
in 1912.
The Republicans of Tamhill County
are getting busy with a snap this year.
Chairman Mulkey and Secretary Miller
are making plans for the liveliest cam
paign in this, neighbor county. The
candidates defeated at the primaries in
May are discussing the organization of
a. Tamhill County Harmony Club along
the lines of the club organized by the
seven defeated candidates for Governor.
This club win boost for the Republican
ticket straight. It is planned during
the last three weeks of the campaign
to hold meetings throughout the
James S. Stewart, of Fossil. Repub
lican nominee for Joint Representative
Of the Twenty-eighth District, compris
ing Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler
counties, is at the Perkins Hotel, en
rout to the Salem State Fair. Mr.
Stewart will have no opposition in the
election, as the Democrats nominated
him by writing his name on the ballot.
He said that he intended to pick out his
eeat in the Statehouse while he was
in Salem.
Mr. Stewart is publisher of the Fos
sil Journal, and also an enthusiastic
dry farmer. He distinguished himself
by carrying off the grand prize for the
best individual farm exhibit at the
Wheeler County Fair last week.
Clarence Farrier, Hatless and Coat
less, Picked T7p on Council Crest.
Patrolman Stewart Saturday night
found Clarence Farrier, a bridegroom of
a month, hatless and coatless and with a
bloodstained handkerchief around his
neck, wandering about Council Crest.
He said he could not remember any
thing that had happened for several
The young- man lives at 392 Water
street His father, G. W. Farrier, has
a woodyard in Montavllla. Relatives
say young: Farrier is subject to nervous
spells, during which he knows nothing
that happens. At the police station he
eald three men had taken him at 2
o'clock in an automobile on East Morri
son street, covered him with revolvers
and drugged him.
Burns Xewspaper Kan Quits Game
After 38 Teats' Activity..
BURNS, Or., Sept. 27 (Special.)
Frank Davey has sold his interest in
the Harney County News to Charles A.
Byrd, who, with Mr. Davey's son, who
has been a partner since April, 1913,
will conduct the paper hereafter.
Mr. Davey bought the News in April.
1907, and will now devote himself to
the law and other lines. He has been
38 years in active newspaper work,
the last several years before coming
here being with the Salem Statesman.
A wooden-legged man was arrested at
Friedrichsfelde. near Duesseldorf. on sus
picion of espionage for France. Important
military documents and Infantry bullets
which. It la alleged, he naa stolen from
barracks, were Xound hidden in nia wooden
Mr. Beala, the
wenUier man, out
frueeaed us ag-uin last
VOL. 1.
"It Never Crabs."
HoBdir, Sent. 28, 1B14.
Adv. rate: $1 a Una
Card well,
Business- In
So. Or.,
city last week on tneir way to
Pendleton, where tney went to
see If the Round-Up classed up
with the Gold Hill Industrial
Fair. When they passed' through
here they had scarcely touched
the hard-boiled eggs and sand
wiches that Mrs. Reed put up
for them, so they expected to
Politics is one of the most
ancient games known to man.
Like poker, it origin is "lost
In the mists of antiquity.'
Search the records as you will.
gentle reader, and you will una
that men have always played It.
a cuneiform brick was re
get aiong
cently exhumed near Nlnevah,
the w. k. city of ancient Asia,
and on It were some characters
that led the Yale professors who
. .v, .
urgent that
found It to decide tbat it. '.was
campaign speech. Tney ae-
they had
nifered "liar" and "thief" m
several places, and by filling in
the blank spaces appropriately
they were able to show that the
speech referred to an Irrigation
contract on the Euphrates River,
graft being alleged.
It was the same, we are told.
In Egypt. Many of the papyri
found In the pyramids scathing
ly refer to the political and per
sonal records of the men who
ran against the Pharaohs tor
Politics Is believed by scien
tists to have been the mother
of art. for some of the pictures
closed the
scratched on the walls of the
caves of the cliff-dwellers are
such as to Indicate that they
served the purpose of political
cartoons In those good oia
pioneer daya
wnn,.T h.. . Brooklyn
In polities since th. - earliest
times. Of this archaeologists
ing pesky
are certain, and they also ce- -llev.
that they possessed the
ballot up to the time that the
present voting system came into
use. That Is, when all voting
was done dy direct action, ' a
woman's vote was as good as a
Politics Is dreadful stuff. It
makes men say things rude
and rough about their best old
college chums, and call them
thieves and crooks and' bums.
Markey Mayer, Mayor of
Mayerdale, was in our fair city
Thursday and showed Rosle
Rosenthal S)6 clippings of the
man s.
This must have made Pliocene
politics very lively.
ed about
Locals and Personals
Allen Eaton, tne w. k. Eugene
litterateur, was In our fair' city
Sat., and, hearing about the
Broadway brldg. for the first
time, went down and took a
Kood look at the structure. Allen
Is running for the Legislature.
and The Crawfish trusts that all
Its readers In Lane Co. will put
an X under his name.
Per Lee Welty was down from
Seattle Sat. and reported every
thing lovely in our sister city.
We print his name because It's
the only on. we ever saw like it.
Not ions ago. when Eddie
Foy, the W. K. commercial man.
was In our fair city, he called
on his old friend, Clarence
Shafer. w. k. comedian. Clar
ence's office la a regular gal
lery of stage celebrities, and
among the pictures was one of
the Foy family, taken years ago.
There were only four little Foys
In lt. and Eddie wanted to trade
for a new one he had, and
talked Clarence Into lt, and Ed.
die Foysted a picture on him
with seven little Foys in lt. You
can't foyie Eddie, Clarence says.
Kain is still needed.
What has become of J. H.
Ad Bennett wrote no the
Round-up for our est. morning
contemp. last week. We wish
Ad were on the battle front In
France. That is, so w. would
really know what is going on
H. Jennlng & Sons have paint
ed their store at 2d and Morri
son sts., which much Improves
th. appearance, we are clad to
note, even if they don't adver
tise in tne columns of The Craw
fish. DR. P. J. A. SEMLER DIES
Cancer Takes Life of Prominent Port
land Practitioner Mother, Widow
and Two Children Left.
Dr. Paul J. A. Semler. prominent in
medical circles for a number of years,
and at different times identified with
public life, died yesterday at St. "Vin
cent's Hospital. Dr. Semler was strick
en two weeks ago while camping with
his family on Mount St. Helens, and was
hurried to St. Vincent's about 10 days
ago. He had been ailing for about five
weeks, however, but only recently did
the illness become acute. Death was
caused by cancer of the stomach.
Dr. Semler was the son of Mrs.
Hertha Semler, the first kindergarten
teacher on the Paciflo Coast, having
opened the flrBt school in San Fran
cisco a number of years ago.
Dr. Semler was born in Itzahoe,
Schleswig-Holstein in 1869, and went to
California in 1873. In 1882 he moved to
Portland. He had been identified with
the Republican -and Democratic parties
and at one time was put up as a can
didate for the office of Coroner of
Multnomah County.
Besides his widow. Mrs. Clara Al.
Semler, 210 Cherry street. Dr. Semler
leaves a daughter, Mrs. Hary Goodall;
a son, Paul B. Semler; two grandchii
dren, Madeline and Virginia Semler
his mother, Mrs. Hertha Semler; three
sisters and a brother.
The funeral probably will be held
Tuesday from the German House at
t 1
Dr. Paul J. A. Semler, Who Died
I Yesterday at St. Vincent's Hos
Thirteenth and Main - streets at
o'clock. The body is at Holman's Un
dertaking establishment.
Man's Body Ashore Near Hoqnlam.
HO TJIAM, "Wash.. Sept. 27. (Spe
cial.) The body of a man was washed
ashore at Moclips on high tide this aft
ernoon. Thus far it has not been Iden
tified. Coroner R. F. Hunter has gone
It may be confidently predict, that has soft cushioned seats,
ed that that fellow Fait, who and the seraphic expression that
sells real crawfish, is competing settles over the faces of the
with us again somewhere south- folks that settle In the cushions
east of us on this page. We dare should be enough to move the
him to come Inside our lines. most stony-hearted ' streetcar
Johnny Reed and Lawrence magnate, however engrossed In
two nillars of BIB the safety-first movement, t
Oold Hl.l the w k. well, to take that car
town, were In our fair whenever he can.
Little Journey
Los Angeles
This town is
u r.gnt even k ine ,n. KaJ!t Decause of
Pft,tm.t., .ni it r people from the East who have
.PO r Myer and J"- J5- bought real estate here and who
Eist Atfy Reames are In Wash., written to their friends
iV ' " back in the East, telling them
they couldnt wait of tne won(Jerfin eiimate and
.r - I- .t AZL-ZZ how many pounds
to be back in Oregon
I never saw
oeiors Kovemoer a. r..t. .nvwhera
James Kyle, of Stan- - .
field, was In our fair city recent- " J"J .."Y th ' heart
ly. and asked u. why all the movm" l"tu?e eltfand
women nere were wearing .man , u ar. tne prlnclpal import,
fancy horseshoes In their hair, Th prlnc,pa, export Is films.
S.nd WVld hJ"l beou of h8 Many of the thrllllngest things
Round-up. and be seemed satis- thrown throbbing on a
fled and anyway that's as good screen from a comedy'0f the
" CO?ld3l"Sk N. Y. underworld to the most
tw nTi.?1 SSSitt" P"hetlc draymah of the desert,
wm hSt'. th. !h?hd; ned right In th. city
J' 1 h.!J.thl! W -L limits. The importance of the
and Bill said 'Great we've mduBtry so rec0gnlzed
fnd S irflom.f., "la'niual'.'that that the PIlc DV rd8rS n0t
and. In diplomatic language, that , .--.. ,, mnnln, down
to arrest anyone running down
; , : ' , the movie camera. 1 nere is a
as he knows, wax flower-mak- p er her. cmlled The Times,
ing Is a lost art and so far mm lt run by Gon., 0tl, who ,s
ye scribe Is concerned, we don t caiIed everything. The Times
cf? o c taey".r .found, afaln leaves th. slug-lines on all its
Dr. C. S. Balrd is back from k. i... ,,.. v..
ana is once more as- .-k.. .v,..
, tna top or tne Kaney
are on other papers. I have
answered the question. "Do you
like Los Angeles?" so many
times that I say "Yes" to everything.
The Crawfish print
SALEM. Or.. Sent.
mm last Mon.
which Ben Olcott todav lndlarnatly as-
had been sent to him by loving nletr- the report that his dog.
friends. If they send him this pUppo, has fleas. Gen'l Olcott
one. too, the Mayerdale p. o.. says Puppo, living as he does,
will probably ask Sec. Burleson at the State House, is Just nat-
to raise it a class, which will urally ambitious, and that lf he
make It one the spoils of of- has anything the mater with
flee. Thus we see that great .him it Is merely the Itch for of-
oaks from little chestnuts grow. flee. There Is much excitement
There is at least one little old over the report that Gen'l West
car on the East Ankeny carllne and Gen'l Kay have declared an
to the scene. The body Is that of a
man about 30 with hair and mustache.
It is dressed in a black suit, apparently-covered-
with oil and a life preserver
is around the waist. It apparently has
not been in the water long. It is not
probable that he was one of the vic
tims Of the wreck of the launch Sea
Bird at the Grays Harbor entrance
four weeks ago or of the Francis H.
Notes From St. Johns
T. JOHNS, Or, Sept. 27. (Special.)
I City ""Attorney Parker, Who
drafted the motion picture ordinance
for St. Johns, which recently passed
the Council, regards the law in the
nature of an experiment. The commis
sion of 12 censors probably will be
appointed this week.
"It will depend on the character of
the 12 Commissioners," said Attorney
Parker today, "whether the censorship
law will work out. With the right
kind of censors, who will be careful
and will be governed by good judg
ment, -1 see no reason why the law
cannot be made a great benefit and
result in the Improvement of the char
acter of the pictures shown.
I like a good picture, one than I
can laugh at and enjoy. I do not like
the frivolous and immoral. Most of
our information comes through the eye,
and the motion picture can be made
highly important, and the object of
our new censor law is to Improve the
tone of the pictures. The 12 censors
have much power and can prevent bad
pictures or vaudeville from being
snown. -
J. P. Palmer, secretary of the boys'
work in the-Portland Y. M. C. A., will
deliver an address this morning in the
United Evangelical Church, on "Boys'
Work." Rev. D. J. Goode. of Aums-
vllle. Or., wil preach tonight. This
is rally day in this church.
Registration books for county and
state have been opened at the office
of Justice J. E. Williams, and will
remain open till October 15. Persons
who have moved and have not regis
tered win he required to do so in
order to vote In November.
Guy V. S. Harvey, of Grants Pass.
Or., and Miss Ruth Henderson, of St.
Johns, were united in marriage Sep
tember 21. The couple will live at
Grants Pass.
Chief of Police Poff has asked the
Council to provide the Police Depart
ment with an automobile instead of an
additional policeman. He also recom
mended the installation of the red light
alarm signal system.
Jewish Day of Atonement
Observed Tomorrow.
to Be
Yom Klppur, the Jewish Day of At-
tonement, commences tomorrow at sun
set. It is the most sacred of all Jew
lsh holidays, and is observed with
prayer and fasting.
In the orthodox synagogues, pure
iieorew is used in the ritual. The
penitential psalms are read and a num
ber of Hebrew poems and prayers. For
giveness, charity and humility, are the
In the reform synagogues these
prayers are recited almost entirely in
Services will be held in all the Port
land synagogues. At Beth Israel the
service will begin at 8 P. M. tomorrow
and at 10 A. M. Wednesday. In the
orthodox synogogues, the services will
start at sundown tomorrow and at
A. M. Wednesday.
Brain, W. S. I 1, .66
V ...W. 1, L.8. .3SS
No. 21.
armistice, and the report Is gen
erally discredited In official cir
cles. To Be Exact,
r. H. (Bob) Robinson is
stumping Eastern Oregon. His
himself, -J b opp(fsed"'
posters say tnat be "is a emia
prohibition because it violates
his innermost sense of freedom."
His friends In Portland believe
'tall timber" Is a printer's error.
They say it should read "tail
A peddler came to our house
the - other day with some corn
salve which he said was "very
efficient." Thus we see that
the phrases of Hlg Business may
be adapted to all lines of trade.
well-known In
the many
Such Is Fame.
Miss Leone Cass Baer, who
was in Butte not long ago, tells
they have
.so many
th rea-
tnat she asked several peo-
of the "pl tnera lf tney kHew Mar
moVlS ?acLane. "They didn't even
know whom I was talking
about," said Miss Baer, in an
exclusive interview with this pa
per. Some Town.
Slg Unander and Gus Behrman
are back from their terrifying
tour through Central and Bo.
Oregon. They are strongly In
favor of having Gold Hill made
a coaling station on the .Pacific
highway. I
We Apologize.
Ad Bennett brought J. H.
Booth, of Roaeburg, In to see
us the other night and we
thought Mr. Booth was Ad's son,
and they both got sore.
Stringent War Measure.
Albert Hawkins, one of the
leading pessimists of The Ore
gonian copy desk, has bought a
safety razor and says he will
not go into another barber shop
until after this cruel war la
Startling Statistics From Salem.
SALEM. Or., Sept. 20. (Craw.
Special. ) George E. Waters, w.
k. tobacco Jobber, says there
are 85 spits to a chew of Star.
George has been In the gam.
since Keno was a pup and h.
ought to know. He has also
been trustee of the Salem Elks'
lodge since the state Houie
was built and can remember
when young Edgar Piper played
the tuba In the Home Amuse
ment Harmony Band here.
Them were the days, Geo. says.
Seen on the McKenzle.
M. J. Duryea, pub. mgr. of
the Eugene Com. Club, was in
our fair city the other day
showing some -pictures to Al
fred Clark, ass't mgr. of th.
Seward House. They showed
some fine scenery on the Up
peg McKenzle, including one of
Mr. D., which his friends call
"July Evening."
than tney
27. Gen'l
- Ed James, the theater mag.,
drive his auto bare-headed. He
is trying to rear a new crop of
hair. Try Akoz, Ed.
St Benson not only looks Ilk.
John D. Rockefeller, but he
plays, golf.
Jay Bowerman is so bald
haaded that his friends call him
a polished lawyer.
U. S. Dist. Att'y Reames Is
only 33 years old. His gray
hair fools everybody.
Lute Pease, the w. k. Port
land artist. Is la N. Y. study
ing art. which Is a strange thing
for an artist to do. At least
most of them don't do it.
Capt. Oliver Rankin, boss of
the str. Rose City, Is a grad
uate of Portland high sohool,
and yet there ar. some who say
that an education doesn't pay.
Cost of Producing Crops in Oregon and
Proper Selling Methods Are
Belns; Studied Now.'
LEGE, Corvallis, Sept. . 27. (Special.)
That there will be established at the
Oregon Agricultural College a bureau
of markets with the purpose' of deter
mining the cost of production of Ore
gon grown crops and the necessary or-
anization to obtain a fair price lor
these crops, was the statement of A. B.
Cordley, director of the Oregon Expert
ment Station today.
Work preliminary to the establish
ment of such a bureau has been car
ried on at the college for some time.
A special feature of the college ex
hibit at the Stats Fair this week will
illustrate the work, which has been
done to determine the cost of products
on Oregon farms," said Dean Cordley.
"This exhibit will consist of many hun
dreds of interviews with farmers, many
tables which have been made from
these and certain publications contain
ing results.
"Among the most Important prob
lems, which the farmer of today has
to face are farm management problems
which relate to cost of production and
the proper organization of farmers, de
signed to obtain a fair price for these
products. With the solution of these
problems In view, the bureau of mar
kets will be organized at th college
in tho near future."
Victims Dead but Few Hours, Says
Chehalis Coroner.
HOQUIAM, Wash., Sept. 27. The
bodies of two of the victims of the
wreck of the steam schooner Francis
H. Leggett, which sank in a storm oft
the Oregon Coast 10 days ago, with
a loss of more than 70 lives, were
washed ashore today.- One, believed to
be that of John Johnson, a sailor,
of Aberdeen, was washed ashore at
Moclips. a few miles north of here, and
the other, believed to be that of Henry.
a. uino, was xouna ai me mourn oi
Copalis River, 20 miles north of Mo
clips. Dr. R. S. Hunter, Coroner of Chehalis
County, who examined Johnson's body,
declared that he had been dead only a
few hours. A rope was found tied
around Johnson's body.
Reports received by the Coroner
from the place where Otho's body was
found indicated that he also had died
only a few hours before his body was
Dr. Hunter believes that the men
tied themselves to a raft at the time of
the wreck and lived more than eight
days before succumbing to exposure.
Rumors Denied by Berlin.
BERLIN, Sept. 27. By wireless to
Sayvllle. L. L Reports of clashes be
tween Bavarian and Prussian troops,
the reported escape of imprisoned
French soldiers and the story of the
sinking of a German cruiser and two
German torpedo boats by the Russian
cruiser Bayan, in the Baltic, are offi
cially denied as bold inventions.
Governor West Assails Repub
licans in Vitriolic Epithets.
Lawmakers of State Referred to as
Pack of Drunkards and Only
Executive and Chamberlain
Posses) Virtues of Merit.
By direct inference Governor West
yesterday publicly advocated physical
violence as a retallative measure for
fancied wrongs.
This latest and most startling "policy"
of Oregon's chief executive was made
before a considerable crowd which had
gathered at the Armory to hear what
was advertised as "a plain talk on plain
facts to the plain people."
The speech which the Governor was
to deliver was also heralded In the ad
vance press notices as "a message
which would interest the working men
and women of Portland deeply."
Mr. West condemned Dr. Withycombe,
Senator Booth, State Treasurer Kay,
C. N. McArthur and The Oregonlan, dis
tributing his diatribes with absolute
mpartiality through a two-hour speech.
He dragged dead men from their
shrouds and put words of hearsay Into
their mouths to defame the living.
Nothing was faithful, nothing true. In
heaven or earth but Oswald West and
George E. Chamberlain these and A. F.
Flegel and a few other Oregon Demo
crats who were mentioned incidentally
as being the correct persons to invest
with public office, in view of the fact
that the speaker was not a candidate
and Senator Chamberlain was unable
to run for more than one office at a
time. .
Respects Paid Hanley, Too.
William Hanley came in for a small
share of the mud-flow which covered
the Republican candidates.
But the high-tide in the Governor's
speech came near the close, when he
was discussing the problem of caring
for the unemployed. The speaker ad
mitted that he did not know the solu
tion, but he said that lf he had enough
money he would give all the idle men
in Oregon Jobs this Winter.
Referring to his plan to have the
state do this, Mr. West said that he
was criticised by The Oregonlan last
Winter when he came from Salem to
Portland to see what he could do to
relieve the situation here.
'The Oregonlan said at that time,"
he declared, "that what we ought to
do was to take the militia and round up
the unemployed and have them squeexe
the water out of the mud.
'Now whoever would say a thing like
that somebody should take them by
the necks and squeeze them until nearly
all the breath Is -out of their bodies."
Vitriolic Denunciation Heard.
Pausing and taking his own breath.
Mr. West added that the task should
not be left uncompleted, and that the
persons who would make such a re
mark as tbat to which he referred, hav
Ing been totally deprived of breath.
should "roast in the fires of hell, with
Booth's timber and the files of The
Oregonlan for fuel."
Mr. West opened his speech by an
elaborate and intricate defense of his
prison policy. He followed this with
an attack on State Treasurer. Kay, to
whom "reactionary" was the mildest
epithet applied. Then C. N. McArthur
was reviled as turncoat Democrat, who
had never done a day s work in his
life." Next came Gus Moser, on whom
the Governor's attacks were purely
personal. Lair Thompson, of Lakevlew,
also came in for a few rapid and rabid
Skipping rapidly from name to name,
and leaving a trail of vituperation in
his wake, Mr. West came to R. A.
Booth, Republican candidate for the
United States Senate. Mr. Booth was
criticised because of having made
money in Oregon timber.
Reapeeta Paid Lawmakers.
Mr. West defended his use of the veto
and declared against Dr. Wlthycombe's
proposed policy of harmony between the
Governor and the Legislature.
Harmony would mean, he asserted.
that Dr. Withycombe would take a
drink with a member of the Senate
every morning.
"To be harmonious with the Legls
Cost of Living
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With -warring Europe facing famine, and already calling for food sup
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No advance in price now!
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Red Letter Day"
IP Free Stamps to Visitors
Olds, Worttnan & King Ui
Reliable Merchandise
Today's Store News
In Condensed Form
Timely offerings in seasonable merchandise throughout the
various sections of the store briefly noted for the convenience
of our patrons. Bead the list carefully and profit thereby:
Women's $18.50 Evening
Garment Salons, Second Floor.
Baby "Week Sale of Infants' and Children's "Wear
Department, Second Floor.
Sale of .Richardson's Imported Table Linens
Department on Main Floor.
Women's and Children's Underwear at Price
Center Circle, on Main Floor.
$3.50 and $4 Brocaded Dress Fabrics at $2.48 Yard
Department on Main Floor.
$3.00 Brocaded Crepe de Chine at $1.93 Yard
, Department on Main Floor.
Special Sale of Groceries and Provisions
Department on 4th Floor.
Great Sale of Minton Open Stock Dinnerware
Department on Third Floor.
Bathroom and Lavatory Fixtures for Less
Department on Third Floor.
Annual Sale Wool Blankets and Comforters
Department on Third Floor.
$1.25 Fancy Swiss Curtains at 89c Pair
' Department on Third Floor.
See Details of Above Special Sales in Sunday's Paper.
lature," he said, "I suppose Doc would
go down to the Salem hotels every night
and get soused with the gang, who
meet to drink corporation booze and
settle the affairs of state.
"I couldn't be harmonious in this way
for two reasons," he continued. "First,
because I didn't drink; and second, be
cause I was too busy watching to keep
the gang from slipping something over
on ne. Jl,
"If there's any reason under God s
heavens for the abolition of the State
Senate. I'm giving lt to you now, and
If there is anything that the taxpayers
should get down on their knees and
pray for. lt is for dissension oeiween
the Governor and the Legislature."
Turning his batteries on what he
called the "state printing graft," Mr.
West referred to former State Printers
Duniway and Baker, now dead, former
State Printer Leeds, and to The Ore
gonlan. Ho said that during Mr. Dunlway's
term of office The Oregonlan did not
object to the "graft" because of Mr.
Duniway's relationship to a former
conspicuous member of The Orego
nian's staff, now dead. The Governor
then produced purported hearsay evi
dence, from a man now dead, to back
a falsehood.
Chamberlain Is Landed.
"Frank Baker once told around 'the
family table that The Oregonlan was
paid money to protect the state print
ing' graft," he said. "Baker sent work
to The Oregonlan at Portland, and the
printers in Salem objected. Leeds kept
the work in Salem, and Baker said that
Leeds said that he paid The Oregonlan
11000 a year to keen still."
Mr. West told how he fought for the
flat-salary bill for the State Printing
Office, and said that he supposed that
had Dr. Wlthcombe been Governor the
Legislature would have killed the bill
and Dr. Withycombe, in the interests
Next IV ednesday
to the Premium Parlors
Dresses for $9.98
of harmony, would have said "Amen."
A campaign poster of the days when
Mr. Chamberlain was first running for
the United States Senate was unfolded
and displayed by the Governor.
He called attention to Mr. Chamber
lain's printed promise to "support the
administration in its progressiva poli
cies." "Theodore Roosevelt was President
then." said Mr. West, "and Senator
Chamberlain supported him in all his
Dest policies, and he Is supporting the
administration today."
"I am going to be among the unem
ployed myself soon," said Mr. West, in
closing. "I believe that every man has
a God-given right to work and to eat.
and my wife and kids are going to eat."
Draft Presented by City Council
Wins by Vote of 44 to 11.
MOSIER, Or.. Sept. 27. (Special.)
At a special election yesterday the peo
ple of Mosler decided that the charter
as presented by the City Council, was
all right. The vote was rather small,
being 44 for and 11 against adoption.
The election board was composed of
three men and two- women, this being
the first occasion on which women have
served on an election board in this city.
Bar Meets Tomorrow.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Multnomah Bar Association will be
held in Department No. 2, Judge Mc
Ginn's courtroom, at s o'clock tomor
row evening. George S. Shepherd will
discuss the meaning of the proposed
amendments to the Oregon constitution
which are to be voted on November 3.