Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 28, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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Modern Defenses Useless and
Day of "Volunteer" Over,
Patterson Says.
Correspondent, After Viewing Bat
tlefields, Deduces That United
States Must Build Up Navy
to Avert Lund Invasion.
(Copyright. 1914, by the Tribune Company,
Published by arrangement with tbe
Chicago Tribune.)
AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. Germany, Sept
6- I have just returned from a visit to
Liege under the tutelage of the German
general staff. . There were six corre
spondents in the party and we were
1 told that we were the first newspaper
men, German or foreign, who had been
allowed to Inspect the captured forts.
Liege is a fair city of --170,000, lying
on both sides of the River Meuse. It
la about 25 miles by road from this
frontier town of Aix-la-Chapelle, or, as
the Germans say, Aachen. The coun
try between is fairly broken and wood
ed, rising in many places to hillocks of
several hundred feet high. The roads,
of -which there are several, follow the
low ground. The Germans marched
along all of them. The roads are scat
tered with small villages of one and
two-story houses of brick and plaster
with tile roofs.
Houses Become Forts.
In attempting to resist the advance of
the German troops from Aix-la-Chapelle
to Liege, the unfortunate Belgians, in
stead of shooting from the hills and
slopes under protection of the trees or
concealed trenches, shot from the win
dows of the little houses in the villages
through which the troops were passing.
The act of firing from a house con
verts it Into a fortified place, subject to
destruction by cannon fire and flame. So
we saw many, many ruined homesteads
in the 25 miles to. Liege and one could
not help reflecting that the ruined
houses probably belonged to the bold
est, most enterprising and patriotic
Belgians, while the houses which
escaped destruction belonged to the
most cowardly. .
'Cowardly," I think, is not the word;
"sensible," perhaps, would be a better
one, for it was evident that the Bel
gians might as well have attempted to
resist the attraction of gravity as to
have resisted the German army. All
those Americans who have been near
will to win seem appalled by its seem
ing invincible power.
I never realized before how essential
ly a subterranean affair a modern fort
is. And the more recent ones in the
countries of Europe are still. more under
ground than those at Liege.
The first one that we visited was
Pontisse, northwest of the city. In
area it occupied a rough circle about
-00 yards across. It was on the sky
line at the top of a hill, which is bad
engineering from a military point of
view. It makes too good a target. A
fort should be part way down a hill.
Furthermore, the country should be
cleared of all landmarks, such as trees,
houses, and so on, in the immediate
The ideal fort would be indistinguish
able from the slopes in which it is hid
den at a mile's distance. The same
vegetation would cover its slopes, ana
in front of it the land would be bare
of anything but grass. concealed
trenches and barbed-wire entangle
ments for a distance of at least two
miles on every side.
The cannon would be of the disap
pearing type. They would be loaded
and aimed under-ground, then lifted by
rapid motor machinery to the lip of the
farth for a second te fire, and the
force of the recoil would be harnessed
to throw them back beneath the face of
the ground. The observers who watched
the effect of the fire on the enemy
would not be in the fort at .all, but
concealed in different places, perhaps
at a distance of miles, and direct the
tiro by telephone.
Single Tower Out of B unities.
The forts at Liege had only one
J'tower" of observation apiece. It rose
above the surface some three feet. It
was circular, six feet across, and made
of wrought iron. Its top was rounded.
An inch telescope penetrated the iron
Mdea, and the observer, of course, was
stationed inside. Unfortunately, for
night use, the searchlight was also in
the observation tower, and so, when
the German artillery at a distance of
live miles hit this iron wart on the sky
line, tnree reel oy tnree reet by six
feet, with a shell, it put out of use the
only observatory as to the effectNof lire
and the only searchlight the Belgians
The iron turret top3 were 1 feet
across. '1 he turrets revolved on ratchet
ted tracks in a wall of concrete. When
the German shells struck exactly at the
edge of the turret and dislodged enough
cement and iron to wedge in between
the turret and its containing chamber
and jam its revolving, the guns in the
turret went out of commission. .They
could only turn as the turret turned.
They were part of it. and their muzzles
Were exactly flush with its sloping iron
surtace. ,
Doscn Shots Demolish Forts.
There is no reason to suppose that an
impregnable fort can ever be devised
but the forts at Liege, which to my lay
man's eye seemed the acme of scientific
military achievement, succumbed to the
huge Uernian howitzers in a dozen shots
apiece at least that is the story.
When the German troops tried to
Ftorru the forts on the tirst two days
ot tlie fighting they found that not even
the best Infantry can storm even medi
core forts. Then they waited for the
big howitzers, and as soon as they got
going the tight was over.
The biggest Belgian guns were only
halt the size of the Germans .
Another blunder the Belgians made,
it appears, was to have guns of three
different calibers in .their different bar
rels, requiring three different sizes of
ammunition 21 centimeter, 15 centi
meter and 12 centimeter and conse
quent confusion.
Another blunder. I fancy, though per
haps for a little country like Belgium
It may have been unescapable. was that
it bought its cannon from Krupp.
Krupp workmen mounted them, and
Krupp workmen undoubtedly brought
& diagram of the whole business back
to Germany and turned it into the gen
eral staff, where it was tiled for future
Place Left Like Broken Sword.
To return to the subterranean aspect
of this old-fashioned fort, it reminded
me of being in a mine, where not a ray
of daylight penetrated,, with -seven
shafts just reaching the surface. At
the top of each of these shafts are
mounted a pair of big cannon, which
are aimed and loaded by elaborate ma
chinery. The passages underneath for
the men and officers to move from
place to place are narrow arched clefts
of brick under 13 to 15 feet of earth.
A few tunnels to the surface-a foot
xxi vr nuuxi ruAi ax .liil-.
"S " ''i ' -I.
, V- v - Z . "
-4m m y . . .
- r ' r H-
W" 'S ft
square are supposed to ventilate these
burrowings in peace, but in war they
are closed by neavy iron hoods.
It didn't seem that any artillery five
miles away could make even a akin
wound on Fort Pontisse. But what man
has done, man can undo, and, when the
new destructives arched across the
beautiful green valley from the con
cealed position on the opposite hills
and fell upon Pontisse as unerringly as
some boys, break clay pipes with a 22
rifle in a shooting gallery, the tun
nels jammed, the watch tower saw no
more, and Pontisse lay blind with a
broken sword before the conqueror.
It is horrible, but defeat is most hor
rible When I traveled the road to
Liege where the heel of the victor had
trod aTid saw families of women sit
ting in the roofless ruins of what had
been their homes in the autumn sun
shine. I wondered where they could sit
when the winter comes.
Day of Volunteer In Over.
I would lyike to see the whole world
disarm, but, until the whole world
does disarm, I believe that he who op
poses a great navy for the United
States is a criminal traitor to his coun
try. If ever a professional army like
the Germans or Japanese lands on
our shores we shall be as helpless be
fore them as so many fat, juicy ca
pons. In these days of universal service.
modern weapons, and military ofgani- j
zation the volunteer business is f in-1
ished. The man with the squirrefgun
behind the stone-wall doesn't count any
more. '
After Pontisse we were taken to
visit Fort Loncin, on the wesfc The
outer works of Loncin still remained.
The outer works, like those of Pon
tisse, are earthworks; then a cut shored
up with brick, about 20 feet deep and
as wide; then the works consisting of
turrets, guns, underground passages,
ammunition chambers, and so on, which
are the inner fort.
The outer works of Loncin still re
mained; the inner tart had gone, and
left in its place a crater of twisted
cement and iron. The crater was 100
feet deep 'and 60 yards across, in the
general shape of a funnel.
What had hanpened was that one of
the German 42 centimeter shells had
broken through a ventilator shaft and
burst in the entrails of Fort Loncin,
near enough to the powder magazine
to explode it. '
A hundred Belgians are still buried
in the ruins. '
People Under Severe Restraint.
After lunch we were gently but firm
ly led to the military automobiles and
sent back here, to Aachen (Atx). For
tunately our automobile had a break
down, and I was able to read some of
the proclamations on the walls of the
villages where we stopped. One,
signed by Lieutenant-General Kloewe,
military commandant of the district,
said that all inhabitants must be in
their houses at 7 in the evening: that
all ordinary business in towns must be
suspended until further notice; that the
possession of any arms, or-the use of
any telephones, telegraphs, carrier
pigeons, or other signals would be pun
ished by death; but that permission for
field work outside the towns could be
Another proclamation, siarned by the
Burgomaster of Liege, said that a war
indemnity of $1Q,ODO,000 had been levied
against the province of Liege and that
the amount would be assessed against
the inhabitants in ratio to their wealth
The German army has taken all horses.
automobiles, and as much food as it
needed, giving receipts therefor. These
receipts may be turned in as part of
the war indemnity. In this way the
inhabitants lose their belongings Just
the same, but in a more legal and
roundabout way.
Another proclamation signed by the
schoolmaster of the little village where
our auto stalled Bezire Hussey said
that .the Mayor and the priest had been
taken as hostages and would be exe
cuted if any more shots were fired at
the Germans by the inhabitants.
In some of the villages half of the
houses were utterly destroyed. Noth
ing was left standing of them but parts
of the walls.
Undoubtedly many civilians died in
this destruction: and many families
that last month were prosperous face
the world without a single possession.
But that is war, and it is as legitimate
. as War can ever be.
South African Geriernl Arrives
Join Sir John French.
BORDEAUX, Sept. 27. The Boer
General, Francois Joubert-Pienaar, has
arrived at Bordeaux to offer his sword
to the allied armies.
"I fought against General French in
South Africa. Now I am going to
fight with him," said the General to
the correspondent. "I commanded
Boer army opposed to him at Elande-
laagte. where I received my baptism of
fire in civilized warfare. .
"I have offered my services uncondi
tionally and do not know as yet how
I will be employed but expect that it
will be in an advisory capacity and that
I will be attached in this manner, to
General trencn a start.
"The war will be long and - fierce.
The German army, which -I know well,
is the finest fighting- machine in the
world, but we shall beat it in the end
because our armies are something bet
ter than a machine.
t- - ' - f
it .
4 . v
Kitty MacKay at Heilig Is Fas
cinating Comedy. .
Marjorie Murray Rare Lassie a)
Kitty and Eleanor Duniels Makes
Niche for Herself as Mas, of
Calvlnistlc Conscience.
Mrs. McNab '. Marie Stuart
Til M.Voh MsrlnrlM Duvldson
Jean .ilcPherson. .. Dorothy Campbell t
Aneus McGregor Rule Pyott J
Sandy MoNub James Finlayson
May Durcan Kleanor iranlels
Kitty MacKay Marjorlo Murray
Lieut. David Graham.. .Paget Hunter
Philip Grayaon ..Walter Crosby
Mis. Grayson Harriet Rosa
Lord Inglehart Wallaoe rsUlne - i
Thomas ....Harry Rose I
"And I'm going to be' a
really and truly .princess . forever and
ever," sighs the reedlike voice of Kitty
MacK. ay-Just before the curtain falls.
'Yes, a Princess," snaps the crisp.
cool voice of Mag Duncan, her best
friend. "A Princess ye'll bo, but E-n-g
1-i-s-h." Which to Kitty's stout little
Scotch Presbyterian soul was as bad
if not worse, than death.
They came to the Heilig last night.
gay little optimistic Kitty and her
neighbor and best friend, Mag Duncan
stuVdy Mag. with the stiff conscience
and uncompromisNig viewpoint.
Along with K.itty and Mag came the
McNabs, father and mother and daugh
ters, who had made of the little Scotch
girl another Cinderella, and like til
wicked folk in fairy tales, had taken
the 'fa sent each month by her sup
posed-to-be father and spent it for
themselves and to dress their child and
allowed little Kitty only rags.
Kitty had begun to get used to kicks
and beatings and starvation when the
fairy Prince came along. He was the
son of the Lord of the Inglehart and
Kitty was to be taken at once to Lon
don to come into her inheritance. On
the happy eve of eloping with her sol
dier sweetheart they are put asunder
by a story the old Lord Inglehart tells
his son, that the two axe half brother
and sister. In the horror of it, the
youth releases the girl and she returns
to her old heme and the McNabs.
But no author could let two such
perfectly charming people chop off
their life romance in such a sordid
way and so it Is at the humble cottage,
with the McNab clan nagging Kitty,
we learn of her real parentage and
that she is free to wed her Prince. A
large and happy audience last night
is indebted to tlve players who pre
sented "Kitty MacKay" for one of the
most refreshing and enjoyable come
dies since "JBunty Pulls the Strings."
The quaint, unobtrusive, but sure
touch of the Scotch flavor of Jiumor Is
in it.'
, Its fascination evades analysis. But
that it is present, evidences Itself in
the telling results of laughter, and
what is more, delightful amusement.
Plot there is very little; suspense,
Speech must be absolutely flawless.
Bvery Scotchman who heard the brogue
chuckled and murmured of dear Drum
lochty that is, if he came from that
Highland village. ' As for the acting,
it is uniformly good.
Marjorie Murray as the lovable Kitty
MacKay is a. rare lassie. She brings
out the heart of the girl when she begs
her Prince to "take me, take me;
Kleanor Daniels as Mag Duncan of the
Calvinistic conscience, making a niche
for herself in the hearts of folk who
understand the spitfire, staunch and
true, vinegary-sweet lass she portray
ed. Her work is distinctive for an in
nate .sense of comedy expressed as
we'd all like to see ourselves playing
It. Too, the artistry of Marie Stuart,
as the scripture-revising Mrs. McNab,
was a raasterpeice in sincerity to
type. Wallace Erskine is distinguished
in the role of Lord Inglehart, and
James Finlayson as the bibulous Sandy
McNab won attention. The sittings,
three in -number, are pictorial treats,
The first is the backyard of the Mc
Nabs in Drumlochty on a washday,
the second Is a drawing room In Lord
Inglehart's London home, and the
third in the McNab's sitting-room.
The -engagement of - Kitty MacKay
continues for. the week. Tonight th
performance is in the nature of-e. bene
fit, the proceeds of the ticket sale
going to the British Red .Cross and
Prince of Wales fund.
Resignation of First Chief De
(Harfid Imperative as Ba
sis of Settlement.
Reply to Mexico City Officials De
mands That Supreme Command
of Republic Be Relinquished
to Fernando Calderon.
CHIHUAHUA, Mex., Sept. 27. The
immediate resignation of Carranza as
first chief of the constitutionalists is
the only basis on which General Fran
cisco Villa will agree to the settlement
of difficulties between himself and Car
ranza. .This was his'replv to messages
of officials- in Mexico City who pro
tested "against his attitude towards
Villa declared he never would accept
Carranza as. head ot the republic His
eply, as given out here today, follows:
'I lament the circumstances tnat
ave brought about grave danger, but
incerely protest that my sole ambition
will be to arrange existing difficulties
without shedding blood if possible.
I emphatically declare, however, that
the only move "that can bring about
cessation of hostilities on my part is
that Venustiano Carranza deliver su
preme command to Fernando Igleslas
Calderon so that, in the shortest pos-
ible time, elections may be called. At
the same time I declare I shall not
accept Carranza as president or vice-
president or president ad, interim of
the republic.
I shall prove the rectitude of my in
tentions and the . disinterestedness
which animates the force of this divi
sion. Later the world will realize
where rests true disinterestedness and
where abortive ambitions." ,
Villa, Pending Reply, Does Not Halt
His Onward March.
EL PASO. Tex., Sept. 27 Fernando
Iglesias Calderon, the choice of Gen
eral Villa for president of Mexico,
some months ago was mentioned as a
possibility for the presidency during
his trip to Washington, where he con
ferred with American officials. He is
at present in Mexico City, it is said.
Calderon Is leader of the Liberal party.
political organization which allied
itself with the Constitutionalists' revo
lution. It bad been announced that he
would run at the elections.
While an answer to Villa's proposal
is awaited from Mexico City, "the
Northern leader has not halted his
movement of troops towards the op
posing Carranza forces.
As yet no conflict has occurred, it
was said officially.
It was declared by Villa officials.
however, that they had assurances
that Zacatecas, a strategic place to the
south of Chihuahua, would be turned
over to Villa's men without a fight.
It was learned that a V ilia brigade
was on the march Into conora, toe
Western border state, to assist Gov
ernor Maytorena in his attacks on the
Carranza forces in that state. Another
strong group of Villa men is moving
into Coahuila, to the east.
Maltnea Bombarded In Return and Gen-
eral Attack la Wged by Strone
Forces on Front.
LONDON. Sept. 28. The following
official -statement issued at Antwerp
esterday has been received by Reu
ter's: .
"Yesterday (Saturday) a detachment
of German troops, comprising one brig
ade of infantry, two regiments of cav
airy, and two heavy and four light bat
teries of artillery, was surprised on the
march from Brussels to Termonde via
Alo3t. Attacked on tne front and flank,
they retired in disorder towards
Assche. leaving in Belgian hands many
prisoners, wounded and caissons.
"Today (Sunday) apparently in re
venge for this check. Malines was bom
oaroed oy. long-range guns and our
front between Malines and Alost was
subjected to a general attack by strong
forces. Toward Alost the Belgian
cavalry division succeeded in taking the
German left wing on the flank, and
generally our troops maintained their
At Malines the railway station suf
fered severely from the bombaFdment.
Numerous ' houses are in ruins and
others have been burned. A dozen
civilians were killed and many
Former Professor at Monmouth
Iksses at Santa Barbara.
SANTA BARBARA, Cal.. Sept. 28
(Special.) Professor Henry B. Buck-
ham, a prominent educator and former
ly professor of pedagogy in the Man
moutn. Or., Normal ' School, died here
Professor Buckham was graduated
from Vermont Lnlverslty and for 15
years was principal of the Buffalo, N
Y.. Normal School. J. W. Buckham and
a daughter reside in Santa Barbara.
Accident Occurs Kear Wreck of De
stroyed German Warship.
LONDON. Sept. 28. The Copenhagen
correspondent of the Dally Telegraph
in a dtspatcn aatea Saturday, says:
"A Russian cruiser went -aground to
day at (name of place deleted by cen
sor), a Baltic port, while trying tb
save wreckage from the German crui
ser Magdeburg, which was destroyed
by the Russian fleet- The grounded
cruiser is one of the old type.
Plan to Aid Widows Rejected.
LONDON, Sept. 10. A suggestion by
Queen Mary that soldiers' widows in
England be taken to Australia as
assisted immigrants has been consid
ered by tbe South Australian govern
ment. The Premier says that, owing to
drought conditions and the falling off
in the demand for domestic servants
there would be difficulty In finding em
I ploymenC
35o Mantles 23
30c Mantles 1)
25c Mantles. . .-rT v 15
20c Mantles.... 12
15c Mantles 10?
oOc Authors, special, .33
50c Panic 27
$1.00 Affinity 50i
Gold edges, telescope cases, a 50c quality
for ...257
?1 MA II
Something new.
"Mayhew Chew," pound 19
THIS! Wi;E W e taumug some re
markable bargains in full Trained Pictures
Landscapes, -Marines and Architectural
subjects, particularly suited for offiees,
schools and large rooms.
"Wood-Lark" Building, Alder at West Park
Wounded Paris Actor Depicts
Dash of British Heroes. .
Twelfth Engineer, Kusliing Through
Space Where Bodies of Comrades
Lay, Blows Up Bridge When
German Fire Slackens. ;
HAVRE, Sept. 26. Gaston Bossier, a
private in the Sixth Cuirassiers, who is
known in civil life as Darino. a well-
known- Paris actor, tells a story which
seems almost to eclipse the blowing up
of the Delhi gates. Lying wounded in
Normandy with a portion of his leg
carried away by shrapnel, be relates it
in true Gallic manner. He tries to rise
and illustrate with gesture, but falls
back groaning.
"We were together, the Curiasslers
of France and the English Royal Engi
neers," he says,, "as we retreated across
the Aisne at irioissons. The Germans
advanced rapidly, trying to rush
masses of soldiers across. Bridge aft
er bridge had to be blown up. The
German sharpstiooters were firing at
us from a clumD of trees and the
mitrailleuses were working havoc
among the allies.
Suddenly a party of English en
gineers rushed toward a bridge. They
lost heavily, but succeeded in laying
powder sufficient to destroy it. Be
fore they could light it all of them were
killed. We waited while another party
of young brave engineers crept near
tne bridge, uney tooK to cover, dui
the Germans got the range and contin
ued a deadly fire.
Kleven Killed i SuwcmIoh.
"Then wc FrMwhmcn watched what
we must remember to our dying day.
One engineer suddenly dashed alone
toward the fuse. He was killed be
fore he reached half way there. A sec
ond followed and fell almost upon the
body of his comrade. A third, a fourth
and fifth ran in succession the gauntlet
of merciless German fire and met the
same death. In' the same way each fol
lowed his comrades until 11 had been
killed. .
"The German fire seemed to slacken
for an instant, and in that instant the
bridge was blown up, for the 12th man.
dashing across the space lined with the
bodies of his friends, reached the fuse
and lighted it. Tbe bridge exploded
with a roar as the engineer fell betore
the German rifle shots."
Bossier was a prisoner of the Ger
mans for some time, but was rescued by
the English. He told me details of
German cruelties which he personally
witnessed. He himself, although
wounded in the leg, was dragged on his
knees with his hands tied behind him,
while the lancer thrust bis lance
against his back. Drivers of trans
port wagons often cut at him with their
whips as he passed.
Here is a story told to me by Private
Bryant as he lay wounded in the hos
pital ship: -
Datea Not Thought A boat.
"I don't Just remember the date. We
have not bad time to think of dates
lately. But it was lust over a week
ago. We were somewhere in the neigh
borhood of St. Quentin. W e had been
fighting all day. We had picketed and
watered our horses and late that mgbt
thought we had seen the last of the
Germans for a time.
"In the morning, however, the Colonel
gave orders to saddle. We jumped On
our horses and at the same moment
shells began to burst overhead. Our
horses stampeded. The enemy's sharp
shooters were already in position, and
while we were recapturing our horses
shrapnel, canister shot and bullets were
making the air sing around us. -
"The German artillery fire Increased
in intensity. We began to wait anxious
ly for our own Royal Field Artillery to
get into position. It - was delayed by
the fact that the battery horses were
being watered.
"Something had to be done, so we got
the Maxims up, despite the withering
fire. Our boys soon got busy. It would
have done you goodto see how calmly
and quietly the boys went about their
"Our men realized the meaning of
their job. It was to hold on until the
artillery came up. In other words it
was to pave the regiment from annihil
ation. Within a few minutes they were
sending 8000 shots in as many seconds
among the Germans.
Four Capture Eleven.
"Then the artillery arrived. We had
four guns against II for the Germans,
but some ot those 11 were silenced.
"It was not long before the boys
were itching to charge. Almost before
they expected it the bugle sounded and
Stamps This Morning
Needn't worry
you. We've got
everything you
they were off. "Hell for leather.' at the
enemy's guns.
"The net result of that little scrap
was the capture of 11 Krupp guns and
many prisoners."
Unfortunately Bryant was left
wounded on the field and was made a
prisoner by the Germans. He lived for
five days on bread and water, all that
the Germans would supply hira. On the
fifth day a detachment of French cav
alry arrived, rescued the prisoners and
captured the German troopers who were
guarding them.
Britishers , were ' taken to Peronne,
where they were cared for by the
Bryant told me that in the aotion at
St. Quentin of an entire British battery
engaged only 17 men were left alive.
All Heilig Boxes Sold for Aid of
British Warriors Wounded.
The Heilig Theater will sparkle with
philanthropical brilliancy tonight for
the British Red Cross and Prince of
Wales, fund -benefit performance of
"Kitty MacKay." The Portland execu
tive committee of these funds has
bought the Heilig for tonight and will
make the performance, the proceeds of
which go to the British war sufferers,
a social event of somber? importance.
All of the boxes havo been sold and
the advance seat sale presages a ca
pacity house. Portland society girls
of British antecedents will sell souve
nir programmes and consular repre
sentatives of Great Britain and her
allies, and of friendly nations will be
in attendance and the theater will be
decorated in the colors of those na
tions and of the United States.
The proceeds will be sent to the gen
eral fund in London, which now is
growing to substantial sie, due to the
benefits being given throughout the
world and by contributions.
The Portland committee consists of
British Consul Erskine, W. J. Burns.
J. G. Edwards. R. W. Hasty, A. A. Hall
and J. U. Trant
Marjorie Murray, who plays the lead
ing role in "Kilty MacKay," is the
daughter of an officer in the British
Negro Steals Valuables, Police Chase
and Stumble Into Gambling Game,
Mrs. E. M. Howell, 1S1 Fourteenth
street, armed with a revolver, fought
a. duel with an unidentified negro,
armed with a knife. last night at 11
o'clock, and the " negro won. After
taking a diamond' stud valued at $200,
a ring valued at $200 and 280 in cash
the negro wrested the gun rrom airs
Howell and escaped. Mrs. Howell was
alone at the time. She shot at the
negro several times.
Mrs. Howell told the ponce that she
had been robbed and that most of her
valuables were taken.
Motorcycle Patrolman A. L. Long
rushed to the scene and arrived short
ly after the negro had gone. In look
lwr for him. Long went to a colored
club at 108 North Ninth etreet. The
officer, fearing the man would get
away, dashed past the doorkeeper and
Into the club. There he surprised some
negroes gambling, arrested 10 of them
and seized (26 as evidence.
The man wh robbed Mrs. Howell's
home had not been captured at an early
hour this morning.
John Mahan of Hotel Rainier
No Longer Suffers From
Distressing Ailments.
John Mahan, retired farmer and cap
italist, residing at the Hotel Rainier,
says that two months' treatment of
Akoz, the wonderful California medi
cinal mineral, has about completely
corrected his bladder and kidney trou
ble. He writes:
" "After suffering for five years from
kidney and bladder trouble, 1 can say
that Akoz has done wonders for me.
My condition was made worse by my
advanced years, having passed the 75
mark. I had all the distressing symp
toms of the ailment Had to get up
many times during the night on ac
count of the trouble with my bladder.
My entire system felt the effects of
the complication. My hands had a
palsied condition and I could not keep
them still. The first few weeks of the
treatment I noted great improvement
After taking the mineralized Akoz
water for two months I feel stronger
than ever. The frequent calls during
the night are now gone, and the ac
tions of my bladder and kidneys are
norjnal. My bands no longer continu
ally shake and I feel better every
way. I will gladly answer by phone
or calls any questions regarding what
Axoz aid for mo.
need and skilled men to tell you what you
need. Paints, Brushes, Varnishes, Enamels,
Fillers, Stains.
Never needs sharpening, nevet breaks
a point, always on deck, special 10J
50c Pocket Cigar Lighters 15
Safe and Handy.
loc Lister's Antiseptic Soap, 6o cake
three for 15?
10c Jergen's Soap (Oat Meal, Butter- -'
milk, Elder Flower, Glycerine. 4
cakes, assorted, in box, special. . . .25
25c Hygienic Soap, unscented 15S 3 40
15c Bar Castile Soap, 3 for 250
10c Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap.... 7
25c Woodbury's Soap 15
25c 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, .lop"
lOcBoehm's Water Lily Floating Bath
Soap (made in Germany) 3 for 250
10c Sayman Vegetable Wonder Soap, 3 250
Wash Rag Free With Each 25c Purchase.
Steamers Pick Up Tahoma
Refugees Near Agattu.
Cutter Before Going Ashore Had Ives-
cned Wrecked Sailors Fronf Vn- .
named Ship Search Xow on
for 2 3 Landed.
WASHINGTON, Sept, 27. Four of
ficers and 86 men aboard tle revenue
cutter Tahoma when she went ashore
on the western Aleutian Islands last
week have been picked up by the
steamer Cordova and 6urvey ship Pat
terson near Agattu Island. Advices re
ceived today at revenue cutter head
(juarters say the search now is for 23
others from the Tahoma, who landed
from boats on islands nearby.
The message added that the Taho
ma's decks were awash, indicating that
the ship would be a total loss. No de
tails of the condition of the rescued
men were given, but it was said they
probably had not been compelled to
face great hardships, inasmuch as
plenty of supplies and clbthing wero
The 60 refugees left the Tahoma in
four boats. Boats from the Cordova
and Patterson are searching the Inlets
and coves of the felands In the vicinity
of Agattu. .
The Tahoma struck the reef Sep
tember 21. She had aboard S3 per-
sons, including nine officers, the crew
and several members of a revenue cut
ter shore party. She went aground
approximately 90 miles west ot Kiska
Island in the Aleutian chain.
The Cordova was bound from Nome
to Seattle, when wireless intercepted
her and sent her hurrying to the Ta
homa's assistance. The Patterson was
sent from Unalaska.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Sept. 27. Officials
of the United States revenue cutter
service here say that when the Tahoma
-was wrecked between Kiska and Agat
tu Island a week ago today she had
aboard nine officers and a crew of 63
men in addition to the crew of an un
named vessel wrecked somewhere In
the Somichi Islands. This crew the
Tahoma rescued the day - before she,
herself, met with disaster.
Those who were on the Tahoma when
she struck were obliged to take to tha
whalebouts, as the Tahoma did not
have her launch with her. It is said
he had five whaleboats fully equipped
for emegrency with sails, water and
provisions. These boats are capable
of carryin? from 18 to 30 .passengers
and are able to weather tremendous
It is not believed the Tahoma had
more than 90 persons aboard all told
and the scene of the disaster is not
more than a day's sail in tbe whale
boats from the nearest land.
Akoz will be found effective in
treating rheumatism, stomach trouble,
liver kidney and bladder complaints,
catarrh, ulcers, piles, skin diseases and
other ailments. For sale by all leading
druggists, where further information
may be had regarding- this advertise-ment.
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