Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 28, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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American Officers Expect War
to Continue From Nine to
Eighteen Months.
Iisliauslioit of Teutons Is Expected
and 'Decisive Battle Is Likely
to Be Fought in Germany, Is
Consensus of Opinion."
- (.New York World.)
WASHINGTON, Kept. 22. The war
in Europe will last from nine to 18
Germany, unless she is superhuman,
will be defeated.
The foregoing' is the consensus ot
opinion entertained by more than two
Sfore active Army officers on duty in
this city and its environs. Only those
officers of and above the rank of Cap
tain were interrogated.
Mindful of the President's orders to
Government officers not to comment
on' the war and his plea to his fellow
countrymen not to engage in discus
sions, the correspondent of tiie World
addressed to more than three score
officers the following two questions,
with the understanding that their
names would not be used, and their
answers were to be wholly academic,
from a military standpoint and with
out regard .to personal sympathies:
1. How long will the war in Europe
2. Which .side will be the victor
Germany and Austria or the Triple
The two answers giyen were the re
sult.' '
Opinion of Duration Vary.
On the question of how long will the
war last the opinions ran -from nine
months to 18 months. A majority of
the officers estimated one year. Twenty
officers declined to reply.
One officer said Germany had a fight
ing chance to win.
A remarkable feature of the discus
sions was that in nearly every instance
the same line of reasoning was fol
lowed in making the opinion.
The one thing on which all agreed
This is a war not only of ready re
tourcesi but of all resources, and until
one side has abou,t exhausted all its
resources the fighting will go on.
Other discussions led to this:
From the manner in which the bel-1
ligerents have struggled and with, a
knowledge of the state of mind of the
powers engaged preceding the waV, this
struggle is to be almost a death strug
gle, that is, until one side is so crushed
that it will require a half century or
more for even a waking recovery.
Many of tne officers have read Gen
eral Bernhardi's latest book, in which
the famous German officer gives the
mental attitude of Germany. None of
the officers foljowed the footsteps of
English and American reviewists in
stating that this German viewpoint as
portrayed by General Bernhardt was
responsible for the war.
Fight to Exhaustion Forecast.
What the officers did say was:
"With Germany convinced that Great
Britain is in the path she must travel
to become the empire of the world, and
with the British mind made up that
the British Empire is not going to fall
to one side and allow Germany to pro
ceed to the goal Britain now possesses,
the struggle will not end in a month
or in many months, but will go on for a
year or more until one side Is physical
ly incapable of fighting longer."
The following, the consensus of sev
eral military opinions, views the strug
gle as far as it has gone and touches
on the resources of the belligerents so
far used:
- "Germany has thrown into the west
ern theater of war in France the
flower of the great military machine
which she has been building since the
Franco-Prussian war and which has
been the admiration and envy of the
military world. At first nothing seemed
to be able to check the onward march
of this tremendous power. Held up a
few days by the heroic courage of the
Belgians, this wonderful machine lit
erally sped to within 40 miles of Paris.
"What .happened then? Despite the
' greatness of the organization, the per
fact working of the integral parts of
the machine, without the miscarriage
of a single one of the complicated
plans for the taking of Paris, it was
found the whole thing was flesh and
blood and that it could not do almost
the impossible.
Fear of Kaiser Spurs Allies.
f'There was In the situation around
Paris when Generals Von Buelow and
Kluck and the Crown Prince were at
Its gates, that which the Union army
found, in Virginia, South Carolina and
Georgia several times during the Civil
War' a certain desperation on the part
of the defenders which comes only to
the man protecting his family from
"A new fighting spirit was produced
in the ranks of the allies by the rapid
advance of the German forces. The
apprehension that all would he crushed
by the Germans and made subjects of
the Kaiser made the men of the allies
more superhuman than did the long,
arduous and expensive training the
German forces had received. .
"From then until nine days ago that
spirit in the ranks of the entente car
ried, it forward and pushed, the enemy
back. That spirit has kept the armies
of the allies persistently at the Ger
mans, holding them in vcheck, driving
them back there a few feet and pro
ducing the greatest battle in the his
tory of the world.
"This spirit will triumph over the
spirit of national aggrandizement upon
which the German cause is built it the
teachings and writings of its own
statesmen Sybel, Giesenrecht, . Tre
Itschke, Djroysen "and Hausser are to
be accepted as the thought of the Ger
man nation.
German Resources Surpassed.
"There must be the material as welTH
as a fighting spirit in the armies of a
victorious nation or alliance, and
close study of the resources show that
the entente Great Britain, France and
Russia in money, men and geographi
cal location, are better equipped for a
long war than Germany. Great Britain
alone probably would, succumb In
test of resources, but Great Britain
and Russia combined have more re
sources than Germany.
"If the present battle goes the way
of the allies. Germany will be forced
to retreat to her line of fortifications
across her own border. What effect
this will have on the German troops
is the same as that on the troops of
any army the production" of a feeling
of doubt as to the greatness of the
organization, nut more than that, be
.fore the Germansgo far fresh German
troops will be thrown into this main
army under three great generals. These
troops win - be trained and seasoned
.Necessarily they will come from E
Prussia and from Austrian Galicia.
"Such a move is what the allies are
attempting to force Germany Into
making because then the hordes of
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Copyright by Underwood & Underwood, N. Y.
Private Lange, of the Twelfth Regiment.' Is here shown holding the order
issued by the King of Belgium conveying to him the order of a Chevalier of
the First Order of Leopold. This covet ed honor was conferred on Lange for
his wonderful feat of arms at Horstal, where, on August -25. he captured the
flag of the Ninetieth German Infantry, killing a German Colonel and 14 sol
diers in the encounter.
Russian troops, despite the bad weather
and bad condition of the country in
East Prussia for fighting, would force
their way across the mountains into
Central Germany.
Allies Outnumber Germans. '
'In fact, it appears as though the
allies were conducting a retreat and
advance engagement, all the time
forcing Germany to centralize her
forces away from the borders and into
the heart of the German nation.
'True, Germany isN training the re
serves and her citizens; also, the allies
are doing th.e same thing. Numeri
cally, the allies' armies now, and will
the future fighting, outnumber the
Germans. According to reports the
artillery of the allies is equal, if not
superior to the Germans. in the
big siege guns do the Germans excel
and, according to reliable information
received here, the allies are rushing
work on siege guns to equal those of
the Krupps. .-. .
'The greatest battle is yet to come.
It will be the dicisive battle, too, and
it will occur in Germany. It will be
when the allies, working inwardly by
the retreat and advance movements,
get the German armies in Germany and
begin hammering from all Bides.
'This will be months from now, and
when this battle takes place all the
belligerents virtually will have new
armies in the field. Germany will get
hers from where she got her present
army from among the German states.
Great Britain, will obtain hers from the
Britisn isles, Uana-Ua, inula, Egypt and
Australia. Russia will bring her forces
in from Siberia and South Russia.
France will draw more on her African
possessions. The resources of the al
lies are greater than those of the Ger
man Empire.
Loadou Medical " Journal Says: "Way
Lay By Men Wko Should Be Fac
ias Enemy on Fighting; Line.'
LONDON, Sept. 10. The proposal to
inoculata the British soldiers with
anti-typhoid eerurru. as is done in the
United States, brings a strong protest
from The medical Times.
we note with surprise, it says,
that certain members of our profes
slon who have great influence with the
authorities at the War Office. . have
been urging the necessity of inocu
lating soldiers who are -ordered to the
front with anti-typhoid serum. Per
sonally, we think that the value of
anti-typhoid serum has been -over
estimated; but. in any case, why lay
by for two or three days 80 o 90 per
cent of troops who should be standing
up facing the enemy In the fighting
line? It may be that about 60 or 60
per cent of -the inoculated men are fit
to return to work in about 36 hours.
but, even so, why put half of our army
out of action for 36 l.ours when the
enemy is at our gate?
"As to the fear of typhoid fever, is
not the danger overestimated? In the
rural districts of France there is not
much to be feared from typhoid infeC'
tion, apart from Inoculation, if proper
attention is given to ordinary hygiene
and the provision of an absolutely
pure and abundant supply . . water, xt
may be that a much improved kind of
serum has been manipulated and put
on tne market since the Boer War. but.
from the reports which reached us-at
that time, we came to the conclusion
that the supposed benefit of anti
typhoid serum was a delusion."
Discarded American Submarines De.
dared to Plan Attack.
NEW- I OKK, Sept. ,27. It was
learned at the British consulate to
day that numerous letters, most of
them anonymous, had been received
giving warning that the Porter and
elsa, two submarines that saw ser
vice in -the Spanish-American War and
were later abandoned and sold by the
United States Navy, bad been re
fitted and were ready to be sent to
sea. presumably for the purpose of de
stroying the British warships outside
New lork Harbor.
It was said at the consulate that
while the letters had been received
no attention is being paid to them.
Man on.Way to Portland Has
No Trace of Wife.
Alexander Kaiser, ' Fleeing , From
. Iiemberg on Approach of Cos
sacks, Suffers Hardships and Is
Helped on Way Home.
CHICAGO. Sept. 27. This is the
story of Alexander Kaiser, refugee, 63
years old, on his way Ho Portland, Or.,
stranded in Chicago. Eigteen months
ago, be says, he went to Lemberg, Aus
tria, to engage in business. He pros
pered and sent for his wife. Oh August
15 last there were Tumors of war. The
Cossacks were coming. He sent his
wife to Transylvania, where she has
relatives. On August 30 the comman
der of the town ordered everyone to
close up his shops and flee for his life.
The Cossacks were five or six kilome
ters from Lemberg.
I went," said Kaiser. "I had just 28
Austrian crowns a crown is 21 cents.
walked all that day. The following
day I got pn a train bearing wounded
soldiers to Hungary. . I bought a ticket
to Debrecen, In the Interior of Hun
gary, and got there September 5 with 5
crowns. There at the depot 1 saw1 by
the headlines of an American paper
that the relief committee was in Buda
pest and that in order to get relief
Americans muit apply to the consulate
there on or before September 7.
"I bought a Red Cross badge with
one of my crowns, pinned it on my arm
and boarded a train for Budapest. I
stayed close to a wounded soldier and
was not molested. I got 100 crowns
enough to take mo to Berlin. Major
Ryan, of the relief committee, gave rr.e
$5. I though that was all I needed, as
I had received 15 from a friend I had
known in New York. The sum took me
only to The Hague, where I got J10
more and m went to London.
I pawned a ring in New Tork and
got money enough to come to Chicago.
I have about $2.50 left.
"Now I must get to Portland. I have
friends there and can re-establish my
self in business. I cannot find out what
has happened to my wife or anything
about my business. I am absolutely de-
penoent." - . , . -
910,000,000 TO BE EXPENDED
Fifty Rich Asiatics Plan to Tour Conn-
try In 1915 and Establish Branch
Stores at Best Cities.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept.' 27. (Spe
cial.) That the" Republic of China will
spend $10,000,000 in the United States
and Canada in 1915 in the development
and extension of her trade with North
America, was the gist of a message re
ceived here today by the Panama-Pa
cific Exposition direct from President
Tuan Shai Kai, and confirmed in
similar communication from the head
of the Associated Chambers of Com
merce of China. .
In the working out of what is per
haps the greatest commercial enter
prise China has ever planned, SO
wealthy and influential public men of
the republic Will come to San Fran
cisco early in 1915. After studying
trade and manufacturing conditions in'
connection with the exposition, they
will make an extensive tour of the
United States and Canada, establishing
branches of Chinese business houses in
every important center.
It is in providing capital for these
branches that the Chinese business as
sociations and the government will ex
pend the $10,000,000 allotted to the big
"booster" excursion for the establish
ment of closer commercial relations
with the West.
Attackers in Outskirts of
Tsihg-Tau Declared to Have
Defeated Germans:-
Second Detachment of Mikado's Men
Arrive in Wei-Hsien and Other-
Troops Advance on Railway,
Holding Pang-Tse.
TOKIO, Sept. 27. It Is officially an
nounced that the Japanese have defeat
ed the' Germans In a "stubborn battle,
lasting 14 hours, on the outskirts of
Tslng-Tau, seat of the government of
the Germans' leased possession of Kiau
Chau. China.
The Japanese casualties, so far as
ascertained, are given as three killed
and 12 wounded.
According to the statement, the fight
began September 26. German gun
boats bombarded the posts of. the
Japanese troops. Japanese aeroplanes
proved, effective in reconnoiterlng ex
peditions and are reported to have
escaped unharmed.
Germans Flood1 Coal Mines at Pang
Tse as They Depart.
PEKIN. Sept. 28. It is learned from
W ei-Hsien. in Shan-Tung, that a second
detachment of Japanese troops arrived
there at sundown on Saturday with 15
carloads of ammunition and supplies.
Other troops have advanced west along
the railway and hold Fang-Tser wnere
the Germans flooded the coal mines be
fore their departure. All the Chinese
miners fled.
The American mission is crowded
with women of all classes from the
city and country districts. They are
said by the correspondent at Wei-Hsien
to fear both the Japanese and the Chi
nese soldiers.
The Chinese Foreign Office has asked
the Japanese legation for an explana
tlon of the occupation of the railway
station at Wei-Hsien by Japanese.
(Continued From First Page.)
quarters of the German ceneral staff
last night and made public today:
"The enemy are using their railroads
in a general attack on the extreme end
of the right flank of the German army.
"At Bapaume (In Pas de Calais, 14
miles southeast of Arras), an advanced
French division was repulsed by a
smaller German force.
"In the center of the battle front we
have made slight gains.
"The forts under bombardment south
of Verdun have withdrawn their fire
and our artillery is now engaged with
forces which the enemy brought up on
the- west bank of the Meuse.
''Elsewhere, the situation remains un
changed. ,
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. A wireless
dispatch to the German embassy from
Berlin today announces the 'capture by
the Germans of one of the barrier. forts
south of Verdun. The message follows:
"Official headquarters reports that
the operations proceeding on the ex
treme right wing of the German army
have no decision as yet. In the center
of the battle front several attacks have
been made on both sides.
"Kamp des Renains. near St. Mfhiel,
which was taken by the Bavarians, is
one of the barrier forts south of Ver
dun. ,
"Official reports say that franctireurs
(snipers) suddenly attacked a German
sanitary service detachment which was
carrying French wounded and that the
franchtireurs killed a surgeon and seV'
en ambulance volunteers.
"M. Pinchon, ex-French Minister, af.
firms in an article that the Germans
shoot prisoners, kill wounded and mur
der women, children and old people.
French prisoners explain articles like
that of Pinchon, because wounded fire
at Germans. A letter of a South Amer
ican military attache who is accom
panying the German army says that
the German warfare is admirable, not
only from the military, but still more
from the humanitarian point of view.
"The Paris reports from St. Peters
burg that Russians under General Ren-
nenkampf have victoriously advanced
and reoccupied Soldau, is pure inven
Attack on Allies Results in Most Bit
ter Battle of Campaign.' ..
via Paris. Sept. 28. Desperate at
tempts made by the Germans on the
western end of the long line of battle
to break through the allies' forces
which are engaged in a turning move
ment, have resulted In the most serl
ous fighting that has taken place since
the beginning of the campaign.
After fighting without respite night
and day. corps after corps of Germans
were hurled against the flower of the
French and English armies today, only
to be thrown oacK.
The infantry bore the brunt of the
incessant fighting, but the artrllery
of both armies continued throughou
24 hours to bombard each other's po
sltions. .Hand-to-hand combats oc
curred at many points and bayonets
were used freely.
The French -Colonial Infantry, moo
of which, men wear many medals for
bravery displayed in colonial cam
palgns, was to the fore and beside
the men fought the black Sengales
troops, while further along the line
the British troops, held an Important
point with the greatest determination.
The French troops showed more than
their accustomed, dash in attacks, and
everywhere acts of wonderful courage
were performed. The cavalry als
participated in the engagements at
many points, the allies' horses having
enjoyed a long rest which enabled
this arm of the service to distinguish
itself. The lamous scots Greys, find
ing that the color of their horses of
fered a prominent mark for the Ger
man riflemen, bad dyed their mounts
Another prominent French officer,
General Marquet, has met death on the
field. m
At Nubecourt, home of -the parents
of President Polncare, the Germans
broke open the Poincare family vault,
it is reported, and buried a number of
their dead there. The Germans pla
carded the town of Valenciennes, de
mending from the Mayor lists of th
supplies of clothing and food.
Ribecourt and Xoyon Pat on Defen
6ive by Germans.
WASHINGTON, Sept- 27 Official dis
patches received at the French embassy
today from Bordeaux included the offi
cial communication Issued at the War
Office last night, and contained the fol
lowing supplementary details:
At the end of the day our troops
occupied a front at Dompierre (south
west of Peronne). Ribecourt and Noyon
were put on the defensive by the Ger
mans. We occupy Berry-au-Bac. The
enemy has retired on Blamont with ser
ious losses and has evacuated Badon-
illers. He was forced from Lesseux
and the woods between Lesseux and
The Russians have taken Recszow.
on the railroad leading to Cracow, and
two fortified positions north and south
of Przemysl. The Germans appear to
fortifying themselves north of
Kallszy." ,
Violent fighting w"as under way in
Servia in the neighborhood of KrupanJ
and as far as the River Drlna. the dis-
patcn added.
Official Statement Says Situation in
France Is Satisfactory.
LONDON. Sept. 27 The British offi
cial statement given tonight on the bat
tle in the north of France says:
The situation is satisfactory and the
counter attacks on. the British front
have been beaten back with heavy
losses to the enemy."
Reported. Protest of Pope Denied by
. Berlin French Reiterate '
Rhelnu Accusation.
BERLIN. Sept 27., By Wireless to
Sayviire, L. I. Advices received here
and officially made public say:
'A captured Russian officer in a let
ter to the Novoe Vremya. of Petrgrad,
praises the humanity exhibited in Ger
man hospitals and the untiring efforts
of the surgeons on behalf of their
"The Daily Chronicle of London
says that the front towers and the
windows of the Cathedral of Kheims
are almost free of damage and the re
construction will not be difficult. The
London Times makes the same state
ment. "The French reports that Pope Bene
dict XV ha addressed a protest to the
Emperor of the German Government
regarding the damage done to the ca
thedral of Rheims are incorrect. On
the -contrary, the Prussian envoy at
the Vatican explained to the Pontiff
the real state of affairs. The faUer
expressed satisfaction at the Informa
tion received.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 27 The French
Embassy made public the following
communication today:
'Thb French Government has been
Informed" that the German Government
officially alleges that the Bombard
ment of the Rheims Catheiral (first
denied and now openly acknowledged
Dy its authors) -had been caused by a
French post of observation having
Deen established on the cathedral.
'A telegram .of General Joffre to the
Minister of War shows that the de
struction was, as declared before, with
out the shadow of an excuse. The
telegram Is as follows:
'The Fiftlr (French) army had oc
cupled Rheims until September 18 and
then was relieved by the Ninth. Both
declare they established no post of
observation on the cathedral, the sys
tematic bombardment of which began
on tne 13th at 3 P. M. "
Spread of Scourge on Hungarian and
Galician Frontiers Reported
by Home.
LONDON, Sept. 27. A dispatch to the
Exchange Telegraph Company from
Rome says, that a message receiven
there from Vienna says that government
bacteriologists have definitely 'estab
lished the presence of Asiatic cholera
among the 70,000 wounded In the hos
pitals of Vienna.
It has been declared officially that an
Isolated case of cholera was discovered
among Austrian soldiers who had re
turned wounded from Galicia and un
official advices received earlier from
Vienna by way of Venice said that a
total of nine cases of the disease had
been discovered among the wounded
soldiers. These cases, however, were
reported from widely separated points.
ROMK, via Paris. Sept. 27. Dis
patches from the Austrian frontier say
the spread of cholera, especially in Hun
gary and Galicia, is causing anxiety.
Lazarettos are being prepared to pre
vent the spread of the disease.
Difference Between. Wounded at
Bordeaux Hospital Xoted.
BORDEAUX, Sept. 28. There Is one
marked difference, wholly phycholog
lcal, between the German and the
French wounded prisoners who are con
stantly arriving here now.
Physically there is little difference
between the German carried by and his
wounded French antagonist in a nearby
cot the- bullet or shrapnel has torn
the German's flesh no more cruelly
than it has torn the Frenchman.
But almost all the German prisoners
are suffering extremely from nervous
exhaustion. Therefore popular opinion
abroad of the characteristics of the two
nationalities is wholly reversed. The
French wounded,, instead of showing
signs of nervous excitement, are com
paratively calm, whereas the wounded
Germans, despite their reputed stoicism.
spend the greater part of their waking
hours sobbing piteously.
Republican and Democratic Commit
ters Prepare for Campaign.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. Sept. 27. (Spe
cial.) The Republican precinct com
mitteemen elected at the primaries met
In Chehalis yesterday to perfect a per
manent organization. O. J. Albers. of
Chehalis, and J. T. Jones,- of Centralia,
were elected respectively chairman and
secretary to succeed themselves. J. E.
McDonald, of Chehalis. was elected
treasurer, and J. E. Leonard, of Che
halis, state committeeman, and Robert
Sommerville. of Centralia, Congres
sional committeeman.
The Democratic precinct committee
men also held a meeting and elected
J. H. Roberts, of Centralia. chairman;
R. A. Bechaud, of Chehalis, secretary,
and Miles McGrail, of Centralia, treas
urer. There is a Safety' Type for ladies' nee.
Ask tour nearest dealer. Adv. -.
Autumn Attire
The models we are showing in
women's and misses' wearing
apparel are conceded to be the
most attractive in Portland.
No matter if you plan to pay
$22.50 to $150 for the new Fall
suit or gown you '11 find that, just , -as
varieties are most satisfying
here, so are the'values best. t
Our line of Fall and Winter
coats from $12.50 to $95.00 meets
the requirements of those who 4
desire elegance and style,
We earnestly invite your crit
ical inspection.
355 Alder St., Cor. Park
Capture of German Ships
Opens British Tribunal.
Seizure of Vessels May Lead to Com
plications Involving Neutral.
Some Craft Are Exempt.
Proof "Cp to Captive. ,
LONDON, Sept. 26. The capture of
German merchant vessels all over the
world since the beginning of the Euro
pean war has caused the British Ad
miralty to revive that ancient institu
tion, the prize court. The captured ves
sels now held by the government must
be disposed of and the proceeds, ac
cording to precedent, will be prorated
among the men who made the captures.
Not for 60 years has a prize court
sat in England. The last was in 1854,
in the Crimean war, when the fate of
the Leacade was decided.
Booty means spoil taken from the
enemy on land. Prize means ship or
goods taken on the water. The first
is a simple affair. A belligerent is in
possession of certain property; his con
queror takes it from him and there is
no more to be said. Prize Is much more
complicated. The capture of a ship
may give rise to al.1 -sorts of Questions
affecting nations who are not at war
at all, and whose rights as ieutrals
must be respected. It is here that the
need for adjudication arises, and it is
In order to settle all such questions and
to decide In each Instance whether the
captive is or is not lawful prey that
recourse is had to a prize court like
that over which Sir Samuel Evans is
Flublng Boats Exempt.
When a ship belongs to the enemy it
is almost always lawful to take her.
There are a few exceptions. A fishing
boat is exempt, and so is a small local
trading vessel, and a mission ship, and
a ship conveying exchanged prisoners
of war. Apart from such trifling and
fairly obvious exceptions, a ship sail
ing under the colors or pass of the
enemy may always be taken either in
our own waters or on the high seas.
It is when a vessel flies a neutral flag
that difficulties begin. If the neutral
flag was hoisted aboard an enemy ship
without a bonafide sale and delivery to
a neutral completed by the payment of
the purchase money, there is no trans
fer of property, and the ship is an
enemy ship still. Again, a ship, the
undoubted property of a neutral, may
be violating her netrality. She may
have committed a breach of blockade,
she may have absolute contraband on
board' goods, that is to say, that are
deemed specially adapted for warlike
purposes. Or she may be conveying
conditional contraband goods ren
dered contraband by the .ship's destina
tion. Skip's Papers Important.
. If a neutral ' ship is bound for an
ordinary commercial port, a cargo not
specially warlike will be presumed not
to be Intended for a belligerent, but to
be Intended for civil use only, whereas
if the destination be a military or
naval station a precisely opposite con
clusion will be drawn. Moreover, the
neutral ship may lose her character by
conveying military or naval officers or
carrying a belligerent s dispatcnes. in
such events she Is liable equally with
the avowed enemy to be captured any
where except within the territorial
waters of a neutral state.
A series of simple tests or rules have
been laid down relating to the ship
papers, the character and destination of
the cargo, and the answers of those on
board to the interrogatories put to
them. If these rules have been trans
gressed, the presumption is against the
snip, ana sne is conaemnea in me rd
sence of contrary proof in her favor.
On the other hand, if the rules have
not been transgressed the presumption
is the other way, suspicions- are disre
garded and the captive goes free.
It will be seen that the ship's papers
the books, passes, charter parties, bills
of lading, letters, and so forth found
on board are of the greatest Importance
if the ship Is to be convicted "out of
her own mouth."
Russian's Words Give No Offense.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27 Officials
The JSJew England
Mutual Life Insurance Company
Issues all legitimate forms of life insurance
and under terms most favorable to the insured
Horace ISdecklem General Agent
330-331 Northwestern Bank Building
When you feel badly all over but
with no particular organ of your body
noticeably out of .order, you need a
tonic for the blood. You require a
medicine that will benefit the whole
system. The blood reaches every part
of the body and when it is built up the
whole system quickly benefits.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a non
alcoholic tonio that build up the blood,
making it rlcTi and red and able to sup
ply to the tissues of the body the nour
ishment they need to keep them in
health. '
Most general debility results from
thin blood. Every part of the body suf
fers and you "feel badly all over."
When the blood is restored and a
health-giving stream Is going to every
part of the body you soon se,e the re
sult In a better appetite, an improved
digestion, brighter eyes, better color
in cheeks and lips.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a most
valuable family tonio and should be
taken by" every member of" the family
except Infants whenever the general
health is not what it should be. Much
downright sickness has been saved by
the use of a tonic or supporting medi
cine in times of physical depression.
A book "Building Up the Blood" will
be sent free by the Dr. Williams Medi
cine Co.. Schenectady, N. Y., on request.
All druggists sell Dr. Williams" Pink
Pills. Adv .
here think the government will take no
notice of the interview attributed in
New York to Alexander de Stalegsky,
Russian Minister to Mexico, in which
conditions in the Southern Republic
were described as deplorable. It Is said
State Department officials feel that no
reflection on the United States was
contained In the interview.
Man Long Connected With Kaiser's
Diplomatic Service Looks for
Tarn In Three Months.
Driven from his post of duty when
Japan declared war on Germany, Johan
Markl, secretary to the German Consulate-General
at Yokohama, is in Port
land. On telegraphic orders received
Saturday he probably will leave today
for Washington, D. C, to report at the
German offices for appointment to duty
in the United States.
Mr. Mark! has been an official duty
for his government 13 years in Japan
as clerk and secretary and has been
stationed since 1907 in Yokohama. Since
his arrival in Portland September 14,
with his wife and two children, Mr.
Markl has been residing at 621 Going
street, at the home of Ernest Wendt.
his brother-in-law.
"When the ultimatum had expired
and wrfr was imminent we knew that
the higher officials of our government
in Japan would have to leave the coun
try, but our understanding of interna
tional treaties led us to understand that
the lesser officials, such as clerks and
secretaries would be allowed to re
main," said Vlr. Markl at his temporary
home in North Irvington last night.
"Therefore, we were surprised when
we were politely invited to depart on
rather" short notice. The notification
came August 25 and we engaged pas
sage on the Great Northern steamship
Minnesota, which was booked to Bail
August 27. This ship carried officials,
their wives and children, totaling 48.
Many German, residents of Japan also
are leaving."
Mr. Markl Is a Bavarian, who, as a
young man, attended the Real-Gymnasium
at Klum, on the Vistula River, the
zone where many of the big battles of
the war now are being waged.. As a
member of the German navy he came
to the Pacific Coast before, but this is
his first visit to Portland. ,
Mr. "Markl thinks the war will not
last longer than a year and would not
be surprised to see peace developments
about January 1. So far as funds to
finance the war are concerned, he as
serts that Germany is rich and that it
can stand the war strain on its treas
ury for some time to come. He ex
hibited censored letters just received
from friends and relatives In Germany
in which, the loyalty of the home peo
ple to the Kaiser is reflected.
The average man has within his sys
tem the materials for 13 pounds of
candles, a pound of nails, 800 pencils,
binding for 16 small books, 500 knife
blades, 28 violin strings, 20 teaspoon
fuls of salt nnd a pound of suear.