10 TTTE MORNING OltEGONIAX. MONDAY, SErTEMHEK 28, 1914. i IT II TO FORGET CHURCH Return to Their Condition Un der Roman Law Penalty, Says Bishop Cooke. DISCONTENT IS PREACHED Head of Methodism in Oregon in Conference Sermon Denounces "War Lords "Wlio Believe Earth Subject to Their Sway." "When the American woman forgets Jesus Christ and the church of God which raised her to her true dignity as queen of the home and the equal of man, she will become as she was under the Roman law. when the wife was on a level with her husband's chattels." This is the conviction expressed by Bishop R. J. Cooke, in his sermon yes terday morning at the Oregon state conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held at the Centenary Church. "All the suffragettes and laws of the land will never prevent the downward o 1 1 1 1 rtf tViA ii'mtia n nf AmHrn ftticn ehe renounces the power which put her on her throne," he continued. A con gregation which crowded the pews and etood lined against the rear walls greeted the head of the Methodist church in Oregon. Paul's Word Are Text. "The Blessings of Discontent" was the theme for the address. The speaker chose as his text the words of Paul: "Brethren. I count not myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are be hind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God and Christ Jesus." Forget those things which have gone before, be discontented with things as they are, and press onward toward bet ter things, was the admonition of his sermon, emphasized by marked repeti tion. ' "The builders of civilization were, after all. the world's thinkers," said Bishop Cooke, In beginning. Thinker Held AVorld-Bnllder. He went on to say in part: "Not the man who bores tunnels in mountains, or wraps railroads around the earth, but the world-thinker is the world builder. This is true if man is more than matter, if he does not die and mingle with the dust, but becomes part of an infinite life with seraphs, angels. archane-els and all the e-lorious intelli gences that blaze and burn in the path ways of eternity. We could better af ford to lose Chicago, New York, San Francisco, or any of our great cities, than to lose any mighty truth contained within the lids of the Book. We could ..... i . .. i . ...-.. i i .1 ,. than the great thoughts that have come to us from souls on fire with visions of God. "The world-builders have been the great prophets of God, the Moseses, the Isaiahs, the Jeremiahs, the great thlnk- of the purposes of God in the world's history; men of faith who believe that tomorrow is better than today. But foremost of them all stands this mighty apostle of Christ, Paul scholar, thinker, traveler, patriot, man of the world, poet, visionary and martyr. "Smv- ilnnir. p.nl. PrlnMnl. "Paul comes from the particularism of Judaism into the unlversalism of Christianity. He raises with Christ the universal principle to save, not Jews. rion I M fl hnrhurinnu n t d!i ifhc Hut- n save sinners, wherever they are. This man , who . soared into heaven" and climbed the heights of God, still sees .reaches beyond, and says, 'Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.' " Discontent spells progress, pointed out Bishop Cooke, who went on to de scribe how the dropping of leaves and old bark from a tree is not a sign of decay, but of triumphant life bursting into greater bounds; how the little seed presses upward the heavy sod for the sunlight and air life promised It. I. W. V. Kind Not Meant. "How universal is this law," he com mented. "It is the blessing of discon tent, a discontent that makes for racial betterment. I do not mean the fool dis content of I. W. W.'s who have their hand against everything, but rational discontent that looks for the sweeter and better in life." The speaker next traced the growth - - . ..... ,,u, uiovuiiicub. i 1 1 a u 'content of the family with its condi tion, resulted in the formation of the tion, he said. War received his atten tion for a moment when he said: "Humanity has suffered from unre- r.i.nuu, ai luaub i j i an l, great war : lords, who believe the earth is subiect ito their sway. All history records a struggle between the desire of people for self-government and the exagger- llcu egotism 01 lnnaiea rulers. Progress Laid to Discontent. It is a long way from the cave of an cient times to the palatial home of to day, pointed out Bishop Cooke, but dis content did it. It is discontent, he said, which has built up great business and fortunes, and God has the same pro gramme in religion. In conclusion the bishop spoke of now tne church had left behind the nar froxr man-made doctrine that provided " for the entrance of only a few chosen souls into heaven and now was preach ing a saner, sounder theology and of a greater God. who "has not built us for damnation but for salvation." The , viumug pei uraiiun piciurea xne aeiignxs , of heaven for those who had "reached rorth unto those things which are be fore." The sermoa was preceded in the - morning by a "love feast," led by Dr. Fletcher Homan, president of Willam- . ette University. In this interesting service, which lasted for an hour and a half, the venerable ministers in the - congregation were asked to respond with stories of their experiences in the ministry. Many and Interesting were the tales told. K. A. Booth's Father Speaks. Among those who SDoke was Rev. Robert Booth, father of R. A. Rnnth. Republican Senatorial candidate, who, though 94 years old, told of his strug gles as a pastor and the blessings which t his work had conferred upon him. " In the afternoon at 3 o'clock a solemn ordination service was held, being con- - ducted by Bishop Cooke. District Su- perintendents Toung, Heath and War- n . t v ... UU111I u no UCC&UUB, B.UU Clarence r. xteese as ejaer. "The saloon and brothel exist in the umieti ouiies in spite or religious in - fluences; drunkenness and debauchery ' of the Hindu." asserted Rev. John W. Robinson, Methodist bishop for South ern Asia. In his address last night, in which he pointed out the problem be fore Christianity in the conversion of India. Converts Are Many. "Henry Martin, one of the greatest of missionaries, is reported to have WIVES WARNED flC said: 'If I ever live to see a single Hindu converted I will consider it a greater miracle than the raising of the dead,' " said Bishop Robinson, who pointed to what has been accomplished since this man's death. India now has 4,500,000 Christians among the na tive population, a third of a million, of whom were converted by Methodist missionaries, he said. "India, with its fertility, its history, its romance and its song has en thralled the hearts and enslaved the bodies of millions of the human race," continued Bishop Robinson. "The United States east of the Rocky Mountains, ex cluding a small portion of Texas, is as large as India, but to have a popula tion in that area equal to that of India one must take the 100,000,000 people of the United States, all the people of England, of Scotland, of Wales, of Ire land, of Germany, of France, of Hol land and of Italy and compress them into that area, and still there would be less than India's 320,000,000. Religion Held Need. "The quality of a people does not de pend upon the race or the environment, but upon the religion that holds the heart of the people. There is needed the energizing power of the religion of Christ to make the people of India into a proud and great nation." The speaker sketched with vividness some of the things which must be elim inated in India before Christianity can fully enter the hearts of the people. These, he said, are the caste system, fatalism, low ideals of womanhood, im morality and superstition. Some of the information Imparted was doubtless a revelation to most of his hearers, for Bishop Robinson told, not of things that are common in books, but of things which he had seea and knew to be facts. "It appears to be a land sodden with iniquity and with all the moral fiber missing from its soul, but Christianity can redeem it." he declared. Rev. H. S. Wilkinson presided at the. meeting. The assignments of pastorates in the State of Oregon will be announced at noon today. Many of the preachers will find themselves in new charges; others may find themselves retired from active service. The business session will begin at 8 o'clock this morning, and the convention will end with the announcing of assignments. Sermon Thoughts From Portland Churches. IVE a good example for the chil Lm dren, if you want to influence them in the right way of living." said Rev. II. M. Ramsey, dean of St. Stephen's pro-cathedral. In his sermon yesterday morning. "Two things are necessary for the development of Chris tian character. They are honesty and clean - mindedness. The fundamental thing is the development of character. Not only what a man says, but what his heart is. counts. Have a high pur pose in life and live toward it. Be hon est with yourself and with all men if you would create the right impression upon the young whom you would in fluence." rT1 HERE isn't any such thing as a X soul's standing still." said Dr. Oliver S. Baum, pastor of the Calvary Presbyterian Church, in his morning sermon. "In order to grow we must have an Ideal, a divine discontent that leads us on to higher planes. Given sin and growth means de struction of character; given selfish ness in a child and growth of it means a selfish man who will get all he can and will 'can all he gets. In order to grow right we must have the right aim. Make the dally task the means of growth and you will grow right if you let fall the light of God on your task. "The Christian is helped individually by doing for others. God is waiting for you and me to come up higher where he can give us something to glorify our lives as never before. If our spiritual life does not grow it will decay." . ' w ITII Isaiah xxxv:10 as his text, the Highland Baptist Church, delivered a helpful sermon last night on "When Smiles Succeed Tears." The Rev. Mr. Elliott resigned his pastorate a few days ago and but few opportunities re' main for his Portland friends to hear him. He said in brief: "The human face is capable- of two opposite forms of expression, smiles and tears these two and their varying shades of lnten sity. They reflect life's possibilities. pleasant and unpleasant. From our ex periences with our conscience we know that sin causes pain and suffering. Evil breeds tears. On the other hand God cannot be otherwise than a happy be ing, for holiness is Joyous. Christ spoke of his joy and desired it to be made full in his disciples, so we are not sur prised that Isaiah's picture of the ran somed of Jehova should be one of ever' lasting joy. 'They shall obtain glad ness and joy; and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. EV. FRANK I. PAUL in his discus sion of "Riches" yesterday morning in St. James' Lutheran Church said: "The rich have a great responsibility, If the health they possess is used in a right way, for the good of their fellow men and for the glorification of the kingdom of God, then these riches have been well entrusted. There is a won derful opportunity for well-doing for those who have vast wealth." B'nai B'rith Starts Campaign. Keen enthusiasm was manifest yes terday at the first membership rally of the B'nai B'rith, at the lodge hall at Thirteenth and Market streets. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise presided. Several com mittees were appointed to gain new members. The guests were shown through the lodge building. The lodge building is for the use of all, it was announced, and is not limited to the membership of the lodge. Of 139,608 men in the battle of Waterloo 53.428 were killed or -wounded. THREE DEACONS ORDAINED AT METHODIST EPISCOPAL LEFT TO RIGHT. K. GOOD SEEN HUB Rev. W. G. Eliot Hopes for Re ligious Mobilization. READJUSTMENT IS NEEDED Pastor Asserts Cheap Substitutes for Religion, Sham Redemptions and Pulpit Vaudeville AH Must Yield. "Pulpit vaudeville, commercialized revivalism and cheap substitutes for religion must give way. The day has come for a candid, in telligent and brave readjustment of the centripetal and centrifugal forces of tne divided Christendom. 'The great European war does not prove that Christianity has failed; it merely shows the inefficiency of Chris tianity's human agents." Rev. William G. Eliot, pastor of the Church of Our Father, yesterday morning made these theological obser vations in the last of his sermons on "The Causes and Consequences of the Great War," and flayed certain well defined modern tendencies as "signs of the times" of equal importance with the lesson of the European conflict. Rev. Mr. Eliot pointed to possible so cial good to result from the war, if the mental and moral reaction which the war has stirred checks fanaticism. Illustration Is Given. "If the pipeline between Portland and the waters of Bull Run were to be bro ken by an earthquake and. as with San Francsico, a large portion of our city should burn up. we might rishtlv at tribute the disaster to the failure of the water supply. And yet we all know mat ir we went to the place where the pipe was broken we should find that the supply had not failed at all." said Rev. Mr. Eliot. "It is true that this crash is a fail ure of Christianity. But it is far truer that Christianity has not failed at all. If Christianity has failed it has failed in the only way it can fail through the failure of its human instruments. 'The consequences of this war are not to be measured only In the stag gering economic losses, nor In com mercial dislocations, nor in wounds. disease, deaths and sorrow. There will be titanic mental and mora reactions. not the least cf which will be in the direction of religion, in the department or r.ignest human concern by which all other human interests are motived and governed. Every deeper current of our being, as by one impulse of a power greater than ourselves, is being moved, as the greater winds move the deeper depths of the sea. If sufficient number of people the world over an swer intelligently, unitedly, we shall have a mobilization in normal force that statesmen cannot -and will not wish to resist; we shall have a force strong enough to abate the excesses of victory and defeat; we shall have at least partial triumph of these forces which for many centuries have striven for the rule of Christ in human af fairs. "The earth existed long before plows, waterfalls long before water wheels. Do .not lose hope. Man shall yet find ways to harness the spiritual powers of God for the service of his purpose, for the subliming of man s common life and the redemption of his immortal soul from the entanglements of space and time and sin and death: "Animal Nature Revealed.' "This war is a revelation on a com pellingly vast scale of what man really is in his animal nature. It may in its reactions become a revelation convert- ingly effective of what man really is in the hidden potencies of his moral nature, in his latent capacities for free dom, loyalty. Godlike pity and Christ like sacrifice. "With no cheap optimism, twin sister of cheerful idiocy; with no fiat optim ism which shuts eyes to the terrible and impressive reality of wrong and ill, but with a searching realization of the facts, may we not believe that good, overbalancing ill, not must, but may eventuate? I fail to discover the signs of the times if it is not true that the mental and moral reaction which the war has stirred will.. If fanaticism is checked, be effective for social good. It will lead to deeper and truer inter pretations of Christian institutions in their divers forms. "A day of construction and recon structlon, of deeper understandings and deeper devotions is at hand. Mere moralities and shallow rationalisms, cheap social substitutes for religion, sham redemptions. hoary supersti tions, pulpit vaudeville, commercialized mysticisms and commercialized revival- isms all must yield if the present-day revulsions and deeper motives are as real and as great as I think they are. The day has come for a candid and In telligent and brave readjustment of the centripetal and centrifugal forces of a divided Christendom if the churches are not to lag behind the nations of the future. I ask no minimizing of real and important differences. I ask for no hasty pudding of concessions. But we may well demand of each other a truer discernment of man's deepest and most tragic necessities; we may well learn from each other how those necessities may be most truthfully and most effectively met. "In what an age do we live! Was there ever a time for the whole world when every breath and thought and deed of faithful souls was so indis pensable to the era which is to be, and which even now is in our midst?" Clark Hearing Friday. Marcella Clark announced last Mrs. M hi : C YOUNG, C. O. HUATH AND J. XV. WARRELL. "PROHI" Rebellion Now, - Mr. Prohi -we'll : run this school room today. We don't intend to hurt you, but we had to tie you tip so you couldn't run away, while we asked a few questions. Us kids talked this thing over last night and decided that we had heard about all we wanted to of the kind of politics you and your Pittsburg Millionaires are trying to play here in Oregon. I told Dad what we were going to do and he gave ine a lot of questions which he said Mr. Prohi wouldn't answer. He said the Pro his always make a lot of Claims they never can Back Up and never tell us about their Prohibition Failures. Now, Mr. Prohi, why is it you never have told us that at the last election Maine came within 758 votes of rejecting its prohibition law, after trying prohibition for sixty-four years ; why don't you tell the people that New Hampshire tried it forty-eight years and re jected it; that Vermont rejected it, after fifty-three years; that Mas sachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecti cut, Michigan, Illinois, Nebraska, night that the argument on the motion hied by A. E. Clark, for a modification of the divorce decree recently granted him, would be resumed at 4 P. M. next Friday instead of at 7 P. M. as an nounced. In his motion Mr. Clark con tends that Mrs. Clark has not observed the terms of the contract signed at the time the divorce was allowed. 'SCIENCE AND FAITH' TOPIC Professor Boynton at Y. M. C. A. Says Bible and Latest Thought One, That there is really no fight between science and religion but rather conten tions between Individual scientists and theologians, who, like most human be ings, naturally like to finish any sug gested argument in an attempt to "save their faces," was the central idea brought out by Professor W. P. Boyn ton, of the University of Oregon, in his speech before men at the T. M. C. A. yesterday on "Science and Faith." "We used to hear that the theories of CONFERENCE YESTERDAY. TEACHER STUMPED Against "Practical Politics " Alabama, Iowa, Ohio, New York, Indiana, Wisconsin and South Da kota have all "tried" prohibtion and all rejected it. Why are you trying to make us adopt a law to make men good when it has been so generally Exploded as a False Theory by these Splendid States in the East? Why i& it, Mr. Prohi, that Tennes see, one of your latest "Victories," is trying, right now, with the aid of the United States Secretary of the Treasury, to float $1,400,000 bonds and has Fallen Down! Why is it that in your "Model Prohibition" State of Kansas they are legally shipping in a million and a half quarts of whiskey every year 1 Why is it that we have $145 for every individual here in Oregon to every $100 in Kansas? Why is it that Kansas ranks as the thirty-second State in per capita banking resources? As the forty third State in savings bank de posits? Why is it that Kansas has more penitentiary inmates per population than twenty-four other states if Registration Books VOTE 333 X NO (Paid Advertisement Taxpayers and Wage-Earners' League of Oregon, Portland, evolution couflicted with the Bible and religion but this claim can hardly be made any longer," said Professor Boyn ton. "There are two fundamentals to all scientific spirit, a respect or de pendence on facts and actualities and the unity or consistency of the universe. "Applied to the r-roblem of Christian faith we must see the benefits of Chris tian influence on individual human lives. These benefits cannot be ex plained except through the teachings of Jesus Christ. "Some criticise the Bible because it is not entirely consistent, but how could they expect different interpretations of the same happenings to be absolutely Identical? What accidental errors may have occurred in writing the Bible do not interfere with the credibility of the record." INDIAN RELIGION DESCRIBED Bishop Robinson Asks for Workers Instead of Funds. "The religion of India teaches the sacredness of cattle and the depravity of woman," declared John W. Robin son, missionary bishop from India, In Methodist Episcopal church yesterday morning. "The Hindu and Mohammedan re ligions have many variences in 'faith depending upon locality, but all agree on the two propositions that the cow is sacred and that womanhood is all evil. Since it has always been true that a nation naturally seeks the level of its womanhood what can be ex pected of India while this state of affairs exists. "While such lands as India are com pletely out of tune with God it will not be possible for "Thy Kingdom' men tioned in our Lord's prayer 'to come' to this earth. Not only that, but depre dations of women have their material effects upon the welfare of the nation. In India, according to the standards set there, the woman has no soul, no niind, no morality and therefore wom anhood has no spiritual. Intellectual or moral standing. Unless the women of India as a slave submerges her identity into that of her husband, there can never be any place for her in the Hindu heaven and then only as in cidental to the man. "In spite of the strenuous efforts of 50 years on the part of England and the splendid service of missionaries from the United States and elsewhere, leBs than one per cent of the woman hood in India can read or write." Without going into the details of child marriage, enforced widowhood and other miseries. Bishop Robinson outlined .what is being doa to Prohibition Prohibits? Why is it that Kansas has more Juvenile Delinquents per populatiou than twenty-six other states? Why is it that Kansas has more Feeble Minded per population than thirty-one other states? Why is it that Kansas has more Homicides per poulation than twenty-two other states? We want an Answer to these ques tions about Kansas, Mr. Prohi, be cause Kansas is the Only Prohi bition State you Dare to Brag about. Why is it that Practically Every President of the United States from Washington to Wilson and includ ing Lincoln, Taft and Roosevelt, has publicly declared against a Prohi bition Law ? Why is it that you Keep Telling Us People in Oregon that Half of the United States is in "Dry" Terri tory, when the internal revenue paid on whiskey, beers and wines is in creasing over Ten Million Dollars a Year and the Consumption of Whiskey, Wines and Beers has Doubled in the Last 13 Years? Why is it that Taxes Begin Soar- .R NOW Close October 15th Christianize India. He described how the missionaries work to spread the sunshine and cheer of the Gospel, what great work is being done in the hos pitals of India and in the boarding and day schools. "We can clothe, educate and feed one girl in one of our schools for 25 a year," said Bishop Robinson. "But rather than receive' a donation of $10,000 to carry on the work in India I would like someone present to offer a daughter to devote her life to mis sionary endeavor in India, for I con sider that of more importance and value." CHURCH BUILDING STARTED Rose City Park Congregation Breaks Ground for Structure. Ground was broken yesterday for the new Rose City Park Methodist Church, corner Alameda avenue and East Fifty eighth street, by Rev. W. W. Young son, the pastor, and Rev. H. Piatt, cor responding secretary of the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension Society, of Philadelphia, Pa., and others. These exercises followed the regular morning services at the Rose City Park clubhouse, when the entire congrega tion went to the ground-breaking cere mony. Rev. Mr. Youngson. who has been pastor since the congregation was organized, turned the first spade of earth. Then Rev. Mr. Piatt took the spade and others in the congregation shared la the honor of turning over the ground for the foundation of the new building. Mr. Youngson and Mr. Piatt both spoke briefly and a hymn was sung. It is planned to build a foundation and put in a large basement tor the immediate use of the congregation and later complete the structure. The congregation was a year old last April and today has ISO members, a Sunday school with an enrollment of 234 children, with an average attend ance of nearly 200. The church owns the site at Alameda avenue and East Fifty-eighth streets, valued at $3250. free of debt. At the meeting of the Men's Bible class last Friday night $100 was subscribed toward the new build ing. SUNDAY SCHOOL HAS RALLY First Presbyterian Attendance 611, Showing Gain of Nearly 100. "Rally Day" was observed at the First Presbyterian Sunday School yea tardr. Xfaa attendance was 11. almost iug the Moment that Prohibition is Adopted and why is it that Realty Values Begin Tumbling, Thousands of Men and Women are Thrown out of Employment, Incomes Begin Fall ing Off and General Stagnation Sets In? Why is it that Governors and Mayors in Prohibition States and Cities always talk Against Prohi bition after they have Got It? Why is it that you never say Any thing about the Blind Pigger and the Bootlegger, who skulks through dark alleys in plying his Traffic? Why is it you Never tell us any of these Things, but Only Appeal to the Emotional Side of Men and Women ? If Prohibition is Practical, if it will Actually Work Out and is En titled to the Dignity of being put on the Law Books of Oregon, why don't you ever tell us about these Things that aren't Practical and that don't Work Out ? Do you think that we adopt All Freak Legislation that Comes Along? Do you think you can make a Goat out of Us Oregon People? Or.) 100 increase over the initial attendance of last year. The exercises were opened with a roll call by classes followed by a compari son of attendance by Lindsley Ross. Plans for the ensuing year for Sun day school work' were explained by Professor Ewing.f Rev. John H. Kbyd spoke on "Import ance of Bible Study." Fifty-two prizes for perfect record in attendance were given. A chorus of the adult Sunday schoott department under the direction of J. A. Finley will have its first rehearsal Wednesday night The chorus plans to give the "Messiah" at Christmas. A servant In Berlin cleaning out a baain In a laboratory threw down the sink water in which had been placed $5000 worth of runium. Find Two Words for $5 Somewhere In this advertisement theTe are two words with "and" between them; they are the names of the man line which this illustration is supposed to represent. O MAGAZINE The pate is open and the pathway leads inward Invitingly to your home Ideal the HOUSE and GARDEN of your dreams. How to find that house how to plan it from the founda tion up how to decorate it, furnish. it and maintain It all are sImwi you by the expert who meets you at the gate. And the other hemisphere oV your home the grounds. whether tiny garden plot or broad sweep of lawn and tree the whole outdoor eV" ting Is developed and cared fcrr, rnontri after month, by this experienced triervt the broad, beautifully illustrate pages of "The Magazine for the Home Lover" 25c a copy, S3 a year. THIS CONTEST closes October 7. 19W. at noon. A certified check for wUl be sent to the person first znaillits to the advertiser before that time the greatest number of advertisements cert from The Oregonian with the correct words written one on each side of the svmbol "A" in the above illustration to gether with one silver dime. I-ast dace for this advertisement Sept. 80. 1914. THINK to send me your magazine sb-st-riptlons before it is too late. After No. vember 10, lt14. all magazine clubs will be advanced from 20 to oO per cit. Cor rect solutions mailed with magazine sub scriptions will count double, RICHARD P. O'CONNOR, Tobacconist and Newsdealer. 430V& Hoy t nt.. Oppowlte North btation f ortliuicl Oregon