Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 26, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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we re rreoarea ror an immense oamraav ousiness
With Greatest Inducements to Make Your Visit Profitable and Enjoyable
Basque Dresses
Soft, rich crepe meteor is used
in the making of these newest of
Fall dresses, fashioned in basque
style with short jacket effect, em
broidered in the back with silk and
gold threads. A long crepe meteor
sash knots in the front, and collar
and cuffs' of organdie add a smart
touch of style. The skirt is made
with a long open tunic over the
This new model comes in navy,
plum, brown and black in all sizes.
Third Floor.
Picture -Framing
Merchandise oTo Merit OnfeT
Women's Gloves . '
1 -Clasp Lambskin Cloves, $1.15
Serviceable, tailored Gloves that can be worn for dress wear, made
of lambskin, 1-clasp style, PK sewn, backs finished with contrasting
embroidery. In black, white and tan.
Women's Washable Buxkin Cloves, $1.50 .
We have just received a fresh stock of these well-known and wash
able gloves. Every pair is guaranteed to wash perfectly.
Imported Cloves of RealJCid, $1.25
2-elasp Dress Gloves, overseam style, made of real kidr genuine im
ported stock. These gloves come in black, white, tan, gray and
brown, all sizes.
Women's 1 -Clasp Mocha Cloves, $1.35
Of specially selected stock, 1-clasp .style, wide imperial stitched
backs. In gray only.
12-Button Real Kid Gloves, $2.50
The finest quality real kid is used in these gloves, which come in white
only. These gloves come in 1 2-button length. First Floor
Mme. Iebell's Famous
Beauty Preparations
Popular with operatic and
the theatrical profession, Mme.
Isebell's toilet preparations are
of unusual merit.
Turkish Bath Oil 50c
For cleansing the face, used
in place of soap and water.
Keeps the skin soft and velvety.
Wrinkle Cream $1.00
Face Powder ... 50c
Rouge 50c Box
Drug Section, First Floor
A Remarkable
Sale of
Selling Reg
ularly to $3.50
Dozens of the prettiest models we have had this season are
included in this unprecedented sale of blouses. Colored voile
allover embroidery, crepe and lingerie waists, with low neck, or
high collars, shaped or plain turn-down collars, others with flar
ing collars of white organdie finished with hemstitching and picot
edge. Many show smart little vest effects of tucking and net, and
trimmings of pleated net frills and lace. Long or short sleeves,
prettily trimmed to cbrrespond with the waists.
It would be hard to find a more comprehensive assortment of
desirable styles and materials, especially at such a little price.
These waists are all well made and finished and cut on lines to fit.
All sizes will be found in this large collection. ; Third Floor
Separate Skirts
Special Price $5.65
Two New Models
Extremely new and fashionable skirts, in
two different models. One with accordion
pleated underflounce and long, straight tunic,
with large buttons trimming the front. The
other is also made with long tunic, with dou
ble inverted box pleats back and front and
plain under-section. These skirts are made of
all-wool serge in black and navy. You will
find them perfect in finish and tailoring and
built on lines universally becoming.
Third Floor
A New Vestee With
Queen Ann Collar
SpeciaJ 69c
Of double pique, of fine quality,
made and finished so that it can
be worn either side out. Trimmed
with tiny buttons. First Floor.
First Showing of
New Millinery
Just Received
Special$8.95 and$7.50
Decidedly new and chic are these
new models which we are showing
for the first time.
At $7.50
will be found handsome, close-fitting
turbans of silk velvet, ornament
ed with ostrich feathers, coque and
fancy stick-ups and other smart ef
fects. At $8.95
sailor shapes predominate. They
embody the newest ideas of the sea
son, made of finest silk velvet,
trimmed with French feathers, novel
ties in ostrich and peacock, dainty
flowers, and a large assortment of
ribbon novelties.
Models in shapes becoming to
every face may be easily selected
from these clever hats.
Second Floor
Underwear for: Boys and
Vests and Pantalettes, 25c Ea.
In a, medium weight for Fall wear,
of soft cotton, fleece lined. All sizes
from 'I to 16 years, in white or gray.
Cotton Union Suits, 50c
Soft cotton union suits with soft
fleece lining, in a desirable weight for
present wear.' Come in white and gray.
Sizes 1 to 1 6 years.
25c School wear Stockings
for Girls and Boys
Special 18c
Stockings that are made extra strong
and durable, that will save many darn
. ings. Made of ribbed cotton, with rein
forced heels and toes, and come in
medium and heavy weights, in black
only. All sizes. First Floor
Junior Coats
Half Price and -Less
Regular $7.50 to $28.50
Sale $3.75 to $12.50
Sports and regulationength coats of
chinchilla, duvetyne, fancy mixtures,
boucle. zibeline and novelty coatings,
in most attractive styles. Collars of vel
vet or self materials, set-in or raglan
sleeves, yokes, full-belted or belted
backs. Sleeves plain tailored or with
turn-back cuffs, patch or inside pock
ets. Trimmed with novelty and cloth
Colors are navy, mahogany, red,
wine, in plain colors and fancy stripes,
plaids and mixtures in combinations.
Sizes 13. 15. 17. Fourth Floor
People Are Now Calling for
And Little Wonder Come Investigate
Saturday A Special Day for Boys' Attire
Boys All-Wool Suits $3.98
Suits Selling Regularly at $5.00 and $6.50
Wonderful suits at this price suits that are good looking and that will
stand the wear and tear of school days. Some of theoe suits come with an
extra pair of pants. They are made of all-wool materials in stripes, diag
onals and mixtures, in tan. gray and brown. The styles are Norfolk and
sack models, the coats serge lined. Knickers are full lined and finished with
taped seams.
. New Fall Suits for Boys
Saturday, Spedal $5.00
Suits that are made in up-to-date styles, showing the new patch pockets.
sewed-down belts, plain Norfolk or sack styles.
Corduroy Suits Serge Suits
Suits in Fancy Mixtures
in navy, brown, mouse, tan, gray and combinations. Sizes 6 to 1 7 years.
These suits are made to fit. perfectly tailored, seams all finished,
coats and pants fully lined with durable linings. Suits that will give
perfect satisfaction for best wear as well as general use.
" :m 'sin '
New Columbia Talking Machine
Records for October are in. Come
and hear them.
Misses' and Girls' Autumn Apparel
Practical garments for school and dress wear, expressing
ideas in fashion particularly adapted for the younger set
Juniors' Suits at Unusual Prices
Regular $12.50 Suits . r . . $ 7.50
Regular $20.00 to $22.50 Suits $12.50
Regular $25.00 to $35.00 Suits $15.00
Regular $36.50 to $50.00 Suits $16.50
Of fancy mixtures, serges, cheviots, poplins and duvetynes, in a
variety of youthful styles, trimmed with fur, velvet and oraid. Medium
length coats, set-in or kimono sleeves, many with belts,' plain and fancy
skirts. Some Combination suits are included, with cheviot coats and plaid
vests and skirts." Colors are navy, mahogany, brown, Copen and gTeen.
Sizes 15, 17, 19 years.
Three-Piece Suit for the School Girl, $5.00
Selling Reg. at $15 and $16.50
These suits are made of white corduroy, navy blue serge, diagonal,' and
brown mixtures. Coats made in box style so much worn this, season, with
large collars and cuffs trimmed with combination material, or self mate
rial. Dress part is made in one piece, skirt in panel style, and waist with
set-in short sleeves, round neck, with braid and button trimming. Sizes
10 to 16 years.
Dresses for the Junior Girl, $9.95
" Regular Prices $16.50 to $22.50
Excellent dresses for school wear, of navy and black corduroy and
velvet, all-wool serge innavy, brown, Copen, black and tan. Prettily
trimmed with plaid silk, velvet, embroidered collars, fancy braid, but
tons. Made with set-in raglan sleeves, vest effects of net and lace, skirts
with tunics, side pleats or new yoke effect. Some finished with wide silk
girdles. Fourth Floor.
Other Specials in Boys' Fine Clothing
Regular $10.00 to $11.50 Suits $7.95
- Regular $12.50 to $13.50 Suits $8.95
Regular $14.50 Suits for . . . . $9.95
Norfolk and sack suits in regulation and English models, single or
double-breasted, loose or sewed down belts, patch pockets, knife pleats,
knicker pants.
Made of all-wool materials in fancy mixtures, checks, herringbones,
stripes and diagonals, in gray, brown, tan and blue.
Sizes 6 to 1 8 years. v
Children's Sleeping
Of Warm Flannelettes
Slip-Over Gowns, 59c
In sizes 4 to 14 years, made in slip
over style, short sleeves. Of white, or
striped flannelette.
Pajama Sleepers, 59c
Made in one piece, with drop-seat
back. Fastens with 'silk frogs. In
white or fancy striped flannelette. 2
to 8 years. Fourth Floor.
Boys' Accessories
Boys' Suspenders . . . ,25c
Boys' Ties . . .25c and 50c
Boys' Caps, 35c, 50c, $1.50
Separate Pants 69c, $2.50
Rubber Rain Capes, each,
from. . . .$1J79 to $2.75
Boys' Overcoats $5 to $15
Boys' Corduroy Pants
69c Reg. Price $1
Knickers of an extra qual
ity of corduroy, well made,
with taped seams. In mouse
color only. Sizes 4 to 1 7
years. eFourth Floor.
The Free Sewing Machine.
Best in every way. Easy run
ning, perfect stitching. Sold on
easy - payment terms. $ 1 .00
down, $ 1 .00 week. Let us send
a FREE to your home.
Fifth Floor.
Fourth Floor
Boys' Shoes
Made in Portland
Every pair with our guarantee that they will prove satisfactory.
' They are the best constructed shoe for wear that we can purchase, built
for comfort as well as durability, just what the growing boy needs for
every-day and best wear.
Black or tan calf, 6-inch blucher, bellows tongue, with
nature shape toes.
Sizes 11 to 13 1-2, $3 Sizes 1 to 5 1-2, $3.50
Tan and black veal calf loggers, 1 2-inch top. extra dou
ble soles, extra saddle seams, stitching on vamp and stays,
reinforced shanks.
Sizes 11 to 13 1-2, $4 Sizes 1 to 5 1-2, $4.50
Colleagues Jeer Pink-Whiskered States
man When He In Brought In to Help
Make Quorum at Night Session.
ington, Sept. 25. Senator J. Ham Lewis,
of Illinois, Is getting In bad with his
colleagues. J. Ham is the Democratic
"whip." Senator .Lewis has not been
altogether proficient as the party whip,
and on many occasions the Democratic
leaders have been handicapped because
the pink-whiskered statesman has been
derelict in his duty. Whether any one
else could have been more proficient is
a question.
But the other night, when the Demo
cratic leaders decided to hold an all-
night session in the hope of breaking
the filibuster against the river and har
bor bill. Senator J. Ham got in decid
edly bad with his Democratic friends.
It was known that an all-night' session
could not be held unless enough Demo
crats remained to make a quorum.
Along about midnight, to the surprise
of the majority members. Senator Bur
ton had so maneuvered as a force a
rollcall. and that rollcall failed to dis
close a quorum.
Conspicuous among those who failed
to answer that rollcall was Senator
James Hamilton Lewis, of Illinois, the
one man on the Democratic side whose
presence was to be expected. So huffy
were other Democrats who had sat
patiently through the speech of Sen
ator Burton that they voted to order
the arrest of all absentees in the city.
It was no easy matter to arrest the
senator, however, for when he re
tired he left word with the club au
thoritles that ha was not to b dis
turbed, and It was only after the ser-geant-at-arma
had threatened to arrest
all the club officials and then go
through the club with a search war
rant that Senator James Hamilton
Lewis was produced. And, despite his
Buave manner and sheepish air, he was
greeted with Jeers when he finally ap
peared In the Senate and answered to
his name.
Austrlans Report Great Hardship
From Hunger and Cold.
VENICE. Sept. 25, via Paris. Ac
cording to advices reaching here today
from Trieste several thousand wounded
have been taken into that Austrian
city in the last three days. Many pub
lic buildings, including theaters, are
being converted into hospitals for them.
A majority of the wounded come
from Galicia, and they relate tales of
fearful hardships. For days at a time
they were in wet clothing, and with
the exception of plums, they had noth
ing to eat. The Russians have cap
tured immense quantities of the Win
ter clothing from the Austrian troops.
The snow has begun to fall and the
troops in the field are suffering from
Mrs. Wilson's Dying Wish Realized.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25 Mrs. Wood
row Wilson's dying wish that the worst
slums in Washington be abolished waa
finally realized today when the Presi
dent signed the bill clearing alleys of
dwelling places. On her deathbed Mrs.
Wilson expressed the hope the bill
would be passed, and this Congress has
Indispensable for convenient writing".
Prices $2.60 to (5L0O. S1J at best atorss.
Adv. .
Newspapers Reflect Remarkable Im
pression Made by Daring- Act of
Submarine In North Sea.
LONDON, Sept. 25. An official state
ment received from Berlin "by the Mar
coni -Wireless Telegraph Company
"The board of trustees of the Im
perial Bank of Germany draw special
attention to the fact that the bank
proved itself quite equal to the ex
ceptional demands made on it by the
war and that Germany is armed both
economically and financially to fight a
war on all sides until results have
been obtained which will secure the
political and economic future of Ger
many. .
"German, Austrian and Italian news
papers reflect the remarkable impres
sion which has been created every
where by the heroic acts of the Ger
man Eirbmarine U-9, which has since
safely returned to the fleet. (The U-9
is the submarine which sank the
British cruisers Aboukir, Hogue and
Cressy in the North Sea). The English
newspapers are more grieved over the
loss of the men than of the ships and
emphasize that England must employ
more submarines and mines.
"Germans in South Morocco have
been made prisoners by the French and
Interned in Zbdue, province of Oran.
The Germans are being treated well,
it Is said."
British, Steamer Stays In Port.
GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, Sept 25. The
British mail steamer Qullpue, which
was ready to leave for Panama at noon
today, suspended the start of her voy
age at the last moment when It was
announced that a German fleet was
cruising near here.
Appeal Made Against Destruction of
World-famed Monuments.
LONDON, Sept. 25. The Exchange
Telegraph Company has published a
dispatch from Its Petrograd correspon
dent saying that the well-known Rus
sian painter, Rochrlch, director of the
Imperial Society for the Furtherance
of Art, acting on the unanimous vote
of the council of the society, has ad
dressed a protest to the American dip
lomatic representative at Ptrograd
against the alleged destruction by Ger
mans of woiTSfamed art monuments.
The protest says that America has
proved by the1 establishment of mu
Beums and art collections that she is
devoted to true art and that she con
sequently cannot look llphtly on the
destruction of "that which has given
light to life on earth."
To Balloon
Is the Thing
From far - away Paris came the "Balloon
Night" hit. In the Arcadian Garden Saturday
night from ten until twelve, you'll find a merry
throng partaking of this enjoyment. An un
usual Musical Programme.
DANCE the latest steps in the Ballroom with
the CARVILLES ! Get card of invitation from
management. Every week day from four until
seven and from nine until twelve. No admis
sion charged. A pleasant time is assured
everyone. Bring your friends afternoon or
evening. Strictly informal.
Hotel Tvlultnomah
Instruction and Demonstration of all late
dances given by Carvilles. ,
Portland Man to Wed In Seath.
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 25. (Special.
Morris R. Moody, 26 years old, of
Portland, and Mary E. Blee, also 26,
of Venice, obtalnned a marriage license
here today.
is via the t
Fast passenger trains leave Portland Union Depot 8 P. M.
daily, arriving new O.-W. R. & N. terminal in the heart
of Spokane 7:55 following morning.
Leave Spokane
Arrive Portland
8:30 P.M.
7:20 A.M:
Tickats, reservations and full infor
mation upon application to:
Third and "Washington Streets,
Marshall 4500, A 6121.