Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 26, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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    All Charge Purchases Made Today and Balance of This Month Go on October
Accounts, Payable November the First
Hundreds of Thousands of .Dollars'.-' Worth of Dependable, New
Merchandise-Foreign and Domestic-at Meier & Frank's!
Never Before in More Than 57 Years of This Institution's Successful Merchandising Have We' Housed Such Bounteous
Stocks to Supply Every Need of Men, Women and Children. Only in a Very Limited Number of Instances Do We Anti
cipate Absolute Curtailment of Supply and We Therefore Assure. Our Patrons That the Great Purchasing Power of This
Institution Now and at All Times Will Provide Carefully and Plentifully for the Needs of Everybody in This Growing Northwest.
J iff '
annington Goats
From London
Meier & Frank's
The, swagger, distinctive styles of the English Mannington
Coats recommend them readily' to men careful in dress, espe
cially to the men who are continually alert to find apparel that
.is out of the ordinary, and yet not too extreme. There's com
fort, style and exceptional fabrics in these new Mannington
Coats, that have just been received from London. A remark
able selection of grays, greens, browns and blues mixed. or
plain weaves here for your selection, and every garment typi
cal and characteristic of English tailoring.
See these Coats today. They're "moderately priced at $25
and $30. ' ., " .
Complete stock Overcoats and Raincoats both
extreme and conservative styles at $7.50 to $40.
Such Famous Tailors As
Adler-Rochester, Hickey - Freeman, Rogers -Peet, Naumberg
& Co., Washington Co., and Alfred, Decker & Conn (makers
of Society Brand Clothing) are represented in our Men's Store
showing of modish, new Suits for Fall, modestly priced at
$12.50 to $40.
Complete Showing of the Well-Known "Invincible" Suits at $16.50
MACKINAWS already popular for motoring and outing wear, and preferred by young men
for street and college campus wear are destined to be very prominent at the opening of the new
Ice Hippodrome, as they lend a style and Avarmth most desired for wear by ice skaters.
See these smart, new Coats in all colors and combinations of colors, both Norfolk and Balma-
caan styles, at $5 to $15. - ,
MEN WORKING OUT-OF-DOORS will find here a complete line of water-proof Working
ivwulucs anunmiiitis. ( Men'. StoreSecond Floor. Temp.c7
New $5 Silk Shirts $3.85
Many Have the New Style Soft Silk Collars to Match
Silk of the very highest quality, in the new satin-striped effects, as well
as handsome Jacquard figrured effects, are the fabrics used in this group
of Shirts. All the new Fall colors and combinations are here. Every requi
site of the perfect Shirt guaranteed to fit "right" at the collar, sleeves
of correct length perfect tailoring and finish 'in fact, these are Silk
Shirts of the highest standard offered to our patrons today at a very remark
able reduction. Silk Shirts for men of air sizes, regularly selling at $5.00
reduced for Saturday's selling to S3.85.
Men's 20c Marathon Cotton Hose, Pair 12V2C
"We've just received a very large shipment of these excellent
Hose. Come in shades of tan, gray, navy and black. All sizes.
"Springtex" Worsted Ribbed Union Suits
Special, $1.89 ' .
Medium weight for Pall wear. Made with closed crotch, well
finished, good-fitting garments. All sizes.
Men's $4 Worsted Ruff Neck Sweaters, $3.39
Ideal for Fall wear. All the 1 good ' ' colors -cardinal,
maroon and white.
red, Oxford, navy,
Men's $1.50 "Bacmo" Tan Cape Gloves, $1.15
Famous make. Tan Cape Gloves for street wear, with cut
seams. Regular and cadet sizes at this special price.
Men's New Neckwear for Fall, 50c
The best assortment in town at this popular price.' The latest
patterns and colors, and all the popular weaves in self figures,
stripes and checks. Made with wide flowing ends. "We invite
your inspection of our . line of 50c Neckwear it Avill pay you.
First Floor. Temporary Annex
If You Want to Wear
a Thoroughly
Good Hat.
and at the same time want some
thing "different" from the "other
fellow's" GET A MALLORY.
There's a reputation 90 years old
the maker's reputation, based upon
producing good, stylish Hats. When
we looked at the various sample lines
of Fall styles we were looking for
style and real hat-goodness. We
found them to our liking in "MaV
lory" Hats. And the 90 years' rep
utation had its effect, too.
You have the .same assurance if you
buy a "Mallory" Hat. We show all
the favored Fall styles. Look for the
We Are Also Agents for "Knox,"
"Schoble," "Noname" and "M. &
F. Special" Hats
First Floor, Temporary Annex
Women's Silk Vests
Less 10 Discount Today I -
Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bids'.
Saturday Drug,
Toilet Goods
Tetlow'a Gossamer Face Powder. . .16
Tetlow'n Swannriown Face l'uiriler,12c
InK'rani'a Milkweed Cream. ...... ,29c
llaxellne Snow Cream. ........ .. .31
Kama Theatrical Cream. 39S
l.a It Jar he Knee I'owuer .....35J
Kxyptian Knee yonder
Ur. L)on' Tooth Powder ...13
Bathaaweet Hath Powder 15
Kutuxka Toilet Water 5JJ
I.njsell MaHttu Talcum 13c
Bauer .V U lack's Belladonna or
Hrllxlogna and Capnlcum Porous
Plasters, for 25J
BOc Nlze I.avoris (Antiseptic Throat
Wash) 33
loo Pnenolax Wafera for 20i
115e Menthol Inhalers, in metal case.X&C
-."c Sie bottle Be inline Bay Hum . . X 7
Paekaae Kpwm Salts 22d
I.50-S-" Pure Bristle Hair Brushes.9S
COc 7-in. and b-ln. Lyoa Brand
Scissors 39
75c 3 aud 4-bladed Knives, each. . . 29 '
25c and 35c Tooth Brushes, pure
Bristles 19t
25c and 85e Hand Brushes, assorted
styles 19J
COc Hushes' Ideal Cushion Back
Hair Brushes.... 39
$5 Worth of Real Quality
Is Embodied in This Offering of
at This Moderate Price
Special Sale Prices on
Parisian Ivory
Parisian Ivory Round Mirrors. $2.19
Parisian Ivory Hair Brushes. .$2.19
Parislun Ivory Combs 29
Parisian Ivory Oval and Square
Picture Frames ' 59t
Parisian Ivory Puff Boxes.. . ; . 69
Parisian Ivory Hair Receivers. 59t
Parisian Ivory Remov. Buffers 69
Parisian Ivory all Files 59
Initial Napkin Ring 15c
First Floor, SIxth-St. Bids;.
Stationery Specials
Odds and Ends of Mourning Paper,
Envelopes and Calling Cards, regu
larly to 40c, quire, or package 9
"500" Score Cards, 100 25t. dz.
Bridge Score Cards, dozen. 7
25 "Lily" or Plain Bridge Pads, 21
10c "Lily" or Plain Bridge Pads, 7
Bicycle & Narrow Bridge Cards 192
Fancy "500" Score Cards, dozen 26t?
15c Kara Linen T'blets, all sizes, 11
15c Kara Linen Envelopes, pkg 12
First Floor, SIxtU-St. Bids.
$5.00 will never be expended to better advantage by mothers than
in purchasing these Knickerbocker Suits, of all wool materials, that
we're offering today. Fancy gray and brown mixtures, or handsome
blue Cheviot Suits an extra special offering at this low price. The Coats
are cut full, on mannish' and stylish lines, splendidly tailored. Two pairs
of Knickers with each Suit giving almost double service. Kniokers lined
throughout and perfectly made.
These are Suits for Service Priced at only $5.00
"Samson" Suits for Boys sizes 5 to 1& years alwayB $6.50
"Sampeck" "Correct Posture" Suits for Boys, Priced $7.50 to 316.50
Second Floor, Temporary Annex.
Hats and Caps for Boys
Children's Hats of Felt, velour, plush, suede, velvets in all the popu
lar colors and stylish shapes. Sizes' 6ya to 7. Priced 50 to $o.OO
Boys' Felt Hats All the newest shapes and most desirable colors,
including blues, black, browns, grays, greens and tans. Sizes 6 to TV.
Priced at $1.0O, 1.50 and $2.0O.
Boys'" Turnover Hats and Caps Of materials to match suits. Sizes
6 to 7ya. Priced at 50. $1.00 and $1.50.
Second Floor, Temporary Annex.
8x10 Sepia Enlargement FREE!
from any negative you may bring- In on Saturday given with
very 2.00 or more purchase made in our Kodak Storo on that day.
Only one enlargement to each person. W are making this offer
for the purpose of demonstrating our superior enlargement work.
SATURDAY SPECIALS 11.00 Loose Leaf Albums. 7x10 also,
with 60 leaves, each....... .73
85c Photo Albums, 10x12 size, with 25 leaves, each ....23i
See our assortment of Photo Calendar for 1815 for all alae Photos.
ivodalt Store, Fifths St. Kntrmnce, Temporary Annex.
Specially Featured Today
1 Boys' and Girls' School Hose 1x1
ribbed black cotton of soft finish.
Seamless, in black only. . Sizes . 6 to
10. 2 Pairs 25S pair 15.
Misses' and Children's Bibbed Hose
Extra fine ribbed cotton, in black
only. JSizes 5y2 to 9. 3 pairs 50S
pair 17.
Black Cat and Cadet Hose for
Boys and Girls In medium and heavy
weights.. Double knit knees, linen
heels and toes. Sizes 6 to 10. Price,
pair, 25.
Misses' Fine Lisle Hose Ribbed or
plain lisle and mercerized lisle. Made
of best English yarn and come in all
staple colors, sizes 6 to 10. Priced 3
pairs 65S pair 25.
First Floor, Slxta-St. Bid-.
Misses', Children's Millinery
is a strong feature at
Meier & Frank's 1
HaU for the small girl or boy Hats for the young girl and EE
E5 Hats for the tiny child all are here in an abundance.. In fact, we
SS feel that never before have we been better prepared to serve our E
patrons in these lines. Hats suitable for either dress, street or E
EE school wear, in the most favored styles for the younger generation, j
EES will be found in our assortment. EE
Millinery Parlors. Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bide. EE
Dresses for School Wear, $1,89
One Hundred Navy and Brown
Serge and Wool Dresses '
Made in the new low-belted style,- trimmed with neat flannel collars anfl yokes,
or novelty striped material trimmings. Ideal Dresses for school wear warm and
well made. Sizes 6 to 14 years. A most extraordinarily low price placed upon this
group of Dresses for Saturday onlyr $1.89.
Corduroy and Serge Dresses, Special $3.75
Corduroy Dress illustrated. Navy, brown and wine shades.
Practical serge and handsome corduroy materials that will
give the ultimate of service. Long-waisted style, with wide
patent leather belts, or trimmed with contrasting materials
Roman stripes and broadcloth. Fancy embroidered col
lars finish thefee smart little Frocks, that come in sizes 6 to
14 years priced at S3. 75.
Complete showing of Dresses for Misses and Children
for school or dress wear priced at $4.50, $5.95 to $22.50.
Including the very latest and most youthful models.
Grocery SuggestionsSpecial Prices
Finest Eastern Hams Cured from the best corn
fed hogs. .Kreshly smoked and closely trimmed.
Hama weicrhlne 10 to 12 lbs. each, pound 23
Jersey Cranberries First of the season. Lowest
opening price in years. Quart XOt
10 Pounds Sweet Fotatoea Fancy kiln-dried' stock.
Bake evenly. As they come from the crate,
10 lbs. for 23c
Victor Coffee Satisfactory blend, pound 296
Itoyal Banquet Butter Fancy Oregron make, roll... 75
Feanut Butter1 Finest quality. Pint Economy Jars..25f
Cottase Hams Fine lean pieces, about A lbs. each,
pound ; 18t
Blue Ribbon Butter Well-known brand. Roll 73
Wienerwursts or Frankfurters Fresh daily. Pound. X9
Uaatern Cheese 'Rich Wisconsin make. Pound 22 Vie?
Fure Food Grocery Basement, Slxth-St. Bids.
Practical Serge Dresses, Special $2.95
Splendid quality serge, in shades of navy, hrown and
wine. Made in long-waisted French style or Gibson
effects. Handsomely trimmed with Roman stripes, .
Jbraid or plain contrasting colors. Very desirable mod- V
els, sizes 2 to 14 years, special for Saturday 2.95
Dancing Frocks for Misses, Juniors and Children
New Arrivals, Priced G.50 to $35.00
Lovely little .models iu nets, chiffon, mousseline
and French crepes. A most remarkable collection
of styles, colors and dainty effects. Sizes for girls
6 to 16 years. ,
Fifth Floor, Slxth-St. Bids.