22 THE 3IORNTNG OREGONTAN, FRIDAY, SEPTESrBER 25, 1914. 3S3CD eier& Frank's! h Friday Surprise One Day Specials That Demonstrate the Vast Purchasing Power of This Mammoth Store M Sa es MKIKR FRANK'S 1286t FRDDAT SURPRISE SALES. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Newest Waist Novelties Very Specially Priced for Friday at $1.68 Several Models Two Illustrated - , Organdy, all-over embroidery and voile Waists, also voile combined with shadow and Valenciennes laces. Set-in and drop shoulder sleeves, either long or short- A great variety of collar effects, including Japanese, Mare, Calla Lily and other novelties. This is a collection of fine, sheer, "dressy" "Waists that we're offering at an extremely low price for Friday only $1.68. Flfti Floor, SIxtn-St. Blox. MEIER A FRANK'S 12S61 FRIDAY SURPRISE: SALES. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Sweaters for 1 to 4-Year-Olds Friday 98c Heavy Wool in Norfolk Style Just as Illustrated Fancy weave, in attract ive combinations white, bine or pink trimmed, (belt, collar and cuffs of the con trasting color), and shades of navy, cardinal, tan and Oxford. High military col lar, buttoning snugly about the neck, and two rows of buttons down the front. Good full sizes, 1 to 4 years. This is an extraordinary of fering these heavy wool Sweaters at this very low 'price for Friday 98. Second Floor, Stxth-St. Bldar. METER A FRANK'S 1286th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Children's Dresses of Batiste and Nainsook Regularly $1.50 to $2.00 Today Only 69c This is an assortment of broken sizes, and Dresses, that are soiled from handling, but perfect in every respect. Fine batiste and nainsook material, and a few linens and poplins included. Made in French style, lace and embroidery trimmed. Dresses of exceptional worth regularly $1.50 to $2.00, this broken as sortment will be closed out on Friday at, each, 69. Sizes 2 to 5 years. No Dresses sent on approval. None sent C. O. D. No Dresses exchanged. -iScBi Floor, SIxtn-St. Bls. METER A FRANK'S 12S6ta FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. x " SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Women's, Children's Sweaters, 79c An odd assortment of Sweaters, consisting of about 150 garments, with slight imperfections. To close out we have made this extra special price for Friday only 79. Women's Sweaters are in V-neck style and high neck'effects. In Oxford, red, navy and white. Children's Sweaters in Norfolk style, colors Oxford, red and white. Friday only the price will be, for both lines 7D. " None sent on approval, none O. O. D., no exchanges. ' ' - . FlftV Floor, Slxtk-St. Bids. -1 ; . J BUSIER A FKAXK'S 12Stl FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES., SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Fancy Ribbon Surprise ! Usually $1.50 to $2.50 Yard Friday, Yard 50c This is a special purchase of 3000 yards of "im ported Ribbons, in a vast assortment of gorgeous color combinations, v in eluding stripes, plaids, Bay adere effects ; al30 a variety of plain colors. Widths are from 6 to 10 inches. These Swiss and French Silk Ribbons are very appropriate for sashes, girdles, dress trimmings, miUmery uses, fancy work, etc. On Friday only, youmay choose from this wonderful array of Ribbons, usually selling from $1.50 to $2.50 the yard at, the yard, 50. No Telephone Orders on This Ribbon Surprise. First Floor, Slxtn-St. Bids. MmBnBnMMMMMMn HE3ER A FRANK'S 12S6A FRIDAY STRPRISE SALES. TEMPORARY ANNEX Brown Bamboo Baskets From Japan Reduced in Price for Friday $1.00 Baskets, Reduced to, Each, 69 - $1.50 Baskets, Reduced to, Each, 98 We've just unpacked a shipment of these handsome Baskets, and are making a radical reduction in price for Friday's Surprise Bale. Japanese Bamboo Fruit Baskets, in Mahogany frrrish. At tractive oblong shapes with heavy handles, and round style, deep, with high, heavy handles. This is a special one-day offering that "will be of vast interest to our patrons, when they may purchase $1.50 Japanese Baskets for 98 and $1.00 Japa nese Baskets for 69. STEIER A FBANm 1286th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. v SIXTH-STREET BUILDING 18c Ginghams, the Yard, 10c Splendid grade of dress Ginghams, in a variety of colors and patterns checks and stripes, including the new Fall effects in plaids in dark colors. 32-inch Ginghams, regularly Belling at 18c for Friday's Sur prise, yard, 10. TUrf Floor, StxO-St. Bid. MEIER 4h FRASK'S 12Stfc FRIDAY SUBFRISB SAXJES. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING Sale of 18-in. Linen-Finished Kitchen Crash Yard 8V2C Odd lengths, ranging from 8 to 12 yards, of Linen-Finished Crash for kitchen towels, are offered today at this reduced price. Firm, heavy weight, soft and absorbent. Yard, Friday, 8V. Tklrd Floor, SIxth-St. Bids. METER A FRAjnCS 12Sll FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES SIXTH-STREET BUTLDINa "Peter Thompson Dresses $5.95 Reduced From $9.45 x Sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20 Years Made in regulation "Peter Thompson" style av model that is always in greatest demand. High-grade navy bine serge, with stitched pleated skirt, in one-piece style. Braid-trimmed collars and cuffs and embroidered emblems' on collar and dickey, and silk tie. Splendid Dresses for school wear. It is rare that such an opportunity is given to purchase "Peter Thompsons" at a reduced price. Friday only, the price of these $9.45 "Peter Thompson" Dresses will be $5.95. Flftn Floor, Sixth-St. BMx. MKIKR A FRANK'S 128efn FRIDAY SCRFRISE SALES SIXTH-STREET KU 1 1 .PINO House Dresses for Fall Wear Including "Double Service" Models and "Dix" Make Dresses $1.08 for Friday Here's a collection of House Dresses suitable for eool weather wear, made with high necks, long or short sleeves. Included are popular "double-service' Dresses that appeal strongly to many women. Also a few of the popular "Dix" models. Percales, ginghams and flan nelette materials, in dark and medium colors and many designs. All sizes from 34 to 46, in clusive. For Friday we're making an extra special price on this group of House Dresses one that is bound to bring great response, so we advise early selection if you would procure just the style Dress you desire. Friday's Surprise price on these splendid House Dresses is S1.08. Fifth Floor, Stxtn-St. B14C MEIER Jt FRANK'S 12Sfb FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES SIXTH-STREET BUILDIKO ; Large Cover-All Aprons 39c Friday Only Full size Cover-Alls, 57 inches long and the average Apron is but 54 inches. Made of ex cellent quality "percale, either light or dark colors, neatly bound in white. These Cover Alls are a very special offering, even for a Friday Surprise and one we are certain will be appreciated by our patrons- One day only Friday Cover-Alls at 39. Second FloorrSlxtn-St. Bid-. MEIER A FRANK'S 12860a FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES SIXTH-STREET BUILDING 50c Black Cashmerette Gloves, Pair 39c Gloves of exceptional quality. Imported by us direct from Saxony, before the war. They're of black cashmerette, lined with silk of various colors. All, sizes from 5Yz to 8. Two-clasp style. Gloves that would ordinarily sell at 50c the pair. Special, pair, 38 C. ' Firm Floor, Sixtn-St. Bids. METER A FRANK'S 12S6tH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES SIXTH -STREET BTTTLDINQ Women's French Kid Gloves Pair $1.15 Begnlarly Priced $1.50 and $2.00 Our own importation a consignment that reached us before the present European dis turbance, from Grenoble France. Ileal French kid, in black, tan, cream and champagne. Both overseam and pique sewn, two-clasp style, with Paris point or embroidered backs. We have 600 pairs to go into this sale, including all sizes in the colors mentioned. Friday's price IS, th pair, SX.15. Flr Floor. Sixtn-St. Bids. METER A FRATf KS 1286 tH FRIDAY SURPRISE SAXES SIXTH-STREET BUTXXUNO Women's New India Style Colored Silk Umbrellas, $3.95 Regular $5.00 Umbrellas. The new India (or wide spread shape). Water proof silk, in a variety of fashionable colors, includ ing shades of green, brown, red, navy, purple. Made with detachable handles of black ebonoid, both plain and carved effects. All have the popular large loop cords for carrying' attached to handle a great con venience. These Umbrellas are as handsome as they are practical, and the reduction for Friday makes them a remarkable offering Regular $5.00 India Style, all SHk Umbrellas. $3.95. First Floor, Stxtia-St. BlAg. MEIER A FRANK'S lSSVth FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES ' BIXTHiSTREET BUILDING Women's 50c Hose 38c, 2 Pairs 75c Fine mercerized lisle, in medium weight, with lavender-banded tops, and tippings. Extra knit double top and soles. We have 700 pairs of these Ilose in this surplus supply which accounts in part for this deeply reduced price for Friday only, when you may purchase 50c mercerized Lisle Hose, two pairs 75 the pair, 38d. Flnrt Floor, Slxtu-St. Bldx. MTCTTTR FBAITICS 128Cn FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES SIXTH-STREET BDTT.TXENQ Women's $1.75 Union Suits, 98c . This is an odd line that we're about to dis continue, which accounts for this extreme re duction for Friday. Wool and cotton mixed Suits, high neck, long sleeves and ankle length. Regular and outsizes in these splendid Union Suits, ordinarily $1.75 Friday, the suit, 98. na Floor, Sixth-SC JUldx. METER St FRANK'S 1-28 6 1 It FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES SIXTH-STREET BUILD INQ Children's 50c "Nazareth" Union Suits 35c High neck, long sleeves and in ankle length, made with tape and buttons. "Nazareth" Union Suits in all sizes for children, regularly selling at 50c Friday only, the suit, 35. a Floor, olxtn-St. Rldjr. r" JS07 9 134 TH&.QjJAi.rTV'STORjE 01 Portland nftK, SixtJ Morr-tsofy Aider Ota. MEIER A FRANK'S 1280th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES SIXTH-STREET BUILDING GROCERY SURPRISES IOWA SUGAR CORN A veritable surprise from our canned goods department! We reserve the right to limit quantities in this sale of Canned Corn. Special on Friday only dozen '71- cans 90, can ?C Challenge Coffee 4 lbs. $1, 2 lbs. 55, lb. 28 Mustard Sardines "American" brand. No. 4 cans, 6 for 25 Sliced Pineapple "Sultan" brand. No. 1 can 10 Jersey Butter Established brand, roll '.. 66 " "Economy" Naptha Soap 8 bars 25 Table Syrup "Monogram" brand, No. 2y2 can 12 Macaroni or Spaghetti Oregon make, 4 pkgs 25 Rockwood's Baking Chocolate While any remains,' lb 29 Butternut Butter Always satis factory, roll 67 "Warrant on" Minced Clams No. y2 flat cans, 3 for. . . . . .25J Good Brooms With 4 rows of 29 sewing. Each Pure Food Grocery Basement, Slxth-St. Bids. TEMPORARY ANNEX MEIER FRA51CS I2SSth FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES Norfolk and Double-Breasted Boys' Suits $1.98 Sizes 5, 6, 7, 15, 16 and 17 Years Only "We have 150 Suits some in Norfolk, others in double-breasted Knickerbocker style thai we're offering today at this unmatched reduction- The majority of these Suits are made of all-wool material and have sold regularly at $5.00 others are made of sturdy materials that are not strictly all wool. The coats are full cut, and the knickers are lined throughout. Splendid Suits for School Wear Friday Only S1.98 Bo7 Store Scwo. Floor TewyaTtry Auex. MRTTCR Jb FRASTS7S I2SCh FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES TEMPORARY ANNEX 400 Prs. Young Men's Pants Worth $4 and $5 On Sale Friday at-$2.85 Extra Pants, left from suits. Gray, browns, tans, blue mixtures, checks and stripes. Sizes 27 to 36 waist. Excellent for school or business wear. As a special for Friday these regular $4 and $5 Pants for young men will be offered at, The Pair, S2.85 Hofi Store Seeood Floor Tmttm Annex. MEIER 4b FRA51CS X2S0tn, FRIDAY SURPRISE SAI.KS TEMPORARY ANNEX Sale of $20.00 Velvet Rugs Reduced for Friday Only to $14.95 Handsome Velvet Rugs, 9 x 12 in size, in at tractive Oriental designs. Rugs extremely suitable for living and dining-room use. Regu larly priced at $20.00. Friday's Surprise Price 14.95 Carpet Remnants for Friday Velvets, Body Brussels and Axminster Car pet Remnants 1 -yard lengths, priced at, each 50c 14-yard lengths, priced at, each 75 Seremtk Floor Temporary Annex MEIER Jb FRANK1? 12Stn FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES TEMPORARY ANNEX Men's 50c Thread-Silk Hose Pr.25c These Hose are pure thread silk, and come in black only. Selling always for 50c Fri day's price, as an extreme special offering is, The Pair, 25d Pint Floor, Temporary Annex MEIER A FRANK'S lS6th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES TEMPORARY ANNEX Men's Wool-Mixed Union Suits, $1.19 x Spring needle-ribbed style Union Suits, in natural gray color wool mixed and of me dium weight. Made with closed crotch, and come in all sizes- "Well-finished garments, spe cially priced for Friday's Surprise offering, the Suit, S1.19. First Floor, Temporary Annex MEIER A FRANK'S 12S6th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES TEMPORARY ANNEX 25c to 35c Scrim, the Yard 16c "White, cream and ecru Scrims, with hem stitched edge effects. A splendid variety of bor der patterns, and Scrim xf very good quality. The offering for Friday only is 25c to 35c qualities reduced to, yard, 16c. Xlatn Floor, Temporary Annex. 4- -