Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 22, 1914, Image 1

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    VOL. LIV. NO. 16,794.
Forts South of Verdun
Are Attacked.
Kaiser's West Wing Reported
Forced Back 7 Miles.
Teutons Cross Eastern Border To
ward Lorraine, Where Eight "of
1'oe's Corps Are Operating. v
Bayonets Adeptly TJsed.
BERLIN. Sept. 21, via London, Sept.
S3 An official communication issued
Monday night regarding: the course ol
the battles around Rheims says:
. "The strong, hilly positions at
Craonne have been captured. Advanc
ing on Rheims our troops occupied the
village of Bethany.
"We' are attacking the strong forts
on the line south of Verdun and the
Germans have crossed the east border
in the direction of Lorraine, which is
defended by eight French army corps.
A sortie fnom the northeast of Verdun
has been repulsed.
Arillcry Sarprlaea French.
"The French troops camping to the
north of Toul(near Nancy) have been
surprised by our artillery.
"In the rest of the French war the
ater there, have been no engagements.
"In the Belgian and eastern battle
fields the situation is unchanged."
via Paris. The western wing of the
- German line has been thrust back about
seven miles during the last48 hours as
a sequel to continuous fighting night
' and day.
Fatigued Men Straggle On.
Both armies, despite almost super
human fatigue, show the utmost deter
mination not to yield an inch of ground
without a terrible struggle, but the
fresher troops at the disposal of the
allies have gradually forced the Ger
mans to recede. .
The Turcot are adding daily -to their
record of daring achievements. Late
last night in a costly bayonet encoun
ter they broke through the German
lines without firing more than a few
shots and recaptured and brought back
four field guns which the French troops
had abandoned the previous day. They
' seemed to disdain the murderous rifle
and machine gun fire poured into them,
refusing to listen to the officers who
tried to keep them under cover.
Cold steel again played a considerable
part in the battle of enormous hosts
fighting along the Aisne, the Oise and
"Woevre. The most remarkable point
about the encounters is that the troops
scarcely see each other before they
actually come hand to hand.
Recklessness Is Gne.
The recklessness displayed at the be
ginning of the hostilities, with the re
sultant carnage through the machine
guns, almost has disappeared, and every
movement of the attacking and defend
ing troops is carried out with the ut
most caution until the moment of actual
The Germans have suffered most in
these engagements, for the French
troops from Africa and the British were
adepts with the bayonet, and they wait
in the trenches until their adversaries
are so close that a quick dash brings
them together. '
Cheerful Feeling Created.
' General Jbffre, who is In robust
health, holds is his hands every phase
of the battle. Behind the firing line,
the commander of the allies confers
daily with the Generals in. charge of
the varied allied forces. He has created
a feeling of greatest cheerfulness and
confidence among the officers and men
by his absolute indifference to political
and other influences and by his desire
to spare them sacrifices.
The country behind the French army
is being rapidly repopulated. Herds of
cattle and sheep mingle with supply
trains along the roads leading to the
north. They are being homeward driven
by peasants, women, old men and boys.
I3NDON. Sept. 21. The official press
bureau announced at 7:45 o'clock this
"Since the -st report was received
from General French further counter
attacks have been made and success
fully repulsed."
Confirmation of the. report that the
bulk of the German army had begun
to retire from France was awaited in
vain throughout the day. England has
prepared for another period of anxiety
and suspense which must last as long
as the great battle of the Aisne. now
. in Us 10th day, remains undecided.
' . Oatflanklng Is Expected. '
Though. British officials say the allies
still are gaining ground, their progress
necessarily is slow, and the public is
beginning to feel that the turning point
In the battle never will be reached until
one side or the other has been out
flanked. The suggestion that the allies
would accomplish this Saturday on the
German right was not fulfilled, and ap
parently their efforts are being con
tinued today. ' . ; -
For days the British press referred
to "Von Kluck's peril," but so far the
' German ' commander has been able to
. . . .(Concluded ea Paz 2.)
LO.NDOS, Sept. 21. The. German
Emperor has taken an bla quarters In
Luxemburg, according to a Parta dis
patch to the Exchange-Telegraph Com
pany. Thonaanda of troops are sta
tioned aronnd the legation where he
resides. To guard against possible
raids by French aviators a squadron
of aeroplanes Is in constant readiness
to beat off attacks. -
.ROME, Sept. 21, a London-rA dis
patch from Vienna aays that General
Radko DlmletrlefT, Bulgarian MlnUter
at Petrograd, who resigned from the
diplomatic corps of his country to
join the Russian Held forces,waa fatal
ly wounded in the fighting at Tomassow.
PARIS, Sept. 21. In a message from
Petrograd the Havas correspondent
says that during the last three days
the Russians In Galtcia have captured
15,000 Anstrlans Including 150 officers.
Many cannon, quick-lire sjuna wd sup
plies also have been taken. Austrian
aeroplanea which flew over the Rus
sian army were destroyed, and on the
body of n dead aviator were found
lists of the Austrian reserves and
notes as to their positions, which
greatly aided the Russians.
GIBRALTAR, rla London, Sept. SL
It Is officially announced from Zan
slbar that the British cruiser Pcgaaua,
which was recently attacked and dis
abled by the German cruiser Koenigs
berg, has been benched.
BORDEAUX, Sept. 21, 7'ilS P. 91.
The magnificent net of ancient tapes
tries which hung in the Cnthedral of
Rhelma was removed before the bom
bardment by officials from the office
of the under secretary of the fine arts,
and la now In a place of safety.
LONDON, Sept. SL The bombard
ment of Tfrmonde by the Germans con
tinues, presumably to prevent a further
Belgian sortie from .Antwerp, according
to a dispatch today to the Central
Kcna from Antwerp. The Germans
have Intrenched themselves between
Hofstade, 18 miles east of Ghent, and
Sempst. The fort of Wnelhelm on sev
eral occasiona bombarded these posi
tions. The Germana have also taken
up fortified positions at Gembloux and
between Wane and Louvaln.
PARIS, Sept. "U llilS P. M. The of
ficial communication, issued tonight,
ays I "The engagements today have
been leas violent. We have made ap
preciable progress, notably hetweea
Rhelma and the Acgoaat."
LONDON, Sept. gq An Antwerp dis
patch to the Renter Telegram Company
aara the staff of General Von Kluck,
commander of the German right wing,
waa transferred to Una Monday even
ing, according to an unconfirmed re
port. T"
The Belgian reerulta of the 114 class
have been called to the colors.
GENEVA, via Paris, Sept. 33 Ac
cording to lnte advices there were riots
yesterday at Vienna, the people de
manding war news. Several . persons
were killed and many nrrests were
German papers received' here aeem to
be adopting; a more sober tone, some of
them even mentioning a possible re
treat for strategic reasons," from
France for the purpose of "punishing
the Russians.'
South Dakota Kills Plan for House
- Action This Session.
ington. Sept. 21. Effort was made to
day to secure unanimous consent for
the passage through the House of a
bill adopting the Oregon .apple box as
a standard apple container and requlr
ing the labeling of each box as to the
exact contents, but objection was made
by Representative Dillon, South Da
kota, and the bill was stricken from
the unanimous' consent calendar.
It probably cannot be considered
again by the House at this session.
Alms Sought From Khelms Cathe
dral During Bombardment.
LONDON, Sep't. 22. The correspond
ent of the Daily Telegraph at Rheims,
in describing the destruction of the
historic cathedral, says:
"In the doorway still stands the crip
pled beggar who has sought alms there
for many years. He maintained his
post throughout the bombardment and
like a statue he stands, covered with
dust, pebbles and glass. - The man was
unharmed. He was crippled in the
war of 1870.".
London Xewspaper Men Refuse to
Use Back Door of Press Bureau.
LONDON, Sept. 21. 12:01A. M. Be
cause one of their number was re
fused entrance at the front door of
the oflcial -press 'bureau and was told
to go to the back door, the newspaper
men on duty there went on strike to
A committee was appointed to inter
view the official in charge, but was
told that the order that newspaper'
men must use the back door was lr
Official Insures 'Show 362,454
Fewer families Than in 1911.
PARIS, Sept. 21. Official figures on
the census of Paris within the city
walls show that there are today in
the capital 362,454 fewer families than
there were in 1911. The number of
households now in the city is 761,200
The population shows a reduction of
1,026,507, as compared to 1911.
This is equal to 60 per cent of the
population in normal times. -
250,000 AUSTRIAN!
Army In Panic Fleeing
From' River Drina.
Russians Report Dankl's Re
treating Force Surrounded.
Jaroslau'ls Being Bombarded and
Onward Rnsb. of Cossacks Being -Seriously
Felt ln Gallcia.
Betrayal Is Reported.
' PARIS, Sept. 22. A dispatch to the
Havas Agency from Nlsh, Servia, says:
"After several days of battle near
Kroupani, 10 miles from the Bosnian
border. In' which 250.000 ' Austrian s
were' engaged, the Austrian suffered
complete defeat and are flying In
panic from the banks of the river
"The Servians, who called back their
troops in Syrmia for this battle are
now advancing toward Svornlk.
Austrian Attack Kalis.
"On the River Save an Austrian de
tachment tried to capture the town of
Shabatx, 40 miles West of Belgrade,
but waa thrown, .back with great
PETROGRAD. Sept. si. -rne onward
rush of the Cossack is being felt serl
ously .throughout Galicla, by news
reaching here from the front tonight.
Jaroslau is being bombarded, and, ac
cording to reports, the Czar's army has
invested PrzemysL
It is said General Dankl'a army, re
treating toward Cracow, has been sur
rounded. VIENNA, Sept. 21. via Paris. 11:20 P.
AL The' belief Is growing In official
circles here, that the Austrian reverses
in Galicla were to a large extent
brought about by exact knowledge held
by the Russian War Office of Austria's
mobilization and campaign ( plans.
which had been obtained through an
elaborate system of espionage.
Colonel Is Traitor.
The military authorities, it is claimed.
two years ago discovered that Colonel
Alfred Redl, chief of the general staff
of the Eighth Austrian Army Corps,
had betrayed information of vital im
portance to Russia, and although It is
thought probable the Austrian general
staff later made changes in their plans,
the military experts believe the modifi
cations would not have greatly affected
'Concluded on Page 2.)
' THiiifWjs? Yin hi l
' 1 1 (
L..;....y.. TT rTTTTr
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, -Ts
aegrees; minimum. t degrees. -TODAY'S
Fair; northerly winds.
Belgians lose all, but show no b it t ernes.
Page 4. -
Servia reports rout of ' 250,000 Austrian.
"age 1.
Germans seek to Impress on xSolgians fu
tility of resistance. Pare 6.
Germans report capture of strong posi
tions. Fare L
Germans' position at Aisne strong and evi
dently prepared ahead of retreat. Page 2.
German writer accuses Belgian non-com-batants
of terrible atrocities. Page 2.
German western wing thrust rack seven
miles in 48 hours. Page 1.
Crews of captured British merchantmen
make light of . German marksmanship.
Page 2.
British General resigns rather than lead
African war. Page . 4.
Japanese airmen destroy twp Important Ger.
man forts. Page 5.
Rheims practically destroyed by German
. sheila Page a.
German Mayors order friendly treatment of
Americans. Page 5.
Richard Harding- Davis describes bombard
ment of Rheims. Page X.
Filibuster wins on river and harbor bin and
' ent to 120.000.000 appropriation ordered.
Page 1. ,
War clouds again hang over Northern Mex
ico. Page 7.
Railroad rates. East -and West, to be In
creased in immediate future. Page 7.
Oregon's home at San Francisco Fair
probably most talked about- State build
ing. Page 16.
- Sports. . -
Multnomah's captain tears defeat by Ag
gies. Page 12.
Washington football .team promises to. be
stronger than ever. Page 12.
Pacific Northwest.
Bodies of nine victims of Legget disaster are
found. Page 16.
Revenue cutter Tahoma strikes reef off
Aleutian Islands with 72 men on board.
Page 6. V
Commercial and Marine,
Large part of Canada's apple crop will not
oe narvestea. fage ii.
Active market and higher prices at Portland
stockyards. Page 17.
Big Increase In visible supply eapses dip in
Chicago wheat market. Page 17.
Steps are taken to obtain Carnegie medal for
quartermaster who dived iuto sea to
save i.e&gen survivor, rago J..
Portland aad Vicinity.
British Red Cross workers buy Heillg Thea
ter for Monday nignt. Page 11.
Captain Rbees Jackson killed by fall from
. horse at Laredo, page 13.
Governor's attack on Dr. Wlthyeombe re
sented by ' Democrats., Page 11.
Twinkle besitatlbn favorite of 'new' dances
that have routed "rags." Page 9.
Editor. Pacific Scandinavian, home from
Europe. Page 11.
Painting by Portland woman exhibited.
. Page 13.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 13.
Honses Swept Away in Cloudburst
and Water Famine Threatened.
RAY, Ariz., Sept. 31. One man.
Wayne Dengler. lost his life here today
in a cloudburst 'which . swept through
the main street of this town, washing
away houses and cutting off the main
water supply pipe line.. A water famine
is Imminent as half a mile of the Gila
Valley - Railroad and two bridges were
destroyed, and tank cars cannot be
brought in from the outside.
A store and seven residences were
washed down Mineral Creek, and the
houses of the Hercules Mining Company
were demolished. Nineteen 60-ton ore
cars were' hurled Into the creek.
Surrounding ranches also suffered
severely. The loss is estimated at
,60,000. -
Streets "Ripped Open
By Howitzers.
Missile Crashing Into Church
Ends Life of Two Injured.
Richard Harding Davis Pictures
Bombardment of Historic City.
Rich, and Poor JFlee ; Soma
Women Pray, Others Knit.'
(Copyright. 1914. by Wheeler Syndicate. Inc.)
PARIS. Sept. 19. (Special.) (De
layed.) On September the Germans
entered Rheims and occupied it until
September 17. when they retreated to
the hills north of the city without
fighting. But day before yesterday,
the French forces having entered
Kheims, - the Germans bombarded
the city with field guns and how
itzers. Rheims is 56 miles from Paris,
and, though I started , at an early
hour, so many bridges had been blown
up that I did not reach Rheims until 3
in the after neon. At that hour the
French artillery to the east, at Kogen.
and immediately outside the northern
edge of the town, were firing on the
Germans' positions and the Germans
were replying, many of their shells
falling in the heart of the city.
Cltlaeaa Flee City.
Many of the citizens of Rheims were
abandoning their homes and running
through the streets leading west,
trembling, weeping. Incoherent with
terror, carrying nothing with , them.
Others . were continuing the routine
of their life with anxious, nervous
face, but "making no other sign. 'The
great majority had moved to the west
of the city to the Paris gate and lined
the road for miles, but had taken lit
tle or nothing with them, apparently
Intending to return at nightfall. They
were all of the poorer classes.
Germans Tjse Howitzers
The bouses of the rich were closed
as were the shops except a few cafes,
and these offered for sale bread, meat
and medicine. During yesterday morn
ing and on the fourth, when the Ger
mans' entered the city, the bombard
ment had destroyed many houses. One
to each block was the average, except
around the cathedral, where the two
hotels that face it and the Palace of
Justice had oeen pounded but not de
(Concluded on Page 5.)
Monday's War Moves
THE unparalleled struggle on the
River Aisne, which commenced
about a week ago Saturday has de
veloped , into siege operations. The
two armies, strongly entrenched, are
carrying on an artillery duel while
the infantry make attacks and counter
attacks, which are in the nature of
shorties from a besieged fortress.
Occasionally one or the other gains
a little ground, out it is so little that
the opposing forces remain in their
trenches or take up positions in new
entrenchments immediately : behind
those from which they are driven.
It is now becoming the conviction
of military 'men that nothing but out
flanking movements can have any
serious effect on either army.
The Germans, according to their own
official report, have been strongly rein
forced.' both on their right, where Gen
eral Von Kluck is making such a stub
born stand in almost Impregnable posi
tions on the hills north of Aisne, and
in the center, where the Germans are
making almost superhuman efforts to
recapture Rheims..
It is probably the desire to recapture
this . town at all costs, because of its
importance as the key to important
communications that will improve all
their connections for attack or retreat,
that has led the Germans to continue
the bombardment which has resulted
In the destruction of the famous cathe
dral. This bombardment has been of the
most severe kind and is being directed
from Brimont, which the French recap
tured but lost' again,' and from other
hills .around the town, and is of deadly
character. The French have brought
up additional heavy artillery in an at
tempt ' to drive the Germans out of
these hills, for until this is done, the
situation in the town must be difficult.
On the allies' left the French report
claims another advance on the right
bank of the River Oise 'as far as the
heights of Lassigny. West of.Noyon,
which has been the center of heavy
fighting for a week past.
Severe fighting also continues north
of the Aisne and in the Craonne dis
trict, where the Germans, the French
official communication says, have been
repulsed at all points with considerable
This is an extremely difficult coun
try over which . to make an advance.
The plateau of Craonne is of limestone
formation, with the sides almost per
pendicular as walls; the valleys in'wet
weather become quagmires.
It was on this plateau Just a century
ago .that Blu,echer failed to check Na
The allies apparently have scaled the
walls of the plateau and now hold the
heights, but ahead of them they found
Von Kluck in great strength and are
now awaiting the outcome of the at
tempt to turn his flank, which would
clear the road for them. The French
army, which is trying to work around
the German right, is pushing its way
slowly along. Starting from Compiegne.
It reached Noyon and today is on the
heights of Lassigny.
Its next objective point la Tergnier,
i miles from Laon. an Important rail
way junction, which the Germans are
using for provisioning their forces.
The French have made some headway
in Champagne and on the western slope
of the Argonne and have reoccupied
Mesnll-les-Hurlus and Messiges. but
elsewhere the situation remains as it
waa. One thing is certain, neither
front has been broken, all attempts to
do this having been repulsed, and,
while the German right may be bend
ing back a little. It" is not yet out
All this fighting has been carried on
In most execrable weather, a continu
ous downpour, which so often accom
panies battles, filling the trenches with
water and putting a brake on the
movements of men and horses.
The Russian grip on the scattered
Austrian forces in Galicla is holding
relentlessly. According to Petrograd
advices, the fortress of Jaroslan is
being bombarded; Przemysl has been
Invested and General Dankl's army,
which is retreating toward Cracow.
has been surrounded. The capture of
the town of Dublecko, on the River
San, by the Russians has cut Przemysl
off from the western armies, so that it
must now rely for defense upon the
Austrian and German army corps
which Is there. -
General Dankl is believed to be in
a difficult position. ' Driven out of
South Poland and separated from the
main body of the Austrian army, he
has been compelled to make a race for
Cracow, in which he was. according to
Russian accounts, beaten by the Rus
sian army coming southward from the
Vistula to Baranow.
The Russians are now so sure of
Galicia that they are organizing a civil
government for that region, as well as
for Bukowlnal, the Austrian crownland,
of which they are complete masters.
The Germans have retaliated to some
extent by penetrating the territory of
Suwalki in Russian Poland, and farther
to the North. But the Russians are con
tenting . themselves with defending
their fortresses until their work in
Gallcia is completed.
The Montenegrins and. Servians are
reported to be meeting with success,
and the Montenegrins now are ap
proaching Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia.
The exploit' of the German cruiser
Emden in the Bay of Bengal has caused
quite a stir in England. Everybody is
asking where was the British fleet to
allow the capture of six steamers, or,
in the first place, to allow the Emden
to get away from the China coast
It appears that it was only due to the
warning of an Italian captain that
more British steamers did not fall Into
the bands of the Emden.
.It is supposed that British warships
now are engaged in searching for her,
but thus far German cruisers which
have been free in the different oceans
have succeded in keeping out vt the
way. of their enemies,
Democrats Jump Party
Leadership Traces
$20,000,000 IS FIGURE FIXED
Vote Cast in Upper House Is
27 to 22 to Re-Refer.
Desperate Attempt to Wear Down
Republican Opposition Is Made
- Without Avail Victory Great
for Senator Barton. (
WASHINGTON. Sept. 21 Revolting
against party leadership tonight. IS
Democratic Sena'tors accomplished the
overthrow of the Rivers and Harbors
Appropriation Bill and crowned with
victory a filibuster against the measure
directed by Senator Theodore E. Bur
ton, of Ohio.
The Senate, by a vote of 27 to 22.
ended the determined struggle over
the $34,000,000 bill by adopting a mo
tion by a Democrat. Senator Bankhead.
of Alabama, to recommit, the bill to
the commerce committee with instruc
tions that it substitute a measure appro
priating a lump sum of $20,000,000 to be
expended on existing waterway proj
ects in the discretion of the Secre
tary of War and. .board of Army engi
neers. Ceiiapse Cesses Snddenly.
The collapse of the fight for the bill
came suddenly after a desperate at
tempt to wear down the Republican op
position led by the Senator from Ohio,
aided by Senator Kenyon. of Iowa,
which began last-Friday morning and
Included a 30-hour session, ending Sat
urday night.
Senator Burton, whose achievement
will go down as a valedictory effort in
a Congressional career of 23 years, waa
warmly congratulated by many of his
colleagues as the clerk announced the
vote which sealed the fate of the big
appropriation bilL
Senator Bankhead's motion was In
terjected tn the proceedings tonight at
a moment when it became ' apparent
that a substitute offered by Senator
Burton for the committee bill, cham
pioned by Senaor Simmons, of North
Carolina, was to receive the support of
Democrats who had been fighting for
the original bilL
Barton Net Satisfied Fall;.
Senator Burton himself had expressed
dissatisfaction over his own substitute,
because it did not cut deep enough and
had given notice that he would resub
mit later his motion to recommit the
bill. It was then that Senator Bank
head surprised the Senate by present
ing the same resolution to recommit.
Senator Simmons, in charge of the bill,
made a game last stand, but it was
apparent at once that the fight was
lost and the rollcall was quickly or
dered. Tomorrow the commerce committee -will
meet to carry out the instructions
of the Senate
Several Democrats tonight expressed
the . opinion that the outcome would
bef satisfactory to President Wilson, who
had conferred with Senator Simmons
earlier in the day, and urges that '
the bill be cut. They also believed
the action might aid in overcoming op
position to the war revenue bill.
Democrats who voted to recommit
the bill were:
Hon Senators Voted la Told.
Senators Ashurst, Bankheed, Chil
ton, Gore, Hollis, Johnson, - Lane, Lee
of Maryland, Lewis, Martine, Pittman,
Pomcrene, Shafroth, Smith of Arizona,
Thompson and "White. Minority Sena
tors who voted with supporters of the
Democratic bill against the Bankhead
proposal were: Jones, Penrose, Perkins,
Poindexter and Townsend. Democrats
who stood by the bill until the end
were: Bryan, Chamberlain, Fletcher.
Kern. Lea of Tennessee, Overman,
Ransdell, Robinson. Saulsburg. Shep
pard. Shields, Simmons, Smith of Mary
land, Smith of South Carolina, Stone,
Thornton and Williams.
The bill, rejected when originally re
ported from the commerce committee,
carried $33,000,000. but as a result of
the long fight which was beguu by.
Senator Burton early in the Summer,
had "been reduced to about $34,000,000
by committee action two weeks ago.
Senator Bankhead delivered an im
passioned speech, appealing to his
Democratic colleagues to recommit the
"It is the duty of the Senate to have
some regard for the condition of th
treasury," he said. "Through no fault
of Congress -conditions have arisen
which make retrenchment imperative.
We are now preparing to go oat into
the highways and byways and desig
nate items upon which to levy addi
tional revenue of $100,000,000. No one
knows how long it will be before we
are forced to make another levy."
in rapid succession Senators Mar
tine, Fomerene and Thompson an
nounced their support of the Bankhead
motion, each declaring that the condi
tion of the country's business and of
the treasury resulting from the Euro
pean war made it necessary to cut ex
penditures to a minimum.
Senator Simmons made a spirited ef
fort to rally, his forces, denouncing the
Bankhead motion as an attempt to take
(Concluded ou Page 2.