Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 21, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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COLUMBIA Sixth, sear Washington.
GLOBE Eleventh and Washing-ton.
NEW STAR Park and Washington.
EUN.iET Washington, near Broadway.
Advertisements intended for the City News
In Brief columns In Sunday's issue must be
' handed in The Oregonlan business office by
6 o'clock Saturday evening.
Managing Editor Main 7070. A 6093
City Editor Main 7070. A 6093
Eundar Editor Main 7070. A 6095
Advertising Department ...Main 7070. .A 6095
City Circulation Main 7V70. A b095
Composing-room .. Main 7070. A 609o
Printing-room Main 7070. A 60U5
Superintendent Building -.Main 7070, A 6095
EEILIQ THEATER (Broadway, at Taylor)
The drama, "The Trail ot the Lonesome
Pine." Tonight at 8:15 o'clock.
BAKER Baker Players In "Stop Thief."
Tonight at 8:30.
LYRIC (Fourth and Stark) Musical com
edy, "The Casey Twins." This afternoon
at 2:30 and tonight at 7:30 and 8:10.
PANTAGES (Broadway and Alder) Per
formances 2:30. 7:3u and 0:30 P. M.
KMPHES3 (Broadway and Yamhill) Con
tinuous from 1:30 to 11.
Moving-Picture Theaters.
J"EOPLE-S West Park and Alder.
MAJESTIC Park and Washington.
Commercial Cotmsa Opens. The new
four-year course In commercial stu
dies has been opened in the St. Johns
public schools. Only the first and
second, years are given at present with
a class of 15 and A. II. Babb, of the
University of Oregon as Instructor.
The high school enrollment is 65 with
the following- faculty: Principal, C.
A. Fry who teaches science and mathe
matics; R. G. White, history and
athletics; Miss Dorothea Clinton, Ger
man and Latin; Miss Beatrice Rundall,
Knglish; Miss Louise Twining, cook
ing; Miss Kffie McDaniels, domestic
science; A. H. Babb, commercial; Miss
Watkins. manual training; Miss L.
Coovert, music. Seven high school pu
pils come from Linnton, who formerly
went to Portland High School. Enroll
ment In the grades reached 750, but
the number probably will reach 1000
in a few weeks.
Granges to Meet Wednesday. Mult
nomah County Pomona Grange will
meet next Wednesday with the Pleas
ant Valley Grange at Sycamore sta
tion on the Gresham railway. H. G.
Starkweather, a member of the Rural
Welfare Commission, who visited Eu
rope recently, will discuss the rural
credits system. H. E. Davis, master
of Gresham Grange, will give his
views ot the proposed eight-hour law
from the standpoint of a farmer. J. J.
Johnson will talk on several measures
to be voted on November 3. J. E. Perry
will give selections from J. Whitcomb
Riley and other authors. T. J. Kreu
der will preside.
Assessment Check Liked. Assessor
ReeJ approved the new Somers
system of unit property valuation
assessment when the final check
made Saturday by his office showed
that only two parcels of land, one val
ued at $60 and the other at $90, had
escaped assessment prior to this year.
This system has just been inaugurated
In Multnomah County and a represen
tative of the company, which perfected
it, is in Portland making the final
checking. Returns just completed show
that there are 14S.566 parcels of land
assessed in the city. Previous esti
mates placed the total at 110.000.
H. J. Roake, Lucky Citizen. First
In Oregon to take advantage of
the recent act of Congress, passed
last June, by virtue of which anyone
of foreign birth holding an honorable
discharge from the Army or Navy of
the United States after four years' serv
ice may be granted naturalization
papers without preliminary declaration
of intention, Hedley James Roake, a
native of Sheffield, England, Saturday
was- admitted to citizenship in Judge
G a. tens' court. During the past two
days 35 men and two women of vari
ous nationalities have been given final
citizenship papers.
Water-office Closino Prompts Meet
ing. Commissioner Daly will meet the
citizens of Central East Portland and
Albina tonight at the quarters of the
East Side Business Men's Club at 153
Grand avenue, in the Edwards build
ing, to explain his orders to close the
two East Side offices October 1. Pro
tests have been filed on the proposed
closing. Albina citizens will be repre
sented at the meeting tonight by mem
bers of the Albina Business Men's
Club, which opposes closing the Albina
water office.
Sellwood Has Harvest Festival.
A harvest festival service was held
last night in St, John's Episcopal
Church In Sellwood. The Vicar, Rev.
John D. Rice, presided. The church,
decorated with vegetables, fruits of
the season, and autumn leaves, pre
sented a beautiful appearance. Mr.
Rice spoke of the . bountiful yield of
the season. This evening the women
of the church will hold a harvest fes
tival sociable in the church. The dec
orations of fruits and vegetables will
be retained.
Measures to Bb Discussed. Discus
sions of measures of interest to be
voted upon November 3 will occupy
a meeting of the Parent-Teacher As
sociation of Woodstock in the Meth
odist Church in that district Wednes
day night. Arthur Hauck will speak
upon Prohibition and Lowell Bradford
and C. J. Young of the Reed College
faculty will talk about proportional
representation, .and the $1,500 tax ex
emption. Music will be furnished by
we Reed Colege quartet.
Community Sing Held. The Rich
mond parent-Teacher Association is
planning several activities for this
Fall. To open the season of work the
organization held a "community sing'
In the Richmond School building last
r riday nignt- E. w. Barlow directed
the singing. The programme consisted
of old familiar songs. Mrs. F. S.
Myers and Superintendent L. R. Alder
man gave short addresses. About 150
Octogenarian Women Dies. Mrs.
Flora Wanty, 89 years old, died at the
Home of her daughter, Mrs. Ellen
Bryant, at 294 East Seventy-second
street, Nortn, Saturday. She is sur
vived by four sons and three daugh
ters. The children are, E. J. Aurys,
Woodland, Wash.; A. P. Aurys, Etna,
Wash.; Frank Aurys, San Francisco
C. Wanty, Portland; Mrs. O. Fievez,
Portland; Mrs. J. Decourt Rainer, and
Mrs. Ellen Bryant, of Portland.
Matsons Reach America. Dr and
Mrs. Ray Matson, of Alexandra Court,
reached New York on the Lusitania
Friday. They were three weeks mak
ing the trip from Vienna to New York.
All their baggage was abandoned, and
they were obliged to borrow clothes
from acquaintances. They will return
to Portland as soon as they have re
stocked their wardrobes.
East Side Luncheon to Be Served
Today. The regular weekly luncheon
of the East Side Business Men's Club
will be held at noon today at the
Hotel EdwarCB on Grand avenue at
12:15 o'clock. Dr. Claude P. Adams
will preside. An address on "Public
Welfare," will be illustrated with
stereopticon views.
Lodge Has Celebration. The Re
bekahs celebrated the 63rd anniversary
of the foundation of the order in the
West Side Temple, First and Alder
Streets. Saturday night. Mrs.' A Kelish
er was chairman. A musical programme
was tne feature of the evening.
Temperance Meeting Scheduled. A
temperance meeting will be held in the
First Congregational Church on Thurs
day night at 7:45 o'clock under the
auspices of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union. Mrs. Mary Harris
Armour will speak.
Returned. Florence Evens, Apt. 528,
Hotel Washington, phone Main 5081
Home A 6621. Adv.
E. Gurnet, ladles' tailor, Mohawk bldg.
Rev. J. R. Knqdell Resiqxb. Rev.
J. R. Knodell. pastor of the Laurel
wood Congregational Church, has re
signed and will deliver his farewell
sermons there next Sunday. He will
go to Spokane to take up the work of
oosociaie nomo mission superintendent.
He will be succeeded at Laurel wood
by Rev. C. F. Johnson, recently from
Osseo, Wis., who has arrived ready
to enter on his work. Rev. Knodell
has been in charge at Laurelwood for
tne past two years and had been for
live years superintendent of the Antl
Saloon League In Oregon and was in
charge of the campaign of 1910. He
is moderator of the Portland Confer
ence of Congregational ministers and
president of the Portland Congrega
tional Ministeral Association.
Volunteers Speak At Y. M. C. A.
An announcement that Dr. Clarence
True Wilson was to speak at the
Y. M. C. A. yesterday was denied Fri
day as he was in California. It was
then said that Professor Fletcher
"Oman of the Willamette University
would speak Sunday. Saturday It was
asserted that Professor Homan could
not appear as he had to speak at the
Centenary Church, and it was an
nounced that Dr. Clarence True Wil
son would speak on "Booze and Busi
ness." Yesterday the large crowd as
sembled evolved into a symposium on
the question of state-wide prohibition.
Dr. Wilson still being in California.
There were many volunteer speakers
from the large audience.
Dr. Chapman Will Speak. Dr. C. H.
Chapman will address the Department
of Revenue and Taxation of the Ore
gon Civic League at its next meeting,
taking as his subject the initiative
measure amending the Constitution to
create a Department of Industry and
Public Works. This measure is com
monly known as "The Right to Work
Measure." The meeting will be held in
the College Room of the Hazelwood, at
noon tomorrow. The league extends
an Invitation to the public.
Church Women to Entertain. The
women of Fidelity Chapter of West
minster Guild, the Women's Misslonarv
Society and the Women's Association.
all organizations of the First Presby
terian Church, will be hostesses at a
reception in rom A of the Church
House on Wednesday afternoon be
tween 3 and 5 o'clock to which 1350
invitations have been issued. In the
evening the young people of the church
will hold a reception. All young peo
ple will be welcomed.
Fighters Are Arrested. Argument
whether or not a carload of dynamite
alleged to have been shipped by George
Mookos, 47 years old, to P. R. Johnson
at Go We, Oregon, is attachable for a
debt alleged to be owed by Mookos to
Gust Koules, caused a fist fight at
Sixth and Burnside streets yesterday
and resulted in the arrest of Mookos
and Koules.
Sunnyside Parent-Teacher Association
and the Sunnyside Improvement Club
will hold a Joint meeting tonight in
the Sunnyside school to consider the
founding of a community house in that
locality. All members of the district
are urged to attend. Subjects of in
terest will be discussed.
Club Women to Lay Plans. Mrs.
Sarah A. Evans will call a meeting of
tne presidents or tne Federated Wom
en's Clubs of Portland for next Satur
day afternoon at 2 o'clock when plans
ior tne entertainment of the General
Federation Council will be launched.
The meeting will be held in the Cen
tral Library.
Man Trips on Sidewalk. Martin
Solstruern was knocked unconscious
late yesterday at Third and Washing
ton when he caught his foot in a side
walk trap and fell on the sidewalk. He
struck on his head. Solstruern was
removed to the Emergency Hospital
and revived by Assistant City Physician
Republican Campaign Plakhed.' The
Multnomah County Republican Central
Committee will meet in the Librarv
Hall of the Central Library at 8 o'clock
tonignt to outline plans for an active
Bible School Workers to ' Meet.
The Graded Union of the Bible School
workers or Portland will meet in the
Library Friday at 3 o'clock. ,
Bertha Headlund Found 'Robbed
and Unconscious on Walk.
What Is believed to have rmon on
assault with intent to commit robbery
was perpetrated late Saturday night in
a park at Salmon and Park streets on
Miss Bertha Headlund, 24, a domestic
at 1100 Franklin street.
Patrolman Long found the girl un
nnnRcimiR nnri hA tnnlr hA- r. nv...4
clan's residence. When he returned
two or tne tnree packages Miss Head
lund had dropped when she fell were
gone ana me otner naa Deen torn
open. Miss Headlund had not re
gained consciousness up to a late hour
yesterday at Good Samaritan Hospital.
Deputy's Trip Fruitless,
Deputy Constable McCarthy made a
useless trip to Vancouver, Wash., Sat
urday to arrest A. J. Weaver, charged
with, larceny of a diamond ring here
some time ago, for, when Weaver was
located, he refused to return here for
trial on the warrant Deputy McCarthy
held from the District Attorney's of
fice. He declared he will resist extra
dition, and papers for his return will be
asked from the Governor of Washington.
"Ja ScA SL-v? v
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"ttiA-..: "
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Though born only last week at the Washington Park 106, a baby
buffalo bull bids fair to establish ,a reputation early In life. Ap
pearing tame, with soft brown eyes and a smooth hide resembling fur.
the new arrival is a "regular devil," according to his keeper. He is
adept at finding holes in the wire fence about his corral and de
lights in charging through them. This would not be so bad but for the
fact that the mother buffalo, "Martha Washington." must needs follow
her child, with the result that the fencing is wrecked.
This little bull has no name yet. "Call him King George," asks
his German keeper, vindictively.
Benjamin Selling, Senior, Hit
by Train at Crossing.
Uncle of Portland Merchant Dies
as S-witcli Engine Strikes Him
Chile Walking to Home of
Friend on Ixivejoy Street.
Benjamin Selling, Sr., pioneer sheep
man of the Pacific Northwest. Uncle of
Ben Selling, of Portland, was struck
and Instantly killed when he stepped
In front of a moving locomotive at the
Benjamin Selling;, Pioneer Sheep
man of Eaatera Oregon, Killed
by Train Locomotive in Port
land Yesterday.
Northrup-street crossing of the North
ern Pacific Terminal Company's yards
yesterday morning.
Mr. Selling had been visiting in Port
land on his way from Seaview, Wash,
to his home in Walla Walla, Wash.,
and crossed the track at 10 o'clock in
the morning while walking to the home
of a friend on Lovejoy street. A slow
ly moving train propelled by a switch
engine was going north and the loco
motive was backing up.
Brakes Quickly Applied.
Mr. Selling was partly deaf and did
not . hear the approaching train. He
was directly in the center of the track
when the engine tender struck him.
Frank Johnson, the fireman on the
switch engine, saw Mr. Selling step in
front of the locomotive. He shouted to
Engineer Prader who threw back the
reverse lever and applied the emer
gency brakes.
The warning came too late, Mr. Sell
ing was dragged several feet and when
the train crew removed him from the
footboard he was dead. The Coroner
took charge of the body and an inquest
will be held this afternoon.
Mr. Selling was born In Furth. Ger
many, July 17, 1827. He went to Cali
fornia in 1849 during the gold rush
and engaged in mining in that state
for 20 years.
In 1876 Mr. Selling and his family
moved to Oregon and located on a sheep
ranch at Butter Creek, Umatilla Coun
ty, Oregon, about 25 miles from Pen
dleton. Mr. Selling, Mrs. Selling and
their only son, Abraham Selling, now
of 941 Mallory avenue, Portland, re
mained on the sheep ranch until 1906,
when Benjamin Selling retired.
Long Walks Are Habit,
He and ' Mrs. Selling took up their
residence with a married daughter, Mrs.
Julius Levy, Walla. Walla, and have
since resided there. Mr. Selling spent
the Summer months of the past five
years at Seaview, Wash., and it was
while on his way from that city that
he met his death yesterday.
Despite his age. Mr. Selling took
daily walks of from three to four miles.
He has figured prominently in Eastern
Oregon politics and was a staunch fol
lower of the Republican party. On ac
count of Mrs. Selling's health they had
planned to remain in Portland this
Winter and were living at 292 Tenth
Mr. and Mrs. Selling celebrated their
60th wedding anniversary last Febru
ary. Mrs. Selling, a son. Abraham Sell
ing; a daughter, Mrs. Julius Levy,
Walla Walla; and Jacob Selling, Leo
and Ben Selling, of Portland. all
nephews, survive him. Funeral ar
rangements have not yet been made.
The papal power wan established In 4B2
A. D.. by Gelaniun, bishop of Rome, the will
of the monarch being; made subordinate to
that of the Pope.
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amidst thn rh.prf n!
phere of this grille. Well open the Winter
theater season this week with a special enter
tainment from 10 to 12 P. M.
JI!"" ?f "elyn Grant eapttvatf ntr Prima donna.
Mian Klixnbrth Meyers latest ragtime and sen
timental sonrn.
SInrnor Pierro -MaHno return enrarement of
this famous violin soloist and his orchestra.
e (Oregon rtlle
Oregon Hotel
Arion Societies Form Rousing
Chorus to Aid Red Cross.
Songfest at German Ho us in Be-
half of Kaiser's and Austria's
Soldiers Is Marked by Fer
vor Musicians Landed.
Talk about German enthusiasm!
Hearty voices sang "Elne feste Bene
Is unsor Gott," and "Die Wacht am
Rhein" with tremendous unison. Eyes
shone, faces beamed and voices thrilled
with patriotic fervor. But the enthu
siasm was nothing to the volume of
vocal sound when chorus and audience
sang together, with true German
American spirit, "The Star-Spangled
Such was the scene yesterday after
noon at the German House, on Thir
teenth street, near Jefferson, and the
occasion a benefit concert given by the
Arion and Arion Philharmonic societies
in aid of the Red Cross fund for wid
ows and families of German and Aus
trian soldiers who are sufferers in the
present war. The event was a big suc
cess, the hall was filled with auditors,
and the proceeds are estimated to be
more than 1700.
Mr. Becker Directs.
The musical programme was under
the direction of Lucien B. Becker, and
that position he filled with great
credit. He had charge of a big chorus
of German men and women singers,
who not only sang admirably but pre
sented a good, muslclanly appearance.
Mr. Becker Is showing increased skill
as a chorus conductor. In chorus work
he is collected, educated, resourceful.
watchful and inspiring. These qualities
are rare in one man, a professional and
trained musician, and Mr. Becker must
now be estimated as one of the Pacific
Coast's big chorus conductors. He got
his chance yesterday and "made good."
Mrs. itose coarsen Reed, contralto
sang two songs In German and was in
splendid voice. She was cordially re
ceived. Hermann Hafner. tenor, won
a recall for the fine sympathy with
which ,he invested Hossmann's ballad.
Das Lied, Dos Meine Mutter Sang."
and he sang one extra number.' He has
a light, lyric tenor voice of admirable
quality. R. J. Kinder, baritone, sang
with much acceptance.
Solos Win Plaudits.
In two numbers, one by Taubert, oc
casional solos were finely sung by
Frau Edgar Winter, Fraulein Helen
Fromme, Frau KA1 Mueller and Albert
Haenlen. Fraulein Gertrude Hoeber,
violinist, played 'Hubay's "Hejre Kati"
with charming tone and skillful Inter
pretation, and easily won the enthu
siastic recall she received. Her choice
was an admirable one, a vocal number
she eang, with violin and piano accom
paniment. The most impressive choral number
sung was "Elne Feste Burg." Its ren
dition was bathed in reverence. Quick
attack and exquisite vocal shading, es
pecially in tne soprano and contralto
sections. This fine vocal chorus should
be kept Intact and it should be heard
from in another feast of German sacred
and patriotic song before long.
Mr. Becker played Grieg's Auf
Troldthaugen." with beautiful finish.
It Is
to Insure in
Oregon's Successful Life Insurance Company
The Only Company
Proof of Success
Before You Sign
Home Office, Corbett Building:,
A. L. Mills.
I Samuel.
"The Ragtime
- Lynn F. Cowan
There's always a round of
applause when he appears at
Ye Oregon! Hear his orig
inal new character songs
and act this week. If it's
new in ragtime. Mr. Cowan
will sing it for you!
"It's Always Fair
ifipA . fipvAttlnn . . .
Broadway, at Stark.
As a Pianist aniY ni.Amnnl- -ir-
- - w.uh. nuio w lur.
ttecker also won credit.
Americans whA wpa . -. . ,
to hear the audience sing, en masse.
f" """3 JJeutscniand. "Deutschland.
Liber Alles" tn th. ., t, .. . . '
. . . " ii as Aus
tria, but the air was sung instead to
."wian national anthem "Gott
Erhelte Ktani Hon tt.i. v.,-.-
- -- null m tut
sung in rousing fashion.
Connecticut Company Inquires
About Two, Who Lived Here.
William H. Deming, secretary of the
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance
Company, of Hartford. Connecticut, has
written The Oreeronian tn innnirtt If
any relatives of Thomas C. Hewton and
Aureiius S. Finch, who had policies
with the company, are residing in Ore
gon. "In 1891 this company issued a life
Insurance policy to Thomas C. Hewton.
an architect who gave his residence as
Portland, Oregon," writes Mr. Dem
ing. "In 1906 we Issued two policies on
tbe life of Aureiius S. Finch for the
benefit of his wife. Melda K. Finch.
Mr. Finch was listed as an Electrician,
trouble-tester for a telephone com
pany, Portland, Or.
"It is possible that in Portland or
vicinity there might be some person
directly or indirectly interested, or
others, who might be able to give some
assistance In locating the persons in
sured, . or their heirs and by some
means, perhaps, bring relief to some
deserving person."
Man Asked for Quarter Proves to
Be Police Sergeant.
"Ain't it tough In this here town
when yer broke, bo?" said Archie
Edner, known in the "Jungles" as
"Hotfoot Archie." to a well-dressed
man at First and Madison streets yes
terday. The person so addressed grunted an
affirmative answer.
"Say," continued Archie, as he
"sniped" , a discarded cigar butt, "ye
hain't got two bits ' about yer," have
yer, thet you'd let a feller have wat's
The tramp's unshaved face lighted
up with pleasure when his Good Sa
maritan reached into a trousers
Archie's pleasant look soon was
The man pulled out a sergeant's
police star and took Archie to the sta
tion. He was Sergeant Stahl.
I)u f or Retains Active Pastor.
DTJTTJR, Or, Sept. 20. (Special.)
The Columbia River conference of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, which re
cently sat at Pullman, Wash, reas
signed Rev. H. F. Pemberton to the
local church for the third year of his
pastorate here. With one or two ex
ceptions this is the longest pastorate
in the history of the local church. Dur
ing the past two years the membership
of the Dufur church has Increased
greatly, and the general life of the or
ganization has been relnvigorated as
never before.
Trophies WTT1 Be Presented.
The trophies won by boats in the
Labor day regatta of the Portland Mo
tor Boat Club will be awarded Tuesday
night at the clubhouse. The cups
will be made the reason for a special
evening in the nature of a "short
cruise." "Lunch" will be served and
cards will follow the presentation.
T7o f
"Exclusively Oregon''
The sworn statements of 50 com
panies on file with Oregon's State
Insurance Department at Salem
show that since 1906 NO OTHER
Oregon as QrcgonTife
an application for Life Insurance
in any other company examine
the latest form ofQrcgODIfC policy
Fifth and Morrison, Portland
C. S. Samuel.
Assistant Manager.
The First National Bank
Interest Paid on Savings and Time Deposits
Security Savings and Trust Company
Fifth and Morrison Streets.
Convince Y our
That you need a bank account that you want to Bave ;
then come to us and we will convince you that this bant
is the proper custodian for your funds. It is under
Government supervision and pays 4 interest. No
other bank offers more.
National Bank
Capital and Surplus $1,200,000.
The Bank of Personal Service
We employ only such methods ia business as make banking insti
tutions of positive value to the community.
The management of this bank believes that above everything else
stability and excellent service" are demanded on the part of a well
managed bank, and upon this basis we invite your patronage.
We Pay 4 on Savings Deposits.
Established 1886.
8 Little Oregon Farms
to be sold at 50 per cent of real value. Good
land, located near the progressive town of
Sutherlin. Write for full particulars.
Sutherlin, Oregon.
The variety In appearance and
flavor of
calls up a mind picture of
your favorite candy because
of the ten different combina
tions of candy perfection
which each box contains. Sold
only at
The Hazelwood
Waanlnston at Truth.
Independent Coal & Ice Co.
Main 7 SO.
Knight Coal
Choice Utah Coal.
Oak and Fir Wood.
453 Goldsmith Street. East 182.
First and Oak Streets
Telephones: Main i65'Aii65
San Francisco
Sails AVedaeaday, September 23d.
Tlrket Ofric II Freight Offlco
11ZA td St. Foot Northrup St.
Main 1314, A 1314 il Main 0263, A 5422
American -Hawaiian S. S. Co.
Ealllnirs From New York About
bepU 6 and Kvery 5 Days.
East bound From Portland About
Sept- IS.
C. D. KENNEDY. A lent.
270 Stark Street.
Fifth and Stark.
Under Government Supervision.
Washington and Fourth Sts.
Canadian Bank
of Commerce
Toroito, Caaada.
Established ISoT.
A central banklaar hoslaeaa
Interest paid on time deposits.
Sterling drafts for mod erm to
amounts Issued oa London.
Travelers cheeks tssnesl n a T
able la the United States and
Corner Seeond and Stsrfc Staw
K. C MA LI-AS. Manager.
TKj ll tlO' OUIDK.
San Francisco
Sails Wednesday Sept. 1 st P. X.
Tlrket Office I Freight Office
121 A 8d St. I Foot Northrup St.
Main 1314. A 13141 Main S'.'i.i A 6423
SYDNEY 1 9 ui'iLS
BplencEd steamers. Iloyda 100AI. Oa000tooxSipL)af
frdmy Short Lino ssilinr erery twe week.
$110 KQKCLULl! (?&l?DcE) SYDNEY $3C0
iLotmd trio, seemd dia. SYDNEY $200.
Various toon kv-Aadisr Jva.Chlnt, Jlftnasd Round
IhaWorid. 6eot lot Wdei
OCEANIC 3. & COU 673 Mirfcrt St- ?AH FRAHCISC
i i Mil ri tiit - y
8 A. M- SKPT. 14.
The San Francisco A t'ortlamd S. s. Co..
Third and Washington Sts. (with OW.
K. & N. to.) Tel. Hsrassll 45UO. A 1-'L.
Str. State of Washington
Leaves Taylor-st. dock dally, except
Thursday. at 11 P. M. for The Dalles, Lyle.
Hood River. White Salmon. Underwood,
Carson, Stevenson. Returning-, leaves
The Dalles IX o'clock, noon. Tel. Mala
Steamship Breakwater
Sails from Alnawortb dock. Portland. I A. M,
Sept. . 10, IS. JO. SS. 10.
Freight and ticket offices. Lower Alnsworth
dock. Portland st Coos Bay a. S. Line.
L. H. KEATDiQ, Agent.
Fasu slsln StiuU. A ttsliS.
Steamer Georgiana
Lttvca WMhln(tOD-vtrt LJockt at T A J4
Iaiijr. Sunday. 7 .30. for
Astoria and Way Landings
RoturnlEs, Leaves Astoria at I.OO p. ab
Vara. Sl.oo Kach Way. ataia 1432.