TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, MOnAV. SEPTEMBER 21, 1914. PORTLAND, OREGON, Entered at Portland, Oregon, Fostofflce a Second-class matter, Subscription Rates invariably In Advance. (By Mall) rally, Sunday Included, one year S8.00 lJally, Sunday Included, six months 4.5 Daily, bunday Included, three months ... 2.25 Liaiiy, Sunday Included, one month ..... .75 .Dully, without Sunday, one year 6.00 Iiiy, without Sunday, six months ...... 3.5 Daily, without Sunday, three mouths .... Daily, without Sunday, one month ...... .60 Weekly, out year 1-50 fcuuUay. one year 2.60 feuuday and Weekly, one year (By Carrier) Dally. Sunday Included, one year 19.00 Dal;y, Sunday included, one month ..... .75 lioMr to Kemit Send Poatofflce money or der, express order or personal check on your lucal bank, stamps, coin or currency are at tenders risk. Give Postoffice address In tuli, including county and state. Postage Kates 12 to 16 paces, 1 cent; 18 to 82 paes. 2 cents; 114 to 48 pages, a cents; fcu to ov pages, 4 cents; 02 to ?o pages, b cents; 78 to U2 pages. 6 cents. Foreign post age, double rates. Easteru Business Offices Verree & Conk "Ilu, New York, Brunswick building. Chi cago, Stenger building. ban Francisco Ollice R. J. Bldwell Co.. 744 Market street. IOKTLANr, MOSUAV. SEPT. II, 1814. RESULT OF RIOTOUS SPENDING. The Democrats propose to raise $105,000,000 of revenue by war taxes. The Democrats increased the ex penses of Government, excluding river and harbor bills, $103,055,437 for the fiscal year 1915, as compared with the fiscal year 1912. Sad the leaders In the Souse prac ticed the same economy for the year 1915 as In 1913, no war taxes would have been necessary. The Democrats controlled the House In 1913 and held down expenses. They now control the Senate and have greater power to hold down expenses. They were responsible In both years. War taxes have been made neces- try not -by the w cratic extravagance. The revenue laws now In operation would have produced, within $2,000,000 of enough money to meet the exigen cies caused by the war, if they are to be measured by the $105,000,000 the House . is now providing. President Wilson asked for only $100,000,000. By practicing the same economy for the present fiscal year as they prac ticed for 1913, the Democrats could have faced the country at this time with an excess of $3,000,900 over that sum. They could have reassured the country with the announcement that the Nation could stand a shrinkage of $100,000,000 a year in customs re ceipts and still have a margin of safety. When you pay more for gasoline, theater tickets and all forms of amuse ments than you paid before the war; when you attach a revenue stamp to a check, legal document, insurance pol icy, warehouse receipt, bill of lading, telegram, you will be paying for Demo cratic extravagance, not for the exigen cies of war. , Americans must pay a tax on almost every move they make in business or pleasure because the Democrats have been wasting the Nation's substance In riotous spending. INTERPRETING MAINE'S VOTE. Although partisan newspapers pre tend to find comfort in the Maine elec tion returns, it is not apparent to newspapers which take a. more un biased view of the result. In a cam paign for Governor, wherein party lines were obscured by the prohibition , issue, a Democrat who favors resub mission was elected over a Repub- lican who "favors enforcement. The ' Republican, is the same man who won ; in 1912 with the united support of ! Republicans and Progressives. Al- ; though he was opposed this year by a ) Progressive who polled 17,443 votes, ' . Vl n fell eVini-f P K ; tween 3000 and 4000 votes. There is not much comfort here for Democrats or Progressives. ; When we compare the vote on Gov .' ernor this year with that on President ; In 1912, the result seems to forecast ; the disappearance of the Progressive party as an important political factor. Haines, for Governor, polled over ; 81,000 more votes than Taft polled in ; 1912, while Gardner, the Progressive, :. polled more than 30,000 fewer than 1 Roosevelt. The total vote was about 12,000 larger than that of 1912, which t helps to account for part of the Demo- crafs gain of 11,000 on Wilson's vote. : The rest probably came from deserters ; from the Progressive ranks and from ; anti-prohibition Republicans. The Republicans and Progressives fused on Congressmen in 1912 and cap . tured three of the four seats. This ' year the Republicans, though opposed by the Progressives, held the same ! three seats unaided. All that the Pro i gressives accomplished was to aid the j Democrats in electing a. Governor on a local issue and in re-electing their one Congressman. If this be cause for Jubilation, let them make the most of it." ' This record was made in the face of participation in the campaign by Colonel Roosevelt for the Progressives and by Messrs. Redfield and Daniels for the Democrats. They fought it on National issues and the Democrats gained nothing which can affect those issues, while the Progressive vote slumped nearly two-thirds. The Brooklyn Eagle says: "On the tariff the Republicans have come nearer to holding their own than on their local issue," and, after quoting the vote for Governor, continues: . Those figures, following every. other test of tho Progressive party, where Roosevelt . was not personally an issue, have shown that as a party the Progressives have become 'also rani." The New Tork Evening Post makes a fairly dispassionate review and says: The story told by this comparison Is one that plays havoo with the claim of the Pro. gressives to the rank of a solid and genuine party, and not a mere band of followers of a personal leader, rallied to the polls in a wave of hysterical enthusiasm. What has been witnessed In Maine Is, what there Is every reason to believe wilt be seen In practically every state at the coming November elections. , . As to the bearing of the Maine elec- tion oh the Congressional elections in November, the Post says: It indicates that the Progressive vote will be small, but yet large enough to enable the Democrats to carry by plurality ote a eon- siderable number of constituencies in vhlch. if the Republicans and Progressives were united, they would be victorious. , Conceding that there will be some . reaction against the Democrats, the Post says it will . not be of formid able dimensions. This is the conclusion reached by the New York World: If these Maine returns are representative of the present sentiment of the country toward the Progressive party, Mr. Roosevelt has virtually retired from politics, although he may not know 1U The Boston Herald infers that "the country is not disposed to rebuke Mr. Wilson's Administration very severely," that "the Democrats are deriving an advantage from the Progressive break - up more than offsetting any losses in their own ranks, and that the effects of business depression seem to have been overshadowed by the war issue, from which Mr. Wilson derived an undoubted advantage." The Chicago Evening Post tries to console the Progressives with the thought that? "they created in rock ribbed Republican Maine a solid flgm ing force of 19,000 votes." The New York Mail finds in the vote a demonstration-that the Repub lican party cannot hope to regain pub lic confidence so long as it remains under control of the men who led it In 1912, and says that "the figures must be regarded as showing that the as serted weakness of the Wilson Admin istration is a Republican hope rather than a fact." SOUTHERN COVTBOL, The brigadiers of the South are always on deck in the present Admin istration. Demanding free trade, or a lower tariff, they continued to protect. In the Underwood tariff, practically all Southern industries except sugar, leav ing about 70 per cent of Western prod ucts exposed to the tender mercies of foreign competition. Then they man aged to upset the financial balance of the country by establishing reserve bank centers at several Southern pro vincial cities, putting Richmond, At lanta, and Dallas on a par with Phila delphia, Nerw York, Chicago and Bos ton and punishing New Orleans, a great Southern city, by omission from the favored list, evidently because the Louisiana. Senators had dared to vote against the Administration tariff bill. Now Southern control Is exhibited again. Wine, beer and gasoline are to be taxed tinder the war emergency measure, but whisky and cigars' es cape, except for a small tax on deal ers and distillers. If a tax - on beer, why not a tax on whisky? If. a tax on wine, why not a tax on cigars ? The reason is that the Southerners are in the saddle. Administration by discrimination is the rule. BTJSYBODIES ONCE MORE. The people of Oregon In 1912, by a decisive and unmistakable vote (41, 951 ayes, 64,578 nays), refused to abolish capital punishment for murder. There had been a full and free discussion of the subject. Gov ernor West postponed the execution of five murderers until after the elec tion, under the threat that he would cause all to be hanged at once, and thus make the people responsible for a grewsome and terrifying exhibition, unless the death penalty were to be abolished. The people were not to be Intimidated by the Governor's shock ing expedient, and the executions, or some of them, went ahead. Now the advocates of a living death for murderers In prison as opposed to swift death for capital crime are at it again. It would seem to be un necessary once more to reopen this threadbare subject for discussion on its merits. The re-submission of the question, merely because a few agi tators refuse to accept the verdict of the people. Is a first-rate example of gross abuse of the initiative. The Governor once more, with sneering and flippant disregard of the public sensibilities, postpones the exe cutions of two murderers so that the Legislature may determine whether it will cause them to be hanged or elec trocuted. It would seem that the Gov ernor should have learned his lesson, two years ago. and would not again attempt such brutal evasive measures, but he has not. The bill should be defeated by an overwhelming vote, in sheer resent ment at the trifling and Indefensible methods of the busy-body promoters of the measure- Vote 335 No. ' WORST OF THE "VICIOUS SEVEN;" The $1500 exemption measure is proposed by the same men who created a poll tax bugaboo in 1910 and ob tained its demolishment at the hands of the people. Yet In some respects a polltax and the $1500 exemption are similar. The proposed exemption Is a personal one. That is to say, it is a poll or head exemption applying to owners of improvements and personal property. The polltax is condemned because it bears so unequally on men in proportion to their ability to pay. The $1500 exemption would do pre cisely that thing. , The effect of the exemption would be to relieve from a part of their taxes the moderately well-to-do persons well able to pay. While it would im pose havier taxes on the wealthy, it would also raise the taxes of the poor. If a property-owner has $1500 worth of exemptible property, he would se cure 'the whole exemption. If he has but $200 worth of personal property and Improvements, he would get but $200 exemption. In the latter case the land he owned would be more heavily taxed and his exemption In many instances would more than off set to make up the larger exemption that his more prosperous neighbor ob tained. In other ways the gross Inequalities of the measure are apparent. Being a personar or head exemption, it would not apply to corporation property. The small corporation, developing an or chard tract, would receive no exemp tion, while its tax rate would necessa rily be increased. Adjoining orchard land owned by individuals or men in partnership would receive the exemp tion. If the latter carried $6000 worth of improvements and1 there were four partners, each would get $1500 and the whole $6000 would be exempt from taxes. The four or more men who owned the corporation property ad joining, even though individually and collectively less able to pay, would get no exemption whatever, but would pay higher taxes. The same injustice would fall on corporate-owned manufacturing plants. And let the voter not become impressed by the arguments in favor of this measure that all corporations are big and wealthy. Incorporation offers inducements to the small in vestor as well as the big. There are countless small corporations aiding in the development of Oregon which would be burdened with higher taxes by this measure, while many unin corporated enterprises of the same character would be relieved of a part of their present tax payments. In its practical application. Injustice and tax evasion would creep into many quarters. Remember that each person is entitled to only one exemption of $1500. Clatsop County, in assessing John Jones beach cottage, has no in formation as to whether John Jones also owns a home in Portland on which he is securing an exemption. Tillamook County has no practical means of determining whether James Smith is entitled to an exemption on his partnership in a sawmill or cheese factory, because James Smith may live In Washington or some other county and be getting an exemption on other mill property or on his home. But Smith and Jones would demand, and in many instances get, double exemp tions. .On the other hand, George Robinson, who has all his interests in one county, could not deceive the tax authorities. He could get but the one exemption. Either a head exemption or a head tax is bound to carry with it Inequali ties. The head exemption, as offered by the single-taxers, is unfair, not only as between persons of different pay ing abilities, but it is also unfair as it affects persons of the same wealth. It is the most pernicious measure of the "vicious seven" on the ballot. HEARST'S MEDIATION SCHEME. Among the various extremely pre mature suggestions of American In tervention in the cause of peace in Europe is that of the New York Amer ican that President Wilson immedi ately send ex-Presidents Roosevelt and Taft and Secretary Bryan to Eu rope on this mission. The American would have Mr. Wilson disregard all those diplomatic usages to which Eu rope is wedded and "create the op portunity to intervene by prompt and competent action." It would have him appoint the three men named "and instruct them to sail Immediately for Europe, empowered to represent the Interests and sentiments of the people of the United States." The probability is that if Mr. Wilson were to adopt this suggestion and the three distinguished gentlemen were to accept, they would no sooner have started on the voyage than the cap tain would find It necessary to inter vene in the cause of peace among the peacemakers. Colonel' Roosevelt would be apt to express his candid opinion of the Taft arbitration treaties and of the Brytin peace treaties, while it is impossible to imagine what might fol low the mention of the Colombian treaty. Mr. Taft and Mr. Bryan might not be very far apart on peace and arbitration, but the former gentleman might also grow wrathful about the Colombian affair. Mr. Bryan might cast some aspersions on the Colonel's reputed militarism and on his fond ness for the big stick, which would bring that weapon down upon his shining crown. All in all, we think it better in -the Interest of peace to keep those three great statesmen apart for some con siderable period of time. It would not be advisable for all three to cross the Atlantic on the same ship. SUBSIDY SENATORS FIGHT. The Senators from the ship-owning states made a determined fight against Senator Jones' amendment to the ship registry bill permitting foreign-built, American-owned ships to engage in the coast-to-coast trade through the Panama Canal. They were willing to throw down the bars In order to aid exports of Southern cotton. Eastern manufactures and Middle West grain, but not to aid export of Pacific Coast lumber, the principal market for which will hereafter be on the Atlantic Coast. Men from the Middle West and South came to the aid of Mr. Jones and adopted the amendment, but the New Englanders held ut to the last. The narrowness and injustice of the New England Senators' position will be apparent when it Is recalled that they proposed to draw ships from the coastwise trade for foreign service. This would deprive the lumber trade of much of the present tonnage, if the latter were adapted to foreign trade, which is not the case. It would per mit Robert Dollar to continue carry ing lumber from "Vancouver to the Atlantic Coast in British ships at rates far below those paid by Portland lum bermen in the coast-to-coast trade. The war having withdrawn from our foreign trade many of the ships on which we relied for carrying our com merce through the Canal and having put a quietus on foreign shipbuilding, we must rely on our own coastwise ships and on what foreign ships we can buy to carry our products abroad and to the Atlantic Coast. Without the. Jones amendment, trade through the Canal would have been very lim ited until the war was ended, and Pacific Coast trade would have lan guished. BRITISH MILITARY TOUCy. The question is often asked: Why does not Great Britain maintain a larger army? With a population larger by five millions than that of France, she has been able to send to the aid of her ally an army which con stitutes a mere fraction of the allied forces. After war has begun, the Brit, ish government begins raising an army which may approach In size that which France already had in the fieW. At last accounts something, more than 300,000 new recruits had been en rolled; Cabinet Ministers and political leaders were going about the country exhorting men to enlist for what they term a life and death struggle; women were threatening to decorate with the white feather men who did not heed the summons. The explanation is that long Immu nity from invasion has combined with undisputed naval supremacy to give the . average Britisher a feeling of such security that he deems a large army unnecessary. He assumes that, in order to clear the "sea for the passage of an invading army, Germany would need to win three successive naval battles and then would have to force an opening through an elaborate system of coast defense, consisting of submarines, destroyers and land forti fications. The Briton, therefore, con siders It next toimpossible for a for eign army to make a landing in any force and that, if it did, its communi cations would soon be cut off. He points to the fact that never since the Norman conquest has a foreign army invaded English soil except with the aid of one party to civil war, and he confidently believes that none ever can. This confidence In Immunity from Invasion goes far to explain the rooted opposition of the British people to enforced military service. While every other European nation has adopted conscription. Great Britain relies upon voluntary enlistment. Great Generals from Wolseley to Roberts have urged the arming and training of the nation for war in order to "form a last line of national defense, but in vain. The Briton has argued that victory has crowned British arms in practically every continental war of the last two centuries. Ignoring the fact that in every such war his country has had allies. He points to British victory over Napoleon in a twenty years' war, wherein Great Britain stood unshaken while the empires of her allies crum bled. He recalls that in the great struggle following the retreat from Moscow, the allied armies were armed, clothed and fed with, British money. He claims the crowning victory of Waterloo was won by British arms. making light of the valuable aid given by Blucher's army at the critical point ) In the battle. The present war, . however, may prove to be a turning point in British military history. If the allies are to win decisive victors' and British statesmen say they will be satisfied with nothing less Germany must be beaten on land. Unless Great Britain contributes an equal share with her allies to that result, she cannot have equal voice with France and Russia in the terms of settlement. If victory enables the allies to dictate terms, there will be rich German colonies to divide, and each power will want its share. Rivalry might spring up among them about the division and a. power which had done less than the others to gain success would not get the best. British statesmen, too, have declared that in the settlement the rights of nationalities must be recognized. In or der that the dissensions which caused the war may not break out again. This might not accord with the desire of France and Russia to" annex hostile territory. Policy, therefore, requires that Great Britain shall do an equal part of the work for the allies. This war will also teach Great Brit ain a lesson in military methods. It is the first European war in which that country has been engaged since that in the Crimea. Since that time war has been revolutionized. Whole nations are trained to fight. Armies have become highly developed ma chines, requiring long preparation. Wars have become short and decisive. The nation which, does not begin to prepare until war Is on is foredoomed to defeat. It must be like a pugilist, trained to begin delivering scientific blows the Instant the referee gives the word. Unless the dreams of those who predict that this war will be the death of militarism, as we all hope, but as all cannot believe, should be fulfilled. Great Britain must follow the example of Russia, France, Germany and Italy, and must become a nation armed. In the first place. It the Bourne JHOO donation) illustrates the unreliability of Tho Oregonian as a source of political informa tion, since it has been telling its readers for two years or more that Bourne and Cham berlain bad formed a kind of senatorial trust, as it were. Bourne was to help Chamberlain this time, and in turn the latter was to assist Bourne to return to the Senate at the expiration of Lane's term a deal that the $r00 check seems effectually to dis pose of. Salem Capital Journal. The Oregonian has not been telling Its readers for two years or more that Bourne and Chamberlain had formed a kind of Senatorial trust. The Oregonian invites the Salem paper to examine its files for proof of its assertion. It does not ask a retrac tion, in case of disproof. It Isn't worth while. The only sequel would be, of course, that the Salem paper, being quite ingenious in its resources of calumny and falsehood, would sub. stitute some new invention about The Oregonian. Dr. Shirley, of Welser, Idaho, has reason to be proud, of the loving cup given him on his birthday by women of his region for his record of a thousand "attendings" of visits of the stork. The incident recalls the career "of that unique Oregonian, Dr. Large, who ceased "attending" Just as introduc tion f the automobile enabled him to cover a greater field. Although a much younger man than Dr. Shirley, his record will run to larger figures. What need Is there of an English boycott on German goods, when im ports from Germany have stopped? As to the German goods already im ported before the war, a boycott would Injure the English buyer, not the Ger man manufacturer. Times of excite ment always bring out such absurd suggestions. Facts brought out at the by-products convention indicate that a familiar saying should be revised by North western fruit-growers to read: "Ex port what you can, and can what you can't." If they evaporate what is not good enough to can, and feed to stock all that is left, they will eliminate waste. In advising women and girls to stay away from the State of Washington because all the jobs are filled. Labor Commissioner Olson overlooks the many situations that lead up from the marriage license bureaus. Deep snow on Southern Oregon mountains Is a sign of early Winter up there and that much fuel will be used. There is much in "signs" and there is nothing in them. It depends on the point of view. The war will put domestic skunks, cats and rabbits into greater use among the fair sex this Winter, al though the furriers will not advertise them that way. If Colonel Roosevelt's handling of the Pennsylvania coal strike be a cri terion, he would long ago have settled the Colorado strike had he been Presi dent. ' Wounded soldiers In the hospitals are described as most cheerful. No wonder, since they get sleep and food, which are uncertain on the firing line. Technically the captain of the Idzumo violated orders In revealing the pres ence of his cruiser, but he deserves a Carnegie medal for humane action. If the destruction of the splendid monuments of antiquity in Europe con tinues, our tourists will have only ruins to see when the war Is over. Southern Senators are losing their grip on their fat pieces of pork, but the genuine rivers and harbors are likely to get their due. " That young buffalo at the City Zoo Is a real aristocrat, with Martha Wash ington for mother and Joe Wheeler for father. Wholesale bloodshed is not neces sary to draw out nerve and daring. The Frontier Days show at Walla Walla proved that. When the war is over many will lay the foundation of fortunes by assaying the dirt of battlefields for the metal wasted. a - Farrell's nerve saved him. The rail road tie upon which he floated was a mere incident In his rescue. Lloyd-George is plain-spoken when he talks to his Welsh friends and fhey understand him. Jupiter Pluvius became' Jealous and tried to stop the work of Mars in France. The change of the moon must have brought the fair weather. Then and Now. Three bund red ana ninety six, years ago today Ferdinand Magel lan set sail frorri Spain upon his first voyage around the world. Of tho five ves sels that made up his fleed, manned by a motley crew of 280 men, only one ship and IS men were des tined to finish the journey. Magellan was to die in a land unknown to Europeans. A hid den rock off the entrance to the strait that now b e a r-s the navl g a t o r's name sunk the first ship. Mutiny was r e s p o n sible for the death of three ship captains and the loss of an other ship whose crew suddenly turned tail and fled back toward Spain. On Novem ber 28, 1520,- Ma gellan, with three Bhlps remain 1 n g, sailed out of the strait, and was "the first that ever burst into that silent sea" of the Pacif la Ten thousand miles of unfathomed ocean lay between him and his first sight of human beings. Beset with scurvy. Today a voyage around the world is a matter of only as many months as the first circumnavi gators r e q u i red years. The whole complex! on of ocean traffic has been changed. Not only has steam increased the speed of ships, but the ingenuity of man has les sened the actual steamship dis tance around the globe by at least a fourth. Two mighty engineer ing feats the Panama and the Suez canal s have accomplished this. If a modern trans - Atlantic liner, some of which are capable of more than 500 miles a day, set sail from Magel lan's starting point in Spa In upon a voyagle around the earth, and was able to maintain its highV est speed through out the Journey, It would- arrive back In port in less than two months of the day of sailing. T h e Panama Canal would not only eliminate the Journey around South America, but the cold and danger of a trip around Cape Horn. Likewise the Suez Canal removes the necessity of fol lowing the course around Africa and offers a safe, swift and com fortable voyage under tropical skies. .The two canals have re duced the world voyage by at least 8000 miles, making ,the total length of the putrid drinking water and food alive with worms, they "sailed on ward, "continual ly ever followynge the sonne towards the w e s t" On March 16, 1521. they sighted the Philippines. Con verting a tribe to Christianity, Ma gellan tur ned " crusader and ac c o m p a n 1 ed his 0 o n v e rts to war against a neigh boring tribe. The battle was dlsas t r o u s. Magellan lost his life. The converted natives turned on the Spaniards, massa cred 30 of them and drove the re mainder of them to s e a. O n e of their vessels, un fit for further sea s r v 1 o e, was burned; another sprang a leak, and a surviving ship, manned by 46 sailors, with Sebastian del Cano as captain, set sail for distant Spain. Almost three years to - a day from the sail- 1 n g of. Magellan upon the first c i r curanavigation of the globe, the vessel, with only 18 men surviving, sailed into the mouth of the Guadalquivir, in Spain. Journey lit tie more than 22.000 miles, accor ding to the estimate of the United States Hydrograp hlc Bureau. Magel lan's ships would appear like pig m 1 e s beside the modern oce an liner all could be placed on a single deck of the 1 a r g est steamer. Their crews of 280 men would searce ly be enough to make up the gang of stokers that shovel coal into the boilers of some of the mod ern ships. The largest ship afloat today has a total crew of more than 1000 men. CEHTAIX CURE FOR INSOMNIA Just Take Family Gesneslogr to Bed a ad Read It, Says Writer. PORTLAND, Sept. 20. (To the Edl tor.) In a recent editorial In The Ore gonian you seem to cast some doubt as to the degree of solicitude of the Almighty as to Prince Joachim's wound received in battle. You lack a fine sense of feeling toward pride of ancestry and the elect of deity. Have you never heard of the French Duchess, who, when her end drew near,, consoled herself with the thought as to her future state, when she declared that heaven would surely deal politely with a person of her qual ity and position? You recall that other Duchess, in Saint-Simon, who, on the death of a great sinner of illustrious race, said: "They may say what they like, but no one shall persuade me that God does not think of it at least twice be fore he damns a man of his birth." A grand dame once said to De Tocqueville: "I have, been reading with great satisfaction the genealogies which prove that Jesus Christ de scended from King David. It shows that our Lord was a gentleman." Now as to genealogy, the medical world to date has not discovered a remedy for insomnia. Now, I do not desire to venture into the field of medicine, as I am only a doctor of law, but when one has made a discovery that would be beneficial to his suffer ing fellows he should not monopolize it to himself alone. If you suffer from insomnia, suffer no longer; simply take to bed with you a copy bf the family genealogy, read it and take my word for it, in somnia will find no place in your lexi con. EMMETT CALLAHAN. PAS5EVGF.R PIGEONS IN OREGON Contributor Positive He Has Seen Flocks In Lincoln County. PORTLAND, Sept. 20 (To the Edi tor.) Your editorial about the passen ger pigeons so numerous 50 years ago is true to life at that time. I have seen them, as you say, by the millions. In Southern Michigan, after we had sown our wheat in the Fall, fr have often seen the ground blue with them picking up grain. They did not dig or pull up the grain, as some birds do. At such times they would fly in bunched flocks like blackbirds, but when on the wing trav eling north or south in Fall or Spring, they flew in parallel columns, the col umns being about 100 or 200 feet apart, 600 or more feet high and many miles In length, making a sound like wind or distant waterfall. I do not think they traveled by night, as some mi gratory birds do. I do not think they are extinct, as I am quite sure that I have seen a few of them in this state. I spent the Sum mers of 1908 and 1909 In the wilds of Northeastern Lincoln County, Oregon, township 7 south, 9 west, in which I presume there has never been a wagon wheel. All went by" trails. Several times I saw in the vicinity of my cabin a flock of 50 or 60 large blue pigeons, the males having reddish breasts. They were very wild, but at times I was close to some of them They appeared to me precisely like the passenger pig eons. Possibly there is a species of timber pigeon very much like them. We have. here the mourning doves like those In the middle West, never very plentiful anywhere, yet seem to hold their own. G. B. TUCKER. Fancy and Reality. Boston Transcript. Wifey Do you recollect that once when we had a quarrel 1 said you were just as mean as you could be? Hubby Yes, my dear. Wifey Oh, Tom, how little "did I know you then. 1 SAMOAJVS ARE ROBBED BY MANY Deceptions Practiced by "White Man Related by Native of Islands. GARDINER, Or.. Sept. 17. (To the Editor.) I noticed In The Oregonian an article about the Samoan Islands, the writer explaining the way the Ger mans get land of the natives by trick ery. The writer says that the Ger mans go to the native chief and offer him a gun or desirable article in ex change for the chief's signature to a mortgage on his land. The chief does not know what a mortgage Is, and so he signs willingly, delighted to get the gun. At the end of three years, when the mortgage falls due, the Ger man forecloses it nd then the chief is driven off his land. The writer is right, but he does not say anything about the American, who is doing the same thing as the Ger man. I am not a German nor an Amer ican. I am a native ef Pago Pago, Tutuila. Samoa I was born there. The writer does not say anything about the way the missions of differ ent churches rob the natives of what they have. One so-called mission so ciety has a. steamship, and she comes around once a year on tour of the islands. The natives are told that the children in England are starving. The natives have pity on anyone going hungry, so donate sums of money to feed the white roan's child in London; for the native does not know what hunger is, for everything grows for him. He may work, making copra for a year or two, to make the money he donates to the mission. He takes his copra to a trader,' for which Ve gets 1 cent a pound. Another thing the WTlter does not say anything about Is the way Uncle Sam uses his natives to put a stop to some of our ways of living. Not only that, but the writer does not say anything about what a man has to pay Uncle Sam If he wants to work at his trade. If he is a carpenter he has to pay $12 a year before he can work, and If a blacksmith It's the same thing. You have to pay the 12 before you can work for a living, black or white. And when Uncle Sam became guardian over us natives it Is the first time we had to pay S3 poll tax, that we might live on the islands and breathe the air we got for nothing before. This is my native name: LOE. My white name: BEX YOUNG. Tunnel 6, Camp 1. Roosevelt Admirer, Not Partisan. LA GRANDE, Or., Sept. 19. (To the Editor.) Your multi-partisan editorial in The Oregonian last Monday Is un fair to Mr. Cleaver, because you infer that he followed Roosevelt to defeat. when he did nothing of the kind. He was the Prohibition candidate for Con gress in 1912 and received almost 2000 votes without any campaign. Mr. Cleaver had a great hope that the new-born Progressive party wouid espouse the Prohibition cause, and he did what he could to encourage such a movement, even to approaching Roosevelt personally on that. Issue. The comparison of George Cleaver and Bill Hanley is absurd from any standpoint. Cleaver has been openly fighting the saloons for the last ten years, and much of the time has been a trustee "of Willamette University with R. A. Booth and other prom nent men of the state. GEORGE HUNTINGTON CURREY. The Oregonian still clings to its opinion that in one particular Mr. Cleaver and Colonel Hanley are com parable. That Is In their gracefully Inclusive multi-partisanship. To be sure, their political ideas are not the same. Colonel Hanley Is a "wet,' anti-Roosevelt, pro-Wilson, Progres sive, late of the Republican party. while Mr. Cleaver is" a pro-Wilson pro-Roosevelt Prohibitionist from the Republican ranks, running as a non partisan. In kindly friendship for many shades of political belief they are very much alike. Why England and Germany Are at War. KALAMA, Wash., Sept. 19. (To the Editor.) Please advise me as to what circumstances led to Britain's declara tion of war against Germany, and what is the difference between the triple alliance and the triple entente? C. G. M. England was one f the signatory powers to a treaty guaranteeing the neutrality of -Belgium, and, moreover, her statesmen looked upon the possible permanent occupation by Germany of the Belgian sea coast as a grave menace. War between Germany and England directly resulted from Ger many's violation of Belgian neutrality in her attempt quickly to get at France. Germany, however, . avers that there is evidence that England was preparng to aid France before Belgium was Invaded. The triple al liance included Germany, Austria and Italy, from which Italy has, in effect, withdrawn. The triple entente Is the name given to the now existing al liance between France, Russia and Great Britain. . Mark Twain's Remarks Applicable. HOOD RIVER, Or.. Sept. 19. (To the Editor.) In The Oregonian I read an article entitled "Democrats Throw Economy to Winds," that calls to mind what Mark Twain says In his work, "Christian Science," page 358, etc: The present Christianity makes an excel lent private Christian, but its endeavors to make an excellent public one go for nothing, substantially. It Is an acceptable law of public life that In it & man may soil his honor In the Intel est of party expediency must do it when party expediency requires it. Ttey have filched the money to take care of the party; they believe it was right to do it; they do not see how their prlvata honor is affected; therefore their consciences are clear and at rest. By vote they do wrongful thinxs every day. In the party Interest,, which they could not be per suaded to do in private life. In the Interest of party expediency they give solemn pledges, they make solemn compacts; In the Interest of party expediency they repudiate them without a blush. I wonder if he lied when he said it? J. M. BLOSSOM. Oldest Public Bull dins; Degraded. SALEM, Or., Sept 19. (To the Edi tor.) There is In The Oregonian Sep tember 19 an account of a young woman called Gladys Hardy who rode up the stairway of the Capitol Build ing of the State and received the hand shake in compliment of the Governor and his endorsement by his use of her horse to ride through the corridors. The stairs are not steejbut well constructed for aged lawgivers, and bannisters probably not yet surpassed in Oregon. As 70 years an Oregonian and having from 1862 to 1890 responded four terms to a seat In . the Oregon Legislature, I have no words to give to the Governor's conduct but I hope neither he nor his will ever again be called to a public office. JOHN MINTO. "Save Bayonet" Not Weapon. PORTLAND. Sept. 20. (To the Edi tor.) The article by Mr. Richard Hard ing Davis, in The Oregonian, describes the "gruesome saw-tooth bayonet," of which three were found in the trenches the Germans had abandoned. I am astonished to read that a war correspondent,with Mr. Davis' experi ence, does not know that every petty officer, of the German infantry regi ments, is equipped with one of these bayonets, not to use it as a weapon, but to be used as a. saw when con structing entrenchments. O. J. HENTSCHEL. Twenty-Five Years Ago. From The Oregonian, September 19, 1899. J. A. Logan, F. Logan and Frank Morgan left on their Eastern trip yes terday S. F. Dunning has returned from hts trip to North Yakima, where he spent several days on business. The Portland Railway Cable Com pany filed a request at the meeting of the City Council last night, that their franchise be amended so that they can build a branch down Alder street from Fifth to Front.. An ordinance to that effect was introduced, read twice and referred to the street committee. Sol Hirsch and Colonel L. Flelschner, Who have been sick ever since their return from Europe, have so far re covered as to be able to drive out. Both visited their store yesterday. As soon as his health is completely re stored, Mr. Hirsch will return to his pastorate" at Constantinople, taking his family with him. Charles R. Hoyt. of Hoyt Bros., died at the home of his father. Captain Henry u. Hoyt, at 133 Seventh street, last night Mrs. Elizabeth McClellan, mother of General George B. McClellan, died yes terday, btie was 90 years old. , Louis Maas, famed In the Old World and the New as a pianist and com poser, died Tuesday night at Jamaica Plains. SnprATTIAnin TT Pratt mA TtS, Allen, who left New York City on norseDacK on May 14. arrived here last night. They rode on the horses the entire distance. Washington The Giants took two games from the Senators today. In the first the two Keefes were pitted against each other, and to the tenth inning both were equally effective. The features of the game were the wonderful running catches by Hoy and Beecher. Forest fires on the hills to the west" of the city have been causing ay-eat havoo to property of all kinds for sev eral days past. The whole semi-clrclo of hill from Guild's Lake on the north to South Portland are either in flames or smouldering ashes. Mr. and Mrs. James Troop have re turned from the East, where they have been spending the past month. The quarters of Company C, O. N. G., in the Armory, were thrown open to the public for the first time last Tuesday. Half a Century Ago. From Tho Oregonian September 21, 1864. The troupe composing Dan Rice's circus performed in this city to a crowded pavilion last night. They per form again tonight. Young men very often get into dis putes and fight, which is bad. enough, but a case recently came to our notice which is much worse. A couple of venerable and well-known citizens, each bearing the title of distinction. "Colonel," entered Into an argument in front of the Courthouse and waxed warm over the subject, when at last they nervously laid their canes upon the sidewalk and prepared to pitch in for a regular "rough and tumble," which was only interrupted by the presence of the Sheriff. A Washington special says that over 3000 rebel deserters have arrived from the Army of the Potomac. One man left his wife and six children in Rich mond, and says his grandfather has been conscripted. By the arrival of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express last night we are in re ceipt of papers from different sections of the Upper Columbia country. A re port from the Boise Basin says that trade there is remarkably good for this season of the year. Yesterday was a proud day for Colonel Frush, because he witnessed the working of his new steam ferry boat. He stood upon the deck, appar ently as full of satisfaction as did Ful ton at the time of his first rewarded effort at navigating by steam. We em barked on the new Institution and wit nessed the trial trip. Lieutenants Clawson and Egan ar rived in town on Monday evening from Fort Walla Walla, on their way to Fort Lapwai, whither we understand they have been summoned to attend a court-martial. Salem. The first street from the river is now lined with tasteful resi dences, built within a year or two, and here the scattered oaks are almost' smothered with the forests of young fir. Bowered among these and wrapped, in a quiet that never knows excite ment are pretty little houses that an swer "Love in a cottage" to perfection. General Alvord has ordered a mili tary post to be established on the Can -yon City road at Camp Watson, on Rock Creek. -Captain H. OV-Small's Company G, First Oregon Cavalry, is directed to quarter themselves there for the coming Winter. The news from Atlanta has produced great despondency among the rebels and corresponding Joy among tho loyal people. Hood's army is reported through loyal sources to be greatly demoralized. Our fellow-craft brother, W. A. Daly, arrived home last evening from the Boise country, bringing with him evidence of the increasing profits of developing quarts leads. Mr. Daly is hale and hearty and feels much better than a ''poor print." Take him in his natural " element and he ls a perfect "brick," of a different species from those he brings with him, however. Wife "Reads" a Husband. Exchange. Mrs. Houck I can read you like a book, George. Houck Then I wish you'd do more reading and less ques tioning. .An Estimate ef Truth. Washington (D. C.) Star. "Truth is stranger than fiction." "I don't know," replied Miss Cayenne, "whether It is stranger or- only scarcer." The Eyes of North America Are today centered on the pages of the newspapers. If there was anything needed to demonstrate the hold newspapers have on the people the crisis In Europe has furnished 'it. Circulation has'jumped pro digiously, and it is safe to say every man, woman and child Is a direct or indirect reader. Newspaper advertising la sure of an audience. Convincing nevrapaner advertis ing la certain of results. There need be no dull times for the manufacturer who takes ad vantage of his opportunities to day. The newspaper furnishes the Im mediate and direct route to the well-filled pocket-book of the consumer."