Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 21, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Petrograd Reports Bombard
ment of Fortress in Gal-.
, icia Under Way.
Seizure of Krsheshov, Where Aus
tria ns Woudl Have Crossed. Vis
tula, Declared . Importait.
Sankl's Army Cut Off.
PETROGRAD, Sept. 20. The official
statement from the chief of general
staff Issued tonight says that the Rus
sians are bombarding the fortress of
I'nemysl, onrhose artillery has opened
Are. The statement follows:
"The Austrian troops which attempt
ed, to check our advance in front of
Biranow and Ranlchow. in Galicia,
were repulsed with heavy losses.
"Siege artillery is now bombarding
the fortifications of Jaroslau.
Pntmyil Returns Fire.
"Fighting is going on against the
rarrispn of Przemlysl, who have re
plied with artillery tire.
"The Russian troops crossing the
forests are finding batteries abandoned
by the Austrians."
IX)NDON, Sept 20 In a dispatch to
the Times a correspondent at Petro
grad says:
"A Saxon cavalry division which
recently arrived in East Prussia from
France has suffered heavy losses.
"Near Sandomir, Russian Poland, the
Russians have again defeated the
broken remnants of the second Ger
man landwehr corps under General
Wolrsch. Here evidently the Austrians
had prepared to cross the Vistula
Ruiiu Front Extended.
"The seizure of Krsheshov, which is
the point where the Austrians would
have crossed the river, is of fjreat im
portance. Krsheshov is a small town
on the San River between Jaroslau and
the confluence of the San and the Vis
tula. Consequently, with the occupa
tion of Krsheshov, the Russian front
"widens appreciably and is enabled to
cross the river at several points simul
taneously in considerable force.
"Javorov, where the Russians cap
tured 5000 prisoners and 30 guns, is 15
miles east of Jaroslau. Thus the Rus
sians are approaching Jaroslau also
from the east and threaten to emerge
at the rear of the fortress after cross
ing at Krsheshov.
Dankl Reported Cnt Off.
"The relentless pursuit of the Aus
trians continues. The Russians are
forging an iron ring around the Ga
lician strongholds, where the remnants
of the Austrian armies are seeking
The Petrograd correspondent of the
Exchange Telegraph Company sends the
following by way of Rome:
"The Russians have completely cut
off General Dankl's army, which forms
the extreme left of the new battle
front from Przemysl to Cracow IQa
licia), and prevented his Junction with
the forces under the command of Gen
eral von Auffenberg. While General
Dankl is retreating in a desperate at
tempt to reach Cracow fortifications
the Russians are advancing from Sand
omir in an endeavor to cut off that re
treat as well."
Germans Reported In Prmcmynl.
A Central News dispatch from Petro
grad says:
"It is reported that a strong German
army, consisting of three army corps,
is at Przemysl, completely equipped for
the defense of that fortress, which it
has been ordered by the German gen
eral staflf to hold until the last, in order
to enable fresh German troops to con
centrate against the Russian front in
East PrussK."
"It is estimated that the- Austrian
losses in the great battle of Galicia
are as high as 35 per cent," says the
Petrograd correspondent of the Times.
His dispatch continues:
"There are no reliable data regard
ing the Russian losses, but it is be
lieved that they are not one-tenth of
those sustained by the Austrians. This
disparity is due in great measure to
the superiority of the Russian gun
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Volunteer Defense of Great
Britain Is Urged.
Pursuit of Enemy in Austria De
clared to Be Continuous.
NEW YORK, Sept 20 Colonel Nlco-
lai Golejewskl, military attache of the
Russian embassy, gave out an official
statement from his headquarters here
today as follows:
"In Eastern Prussia by'September 17
General Rennenkampf has finally
checked the German advance. In some
places the retirement and shifting of
the enemy's troops are observed.
"In Austria we are continuing the
pursuit of the enemy. Our troops have
drawn near the fortress of Przemysl
and the fortifications of Sieniawa (Sini
ava) and Yaoslaw (Jaroslau),
"In Eastern Prussia, the enemy's
Saxon cavalry division, just arrived
from France, has suffered heavily. The
population of Lublin and Holm greeted
with overflowing enthusiasm some of
the victorious troops returning from the
battlefields of Krasnik and Tomaszow.
"We have captured the entire siege
artillery, consisting of 36 heavy howit
zers, brought from the fortress of
Breslau by the German reinforcements
in premature anticipation of the siege
or xvangorod. near sandomir our
troops again defeated the German corps
under General Woersch.
"Our troops have taken the fortifica
tions of Sieniawa (Siniava) and Sambor.
The Austrian rear guards have been
driven from the river Wisznia (Vichnia)
beyond the San. In retiring they de
stroyed the bridges over the former
from Radymno to Medyke.
"Yaroslaw (Jaroslau) is in flames.
"On September 15 in the region of
Sandomir-Mire-Radomysl In the corner
between the Vistula and the San, we
took 3000 prisoners and 10 guns. At
Niemlrow and its vicinity, we took 3000
wagons of artillery supplies. Crowds
of Austrian soldiers are straggling in
the region occupied by . our armies.
Gradually they come out of their hid
ing places and give themselves up."
Siniava is in Galicia, and is situated
18 miles north-northwest of Jaroslau
on the bank of the River San. Sambor
is 17 miles northwest-by-west of Dro
hobyoz. Sandomir, a town in Russian
Poland, Is 67 miles southeast of Ra
com on me leu Dank oi the Vistula
and on the Galiclan frontier. RadomysL
in Galicia, on the bank of the River
San, is 47 miles . southwest-by-south
from Lublin.
Possibility of "Brutal Methods
Enforced Military Service Is
. Declared Sufficient Cause
' for Prompt Enlistment.
' . - - - - -. vj?
LONDON. Sept. 3. The Parliament
ary Committee of the Trades Union
Congress, after a two days' conference,
issued a manifesto to trade unionists
of the country on the war. The com
mittee was especially gratified at the
manner in which the Labor party In
the House of Commons responded to
the appeal made to all political parties
to help in the defense of the country.
The manifesto proceeds: "The Com
mittee is convinced that one import
ant factor in the present struggle is,
that in event the voluntary system
of military service fall, the demand for
a national system of compulsory mili
tary service will not only be made
with redoubled vigor, but may prove
to be so persistent and strong as to
become irresistible. The prospect of
having to face conscription, with its
permanent and heavy burden upon the
financial resources of the country, and
its equally .burdensome effect upon
nearly the whole of its industries,
should in itself stimulate the manhood
of the nation to come forward in its
defense, and thereby demonstrate to
the world that a free people can rise
to the supreme hlghts of a great sacri
fice without the whip of conscription.
"Another factor to be remembered is
that upon the- result of the struggle in
which this country is now engaged
rests the preservation and maintenance
of free and unfettered democratic gov
ernment, which in its international re
lationships has in the past been rec
ognized and must unquestionably
prove to be the best guarantee for pres
ervation of the peace of the world.
The mere contemplation of the
overbearing and brutal methods to
which people have to submit under a
government controlled by a military
autocracy living, as it were, continu
ously under the threat and shadow of
war, should be sufficient to arouse the
enthusiasm of the nation in resisting
any attempt to impose similar condl
tions upon countries at present free
from military despotism.
"But if men have a duty to perform
in the common interest of the State,
equally the State owes a duty to those
of its citizens who' are prepared and
readily prepared to make sacrifices
in its defense and for the maintenance
of Its honor."
Gale Damages German City,
LONDON. Sept. 20. A Marconi wire
less dispatch from Berlin says that
Hamburg has been visited by a strong
southwesterly gale and has suffered
considerable damage from a flood.
Near the village of Moorburg the
bursting of a dyke has flooded the
neighboring country, which in parts
Is several feet under water.
(Continued From First Page.)
they asked, to get a bigger Red Cross
flag to put on the tower?
"We started back to Paris through
a torrential rain and a wind so strong
that they seemed to be trying to lml
tate the fury of the men on the battle
line. A shell had fallen on a railway
embankment close by and killed a ref
ugee. It was miserable enough for us
what must it have been for those
wretched, homeless refugees, whose
burned-out cottages we passed for
mile after mile of blackened, ruined
and forsaken countryside?"
KJieims Structure Famous as Place
of Crowning of Kings.
If the reported destruction of the
Cathedral of Rheims is true, it is the
greatest loss from an historical and
artistic sense oi the present war. Be
gun on the site of an earlier church
erected' by Robert De Coarcy in 1212.
and' continued at Intervals down to the
16th century, it haa been described "as
the most perfect example in grandeur
and grace of Gothic style In existence,
The west front, which was begun
about 1241-42, is said to be the most
beautiful structure produced during the
middle ages, with its deeply recessed
triple portal and the wonderful rose
window that surmounts it. this win
dow, more than 40 feet in diameter, is
reported to have been destroyed by a
If was in the Cathedral of Rheims
that the successive Kings of France
from Philip II to Charles X were
crowned, and it was there that the
Maid of Orleans, after her victorious
career, stood, banner in hand, before
the great altar and saw the coronation
of Charles VIII, which marked the ful
fillment of her vision. After kneeling
before the monarch whom she had
placed on the throne "she begged the
gentle King to allow her to return to
her flocks."
The elaborate richness of the sculp
ture, its stained glasses and statuary
are not surpassed in any existing struc
ture. In the north transept over the sacristy
was a clock said to have been the oldest
moving piece of horology in existence.
Among the priceless cathedral treas
ures were some wonderful church plate
of the early centuries, reliquaries con
taining a thorn of the holy crown, the
skull of St. Remy, and countless tapes
tries, some dating from the fifth cen
tury. In a chapel attached to the vestry
was a rare collection of Roman and
mediaeval sculpture, including the fa
mous sarcophagus of Jovinus, the Ro
man prefect of Rheims, who was con
verted to Christianity in 866.
The archbishop's palace, also reported
as destroyed, is a double chapel dating
from about 1230. There the monarch!
of France were boused at their corona
tions and there Joan of Arc lodged
when she came to Rheims to crown
Charles VIII. The palace adjoins the
cathedral, and about a quarter of a mile
to the southwest is the Church of St.
Jacques, also reported destroyed or ser
iously damaged in the bombardment.
Save for its antiquity, dating from the
12th century, St. Jacques possesses lit
tle interest, all the valuable church an
tiquities of Rheims having been col
lected in the cathedral.
Another church of great antiquity
and interest is that of St. Remy, but
no mention of its fate is made thus far.
It stands on the extreme eastern edge
of the city and was founded by Clovis
and Clothilda on the spot where Clovis
was baptized. The walls of the nave
of St Remy's date from the tenth
The City Hall, also said to have been
ruined or badly damaged by shell fire,
was commenced in 1627. but not com
pleted until the present century. It
contained a fine library with hundreds
of volumes of manuscripts, some an
tiquities and a good collection of paintings.
Aside . from these notable monu
ments, a thorough shelling or confla
gration might destroy many lesser
buildings that have made the ancient
city a place of enormous historic in
terest. Some of its old houses date
from the 12th and 13th -centuries, and
here and there - still exist remains of
the Roman occupation.
Weakened Russians" Declared De
feated Repeatedly.
LONDON, Sept 20. The following
dispatches have been received from
Berlin by Marconi wireless:
"It is reported from Vienna by way
of contradiction of the figures published
from Russian sources as to the Aus
trian losses that the Austrian army has
repeatedly defeated the weakened Rus
sian forces; that the Austrian troops
hold a strong position in Galicia and
are ready for further fighting.
The Russian General Martos. who
ordered all male inhabitants of East
Prussia to be shot and the villages de
stroyed, has been brought into Halle in
chains. He will be tried by court-
martial.' (General Martos was report
ed on September 2 to have been killed
in battle in East Prussia.)
A Russian Major has been con
demned to death after a trial by court-
martial. He is alleged to have com
mitted infamous acts.
"General Dankl has expressed his
thanks to- the first army for their glori
ous victories at Krasnik and Lublin.
He says his undefeated army has sua
pended Its attack on an enemy of twice
its strength and has now occupied
position which it has gained."
Large Flock of Planes Fly to
Front Over Channel.
Briton Declaring Himself In Posses
sion of Information Says Sky
men Perform Good Serv
ice With Armies.
LONDON. Sept. 4k -j (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) So little has
appeared regarding the movements of
the British aerial force that the fol
lowing excerpts from a discussion of
Its activities by one professing to be
closely connected with this branch of
the service is interesting.
Speaking of the sending of 36 British
aeroplanes across the Channel by air,
which was kept secret for some time.
he says:
'As a combined flight, that surpassed
anything ever done in aviation, but it
was only part of a big movement; other
machines had flown across the previ
ous day, and at the present moment
tnree lull squadrons, JSos. 2, 3 and 4
each consisting of 12 aeroplanes, be
sides reserves, and motor transport, are
with the expeditionary force. But apart
rrom the news or two fatal accidents,
and the appearance in the casualty
lists of an airman's name among the
wounded, nothing authentic has been
published concerning the doings of the
rtoyai i lying Corps.
"Even though I knew more than
very little about the work of our army
aviators at the front. I should not be
permitted to reveal it; yet a few facts
may be given without indicating posi
tions or conditions.
evidence points to a general sune-
riority of German aircraft throughout
and to a desire on the part of the en
emy to create a depressing moral ef
feet on the allied troops by the parade
of a yaet number of aeroplanes, which
are ever actively employed.
"Many of the wounded soldiers back
from the front speak of the persistent
way in which German aeroplanes flew
over the positions during the different
engagements and signaled to their ar
tillery data by which the range could
be corrected and kept. Not a word has
been said as to our own aviators per
forming similar service for our artil
lery, but that Is simply because the
testimony that has reached us so far is
from men who were only in a position
to see but very small sections of the
operations. As a matter of fact, our
army fliers have been directing artil
lery lire and to good purpose.
Father of Portland, . Roseburg and
" New York Residents Passes.
ROSEBURG, Or., Sept. 20 (Special.)
Michael Tynan, for a half century a
resident of Douglas County, died here
Saturday. The funeral will be held to
Mr. Tynan was employed by the
Southern v Pacific Company for many
years and was foreman of a track-lay
ing gang at the time the line was built
from Portland to this city. He is sur
vived by three children P. H. Tynan
of Portland; James Tynan, of Roseburg,
and Mrs. fay, of New York.
Krencli Semi-official Press Scouts
Peace Before Crushing Foe.
riu, aept. so.r According to a
semi-official press report, the oppor
tune moment for peace negotiations is
not in sight. The Journal Des Debats
"The articles of treaties, written pro
hibitions and restrictions will not suf
fice. All these the Imperial Chancel
lor. Dr. Von Bethmann-Hollweg. ha
declared to be merely 'scraps of paDer.
wnat is needed are material meas
ures immediately executed that will
strike all of Germany and constitute
guarantees for the future. This is the
destruction of German territory, or
ganlzations and instruments of war."
The Temps says: "No delusive peace!
It is necessary to pursue a single idea
the end of the militarist German
Imports Abovo Normal Declare Lon
don Newspapers. -
LONDON, Sept. 20. London papers
are . unanimous in the opinion that
Great Britain will not soon suffer fara
ine. Imports of grain have been large
ly in excess of normal.
The paths to Canada and the United
States are now open, - and- a regular
steamer service between Archangel, on
the -Whit Sea, and London - has been
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established, which will make It possi
ble for Russia to continue its shipments
of butter and eggs to England.
At present the stocks of meat In
London warehouses are said to be 60
per cent above the average, while the
wheat, maiae and barley stocks are
150 per cent, 200 per cent ana euu per
cent, respectively, above the average.
Ships bearing print paper have resumed
sailings from Norway and Sweden, so
it seems likely newspapers will not be
short of white paper.
Capure by Germans Prevented by
Dive Under Water.
LONDON. Sept. 8.- "The most roman
tic, dramatic and piquant episode that
modern war' can show," says a naval
Lieutenant in describing an episode in
the Heligoland fight. His letter reads:
"The Defender, having sunk an enemy,
lowered a whaler to pick up her swim
ming survivors; before the whaler got
back an enemy's cruiser came up and
chased the Defender, and thus she aban
doned her whaler. Imagine their reel
ings; alone in an open boat without
food. 25 miles from the nearest land.
and that land the enemy's fortress, with
nothing but fog and foes around them.
Suddenly a swirl alongside, and up, if
you please, pops his Britannic majesty's
submarine E4. opens his conning tow
ers, takes them all on board, shuts up
again, dives and brings them home, 250
miles! Is not that magninceni.' sso
novel would dare face the critics with
an episode like that in it, except, per
haps. Jules Verne; and all true: juag
ntrtcent. indCi, and it is war."
British Subjects In Trieste Are Ad
vised by Police to Leave.
VIKNNA, Sept. 20. The position of
fhe Italian Inhabitants of Trieste is
exceedingly uncomfortable. Hundreds
have been arrested and many houses
belonging to Italians have been
searched by the police. A large num
ber of Italians are leaving Trieste, es
pecially the younger men, many of
whom are enlisting in the Italian army.
The few British subjects remaining
in Trieste, many of whom are women
and elderly, men, have been advised by
the police to leave Austria in order to
avoid unpleasant consequences.
Method of Preventing Typhoid In
American Army May Be Adopted.
LONDON, Sept. 20. Through efforts
of the War Office 150 military hospitals
have ' been organised in Great Britain.
These have been arranged in groups
and each has an administrative center.
Practically all the sick and wounded
returning from the Continent are re
ceived at Southampton, and from there
those whose condition is the most seri
ous are sent to Royal Victoria Hospital,
Netley, and the others are distributed
where their cases can be handled to the
best advantage.
Rheumatism, brought on by exposure,
makes the condition of some of the in
jured pitiful.
Some typhoid has been reported
among British soldiers in the field. Sir
William Osier's suggestion that the
American Army's plan of inoculating
all soldiers against typhoid be adopted
Is generally supported by the press.
University of City, Now Destroyed,
Patronized by Many Celts.
LONDON, Sept. 20. The destruction
of Lou vain has brought a pang to the
hearts of the Irish people, for the Uni
versity of Louvain was for centuries
the great universitv for lih tnj.nI
and especially ecclesiastical students,
there being no such Institution in Ire
land Itself. During the last two cen
turies or so it has turned out more
than 300 Irish priests, and nearly 30
Irish bishops and archbishops.
There was another tie between Ire
land and Louvain University, the tie
of Irish learning. The library of the
university contained 70.000 volumes of
priceless manuscripts, and a large num
of these were Irish.
Women's Club Founder Dies.
CHICAGO, Sept. 20. Mrs. Ella (Uane
Bowes, a leader among Illinois club
women, died today, aged 64 years. Mrs.
Bowes was the founder of the Church
Culture Club, the West En Women's
Club and the Tuesday Art and Travel
Club and was the founder and first
president of the Chicago Country Club.
Do- not worry about a pain In your
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