Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 21, 1914, Image 1

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VOL,. 1LTV. NO. 16,793.
Structure at Rheims
Believed Doomed.
City Not Spared by German
Guns at Distance.
Good-Natured Treatment of Enemy's
Wounded Left in City Is Feature
of Engagement Storm Imi
tates Fury of Battle.
BERLIN, Sept. 21, via London. An
official statement just Issued says:
"Rheims was in the battle line of
the French and the Germans were
obliged to bombard it. We regret the
necessity, but the fire of the French
came from that direction. Orders have
been issued to save the cathedral.
"The attacks on the French are pro
gressing at several points."
BORDEAUX, Sept. 20. The Minister
of the Interior, Louis J. Malvy, an
nounced today that the famous Cathe
dral of Rheims had been destroyed, and
all other historic and public buildings
cither laid in ruins or seriously dam
aged during the bombardment of
Rheims by the general artillery.
Coupled with this announcement was
a statement that the government had
decided to address to all the powers a
note of indignation against "this act of
odious vandalism."
Ancient Structures Gone.
The structures which the Minister
said had been destroyed or ruined in
cluded, in addition to the cathedral, the
12th century church of St. Jacques, the
15th century archbishop's palace and
the city hall, dating from the 17th cen
tury. M. Malvy said that official reports
revealed that the cathedral was in
flames today, the buring having begun
yesterday as a result of the ceaseless
Foe Desperate, Says France. -
It was officially declared that the de
struction of these historic buildings
was accomplished as indicating that the
Germans considered their situation des
perate. LONDON, Sept. 20. The famous Ca
thedral of Notre Dame at Rheims has
been hit eight times by German shells
during the three days' bombardment of
the town, according to the Evening
News correspondent, who viewed the
figthlng from the cathedral tower
"Directly theshells began to -hit the
cathedral in the morning," says the
correspondent, "some German wounded
were brought in from the hospital
nearby and laid on straw In the nave,
while Abbe Andrieux and a Red Cross
nurse plucklly went up to the tower
and hung out two Geneva flags.
Houses of Town Not Spared.'
"I believe a shell which hit the
building while I was there was a
stray shot, for the German guns
could hardly miss so huge a mass.
towering as it does above the town, if
they really wished to reach it. But
the houses close by were not spared.
Shell after shell came whistling to
wards us and smashed into the houses.
one of them bursting just across the
cathedral square.
"Under the cold drifting rain clouds
one whole semi-circle of the horizon.
edged by the heights on which the
German batteries were mounted three
miles away, was nothing but an in
ferno of bursting shells. Those from
the Germans landed anywhere within
the space of a square mile. Sometimes
it was Just outside the town they fell,
trying to find the French troops lying
there in the trenches waiting to go
forward to attack the enemy when
their artillery had prepared the way;
sometimes it was in wool combing
mills of an English company, whose
four chimney stacks made them a
conspicuous mark; sometimes it was
right in the heart of the town itself.
Sacristan's Home Struck.
"Once one of them, screaming a bom
Inably, crashed through the transept
roof of the other end of the cathedral.
I never shall forget the note of horrt
fled surprise and Indignation that
burst from the old sacristan as a shell
smashed a hole in a tall house close
before our eyes. 'That's my house,' he
shouted, as if the German gunners
three miles away could hear his pro
test. According to this correspondent, few
civilians were killed because virtually
everyone was under ground for three
days. The great champagne cellars
were made barracks of refuge. The
correspondent visited the coadjutor
bishop of Rheims, who met him on the
cellar steps.
"Tou will find us underground." he
Bald, with a smile on his whimsical
good-humored face.
"Meanwhile," adds the correspond'
ent, "the good nature shown to the
German wounded left In the city Was
astonishing. While shells were falling
around the temporary hospital in the
nave I found French officers talking
to - them, bringing wine and giving
them every consideration. There was
only, one subject the Germans wanted
to talk about; Was it not possible,
ICaociuded on fas 2.i
ROME, via Parts, Sept. 20. Italy al
ready has more tku a half million
men under arms. The beat of these
troops are 1m camps and barracks !
the Lombard and Venetian provinces.
NISH, Servia, via London, Sept. SO.
It is officially announced that a
merically Inferior Servian force has re
pulsed an attach: by 20,000 Austrlaas
near Novlpaxar. The Servians Inflict
ed heavy losses on the attacking force.
PARIS, Sept. 20. The official state
ment Issued tonight says that In fight
ing north of Sissons the Germans gain
ed Kronad, which vras afterwards re
captured by the Allies.
LONDON, Sept. 2. The British ad
miralty reports that the German pro
tected cruiser Koenlsrsburar cnoarht the
British light cruiser Pegasus over
hauling her machinery In Zanslbar
harbor today and attacked and com
pletely disabled her. The British lost
. PETROGIUD, Sept. 20. The official
statement from the chief of the gen
eral staff Issued tonight says that the
Russians are bombarding the fortress
of Prsemysl, whose artillery has open
ed fire.
LONDON, Sept. 20. Reports from the
front, say the Exchange Telegraph
Company's Paris correspondent, show
that the French and British troops are
fighting waist deep in water, the rains
having flooded their trenches.
PARIS, Sept. 20. In the latest list
of wounded Is posted the name of
Prince Paul Hurst, son of Prince
Joachim Murat, who himself is serv
ing with the French army as a cap
tain of dragoons. Three other sons of
Prince Joachim Charles, Alexander
and Joachim also are in the army.
' PARIS, Sept. SO. The Rome corre
spondent of the Echo de Paris, says
under reserve that reports from Petro
grad indicate that General Dankl'a Aus
trian army has been surrounded by the
LONDON, Sept. 2L An Exchange
Telegraph dispatch from the Hague
says that a message received from Ber
lin Is to the effect that Prince August
William, the fourth son of Emperor
William, was shot In the left arm In
the battle of the Marne and that Em
peror William has bestowed the Iron
Cross of the first class on him.
LONDON, Sept. 20. The Exchange
Telegraph Paris correspondent. In a
dispatch sent at 7t40 o'clock tonight,
saysi "The steady advance by the
British and French on the left Is highly
port ant, as the German General von
Kluck's flank is now exposed."
BERLIN, via London, Sept. 20. A
casualty list, made up largely of the
losses of a few regiments, was made
public today. " Of the 6126 casualties re
ported, 3076 of them fall to 15 battal
ions of eight regiments. The One Hun
dred and Thirty-first Regiment report
ed 1141 casualties. Six of Its officers
were killed and 23 wounded.
BERLIN, via Amsterdam and Lon
don, Sept. O That the German cruiser
Stettin had been hotly engaged August
28 by British warships was allowed to
become known here today, although no
details of the fight were given out.
Celestial Vagabond Reported by
Portland Resident.
The "war comet" the celestial vaga
bond which superstitious persons say
heralded the great war now on was
visible from Portland last night, across
the northern heavens, according to C
F. Walch. 663 East Sixty-sixth street.
North, who says be first saw the sky
wanderer Saturday night while return
ing from Astoria on a train and again
last night.
"The comet is faintly visible to the
naked eye," Mrv Walch said. Its posi
tion is Just above the lower star in
the great dipper. The comet is headed
southwest with quite a respectable
sized tall streaming in its wake."
If the comet is visible, it must be
the Delevan comet, discovered by Paul
T. Delevan, astronomer, eight months
ago from the observatory of La Plata
In Argentina. It has been rapidly
growing more brilliant and will be
closest to the earth in October, when
it wiU come within 147,000,000 miles
of the globe's orbit.
German Flag at Laneken, 22 Stiles
From Liege, Is Failed Down.
LONDON. Sept. 21. A dispatch to
the Rotterdam Courant from ijs Mae
strict correspondent which has been re
ceived here says:.
"A Belgian force made a daring sortie
in the direction of Liege. Beaching a
point within. 22 miles of that town.
the Belgians pulled down the German
flag at Laneken and hoisted the Bel
gian pennant. In the engagement with
the Germans at Laneken the German
force Buffered some losses. No Bel
gians were injured.
"Another sign of disturbance in this
region is the Interruption of passenger
service over the Liege-Maestricht
Pola, Great Naval Station, Is Being
Extensively Fortified.
VIENNA, via Venice and Paris, Sept.
20. The Austrian torpedo-boat No. 27
was sunk in the harbor of Pola Monday,
Much secrecy has been maintained re
garding the occurrence, which is be
lieved to have been due to a boiler ex
plosion. The crew was rescued.
The work of fortifying the great
naval station ' of Pola continues with
unceasing activity, especially on . the
land side, where barbed wire entangle
ments bar beea placed.
Position Lost, Another
Taken Near Rheims.
Slight Advance by Allies Re
ported on Left Wing.
Ground Difficult and Strong Defen
sive "Works Encountered Saxon
Army Declared to Have
Been Broken TJp.
PARIS, Sept. .ZO. The French war of
fice issued the following communica
"On OUr left ttinf wa iava a rain
made a slight advance along the right
bank of the River Oise. A division of
"sen captured another flag.
"All the efforts of the Germans, sup
ported by strong artillery, to smash
our front between Craonne and Rheims
have been repulsed.
Positions Exchanged Near Rheims.
"Near Rheims tne hill of Brimnnn a
portion of which we had occupied, has
been retaken by the enemv. In rutnm
we have taken possession of the de-
ienses or ia fompelle (about five miles
east-southeast of Rheims).
"The Germans have roused thunili
to a condition of such fury that, with
out military reason, they have fired on
tne vatneurai or KUelma, which is In
"In the center, between Rheims and
the Forest of Argonne, we have won
the village of Souain and have taken
thousands of prisoners.
Gains Made West of Argonne.
"On the western side of the Argonne
our gains are maintained.
"In Woevre there is nothing to , an
nounce. ... -
"On the right wins: in Lorraine tlio
enemy has been driven back beyond
our iron tier, evacuating in particular
the region of Avricourt (border vil
lage). In the 'Vosges the enemy has
tried to resume the offensive in the
neighborhood of St. Die, but without
"Our attacks progress slowly on that
side because of the difficulty of the
ground, the defensive works encoun
tered there, and the bad weather.
"As yet we have no certain con
firmation of the reduction of the forts
- (Concluded on Page 3.)
M - f f Iky m 1 f
1 Al-MlJXUilMIUJXiatKM-U-'U'lUiA.M.U -- .III!
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 65
aegree; minimum, 54 degrees.
TODAY'S Rair; warmer; northerly winds.
Labor unions urge Britons to enlist for de
fense. Face 2.
Great Britain' has big flock of aeroplanes
at front. Page 2.
German foreign off lcs authorises interview
on Germany's position la war. Fbk 1.
Noted cathedral at Rheims set on fire in
bombardment. Page 1.
Two companies of Germans rout French
army corps from difficult position. Page 8.
Berlin says British stored ammunition' In
rance In advance of war. Page &.
Paris reports lull In battle. Page 8.
British Ambassador praises Gerard's conduct
in Berlin. Page 8.
French ray their front is holding fast.
Page i.
Russians bombarding Pnemysl. which, re
plies to attack. Face 2.
Both British and Germans lose ships tn far-
011 seas. i'age 4.
Furious artillery duel under way In France.
rage 4.
Close of great battle near, says British
writer. Page 4.
United States lays down rules for sailings
of ships' of belligerents. Page 5.
Pacific Northwest,
Quartermaster of steamer Buck dives Into
sea to rescue Leggett survivor. Page 1.
Pacific Coast Ieague results: Portland 8-0.
Venice 8-1 ; Missions 0-3, San ' Francisco
' 1-1: Oakland 4-6, Los Angeles 8-e.
Page 8.
Boston retains lead over Giants though
latter's playing improves. Page 8.
T. Morris Duma made life secretary of Pa
cific Northwest Association. Page 8.
Portland and Vicinity.
Benjamin Belling, Senior, killed by train.
Page 7.
Rev, T. L. Eliot expounds world peace plan.
Page 9.
German concert nets more than ST0O for
Red Cross fund. Page T.
"Stop, Thief." at Baker, rollicking comedy,
well presented. Page 14.
Church of Madeleine celebrates third anni
versary. Page 8.
New photoplays at moving-picture theaters
are stellar. Page 14.
First of Hill steamers due March 1. Page 11.
Suffragist press chairman here tor cam
paign against party that turned down
women. Page 5.
Husband fears Mrs. Stella Fueston kid
naped. Page 11.
Dramatization of "Trail of Lonesome Pine"
at Heilig revives joy of story. Page 14.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 4.
Multnomah Fair has last day. Page- 11.
Germans Retire In Disorder After
- Skirmish In China.
TOKIO, Sept. 20. Lieutenant-General
Karri lo. commander-in-chief of the
Japanese armies that are moving on
Kiau-Chau, the German leased posses
sion in China, reports that he met and
repulsed a German detachment on Sep
tember 18.
The official announcement of the
skirmish says that the troops, after
landing at Lai-Shan, 40 miles north of
Kiau-Chau, moved southward at Wang
Ko-Huangr, 13 miles east of Tsimo. .
The Germans used machine guns, but
at sunset, it is sa4. abandoned thei
position in dlso'.er, leaving behind
supplies, equipment and personal ap
parel. The Japanese suffered no casual
ties in this fight, but had three casual
ties among their cavalry while It was
reconnoitering. '
Train Held TJp and Robbed.
.LOS ANGELE3, Sept. 20. Two arm
ed men held up and robbed Southern
Pacific northbound train Number 75
(The Lark) late tonight, north of Bur
bank. They secured $550 and much
jewelry from the passengers.
Foreign Office Justifies
Position in War.
Britain Accused of Combining
Europe Against Rival.
In .Interview Offldaly Approved,
Baron Alumm Draws Allegory.
From America to Support 'Pol
icy of His Own Nation.
(Staff correspondent of the Chicago Tribune.
By arrangement with the Tribune.)
BERLIN, Aug. 26. The following re
markable authorised Interview was
granted today by the German Foreign
Officecomparable to the State De
partment in Washington to your , cor
The interview was held directly with
Baron Mumru. adviser to the German
Foreign Office in American, -Chinese
and Japanese affairs. v
Baron Mumm, who speaks English
fluently, was secretary of the lega
tion' in Washington 1888-1892, and
minister pro tern to the United States
1899. He was Minister to China
1900-1906 in the six difficult and
critical years succeeding the Boxer re
bellion, and Ambassador to Japan In
Style Make Secretaries Gasp.
When the interview was completed
it was typewritten and- submitted to
the German Foreign Office ' for ap
proval. This approval was hard to
get. In fact, the German Foreign Of
fice at first entirely disapproved of
the article, rather on account of its
manner than because of its substance
which it was acknowledged has been
faithfully interpreted.
But the way in which the inter
view was written, in American news
paper style, caused some of the ojder
secretaries of state accustomed to the
formal phraseology of less hurried
and more dignified days to gasp. How
ever. Baron Mumm, with his deeper
knowledge of how things are done,
written and said in the United States,
persuaded his confreres that the In
formality of the conversation as re
ported would, if anything, cause it to
be more widely read In America.
On that plea the Foreign Office
finally and in considerable perplexity
(Concluded on Page S.)
Sunday's War Moves
ONE of the fiercest battles of all
times, which has been raging
across Northern France for a week
past, with first a silent advantage on
one side and then on the other, remains
The great armies which have been
fighting for a month have dug them
selves into entrenchments on rivers
and monntaJn ranges on a front reach
ing from the Oise to the Mouse, and
thence southeastward along the Franco-German
Artillery duels such as never have
been seen before are being carried on
with the hope of compelling the evacu
ation of the strongly-held positions,
with occasional successes to the oppos
ing sides, while the infantry, in the
face of a galling fire, . have charged
right up to the guns only to make their
opponents give way slightly or to be
repulsed with great losses.
Fighting has been fiercest on the
allies' left, which lies on the right bank
of the Oise River, in the vicinity of
Rheims. the famous cathedral of which
has been set afire by German shells.
and between that town and the Ar
gonne ridge it has been give and take
all the time.
The French official report, however.
again asserts Blight progress has been
made on the French left and that the
allies have again repulsed strong fron
tal attacks between Craonne and
Rheims. Around Rheims the issue has
been about equalized, as the Germans
have recaptured the heights of Brl
raont, while the French have taken the
defenses of La Pompelle. The French
also have scored a sucfess between
Rheims and the Argonne. where they
have taken the village of Souain and
have captured numerous prisoneres. '
In all cases these are separate at
tacks and counter attacks by tha
armies lying In the trenches waiting
for their altillery to compel the other
side to slacken its fire. The losses in
these attacks must be enormous.
The British apparently have learned
something from the Japanese attacks
on Port Arthur. They make a rush
forward and when the fire becomes too
heavy for them to make a further ad
vance they again dig trenches for them
selves and remain there until another
opportunity offers for them to gain a
few more yards.
The Germans have had most of their
artillery at work, but the French are
bringing up more and bigger guns.
This kind of fighting, with both sides
in strong positions, may go on for
days yet, but sooner, or later one side
must find the continual fall of shell
and the disconcerting attacks too much
for them, and, leaving a Btrong rear
guard, will draw back for a breathing
The battle resembles In many par
ticulars that of the Shan -Ho in 1904,
when the Japanese and Russians, with
much more time to do it. established
positions which each thought to be
impregnable. Shells and infantry at
tacks, however, finally compelled the
Russians to withdraw with losses that
at that time were without precedent.
With all the hard, long fighting behind
them, the Germans again are making
attacks toward Verdun, while the
allies are making frontal attacks on
the German right, and are once more
attempting to outflank it
While accounts of the operations in
Gallcia differ, and one goes so far as
to say that General Dankl's army Is
surrounded by Russians, and only rem
nants of the German corps there re
main, it is considered certain that the
armies have not come to grips again.
' The Russians will have .to capture
Przemysl, where it is reported .three
German army corps have been sent to
help the Austrians, before they can
make further progress westward. The
other Russian army, however, will be
free to proceed against Cracow if Gen
eral Danki is disposed of. The German
army in Silesia has become more active.
Interesting information has been
given out by the British Admiralty re
garding British successes and misfor
tunes in various waters. The British
merchant cruiser Carmania has sunk
a German merchant cruiser, supposed
to be either the Cape Trafalgar or the
Berlin, off the coast of South America,
but the German cruiser Koenigsburg
has completely disabled the British
cruiser Pegasus, while the latter was
overhauling her machinery in Zanzi
bar harbor, killing 25 men and wound
ing more than three times that num
ber, and the German cruiser Emden
has sunk six British merchant steamers
in the Bay of Bengal.
There has been a review off the Is
land of Halkr by the Sultan of the
Turkish fleet. Including the former
German cruisers Breslau and Goeben,
after which the warships proceeded to
Constantinople for coal.
Italy, according to reports from
Rome, now has more than 500,000 men
under arms.
Russians Fat Xo thing but Fruit 6
Days While Chasing Austrians.
LONDON. Sept. 20. The Petrograd
correspondent of the Times says that
General Ruzsky's army, while In pur
suit of the Austrians toward Lemberg,
left all transports behind them and for
six dayB lived on apples.
This is cited by the correspondent as
showing the great energy of the Rus
sian soldiers, who are 'able to endure
forced marches and continuous fighting
on such, a diet.
Crater Swallows HILL
WELLINGTON, N. Z., Sept. 20. A
volcano eruption has occurred on White
Island, In the Bay of Plenty, off North
Island. New Zealand.
Half the hillside has fallen into the
crater and 11 men who were working
In some of the sulphur deposits are
missing, .
mm rpprrTwinm
Quartermaster Jumps
With Lifeline.
Steamer Buck at Astoria With
George Poelman, Survivor.
Captain Has High Praise for Quar
termaster Who Leaped Into Fierce
Sea Doomed Vessel's Whistle
Shrieks as Craft Sinks.
ASTORIA, Or.. Sept. 20. (SDeclaL)
The Associated Oil Company's tank
steamer Frank H. Buck came into port
shortly before noon todav. bringing
George Poelman. the first of the two
survlvons of the Leggett disaster to be
picked up. but the last to reach shore.
The Buck also produced a hero, Lars
Eskildson, quartermaster on the Buck,
having dived into the storm-swept sea
to rescue Poelman.
Leggett's Agents A beard.
E. M. Cherry, Lloyds' agent and the
Astoria representative of the Hicks
Hauptman Transportation Company, of
San Francisco, owners of the lost
steamer Francis H. Leggett, boarded
the steamer here.
The Buck was the first vessel to
reach the scene of the sinking of the
Leggett and it was her crew that picked
up the only two survivors.
Sterna Strikes Karly.
"We left Hoquiam Wednesday eve
ning and ran into a storm as soon as
we entered upon the open sea," said
Poelman, one of the two survivors. "The
ship was heavily loaded and made very
alow progress through, the gale. Some
time after noon of Friday the deckload
of ties began to slide off and soon the
ship took on a heavy list to starboard.
which gradually became worse.
' "All the passengers and the crew had
donned life preservers and most of tbem
were on deck. There did not seem to be
much excitement. It was blowing and
raining and was very cold.
Loaded Lifeboat Uptarns.
"I stood in the after part of the ship
holding onto the rail. I saw men at
tempt to launch the lifeboat and they
told me to get in. I got in and they
started to lower the boat, but it was so
rough that they pulled it back again,
and I got out. Later the boat was low
ered again with several men and wo
men in it. It turned right over the
minute it touched the water and I
could Bee the poor people splashing
around in the sea. Some got hold of
ties and boards, but some Just drifted
out and disappeared.
"The engines were running all the
time until the very last. Just before
the end came the whistle gave one
short blast and then the engines
Man Sinks Wit Boat.
"Captain Maro was near me then on
the deck, near the wheel. He seemed
dazed and stood looking at the deck.
I was holding to' the rail then, when,
all at once, the boat seemed to drop
out from under me, but I held on as
long as I could and went clear under
water with it before I lost my hold.
When I came up I grabbed hold of two
ties and hung on. I looked around roe
and saw lots of men holding to the
ties. One man held up his hand to me
and I saw one of his fingers had been
cut off and his hand was all bloody.
"I could hear someone shouting, but
couldn't understand what be said. It
was awfully cold and the people near
me drifted away, all but one man, and
I could see him until it got dark, then
I was all alone for a long time.
Liahts Prompt Shout,
"Then I saw the lights of the Buck
and I shouted as loud as I could. They
were not far away and I shouted again,
but they went right past me and I
thought it was awful. Then they
stopped and turned around and came
back, and one man Jumped overboard
and tied a rope around me, and they
pulled me up on the ship. My partner
was near me when the Leggett went
down and I never saw him again. I
came from Whidby Island, where I
was working on a farm, and I was
going to San Francisco. These men
on the Buck were good to me and I
am glad I am alive."
About 4 o'clock Friday afternoon the
wireless operator heard the Japanese
cruiser Idzumo notifying the station at
North Head that the Francis H. Leg
gett was lost below Cape Mears, but
could get no further information. Cap
tain B. H. Macdonald, master of the
Buck, immediately instructed the chief
engineer to drive the craft full speed
ahead, and steered directly for the
scene of . the disaster, arriving in that
vicinity about 11 o'clock at night.
"About midnight." said Captain Mac
donald, "or shortly before. Third Offi
cer Gibbs, of this ship, then on watch,
sent word to me in my stateroom that
he had heard a cry for "help' out on
the sea. I rushed to the bridge to con
firm it, and, believe me, it was a call
for help from a pair of powerful human
lungs and charged with all the terror
one human voice could carry.
"Ordering the chip to be brought
about instantly, I went back to my
room and dressed, returning to the
(Concluded ea Page 8.)