Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 18, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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250,000 CATHOLIC
You Can't Drive
Prosperity Away
Episcopal Bishop-Elect of Ore
gon Tells Requisites for
Good Citizenship.
Parish School to Be First
Structure 'to Rise at Sev
enteenth and Couch.
CAPITAL may hesitate, industry put-
ter, croaekrs croak. But the tide of
American prosperity that is rising each
hour will sweep them all off their feet
"Study of Character Under Adver
sity and the Attempt to Remove
That Adversity" Needed Sin
gle Standard Is Urged.
3Iagnlficent Church and Home for
Archoisnop Are Other TJnits of
Big Investment School to
Be Ready February.
miff -Mmmmsammimm.
w ..mmmmmmmmm
An excellent understanding of the
ideas and Ideals of Very Reverend Wal
ter T. Sumner, elected early yesterday
morning- to succeed the late Right Rev
erend Charles Scadding as bishoj of
the Episcopal diocese of Oregon, may
he had from an address on "Social
Kervice Through the Church," deliv
ered by Rev. Mr. Sumner less than a
year ago before the Twenty-eighth an
nual convention of the St. Andrew's
Cross in New York City.
In his exposition of the subject to
which he has directed so "much Btudy
and so much effort in Chicago. Bishop
elect Sumner dwells upon the impor
tance of good citizenship and upon the
four possible avenues of social service,
a service he defines as "the study of
character under adversity and the at
tempt to remove that adversity."
"All Must Live at Best."
"Keen competition compels every
man. today to live at his best," says
Bishop-elect Sumner. "That which
takes from him the powers to meet the
demands that labor and society puts
upon him is the thing to shun.
"We may give addresses. publish
tracts, preach sermons upon Intemper
ance, upon lust, upon vice, upon vicious
practices, but none will be so far
reaching as that which will convince
the Intelligent person that these are not
the only things for which he must an
swer at the great bar of justice, but they
are also things which are taking away
his power to live at his best today.
"The only thing which commands re
spect in business and professional life
is efficiency, next to honesty; and the
laws of efficiency hang upon a man's
output, either in quantity or quality,
or both. Plainly It is the part of wis
dom to have man so conserve his en
ergy, to develop his genius, that his
output shall not be inferior in quality
or smaller in quantity than that of his
competitor. As it Is in business, I take
it, so it Is in citizenship.
Citizenship Keanlsltes Three.
"There are three requisites of cltl
Benship, in my judgment. The first is
knowledge. In these days of the en
lightened press, of wide magazine read
ing, there is absolutely no excuse for
Ignorance on the part of citizens.
"Now every man is securing from
his community, if not a fortune, at
least a living wage or a living salary.
Each person owes something to his
community in return for that com
munity's support. Among other things
he owes his loyalty. No city ever
reached her pinnacle of power and
beauty unless she was believed in by
her sons and. daughters.
"A third requisite is necessary. That
citizen who is gifted, who Is beyond,
perhaps, the point where he has to
think of the necessities of life, who
has been blessed with education, who
hail ample opportunity for full knowl
edge and yet is bo indifferent tnat he
will not contribute his share to the so
lution of these problems, or so indif
ferent that he will not stand for office
or take- an interest in civic adminis
tration or of public affairs or so indif
ferent that he will not even cast his
ballot. Is not only indifferent, but an
undesirable citizen, taking community
support and giving back nothing in
community interest.
Social Service Defined.
"If in efficient citizenship we meas
ure our efficiency In action, what do
we call that action? It is sometimes
called social service. We sometimes
Bay that social service is caring for
the poor, the sick, the Infirm or aged.
The definition I want to give is, I think.
Inclusive and conclusive. It is this,
'the study of character under adver
sity and the attempt to remove that
"In the Btudy of character under ad
versity and the attempt to remove that
adversity there opens up for us four
avenues at least. The first is along
the lines of civic welfare.
"We shall never make any great ad
vance along the avenues of justice, of
honest and efficient administration of
our affairs at the primaries or polls
until first we escape, until we are re
moved from those conditions where the
best men are not selected for office.
YVorlc Inpr Women Considered.
"One department of effort must be
along the lines of the laboring man.
But the laboring woman! Primarily
the sphere of woman is the home.
There is no higher calling than the call
of motherhood, but what are we going
to do with the 10,000,000 today in this
country In Industry who have no
"She Is our problem; a condition
unique in the history of the world.
There are now almost twice as many
as ten years before In the Industrial
ranks, an oversupply of untrained, un
skilled women workers, competing un
Justly with men and machinery.
"And we must not forget the child.
The prosperity of this country does
not demand 2,500,000 children in In
dustrial life today, and I challenge
anyone to name one article to manu
facture which the skill of a child is
necessary. The only reason children
ore employed is the greed and avarice
of men who will exploit child labor
for the small wage, therebydoing in
justice to the child of future genera
tions and to the laborer.
Single Standard Vrncd.
"Again we have an opportunity to
break down the double standard.
refer to that standard which has never
been demanded by womanhood, and
men have been so ungracious and un
christian as never to grant to woman
hood the single standard of morality,
sex morality for man and woman alike.
And we can never hope to reach even
the fringe of this great social evil
problem until we can approach it from
this standpoint.
"We sometimes Bay that this Is
necessary evil. Very well. To whom
Is it necessary? Is it necessary to
manhood? Ask any physician or physi
ologist. What a reflection upon your
son, upon every unmarried man In the
community, what an Insult to the
celibate clergy of the church. Abso
lutely and unequivocally it is not
, necessary.
Liquor Traffic Denounced.
"One great menace which is not pop
ular nowadays in public discussions,
the greatest contributing force to
these conditions of which I speak, is
the organized liquor interest. There is
no more damnable influence in the
community today than the organized
liquor traffic, breaking down the in
tegrity of the home, the Integrity of
the Nation and the integrity of the
Government itself.
"And while some may differ as to
the great advance which may come
with the franchise of election to wom-
n, because some day it will be theirs.
of this I am absolutely certain, that
when the franchise is theirs you will
find standing shoulder to shoulder
those who have suffered the -greatest
Injustice and misery and wretchedness
because of the liquor traffic, women
native born and alien, rich and poor,
Ignorant and educated, and . voting
practically as a unit for the suppres
sion of the liquor traffic. .
Social service gives- ample - oppor
tunity for the individual and for the
groups of organized individuals in
ivic. In -social -and in moral - uplift.
What a fine thing It Is for a man or
a woman to choose for their life voca
tion a profession or vocation where so
cial service is their constant work.
And yet the church languishes because
we have not the men."
Dean Sumner Snprised by Xevfs He
Is Elected Oregon Bishop.
CHICAGO, Sept. 17. His election to
the Episcopal bishopric of Oregon
came as a surprise to Dean Walter T.
Sumner, when the news was given him
by a newspaper man here today.
Dean Sumner recently declined calls
to Cleveland and to the pastorate of
the wealthy North Side Parish of St.
James, on the grounds that he had
work in his present field to occupy him
everal years.
"The Oregon call," he said, "Is Impor
tant, and I cannot announce' my deci
sion until I have given the subject
careful consideration.
Dean Sumner is one of the most
popular ecclesiastics in Chicago, and
for years has been in the van of the
campaign lor political and social re
Dean Sumner Delays Reply.
Dr. A. A. Morrison, of Trinity Church,
yesterday received a telegram from
Bishop-elect Sumner in response to the
notification of his election by the dio
cese of Oregon in which he stated that
he would withhold . his acceptance or
declination until receipt of the official
letter formally announcing his elec
tion. If Rev. Mr. Sumner, who- Is not yet
40 years old, accepts the election he
will be the youngest bishop the Episco
pal Church has ever hadjn Oregon. The
remuneration is $3000 a, year salary.
$500 in traveling expenses and the use
of Bishopcroft, the former residence
of the late Bishop Scadding, S74 Elm
street. Portland Heights.
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Mr. . Armstrong . Citea Statute Which
Permits Penalizing; of Parents.
Those Under 15 Amenable.
"According to the laws of the state.
attendance at school Is a matter of
'must' with nearly all pupils," said
County Superintendent of Schools Arm
strong yesterday. "The law author
izes the appointment of a truant off!
cer, the infliction of fines on parents
who fall to comply with its provision,
and the like.
"However, a truant officer Is not
needed in rural schools, in my opinion.
I gave this work my personal atten
tion last year, and will see to it again
this year."
Mr. Armstrong said that his atti
tude toward a pupil who does not at
tend school from choice is one of
persuasion rather than compulsion,
and that he finds it operates splen
didly. The compulsory education law reads
as follows:
As soon as school opens the District Clerk
must give to the teacher & copy of his last
census report, showing the name and age
of every child and the name and address of
father or guardian. Every child between
and Including the ages of 9 and IS years
must attend school regularly during the
whole time the school Is in session.
The Attorney-General has ruled that this
luncludes children when they become and
until they reach IB. Teachers are author
ized to require excuses from parents, either
in person i r by written note, in all cases
of absence or tardiness. No excuse shall
be accepted except sickness of the pupil or
of some member of the pupil's family,
which makes attendance impossible.
The compulsory law does not apply to
eighth-grade graduates or to children who
are attending some other school regularly,
or to children between fl and 10 years of age
if they live more than one and one-half
miles f rem scbool; nor to older children If
they live more thsn three miles from school
by the nearest traveled road.
Washington Canvass September 29.
OLTMFIA, Wash., Sept. 17 The offi
cial canvass of the votes cast in the
state primary election, September 8,
will take place September 29 in the
office of the Secretary of State. The
official canvass will decide whether
George Turner or William W. Black re
ceived the Democratic nomination for
United States Senator.
Plans and working drawings for the
proposed Catholic Church, parish school
and archbishop's residence to be erected
on the church property, bounded by
Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Couch and
Davis streets, now are being completed
and figures will be invited the first
of next week for the construction of
the first, unit, the parish school. The
Portland architectural firms of White
house & Fouilhoux and Jacobberger &
Smith are associated in perfecting the
Soon after the bids are closed, Octo
ber - 5. and the contract Is awarded.
actual work of constructing the parish
school will begin. The building will
be completed probably about next Feb
ruary, according to a prediction made
yesterday by one of the architects.
$250,000 Investment Planned.
The probable cost of the parish school
has' not 'yet been announced, but
Father E. V. O'Hara said yesterday that
the group of 'three buildings would
cost In the neighborhood of $250,000.
After the parish school is finished the
church, which by far will be the most ex
pensive of three buildings, will De duiii
and lastly the archbishop's residence.
It will perhaps take years to complete
the entire project.
The parish school is to be built on
the Seventeenth-street side of the prop
erty facing Couch street, and providing
an entrance from both streets. The
church is to be placed on the Eighteenth-street
side facing south, while It
is proposed to erect the residence on
the side facing Davis street.
When the church block was pur
chased a few months ago officials of
the church contemplated construction
of a great cathedral covering the en
tire premises, but they have concluded
that the three-unit plan would be more
feasible and satisfactory.
Italian Lines to Prevail.
An Italian renaissance architecture
will prevail in the construction of all
three buildings. The exteriors will be of
a rough surface, dark red brick, with
terra cotta trimming and tile roofs.
The parish school will extend two
stories above a grade iloor. The lower
floor Is to house the manual training
and domestic science departments, an
auditorium and a social-room for wom
en. Five classrooms, a library and
offices will be on the middle floor,
while the top floor will contain a large
social hall for the church, anterooms
and a society meeting-room.
A cloister will be located between
the school and church, with a garden
courtyard to be used as a playground
for the children.
The general plans have been approved
by the church officers.
The site for the group of Catholic
buildings was purchased last May from
S. Benson for $160,000.
The location Is two blocks west of
the St. Mary's Cathedral and six blocks
southeast of the 12 lots at Twentieth,
Uiisan and Hoyt streets sold by Arch
bishop Christie earlier In the year to
the School Board for 1142,000. The
new Couch School, about to be started
will be placed on the former church
Heavy Rain Makes Races Doubtful
at Central Oregon Event.
PRINEVTT.T.K. Or.. Sept. 17. (Spe
cial.) The Central Oregon fair opened
yesterday under unfavorable conditions
caused by heavy rain. The exhibit of
farm products is short, but the stock
industry 1b well represented, and the
racing stables are better than In any
recent previous year. If the weather
clears the track will be In good con
dition for the next two days of the
Ruzzi's band, from Portland, has been
engaged for the occasion. The school
exhibit is of excellent character, but
not as heavy as in previous years.
A syrup cup and butter dish are con
talned within the lid of a new pancake
This Is the Time to Get
Charter Ending Upon Arrival' From
Alaska, Craft Will Depart for Los
Angeles With Passengers.
Her charter to the Portland Steam
ship Company having expired on her
arrival from Alaskan ports yesterday.
the steamer J. 15. Stetson has ceased
to be the flagship of that fleet and is
scheduled to sail Monday for Los An
geles with passengers and cargo. The
vessel has been on the Portland-Alaska
route since early in the season and
having the largest passenger accomo
dations, has proved popular with the
traveling public.
Executives of the Portland Steam
ship Company were willing to keep the
Stetson on the run for another month,
as there are a number of Alaskans who
wish to return via Portland, and such
an amount of salmon is to come out
that she could be operated advan
tageously, but revenue demanded by
her owners being greater than the com
pany estimates her services to be
worth at this time, it has been decided
to get along with two steamers, the
Quinault and Thomas L. Wand.
The Wand got out of the river yes
terday on her way north and the Quin
ault is in those waters. The Quln
ault's charter expires September 26.
but it is fully expected that she will
be retaken and retained on the route
for a time, while the Wand will be
held in service until January 1.
A mooting of officers of the corpora
tion is to be called in about a week for
general discussion of plans for the last
part of the season, as well to to take
steps toward organizing for 1915. Un
less there is a decided change in senti
ment, larger and faster carriers are to
be obtained. Northbound business now
is not as heavy as during the height
of the Beason, but southbound offerings
are greater than can be cared for and
assurances have been given by north
ern buyers and shippers that they will
divert all patronage to the Portland
line if a schedule Is established next
next year that can be depended upon
The Stetsoni-returns to the Portland
California trade under the banner of
the Charles R. McCormick fleet.
Last Vessel Arrives From East Via
Straits of Magellan.
Bringing up the rear of the American-Hawaiian
fleet by way of the
Europe has laid the world's industries
in America's lap. The sooner our manu
facturers, capitalists, merchants and work
ers wake up the better. We can't stop
demand if we try but if we don't get busy
and produce we will delay some of our
Straits of Magellan, the steamer Ohloan
reached the harbor last night to dis
charge 1674 tons of cargo, of which
540 tons consist of steel, 134 tons of
pipe and 1000 tons of merchandise.
Whether the vessel will proceed to the
Northwest Steel Company's dock above
the bridges Is to be decided today.
No more direct steamers of the fleet
will reach Portland until October 15,
when the Georgian is due, and she Is to
be followed October 22 by.- the Mon-
tanan. both coming through the canal.
The future schedule has not been
worked out definitely so far as Port
land is concerned and there will be
some cargo transferred on coasters.
but It is understood to be the Intention
of the company to Include this city as
a regular port of call. The Ohloan will
be hurried and six gangs of longshore
men are to start working this morning.
Marine Xotes.
Though the "Big Three" liner Bear
will have no staterooms to spare when
she sails for California tomorrow, there
Is not such a rush of cabin passengers
as was experienced a month ago, but
there is a noticeable gain In steerage
travel. The steamer will have about
150 of the latter class. The steamer
Beaver sailed from Ban Francisco at 2
o'clock yesterday afternoon and it is
understood that she Is bringing a num
ber of travelers.
Bound for San Francisco, the steamer
Norwood got away from Kalama with
passengers and a full cargo yesterday.
The steamer F. S. Loop left the harbor
after having loaded wheat to finish
with a dcckload of lumber at St. Hel
ens. Rainier. Westport and Tongue
Assistant Inspectors Meany' and
Weldin officially will visit the gasoline
schooner Tillamook today, it. being the
occasion of her annual Inspection. In
spectors Edwards and Fuller are ex
pected to return tomorrow from Coos
Bay and vicinity, where they have been
relnspectlng vessels.
Increased freight offerings has re
sulted In the steamer T. J. Potter being
held on the Portland-Astoria run,
though she was to have been retired
Tuesday. She and the Harvest Queen
were dispatched last night with full
loads and they will have all they can
carry tonight. Unless the congestion
continues the Potter will De oroered. oil
the run tomorrow.
Great Northern officials here were
advised yesterday that the sailing of
the giant liner Minnesota from Puget
Sound for the Orient had been post
poned indefinitely. It was planned to
renew boilers in the vessel this trip
and there was a story that she was to
be sent through the canal and operated
on the Atlantic side.
District Forecaster ' Beals predicts
that the Willamette will rise here dur
ing the next few days. The stream
was 3.9 feet above zero at 8 o'clock
yesterday morning, showing a gain of
five-tenths of a foot in 24 hours.
PORTLAND, Sept. IT. Maximum temper
ature, 6d degrees; minimum, . SI degrees.
River reading at 8 A. M., 3.0 feet; change
in last 2i hours, 0.5 foot rise. Total rainfall
(5 P. M. to 5 y. M. ). U.41 lncu; total rain
fall since September 1, 1914, 3.18 Inches;
normal ralnz&u since septemner l. v. ta
Inch; excess of rainfall since September 1.
11)14. 1.4U inches. Total sunshine September
17, 1 hour, 1'3 minutes; possible sunshine, 1
hours. 27 minutes, barometer ireaucea 10
sea-level at 6 P. M.. "U.73 Inches.
T Wind
5 o
Z- z
p n n
tri ?
2 o x o
V : r
State ol
7mo.fl!io;sE Pt. cloudy
Ttf'o. 00:10 SK Cloudy
SO;.00 41 Vf Clear
60 0.00 4:3 Clear
7H0.OO10N Clear
70 0.1'0 . . . ... Clear
80. 001 4'S Pt. cloudy
84 2.34 4:E Clear
eoio.oo hro.NE Clear
Ttf.0. 04,22 S Clear
S60.00 4S Pt cloudy
74;0.0O lO'sjW Cloudy
S4, 1.2fll 4.SE Clear
85 0.001 S'E Rain
88 0.00 S';V PL cloudy
70 2.S4I 4 SW ,Pt- cloudy
84 0.oo;12:S 'Clear
760. OO' S B Clear
7b;O.O0 1JV iciear
8S0.00 8;NW Cloudy
8;0.00 8iSW Clear
60 0.14 10'NW'Pt. cloudy
72 0.15 4IW ICloudy
Kolse ...........
Boston .........
Des Molrre s
Eureka .........
Galveston ......
Jacksonville ....
Kansas City
Los Angeles.....
Med ford
Montreal .......
New Orleans....
New York
North Yakima. .
Pendleton ......
Phoenix ........
Portland ........
Roseburg .......
Sacramento .....
St. Louis
Salt Lake
San Francisco. . .
Spokane ........
Tacoma ........
Tatoosh Island..
Walla Walla....
Washington ....
100 0.00 4!NWC.ear
7tt;.00l 4 MB 'Cloudy
660.41) 4:K tCloudy
84;0.72!S1V (Clear
70 0.00 !SE Cloudy
82,0.00-ltijNE 'Clear
S4 0.00, fc'xWIPt. cloudy
eSiO.OO 6iV ICloudy
60 0.24! 4,S Kaln
64 0.201 4,NE IClear
6O;O.20l. .1 Cloudy
660.20;30E Rain
64 0.16 4 SW Ipt. cloudy
78,0. 00 4iN Cloudy
A poorly-defined depression overlies the
North pacific States and a large high-pressure
area Is -central over the Lakes Region.
Rain has fallen in the North Paelftc. North
ern Rocky Mountain and East Oulf States
and also locally in lowa, -.Tennessee ana juis.
sourl. It Is warmer In the Northern States
west of the Mississippi River.
The conditions are favorable for unsettled
weather in this district Friday, with rain
and mild temperatures.
Portland and vicinity Friday, unsettled
to Work
weather, with rain; winds mostly southerly.
Oregon Friday, unsettled weather, with
rain; cooler southwest portion: southerly
winds, moderate irale along the coast.
Washington Friday. unsettled weather.
with rain; southerly winds, increasing' ta
moderate gala along the coast.
Idaho-s-Frlday. unsettled weather, with,
EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster.
Spend the Coming Fall
and Winter Season .
On the Beautiful
Hawaiian Islands
With a Special Rub to HILO, for a
Travel by American Steamers
A splendid trip, diversified mountains, valleys,
tropical foliage superb roads to the largest active
volcano in creation, the rim of which thousands of
people visit in increasingly large numbers yearly.
On these trips, while sisht seeing, you are sur
rounded by every comfort and enjoyment.
Everything First-Gass from Start to Fmisli
1 4 days in transit to and from Honolulu and Hilo.
15 days sa ths Islands at the best Hotels.
30 Dyt at a Cost of Only $300.00
for the Round Trip
Should you desire to remain longer on the Islands
than is covered by your hrst-clasa ticket, you may
do so by paying the additional hotel rate in Hono
lulu, by day. week or month, at satisfactory prices.
The Oceanic Steamship Co's. Favorite Steamers
Tske You to Honolulu and Back
Sailing Dates from San Francisco are:
Octobar 13. 1914 January 5. 1915
November 10. 1914 February 2. 1915
Decembers. 1914 March 2. 1915
Each trip is personally conducted by a widely
traveled transportation man, who knows what is
required on an outing of this nature.
For full details of trips and reservations, both
steamship and hotel, address, by wire or maill
(In Charge of Parties)
Hotel Argus 149 Sd St.. San Francises.
67S Market Street ban Francisco.
Go to the Huntley Drug: Co.. Fourth
and Washington streets, and buy a
package of Dr. Rudolph Schif fmann's
Asthraador today and If It does not
give instant relief, and even more, if
you do not find It to be the very best
remedy you have ever used, gro back
and your money will be cheerfully re
turned by these drug-grlsts without any
question whatever. No matter what
else has failed, Asthmador or Asthmador
Cigarettes will give Instant relief
usually within 10 seconds, but always
within 15 minutes. It does not matter
how violent the attack or obstinate th
case is, or what else has been tried and
failed. Asthmador will relieve instan
taneously. If It does not this package
will cost you nothing. .Go back and
get your money refunded. Tou ara to
be the sole Judge as to whether bene
fited or not. No risk is run in buying
this remedy under this positive guar
antee by the Huntley Drug Co.
Persons living: elsewhere will be sup
plied under the same fruarantee by their
local druggist or direct by Dr. K.
Schiffmann, St. Paul, Minn. Adv.
A-K Tablets For
Various Forms
Of Headache
"It Is neoessary In order to treat bead- properly to understand the causes
which produce the affection"" says Dr. J. W.
Kay of Blockton. Ala. Continuing, he savs:
'Physicians cannot even begin the treat
nent of a disease without knowing what
causes give rise to It, and we must re mem
ber that headache is to be treated according
X the same rule. We must not only be par
acular to give a remedy intended to coun
teract the cause which produces the head
ache, but we must also give a remedy tot
relieve the pain until the cause of the trouble
bas been removed. To answer this purpose
Antl-kamnla Tablets will be found a most
convenient and satisfactory remedy One
tablet every one to three hours gives comfort
and rest In the most severer ases of headache
neuralgia and particularly the headaches
of women."
When we have a patient subject to regnlar
attacks of sick headache, we should caution
aim to keep his bowels regular, tor which
lothing is better than "Actold3 '.and when
ae feels the least sign of an oncoming
it tack he should take two A.-K Tablets
such patients should always be Instructed
to carry a few Antl-kamnla Tablets, so as to V
nave them ready for Instant use. These
tablets are prompt In action, and can be
epended on to produce relief in a very
aw minutes Ask for A-K Tablets.
Anti-ramms Tablets can be obtained at all