i 20 TTTE HORNING OREGONIAN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17. 1914. xquisite Array of New Blouses at Meier & Frank's E i SIXTH-STREET BUILDING s . Their Variety and Beauty Unsurpassed And Prices Moderate-$6.50 to $15 Words of praise are heard on every side regarding our collection of modish Blouses for wear with Tailored Suits and "dressy" house wear. While far more fancy than during past seasons, yet there's a certain simplicity of line that is most attractive. The materials without exception are soft and clinging satins, fancy striped crepes, lace, Georgette crepe and dozens of lovely combinations. Vest effects, the flared col lar, motifs, artistic touches here and there, tend to make this assortment of waists distinctive. There's a decided basque, and the greatly modified basque effects are found, for wear outside the skirt. High or low necks, and long sleeves many trans parent. : - Five Distinct Models Were Sketched for This Advertisement, Selected at Random From Our Immense Display, Prices Ranging From $6.50 to $15.00. Fifth Floor, Sixth-St. Bid. 1 Willi1" jt6- SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. Authoritative Corset Styles You want a corset that will shape to Fashion support in easy supple com fort preserve your natural figure lines and still be serving you long after an ordinary corset would have gone to pieces. Ask for We are now showing the authoritative Warner styles for Fall and Winter. Wear a new Warner's when your Fall gowns are fitted and see how excellent is the result. For every figure large or small there is a Warner's fashionably designed to support the figure with easy flexible comfort. Every Pair Guaranteed Not to Rust, Break or Tear Expert Corsetieres Assure You Perfection in Fitting Tour "Warner Corset. Warner's Corsets $1 to $3 Cornet Parlors Fifth Floor, Sixth-Stl Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. . Four Styles Knit Undergarments For Women and Children. Desired Weights for Cool Weather Wear, With Prices Reduced. Women's $1.50 Richelieu Cotton Union Suits, r o for yoc Heavy weight cotton, with high neck, long or elbow ' sleeves, and in ankle length. Both regular- and outsizes, priced, the garment, 98J. Women's "Viola" Fleeced Cotton Union Suits Fleece-lined cotton, in all styles for Fall. High and low neck, long or elbow sleeves and sleeveless, knee and ankle length. Regular sizes, garment, 69 5 Outsizes, garment .... 79 Women's Cotton ya q Vests and Pants, ea.rOG Medium-weight cotton gar ments. Vests in all the reg ular styles. Pants knee and ankle length. All sizes garment, 485. Children's 65c to $1 f-rv Union Suits OUC Three broken lines of sizes. High neck, long sleeve3 and ankle length. Because we wish to clean up these lines we're offering 65c, 75c and $1.00 Union Suits at, each, 50c. Second Floor, Slxta-St. Bids. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. 35c Ratine, Yard 25c Plain effects, checks and stripes. Splendid grade Ratine, suitable for house dresses and school dresses for misses and children. 36 inches wide. $3.50 Ratine at $1.98 ' Handsome black and white mixture Ratine, 42 inches wide. Very desirable and greatly un derpriced.N ..... $2.25 Ratine at $1.98 In a variety of attractive mix tures. 42 inches wide and' of splendid weave. Third Floor, SIxth-St. Bids. Attend the Sewing Machine Sale Today Seventa Floor, Sixth-St. Bids;. TEMPORARY ANNEX Warm and Comfortable Outing Flannel Pajamas and Night Shirts For Men's Wear Seven Grades Underpriced These price reductions are made on our regular stock of men's Pajamas and Nightshirts made of outing flannel than -which there is no greater or more comprehensive in the City of Portland. YouH be supplying your Fall and Winter needs now why not take advantage of the sale prices that will prevail in this three days' sale of splendid grades of men's Outing Flannel Pajamas and Nightshirts, reduced as follows: Just Inside Entrance Temporary Annex Men's $2.50 Outing Flannel Pajamas, Suit, $2.29 The very best outing flannel it is possible to procure has been used in the making of these Suits. Military collars or cut low, trimmed with silk braid and frogs. Men's $2.00 Pajamas, Suit, $1.69 Made of very heavy material, in handsome designs. Military collars and double silk frogs down the front. Men's Pajamas, Suit, $1.29 Made of medium-weight flannel, in a variety of designs. Military collar and finished with silk frogs. Pearl buttons. Men's $1.50- Outing Flannel Nightshirts, $1.29 Made of extra heavy flannel, in different patterns. Military collar style and finished with silk frogs. , . . Men's Teaseldown Flannel Shirts, $1.12 Made of guaranteed Teaseldown Flannel, in either military or roll collar. Splendidly made garments. Men's $1.00 Nightshirts, Reduced to, Each, 89 Good quality outing flannel, cut very full. Military or roll collar, and finished with frogs. Men's Outing Flannel Nightshirts, 69 A very good grade of outing flannel. Military or roll collar style. $1.00 "Fruit of the Loom" Muslin Nightshirts, 85 "We've just received a line of these famous Nightshirts, the best mtislin underwear known to men. We are the sole agents for the famous "Fruit of the Loom" Muslinwear for men each garment bears the "Fruit of the Loom" labeL Regular $1.00 Nightshirts for threo days' sale, each, 852. Men's "Springtex" Underwear for Fall Garment 65c, " Springtex" Cotton Shirts and Drawers, made of fine quality combed yarn, medium or heavv weight, in ecru color. Well finished, elastic form-fitting. Shirts have French elastic neck band and close-fitting wrist. Drawers made with adjustable waistband, with extra gusset in seat. Pearl buttons. First Floor, Temporary Annex SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. Convent Embroidery Edges, Yd. 12c Regularly 15c to 25c. ' On sale today and balance of the week. Neat convent designs, embroidered on heavy, soft-finished material. 3 to 5-inch widths, suitable for undermnslins. Balance of the week, yard x2. 75c to 85c WASH NETS, YARD 69 White, cream and ecru Wash Nets for waists and tunics. 72-inch material, selling regularly 75c to 85o for the balance of this week .priced, yard 69. First Floor. Stxtn-St. Bid-. FREE DISCOUNT TICKETS To Marcus Loew's "Empress" Theater Given in Every Department of This Store. -with amount of discount printed upon back of each ticket. Tickets will be given to every man or woman who requests them or to chil dren when accompanied by older people. m7 m 191-" The- qjjalit y" Sto op Portland VIK -SbcUv. Jot-rlAOiv Akler 3t. SIXTH-STREET BUILDING. Note Reduced Prices on Groceries Introductory Sale High Patent Flour, Sack $1.29 " Snow White" Brand, milled from the finest Eastern Oregon wheat. .Guaranteed by the miller to be a high Patent Flour of superior quality. Limited storeroom accommodation accounts for this introductory sale barrel (4 sacks), S5.10; sack, SI. 29 Baking Powder Victor, superior quality, 1-lb. cans 2i) Olive Oil Royal Banquet, extra grade, medium bottles 39 Fancy Apricots Imperial brand, 25c grade, can 17MC Tulip Oysters Well-known brand. Dozen SI. 10, can... 10 Pea Beans Small, white Michigan. 5-lb. cloth sack 35 Salt Pork Thoroughly cured. Pound 15 Cocoanut Freshly grated threads. Pound 17V Shaker Salt Red Ribbon, sifting top. 3 for 25 Pure Pepper Freshly ground, full strength.. Pound 10 60c Teas Choice of all bulk varieties pound 4S -Pure Food Grocery Basement. Slxth-St. UlUg. LEVEE ORDERED RAZED collapse: of jeffersos-street structure feared. Dock Commission Permits Storage of Salmon at City Wharves New Warehouse Planned. Fearing- that the old Jefferson-street Jevee Is in danger of collapse the Com mission of Public Docks has awarded a contract to the Atlas Wrecking Com pany for Its removal. The sum to be paid is $750. While at a previous meeting? the Commissioners deemed more than half of that amount exces sive for the work, the condition of the structure prompted them' to take action ut a special meeting yesterday. Offerings of Alaska canned salmon are such that the tariff governing the handling of freight on municipal docks has been amended so that the Commission will accept salmon and allow it to remain in warehouse for six months at 50 cents a ton. If moved In 3J days the only charge will be 25 cents a ton and for the following 20 days It will be 20 cents and 5 cents extra charged for over SO days, with 20 cents a ton a month applying after six rnontns. As no bids were received Monday for 150,000 of bonds of the Commis sion of Public Docks, to facilitate the construction of a warehouse in the rear of Municipal Dock No. 1, the Commis sion has decided to dispose of city im provement Don as in the sura of $50,500 drawing 6 per cent, purchased and made part of a sinking fund, and re place, them with Its own bonds. City Attorney LaRoche contends that such a change could be made legally. As soon as It Is known that the bonds can be sold work on the warehouse will proceed. GARBAGE DUMP SURVEY ON City Would Learn Cost of Filing Refuse in Marqoam Gulcb. Preparatory to the establishment In the Fall of a municipal garbage dump in Marquam Gulch, In South Portland, City Commissioner Daly said yester day he has ordered a survey made to determine the cost of the plan. As soon as the survey is finished he says steps will be taken to establish the system. It is proposed, to relieve the strain on the incinerator at Guild Lake by dumping large quantities of garbage of all kinds in the gulch. The refuse will be covered with dirt occasionally. The dumping system has been a suc cess in Seattle, It Is said, having been tried in some of the best residence sec tions there. Harvey P. Stewart Found Guilty. Harvey P. Stewart was found guilty by a Jury yesterday In Judge Morrow'e court of larceny from a store. The penalty is from one to seven years' imprisonment. A verdict was reached last evening and Judge Morrow went to the Courthouse to receive it.. Stewart broke into the window of the Lion Clothing Company, Fourth and Mor rison streets, last May and stole shoes and other articles. Deputy District Attorney Hammersly prosecuted the case. LEAVITT SYSTEM FAILS M'CREDIH GETS ADVICE, BUT EE DOES XT HEED IT. Nor Does Be Need It, as Oakland Sadly Found Oat When She Lost Seven of Eight Games. BT RALPH J. BTAEHLL It often has been demonstrated that system plays a big part in business. In fact, in this day and age a fruit stand can't be run methodically and profitably without a card index and a filing system, an expense manager, and a traffic manager. System even goes to baseball. It's system that makes the winning teams. At least so says Frank Leavltt, owner of the Oaks, the team which consist ently decorates the bottom rung of the Coast League ladder. . But on the face of things. It looks much as if Leavitt's system is about as dependable as the system of a race track tout, as shown by the following tale which leaked' from the Portland players: When Portland went to Oakland for a week's series, .Oakland stood near the too and Portland stood la Even Leavltt came around and declared that with the men Walter had he should have held a more dignified posi tion in the league. "Walter," said Leavltt, "what's wrong with your team?" "Just no luck, I guess," said Walter, digging the dirt with the end of a bat, much to the chagrin of Leavltt. who is inordinately proud of the sod on the field. "Why, don't you know," continued Leavltt. "you lack 'system. Now, somewhere In your machine there is a cog not working right. A man needs pulling out. Study It methoaicany. "Thafs .all right, but It don't go," said McCredie. "I'm going to take a chance on the team the way it is." And that week what Portland did not do to Oakland Is something which has not even occurred to the warring lead ers of Europe. Oakland lost seven of eight games. Now Portland is in first and Oak land Is on the other end. but for some reason Leavitt's science and system has failed to get the team any further than the cellar. All he needs is about nine new cogs and a team. HEALTH ORDER IS STRICT Mount Scott Pupils Must Be Vac cinated or Leave School. Vaccination was continued yesterday by school inspectors of the City Health Department at the four schools In the Mount Scott district, where compulsory vaccination or retirement from school for two weeks has been ordered as a health precaution.' Although there has been considerable complaint against the order. City Health Officer Maresllus says that it will be carried out. He says it-would be unsafe to open the schools while cases of smaUpox exist, unless all chil dren are vaccinated. A full report of conditions in the district was made by Dr. Marcellus yesterday to Mayor Albee. POISON OAKI IVY? ' Use Santtseptic Lotion. - Instant relief. Druggists refund money if it fails. 60c Adv. . RUSSIANS ARE UNITED FORMER PORTLAND MAN TELLS OF CONDITIONS IN PETROGRAD. Dr. W. D. Carlyle, In Letter to Mother, Says Americana la Russia Are Safe, but Cant Get Away. Americans in Petrograd are safe and will make their return to. the United States by way of Sweden and Hngland. according to Dr. W. D. Carlyle, for merly of Portland, dentist in the Im perial Court of the Czar, who writes to his mother, Mrs. L, A. Carlyle. in this city. Even in the heart of Russia Dr. Carlyle misses The Oregonlan and re quests that a copy of it be sent to him. Dr. Carlyle has been in Russia for seven years, but returned to Portland on a visit three years ago. The letter was dated August 7. Extracts follow: "Have sent you two postals lately to let you know we are quite safe and there is no need to worry, although we are right in all the excitement and trouble of the largest war In the his tory of the world. We are at Dr. B.'s, one and one-half hours by rail from St- Petersburg. Now that England has declared war on Germany there is no fear of invasion by German troops. Should they come, they would land right here and try to take St. Peters burg, which they could never do. "Fort Cronstadt is 10 miles out in the gulf, nearly opposite .us, and at night it is a wonderful sight to see the searchlights from the different war ships scattered along the Gulf of Fin land as far as one can see. ... The opinion here is that the Germans are fighting In a more barbarous way than the Turks ever did. "All the fine carriage horses of pri vate people here are being taken for war purposes, but all are united against the Germans. Russia is solid to a man and it has an army here of 1.500.000. President Wilson's peace efforts are disliked here. "Every day there are parades of from 20,000 to 30.000 patriotic people. "Wish you would send me an Ore gonlan when there is a good descriptive account of any of the big battles. "There are many American and other tourists in St. Petersburg who can't get out yet. but will soon be able to go out by way of Sweden and England." Ashland to Have Organized Play. ASHLAND, Or., Sept. 16. (Special.) The school authorities of this dis trict have purchased apparatus to be used in teaching organized play. At each of the three schools there will be a play hour under direction of the teachers. For larger pupils there will be such games as volley ball, corner ball, playground ball, outdoor basket ball and tennis. For the little folks, running games will be directed by the teachers. On each ground such apparatus as "teeters." swings and giant strides will be installed. The play manual as published by the Stale Department will be followed. Idalllll 1: E 1 m sen mXL- IJustaWordWithYou! Daughters !) A woman's organism is a very delicate thing it very easily gets out of order just like a delicate piece of machinery, it requires more than ordinary care and attention. There are many signs which pointtodisorder.such as headachea, unaccount able pains m various parts of the body, liatlessnesa. nervousness, irritableness, dizziness, faintness, backache, loss of appetite, depression, and many others. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription has been the means of restoring thousands of Buffering women to natural health and strength. For more than forty years it has been succesaf nlly carrying en this great work. Today it is known throughout the length and breadth of every land. Women everywhere look upon it as a helpful friend. Let it aid you. Sold in litroid or tmbtmt form my drummimtm. or trial box mailed yaa for SO cwntm from Dr. imrcm' m Oimpanmmry, Buff aim PI. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate Stomach, Liver and Bowel wiuwfuiiuaj.iii'wia' wWf.ij .' mi'XBnii wwiiiiis.swwoTgssgaaawpwsgwa mmm imwaaup i