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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1914)
THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1914. TURNER AND BLACK CLOSE IN PRIMARY Place on Democratic Ticke May Be Decided by Second Choice Expressions. OLD JUDGES NAMED AGAIN Humphries, Anti-Socialist Factor, Is Pushing O. R. Holcomb Aside aa Returns Come In From Pri mary of Washington Tuesday. SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. 9. Because Of the intricacies of the Washington Btate primary law, under which a can didate may be nominated by only sec ond-choice votes, the Democratic nom ination for United States Senator is still undecided and some of the Con gressional nominations are not certain On thereturns at hand William W. Black appears to be in the lead for the Democratic Senatorial nomination with George Turner second and George F. Cotterill third. Present Judges Get Back. All threo Supreme Judges who Nought renominations have succeeded. in spite of the organized opposition of the State tirange, tne laDor unions ana the State Legislative League, and one of the candidates put forward by these bodies, O. R. Holcomb, appears to have been thrust aside by Superior Judge Humphries, of Seattle, who had no or ganization of any kind behind him. The probable nominees are: United States Senate Wesley L. .Tones, Eepublican, renominated; Will lam W. Black .or George Turner, Demo crat; Ole Hanson, Progressive; Adam H. Barth, Socialist. Supreme Justices Stephen J. Chad wick, Herman D. Crow, Mack F. Gose, all renominated; Edgar G. Mills, Will lam H. Pemberton, John E. Humphries. W. E. Humphrey Leads In First. Representatives in Congress: First District William E. Humphrey, Re publican, renominated; William Hick man Moore, Democrat; Austin E. Grif fiths, Progressive; Glenn E. Hoover, So cialist. Second District Lindley H. Hadley, Republican; Earl W. Husted, Democrat; J. E. Campbell, Progressive; George E. Boomer, Socialist. Third District Albert Johnson. Re publican, renominated: Charles Drury, Democrat: Stanton Warburton, Pro gressive; Leslie E. Aller, Socialist. Fourth District William L. LaFol lette. Republican, renominated; Roscoe M. Drumheller, Democrat; M. A. Pea cock, Progressive; John Storland, So cialist. Fifth District Harry Rosenhaupt, Republican: C. C. Dill, Democrat; Thomas Corkery, Progressive; J. C. Hark: Socialist. CIAKKE VOTES FOR JOHXSOCV Primary Keturns Show Many Dark Horses in Race for Office. . VANCOUVER, Wash. Sept. 3. (Spe cial.) Many surprises were sprung in the direct primary held here yesterday. and several candidates, thought to be second-raters, won out by small mar gins in the final count of the 44 pre clncts in Clarke County. The Republican results of the first and second contests for the county of fleers by the unofficial count were: Sneriff E. S. Biesecker, 1237; E. H. Wright, 1183. :lt( resentative in State Legislature W. X. Marshall, 1!25; George McCoy, lti'i'i: A B. Eastham, 1623. Congress R. A. Wiley, 739; Albert Johnson. 2041. United States Senator W. L. Jones, 475. County Clerk Mrs. Fannie Crocker, SUM. Auditor Mrs. May R. Haack 2030; C. A. Kirch, 1508. Treasurer L. G. Conant, 1702; F. W. Blaker, 1675. Attorney James Blair, 2S65. Assessor Walter R. Horton, 1770; "Vt. R. Laughlin, 1770. Superintendent of Schools W. E. Dudley, 1308; A. E. Pender, 1155. Engineer Walter R. Schwarz, 2712. Commissioner, First District Wil liam Lindsey, 458; M. E. Carson, 278. Commissioner, Third District John P. Kiggins, 723; M. H. Evans, 422. Justice of the Peace for Vancouver W S. T. Derr, 7S4; Elmer Sugg, 445. Constable for Vancouver F. H. Raf- Xerty, 4S0; Tom Vessey, 474. Tho non-partican Judiciary ticket re suits, complete unofficial for 20 pre cincts follow: Preble, 364; Holcomb. 321: Crow, 516: Gose, 416; Humphries. 4(: Mills. 507; Chadwick, 7S2; Pem herton, 423. - For Democratic Representative in Congress 2S precincts give W. E. Cass, of Vancouver, 224; Drury. 52; Hazard, 4 2. County Superintendent Mrs. Isabelle Barrett, Democrat, 21S; Professor P. Hough. 137. W. F. Hidden, for Representative in the btate Legislature, was nominated by the Democrats, unopposed. The Progressives nominated W. C. Bates and R. S. Durkee for candidates for State Representatives: Gus Rambo County Superintendent; Mat Woodward, Sheriff; Alex Higdon, Commissioner; A. Burnham, Auditor. . C. L. McKinley. Democrat, is nom inated for Commissioner in Vancouver to oppose John P. Kiggins, and Mr. Higdon will be the third candidate in the race. TURNER'S LEAD GAINS STEADILY Black Running Behind in East Side and Chances Grow Slighter. SPOKANE, Wash.. Sept. 9. (Special.) George Turner, candidate for the Democratic nomination for United States Senator, is gaining steadily as more county returns come in on the East Side and seems to have a good lead over Judge Black. If Black does not pick up faster on the West Side of the state. Turner will be the Demo cratic nominee. The race for Republican nomination for Congressman in the Fifth District 1e the closest in this region. On the face of partial returns, Harry Rosen haupt has a lead of about 200 over A. J. Wilson and Percy Powell, who are running neck and neck. The offi cial canvass will be required to decide which is the nominee. C. C. Dill is the Democratic nominee, his plurality growing steadily, and Thomas Corkery is the Progressive nominee for Congressman. Ole Hanson, Progressive for Senator, is more than holding his own on the East Side and, as he is leading on the West Side, there seems little doubt that he is the nominee. Roscoe Drumheller is undoubtedly the Democratic nominee for Congress in the Fourth District and W. L. La Follette has won his race by at least S000. The Progressive vote has been very light except In Spokane County. 388 MORRISON STREET Soule Bros., Bankrupt Piano Sale Never in the history of piano selling have pianos sold so fast Why Player Pianos and Grand Pianos at $2 per Week payments. because you can buy $250 and $300 pianos now for $9720; only $100 a week. All other pianos equally low and on equally low "Oh, John, Mr. Lucore says we can have this one for $337. And look, it's a $700 Baby Grand and the same make as Mary's, only v she paid over $400 for just an upright." Grand Pianos Now Go for Less Than Same Quality Uprights ; 700 Values, Now 337 $800 Values, Now 446 $950 Values, Now $518 All Old Established, Reliable Makers Total Values $1050 Weber Pianola $537 $1500 Lester Grand-Pianola. $666 88-NOTE $ SOO Burmeister-Pianola ... $2 1 8 Would You Like a Steck Piano? $48 TERMS: 75 CENTS PER WEEK My Name Is Lucore I am in the wholesale piano business. I have sold pianos at wholesale oh the Pacific Coast for many years. For a long time I have represented some of the cred itors, piano manufacturers who have or will suffer a great loss unless these pianos are sold and paid for at an early date. That is why the Court of Multnomah County authorized a sale to me and I bought them at a discount that is almost unbelievable. A price that will astonish any prospective piano purchaser is now marked on every instrument. You certainly owe yourself an investigation. Terms of two, three or four years will be given on any piano according to its value. For the convenience of those not able to call during the day, the store is open every' evening until 9 P. M. 388 Morrison street. Behning, Steck, Lester, Web er, Pianolas, H. P. Nelson, Wegman, Ivers & Pond and many other pianos instru ments you will know at once are the highest grade made. Many Old Reliable Makes of Pianos Can now be had for less than cheap pianos would sell for at any other time. ?250 Pi an as $H7.20. Guaranteed 5 Years Pianos $1 1 O.00 Guaranteed 10 Years 450 Pianns $1.00 Guaranteed 10 Years All others equally low Player Pianos Less Than Same Quality Upright 97 118 166 Sale Price $ $ Talking Machines Must Go! Columbia, Edison or Victor and Lots of Records We must also close out all fixtures: Four Desks, Two Safes, a Number of Chairs, Music Rolls, Rugs, Stools, Benches, Cabinets and Typewriters. $600 Wurlitzer Electric Piano $166 $500 Weber Piano $288 Upright Pianos, $1.00 Per Week Player Pianos or Grands $2.00 Per Week $700 Values Guaranteed 10 Years $850 Values Guaranteed 10 Years $1000 Values $i Guaranteed Also many others not listed above some of the same values for even less, some more. To appreciate the true value of these great bar gains, you should see them. 266 337 688 CC 1inAVii Soule Bros. Bankrupt MLLdm J jtLf.-J A 388 Morrison Street Agent and Creditors' Representative Open in the Evening Until 9 o'clock