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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1914)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THTTRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1914. " NOTE TO IS PROTEST KING ADDRESSES LOYAL COLONIES War Lord Censures Warfare by Belgian Citizens and Use of Dum-Dum Bullets. Message Declares Continuity of Civilization Is Threat ened by Foes. 2 KAISER'S WILSON TWO STRIKING NEW WAR PICTURES. LOUVAIN RUIN REGRETTED Resistance Compelled Punitive Measures, Says Monarch Mes sage Is Kept Secret Xo Action Asked, Is Report. WASHINGTON-, Sept. 9. President Wilson today received a personal ca blegram from Emperor William, of Germany, protesting: against the use by the allied armies of dum-dum bullets and the participation in the war by civilians of Belgium. The message ex pressed also the German Emperor's deen regret at the destruction of the Belgian city of Louvain. "My heart bleeds for LoiiYa.!.' is one of the phrases which the Emperor is understood to have used. He de clared, however, that the population of Belgium had offered such resistance that his Generals had, in many cases, found it necessary to administer severe punishment. Mrsaage Kept Secret, The contents of the message was closely guarded. No one at the White House or State Department would even admit, officially, that it had arrived, even though press dispatches from London and Copenhagen gave an out line of the dispatch early in the day. The reason for the secrecy was not divulged. Persons who knew the con tents of the message, however, de clared it did not ask the President to take any action, but simply laid before him the Emperor's contentions in connection with the controversy that has arisen over alleged atrocities by the German army in Belgium. The knowledge that an official com mission was en route from Belgium to lay before President Wilson the Bel gian side of the case is believed to have prompted the Emperor to make personal explanation .of the incident to Washington. WiUon Neutral Auditor. It is not known what reply Presi dent Wilson will make, but the atti tude of the Washington Government toward protests of this kind in the present war lias heretofore been one of a neutral auditor. All the bellig erents are anxious to lay their protests before the American Government be cause they wish through it to reach the court of public opinion. Realizing this as their chief desire, the Adminis tration has not attempted, to pass upon the merits of any of the protests, leaving the discussion of means of end ing such excesses as are complained of to future international conferences. Hague Clauses Guide, The use of dum-dum bullets and the unnecessary destruction of property are specifically prohibited by articles of The Hague convention. The only penalty provided for violating them is the imposition of an indemnity at the end of the war upon the countries guilty of such violations. Belligerents therefore are anxious to place their cases on record, so that at the final reckoning in the peace council which will terminate the war appropriate con sideration may be given to their claims. At the French embassy not only was denial made that the allies had been using dum-dum bullets, but the opinion was expressed that no manu facturer in France was able to make such bullets. CARRIERS FOJR SUFFRAGE Feu Oppo&ing Votes Cast In Conven tion of 40 0 Delegates. OMAHA. Sept. 9. After a quiet cam paign of three days the United States National Association of Postofflce Clerks late today passed almost unani mously a resolution indorsing woman suffrage. In the convention of more than 400 deelgates there were only half a dozen votes against the suffrage measure. Earlier in the day the association passed a resolution asking the Postmaster-General to take immediate steps to secure control and operation of tele graph systems of the country. f TOI" BRITISH AIRSHIP SCOUTING AT OSTEND. BELOW RUIN IN VISK, BELGIUM, AFTER GERMAN OCCUPATION. DESIRE FOR PEACE MUTUAL (Continued From First Page.) bassador here, that Germany had not gone into the war for further additions of territory. Germany Wants Status Quo. It is apparent there is a movement on the part of Germany to obtain: Peace on the basis of the present war status quo. To place on the allies responsibility for the war. To relieve Germany of the charge of wanton destruction of life and prop erty. To explain that the- wiping out of the city of Louvain was necessary, as a result of the conduct of the Belgians. As establishing the character of the warfare conducted by the allies, the Emperor refers to the use by them of dum-dum bullets, abundant proof of which, according to his letter, exists. Sir Edward's reply was made to Am bassador Page in the course of a con ference either last night or this morn ing. In accordance with the mediatory role which he has assumed Secretary Bryan will acquaint the German Am bassador with the nature of Sir Ed ward's response. This probably will lead to another conference In the next few days. British Xote Significant. It now will be for the German Am bassador to drop the informal charac ter of his presentations and if he really is acting In accordance with the in structions of his government, to make representations under which the Presi dent and Secretary Bryan can proceed with their efforts to terminate the war. The British communication Is sig nificant in several aspects. It says that Great Britain, quite as earnestly as Germany, Is wiling to move for the restoration of peace. This in spite of the fact that Germany has -on a succession of victories on land. It shows that Great Britain will not be content with a peace which will be merely a truce; that as far as possible she proposes to end war through the conflict now in progress. It shows finally that Great Britain Is determined to stand by Belgium and to insist that Germany compensate that little nation for the terrible losses in life and property which she incurred in t the defense of her neutrality. m The reply of Sir Edward Grey un doubtedly was made after consultation with France and Russia, MINES ARE DENIED German Ports Are Open, Am bassador Declares. SEA DIRECTIONS GIVEN Baltic Harbors Can Be Approached Directly and There Are Pilots Betore Every Port Out look Declared Hopeful. NEW YORK, Sept. 9. Count von Bernstorff, German Ambassador to the United States, denied today that t'.iere are mines In the North Sea. German ports are not blockaded, he declared, and neutral ships can enter them and can replenish their coal supplies in these ports, as there is no embargo on bunker cpal. "Neutral ships which wish to enter ports in the North toea must go to a point ten miles north ot Heligoland, where they will find German pilots to take the ships into the harbors," he said. "Harbors in the Baltic can be approached directly and there are pi lots before every port." The Ambassador gave out an extract from a letter sent from Belgium by his son, who ts in a cavalry regiment of the guard, as follows: "In every village there are bombs and we have to make people drink water they offer us. They are trying to poison us." The Ambassador declined to make any direct statement regarding the re port that he had gone to Washington In the interests of peace, but said that he would second a printed report which had declared that Oscar 8. Straus had not made any definite pro posal of any kind to Secretary of State Bryan or to diplomatists in Washing ton, and likewise the denial of Mr. Bryan that the German Ambassador in his recent talk with the Secretary had discussed the subjects of mediation or peace. "The outcome of the war is more hopeful for Germany than ever," said Count von Bernstorff. the enlarged homestead law 65.000 acres of land In the State of Washington. This land is in the vicinity of Okano gan River and its tributaries are In the northern part of the state. The land immediately adjacent to the Okanogan has long been settled by homesteaders, but the higher lands have been given over mainly to graz ing. Within recent years, however, it has been found that the dry farming of grain can be carried on successful ly in these uplands, and it is these arid and non-irrigable areas of the public domain that have just been made availabe for entry. This order also becomes effective October 10, 1914, and all local land officers will be authorized to consider applications to enter the lands on that date. RED GROSS DELAYED BRITISH CENSORS RELENT Prompt Dispatch of War News Xow Ordered and Aides Appointed. LONDON. Sept. 9. Home Secretary McKenna has taken charge of the work of the official press bureau. In this con nection he made the announcement to day that steps had been taken in the recent reorganization of the cable cen sorship work to provide for the prompt transmission to the United States and to the Dominions of news passed by the bureau for publication in this coun try. Everything passed by the censors for Great Britain may, from now on, be sent anywhere in the world. Addi tional officers, Mr. McKenna continued, had been appointed on the staff of Sir John French, the commander-in-chief of the British forces on the Continent, with the object of obtaining full in formation for publication. Mr. McKenna declined to commit himself as to when war correspondents might be allowed to enter the zone of warfare. He said that all possible information consistent with the need of secrecy re garding the disposition of the allied forces in the field would be given to the press. Protest Aganst German Sail ors Postpones Start. SHIP MAY BE WITHDRAWN OKANOGAN UPLANDS OPEN 65,000 Washington Acrq Set for Entry Under Homestead Law. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Sept 9. The Secretary of the Interior has designated for entry under PRESIDENT PLANS TO REST Arrangements Made to Spend Sev eral Days at Summer White House. WASHINGTON", Sept. 9. President Wilson has practically decided to leave Washington Friday to spend several days at the Summer White House at Cornish, N. H.. returning to Washing ton next Tuesday. The President has found that he can keep in close touch with affairs at Washington while at Cornish and there fore Is "on the job" practically aa much as when in Washington. At the same time he enjoys complete seclusion and is able to rest. The amalgamation or the Nigeria., Brit ish West Africa, took place on January 1 iyi4, uniting about IS.000,000 of the more advanced and progressive natives of the continent with a rich territory of quite 330.000 square miles. There are within this territory a number of ancient, well built walled towns, some having as many as 200,000 or 300.000 inhabitants. Men In Charge of Engine room De clared Familiar With Her Ma chinery and Owners Reluctant to Have Them Displaced. NEW YORK, Sept. 9. The question raised by the British and French gov ernments regarding the neutrality status of the steamship Red Cross if she carries Germans among her crew when she sails with surgeons, nurses and supplies for the battlefields of Europe, has delayed apparently indef initely the departure of the ship. It was not believed in shipping circles to night that the Red Cross would leave port tomorrow, as announced yesterday. Her commander. Captain Aristed Rust, United States Navy., retired, went to Washington today and it was said that the purpose of his journey was to place the problem before Secretary Bryan. The Red Cross, formerly the Hamburg-American liner Hamburg, was loaned to the American Red Cross So ciety by that line, and has among her crew a number of Germans, who have taken out their first, but not their final naturalization papers in the United States. It was reported today that if the Red Cross sought to supplant these Germans with Americans and Span iards, as announced yesterday, the ship would be withdrawn from the organ ization's service. An official of the line said tonight it was not likely the Red Cross Society would displace the Germans without seeking the line's permission and that since no such request had been received, the officials of the line would make no statement. PRINCES OF INDIA RALLY Announcement In House ot Com mons That Native Rulers, 7 00 in Number, Have Offered Person al Aid Brines Cheers. LONDON. Sept. 9. Kins George to day addressed a message to the British (-nlonlea declaring that Great Britain had been forced Into the present war by the violation of the neutrality of Bel gium and its obligations to its ally. France. The message expresses grati fication that the oversea dominions have supported the mother country loy ally. As given out by the official bu reau, the message is: "During the last few weeks the peo ples of my whole empire at home and overseas have moved with one mind and purpose to confront and overthrow an unparalleled assault on the contin uity of civilization and the peace of mankind. Belgium anU France Considered. "The calamitous conflict is not of my seeking. Mjr voice has been cast throughout on the side of peace. My ministers earnestly strove to allay the causes of the strife ana to appease "in ferences with which my empire was not concerned. Had I stood aside when, in defiances of pledges to which my kingdom was a pariy, me Belgium was violated and her cities made desolate, when the very life of the French nation was threatened with extinction, I should have sacrificed my honor and given to destruction the lib erties of my empire and of mankind. "I rejoice that every part of the em pire is with nie in this decision. Overseas Dominions Loyal. "Paramount regard for a treaty of faith and the pledged word of rulers and peoples is the common heritage ot Great Britain and of the empire. .My peoples in the self-governing dominions have shown beyond all doubt that thev wholehearted. y indorse the grave de cision it was necessary to take. My personal knowledge of the loyalty and devotion of my oversea dominions had nri ma to exDect that they would cheer fully make the great efforts and bear the great sacrifices wnicn tne present conflict entails. The full measure In which they have placed their services and resources at my disposal fills me wita gratitude, and i am proud to be able to show to the world that my peoples oversea are as determined as the people of the United Kingdom to prosecute a just cause to a successful end. "The Dominion ,of Canada, the Com monwealth of Australia and the Domin ion of New Zealand have placed at my disposal their naval forces, which al ready have rendered good service for the empire. Strong expeditionary forces are being prepared in Canada, Aus tralia and New Zealand for service at the front, and the Union of South Afri ca has released all British troops and undertaken the important military re sponsibilities, the discharge of which will be of the utmost value to the em pire. Newfoundland and Canada Prompt. "Newfoundland has doubled the num ber of Its branch of the Royal Naval Reserve, and Is sending a body of men to take part In the operations at the front. From the dominion and pro vincial governments of Canada large and welcomed gifts of supplies are on their way for use both by my naval and military forces and for the relief of distress In the United Kingdom which must Inevitably follow iu the wake of war. "All parts of my oversea dominions have thus demonstrated, in the most unmistakable manner, the fundamental unanimity of the empire amidst all Its diversity of situation ana circum stances." A message similar to the foregoing has been addressed by King George to the princes and peoples of India Indian Rolen Pledge Loyalty. In the House of Commons today, C. Roberts, one of the under-secretarles of the Colonial Department, read a mes sage from the Viceroy of India, which said that the rulers of the Indian native states, nearly 700 in number, had with one accord rallied to the defense of the empire with personal offers of succor as well as the resources of their states. In addition to sending men and money, some of the native rulers of In dia are equipping a hospital ship. The house was deeply moved by this message and its reading was greeted with cheers. PEOPLES THEATER Only Today, Friday, Saturday To see the world -renowned drama of Capital and Labor, THE LOST PARADISE with H. B. WARNER Enjoyed and Complimented by Thousands. A Notable Production. 10c ONLY 10c conditions. The city Is under the most strict martial law, with hundreds of native shorn closed, and the people ap. parently panic-stricken, declares the writer. psychological, says Mr. Klrchhoff, who declares he' can see no reason why the city should be in such a turmoil, for It la In no danger of attack by any nation. two violent disturbances occurrtmj. which were pronounced the greatest of the series of 43 alnee last May. Clouds of ashes descended at Mineral, It miles from the peak. Several persons reported that they had seen flames emanating from the crater, hut the Forest Bureau's ob server, stationed not far from the cra ter, said he saw no fire. Oyster Season Is On. .onrmn mm r-.,r- ,.,! Oyster headquarters at Vancouver LMOOLIM O VIULtlsUC UAIIMd ra t the Columbia Fish Market, 111 west tlgntn street. We are Clouds of Ashes Fall 10 Miles Dls taut; Spouting Flro Reported. DTJTtTMVf! rl Qnfr O T a at istta. I . .. L- a.-, Rlch phoiipht- a-poiiti hive bn rt1 conwnutMT in a, sime eruption ioui, covirei in i nil ntn for the famous Sealshlpt Ornters. W have Eastern and Olynipta. Our oyster cocktails hav a reputation. Order some today. I-'hon 760. Adv. Ipf i Not a mixture- but a sirattf hi run refinery product HONGKONG FOLK PANICKY Portland German Consul Receives Letter Relating Conditions There. Fritz Klrchhoff, German consul to Portland, received a letter yesterday from a friend in Hongknog. Conditions there are terrible, says the correspond ent. "Chinese are flocking by the thou sands from Hongkong to Canton and Macao, the latter a Bmall Portuguese colony near Hongkong," says the let ter. "Business is at a standstill. No merchant Is allowed to sell his goods unless he can prove that he has a six months' supply on hand. The Standard Oil Company had to produce its stock books before It could open its doors." The epistle was sent August 11, up to which time the Governor of Hong kong had Issued 47 proclamations, said the writer, with regard to business RED CROWN She best gasoline -die Standard Oil Company can make BASKBrPT PIANO SALE. What will you give for a beauti ful $1000 player piano? The court has authorized this sale. Every thing must go at once. Not only pianos, placer pianos and talking machines, but furniture, fixtures, safes, desks, everything. For full particulars, read page 7, this paper. BUSH & LAN 17 PIANOS STANDARD IN QUALITY. In addition to our own line of new PIANOS, we always have many used PIANOS of other makes. If you are considering buying a used piano It will pay you too see what we can do for you. Portland Branch 433-435 Washington Street CORNER TWELFTH PENDLETON, OREGON SEPTEMBER 24-25-26, 1914 EXCURSION FARES Furious and Exciting Wild and Wonderful PONY EXPRESS RACES BRONCHO BUSTING INDIANS, COWBOYS OUTLAW HORSES Get Fares and Particulars From Aent 0-W.R.&N.