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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1914)
THE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10, 1914. 15 FOR RENT. I OK KENT. Kooiuo With Board in Private PamUles YOUNG couple, with Irvington home, wife alone frequently, with two large unfur nished rooms, wiil buard congenial couple or two men who know and appreciate first-class home ana table; references. X 242, oregonian. YOUNG couple, lrvlngton home, wife alone frequently, would like girl student or business woman who would assist wtn housework in exchange for board ana room ; references. AN 2. 9. Uregonian. 2KIAKJ) or room and board in private fam ily, four blocKs irom Washington High school: nico place for ttachers or busi ness people; everything modern, new ana clean. 661 East Washington. East 3237. "iCELY furnished rooms and board for youns ladies in pleasant home; steam heat, all conveniences, and home privi leges; rate for two, $2;;. 50 each. 567 Glisan. I'nunt Marshall 2438. lAKGE ne a1 -furnished home, strictly mod ern; excellent board; every convenience; $5 up. Main 881. 501 Harrison st., near 14th. . LaI:GE, nicely lurnished front room, all conveniences, for one or two, with or without board. Marshall 441U. 474 Salmon street. W A M TED To board school teacher. Sell wood or Llewellyn district; private home. 1534 E 11th st. Phone Sellwood 1135. fl-EASAXT single rooms, very beat of board, walking distance, nice location, home priv ileges, use of piano; reasonable. Main 328Q. BUAKD and room for two, also furnished loom, suitable for two. 381 Yamhill, or p 1 1 one Main lu31. WANTED One or two children to room and hoard. Price reasonable. Call or write. 'Jb'j ci. w-d st. N. M i' ORTABL.E rooms, or women employed. . ' . ". bia Rtilerences A-lth board, 2 meals, M2i Park st., cor. exchanged. ATT it ACTIVE rates; rooms, single or douule; excellent accommodations; clean, gj North 17th. HOulI and board, $25 month; 3 meals per da ; walking distance; home cooking. Main 5SU. 331 14th. DESIRABLE room, first-class board, private home. 774 E. isurnsi'ie. last rfLOi. ROOM WITH BOARD. 7UG FLANDERS STREET. FRONT room with excellent board; home privileges. 211 North 2uth. Marshall lu7. LARGE ruom. with board, for two, $2u. 11th st. Phone Main 3U24. TWO excellent rooms, very reasonable; best board; two youi. people, last 4tlo. BOOM and board, 332 luth at., walking dia glance. Phone Main ti&7U, A 2bG5. Furnished Apartments. APARTMENTS. ROOMS. RESIDENT OR TRANSIENT. RATES. Comfort. Quality. Convenience. Reliability. Service. - Central location. Courteous treatment. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. APARTMENT HOTEL. 10TB AND SALMON STS. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan Sts. Walking distance. Completely furnished four and five-room apartments; reasonable price. REFERENCES REQUIRED. Marshall 3102. THE ALTAMONT. Fifth and College. Clean, cozy three and four-room fur nished apartments, very cheap. Also bachelors' apartments. Heat, wa4er, phone and janitor service Included, WEST FALL, 410 5th, near Hall; 3 and 4-r. upts., fur. or uufur., day, week or mo., concrete bldg., elevator, free use electric weeper; thoroughly renovated; inspection Invited; cosy and comfortable, $20 up; best tor money In city; easy walking distance. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments, linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch ; nearest the Union Dei'?t of East Side apartments. 285 Ross st. Phone East 3172. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Corner Park and Taylor. Best location in the city ; cosy home ; well furnished In 2, 3 and 4-room suites; first-class service. DENVER APTS. See them before locating for Winter; furnished elegantly, all out side rooms, private bath and phone, hard wood floor new manager ; references. Take W" car. 274 N. 21st st. Marshall 380. ORDERLE1GH APTS., 82 Grand ave.. cor. E. Stark; well furnished i!-roora apart ments, easv walking distance, 318 per month ; cheapest rent, furnished apts., in city. East 300. THE CROMWELL. Resident Fifth and Columbia Transient. 0-minute walk to Postoffice. Furnished 2 and 3-room apartments. Marshall 5lS. References. A 3326. BERKELEY Apartments. 3l Trinity Place; well furnished apartments, 2 and 3 rooms. orivate balconies, elevator; all modern; 1 2-ioom, $25; 1 3-room, $27.50. Marshall PJ5U. OR AND EST A, East Stark and Grand ave. New building, nicely furnished; private phone and baths ;automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 2US. MADISON PARK APTS., Park st., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments, close in. by week or month. THE STAN FIELD. Neatly furnished two-room apartments; walking distance; reduced Winter rates, $13 to $20. 204 Porter st. Main 7312. THE LOIS. 704 Hoyt st. Very desirable modern 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, fur nished or unfurnished, sleeping porches; references. Marshall 2011. THE ON EON T A APARTMENTS. Comuletelv furnished 2-room apt.. $20 per month. Including lights, bath, jani tor service, etc. 1S7 17th St.. near Yamhill. InW HART. 2 and 3 rms.. bachelor; 1 rm.. Cooking gas, phones, lights, heat fre, automatic elevator; $5 to $0.50, $2.50 to $4.50. 1703 2d, near Morrison. 4lh floor. HISLOP HALL. cor. E. $th and Hawthorne, nicely furnished apartment; private bath and phone : every thing first-class. One 2 room $14. one 3-room ?20. E. SS2. THE LOUIsT 704 Hoyt St. Very desirable 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished, sleeping porches; references. Marshall 2011. CHELTENHAM Furnished 2 and 4-room apartments, with all conveniences; best house guarantied; 19th and Northrup; wiil rent cheap If taken this week. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between Ella and 29th. V Furnlihed 3-room apartment; all out slde rooms; references. MKINLEY APARTMENTS. Cor. East Morrison and 7th sts. ; cosy, well furnished 2 and 3-room apartments, private phones and baths; $18 to $27.50. XXCILE COURT, 20th and Lovejoy Modern 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or unfurnished ; sleeping porch; fine park. Phone Marshall 2031. "THE SUNNYSIDE." E. 37th and Belmont Very desirable furnished apartments, 2, 3 and 4-room; clean and strictly first-class; private bath, phone, etc.; reasonable. YOUNG lady with one o ings. will share 4-room apartment two girls. Main 2251. even- JEFFERSONIAN APARTMENTS, II4 Jefferson. corner 10th. Two and three-room apartments. $15 and up. ALTONIA, 19th and Marshall sts. Large, airy 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; quiel and exclusive neighborhood. THE WINSTON APARTMENTS, 341 14th Ft., at Market. New 2 and r.ims. furnished, reasonable. Main IfSV. THREE-ROOM Large, clean, phone, bath, bed APARTMENTS, $20. well-furnished. private and table linen, o WW GRAY OARLES 2-room, by week, month, SIS. $20; steam heat, modern, close In, West Side. 2S0 10th St. PARK HURST. 20th. corner Northrup; 3 room modern furnished apartments, out side rooms; references. HAMMERSLY COURT, 250 12th St.. 2 and 3-room apartments, close In: modern, rea sonable. Phone Marshall 2052. References. FAIRMOUNT APTS., 286 11TH. Modern furnished 2-room apartments. $32.50 up: close in. Main 2286. BANNER APARTMENTS. 4S9 Clay St. Modern two rooms, completely furnished, $'C $1S and $-'0. Phone Marshall 2074. JACKSON bungalow, all newly furnished Janitor service; walking distance. 454 11th street. LUXOR At'T?.. 324 13th at; also single rooms, hot and cold watt-r. $10 per month. COMPLETELY furnished apartments In con f crete block. $12. 1142H Union ave. N. ARDMAY TERRACE. 3P5 12th st. Larsre :-room apartnu-nts. Mrs. John Cran, mgr. BIRMINGHAM. 390 12th St.; furnished; walking distance; is: -class. Marshall 4M. S AND 4-room The Bjelland. furnished or unfurnished. A 1867. Main 1&67, A 15T. THK ITPSHUR. 26th and TTnahur TFVrviH 2-room apt a Steam heat, light, $13 uptj worn sale. Furnished Apartments. CUMBERLAND. West Park and Columbia, Very choice 2 and 3-room completely fur nished apartments; all modern conven iences, beautiful location, facing the parks, 5 minutes' walk from business center. We always maintain our reputation for first class, clean apartments, with best of serv ice at reasonable prices; references re quired. FREE RENT. To responsible married couple (no chil dren) in steam-heated flat for care of lu-rear-old girl and will pay $10 a week for two meals a day for parents em ployed. Phone Tabor 5l3a. or call i2t a ;i4th st. after 6 P. M. DRICKSTON, 44S lUh. Choice two and 3 room modern apartments. Marshall 57. Unfurnished Apartments. BRAND NEW. ROYAL ARMS APARTMENT, COR. 1UTH AND LOVEJOY. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Just completed and ready for occu pancy; a modern, 6-story, fireproof brick building of class and refinement; very de sirably located, with 57 2, 3 and 4-rcom unfurnished apartments, which have large light rooms, plenty ot ventilation anu closet space, witn narawooa iioors, raarui baihrooms orivate nhone. latest lightin, fixtures; up-to-date conveniences; tb buildi:.. is eauiuped with a larae laundry room, with steam driers and an excellent heating- system. For reservations appo' premises. Take either 10th or "&' ear north to Lovejoy. PRICES MODERATE. HANTHORN APARTMENTS, i!51 12th, near Main. Best arranged and most desirable- 3-room apts. in city; outside rooms; beautiful surroundin large private balconies ; 5 minutes' warn to business center: uu-to-date in every de tail; 1 3-room, 2d floor, $27.50; 1 3-room 0th floor. $3u. Mar. 2540. CARMELITA APARTMENTS., 13TH AND JEFFERSON STS. 4 and 5 rooms, unfurnished. Main S0M. References required. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Very high-class three-room unfurnished anarimcnts : i:.Lra lartre neht rooms: DCT vate balcony; slpendid view; clean and new; exceptional Janitor service; electric vacuum cleaner; rent reasonable. Ford St., near Washington. Main 5527. LUCRETIA COURT" Lucretia St., bet. Washington and Everett, near 23d Very high -class 2 to 5-room apts.: ail large, outside rooms and recep tion halls ; hardwood floors; free private none, reasonable rates: rot. required. Ap ply Mgr., Mar. 1513; janitor, Mar. 1500 COLUMBIAN APTS.. 11th and Columbia Easy walking distance, very pleasant spacious rooms, all outside, private bath and telephone each apartment ; 1 3-rm $22.50; 1 4-rm.. $27.50. Main 1111. KNICKERBOCKER APTS., Harrison, be I j IHHI 10th and 11th, very desirable three room apartments; every convenience: best of service; easy walking distance; light and airy; private balconies; $27.50 and up. Main 1320. ST. FRANCIS APTS., 21st and Hoyt, Nob 11111 uisirici. up-to-aate iu every aetaii. iarge corner balconies, excellent service , 1 4-rm., 1st floor, $12.50; 1 3-rm., 3d floor, $27.50; 1 4-rm., 4th floor, $35. Main CECELIA APTS.. 22d and Glisan Very nice 3-room apts., all outside, modern, private bath, phone and balconies; 1 3-rm., 2d floor, $2o; 1 3-rm., 3d floor, $22. o0. Mar, 1804. WELLINGTON Court, 15th and Everett Easy walking distance, private bath phone, etc. ; 1 2-rm., $lti. Including elec tric lights; 1 3-rm., $19; 1 4-rm., f 22.50; 1 u-rni., $32.0. Jlain 124o. CLAYPOOLE APTS.. 11th ana Ciay sts. The very best iu 3-room apartments, large private Daiconies. una view, eastern ex posure; 1 2-nn., front, $27.50; 1 3-rm., $30. Main 5SDL THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. 5 and b rooms, large and homelike, more service and conven ience for the price than you will find in the city. Phone M. rail or A 2oiti. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broadway cor. Jefferson Easy walking distance; i or 4 rooms, with private baths; very rea sonable rent; best service; splendid ar rangements; all outside rooms. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson. High-grade 3, 4 and rooms, with porches; high-class tenants who appreciate service, prices reasons bl Phone Marshall 3300 or A 2670. THE WASHINGTON, 089 Northrup 5-room unrurnisiied apartments, with bath and ail modern conveniences telephone, steam heat, gas, electricity, etc. Take "W" car to 21st and Northrup. Phone Main 437U. 705 DAVIS ST., CORNER OF KING ST. A few larjre apartments to rent in most modern and exclusive apartment-house in Portland. Apply on premises. GRACE APTS.. 2ith and Northrup 5 large rooms, unturnls'ted ; iarge front veranda, sleeping-porch; new, modern; hardwood floors, phone, bath, heat. Marshall 10 ROOSEVELT Five-room apartments, unfur nislied, heat, hot water, $30, at OiO Kearney st. Janitor or Portland Trust a Savings Bank. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated and 4-room apartments. $20 and up; good 'iir.uor service waiKing distance; reier ences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. Main 7134. HANOVER APTS.. 170 King st. Absolutely iireproor nunaing, new ana moaern, pri vate corner balconies, every convenience ; 1 2-rm., $J8.50: 1 3-rm.. $30. Mar. 2000. THE DEZENDORF. 208 16th St., near Taylor. Marshall 2324. Nice 5-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; also nice 3-room apt. BRICK bldg., south exposure, 2-room apart ments, bath and dressing-room connected, gas range, phone, $2J; 3 blocks from 14th St., cor. Mill. 355 Chapman. KEELER APARTMENTS. 14th and Clay sts. 3 and 4-room unfurnished suites; pri vate vestibules, phones and baths, with steam heat, hot and cold water; references. WALDORF COURT. 475 SCH UYLER, Five rooms unfurnished, modern. C 160S, East 547. 3 AND 4 rooms, sleeping porches, hardwood floors, etc. ; $22.50 and up. Portnomah Apts.. East 13th and Taylor, KEARNEY APARTMENTS Five rooms and bath; a!! newly done up; $30 per month. Apply Manager, 072 Kearney st. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service; private phone; ref. C AND 7-room apartments, large, well-lighted rooms. 715 Johnson st. Main 2595. THE DOVER t-room unfurnished, $lfl.In quire 387 24th. Marshall 4330. DRICKSTON. 448 11th. Modern two and 3 room unfurnished apartments. Marshall 5-7 DRICKSTON. 44S 11th. Modern two and 3 room unfurnished apartments. Marshall 57 MODERN, rooms. ." steam-heated 7 East Main. apartments, five Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. MORGAN, FLIEDNER & BOYCB. S1S-S21 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments in all parts of the city; great variety of locations, size and price. Our free auto mobile at your eerwee in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. A 2015. BACHELOR APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. Club of gentlemen can have beautifully furnished apartments, en suite or single, Including light and bath, phone and ser vice; also 1 completely furnished apart ment with sleeping porch; best of ref erences required. The Stelwyn. Mar, 2S30. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. 49-&T Trinity Place. The finest apartments on the Pacific Coast, with every modern convenience; apartments furnished and unfurnished; terms reasonable; references required; furnished bachelors' quarters with club room. Manager. Marshall 1101. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments. In I, 3 and 4 rooma; four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in bulfeta and writing desks; plenty of closet room ; vacuum cleaner free. Phone Marshall 29S1. THE IRIS Apartments, 8d end Mill Sts., will be completed October 1; rents from $17 up; 2. 3, 4-room, ail modern improve ments; the largest heating plant in the city; f . or unfurnished. OVERLOOK APTS. If you want a really desirable place and a bargain, don't miss seeing the Overlook Apts.. new 4 and 0 rooms. Front and Lowell ave. THE ROSEN FELD (NBW). COR. 14TH AND EAST STARK. 3 and 4 rooms, furnlihed or unfurnished, new, modern and quiet; reierencea. BUSNA VISTA. 13th and Harrison, 2 and 3-room apa-:-mer.ta; best service. Apply on premises. DESIRABLE 3-room modern apts., steam heat, hot water, bath and phone, $20 and $53. East 271. B 1171. THE CHETOPA, ISth and Flanders; 2. 3 and 4-room apartments, furnished or un furnished, ground floor apartments cheap. -ROOM flat for sale: reasonable: street. rent and furniture for fine location. 304 12th MODERN 4-room flat. 70S Sandy boulevard, near 20th; Rose City Park car. SWELL 5-room modern lower flat; nice yard. im , Yamhill Phone Eaat t'OH RENT. FOR RENT 7-room flat. 444 Park st. In quire 1U4 2d st. Pnune Main 1436 or A 14M. FIVE-ROOM modern flat, fireplace, fuiuace. sleeping porch; open today. 2yl E. -1st. Adults. Hawthorne car. Tabor 15j7. UPPER or lower flat. Nob Hill. A-l neigh borhood, hardwood floors and modern; to responsible parties only. Marshall 461. NEW. heated 5 and 6 rooms; every conven ience; sleeping -pa regies, garage. 772 Kear- MODERN 5-room flats on East Side, close in, reasonable. Phone M. tM or Tabor 141o. FURNITURE for sale; strictly modern lower flat; excellent location. t3 13th st. FIVE rooms, heated, sleeping porch. Kearney. Marshall 4337. UuUhhN 0 and 11-room upper flat, very reasonable. Maui b475. 024 Noithrup st. MODERN 5-room lower flat, very reason able; Wert Siqe. 529 Everett au FLAT uf t rooms and bath. 33 Hoyt st. inquire 130 6th at. Phone Main 678. t-ROOM modern flat. 179 Green ave., near 23d and Washington. Main A 2671. STRICTLY modern 7-rcom flat, 181 10th st. Apply lbl 10th, cor. Yamhill. 4-ROOM hat, Grand and Oregon, $12.50. East evehings. ooms, lower, modern, choicest location, it Side. Inquire 175 10th. 039 PETTYGROVE, lower flat, modern, fire place, sleeping porch, etc. Mam 3176. HollaDa Y ADDITION Five-room corner fiat. 412 Wasco Phone East J SOS. UNFURNISHED modern 8-room flat i$7 Harrison, near 14th. Call Tabor 284. 2 MODERN 9-room flats cheap. 12th and Mill. Inquire 43U Mill. Main 4013. $10 4-ROOM flat, 301 E. 11th; no children. Phone East 963. i urnLalied l iiits. l PARTLY furnished upper flat for rent for the board of one person. Call 295 E. 21dt. near Hawthorne ave. Phone Eat 2479. FOR RENT Furnished flats, 4 and 6 rooms, walking distance; 14 and $25 per month; water furnished. Ml Maraet St., corner Chapman. $15 ONE 4-room nicely furnished flat for rent. 300 San Raiael st., all first-class plumbing, sleeping porch, free water and free phone. East 0153. $10.50 SMALL furnished flat, stove heat, private bath, sleeping porch, largo yard. tU9 rJeimont. iast ouij. FURNISHED and unfurnished 4 and 5 room flat, facing rivor; close in. Call 2t4 Margin st. East 2411. WELL furnished, modern live-room flat; furnace, nreplace; references. Phone Mar. $25 New , modern furnished 4-room flat; porch; block to Jefferson-Chapman car, tvalkiiie distance. 509 Market st. $ls 3 rooms, strictly modern, new com pletely furnished. 570 Mill. Main 6447. . -liOOM furnished flat, light, airy flat, bath, porches. East 4811. Walking distance. I-ROOM furnished flat with heat. E. 1719. and Kitchenette, 2 NICELY furnished Hats $20 and $25; good location. A 1 1 io. MODERN 6-room flat, furnished, close in. 330 13th. Marshall 5S 79. MODERN 5 or 0-room furnlshejj flaL b3 12th N. Marshall 797. A 7131. Housekeeping Rooms. $3.25 PER WEEK up. completely furnished hoyselteepiiiK suiies, aosoiuieiy me clean est In town; bath3, hot water and every convenience, free; quiet, respectable place. Save carfare. 26S. Third St., near Jef ferson. $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4 ; free heat, laundry, bath, yard. gas. Phone East 6039. 40$ Vancouver, 2U3 Stanton. "U" car. CLOSE IN Good housekeeping rooms. fine per suite, first floor, basement rooms $i week. Main SS99. 52S Morrison st. THE UPSHUR, 20th and Upahur Furnished 2-room apts., steam heat, light, $12 up Main 3523. Take "S," 23d or "W" car north 4C1 EAST MORRISON Neatly-furnished two-room houseKeeping ai-artmenis, ver reasonable. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms; nice and clean, modern; close in. loO lltn, neai Morrison. BUSINESS ueople, room suites, all 32S Mill st. clean, airy, a and 3 convenlences; $10 up. FURNISHED H. K. rooms cheap. Cambridga bldg.. id. cor. Morrison. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Families. 1RVINGTON 3 or 4 furnished or unfurnished housekeeping rooms, all front rooms; gas, electricity. Phone East 4308. NICELY furnished housekeeping-rooms. 14th st. North, Davis to Everett st. 105 TWENTIETH, tor. Flauaers, neatly fur nished housekeeping rooms. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, also sleep ing rooms. westonia, iii w. rar. NEAT, large, airy housekeeping suites cheap, sleeping room yj.zo weec. 2t'i loin. ItOOMS, completely furnished- private bath. Main 3072. 309 Yeon bldg. LARGE H. K. suite, main floor. ouable. 550 Taylor at. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Familie 2 SUITES iarge. sunny front-corner rooms. fully lurnished; 3 rooms each; cneap; near fine school ; ref tried ""neighborhood ; fine yard ; walking distance. 134 Porter st. Marshall 37S9. THREE beautifully furnished front rooms with sleeping porch, complete for nouse keeping: piano, sink, hot, cold water, fur nace heat, electric laundry ; also 2-room suite complete. 123 N. 23d. FOUR rooms, furnished, lower floor, gas and range, furnace, pantry, bath, private res idence, 2 blocks Hawthorne car. Phone B 1949. 755 E. Main. WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping, large rooms, very reasonable, with uatns ana conveniences. 240 Montgomery st., near 3d st. TWO front rooms and sleeping porch, good location, walking distance, every con venience. 650 E. Alder. East 3245. ONE and two room suites, housekeeping. $7 to ill Dor month, free light, phone and bath. 480 Yamhill, bet. 12th and 13th. TWO furnished housekeeping suites, all con veniences, $12, $10 per montn. ao i-in st., cor. Mill. FRONT suite, complete for H. K., bath. pnone. t9 t,ast Anneny st. TWO and three modern H. K. rooms, first floor, suitable tor lour. 4u Jdain. i FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms. East 16th, bet. Morrison and Alder. TWO rooms, conecting bath, N. private cn- trance. 29 K loth st. 2 AND 3 furnished housekeeping rooms; hot watr: heat. 7S1 Kearney. 309 CLAY, large front suite and other H. K. rooms and basement; close in. TWO or three unfurnished; bath, gas, elec tricity, 14, $16 y central, asi HiVerett st. ROOM front suitt $14 oer month, i . phone, water and bath, SO 14th st. $9 UP; H. K. suite, 2 to 4 rooms, yard, sink. schools. 4 1-' ancuuer. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished, close in; adults. Urand ave, . -ROOM modern house, furnace, shades. hardwood iioors; waiKing distance, 4-.ou; will lease. Phone Main 2970. 771 EAST DAVIS 6 rooms, rent $18; good ar service. Mam oxicl FURNISHED in Rossmere r unfurnished modern home Main S30 or C 1046. CLEAN 5-room cottage, gas, bath. 6U6 E. Main, rear ISth st. Phone E. 2764. 7-ROOM house, owner will rent for self 2 rooms. 530 Flanders. $10 FOR 4-room house, month free. Thomas, 9 Woodstock; one 1st. 5-ROOM cottage. Grand ave.. near Broadway only $15. Main 1955. ESPE TIALLY select 9-room home, quarter block. East 9th and Weldler. East 5733. $r Modern, clean, 6-room. 46 Lucretia, "near Washington. Phone Tabor 4206. 5ROOM cottage, near Park st.. $15. Van dayn A Walton. 515 Cham. Commerce. S-ROOM HOUSE Good cond-tlon; choice location, near Park. 350 Montgomery st. 6 oR U-ROOM bungalow. 1799. $20. Woodlawn STRICTLY modern 6-room house, near Rose City car, 65Ui st. B 1441, Main 6593. EIGHT rooms, large basement, furnace; best location. West Side. Inquire 175 16th. -ROOM house, bath, 1S9 Mill $10. Key SS North 16th. near Front, 7-ROOM houae at 672 Belmont, corner of 19th. Price $16.50. Sellwood 1639. MODERN 6-room houae, 2d and Oregon sta. Good locality. Phone E. 3329. C 2S52. $20. MODERN Sellwood 165. -room houae, 53 5th st. SIS S rooms. S71 East Glisan. J. J. Oeder, corner Grand ave, and E. Ankeny. 7-ROOM house. 7S1 Lovejoy. $40.00 month; Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Com. DESIRABLE 6 and S-room houses. 396 and 39S San Rafae. close in. East 1655. 14 COLUMBIA, terms. Owner. f-room houae, 290 14th St. 6-rcora flat. MODERN 8-room house for rent. 30 E. 15DX FOR RENT. CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. We know you are particular in finding a house you wish to rent. We exer cise a great deal or care In our se lection of houses to rent. We inspect every house, seeing that it Is clean, mod ern and In desirable neighborhood. Our listings are limited. Those that we have are exceptionally desirable. It costs you nothing for our service. Hunting a house is tiresome. Why not call and see us? . . F. N. CLARK COMPANY. Rental Dept., Title & Trust Bldg., SO Fourth St. TO LEASE S-room residence. No. 415 East 30th. in the Murrymead district, 1 block from carline, walking distance: also J .-, acrjs of garden land, chicken yards ; chance for cow; all kinds of berries; chance to make cood living; furnace, fire, place, built-in fixtures, etc; modern. 723 Chamber of Commerce; call Mr. Blbee. Main 5195. or C. R. DeBurgh. FOR RENT 3 neat houses, with or without garage, modern in every way, practically new; 2 with 0 rooms, 1 9 rooms: nne neighborhood, close in, low rent to de sirable tenant; furnace, gas and electric ity. Houses on E. 22d St., near Burnside. Call 747 E. Burnside for key. LAURELHURST HOUSES, FOR RENT. We have some new, strictly modern houses for rent or for sale; If they do not suit we will build just what you want on easiest of terms. Laurelhurst Co., 2?0a Stark st. Main 15u3. A 1515. MODERN S-room house, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors throughout, sleeping porch, extra large corner iot, close to car, unobstructed view overlooking the Willamette River and surrounded by beau tiful homes; rent very reasonable. Phone owner. Main 7035. MODERN bungalow house, 7 rooms and sleepliig-norch ; hot-water heat, hardwood floors: attractive surroundings; only $30; near Rose City carline. 3SS East 44th st. or phone Tabor 3062. MODERN 5-room house, $10.50; 6-room house. SIB; furnaces, electricity and gas; newlv tinted; convenient to school and car. Phone Woodlawn 197. Call 995 E, loth at. North. $15 5-room cottage. West Side; $15, 5-room bungalow, Alberta ; $i t, z rooms, naw thorne district. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange, 5-ROOM bungalow, bath, Dutch kitchen, full attic, cement basement, near Thomp son, school and car. 166 Failing. Phone East 5 it 10. 11 NORTH 21st St.. 9 rooms, -irdwood floors, beam celling, fireplace, furnace, etc.; $35. Key, janitor, St. Francis Apts., 21st North and Hoyt. Main 2015. MODERN 5-room house, large cement basement, wash trays, sleeping porch, newly papered and tinted. 993 Congress, 4 blocks south Jefferson High School. 0-ROOM modern house, furnace, electric lights, wash trays, lot 50x100. 505 E. Ankeny st. Rent $25. Inquire Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co., 284 Oak st. S-ROOM house, central West Side, modern improvements and finish, sunny, light; will lease for Ihk years. 13U1 North western Bank bldg. LAURELHURST 7-room, high-class home. Winter's fuel In, lease for one year. Jacob Haati, 308 Gerlinger bldg. FINE 0-room furnished house, sleeping porch, Tillamook st. or unfurnished IrvJngton. 545 ATTRACTIVE Portland Heights six-room bungalow flat; hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping oorch; close in. Marshall 2t24. 5-KOOM cottage; gas; fine yard; close in, U07 East Asti. Apply 095 East Couch st. Key9 East ICth st. . S-ROOM modern house $22.50. East Side. See Mr. Epton. Main 255. 432 Chamber of Co m m e r ce. 7-ROOM modern house, 649 East Anaeny. $35.0 month; Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Cham, oi com. 6-ROOM house, 295 Conk ave., near Wil liams ave. rent reasonable. Phone Main 7160. NEARLY new house, gas, electricity, fur nace, close In, excellent neighborhood. Woodlawn 20Os. MODERN 5-room flat ; has fireplace, fur nace, rooms newly tinted and cheap rent, to desirable person, can 441 ntn st. CLEAN lu-room house, gas, electricity, bath. 2 toilets, too rront, corner bnerman; $is Phone B 2514. S-ROOM house, 166 North 18th at.; suitable tor dwelling or rerenting xor nouseaeepin rooms or roomers; cheap. Main 6518. FOR RENT, Weat Side, 8-room house, 6S6 Everett st.. near 21st.; furnace, fireplace; yard. Phone Main 5036 HOUSE for rent; modern, 6-room house. 15 minutes walk to City Hall. 311 9th South. Phone E 6235. 9-FtOCM house, 712 Lovcjoj, near 22d. In quire 130 6th. Main 6278. -ROOM cottage, bath and gas. near 10th. FOR RENT 5-room modern house; furnace fireplace, $1S, lease, phone Main 2970. Purnitdied Houses. TWO furnished houses for rent. 8 rooms, furnace heat, 320 Tillamok, corner Rod ney ave., 5 rooms, 265 Blandena at,, near . Williams ave. Phone Eaat 2938 days or East 5125 evenings, ATTRACTIVE S-room home, good neigh borhood; walking distance; comfortably furnished, including piano ; cheap to adults renting for year. 715 East Ash. A REAL nice neatly furnished 4 and 5-room flat, gas range, furnace, sleeping porch, waiKlng distance, all modern conveniences, 464 Hall, near 13th. 4-ROOM cottage, good furniture, gas and coal stove, electric lights. East 25th and Gladstone ; $18. East 3225 evenings. jX RNISHED house, with one acre ground, suitable for chickens; wood and water; $8 per month. Mrs. Parker, Metzger, Or. CLEAN, nicely furnished modern 5-room cot tage, one block Hawthorne carline, reason able. Call 322 Glenn ave. ONE of Piedmont's fine homes, 8 rooms, fur nished or unfurnished. Phone Woodlawn 20o0. VER 1' desirable five-room furnished bunga low, overlooking the Oaks; no children. Phone Sellwood 23S4. CO AlFOll TABLE furnished 5-room bunga low, rent reasonable. 1113 E. Washington bet A-een 37th and 3Sth. $25 0-room furnished house; .urnace, fire place, piano; ne.v. painted; lawn. 0U9 Union ave. phone Main 4529. NICELY furnished modern home; piano; suitable for two couples. Phone C 1209 oi FURNISHED 8-room modern home, very reasonable. Apply 87 East 27th or Phone Miss McBride, Marshall 4000. 5-ROOM furnished bungalow, with garage, 520 .a month. 1458 Fern st. Main 3076. 273 Sk BROADWAY Furnished four-room cottage, electric lights, bath, central. CLEAN, cosy, 0-room cottage, close in. Sun nyside line. $25. East 5C42. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room house, 1 W-R car. 549 E. 17th; rent $18. IRV1NGTON modern 8-room home, garage or without. East 1470. -ROOM furnished bungalow, $18.50. 919 'Division st.. or 464 East 29th at. FURNISHED 4-r. houae $10 month. E. 34th, Call Sellwood 2174. ATTRACTIVE bungalow, completely; piano. 872 3 rooms, furnished Wasco. C 3160. $12.604 rooms, furnished, Alberta district. Smith-Wagoner Co., Stock Exchange. FURNISHED and 6-room house, near carline. Phone B 27S1. Summer Resorts. FOR RENT after Sept. 9, cottage at Saltalr (Tillamook Beach); one block from sta tion, hot and cold water. Phone B 1190. CORNER Hawthorne ave. and E. Water st., 23x40; will change front to -ult tenant Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 2i63. STOKE. 608 First St., also 3 rooms in cot tase. 324 Worccater bldg. FOR STORES. FLOORS AND BLDTS. SE63 W. H. WEBB. t03 Yeon' bldg. Main 4B13. OFFICES. $10 and up; furnished offices and desk room very reasonable ; Portland's busiest corner. 303 S wetland bldg. FOR RENT Rooms suitable for office or studio: tith and Morrison sts. Sherman, Clay & Co. WELL furnished private office; also desk room. $i and $7. 723 Chamber of Com merce. DESK ROOM In large, light office in Mor gan bldg. Apply manager, &13-S21 Mor gan bldg. Hall. NEWLY remodeled halls for rent for lodge and danefng purposes. Inquire 4th floor. 129 4th st. East 372. a FOR RENT Large ha!!; good dancing floor, steam-heated. Ill 2d st. Phone Main 1S3. BUSINESS OrPOttrUNITI ES. TWO-CHAIR barber shop Kokec furniture, cheap for cash. st oth at., near Stark st, CIGAR, and confectionery store at a bar gain, 2SS Front. O. E. Depot. Main 21)57. WANTED Working partner in established automobile garage. A 246, Oregonian. HOTEL, centrally located, good business; a snap if taken at once. BC 229, Oregonian. BARBER SHOP for aale; 4 chaira Inquire 4S14 6th st. North. BVMIHlJttiS OiTOkitNiTlta. DAIRY LUNCH. $6000. For sale or exchange, cost over $S0u0r doing 15d per day; will give reasonable terms or exchange for real estate. GROCERY STOKE WILL DISCOUNT 25 per cent on new fixtures and invoice the stock; doing $25 to $5u per day. Invest ment $1000. 70-ROOM HOTEL FOR $2000. Doing $55 per day, splendid corner lo cation, with large ground floor lobby ; the whole price is only $2iHK cash. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel. .Corner of 4tn and Pine Streets. RINK TO LEASE The lease of the skating rink at the Oaks, one of the finest and largest in the Northwest, expires Septem ber 30, 1&14. This rink can readily be ar ranged for skating or dancing, or for skating and dancing in combination. The rink is a good money-maker, has been run Summer and Winter, with an established patronage of the best ciass; only respon sible parties, with the best of references as to character need apply. John F. Cordray, Oaks Park. Portland. HARDWARE STORE. In built-up residence district, centrally located, ample room, cheap reut; will take about $luou to handle now before in crease of stock; business steadily Increas ing; present owner bad to take it; does not understand thl business and must sell on account of other business; only persons meaning business answer. Phone Tabor 5475. STORE FOR FARM. Nice 'Stock of dry goods and shoes In one or ine nest auey towns; invoice about $6000; fixtures $700 ihalf price); out of debt and doing well; owner wants farm with stock preferred. AM 237, Ore gonian. BUTTER, eggs, light groceries, etc.; have opening for ateauy man in a solid store; requires very little money, which will be secured and will pay you $100 month, which can be increased. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary 532 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS. We have sold others', why nt youra? No matter where located, send description. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground Floor, Multnomah Hotel, Cor. 4th and Pine Sts.. Portland, Or. FOR SALE Drue store, doing good business and in good 'ocation; will Inventory ap proximately $1700. Call on or address the adjustment oureau of the Portland Association of Men, Commercial block, city. FEED, fuel and building material, old-established business with splendid trade ; owner wants to go on ranch, would trade business and property for acreage or sell the business separately. P. W. Persels, 269 Stark St. WANT hardware store, small farm right in the edge of good valley town; large, pleasant house, good barn and other out buildings; price including stock and im plements $7500 and all clear trade for hardware atore. AM 236, Oregonian. RESTAURANT snap : fine, close-in location, man and wife can make big money; this place is well worth $400; if sold this week price $150 for all; will give terms. Call 88 loth, near Stark. TREMENDOUS BARGAIN Grocery, confec tionery, delicatessen, etc., 2 lovely rooms, furnished. In connection ; rent $25; price $350; will Invoice double. Lively business. 502 Couch bldg. WANTED An honest, reliable m:-n, witn capital, to help me finance a good stock and dairy ranch, can show you one of the best Investments around Portland. Ad dress AE 245. Oregonian. ANY and every kind of business opportunity. Stores, manufacturing plants, etc P. W. Perse'. a. at HARTMAN & THOMPSON'S 4th and Stark. P IGSN A V. Old-established cleaning and dyeing store for sale cheap; reason is on ac count of sickness; look into this snap. J 241. Oregonian. RESTAURANT and .li-nlght lunch, finely situated, near large cur barns; will prove it has been a w inner; can be na tuned with part cash. p. W. Persels, 200 Stark street. FIRST-CLASS suburban picture-show, do ing a splendid business ; rowers ma chines, 525 opera chairs; fine equipment throughout; some cash and terms on bal ance, .'tltt Lumber Exchange. MORROW COUNT! FAIR, Sept. 17. 18. 19. HEPPNER. OREGON. For concessions Write J. L. WILKINS. SHOP and foundry, by owner ; opportunity of lifetime for some live party to secure good paying business of his own: terms to responsible party; good reasons for selling. AV 703, Oregonian. LONG established transfer and storage business ; fine custom with splendid re turns: first-class complete equipment; i ' j 1 cash and terms ; this is u real op portunity. 31!) Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Delicatessen, centrally located, complete modern equipment, well estab lished, large profits. Buy direct from owner. No agents. AH 22S, Oregonian. PRESSING and cleaning parlor wants good man as partner; pays f 20 week while learning, and half of profits; only $130. 303 Lumber EAhange. 2d and Stark sts. LOANS on legacies and lots, bond Issues negotiated, corporations organized, claims, notes, inheritances collectetd. L. K. Roa cnbaum. 80 Wall at.. New York. DENTAL office in live valley town, no com petition; will prove business; sell for cash, only $4u0. Address Dr. R. O. Pray. WU lamina. Oregon. POOLROOM, central location. Morrison st. and Broadway; entrance 346 Vi Morrison St.; a bargain if taken at once. AH 241. Oregonian. WANT partner to manage land clearing contract; owner will guarantee can make $125 month each; moderate Investment required. Call room til Morgan bldg. POOLH ALL. 1 billiard and 7 pool tables. clears $200 month now, $300 month in Winter ; price $1750, half cash, bal. easy. S03 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. YOUNG business woman, excellent refer ences, with Drivate hotel, wishes to take partner; good references and some money required. J 233. Oregonian. FOR SALE- -Cash grocery nnd confectionery with livinir-rooms and bath; rent $25 per month; near big school. Phone Main 7202, A 5205. YOUNG man wanted for steady, pleasant position, $150 per month; experience not necessary. Small Investment, secured. Call room 7, 21)1 H Morrison st. WANT partner in a email safe cash busi ness ; IT satisfied witn :: montn ana can Invest $250 call room 426 Morgan bldg. BUTCHER can establish good bualneaa by- rent tug store adjoining grocery, where there is cash trade. Inquire 270 Williams ave. BARBER shop In Hotel Osburn, Eugene, Oregon; two chairs, profits big; owner go ing to California ; price right. Answer quick. Fay Halstead, care Hotel Osburn. PARTNER wanted for a movlnjr picture theater; experience not necessary; good pay and $700 required. Room 329 Mor gan bldg. AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop wants reliable partner; good pay and very little money is required. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. WANTED An active partner In an estab lished collection business; small amount takes half interest. R 240, Oregonian. FOR SALE 33 acres of oyster land in Pa cific Co.. Wash. For sale by owner. AN 235, Oregonian. CIGARS, confec, busy st., West Side; can put $90 In bank every mo., beaide your living; price $4S5. 303 Lumber Exchange. YOU can make big money at the fairs with a candv floss machine; very lltt!e money required. Y 241. Oregonian. RELIABLE partner in established office; only small investment required. 616 Fen ton' bldg., 6th and Oak. GOOD feed business for eal ; owner haa other business and must sell. Particulars room 426 Morgan bldg. BLACKSMITH shop In thriving little town; good business, with 2 electric blowers. Answer 327 S. Broadway. Portland, Or. CASH grocery, Al location, good business, 6-room flat, rent $30 for all; will Invoice and discount. 319 Lumber Exchange. STATE HOTEL, 50x100 feet, Pendleton, Or., paying $130 a month rent; price $15,000. H. G. Starkweather. Mllwaukle. Or. FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop, best town in state, cheap. A. F. Fague, St. Helens, Or. PARTNER in well established light mfg. business: $1000 required; strictest lnvestl gation. 616 Fenton bldg., 6th and Oak. FOR SALE cheap, account of sickness, fruit and vegetable stand; best location in the city. Lofgren, 40S Chamber of Com, STEADY man who can Invest $250 and go to work; good pay; must have references. 303 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark ats. FREE $600 fixtures if you take grocery stock, which will invoice about $500. 502 Broadway bldg RESTAURANT Good location; cheap rent; $1200. M 244. Oregonian. 4-CHAIR barber shop; a bargain. North. BOOTBLACK stand cheap; small rent. 113 4th at. FOR SALE! Up-to-date miJMnery store, good town. Address AV 722. l'r. g&nlan. BARBER SHOP for sale, 1S5 4th t. BlSlNt! OI'I'OKUMIRS. GROCERIES, bakery goods, etc.: a cash store for aale cheap, clears $l'i month and just the place for man and wife. Call room 32$ Morgan bldg. BUMNESA OITOKflMllt VVAMLD. STOCKS of shoes bought for cash, providing price Is right. A 17i, oreyonlaa. ROOMING HOI'S tS. Hit tM f SlXilTJ." V H A 1 ' A 1 1 T M I'. S T INGLE $050 cash, price only $V54; will taae lot for nsrt: this housu is nosltlvelv nuk Inff $13U per month net. becauae the rent Is only $120 per month ; two years' lease, 42-ROOM HOTblL. $500 II AN DLtS. Fine brick building, only four yeara old. running hot and cold water and attam heat In all the rooms, furniture cost $3730; our price this week $13041 only, $o00 down. Hs-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE. Two and three-room suites, fine brick building with elevator, in splendid loca tlon; will take $1300 cash, some trade oi monthly payments; price $4500. Clean X2t'(t nr month net $000 handles it. price only $1500; good brick building ana line u eat blue loca tion. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Corner of 4th and Pine Streeta. TWO FINK BARGAINS 31 rooms, $450; 14 rooma. $50V; modern houses, iurr.uce. eas and eierirK nBnu. well-fumlahed places and. beat of all. you can make all your living expeneea; $15u cash accepted as first payment on the 14 rooms, O. C. K. Ellis & Co., 30 Board of Trade, 4th and Oak sts. 26-ROOM brick, furnished In quartered oak and B. E. maple, velvet and Asm. car pets, steam heat: cheap rent and lease a big bargain for $UH0; lot and some cash or cheap houae and lot. O. C. R. Ellis & Co., 309 Board of Trade bldg. $250 CASH DOWN. SEE THIS. 14 rooma, extra well furnished, rent $45, otenm heat. Income $110: a flue nom; here is a snap for someone, as owner must aell; price $650; $250, bal. monthly. Call Kg luth. near MarK. MARY E. LENT. PORTLAND'S LEADING HOTEL AGENCY Hotels Rooming. Apartment -houaes, ALL SIZES AND PRICES. 50S-0 NORTHWESTERN RANK BLDG. Phone Main 8500. 15 ROOMS, nice, modern house, near Wash Inrtnn t well furnished and clean: re celpts' $120; rent $40; take clear lot worth $700 and $S00 cash. O. C. R. Ellis ft Co., S09 Board of Trade. 4th and Oak sts. 10 rooms, good furniture, 1 block of Washington; furnace heat, rooms all rented: price $350; you will buy this bar gain. Call 8$ 10th, near Stark. ROOMING-HOUSE. The laat chance to buy the best place on tho West Side, close In. coay. home like, splendid furniture; you cen't beat It for the Investment; no agents. 201 16th. A SNAP If taken at once Furniture of 10 room house in good condition; cash or eaay payments. P! 10th at., 1 block from Wash ington st. Main 147.' SOME cash and trade v 11 handle 40 rooms on 11th and Morrison sts. C 241. Orego nian. 15 ROMS, rent $30; fine furniture; invoice $1UX; $175 for all, terms. 502 couch bldg. Some snap, this. BARGAINS In roomlng-housee ; 70-32; 17-16. Call 150 11th at. SIX large rooms, all rented, fine furniture, walking distance 30 F. ;iv at. N. LOST ANI POI ND. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.; owners thereof may claim same at trie First and Alder-street ata- tlon; Sept. 9 Marsha II 5100, A $131: 1 suit case, 2 umbrellas, 1 purse. 1 overcoat, I basket, 1 glove, 1 overcoat, 5 umbrella. 1 water wrench. 1 book, 1 toaster. 1 pkg. shoes. 1 purse. 3 pkgs. clothing, 1 email box. 1 suit, 1 basket, 4 umbrellas, 3 pkgs.. 1 pr. spectacle. 1 electric meter. 3 suit cases, 1 dos. eggs, 4 umbrellas, 1, box lunch, 1 puree. STOLEN $125 Warner speedometer, one presto tank, ono set of weed chains, 37 x 5, one set of Clark mud hooks, one large Packard hub w rench. numerous other mall tools three laprobea; liberal reward for any Information leading to the arrest of the party who stole thm. Writer ap ply H. B. Parson. b7 N. th St., Portland, Or. Main 5122. LOST Woman's silk umbrella, with Ivory and sliver hundle- lost on Twenty-third st. car or Globe Theater Tuesday after noon: reward for return of aame to uwifer, 105 21st. Phone Marshall 2155. LOST Ladies' small gold watch, monogram A. K., on Williams ave. car or between 3d and Alder sta. and Yeon bldg. Phone Woodlawn 236$. Reward, $100 REWARD Stolen light Chalmers ala. No. 233, factory No. 4O20U. If found please notify Sheriff's office, Portland, Or. LOST Purse containing fuel tickets, be tween Randolph and Alblna, on Lorlng. 570 Union ave. LOST Amber necklace. Return to 524 Hall wuy Exchange bldg. Phone Marshall 51113. Reward. LOST A gold-handled umbrella, ahel! shaped. 354 lj Hawthorne ave. East 3643. LOST Shrlner s pin. Return to 220 3d st. NPECIAL NOTICES. PropoaU Invited. NOTICE OF MEETING OK COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice is hereby given that on Mondaj. September 14, 1014. the Board of Equali satlon of Multnomah County will attend at the office of the County Aaseasor, at the Courthouse in Portland, and publicly ex amine the assesament rolla for the year 101 i. and correct all errora In valuation, description or qualities of lands, lota or other uroperty. assessed by the County Assessor. And It shall be the duty of per sons Interested to appear at the time -and place appointed. If It shall appear to such Board of Equalization that there are tnv lands or lots or other property as sessed twice, or Incorrectly assessed aa to description or Quantity, and In the name o; a person or persona not the owner there of, or assessed unoer or beyond the actuu. full caah value thereof, said Board may make proper correction ot the same. If it shall appear to such Board that any land, lots or other property assessable by the Assessor are not asseaaed, auch Board shall assess the same at the full cash value thereof. HENRY E. REED. County Assessor. Portland, Or., August 21. 114. DEPOT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Se attle Wash., September 5. 1944. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received until 11:00 A. M.. September 24, 1914, for furnlahlns; at Seattle or Tacoma, Wash., or other Puget Sound ports; Portland, Ore gon' San Francisco, cal., or other Pacific Coast ports acceaalble to vessels of deep draft, and for Manila, P. I., approximately 506,333 feet b. m. lumber. information lurnished on application. George li. Davia, Colonel, Q. M. Corps, D. Q. M. FINANCIAL. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 4th st.. Hoard or iram- mus. MONEY" for good city loans, 6 and 7 par cent. J. A. cunningnam, os morgan uiua LOANS on Improved Inside property; plenty of money; low ratea; no delay. Prlncipala only. Robertson & Ewing. jui-jus ivorm western Bank bldg. t'iRST an.1 -second mortgages, alao sellera' intereat in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noble, Lumtermena oiug. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort- ajaaes 1 first ana secona , equities pui chased. F. H. Lewis A Co 4 Lewis bldg. WE buy notes, bonds, and mortgagee. Rob trtson & Ewlng. 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. Money to Loan on Ueui Estate. WILL loan $800 on residence, uo cominis fcaon can alao loan $1200 and $1500. F M. Brown. 50O Dekum bldg. WILL loan $15O0 on good residence; give address or pnone numoer wuen auvwariua AO 259. Oregonian. $juo Otu TO LOAN In sums to suit; build ing loans, lowest ratea W. G. Beck, $1 jjj Fai.iug bldg. ON improved and unimproved real estate; "mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn, 44 aSher lock bldg. Phone Main 51 111. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON 1N- t MORTGAGE CO., INC. Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry C. prudhomme, su7 Wilcox bldg. $19ov TO $7000 for city or farm loan. Tabor 2520 or V 17$, Oragonlaa. MjSEY. any amount, 6 to s per cent. H. Selta A Co.. 310 Bpaldlng bldg. STATE FUNDS, 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas agent Multnomah County, 40u Ch. of Com. MONEY loaned on real estate, contracts and mtgs. bought. H.Mlley. 204 Grhnger bldg MORTGAGE LOANS at ti and 7 per cent. FRED S. WILLIAMS. 92fr Kirat at. $1000 TO $20,000 at 7 per cent Muin 6031 H. L. Murton. $17 Worcester bldg MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 PER CEN'l LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 229 f'TA RK ST $20d. $30. $600. $900, $12O0. $l&oo Fred W tJrrrnan Co.. 91 4 Chamuer of Commerce. $1700. $1.0UJ IN SUMS TO SUIT. AL uregouiaui. MVM 1 VI . MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED HEAL KM' ATE FOR BUILDING PLKl'OMCrt. VERT FLEX IBLE CONTRACTU, NO COMMlHHIONs. COLUMBIA 1.1FJB TKIST CO., VI Spalding Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 5 TO t PER CENT. Any amount. PROMPT SEKVICK. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423-424 Chamber of Commerc. TO LQAJi. $10,000 TO LOAN AT S PER CENT. $3tfv0, $300, $0w, 1009 at 7 per cdl Security must be Portland ltnnrox ed property. GoodaeU Br us.. 44$ Worcester bldg. . TO LOAN. i to 77 money on Inaide business prop erty, apartments and dwelllnaa. Principals only. Apply to R. H. Blossom, Slo Chamuer Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and unu pvopertr, to 7 per cent. MALL VON BORSTEL, 104 becutid iu near W aa ti mg t on. ON Improv ed city property or for building purposes. A to 8 ara' time, liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as build ing progressea The Equitable bavtnge Loan Assoc la lion, 240 iark it MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates, a. H. Hirrell Co.. gli-lu Nurtheat ern Bank bldg. MONUV TO LOAN. WAKEFIELD. FRIES tto Fourth SL $1UOO To LOAN on Portland real eat ate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 4-3-424 Chamber of Commerce. $&00, $10ou and upward on improved real estate, favorable terms; 00 delays; no brokerage. John Hani. o07 Spalding bldg. $&0 TO $6O0o loaueu in a day on real ratals eeurlly. Snut . luv. Co., UU2 Northwestern Bank bldg. TO LOAN $40,000 OR LESS. FARUINGTON, SO 4th st. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Real eatate ecuni, cuirent rates. 201 -i Stock Exchangu b(u., 3d and Yamhill. $000 To $600 to lend on real estate at a par cent; no commission ciiargeo. 1'notie msi shall 4270. SC. 00. a. , and other smuunta to loan ror clients on real estate, j, a. Chandler, attorney, 304 Dekum bldg. LOANS Houae. suburban- acreage, mort gage, cuntruvt boughL United Kealt, 2ud uci linger bldg. SEE us today for leans on improved olty pi opei i . o to s per celii; $o"U and up. Cellars-Mur ton Co.. 2o Toon bide ALL ainc-uni at low rales of Interest. 414 xmam awg ore. id Mig. Co. Mar. -la. Money to Loan ( lialtrU nut! Mlarlw. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We riavt. one uf trie, finest retail Jewelry stores in the city. A loan department la conducted 111 connection with earno, niafc Inr busiueajt S 1 R1CTLY CONFIDENTIAL, absolutely no atgns designating loan busi ueas displayed in from of our store. All merchsudiee pledged la held for a period of seven monihs. whether or uol lutei oat Is paid when due. We are licensed aad have been eainbliahed since lahj. No con nection with any oihct loan eaiabllahmeut In this city. A. i M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS. 314 WahhuiMiou St. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. A Km .1.1 i t.l.V Ml L t nil V. BLSl.NErt.- STRi TLY CONFIDENTIAL, HOIK. a A hATJRUA' STATE SI JUfc FA II We Mske Loan M. TO 1'. M. TO P. M. :lrity co., I NO BLDG. n Six Hours Time, AT LEGAL KATES. We loan money on uisraotids, pianos, live lock, storage receipts, equities, real estate, plain uotes or furniture. PORTLAND LOAN CO., I Licensed) Room 20u Koihchlld Hidg. Bet ih and eih 011 Washington St. "MONEYATONCE. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS. Diamonds, w atches, Je w elry. to. SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES ELBY COMPANY lLlcued 320 Lumber Exchange Bldg. Second and Stark Slav. MONEY to loan on dUmonda or an thing or value at 3 per cent. Apply .0- Huin c 11 lid bldg. WE LOAN money on dlanionda and lawalty at half the rates clitiuU by pioaers Mara Bloch. . 3d ac LOANS on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. iifo jui'., neai Aiuer. MONEY LOANED ou diamonds and Jewalry. 1. W. K..11. 1 n :u C aanu.glon oidg. LOAN'S on real estate, diamonds and Jew Win U.. 1 " tn v vvani.i.T :. imu. MONEY or chattels, notes and mtga. boUHhC Columbia Loan Co., iu Hwouauu. LOANS on chaitcla or anythlua of value. ill Lumber Esciiange bid-. Ma.n fa. WANTED To borrow $n,0OO for two year at 8 per cent on aecurity worm aix itiuas amount wanted. AC 24-, Oreonian. X Xl.VIO LOAN on 100 acrea, close lu Go!- tit n.lii e. uoriu MFT.. tia O :M!lllhloll and per cent. AO 238, uregonian. WANTED $1500. 3 yenrs, 7 per cent, on tt-room bungalow, ;-unns.o- . u u uiu Boa rd of Trade. Main 752. A 4 40 1. WANTED From private party, $1000 for 3 years at s per cent, on Portland lielgUua city view lot. AG :a. Oregoulan. WANTED $2jOO, 8 oer cent, on West glde. Improved, valued at $7.".!"i. Main 1 1 ml. $llOu LOAN, close in. 7 pr cent, from pri vate party; no brokerage. Phone A 7292. $3900, 7 PER cent, iuxluo, improved modern 8-room houae, Broad wa. N :41, Oregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR-H AIR-H AIR-HAIR. 20-lnch convent Hair Switches... 2u-lnch convent Hair Switches, gray Halrdreaalng Face Massage SJiampoo Manicure, 25c; 5 for i en1.! treatments . 4.63 . Jl ... .IU . . . . LOO . .. 3.UO t ucit to Superfluoua hair removed by needle, guaranteed not to return. Cut hair, In any shade; swiichea. any length; pricea half. Sanitary Parlora, 4UO- 412 Dekum Plug., ou unu wiiimim GERMAIN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, beat reference; treat ments for rheumatism and lumbuKO. ate, maasage and hatha; lady asalataiit. Salmon, corner 13th. Maiahall 303a, Open Sundays. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helalngfoia graduate ; rheumatism, m rvoui and stom ach ailments under physician's directions; bath, maaaage. No. 7 Eaat 11th at., aeo ond door south from East Ankeny cfcrltna. Phone East 20. B 100$. FEB VET A H ANKBUT. Leading wig and toupe makera; flneat stock human hald goods; awltchea from 95c up; halrdreaalng, manicuring, race and ecalp treatment; comblnga made up to or der. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 546 MRS. STEVENS, 21 ytara Portland'e re nowned palmiat and clairvoyant, author of 'Palmlatry Made Eaay," la located 291 fe Morriaon st. Aaaiated by Mra. Dr. Hum-, up ritual adviser a nd divine healer. SAM GORDON, write. Anyone furnishing addreaa of Sam Gordon, recently heard from in Portland, will do him great favor. 'Money from eatate due htm. Fred J Storms, Chicago. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE Treatmenta for rheumatism, lumbago, etc.; muakagu and hatha. 452 Salmon at., cor. 13th. Mir ahall 3033. Open hundaye. EMELEA PEARSM. spiritualist medium, circles Tueaday, Friday eve. Readings dally. 411 Salmon. FUHB. New ordera and remod lowest rrlcs. Fur Shop, 71 SOPHIE B. SEIP. mental and entiat. 302 Allaky bldg. Mali tlona and mesaagei, frun. an DIVORCES Lawyer of 23 yeara' exprlu Reliable advice given free. 404 Rothchl bldg- g7H Waahlngton at. . HAIHDRBBBING, manicuring, acalp treat ment, shampooing. Multnomah lloUl. 2d Massage treatment for ladles In faBilli given by experienced masseuse. Mlaa Adete Pa sol a. Phone East 4676. SPIRITUALISM Rev. Mai Tuea. 2. Wed. and Sun. dally. 603 Fifth at. Mar Pflc r irclea M. Heading XADE OF YOUR CO Switches, 05c; curls and 1 Uary Beauty Parlors. 400 BALM OF FIGS compou Tablets. B04 Darla eL F LESSONS In phrenology, palmlatry and i-urd reading. 335 6th t. Phone Main 7..4W UK. M'MAHON, chiropractor. 121 ML Chronic cases. IS treatments $10; hatha 20 FOCAL MANIPULATION Blohm Wc. $11 T"urny blag. FIRST-CLASS maasage, Pwedlah sNtem. 507- Northwest bldg. Ladlea and ganta MOLES, superflouoe hair ren D. 11111, 4- r iiwanr r uiug. USE Basset Pe Native Herba Tor rheumaitaua. 50 tatJeta ror 20c. ah uruggiets.