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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1914)
14 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1914. HEAL. ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. 1, 3, 5 and 10-acre tracts, 30 minutes out on NEW, BIG, RED, STEEL. ELECTRIC CARS. 12c commuters' fare: very best of soil, water and community conven iences; f 125 to .f.j per acre, on installments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., Main 35. 102 4th St. A 350O. 5 ACRES, $250. $10 down and $5 a month buys 5 acres ;ood logged-off land, between Portland and Centralta, on main line 3 railroads, 1;. miles from town of 1000 population; sawmills, shingle mills and other Indus tries; some of these tracts are half cleared; beautiful trout straun; first-class bottom land; good soil; lies well, fine lo cation; 160 acres to choose from; perfect title, waranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange. Irrigated Lands. FINEST tract In Willamette Valley, any size- your own terms. Get in on the ground floor. Call 26 Stark St., near 4th. Homesteads. TWO good agricultural homesteads, some timber, water and close to market. Curry and Tillamook County; railroad building close. Marshall 3941, 603 Qregoalan bldg. 40 ACRES, COO.000 saw timber, on Columbia River Bay, $184 gets Government patent, no residence required; will make Summer home Marshall 3041. 603 Oregonian bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale cheap. Inquire 4710 tiSth st. Mt. Scott car. For Sale Farms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM BARGAINS 70 acres. 2 set, good improvements, $Cu'J0: terms. 109 acres, fair improvements; stock and Implements; $3&0u. 2U0 acres, fine improvements ; $55 per acre; terms. 2M acres. Improved; easy terms; $50 per acre. 2&0 acres, fine land; improved; $47.50 per acre; terms. Fur terms and particulars MORGAN & WALKER, Corvallis, Or. ' SPLENDID FARM. 110 acres select land, deep rich soil, well drained, So acres in cultivation, 45 in clover and corn; 10 acres more nearly cleared, rest is young timber; a fine creek runs through tne farm; good S-room house, 2 barns, family orchard; 2 miles on main county road to town within 30 miles Portland; thickly settled eection of prosperous farmers makes this a de sirable home; 412,000, terms. D. McChes ney. Title & Trust bldg. FOR SALE. A 50-ACRE TRACT. 0 MILES FROM OREGON CITY. Tho tract Is all covered with timber, of which 3.000.000 feet is good merchantable timber, besides a lot of cord wood; it is well located ; would make a good farm after being cleared ; has running water; this tract can be bought for $5000 cash. OTTO & HARKSON, 133 H First St. BEST BUY IN STATE. ONLY $20 PER ACRE. 870 acres, all tillable but about 50 acres; on main county road only iy miles from good town on main line of S. P. R. R. ; genuine bargain for someone; worth double the price asked ; $5000 cash, bal to suit at 6 per cent ; no trade. C ALLAN & KASER. 722-4 Yeon. SO ACRES Fine level land, chocolate-col ored soil, no waste; fine for clover, tim othy, alfalfa; a place for stock and poul try; $1000, $40 cash and $20 per mouth and no interest; get particulars at once; these 80s are going last. A. D. LEE, 602 Title & Trust Bldg. 2300 ACRES for sale on the Southern Pa cific main Hue in Sacramento Valley; part in orchards, including peai-hea, almonds, prunes, olives. Bartlett years, oranges and lemons; also alfalfa; splendid irrigation system: hotel, school and pustotflce on tract; Al proposition for subdivision; easy terms can be had. AV 732, Oregonian. ONE of the finest developed, most ideal country home places in the Willamette Valley for sale at very attractive price. If you are looking for a home on the Willamette River with a big future, thiB place will suit you. M. E. Lee, 522 Cor bett bldg. 40 ACRES of level land, all tillable; plenty of moisture; ideal for stocks and poultry; only I5O0; $20 cash and $10 per month and no interest; come In and get full In formation. A. D. LEE, 602 Title & Trust Bldg. O ACRES, 5 blocks of depot valley town; a good S-room house and barn; plenty fruit; over half In cultivation ; no waste land; good soil ; some wood valuable at depot ; $4250, easy terms. D. McChesney, Title & Trust bldg. $0 ACRES, 8 miles from Portland limits; all under cultivation ; fine Improvements; $21,0 00; will take Portland property to $9000, bal. 8 years 5 per cent. Phone E. 1039. 536 Williams ave. BY OWNER Stock ranch of 570 acres"" 180 in cultivation; fine water, fair buildings, near small town ; 1 Va miles from R. R-; price $40 per acre. For particulars address J. A. Slddall, Kings Valley, Or. IMPROVED farm, 155 acres, Including $1200 worth of livestock and implements; good buildings, good soil, running water; all complete for operation; all fur $5200, terms. Thos. J. Hammer, 390 'a Morrison. OWNER will sell best 320-acre hog and dairy ranch In Valley; fair improvements, station on land; running water; $100 per acre; terms. n. Ji-. oregonian. HOG and dairy ranch. Polk Co., 300 acres, 150 cultivation; 6 miles from town, goad roads; $t0 acre; halt cash, balance terms. Inquire mornings. 688 Vi E. Morrison. RANCH bargain for cash, near electric line, near Portland; must sell. By owner, 107 First si. WANTED REAL ESTATE. CASH TO INVEST. I have $10,000 to Invest in coming busi ness property with present income suf ficient to carry it; will go In debt an equal amount; give location and partic ulars. AK 214, Oregonian. WANTS IRVINGTON HOME. Well located lots worth $2000, clear, to give as first payment on modern 6 or 7-room Irving ton home up to $6500; bal ance monthly payments. AP 1S5, Orego nian. WANTED Modern house up to $3500; will give H interest In paying wholesale busi ness and clear lots in exchange; will not assume. P. O. box 571, Portland, Or. WANTED Apartment-house site; 100x100, on or near carline, and with second mort gage privileges. L 242, Oregonian. -KOOM modern house In good district ; give 40 acres clear, some cash or assume. Main 444. WANT apartment house ; will exchange houses in Portland and vacant lots. W. H. Ross, 510 Spalding bldg. FOB BUNT FARMS. TWENTY-ACREJ ranch, half cleared, eight Stiles from Courthouse, on Sandy road , ouse, barns, eto. ; running water. Address Geo. Barr. Fairvlew, Or. ACRES, house, barn, water; Oregon City car. 1201 N. W. Bank bldg. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. j. Mccracken. 304 m'kay bldg. FARMS WANTED. FARM WANTED, close to Portland,, between 30 and 60 acres: part must be improved, with fair buildings; prefer some stock; will give Al 8ide property and one house. East Side, valued at $1400, free and clear, and will assume small amount. 710 Lewis bids;. Marshall 4 :. WANTED To buy about 10-acre Improved farm, close to station, with house, barn, etc.; Dart cash. T 240, Oregonian. WANTEO IP KENT ir It .MS. WANTED To rent farm, about 200 acres, with stock, implements, feed. seed. etc. Turner. 552 East 20th st. Phone Sellwood MH DAIRYMAN wishes to lease fully equipped ranch, i2 years' experience; Portland and San Francisco references. Writs full par ticulars to 768 Tacoma ave., Portland. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WILL trade anything from a $15 horse to a section of land worth $10,000. Write John 3osjue. La Pine, Or. $3200, HALF trade, buys 2 acres with new modern bungalow, 20 min. on electric line. $02 Broadway bldg. EQUITY trade. tn close-in acreage P 241, Oregonian. NEW S-room house, value $3000; $1500 mortgage ; for acreage. Woodlawn 593. CITY lot for small rooming-house or other little business. P. O. box 1168. BECK has 1236 select EXCHANGES. 301-30-J Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland. 33 H ACRES, unincumbered, for clear resi dence, tn city. Main 444. CLOSE-IN acreage, sale or exchange. &3 Worcester bldg. Phone Main 710ft, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 4S0 ACRES, all under fence with 900 acres in cultivation, naa good, rannnouse, o rooms; barn, good spring between house ana Darn; iuo acres uncer nog-tigm ience, 470 acres in Summer fallow ; can make four trips from farm to warehouse on railroad daily; price $25,000; will take property up to $12,500, balance long time 6 per cent. Mr. Brown, PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212 Selling Bldg GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO EXCHANGE. One of the finest bungalows on the Coast, located in Piedmont ; lOOxlOO-f oot corner; actual value J000O; mortgage $3500. Owner not living in city will exchange equity for rentable property. This is gilt edge. Full information F. E, TAYLOR CO., Ground Floor, Henry' Bldg. VALLEY FARM FOR PROPERTY. 280 acres well worth $50 per acre cash; Improved; will take two properties up to $7000 on cash basis; some money and good terms. Write MORGAN & WALKER, Corvallis, Or. NOB HILL DISTRICT. 100x1 00-FOOT CORNER. Fine apartment site, well located: own er will exchange for good wheat land or rentable property in city; propositions must be submitted on cash valuations. F. E. TAYLOR CO. Ground Floor Henry Bldg. $7.50 PER ACRE COMPELLED TO RAISE MONEY IMMEDIATELY. 640 acres fine land, near Goldendale; 500 acres tillable, stream and spring; 2,000,000 feet timber worth J1600; hard level road; 1 miles wire fence; 10 acres In crop, adjoining improved farms; near school, sawmiJI and R. t . D.; nan casn, bal. ihi years at 6 per cent, GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. WANTED WHEAT FARM. Vlrttt incnmfl nroDertv In amount of $31. KOO. mfc sJtriOO: will nlftar if necessary: for A-l wheat land to same value; must be worth the monev and well located. This is but one of several good Income properties we have to exenange. F. E. TAYLOR & CO., Ground Floor Henry Bldg. LARGE lot with 6-room house, on Belmont st., $5500; clear. Large lot with 7-room house, on 46th near Hawthorne, $3000, mtg. $1400 at 7 per cent, due in sVa years. Choir-.' 100x100 corner. S1400. Clear. I want a valley farm to $12,000 where I can grow fruit and do general rarnung. BECK. 301-302 Railway Exchange bldg. TO TRADE for Portland property, 40 acres river land, Malheur County, clear, value Siou: 3 acres, two oiocks rrom uregon Electric depot at Wliaonville, improved with house, barn, fruit trees and berries; value $3000; mortgage $1500, 3 years, o per cent; will assume or pay some casn. ah ZftZ, oregonian. CITY PROPERTY WANTED. Have 2000 acres irrigated land in East ern Oregon, worth $10 0,000, to trade for property in any Coast city ; will assume and can put in other alfalfa lands up to LUEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. SAWMILL, 220 acres, close to Portland, 200 acres tillable land, 4-room house, good road, 5,000,000 feet saw timber; la.OUU ft. capacity sawmill, planer, dry kiln, complete equipment; logging outfit: run ning every day; price SS000; want most anything In dryer climate. Beck, 301 302 Railway Exchange bldg. LOS ANGELES exchange. 5 acres, mod ern 6-room house, outbuildings, bearing orchard, 3 miles southwest Los Angeles, 6c car fare; good boulevard; 20 minutes to beach, 25 minutes down in cisy; price $8500; Portland house and lot $3000, bal ance In 9 years. AK 237, Oregonian. EXCHANGE. We have houses and lots for farms, acreage and farms for houses. If you want to exchange on cash basis, see us. See Mr. Epton. GLEN ART REALTY CO., 432 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE, or trade for small farm, first class bakery, lunch room and confection ery. In good Valley town; wholesale and retail; on main street, brick building; low rent, with lease, price $4000. AV 721, Oregonian. MODERN HOUSE WANTED. 40 acres, 2 miles from Albany, all fine soli, all in cultivation, fair buildings; price $7500; will trade for modern 6-room house up to $6000. Owner, AO 209, Ore gonian. WEST SIDE COTTAGE $2250. Market st., near 16th st., G rooms, base ment and bath; fractional lot. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. INCOME property, residence lots, acreage, business lots, to exchange for stock or wheat ranch; would consider a place up to $250,000 in value. Address, stating full particulars. M. E. Lee, 522 Corbett bldg. WANT small improved farm, near Portland; have strictly modern 9-room residence with lot 80x122, on Ams worth ave., cash value $8500, mortgage $2000. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. WILL tuke $200 worth of lumber as part payment on fine home in Laurelhurst; balance 3 years time at 7 per cent. 440 E. Burnside. East 318. 5-ROOM modern house, Hawthorne district, will consider small arcreage tract or good lots to $2700. See Mr. Epton, 432 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED 5 or 7-passenger automobile in exchange for Income or unimproved prop erty. For particulars Inquire W. J. Davie, 525 Corbett bldg. WANTED A grocery store in exchange for income property or farm land. Address, stating value and location. BD 185, Ore gon lam I HAVE several clear pieces of improved residence property to exchange for acre age Beck, 301-302 Railway Exchange bldg. - FOUR rooms and extra large lot, close to car and school. $1700; take lot or acre age up to $900. Main 444. A $1560 EQUITY on a $2500 business lot on 46th and Belmont sts. What have you 7 406 McKay bids; $1000 CLEARED lot as first payment on 6 room modern bungalow. Rose City Park. H 230, Oregonian. . WILL trade land fronting on river In Lin coln County for residence or suburban home. SO Woodward ave. SO ACRES fine land. Lake County, at only $20 Der acfe: clear of incumbrance; trade for rooming-house. L 241, Oregonian. havr 4-room new. modern house: owe $400 want 5-pass. automobile or vacant lot. 310 Yeon. Mar. 24da. MODERN house in Irvington district, for exchange, B. M. Lombard, 11 Madison bid;:. Main 5602. A 2S92 GOOD lots and some cash for good auto mobiie. See Mr. Epton, 482 Chamber of Commerce. . 20 ACRES. 14 cleared, balance easily cleared; 1 V, miles southwest Beaverton ; $3000, easy payments. AN 23 G, Oregonian. MODERN home on Kearney st.. near 20th block 50x100 to exchange for Irvington lots. AH m . uregonian. EXCHANGE lot, value $150, West Portland Park, for good phonograph or diamond. Marshall 2S74. $1500, $2U00, $2500. 8 per cent mortgages for City properly. b mcgwutuu. 120 ACRES. 5 miles Camas. Wash.; $35 acre. Owner. 11 IS Yeon bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE 1914 4-cyIinder cyclecar, or will trade for SO-h.p. motor. 70 East 27th st. North. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Harness, Etc TEAM, harness and light camp wagon. Just finished trio to Calif.; will sell at great sacrifice ; whole outfit only $110. 302 Front st. OKAY team of mares, 6 and 7 years old ; weight 2650. Must be sold at once to stop feed bill. These mares are blocky built. a m for Mrs. Angle's team. 505 Alder st. , BARGAIN $225 takes team of matched sorrels, weighing 2S50, harness and wagon. Call 505 Alder. Ask for Hayes' outfit. . SNAP I am quitting business; will sell my outfit; bay horse, wagon and harness In the finest condition; all goes for $100. Alder st. WILL Winter good team on small farm for use; weight 2600 and up; may buy later. CL Baty. Can by. Or. $300 UPRIGHT piano, excellent tone, $95 ; must be sold at once. 441 Stark, corner 12th at. 2$tH-LB. team, good workers, cheap for cash, or will trade for milch cows." Phone Main 3S24. 40 HEAD of purebred Shropshire bucks. Address F. W. Williams, R, D. No. 1, Junction City, Or. FOR SALE Six good teams cheap ; horses and mares. Star Sand Co. barn, 9th and East Flanders. BUCKSKIN mare, weight 1100 lbs.: worker in any harness; sound and $65. 505 Alder St. good true; FOR SALE Cheap team, good pullers. Phone East 696. Call 450 ast CU st. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicle, Harness, Etc. SOME CHEAP HORSES. That were taken In trade. 1 brown horse, weight 1050 lbs.; little sore in front; good traveler; works in any harness f 15 1 mule, good worker $20 1 saddle pony, block built, $25; or make an offer. 505 Alder St. TEAM, horse and mare, black and bay, weight 2500 pounds, are fat and sleek, ready for any kind of work; not lame or sore; safe for anyone to handle in or out of stable; set good harness; price for all $165. Call Union Transfer Stable, 11th, at Hoyt st. $265 WILL purchase pair Norman mares, bright bays, weigh 3100 pounds and are very closely mated, being free workers and fast walkers, true pullers, safe for anyone to work; set heavy breeching har ness, collars Included in price. Call 129 N. 11th st. $275 WILL buy this team of matched dapple grays, horse and mare, weigh 2800 pounds, are low, blocky built and the kind that will wear forever; have more quality than any team their weight in Portland. Set heavy harness included in price. Call 129 N. 11th st. FOR SALE: Team of horses, weight about 270O; No. 1 work team, $275. C. J. Stitt. at Star Stables. WAGONS and horses by day $1.25. hen, 381 Water st. Main 2208. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. PORTLAND PIANO & ORGAN CO. Expert tuning, repairing ; ref inlsh pianos; change 65-note player to 8S-note, new style; all work guaranteed. 441 Stark st. Main 44 7S. WILL sacrifice beautifully furnished sweet toned standard piano ; guarantee title clear. X 243, Oregonian. DEAD hors.'s and cattle hauled away free. Phone Tabor 4203. CHEAP 1 small bay team, 1 horse 1150. In quire 251 Jefferson. Autoumobileti. USED AUTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN". Cole, 2-pass., 30-H. P., just overhauled, $475. Studebaker. 5-pass., 30 H. P., $575. SEVERAL OTHER GOOD BUYS. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Stm. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES. Large stock. Price $300 to $750. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO.. Studebaker building. Corner Chapman and Alder Sts. TIRES, slightly used, $3 to $12 each; tubes, $1.50 to $3 each; tube vulcanizing, 25c PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., 325-27 Burnside St. FOR HIRE 5-pass., 1914 Ford, by hour, day or week; special rates for day or week. Phone Main 1201, after 5:30 P. M. call E. 4308. $450 CASH takes Overland 1912, five-pass., guaranteed car; leaving city. Dr. C. O. Young, East 5965. NEW Velie 40 for sale; electric starting and lighting. Call Main 2973. FORD, in good condition, $225; bargain. Call room 7, 291 Morrison st. FORD touring car, 3914, same as new, $450. AB 240, Oregonian. BRUSH auto., good condition. Congress Hotel, room 20tf. $85. Apply Automobiles Wanted. WANTED AT ONCE. HAVE FOUR CASH BUYERS FOR LATE MODEL 5-PASS. CARS AND ROADSTERS ; ML" ST BE BARGAINS ; BRING YOURS TODAY. RICHMOND GA RAGE. 37TH AND DIVISION. HAVE $293 equity on $550 lot. 60x273 ft., lawn in front and small house, rest In potatoes; ballance to pay $257 at $10 per montn ; win traae ror usea auto or in dian motorcycle in good condition. BD 236, Oregonian. WANTED Late model 5-pass. auto. 310 Yeon bldg., or phone Met calf, 2432 for details. Call Mar, CASH for old Ford ; must be a bargain. iJox oo, w ooa ourn, ur. HAVE an $1100 equity in lot that I will trade for modern auto. V 231, Oregonian Motorcycles. BRAND new motorcycle. Twin, with all equipment; make otter; after 7 P. M, Phone Woodlawn 3744. 1914 DAYTON, 200. Phone Sellwood 631. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. GOLDEN cocker spaniel (male) 7 months old, a beauty, $12. Box 08 K, Holbrook, Or. H. Makellm. AIREDALES, great pals, guards and hunt' ters. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada, Or. Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE 8 rooms, nicely furnished; walking distance; $200. 427 E. Burnside, between 6th and 7th. LARGE dining-room table, heater, gas heater, automatic banjo, with motor, car pets, cheap. 440 Third st., today. FOR SALE cheap, roll top desk and five office chairs, costing new $80; will sell for $25. 222 Falling bldg. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent, 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, fed Broadway, Portland, Or. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes or typewriters; send lor our illus trated folder, retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash st- TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $60. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark St. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C, li31 Stark st. Main HU7. Livestock. FIRST-CLASS black team, mare and horse, 5 and 7 years old, weighs 3250 pounds; will sell on easy terms; also have a fine 5-year-old pony, will work anywhere. Sea John Richmond at Rock wood. Or., or J. H. Nash at 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or. 15 HEAD of good milch cows, Holstein, Dur ham and Guernsey, 12 to 24 quarts a day. Take Woodstock car to 5'Jth ave., walk 4 blocks west. FOR SALE Fresh milch cows and heifers coming fresh and stock cattle reasonable. Come or write to Millie Smith, CorvaJlis, Or., R. F. D. 3. WANTED to buy about 4 brood sows, 5 or 6 dairy cows, team of horses; will give good Income, security and half Income on the cows until Daid. M 242. Oregonian. NICE fresh family Jersey cow, $75. J. Kunz. 21st and Powell. Take Brooklyn car. FOR SALE Two fresh cows, Holstein and Jeraey. St. Johns car. 157S Haven st. Miscellaneous. CARPET, plain olive-green velvet, for living-room and hall, 6 ft. 6 In. by 8 ft. 6 in., and 9 ft. by 23 ft.; cost $70 one year ago; will take $45 for quick sale; these rugs are in good condition. Woodlawn 546. 4000 CORDS first-growth fir 75c per cord. Class to Port and and it R. P. J. Foran, 183S Sandy blvd., cor. 72d st. Phone C 3272. SAFES All sizes, at cost; safes repaired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 7676. HOCHFELD S CAMERA EXCHANGE, I buy, sell and exchange kodaks, cam eras and lenseB. 44 - North 3d st. FOB SALE Dress suits, tuxedo and Prince Albert. $20 each. Ivanhoe Tailor Shop, Broadway and Union. SECOND-HAND safes, desks, tables, chairs, etc, at less than half price. Kilham Stat A Print's Co. WILL sacrifice my elegant diamond dinner ring (32 stones) for $125. AL 105, Orego nian. NEED money and will sacrifice fine white diamond ring foi $175. AK 227, Oregonian. BARGAINS in new and second-hand fix tures, showcases. 4S N. 10th. Mar. 774. ONE large cougar-mounted rug for sale; also smaller one. Tabor 5040. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented 3 months for $4. Main 6273, A 4441. 20 H. P horizontal boiler, firebox, Al con dition; a bargain. Ersted, 40 2d. M. 8700. SAFES New and second-hand; bargains. 101 First st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ENVELOPES addressed for campaigners; reasonable rates. Address AV 708. Orego nian. WILL pay cash for good second-hand double barrelled hammerless or repeating shotgun, 112 6th st. NEAT kalsominlng $2.50 room ; woodwork cleaned, painting, etc., guaranteed. Phone Marshall 3523. WANTED Three National cash registers at once; will pay spot cash. Main 606. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more ca any kind of furniture. Main 3951. CASH paid for hair combtngs. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. SPOT CASH For your furniture. Phone Sellwood 1682. WANTED Brass ted. dresser, couch, din ing set. etc. Address 1075 East Yamhill BEST prices for everything. Call our Junk dept. Main 663 or A 1668. Barde. WE tint rooms for $2.50; paint houses at your price. Phone East 171. MOTORCYCLE, single; must be In good con dition. Emrick Market, 1092 Belmont. WaNTED Second-hand wheel, in good con AlUoni state price J 243, Ora&oiUaa. WAN TED MiSC ELI. AN EO 0 S. GET ACQUAINTED. "SELL IT TO ME." I want anything you don't need. I'll go anywhere for anything and PAY SPOT CASH. SAM HORWITZ, 240-42 Front Street. Main 6S3, A 1663. Res., Mar. 562. WANTED SMALL CASH REGISTER. Bread Case. Modern Computing Scale. EO-gaJ. Lock Faucet Oil Tank. Must be cheap. Phone East 107. Lefurge. THE GLOBE STORE WANTED. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING AND EVERYTHING. CALL MAIN 2080. 2S5 FIRST STREET. And you will get highest cash prices, no matter what you have. Call M. 20 SO. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYERS. HONEST DEAL. WE PAY THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHES, SHOES, TRUNKS. SUIT CASES, ETC. TRY TJS. CALL MAIN 6195. 203 MADISON ST. OR 251 FRONT. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes, shoes, etc. 129 6th N. Main 2845. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. AT J. MYER'S. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, $5 AND UP. SHOES BOUGHT. RELIABLE BUYER 247 MADISON ST. MAIN 3595. 2D-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't give it away. Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 182 1st. Main 4778. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House. 191 2d st. Marshall 4783. WANTED Black top tent, Edison machine moving-picture outfit. F 240. Oregonian. VICTROLA and records, good condition; will pay cash. Main 6974. Bandon. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. All young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines are cordially Invited to consult the employ ment secretary. Record, 1913. Calls for men from employers 2855 Positions filled 1941 Employment membership $5 per annum, guarantees member will secure employ ment or refund of fee. Includes two months' full and 10 months' social privi leges. Issued by Employment Secretary only. Second Floor Y. M. C. A. Bldg. DENTIST wanted: I want a man who Is a live wire to take hold and manage an advertising dental office In a growing town of 10.000 population- booze fighters need not apply. Answer, P. O. box 5, Eu gene, Or. WANTED 25 loggers for Northern Califor nia. Inquire Pacific Employment Co., 222 and 224 Couch bldg. USB spare time to build up mall order busi ness of your own; we help you start for a share in profits; 27 opportunities; par ticulars free. Mutual Opportunities Ex change, Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED Men to sell and fit the Wilson truss; made to measure; sold on money back guarantee; I teach you business. Wilson, 66 6th st. WANTED At once, office boy about 17 years of age ; good opportunity. Apply Marshall Wells Hardware Co. WANTED Bright boy to run elevator and attend switchboard of telephone. Apply Hotel Clifford. WANTED Young man, about 17, who can operate typewriter. Apply Bradshaw Bros.. Royal bldg. RELIGIOUS Hollander to take care of small place: cood home; $10 month. AF 242, Oregonian. WANTED -Office boy. clrance for advance ment: $20 a month to start. Apply room 713 Electric bldK.. 8.30 A. M. Thursday. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent territory; hus tlers make money. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. BOY wanted to run errands; must have wheel and not returning to school. Archer & Schang Co., 5tn and oak. WANTED Boy. not in school, to heln In drugstore and deliver on bicycle. 1402 Hawthorne ave. WANTED News agents for railroad train service; security required. Barkalow Bros., 131 No. 5th St. PHOTO coupon offer; something good, sal ary paid. Northrup Studio. 6th and An keny sts. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Sarony Studio, Royal bldg. PHOTO coupon ; new ticket for live ones. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg. WANTED Skinners and muckers on Paclfla Highway, Siskiyou, Or. J. W. Sweeney. BUSHELMAN for repair work In clothing store. Jns. J. padden, Vancouver, Wash. WE want two good solicitors; fine oppor tunity. See Mr. Ellis, Hotel Arthur. YOUNG man residing with parents as usher. New Grand Theater. 105 0th st. WANTED Man to do work around house; put up stoves, etc.. for nice room. 88 10th. ELEVATOR boy wanted evenings change for good room. Main 84101. BARBER wanted; steady lob. 205 Morrison. Help Wanted Salesmen. EXPERIENCED SALESMEN. Call at 738 Chamber of Commerce re garding two quick sellers; $4.60 and $6 each; both advertised In leading National magazines. Help Wanted Agents. WANTED Solicitors for house-to-house canvassing; staple line; premium induce ments; good merchandise; Quality First, our motto. Grand Union Tea Co., 448 Washington st. TRAVELING salesman, 2 or 3 days per week; must be a live wire; commission. See us. 165 Stout st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; highest wages paid, but reier ences required. Apply 783 Flanders st. WANTED 2 neat-appearing ladies for pleas ant work. Call 9 to 11 A. Al. Jo Jiorgan bldg. WANTED A respectable middle-aged lady for a housekeeper at once, rvr lniorma tion write to A. A. Silsbee, Corvallis. Or. YOUNG girl to help with housework and caro or cnuaren. tan oov jasi iuin u North. Take irvington car to Stanton st. WANTED Middle-aged lady to do family cooking at 3z4 ti. win st. fnone lanor 2614. WANTED A middle-aged woman to care for babv ; wages $10 per montn ; gooa home. 6221 44th st. S. E. Take "WW" car. AN experienced hand on ladies neckwear to work on power machines. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 83 6th St., city. W7T.-L g'Vft hoard and room to high school girl ,U "ou' UJ 12th St. GIRL for home work in small family; good wages. C 2245. 350 E. 47th North, cor. Broadway. Rose City Park car. WANTED Good cook, honest and conscien. tous. home cooking. Sargent Hotel, Grand ave. and Hawthorne. East 291. WANTED Girl for general housework. Must be good cook; 5 in family. Call Wood lawn 1 S 25. WANTED Girl to do general housework; small family. Phone East 300. GIRL wanted to assist in housework, in mornings at 856 Marshall st. GIRL to assist with second work and care of child of 5 years. 794 Lovejoy st. GIRL want el for general housework. Call before 10 o'clock. 83 N. 21st. SCHOOL girl to assist for room and board; Laurelhurst. Tabor 2175. WANTED 5 dictaphone operators and sten ographers. 301 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Good girl lor general ".lousework. Apply at once. 264 Washington st. NEAT intelligent woman to retail select line 'in Portland. AO 239. Oregonian. WANTED Millinery saleswoman; must be good. AO 240, Oregonian. NURSE for two children, with reference and experience. Apply 193 22d street. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 2" N. 21st. corner Lovejoy. COMPETENT girl for housework. 22d North. EXPERIENCED girl to do mixed dining, room or chamber work. Campbell Hotel. GOOD, neat girl for housework, j o y st.. bet. 20th and 21st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Inquire 546 tuast sisi. u -urm. GIRL for general housework, family four adults. 003 Kelly st. Marshall 4570. A NEAT reliable German girl for general housework. S20 Halsey st. Call mornings. TAILORESS for repairing and alteration at 413 Morrison St.. near llth. assist witn housework; no sma!! children. &o4 no washing. 224 Sherman at. 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE, WANTED Young women to wear suits and coats in show windows; must be nice ap pearing; gooa salary. Apply rrom t to b tr. xl. iy .Broadway Diag. WANT telephone operator with experience; must have at heart emniover's interest; no paint users or flirts; permanent place lor ngnt party; answer witn iuti reier ences and experience. P. O. box S00. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; small family; good wages; must have references. Apply at once to 185 N. 25th. LADIES. $12 weekly, making plain aprons at home; no canvassing; we pay you; par ticulars and full-sized apron for 25c sil ver. Cook Supply Co., Kokomo, Ind. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY Washington bldg.. 270 Washington, room 85, near 4th. Phone Main 8836. or A 3266. WANTED Young lady typewriter operator, billing desk, wholesale house. X 241, Ore gonian. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Company, 423 Pit toe k block. 385 Washington. WANTED A younr (tirl mornings and eve nings in exchange for mum and board. East 2352. WANTED Elderly lady to assist with two children; a good home: $10 and board a month. AM 253, Oregonian. WANTED 4. boy to assist in market. Ap plv at Journal Market. 5th and Yamhill. Ask for Mr. Butler. COOK. $40: second work. $30; child's nurse, $30; housework. $15 to $40. St. Louis Agency. 2S8 Main. A T175. Main 2039. WELL educated girl about 10 years of age wanted for office work. AH 240, Ore gon tan. HOUSEKEEPER, capable of taking care of two children and to cook and sew. Phone Marshall 3986, FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning. 414 Dekum bldg. Sani tary Parlors. WANTED Young woman for light work; mornings only ; wages $10. Marshall. house- 632 IJ WANTED First-class trimmer for position In near by town. - Apply to Lowengart & Co. GOOD home for high school girl to assist with light work for room and board. Call Tabor 4078. WANTED Experienced saleswoman cloaks and suits. Bartholomew Co., Washington st. for 400 WANTED A high school girl to assist with housework for room and board In private family. East 3971. LADY barber wanted, 285 Burnside st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MAN or lady wanted to do Janitor work the woman can do the work and the man can work somewhere else : $10 a month and apartment furnlshod. Call bet. 10 and 12. 454 llth st. PUPILS for dramatic work, singing, stage dancing. 409 Stearns bldg. Fisk Teachers Agency secures positions for teachers. 21b journal bldg. Main 4s3i, HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEARN to write advertising; big demand lor experts; u months' course; low cost only school of its kind in the West course by practical man; sret a start Mt Write for Information. Pacific Advertising School (613) Marsh-Strong bldg., Los An geies, CM. WE TEACH nrartlrallv with actual ma chinerv in one-ration, electrical, gas and steam engineering, machine shop work and automobile repairing. Send for new catalogue. Seattle Engineering School, 100 to 110 est Roy street, beattle. BUSINESS 1 air.,;-..'. f04 Empress bldg., cor. Hroadway and Yamhill st. Stenography, touch typewriting, speed dictation, book keeping, general office training; personal instruction; positions furnished wncn com petent. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; scalp and fare massage a specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed ; pay while learning; tuition reduced. 233 Madison st. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the trade In a weeks clean work, percentage paid while learn lng, tools free; scalp and face massage a specialty; send for tree catalogue. 40 . WANTED Manager for branch lumber yard who will Invest $2000 in the capital stock: troGd salary ; investment guaran teed. Address 409 Yorkshire bldg., Van couver, B. C WOMEN Got Government Jobs; thousands vacancies yearly usi positions open women free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 70.1 R. Rochester. N. Y. FREE scholarship contest: write for partic ulars; Central Commercial College, "The School of Success, Central bldg., 10 th and Aider. RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car rlers; exam, soon; parcel post demands many more cierKs; act at once. rauKw States School, McKay bldg., city. PREPARE to be firemen, brakemen; earn $120 monthly ; stnd age, postage. Rail way Educations!! Association, care Ore gon lan. ONE or two pupils (mentally defective) for private instruction, by competent teacner. A 239. Oregonian. ASSISTANT to a prominent piano teacher win accept a lew pupus at a very low price if they are talented. Main 6845. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE-Individual instructipn. GREGG SHORTHAND, book- keeplng. 404 Commonwealth bdg., Mar. 4258 PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. 301 Northwestern National Bank bldg. AH modern business courses; only $f mo. TWO men to learn auto repairing and driv lng. Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne. SH0 R T H A NdT-" TYP EW Ft IT IN gT$ 5 PERMO. 2ti9 14TH ST. M. 3893. EXP. INSTRUC'N. LEARN moving picture operating; terms reasonable; steaay wotk. jv st. LEARN to drive an auto; expert instructor. 84 10th st. Phone Marshall 406. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. iOL'NO ladv wishes position In office bookkeeper and stenographer. I have had Ave years' experience in the lumber busi ness ; best of references furnished. AE 244, Oregonian. GOOD salesman and office man desires to change; efficient and a business builder. D 24."., Oregonian. GOOD accountant and office manager, aged 43, wants position f ostoxnee box nov Portland. Phone Marshall o892. YOUNG MAN. 22, five years' experience book work, wants position; steady and en ergetlc; quick and accurate. B 1961. LAWYER, stenographer, B.A., LL.B-, ad mitted 3 years, desires connection. AN 239, oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 10 years' experience; best of references; perma nent position desired. S 243, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT wants evening work on small sets of accounts. AE 22D. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by experienced grocery man; best references. W 243, Oregonian. BOscellaneo us. EXPERIENCED office and houseman all kinds of house work thoroughly done. Marshalllfl08. COOK, long experience, capable to take full charge; city or out; sober: references 226 -2 Madison, room 216. Main 80&6. JAPANESE school boy wants job In small family; can speak English well. AF 241, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS violinist desiree position in orchestra or special work entertainments. Phone Marshall 3239. YOUNG man desires position as collector or salesman ; Al references. Woodlawn 83S. JAPANESE couple wish position, man firit class cook, wife will do housework and wait on table. D 241, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position school boy; do good cooking, also experience general work. George, Marshall 19. A CLEAN and neat looking young man wants position as chauffeur. BD 239, Ore gonian. ' , WELL-EDUCATED, energetic German, mar ried, 28, wants position. AG 243, Orego nian. WASHINGTON High School student wants a place to work for board and room; good solicitor. Phone Sellwood 1241. JAPANESE boy wants general housework, hotel or saloon porter or dishwashing. Call 50 4th st. North. JAPANESE schoolboy wants a position In private family near town. 8 244, Orego nian. BOY 16 wants work before and after school hours In exchange for board and room. Phone E.'1W. MAN cook, wife helper, want m or out Portland. Howell. 511 Everett. Marshall 1S42. WANTED Job with my Ford delivery, $110 a month. Y 243. Oregonian. ROOFING and carpenter repair work done on short notice. Sellwood 1696. WORK on ranch; good milker; steady, sin gle. K 241. Oregonian. WANTED Shoes . to repair; reasonable prices. Maln717,A17. WANTED Lawn work, odd Jobs, lot clear- inc. J. JB. Kennedy, Sellwood -fci. SITUATIONS WANTED Miscellaneous. WANTED. By Seventh Dai Adventlst. married man, no children, position taking car of farm; experienced; some experlsncs hand ling dairy stock and making butter; or will accept otner aina ox worsL Box 10. McKcnna, W ssn. EXPERIENCED, capable teacher, French, conversation and grammar, elemen tary German, piano, usual Emglish subject, care of children, understands health, good references. At i, uregonian. WATCHMAKER, Jeweler and clock repairer. Faleeman and window trimmer. some knowledge of optics; age 30; abstainer reliable. N 240, Oregonian. GERMAN (married), wishes charge of ranch, stock nreferred: rood all-around farmer: highest references; wife cook for help. Y 2 44. Oregonian. WANTED Steady, sober man wishes posi tion as nreman. apart:neni-uoue or steam boat, or any kind of other work. George Shubert, 504 Dekum ave.. oodland. Ur. MAN and wife want work on farm; are capable of taking charge. Main 717, A 1517. JAPANESE couple wishes situation, cook, housework, washing; have good certifi cate. Oka, 407 Davis st.. Portland. WANTED To work in restaurant; experi enced; small salary; am steady and will ing worker. O 243. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work as machinist's helper or apprentice tn machine shop or garage: references. P 244, Oregon lan. GENERAL all-round handy man wishes p sltlon, country, city; moderate wags, board and room. AO 237, Oregonian. MAN and sister want position on ranch : thoroughly experienced; Eastern Oregon preferred. X 244, Oregonian. HONEST man of neat appearance wants private place as rardener and Indoor work. References. E. J. stechell, 405 Stark st. WANTED Steady position in city by robust young man. not afraid of work. Address AM 235. Oregonian. TUTORING in Latin, French, Spanish; any college or preparatory work. AN 238, Ore gonian. . $5 FOR information leading to a job; married man; must have work. Main 2115. young Phono MAN and wife, experienced, want position on ranch, any part ef state. Call or writs jj ,1th iU, room . Phone Marshall PAY $10 for steady position, wanted by mar ried man of 28, machinist; prefer Janitor work. M 238, Oregonian. MOTION picture operator, 10 years' experi ence, desires position. labor bi. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and MenograplierN, YOUNG lady with good common sense wants position in office as assistant ; can help on books and also do steno- graphic work; stranger in the city and must have work. L 241, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, 6 years' 'ex perience, desires permanent position, law, banking or railroad; $00 to start. Phone Tabor So 67. YQUNQ lady, bookkeeper, employed, wants small set of books to keep; beat of ref erences. Phone Main 1200. O. K. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer and dictaphone operator wants permanent or substitute work. Main 2817. STENOGRAPHER, slightly out of prectk-e, good references; reasonable. Phone Mar shall 341L YOUNG lady would like position in doctor's office, experienced; ran give good refer ences. O 239, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posl tion. Miss Parsons. Main 7171. DrehftBiakern. GROESBECK cuts, fits and drapes so that the most exclusive gowns can be readily finished by you at your own home; prices reasonable. 614 Abington bldg., 3d and Washington sts. MOD ISTkl recently from Sari PrancNjX. using French styles without patterns, will make suits, gowns, dresses, capes, etc. 245 East Broadway, apt. 214. Call East :. DRESSMAKING, ladlt-s' tailoring, altera tions. Phone Main 2333. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable, home or by day. l.'-u Lane st. Main WIS, FASHIONABLE dressmaking, at home or day; referencea $S0 Woodward ave. N RETIRED nurse wishes care of children, country home; school convenient. Party ulars 1000 Grand ave. North. Phone C 1271. - 7 BY experienced nurse, more cases, any kind, reasonable. Main 446U. Housekeepers. A YOUNG widow wishes position as house keeper In widower's home or will do cham ber work; will go out of town. Call be tween 8 and 0 or phone Main SS7S. P. M. at Hotel Bennett, room 48. YOUNG woman with boy 3 years, wisn position as housekeeper in good, respecta ble lamily. Room 51 Bennett Hotel, 230 Taylor. REFINED widow, housekeeping for widower, bachelor, or charge of apartment house. Main 4336. Room &. GOOD cook, tidy housekeeper, wants posi tion to keep house for gentleman. Yamhill, room 7. SCOTCH girl, 80, wishes care of Invalid or elderly couple; good nurse and house keper; $20 W 242, Oregonian. WOMAN with girl 12 years old desires po sition as housekeeper or housework in private family. Main 7 17 A 1617 YOUNG, neat lady would like position as housekeeper out of town. Phone Mar shall 458, room 410. FINNISH girl wants housework ; cannot speak English. Call Main C141. WOMAN with boy 5 years wants position as housekeeper. Main 717, A 1&17. Domestics. TWO experienced Swedish girls desire cook ing ana second wortc. a ho, Main .. . Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS woman cook, hotel t r board. lng-houso, wants position where can keep a girl of 15 going to business college; state wages. Address Hillsdale. Or., R. b". P. No. 2. Box MS. Mrs. Parker. MANAGER, capable, experienced woman. wants position in a hotel In or out of city. Phone Marshall 2200, room 211, or R. 24$, Oregonian. LESSONS in grammar. English and read ing to adults by experienced teacher. Art 235. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress and houseclcan- er wants work by hour; references. Wood lawn 1936. YOUNG Isdy would like position in dentist's office; no experience; will work a month without salary. AO 229. Oregonian. A COMPETENT children's nurse; references required. Mrs. J. t. nieus, fnone aiam 488. YOUNG couple, willing to work, want po sitions m hotel, apartment-nouse or dusi ness house as janitors. Y 242, Oregonian. TUTORING in elementary subjects by teach er experienced in graded scnoois. none Main 1458. COMPETENT woman wishes work, launder. lng and cleaning, toaay ana Tias.y. am 2039. after 7:46 A. M. EXPERIENCED woman wants day Jjork, lace curtains to launaer. rnone wooa lawn 1572. EXPERIENCED German woman wants washing. Ironing, can arier ft . M.. n,ssi 5101. YOUNG lady wishes care of babies or chil dren, any or nignt. cssi ouu, myi. mm LADY wants to take charge of rooming- house; well experiencea. Main room GOOD woman for day work. Home phone A 2512. WANTED Day work and laundry to take home. Main 717, A ltoii. YOUNG lady pianist, sight reader, desires position; references, ak j., uregonian CAPABLE woman wants any kind of work by day. Phone Marshall losx TWO girls want place, general housework. szo reitjfrovi. TWO ffirls want general housework or place as chambermaids. Woodlawn 070. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants work ut of town. AF 24,1, oregonisn. EXPERIENCED Norwegian girl hamber work. Mar. 2478. WOMAN wants light housework; $3 50 p-r week. Main 434U. YOUNG Klrl wishes light housework, West Side, a :;vw. WOMAN wants dsy work, home work or hotel worn. M ztsuz. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work Phone Tabor 4547. LACE curtains, draperies, band laundered zic up: caiiea ror; experts, huwssi LADT ulanlst would like position in picture house; exoerlenced. P oroKonian. COMPETENT colored girl wants . Camber- work or seconc worn. tJSii tasi maj. COLORED woman wishes dsy work, or will go out to get dinners, roone cast jwj. WANTED TO RENT. RELIABLE couple want six-room house ln Mt. Tabor district or iurcuiurai. .r Oregonian. WANTED to rent a small furnished cottage. must i rsewsssuMh w .lh wmm CLARK RENTAL SERVICE. We hare clients for first-class West Side homes; must be modern, 7 to 10 rooms; will pay $?!! to $100 pi-r month. F. N. l LA It K & COMPANY. Rental Dept., Title Trust lldg., m Pourth 8L WANT to rent 5-room bungalow, with gas range and linoleum on kitchen floor, near Jefferson High Hchoul, by two adults; must be reasonable. Address m e. P.. Congress Hotel. I HAVE several clients wh. desire modern furnished and unfurnished bouses, renting from $73 to $1A0. West Side preferred. A 244, Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished 6-room cottsge; couple; no children; about $2$; Sunny aide ir Montavllla llnus. Address 1076 East TsssshllL WANTED To rent, by family of 3 adults, 5-room modern uottsge on East Side. AM 239. Oregonian. WANTED To rent 5-room unfurnished bungalow, near Williams ave. Address AR 210, Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished room, housekeep ing; give telephone number. O 241, Orego nian. Wllh Hoard. WANTED A home and rare for a refined elderly lady with tubercular trouble; must have well-ventilated and heated room. For further particulars call In person at the Malcolm Apit.. 23d and Sandy blvd., apt. Mi at 7 P. M. Friday. Y business woman. In private family, no other boarders; wlthlng walking distance, terms must be renwunsble; plac preferred where C. 8. or New Thought views are held. Miss M . box net), city. ROOM and breakfast private home by cone young gentleman; wa particulars. J 24$, O wanted In atrletlv nlI and respectable king distance, state WANTED By a widow lady, to room and loara her i'-eer-oiu gin. state price in first letter. 480 East Pine. 1 on Kl r. HOTEL ARTHUR. llth, betweeen Morrison snd Yamhill. New. clean rooms with sic heat. net end com water, teiepni three mirror, medlcins beds, large tiled baths. sons. $4 p r wfik; $1 pe ce rleeeti vmfertabi two per nd up. HOTEL ULACK8TONE, Cor. llth and Stark; $3 week up, elsvstor. hot and 00 Id wait r. ttraui heat, telspbuu connrctlons In eah room, no extra charm for t we in a room, room and beta, $1 day. Trnlenis solicited. HOTEL r RANK LIN Washington St., at Thirteenth. SOc pr day; weekly $2. AO and up. Running wntwr, phonw in sacb room, steam heat, nrsprooC bldg.. aiound floor lobby, ail-plght service. Buslnsss Is good. HOTEL ROWLAND, 991 4TH ST. 100 ItOOUb. Modern brick building, centrally locat ed; tiles, clean rooms, hot snd cold watei , rates .'-ur, Jm and $1 pr day. $$ per weak and up. . JloTEL EATON. West 1'aik snd Morrison Me. Line comfortable rooms at modest prices, single on en suite, with and with out private bath , every possible cortort , peclsl rates by the week snd month. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison eu, t 10th, central Mrs t ton . 'Summt-r rates," AOc per day up, weekl f2.6o up; neat rooms, 1 unning aater, free phuiiss and bath, steam heat. $2 I'EK WEEK up. large, weit-furnlehed. absolutely cie4h 1 uome. we raivr u uim class worklngtnen; quiet, decent place, au rowdies, no sports; baths tree. Hoiel cad. lilac ;id. ntar Jvfferson. HOTEL RAINIER. 2 Blocks from Union Depot. Modern, clean and bomeliku, the houee tbat treats you right. &Oc up per day. $1$ up per mo. Tourtit trade solicited. M. 141$ HOTEL FOLD. 733 Washington. Fsmuy hotel ; hot and cold watr and phone in vry room, rooms without bath, $10 up; with bath. i$j up HO .EL BUCKINGHAM, 20th and Wash. f h Flrupruof brick, outside, clean rooms. unning h. and c water, slesm heat. phones, public ur prlv. baths. $2 Ou wk- up. OlOTEL EDWARDS, Grand av. and East Belmont Rooms $12 month up. $22.50 Up with private bath; large, pieman t lobby; csfs in connection. Phuue Last J-X SAN MARCO HOTEL, llth and Washing ton, newly renovated, well furnished, com fortable rooms $ weekly up; prlaie bath $5 weekly. HOTB L ANSONTA. 124 14 th st., corner Washington Wicely furnished rjomi, strictly uiouern, rates $3.U week and up. 1'hone Marshall 14 iU. HOTEL SAVON, 1S1 Eleventh M.-Nw. modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate bath', hot and cold water, comfort aoly turnlshed; transients solicited. STAN DISH HOTEL. 648 WASHINGTON tT OFF 18T1L Modem, uiry. outstde rooms, free phones snd baths. $2 per wk.. $ per mo. up. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 llth st. Strictly modern, private baths, en suite, rooms &4.50 up. Main W472, A 4 13. HOTEL NORKIS 533Alder st., cor. ltn. Modern rooms $1 to $3 per week. LARKABEE HOTEL, 227 Ift Lsrrabee at. If you -want an exieptionsUy clean, nuiuellk room below regular price, phone East Ml. SINGLE room. Including bath, phone, eta., $v per mo. 187 17th. near Yamhill. Furnished Rooms tn Private Families. NICELYfurnTshed large front room, i win dows, large modern house, large grounds, modern conveniences, home comforts; breakfast if wantsd. ill E. aalmen. Ta bor 217, B 171$. NICELY furnished rooms In prtvste, modern home hot and cold water in rooms; loca tion near 23d snd ' Washington. 70 Lu creUa st. Main ld4. L N F l " R N 1 S H E D rronl room, light, $fi; jj single, furnished rooms, $4 per mo. 842 E. Pins. LARGE front room and one smaller room with or without board; walking distance. 82 East 10th st. N. FURNISHED looms, $1.50 snd Up; house- keiping also; free phone, bsth and heat. 208 17tb it- Call Main 782$. LA RGE outside room for two in steam heated apt.; also sleeping porch; Nob Hill. Marshall 14. LARGE front room reasonab.e, private fam ily 241 N. 20th St. NICELY furnished front rooms, modern, Nob HU1, J." aud jit. 741 Glisan st. 115 SOUTH 18TH ST.. West Bids, gentleman roommate; re nt reaso n able. NICELY furnished room, all modern ooa- v. r.ioncea, $2 per weak. 1$$ No. ltd si. NICELY furnished front room, steam heat, near Washington High. East tfwM. NICELY cheap. f urn is lu d front rooms, modern; $4 N. lath, near Washington. TWO nicely furnished room nev. near luth. 546 Kear- NICELY furnished rooms, prices reasonable. 475 Clay st. NICELY furnished slng'.e and double rooms, close in. Is l4lh st. LnfumUhed WHY PAY MORE whnn vou can rent all outside at 75c per week each? Suites of two, gap plate furnlshsd 480fe Bssroont st., 8. M. corner of East Xh and Heimont. VWth QOOD TU1NOH TO BAT. At the bargvnt Hotel, Grand ave. sand Hawthorne service of the best class can be obtained ; large, light, airy rooms, magnincent view, social ball with weekly entertainments for guests, well heated snd ventilated; plenty of hot water and towels, sacellent meals at popular prtcea, THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th sod Jefferson ttta An excellent residential hotel; attrsrfetve rates to transients or permanent guests, M a 1 n W283. A $828. PARKVIEW HOTEL, " $86 Montgomery su. at Wi ,rhr7': ern couniences. ------ bath. for regular or transient guests. rate . w.i, PI A. K TO LIVE The Whitehall. 2&$ nth sL. has np tabli board, modern rooms, sun parlor. - r--i home, leaeonable rates. "T7o antvUKk. AA4 COUCH. Choice rooms and board, ail modern conveniences; rates reeeoosbie. TnT.n and students wilt :. 1 elton" court. llth a Yamhill u. Uu.m. ud board. II. uud u 1 11 1 11 1 ad .1 lern with or without board; .p.clal rat... BEAUTIFUL corner trout room. nral-caa table rvlca. T. Pc Mnm With Board t rttrmU L.ADY to room andboard. $0 Morrlaon. Main 77d. a wMk. til NICKLT luml.had room, with beautiful home, all llth L board. UOME-COOKED meal., room i up. ticket " "a Main at. BLEEPING porch or room, with boaid. IT Trlnltj Place, near mh and Washington. THK F.I.M8, llth. near Tamhlll and room, outaldei walking dl.tauo., llt fiJ. AWUkUi wlUk board. Ill fflaodMa, Jdjut. l.ti.