jftmsrotgJBI (Omvonian. v mv.-NO. 16,782. PORTLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1914. PRICEFIYE CENTS t 1 BRITISH ESTIMATE LOSSES AT 15,000 War Office Says Sac rifice Is Justified WEEK IS ONE OF STRATAGEMS Germans Reported Neglecting Paris, Marching Southeast. LEFT THOUGHT ABANDONED pen Formation Vsed With Bffect Asalnst Great Numbers of En- emy, SajB Official State- ment at London. LONDON. Sept. . The operations of the British army In France last week are reviewed In a statement issued by the official war information bureau to day. The statement reads: "It now Is possible to make another general survey in continuation of that Issued on August 30. of the operations of the British army during: the past week. "No new main trial of strength has taken place. There have Indeed been battles In various parts of the immense front which in other wars would have been considered operations of the first magnitude, but In this war they are merely incidents of strategic with drawal and contraction of the allied forces caused by the initial shock on the frontier in Belgium and by the enormous strength which the Germans have thrown Into the western theater while suffering heavily through weak ness in the eastern. Seventh French Army In Field. "The British expeditionary army has conformed with the general movement of the French forces and acted in har mony with the strategic conceptions of the French general staff. Since the battle at Cambral, on August 26. where the British troops successfully guarded the left flank of the whole line of French armies from a deadly turning attack supported by an enormous force, the seventh French army has come Into operation on the British left. "This, in conjunction with the Fifth army on our right, has greatly taken the strain and pressure off our left. , "The Fifth French army in particular, on August 29, advanced from the line of the Oise River to meet and counter the German forward movement and a considerable battle developed to the town of Guluse. Solid Success Asserted. "In this the Fifth French army gained a marked and solid success, driving back with heavy loss and in disorder three German army corps the Tenth, the Guard and a reserve corps. It Is said that the commander of the Tenth German corpB was among those killed. "In spite of this success, however, and all the benefits which followed from It, the general retirement to the south continued and the German armies, seeking persistently after the British troops, remained in practically continuous contact with our rear guard. "During the whole of this period marching and fighting have been con tinuous and In the whole period the British casultles, according to the latest estimates, have amounted to about 16,000 officers and men. Some Expected to Rejoin. "The lighting has been in open order on a wide front with repeated retire ments and has led a large number of officers and men, and even small parties to lose their way and get sepa rated. ' It is known that a consider able number of those now Included In the total will rejoin the colors safely. "These losses, if heavy In so small a force, have in no wise affected the spirit of the troops. They do not amount to one-third of the losses in llicted by the British force upon the enemy and the sacrifice required of the army has not been out of proportion to its military achievements. "Drafts of 19,000 have reached our army or are approaching the men on the line of communication and advan tage has been taken of the five quiet days that have passed since the action on September 1 to fill up the gaps and refit and consolidate the units. "The British army now is south of the Marne and is in line with the French forces on the right and left. Enemy Marching: Southeast. "The latest information about the enemy is that they are neglecting Paris and are marching in a southeast ern direction towards the Marne and towards the left and center of." the French lines. The first German army is reported to be between La Ferte Sous Jouarre and Effises Boffort. "The second German army, after taking Rheims. is advancing on Chateau Thierry and to the east of that place. "The fourth German army Is report ed to be marching south and on the west of the Argonne between Suippes and Ville Jourbe. All these points were reached by the Germans on Sep tember 3. "The seventh German army has been repulsed by a French corps near Dlon vllle. It would theretore appear that the developing movement on the Anglo French left flank has been abandoned by the Germans because it waa no longer practicable to continue such a (Concluded on Pas ) BULLETINS LONDON, Sept. 6. The light cruiser Pathfinder of the British navy has been blown op by a mine In the North Sea. The loan of life lit not definitely known. The Paymaster, Sydney W. Finch, waa killed and the commander. Captain Francis M. Leake, waa wonnded. Six Junior olflcera and two petty olflcera are missing. ANTWERP, via London, Sept. - The French legation here officially confirmed todny the previously an nounced success of the Anglo-French troops, who are aald to have brilliantly driven the Germans back some 15 miles beyond St. Qnentln, inflicting consid erable loss. PARIS, Sept. 6. A Havas agency dis patch from Petrograd says that the Novoe Vremya has received a message from Toklo saying that the British de stroyer Wellnnd has sunk several Ger man torpedo-bonts. PARIS, Sept. 6. A dispatch from Madrid to the Petit Parislen says that the new Spanish Ambassador to France, M.H.Tii. h e v.ililiTn. will hand to President Polncare a letter which an authorized person declares will make an excellent Impression In France. TOKIO. Sept. 6. The Japanese naval commander reports that two sea-plane dirigibles reconnoltered Tslns-Tau, In lh Rermnn territory of Kiau-Chau, yesterday, and dropped bombs on the wireless barracks. One of the sea planes received 15 shots In Its planes, bnt both returned safely. piris. Sent. B. An official com munication Issued this afternoon says "The advance lines of the allies for the defense of Paris came in contact yea terday wtlh the right wing of the Ger. mm., wh.. nnneared In a covering movement In strong force on our right and advancing toward the southeast. A short engagement resulted to the no vantage of the allies." LONDON, Sept. 8- A Reuter dis patch from Ostend snys: "In a fierce tight yesterday near Thlsselt (Bel glum) the Germans lost 3000 men. The prisoners were tnken to Antwerp." LONDON, Sept. 6. Information thnt reached Dover tonight says that train service between Paris and Dieppe has been stopped. LONDON, Sept. 6. A dispatch to Reuter'a Telegram Company from Ber lin by wny of Amsterdam says the Ger man are attacking the forts at Nancy and that Emperor William and the German general staff are present there. ANTIVARI, Montenegro, via London, Sept. 6. A bombardment of the fortifi cations In the bay of Cattaro, Austria Hungary, from the aea was begun by a large French fleet which passed north ward this morning. CONSTANTINOPLE, via Lonjlon, Sept. , The Minister of Marine has estab lished a new forbidden zone of entrance to the Bosphorus. It stretches from the Rnmelt Light to Messarburnu, near Buyuk-Bere, 11 miles northeast of Con stantinople, a distance of about seven miles. This considerably enlarges the forbidden sone. AMSTERDAM, via Paris, Sept. 6. The military attache of the United Stntes here has sent to Washington a long report concerning the charges thnt have been made of German atroci ties In Belgium. LONDON, Sept. 6. A summary of the speech of the ..Emperor of Japan, In which he referred to the extension of the European war to the Far East, Is given In a dispatch to the Times from Toklo. The Emperor asked for whole hearted co-operation In Japan's cam paign ngnlnst Germany, "so that the natlonnl glory will shine throughout the world." LONDON, Sept. 6. The Times' corre spondent at Constantinople thinks the situation In Turkey with regnrd to a continuance of neutrality has not Im proved. The Greek population of many villages are being removed to defended places. The Turkish Minister of War, EnTer Bey, is confined to his home suf fering from blood poisoning. LONDON, Sept. 6. In order to asalaf the army the Admiralty has organized one marine and two naval brigades which will have a strength of 15,000 trained men fully equipped for service In the field. NEW YORK, Sept. . The steamer Red Cross, with Its complement of doc tors and nurses who ore going to the European battlefield, wnn In rendlness tonight to sail tomorrow, as had been announced, but It was decided not to send the ship to sea until Tuesday morning. PEACE IS REBEL PROMISE Quiet Entry Into Valona, Albania, Is Agreed Upon. LONDON, Sept. 6. A Reuter dispatch from Rome says advices from Valona, Albania, say that an agreement has been reached between the people of Valona and the Insurgents whereby the latter will enter the town peace fully. The deposition of the government of Prince William of Weid being recog nized, the notables of Valona have taken possession of the town with great enthusiasm. A Havas agency dispatch from Ven ice, coming by way of Paris, says the Prince and his family have left Venice for Switzerland. France Calls Its Youth. BORDEAUX Sept. 6. The following official notice was issued today: "The official list of young men of France due to Join the army in 1915 will be published not later than Sep tember 2.0. The usual period of months between the publication and the presentation of the recruits is by decree shortened to 10 days." As a consequence about 250.000 men will be added to the French forces by September 30. It is expected they will take the field is a few months. AUSTRIAN ATTACK DISMAL FAILURE 5000 Captured Trying to Rush Russians. GERMAN AiO URGENTLY ASKED Trainloads of Ammunition Taken at Lemburg. MONTENEGRINS ALSO WIN Complete Ilout of Austria ns Is Re ported and Bloody Fighting Con tinues in Herzegovina; War Minister Lauds Victors. PETROGRAD, Sept. S, via London. "Desperate fighting continues along the front from Lublin to Kholm, where the Tenth Austrian army corps made an attempt to break through the Rus sian lines," says an official statement issued here tonight. "The Austrians were heavily re pulsed and 5000 were made prisoners. The Russians secured various docu ments in which the Austrian Generals made urgent appeals for help from Germany. Thirty Locomotives Taken. "In Galicia 30 locomotives and an enormous amount of rolling stock were captured. "The Russians entered the railway station at Lemberg and found It crowd, ed with trains loaded with ammunition, dynamite, benzine and medical stores. The Russians captured the station so suddenly that three motorcars which were on the point of leaving fell into their hands. Armored Train Beaten Off, "In the neighborhood of Svolen a German aeroplane was brought down and the aviator captured. "At Vlotslavsk a German armored train coming from Alexandrovo at tempted to shell the town, but was beaten off." ROUT OF AUSTRIAN'S REPORTED I Montenegrins Claim Reclsive Victory In Herzegovina. ROME, via London, Sept- 6. A dis patch from Cettlnje to the Messagero says Montenegrin troops, under com mand of General Vukotitch, the War Minister, have defeated the AUstrians at Boljanltz, In Herzegovina, capturing all their munitions of war and the com missariat. The Austrians are said to have left a large number of dead and wounded on the field. "General Vukotitch," the dispatch (Concluded on Page 4.) THE FULL DINNER PAIL. j FARMS J;ggS L:-. r JS.l. ., . . , . IL L INDEX OF TODAFS NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 8 degrees;' minimum, 45 degrees. TODAY'S "Probably showers; southwesterly winds. War. Britain orders German and Austrian consular officers out of Egypt. Page 1. Austrian attempt to break through Russian line disastrous failure. Page 1. British estimate losses thus far at 15,000. Page 1. Spirit of gayety moves with French capital to Bordeaux. Page 5. German Runs' deep- boom dominates in artil lery duel. Page 2. News writers Join in statement saying charges of atrocities against Germans are not confirmed. Page 4. National. President Wilson to forego speaking tour because of crisis in Europe. Page J- Domestic. Militia at Butte arrests two miners on kid naping charge. Page 2. Sports. Coast League results: Portland 3-0. Mis sions 2-2; Oakland 2-3, Venice 6-4; Los Angeles 1-2, San Francisco 2-8. Page Giants and Boston tied for top place. Page 8. We on as and Bradfords to play for city cham. piojishlo today. Page 8. Ten Coast League pitchers make more than 100 strikeouts each. Page 8. Pacific 'orthwet. Republicans. Democrats, Progressives and Socialists to have state-wide primary election in Washington Tuesday. Page o. Vancouver's Fair to open today with big Bend clubs entertain Portland Ad Club rovallv Pace Si. New big pavilion for State Fair at Salem Is Bend welcomes Portland Admen. Page 9. Portland and Vicinity. City to celebrate Labor day today. Page 14. Raymond K. North is on firing line with British in France. Page 9. Rev. J. D. Corby declares war does not put Christianity under test. Page 7. Dr. Hlnson calls on Americans to show that peace is holier than war. Page 7. Ted M. Stiles and Miss Margertte Keyaerts elope to Vancouver. Page 14. War sone comedy is Baker Theater's delight ful opening offering. Page 14. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 5. "Nigger brown" to be predominant note in feminine Fall apparel. Page 11. Moving-picture programmes please. Page . RECORD DRY SPELL ENDED Rain Brings Relief to Portland Af ter 74 Days Drought. Portland's dry spell of 74 days was broken by a heavy downpour of rain last night. For the first time since the European wars were declared the Duiie tin board watchers were forced to seek shelter from the showers. This period of 74 days is the longest dry spell in the history of Portland. The longest prior to this was 67 days. R.nnrt are that the downpour was general in Western Oregon as far south as Ashland. M0LINEAUXRUNS AMUCK Defendant in Sensational Murder Trials Again locked Up by Police. NEW YORK, Sept. 6. Roland B. Molineaux, who was acquitted in 1902 of the murder of Mrs. Katherine L. Adams after two sensational trials, was detained today by the police of Babylon, L. I. Molineaux, who had been undergoing treatment for a- nervous breakdown, dashed down the street today, it is charged, clad In a bathrobe and trousers and knocked down several pedestrians, including two women. He was finally overpowered by a police man and locked up. WILSON FOREGOES SPEAKING TOUR President to "Stay on Job" During War. CONGRESS IS URGED TO HELP "Time Has Come for Great Things," Says Letter. DESTINY LOOMS AT HOME Period Declared Fateful for United States, as for Other Nations of' World Parties Can Fare Without Nursing. WASHINGTON, Sept. . President Wilson announced today he would not make a speaking tour during the com ing campaign. He declared his Inten tion of "staying on the Job" because of the "unlooked-for international sit uation." The President made known his in tentions in a letter to Representative Doremus, of Michigan, chairman of the Democratic Congressional committee, who had written him asking whether he would make a speaking campaign this Fall. The correspondence was made public at the White House today. "America is greater than any party," the President wrote. "America cannot properly be served by any man who for a moment measures his Interest against her advantage. The time has come for great things. These are days big with destiny for the United States as for the other nations of the world. A little wisdom, a little courage, a little self forgetful devotion may, under God, turn that destiny this way or that. Great hearts, great natures, will re spond. "Even little men will rejoice to be stimulated and guided and set an heroic example. Parties will fare well enough without nursing if the men who make them up and the men who lead them forget themselves to serve a cause and set a great people forward on the path of liberty and peace." Congress Asked to Remain. Despite his determination to make no speeches, Mr. Wilson will "take oc casion as opportunity offers to state and perhaps restate to the people in the clearest and most convincing terms I can command the things which the Democratic party has attempted to do." The President asked that Congress remain to do their work of necessary and pressing service and bring It to a successful conclusion." He said, how- (Concluded on Page 2.) Sunday's War Moves MOVEMENTS, the strategical import of which only the future can deter mine, appear to be engrossing the con tending armies in France and Belgium. No decisive test of strength has been brought on for four or five days; so far as has been permitted to become known, although several sharp engage ments have been fought. It is made to appear, however, that the German armies, probably now four in number, have let Paris alone for a time and are moving in a general southeasterly di rection. The official British report sums this move up by saying that whether the change of tactics is due to opposition encountered on the front or to some other reason of strategy cannot yet be told with certainty. Fighting is continuing in Lorraine and the Vosgcs. Other engagements are seemingly more or less local in char acter, but bear out the news of the change of direction in the German movement. The allied armies defending the roads to Paris again have come Into contact with the German right wing on the banks of the River Grand Morln, which runs oast and west, somewhat south of the Paris line. An official statement issued by the French war office says the allies ad vance troops came into touch with the German forces, which seem to be cov erlng on the River Ourcq towards the southwest the movement of the main body of the German right wing, and a small engagement resulted in an ad vantage to the French. The town of Maubeuge, where it Is reported British troops are assisting the French garrison, Is said to bo still resisting the German assault. The Russian general staff continues to reiterate accounts of the victories in Galicia, and now declares provisions for a full year were captured when Lemberg fell. An account from Cettlnje by way of Rome says Mon tenegrlns inflicted a decisive defeat on Austrians in Herzegovina, capturing munitions of war and the commls sariat. Sanguinary fighting continues in this section. The Montenegrins are said to be trying to occupy Grahovo. Further confirmation Is received of movement of Cossacks Into the west ern scene of war operations, by wny of England. Vance Thompson, an Amer lean writer, who arrived yesterday in New York on the Kroonland, says he Is certain there are 150,000 of them who already have crossed the channel and already are at the rear of the German army in France. Archangel Is given as the point from which they sailed. This is a port on the White Sea, and If a great army has been transported from there, as these reports have it. the movement Is destined to be re corded as among the marvels of mill tary history. Even now no word Is permitted to come out of England or France that would confirm or refute the story. The British official war information bureau has Issued a long general sur vey of he operations of the British army during the past week and In ad dition a list of British casualties, which shows a total of more than 15,000 men up to September 1. The statement which is based on a report from Field Marshal Sir John French, commander of the British forces at the front, speaks highly of the spirit of the British soldiers and their achieve ments. It declares that while the British losses are heavy they are not one-third of the losses inflicted by the British troops on the GermanB. The statement closes with a call for more men. Turkey's intention to enter the war on the side of Germany and Austria Hungary is so far credited In Great Britain that yesterday the Consular of ficers of the dual alliance were ordered to leave Egypt. Germans have been accused of trying to foment dissen sion against the British protectorate for months past. News has reached Egypt that the Sultan is friendly to Germany and her ally; the Egyptian natives are reported to be uneasy. The effort to foment trouble has taken, a religious as well as a social and po litical direction. Roumania has let it be known that In the event she decides to abandon her present position of neutrality, she will be guided by the example of Italy in taking sides in the war. This aligns her with the entente. That Spain may contemplate action of some kind is indicated by a cryptic dispatch from Madrid to a Paris newspaper, which says that the Spanish Ambassador is going to hand President Polncare a letter "which an authorised person de clares will make an excellent Impres sion in France." The nature of this letter can only be surmised in the ab sence of fuller details. Antwerp now awaits an attack which it regards as imminent. Judging from recent activity of German aviators over the city and its vicinity. People who can are leaving for Holland. The wealthier citizens of Ghent are fleeing to England. Amsterdam Is taking further measures for defense. It is surmised by some that the German plan of menacing Antwerp does not ex tend further than is necessary to en gage Belgian attention and prevent a diversion of forces Into the greater zone of action. The German Reichstag;, represented by members of all parties, has promised its full support to whatever measures the Minister of Marine might deem necessary. Appropriations will be made for the replacement of the ships which have been lost and to carry out the programme of construction already arranged. France is calling out the 1915 re cruits, and In this way will add 250,000 men to her forces within a few months. These youths will be notified by Sep tember 20 and Instead of having sev eral months in which to prepare will be expected to report In ten days, the peace-time period of notice having been cut down by decree. t BRITAIN MOVES TO SAFEGUARD EGYPT German-Austrian Con suls Expelled, HOSTILE PROPAGANDA FEARED Allies Want United States to Protect Christians. ROUMANIA CHANGES MIND Country, if II Abandons Neutrality. Will Follow Italy, and Announce ment May Keep Bulgaria From Entering -irlfc. WASHINGTON. Sept. . German and Austrian consular officers have been ordered by British authorities to leave Egypt at once. Roumania has announced officially lhat if she abandons her position of neutrality. It will be to follow the course taken by Italy. Great Britain has Informed the United States that she would look wtlh favor on the sending of American war ships to Turkish ports to car for Christians In case there waa a Moham medan uprising against them. Turk i i.-.l to Klakt. These developments In the highly critical situation brought about hy the feeling of the Triple Entente that Tur key Is certain to Join the conflict on the side of Oermany and Austria were conveyed today In official dispatches to the United States Government. Great Britain's expulsion of German and Austrian consular officers waa taken here to mean that she had de termined to put an end to the pro German propaganda which she says the consular officers have been circulating since the outhreak of hostilities. The affaire of Egypt, a semi-sovereign state, under the sovereignty of the Sul tan, practically have been administered by Great Britain ever since the hom bardment of Alexandria and the sup pression of the Arabic Insurrection 32 years ago. ItellBlou FrrllnK MIrred. The natives have never entirely lost their aversion, however, for the In truders, and Britain believes Germany has for a decade been busy fomenting anti-English feeling. Word of the Sul tan's friendliness of late to Germany and Austria Is believed by British of ficials to have been spread to Egypt, an appeal being made not only to the Nationalist sentiment of the natives, but their religious feelings. Franco openly has charged In her communications with the American Government that the German propa ganda is astir inciting Mohammedan uprisings, not only in Egypt, but In In dia and Turkey. Allies Losk to Vailed States. The intimation from Great Britain that she would be pleased to see Amer ican warshipa in Turkish ports la In line with what France Informed the United States two weeks ago. Various nations have declared In view of the appeal that has been mado to the Mo hammedans they feared a general up rising against Christians. On account of the delicacy of their position they feared to send warships for the care of Christians lest the move be misinter preted as a generally hostile measure tdward Turkey. England, France and Russia have re Iterated that they wished to do noth ing which might aggravate Turkey to abandon her position of neutrality. All three nations, therefore, now are look ing to the United States to protect their subjects in case the expected Mo hammedan uprising develops. While the cruiser North Carolina has been sent on a mission of relief It generally Is understood she will rendesvou in Eaatern Mediterranean waters for salutary effect of her presenoe. There Is even talk of send ing the Tenneasee with her, so as to be ready for any emergency In Egypt Egypt Causes Apprehension. Great Britain Is somewhat appre hensive, it Is understood, about the possible Insurrection against her rule In Egypt. Khedive Abbas, the native ruler, Is said to be sympathetic with Germany and Austria, having received his education In the latter country and being related closely by blood to the reigning house of Turkey. Egypt s population of 11,000,000 Is nine-tenths Moslem. England has only 5000 troops In Egypt but has trained 30,000 Sou danese. Much will depend on the at titude of the native troops. The Issue whether Turkey will Join the conflict may depend finally on the attitude of the Balkan states and Italy. Koiimasls reuses surprise. The anouncement by Roumania of her Intention to follow Italy was re garded as meaning that both countries would side with Great Britain. France and Russia. Roumanla's position Is somewhat of a surprise, for It waa be lieved she might be swayed by her secret alliance with Austria. Her op position to the porte. however, baa determined her policy. Turkey ha felt certain that Bul garia would fight with her, but the an nouncement of Roumania, It Is thought. may effect a change. With Qreece, Servla. Montenegro, Italy and Rou- anla Joined solidly against th Otto- msn empire, Bulgaria's Slavic sym pathies may cause her to withhold from the conflict entirely.