Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 05, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Ex-Prizefighter Is Held as
Slayer of Homesteader
Near Klamath Falls.
Alleged Slayer Occupies Home of
Victim, Saying He Had Bought
Place Neighbor, Once Ac
' cused, Is Released.
KLAMATH FALLS,' Or.. Sept. 4.
(Special.) With a bullethole in his
head and the lower part of his face
crushed as if with an ax, the body
of Allan McLeod, a Scotchman, was
today found buried In a shallow grave
about 60 feet from the cabin on hie
homestead, near Tule Lake. Frank
Williams, an ex-prizefighter, is being
held, and is said to have made a com
plete confession to the officers. The
body was found by Homer Depuy.
Williams yesterday accused E. M.
Heppe, a neighbor of McLeod's, of the
deed, but Heppe was released shortly
after being arrested.
Suspicion of foul play arose follow
ing the mysterious .disappearance on
August 23 of McLeod after he and
Williams had been seen together, both
under the Influence of liquor, it is
Bald. Williams was suspected of know
ing the circumstances of the disap
pearance when he moved his family
and effects to the home of McLeod,
announcing that he had bought Mc
Leod's relinquishment.
M. R. Johnson, a trapper, and Jack
Medill, with whom Williams had been
closely associated, have been missing
for some time. It is said that John
son was last seen when Williams and
Medill left the trapper's cabin, and
that later Williams appeared with
some property belonging to Medill.
Clackamas County Health Officer Asks
Judge to Peer Into Records of
Hearing on Charges.
OREGON CITT, Or., Sept. 4. (Spe
cial.) A writ of review from the ac
tion of the State Board of Health in
officially declaring that Dr. Van Brakle,
an osteopath, is not County Health
Officer, was argued fcefore Circuit
Judge Campbell today. A decision will
be returned Monday.
The State Board of Health gave a
hearing on certain charges made by
Dr. M. C. Strickland and Dr. Guy
Mount in May. After the hearing they
met in Portland and sent a letter to
the County Court of Clackamas County
declaring that Dr. Van Brakle was
never County Health Officer under the
law requiring that he must be "a grad
uate of a reputable medical school."
According to attorneys for Dr. Van
Brakle, the board dropped the matter
at this time and gave up hope of oust
ing hrm under the charges brought by
the two local physicians.
Several weeks after the first de
cision the board took up the case again,
declared Its first meeting an ad
lourned session and then announced
hat Dr. Van Brakle was not health
ifficer because the charges of Dr.
Itrlckland and Dr. Mount were sus
tilned. say the attorneys of Dr. Van
A writ of review was filed early in
Aigust- The osteopath is attempting
ti force the physicians and the state
beard, who are opposing him, to rec
ognize his authority and the writ was
tht first offensive move he has made.
during the war were made by the
British Benevolent Society at a. mass
meeting held in the Knights of Pythias
Hall last night.
Prior to the calling of the meeting
voluntary donations amounting to more
than $100 were sent in to J. C. Robin
son, who presided over the gathering
last night, and at the meeting itself
hats were passed and the fund was
swelled to about J200 cash, besides
many pledges of monthly contributions
to be made to the fund while the war
shall last.
Thomas Erskine, British Consul, and
W. J. Burns were appointed as an
executive committee to attend to the
fund, with power to appoint additional
members on the committee as circum
stances may demand. John P. Trent.
Vice-Consul, and Andrew Hall were ap
pointed secretaries for the fund, and
Roger Hastings was named treasurer
by Mr. Robinson.
Arrangements will be made at the
Canadian Bank of Commerce and other
Banks to act as receiving places for
contributions. The secretaries and
executive committee also will give at
tention to the receiving of donations
to the fund.
The resolution calling for the foun
dation of the fund was introduced by
R. W. Blackwood and seconded by
Hamilton Johnstone. Short talks were
given by various men from the floor
and patriotic songs were sung with enthusiasm.
Calle Tells of Landing of Expedi
tion Against Tslng-Tau.
Dliect news of Japanese operations
In tls Far East war zone was cabled
to Portland yesterday to the Oregon
Newt the Portland Japanese daily
newspaper. The message was as fol
lows: "As previously reported, the, Seito
(Tstru-Tau) attacking force of our
army as begun its landing at certain
positions since September 2. In the vi
cinity if this place there were no ene
mies. The Germans in China held a
meetin: and adopted an anti-Japanese
resolution. These Germans cabled this
resolut ;i to America in order to
create mti-Japanese feeling there also.
"The Japanese Emperor opened Par
liament personally September 4 and a
throne t.eech was made and the lower
house adopted its reply immediately.
They an going to work tomorrow."
Burglars Thought Frightened Away
Before Work Is Completed.
The re-dence of Joseph W. Gill
on LaurtlVjurst avenue was entered
Wednesday night and a considerable
sum of motey taken, together with one
article of jtwelry, a scarab pin of green
Jade-like fctteriert.
Mr. Gill returned home about 10:30
P. M., and .s confident that the thieves
were disturbed in their work and left
at his coming.
Detective pallet was sent out at once
on the cat and after a careful ex
amination or the premises was also of
the opinion that the work of the thieves
was interrupted. Access was had to the
house by prr ng off the fly-screen of a
kitchen wiciow, and but one room
showed any Mgns of having been ransacked.
Elimination of Price Discrimination
Chief Point at Issue.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 4. The Senate
voted today to insist on lta amend
ments to the Clayton anti-trust bill
and named or. the conference com
mittee, Senators Overman, Chilton,
Clark of Wyoiag and Nelson of Min
nesota. Principal peitts of difference relate
to the Senate's elimination of the sec
tion relating to price discriminations.
Hone? for Rt$ Cross Work Comes
In Readily Following Meeting.
Beginnings 01 4 fund to bo raised
tor the benefit o: the Rod Cross wok
One Hundred or More to Return Call of
Business Men While Big List of
"Stunts" Awaits Delegation.
A hundred or more members of the
Portland Ad Club and other commer
cial associations of Portland will go
rollicking out of Portland at 9 o'clock
tonight on a special for Bend, Or., to
return the call with which the Em
blem Club of Bend favored the busi
ness men of Portland some months ago.
The Bend people had stunts innu
merable in the features of their visit
to Portland, and the Portland party is
planning to take over to aend lr pos
sible another set of stunts that will
"raise them a few."
Bend people, on the other hand, are
preparing a "stuntful" reception for
the visitors, and altogether the pros
pect is extremely good for some lively
times in Bend tomorrow. An appro
priation of $2500 for the entertainment
of the Portland party nas oeen raisea
by the men of Bend.
The Portland delegation will publish
a paper on the train and in Bend, which
will be dubbed the "Portland Bender."
H. R. Hayek will be editor and C. C.
ChaDman "war editor," while numer
ous other editorships will bje scat
tered about profolscuously.
The following revised list of those
who will make the trip was -announced
last night:
C. F. Berg. C. A. Whitmore, C. H.
Moore, William McMurray, D. N. Moses
sohn, William Adams, Percy Ariett, R.
H. Atkinson, T. J. Baldwin, H. J. Blaes
ing, O. C. Bortzmeyer, William L. Boyd,
Dr. George E. Breitling, F. H. Bronner,
W. L. Campbell, John F. Carroll, Frank
Case, G. C. Chapman, William H. Col
vig, W. H. Crawford, William H.
Daughtrey, Fred Davis, A. H. DeGolyer,
C. M. Dewey, Harvey Dickinson, Jimmy
Dunn, Dr. R. M. Emerson, M. L. Bow
man, Charles E. McCulloch, F. B. New
ton. W. P. Strandborg, Marshall N.
Dana, John C. Foley, Aaron M. Frank,
Edgar E. Frank, D. C. Freeman, Judge
Gantenbein, Perry C. Graves, W. L.
Graves. W. L Graham, W. H. Guild, L.
H. Hamig, Henry R. Hayek. S. S. Hew
itt, Charles H. Hill, Leon Hirsch. W. J.
Hofmann, C. A. Hunter, E. J. Jaeger,
Sam Katz, Will Knight. Waldo Koch,
Walter R. Koch, Gus Kuhn, W. E. Lam
bert, J. Fred Larson, H. E. Lounsbury,
George D. Lee, Frank McCrillis, J. W. P.
McFall. Otto Metschan, Henry Metzger,
F. L. Moreland, E. W. Mosher, L. H
Moomaw, O. W. Mielke, Thomas J. Mul
len, F. B. Norman, Harvey O'Bryan,
Emery Olmstead, S. D. Parker, Dr.
George Parrish, Dr. E. A. Pearce, E. R.
Pelton, N. G. Pike, Merrill A. Reed,
T. W. Reed, Harry Richy, Charles W.
Robison, E. B. Rutherford, C. S. Rus
sell, R. W. Schmeer, John H. Scott,
M. E. Smead, John D. Vincil, Clayton
Wentz, Edward Werlein, L. R. Wheeler,
W. A. Williams, C. K Zlliy, F. M. Zllly.
.-.!. 0 LEFT.
Executive to Cease Touring on State
Business, Declining ' Fay Own
Expenses or Appeal to Board.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 4. (Special.)
With only J51.90 left in the traveling
fund of Governor West, it begins to
look now as though he will soon be
without traveling money, as well as
funds to pay postage, telephone and
telegraph bills.
The Executive announced yesterday
that his incidental fund was exhausted,
and that all persons desiring to com
municate with him, either by letter,
telephone or telegraph, must pay the
bills, as he would not ask the Emer
gency Board for an appropriation, and
that it was unlawful for him to create
a deficiency. He takes the same posi
tion as to the traveling fund, assert
ing that, when it is depleted, he will
cease traveling.
"1 have paid J575 out of my private
funds for traveling expenses donated
that sum to the state," declared the
Governor. "I made two trips to Wash
ington with relation to state laid mat
ters, and I paid my own expenses. I
cannot afford to do that, and I do not
intend to pay any more of my travel
ing expenses from my own funds."
The Executive asked the last Legis
lature to give hltn a traveling fund of
$1500 and it gave instead a fund of
$1000. For his incidental, expenses it
appropriated $2500.
Detectives, However, Think Mrs.
Holtzclaw Is Imaginative.
Mrs. E. J. Holtzclaw, 181 Sixth street,
who reported having been gagged and
knocked unconscious while in her
apartments Sunday night, still asserts
that such an attack was made.
Police detectives who were assigned
to the case reported that it was their
Mrs. Holtzclaw yesterday said that she
was unable to give a aescription or me
two men, whom she says shoved a
handkerchief down her throat and then
knocked her unconscious, because of
the darkness. It was the failure of
Mrs. Holtzclaw to furnish a descrip
tion and the fact that nothing was dis
turbed in the apartments which caused
the detectives to report the attack as
imaginary, they say.
Mrs. Holtzclaw's husband is one of
the owners of the Circle Theater.
-ri,., ,-.c- rt Russia rrobablv Owns a
renter quantity of china than any other
person in the world. He has the china
belonging to all the Russian rulers as far
back as Catherine the Great. It l stored
In the .Winter Palace at St, Petersburg.
An Urgent
Unusual Conditions Create Unusual Opportunity
Best Upright Pianos, Best Player Pianos and Finest
Baby Grands Included in Ruthless Price Slaughter
A Note From the
Head of the House
Representatives of Eastern factories
take charge of big piano house; im
mense stock to be sold under special
A house full of brand new instru
ments nothing shop worn nothing
second-hand all regular high-quality
stock. Nearly all to be sold at manufac
turers' cost; some for even less.
Excellent new warranted pianos,
only $118; many for $98. Finest $550
and $600 pianos $333 and $315.
Payments arranged to suit any cus
tomer's convenience; some for only $1 a
week, others $5.00 a month, $6.00 a
month or $8.00 month; latest and best
metal tube player pianos with free
music rolls service included at corres
ponding reductions; payments $10.00 a
month; some for $2.00 a week.
Music makes home what it should
be. There is no home in Portland now
that cannot have a choice piano.
Necessity Knows No Law
It is well known that finished pianos
in large quantities have accumulated in
all of the Nation's piano factories. With
a well-founded faith in the future, and
a breadth of perception that the near
future will verify, Eilers Music House
has agreed to take the surplus of seven
leading piano manufacturers, under a
special agreement that these manufac
turers assume all expense of disposing of every instrument in the establishment now.
The factory's representatives, now here-, do not care for profit. Their purpose is to
have these pianos immediately out of the way, and commence shipping the surplus from
the Eastern factories at once.
Hence this opportunity, this most unusual price offering, which will never come again
because conditions which have combined to make this undertaking necessary can never
"There have been many occasions in the past whereby
we were in position to offer the finest makes of
pianos at very substantial reductions. But never
heretofore has there been such a combination of
circumstances that has made possible, or, let me
say, compelled, such low prices as have now been
arranged for retail buyers in Portland by the fac
tory representatives as stated in this, announcement.
Eilers Music House has been established and has
grown great because it solemnly assured positive'
satisfaction to every purchaser, or money back. The
instruments in. this sale are our regular stock, noth
ing reserved, and are offered upon this same def
inite and binding agreement on our part. No trans
action will be considered as complete unless the pur
chaser is positively satisfied.
I do not know how to say this more emphatically.
Every instrument sold in this sale must prove satis
factory to the buyer in every way both as to qual
' ity and as to price-or no sale. Our unconditional
service guarantee accompanies every instrument sold,
no matter whether it i? our costliest piano or player
piano or our least expensive piano, and this guar
antee will positively protect each and every pur
chaser against dissatisfaction.
For nearly twent3T years we have carried out
every obligation and every agreement to the letter.
We do not propose to deviate from this proud rec
ord at this time, nor at any other time. .
The sale prices will be plainly marked, the prices
will be one and the same to each and all alike. A
child may purchase as safely and as satisfactorily
as can the shrewdest shopper."
Most respectfully,
Warranted and brand-new.
A deposit of only $5 secures
any instrument in this sale.
Come at once.
again arise.
Art Grands and Grands for Profes
sionals, same reductions. A mag
nificent collection to choose from.
This sale as above commences this morning at Eilers Music
House, Eilers Building, Alder street at Broadway.
If everyone in this city could but realize what a money-saving
opportunity this really is all would be sold" out in less than a
Week 's time.
No pianos will be sold to dealers except in tbe morning from
8 to 9 o 'clock and no pianos will be sold if intended for shipment
by dealers into other territory where these instruments are sold
by merchants at the regular retail prices.
Special: The low sale prices of every instrument are subject
to a further liberal and unusal discount to cash buyers.
Special: All player pianos are included jn this sacrifice at
corresponding reductions, irrespective of attempted price control
by the manufacturer.
The Nation's Largest1
Ellsworth, Barnes and Davey Authorized Representatives of the
f fiA
Payments of only $5.00
month; $10 less for cash.
Payments only $7 a month;
$15 less for cash.
Portland Divorcee Battles Polk
Sheriff for Daughter.
Mrs. Mollle Bowers, 22, Frustrated
in Attempt to Whisk Child, Com
mitted to Her by Multnomah
Judge, Out of Dallas.
DALLAS, Or., Sept. 4. (Special.)
Battling and scratching the Sheriff,
following- her capture and return to
this city after a wild flight in an auto
with her baby, Marion Bowers, whom
she had forcibly taken from its cus
todians. Mis. Mollie Bowers, a pretty
divorcee. 22 years old, of Portland, to
day finally was frustrated in her at
tempt to flee with the child from the
jurisdiction of the Polk County Court.
The child, a girl four years old, is
being held by the court until disposi
tion of a charge of dependency filed
against it by Mr. and Mrs. Milt B.
Grant, In whose charge the child had
been left by its parents nearly two
years ago before their estrangement.
It Is alleged that funds for its main
tenance have not been paid by the
parents as agreed. The Grant family
also have become attached to the little
girl, and it is said they will make an
effort to have her committed to their
care through the Boys' and Girls' Aid
On arriving in Dallas today, Mrs.
Bowers carried a certified copy of a
decree of divorce from a UuJtnomab
County Circuit Court awarding the
child to her. She visited the Grant
home, and, when her 'daughter was
brought out to her, she rushed her into
a waiting automobile and was whisked
County authorities were notified and
the Sheriff of Marion County, who had
been asked to stop the automobile,
met it just inside the Polk County line,
but effected the arrest through the au
tomobile driver, Henry Savery, who
happened to be a Polk County Deputy
Miss Hobbs to Urge George Joseph
to Relinquish on Latourell.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 4. (Special.)
With the view of prevailing upon
George Joseph to relinquish his claim
on Latourell Falls in favor of the
state, Miss Fern Hobbs, private secre
tary to Governor West, went to Port
land today.
According to the Governor, Guy Tal
bot, of Portland, recently deeded the
lands surrounding the falls to the state,
and it Was hoped that this would give
it title to them. Recently, however,
Joseph ,won over Talbot in a contest
for the water rights of the falls, and
the Executive now desires to have him
relinquish his claim to the state so that
it may obtain a clear title, and pre
serve "the falls in their natural beauty.
Archbishop Christie Says Benedict
XV Will Be Strong Legislator.
That Pope Benedict XV will be a
strong legislator for the Roman Cath
olic Church, and a most worthy suc
cessor of Pope Pius X is the belief of
Archbishop Christie, of Portland
Though not knowing the new occupant
of the papal chair personally. Arch
bishop Christie has followed his career
with great Interest.
"He is an eminent scholar and will
be a worthy successor, to the man
whom the church mourns," asserted
Archbishop Christie. "Like Benedict
XIV, I believe that he will be a strong
legislator in church affairs and will be
a great force in spreading its doctrine.''
The new Pope is not known person
ally to any of the Roman Catholic
priests in Portland.
Funds Not Available to Let State
Employes Come Under Act.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 4. (Special.)
Saying there were no funds available
for the purpose, the State Board of
Control today denied requests made by
employes of several state institutions
for permission to come under .the
workmen's compensation act. The
Board will request the Legislature to
decide whether they shall be permitted
to come under the act.
The Board also decided today not to
admit Indiana to either the Deaf,
Blind or Feeble Minded institutions.
They are wards of the Federal Govern
ment, the- members contended.
The praaghopper can Jump 200 times its
own length-.
Efficiency In the management of
the home is as important as "sys
tem" In business.
The good housekeeper is not only
an economical manager but she is a
careful buyer.
She spends her dollars where they
have the greatest purchasing power
and as a rue she buys standard
trade-rr.arked goods because of their
superior quality.
Above all else she Is a student of
To her the advertising columnb in
a live daily newspaper are tho best
feature In the paper because they
directly help her own household
Clatsop Beach
sT1 7 JfTTi Z,
Tickets sold Satur
day and Sunday.
Return limit Monday.
Best Days of the Year at the
Ocean Daily Round Trip $4 .
Hotel Are Orn All tbe Teer
Summer Schedule Continues
Daily limited train leaving Portland 8 :30 A. M.( returning from beach
poinU after dinner, continues until Saturday, September 12, in
clusive. Saturday special leaving at 2 P. M., returning Sunday
evening, will continue until further notice. Monday special from
beach points will be withdrawn after Monday, September 7.
Tiekets, parlor-car seats and details at
City defeat tfffln. Fitk ana Stark Street; Worth
Tenth and Hoyt Streets