VOL. LIT. XO. 16,780. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1914. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 4. 72 RUSSIANS JOIN ALLIES BY SEA Czar's Legion Goes Via Scotland OSTEND IS OBJECTIVE POINT Army Is Transported Stealthily From Archangel. GERMANS CAPTURE AMIENS Army Betires on Picquigny, Eight 3Iiles Northwest, Cutting Off Pursuit Across River Somme. Casualties Are Two. NEW YORK, Sept. 3. A Russian army of 72,000 men, transported from Archangel, Russia, was landed at Aber deen. Scotland, August 27, and con veyed on special trains to Harwich. Grimsby and Dover, where transports were waiting to take them to Ostenu, Belgium, say officers and passengers of the Cunard liner Mauretanla, arriv ing here tonight from England. Every precaution was taken by the English and Russian military authori ties, persons on the Mauretanla said, to keep the fact that foreign soldiers were being transported to England from be coming known and the service on the coast railway lines was suspended dur ing the 17 hours the troop trains were on their way. Marines Expected to Join. It was generally believed Dy tuse on the Mauretanla who made these statements that the Russians would be joined at Ostend by British marines waiting there to receive them, and that the combined forces would operate with the Belgians at Antwerp. LONDON, Sept. 3. A dispatch from Amiens, France, to the Dally Mail, dated Tuesday, September 1. declares that the Germans have taken posses sion of Amiens after three days' fight ing. The dispatch to the Daily Mail from Amiens adds that the success of the Germans at Moreull made the capture of Amiens certain. The entry was not contested. The Mayor, after receiving a German envoy, announced the sur render of the city and urged the cit izens to make uu disturbance. L'hlanM Reconnolter Town. It was 7 o'clock Sunday night, says the Mail correspondent, when a party of Uhlans entered Amiens by the Rue Jules. After a brief reconnolssance, tl ey retired to the German main body at Camon. A half hour later they re turned, accompanied by an envoy bear ing a white flag. The latter Inter viewed Mayor Figuet at the town hall. After an hour's discussion the Mayor appeared in front of the town hall with trumpeters and officially an nounced the surrender of the city. He urged that the citizens make no dis turbance. Mayor and Councillors Responsible. Later the Mayor and the municipal councillors drove in carriages to pay a formal visit to the German commander, who told them that they would be held personally responsible with their lives for the good conduct of the citizens. The Germans thereupon went to the town hall, where they hauled down the French flag and hoisted the German colors. The German troops began en tering the city about midday Monday, singing as they came "Die Wacht am Rheln" ad "Deutschland ueber Alles." No time was wasted., however, as or ders were to move swiftly out on the high road to Paris. Only a few men were left to guard the city. Casualties Number Only Two. The only casualties in connection with the German occupation were those of a chauffeur, who was shot at the gates because he did not stop quickly enough at the order of the sentry, and that of a local sausage-maker, who got Into a war of words with some troopers over the price of his wares. When the Germans entered Amiens the French retired to Picquigny (eight miles northwest of Amiens), blowing up both bridges over the Somme. Amiens is the capital of the Depart ment of Somme. It Is 70 miles directly north of Paris. It is a manufacturing city and lias a population of 90,000. it is on the line of the railroad to Boulogne and about 50 miles to the west of La Fere and other points in the Department of Aisue. where there has been fighting the last few days between the allied armies and the Germans. rOS EXPECTED IX COMlPrEGXE British Leave Town 45 Miles From Paris, After Destroying Bridges. LONDON, Sept 3. The Paris corre spondent of the Mail sends the follow-!n- dispatch: v "I have just returned from Compl egne. The British have left town. The bridges over tne Oise were blown up this (Monday) morning. The Germans were expected hourly. "On important section of the battle which drove back the allies' left was fought at Papaume Thursday and Fri day. On Friday the Germans brought up many machine guns in a dense fog and in a six hours' battle the French suffered severely. A British force un expectedly arrived and occupied the French position and allowed the weary French to retire. Then, though hard pressed, the British continued to tight rax guard action.' .' - BULLETINS ROME, Sept. 3. A telegram from .Nisi.. Servia, says that In a battle at Jedar between 300,000 Austrlans and 1S0.000 Servians, the latter pat 140,000 Austrlans "hor de combat' HUME, Sept. 3. The Russian Em. bassy has been notified that, the Aus trlans were overwhelmingly defeated near Lemberg, losing more than 100,- OOO men and 57 cannon. The occupa tlon of the City of Lemberg was said to be Imminent. PARIS. Sent. 3. An Immense and complicated system of tntrenchments Is being constructed outside the city. It in reoortetl the engineers In charge of the work are keeping several hun dred thousand men busy. LO.VDOS, Sept. 3. A dispatch to the Central JVewa from Amsterdam saya that fresh fighting Is taking place near Mallnes, Belgium HARWICH. England, Sept. 3. The boat service between this port and :int.werp. """' Z alight. LONDON, Srpt. 3. A dispatch to the Hveningr eir from Copenhagen mnyttt "Great numbers of Troanded are ar rlvtngr in Berlin dally. The trains are not unloaded until dark In order to avoid undue curiosity on the part of the public. The wounded are coming: mostly from Kast Prussia." BERLI.V, Sept. 3. (Via London), The Imperial Bank has begun its first day's output of one and two-mark bank cotet to satisfy the need for small chance. The output of sliver coin al rendy has been augmented notably. WASHJCTO, Sept. Ct. The first cablegram received from Ambassador Murjanthan at Constantinople. In sev eral day., reached the State Depart ment today. It made no mention of any declaration of war. It was dated September - and said the Ambassa dor had succeeded in sendlug home all Americans who desired passage. TOKIO, Sept. X The Emperor has personally directed a special session of the IIet to convene September 9. The majority has decided formally not to oppose the government's war meas ures. LODO., Sept. 3. A dispatch to the Star from Athens says the Servians are sending us many troops as possible to reinforce those already at the BJver Drfna. There is no truth in the report that the Austrlans are withdrawing troops from the Servian frontier and sending them to meet the Russians. Un the contrary, Austria is sending more men against Servla to prevent the Servians from entering Bosnia. LO.NDOX, Sept. :;. A dispatch to the Central News from Copenhagen aaya that a message received at Berlin re ports the receipt of advices from Aus trian army headquarters stating that Russia is transporting ammunition con tinuously by way of the Danube to Serviu. AUSTRIANS TRAVEL WEST Heavy Artillery From Trieste Going Toward French Territory. LONDON. Sept. 3. The Amsterdam correspondent of Reuter's Telegram Company telegraphs that last week 1500 Austrian soldiers, belonging to the heavy siege artillery corps of Trieste, passed through Cologne on their way to the western theater of the war. The correspondent's authority for this statement is a Hollander who has just returned to Amsterdam from Co logne. The journey of these Austrian troops lasted four days and the sol diers brought their own siege material with them. SWEDEN URGED TO JOIN Reported Effort to Influence Na tion Cuuses Anxiety. LONDON, Sept. 3. Telegraphing from Stockholm, the correspondent of the Star says: . "There is great anxiety in the Swed ish capital because of the efforts Ger many is making, as shown by articles in the German newspapers, to Induce Sweden to abandofi her attitude of neutrality and take the field as an ally of Germany. The object sought is to weaken the Russian attack in East Prussia by means of a Swedish attack on Finland." ITALY'S JOINING DESIRED King of Montenegro Sure Russia Will Bent Austro-German Side. romr Sent. 2. The newspaper Cor- rie Delia Sera, of Molan, published an interview with King Nicholas of Monte negro, who is quoted as saying that he hopes Italy will abandon Its position of neutrality and side against the Austro- Gerraans. iithrtmrVi the Frar.po-Russlan news is nnt now satisfactory, the King Is sure that the Germans and Austrlans will succumb under the weight of Rus sian arms. King Nicholas persists in his intention to occupy bcutarl. PASSES NEEDED AT PARIS Military Adopt Precautionary Meas ures at French Capital. PARIS. Sept. 3. Beginning tonight. no persons may leave or enter Paris between s o'clock at night and 6 o'clock in the morning without a mili tary pass. Automobile : may enter freely during the day. but cannot leave without permits. I'ersens are permitted to pass with out challenge through certain gates. while other gates are closed. Garden ers bringing fresh vegetables to the city are permitled to enter at nau- liour intervals uuiuja '! AMERICAN WARSHIP BARRED BY TURKEY Cruiser Bearing Funds Must Not Enter. YACHT TO FULFILL MISSION United States Acquiesces as Matter of Expediency. RIGHT IS RECOGNIZED North Carolina, Now at Falmouth, to Sail Today for 3Iediterranean. War Declaration Expected Before She Arrives. WASHINGTON. Sept. 3. Turkey has declined to grant the request of the United States for permission to send the cruiser North Carolina through the Dardanelles to Constantinople to de liver $150,000 in gold deposited here for the relief of Americans in the Ottoman empire. The Grand Vizier has informed the American government that the waters of the Dardanelles have been mined, and that it would be unsafe for a vessel as large as the North Carolina to go through the straits. Ho declared also that it might establish a precedent for the passage of other foreign warships, and suggested that the American naval yacht Scorpion, on duty constantly In Turkish waters, together with other light vessels that serve foreign mis sions, be sent to sea to meet the North Carolina. Diplomatic Situation Strained. This was the substance of a long cable message received at the White House and State Department today from Ambassador Morgenthau, the first mes sage from him in several days. He made no mention of any declarations of war, but referred to the diplomatic situation as highly critical. The Ambassador reported that all Americans who wished to leave had done so, and he thought funds aboard the North Carolina would be sufficient for Immediate needs. In view of the delicate situation the American Ambassador suggested that the plan of sending the Scorpion to meet the North Carolina outside the straits be accepted. The incident was discussed at the Navy and State De partments today and the North Caro lina, now at Falmouth, England, will start tomorrow for the Mediterranean. She probably will touch at Italian ports and take aboard Assistant Sere tary Breckenridge, reaching the Dar danelles in a week or 10 days. Prudence Keeps Crulaer Away. By the time of her arrival, officials expect Turkey will have declared war (ConcludedTn pZge 6.) I collapse. j ljonciuueq on x-.e .., . ,,,T,, ............. ....... -m--...... f. ....... .... .........---- j THROW j ii- INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. vtr ste RfiAVS Maximum temperature. 6S degrees; minimum. 53 degrees. TODAY'S Probably, fair; westerly winds. War. , Seventy-two thousand Russians reported to have joined allies by sea. rage l. Turkey denies permission 10 American war ship to pass Tiaruanelles. Page 1. French government set up In Bordeaux. Page 2. Austrians heavily defeated by P.usslans, St Petersburg says. Page 3, Liege terrorized by Invaders. Page 2. Flfty-thrte reported killed In riot on Ger man steamer Bluecher begun by demon stration against German crew. Page 13. Correspondent from Havre, France, reports German force Is weaaemng. fage o. Richard Harding Davis narrates his narrow escape from death when seized as spy u GermanB. Page l. Germans confident of victory. Page 4. Brazil hard hit by war. writes Troutdale man's brother. Page 9. foreign. Cardinal Delia Chiesa. elected Pope, chooses name of Benedict XV. page 1. National. Reserve Board to consult bankers today on time for opening: new system. Page o. Senator Burton attacks Columbia Items in harbor bill. Paga G. Domestic. Martial law strictly enforced In Butte. Page . Acid-burned bones found at home occupied by Innes In San Antonio. Page 7. Sports, Giants push Braves out of first place. Pass 12. Contenders for golfing title narrowed to four. Pase 12, Coast League P.esults Portland 6, Sacra mento 2: Venice 0. Oakland 0: San Fran Cisco 0. Los Angeles 1. Page 12. Hlg tightens at right times and wins game 0 to 2. Page U. Pacific Northwest. Washington state primary campaign com plicated. Page 0. Lineage of Clay W. P. Ellsworth traced to royalty. Page 7. Dangerous year sees comparatively small forest fire loss. Page 7. Commercial and Marine. British tramps will load wheat for trsns- Atlantic trip. Page 16. Oregon prune market not yet affected by California firmness. Page 17. Wheat at Chicago reaches new record prices on war news. Page 17. Portland and Vicinity. Civil service employes may form own union. Page 1L Weather report, data and forecast. Page St, Helen's Hall damaged by fire, loss es timated at J5.000. Page 16. Committee empowered to act on petitions for schools. Page 17. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 17. State of Oregon and Boutnern Oregon Com pany sued by 138 claimants for Coos Bay wagon road grant land. Page 18. J. W. Matthes and others accused of big bank swindle. Page 7. Republican State Central Committee ac cuses Democrats of dodging Issues. Page 13. PORTLAND ENGINEER SHOT Tucoma Highwayman Takes 555 and Fires as Victim Shows Fight. TACOMA, ' "Wash., Sep. 3. (Special.) C. F. Poehiitz, a retired building contractor, and Theodore Petersen, an engineer, of Portland, were shot by a masked highwayman tonight. Poehiitz, who is probably fatally injured, was shot through the right lung. He was walking on the street with his wife and showed fight when the bandit or dered them to throw up their hands. Less than three blocks away from the Poehiitz affray and about 15 min utes later the highwayman met Peter sen and, after robbing him of 855 In gold, the man shot Petersen in the left hand when the engineer showed nglit. Mrs. Poehiitz is in the same hospital as her husband, in a state of nervous collapse. BOLOGNA CARDINAL BECOMES PONTIFF Delia Chiesa to Rule as Benedict XV. PRINCES OF CHURCH KNEEL Thousands in Square Cheer as News Is Announced. POPE'S BLESSING GIVEN New Head of Church Regrets War That Has Arrajed Priest as Foe or Priest and Wonders if He Can Carry Heavy Burden. ROME, Sept. 3 The Sacred College of Cardinals today elected Cardinal Giacomo Delia Chiesa, Archbishop of Bologna, supreme pontiff to succeed the late Pope Pius X. His coronation as Benedict XV will take place Sap- tember 6. Immediately after his election the pontiff said he could not Imagine how his frail being was capable of endur ing the enormous weight of responsl bility thrown upon his shoulders, espe cially at a moment when all the coun tries of Europe were stained with blood; when the wounds infllctedyrcpon humanity also were inflicted on the church, and when countless victims of the war were being cut down. Priest Against Priest. The war, he said, had armed faithful against faithful, priest against priest. while each of the bishops offered pray ers for the success of the army of his own nation. But victory for one side meant slaughter to the other, the de struction of children equally dear to the heart of the pontiff. The conclave of the Sacred College had been in session since the evening of August 31, and the final vote was not taken until this morning. When the name of Cardinal Delia Chiesa was cried out by the Cardinal scrutiners as having received the prescribed two thirds vote there was much excitement among the members of the conclave. Answer Given In Whisper. Then followed the traditional for inula, the cardinal being asked as to whether he accepted the election. Amid breathless silence he answered in the affirmative, but his reply, out of pro found emotion, was scarcely audible. Immediately all the cardinals removed the canopies from above their chairs. this being the tangible sign that the leadership of the church had passed from them to the newly elected Pope. Later, during the course of a recep tion of laymen, the Pope spoke of America, which he said was especially Thursday's War Moves ACTUAL operations in the war zone in France are still kept secret by the effective work of news censors everywhere, but It appears that the Germans are closer than ever to Paris Amiens, 70 miles away, was surren dered last Sunday without a battle, the issue of possession having really been decided by the victory of the Germane at Moreull, a short distance away after three days of fighting. Germans are nearer than this to Paris at other points, but Amiens Is a substantial base and is important In a strategic way. Complegne, which 'is only 46 miles northeast of Paris, Is reported aban doned by the British troops stationed there, and Germans are expected to oc cupy the place any hour. Complegne Is famous in history. it has been the home of many kings and was the city in which the British took Joan of Arc prisoner. Salines, 32 miles from Paris is the nearest point to the metropolis that has reported the presence of Ger mans. Meanwhile the French government formally transferred Itself to Bordeaux. The foreign Ambassadors went, too, with the exception of Ambassador Iler- rlck, who remains In Paris because it is at this point he feels he can be of greatest service to his fellow Amerl cans. W. G. Sharp, who Is to succeed Mr. Herrick, arrived In Paris but did not assume office. Paris citizens to the number of several hundred thou sand are engaged in constructing an exceedingly elaborate series of en trenchments around the city. Natural ly military secrets are well guarded. but it Is assumed that the Trench gen eral. Joffre. prefers to accept buttle with the City of Paris, its forts and entrenchments to support him and the enemy as far as possible from Its own base of supplies. Three million trench men are under arms to defend Paris. French reports throw light on the operations other than those of the British. The French reports say the action on the right of the northern wing has resulted In checking the Ger mans for a time. The inference plain ly is that the Germans are employing all their forces in an enveloping move ment against the allied left wing. That part of the allied army is retiring to the south and west indicates that the Germans have not yet outflanked them. Apparently the GerruanB have aban doned the west of Belgium to pour all their forces toward the road for Paris. Reports that they are preparing to attack Antwerp are not believed, be cause there seems to be no dominating strategic reason for such a move. Mil itary experts agree that the Germans are unlikely to waste more than a screening body to prevent a serious Belgian sortie against their line of communication. The occupation oV Jssels probably was a demonstration for Its moral ef fect, but an assault on Antwerp, it is considered, would be a side issue, with so light effect on the main plan that It would be a useless expenditure of men. On the eastern battlefields the Rus sians, who recently admitted the de feat of two whole army corps, now assert they overwhelmed the Austrlans near Lemberg, causing a loss of 100, 000 men and capturing 67 cannon and other munitions. Here the fighting apparently has been conducted on an enormous scale, with 800,000 Russians pitted against 600,000 Austrlans. It Is declared that an Austrian flanking movement failed signally, that Russian cavalry has taken a sharp offensive In East Prussia and that serious dam age Is being Inflicted on the German means of communication in the In terior. Turkey has refused a request of the United States that the cruiser North Carolina be permitted to pass through the Dardanelles to Constantinople to deliver gold deposited for the relief of Americans in the Ottoman dominion. The Turkish government says the waters of the straits are sown with mines and suggests It would be highly dangerous for a vessel as large as the North Carolina to venture among them. Also It desires not to create a precedent for the passage of other foreign men-of-war. The United States Government does not recognize the right of Turkey to close the Dardanelles to Its vessels, but it will not take this occasion to make an issue of a question which as long ago as 1873 It let go with a reserva tion of the right of protest The North Carolina, consequently. will go only part way. It will be met at a safe distance by the Amer ican naval yacht Scorpion, now on duty In the Near East, and the yacht will deliver the money to those for whom It is Intended. Turkey will give the Scorpion safe conduct. The State Department believes that by the time the North Carolina arrives near those shores Turkey will be at war with one or more countries, and It de sires that American warships shall be as far as possible outside the field of possible complications arising from accident or otherwise. French aeroplanes are continually flying In the neighborhood of Pari. and others are kept In readiness, with guns, to attack any of the Germans who appear In the sky. Another list of British losses, of ficially reported at London, numbers 5228, of which 470 are killed and wounded and 4758 are missing. The list shows a large percentage of of ficers. TURKS SLOW NEAR PERSIA Kurds and Christians Refusing to Join in Mobilization. PETROGRAD (St. Petersburg), Sept. 3. The Turkish mobilization on the Persian boundary Is slow. Many Chris tians and Kurds have refused to Join the movement. Tne Turks are forcibly enrolling all persons of military age. There has been a serious conflict be tween Turks and Armenians at Bltlls, In Turkish Armenia. MR WRITER'S LIFE 15 SAVED BY BLUFF Richard Harding Davis Tells Adventure. BOLD LETTER MOVES CAPTOR Germans Weaken Upon Read ing Note to Ambassador. 50-MILE WALK ENFORCED Correspondent Seized Brcnusc He Encounters Teutons 111 Secret Murch Upon British I'M. In of War es Men Narrated. BY RICHARD HARlllNll DAV1H. (Copyright. 1011. by Ths WhiltM Syndicate Incorporated.) LONDON. Sept 3. (Special.) This war has been the ,nd of war corre spondents. Of several this comes near to being true In every sense of the word. The trouble was that unable to obtain credentials, they tried without them to see the righting and in conse quence were arrested. No prejudices or favoritism was shown. Every army In turn arrested every correspondent. 1 wae arrested by the Lelglans, the French, the German and even by the Dutch. But by the time we reached Holland I was so sick lor sleep that all I rcmernber of that Jour ney Is Gerald Moran. the New York Tribune correspondent, dragging nie out of the railway carriage, handing me my tickets and shaking me Into wakefulness. When we reacted tli gangplank of tho Engllr.lt boat at Flushing, he exclaimed: "T.iana net we are now free from arrest." 1 asked. Have we been arrested'.'" "For two days." said Gerald, "you were taken across Holland by that gen darme who carried your valise." Throughout my broken slumbers I had thought the gendarmo was a rail road porter. It had struck me as curi ous that in Holland all railroad portera looked exactly alike. Own Experlenre Related. My own experience with the Germans was most disagreeable. It was danger wiiiw, nt excitement adventure without one pleasant thrill. -It was reported In Brussels August S3 that the night De fore there had been lighting at Hal. a town 10 miles from tl.e city, and that the French were advancing from Un- - hlen, a town 10 miles runner aoutn. With Gerald Morgan I drove to Hal, and, finding there had been no lighting there, continued on foot toward Eng hlen. We kept to the main road, down which" the German army, commanded by General von Kluck. accompalned by the Grand Duke of Holstein. was proceed ing in unbroken column. They had fre ouently stopped us, but, as our papers gave us permission to visit the environs of Brussels, always allowed us to con tinue. We appreciated that the en virons could not stretch much farther than Hal. and that at any moment some officer also would appreciate the fact and order us back. Gerald very wisely decided to return before he was sent back under guard. Secret Marcher Encountered. I continued on foot to Enghlen. spent the night there, and at 6 the next morn ing started south, hoping when the German column finally clashed with the French to be present I made no effort to conceal my papers, and walked with the column when asked concerning my papers, and talked freely with the offi cers. I thought I was on the road to Soignles, but to embarrass the Germane the Belgians had destroyed the sign posts, and by mistake I took the road to Ath. This was unfortunate, aa it was down this road that a German army corps was being sent at double quick to strike the British left Tho success of this maneuver depended upon aecrecy. and as soon aa I appeared 1 was placed In the ranks of an infantry company and told that I must remain with it until the general commanding examined my papers. Davis Marched Donkle Quick. For five hours we inarched at double quick, and from that time, by obvious excitement of the officers. I saw that they were planning a surprise. About noon I was placed in an automobile and sent forwarfl where Count D Schwel ten, commanding the Seventh division, was seated by the roadside with hla staff. They examined my papers and pointed out that I was far outside tho limits my pass permitted me to go. From the circumstance that my pass port had been made out In London and that the photograph affixed to It showed me In khaki uniform, they decided t was an English officer detailed a a apy, and that when captured I waa en deavoring to get through their llnei to Tournata and warn the English of tha flanking movement, which It waa hoped would surprise them and poll up their left flank upon the French center. Khaki Salt Explained. I explained that our Army regula tions required war correspondents to appear in khaki, and asked If they up poaed that our Ambassador In London would laaue passports to an English officer. They replied that It would bo easy for an English officer to deoeiv the Ambassador. Tbeu 1 urged that f had seen no more than everyone In Brussels tor the last four days had seen In the streets. "Tou have seen enough on this road." tne chief of staff said, pointing to the officers of tho staff, "to explain wnat we are trying (Concluded aa race a. i